/** * @fileoverview Enforce event handler naming conventions in JSX * @author Jake Marsh */ 'use strict'; const minimatch = require('minimatch'); const docsUrl = require('../util/docsUrl'); const getText = require('../util/eslint').getText; const report = require('../util/report'); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Rule Definition // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ const messages = { badHandlerName: 'Handler function for {{propKey}} prop key must be a camelCase name beginning with \'{{handlerPrefix}}\' only', badPropKey: 'Prop key for {{propValue}} must begin with \'{{handlerPropPrefix}}\'', }; function isPrefixDisabled(prefix) { return prefix === false; } function isInlineHandler(node) { return node.value.expression.type === 'ArrowFunctionExpression'; } /** @type {import('eslint').Rule.RuleModule} */ module.exports = { meta: { docs: { description: 'Enforce event handler naming conventions in JSX', category: 'Stylistic Issues', recommended: false, url: docsUrl('jsx-handler-names'), }, messages, schema: [{ anyOf: [ { type: 'object', properties: { eventHandlerPrefix: { type: 'string' }, eventHandlerPropPrefix: { type: 'string' }, checkLocalVariables: { type: 'boolean' }, checkInlineFunction: { type: 'boolean' }, ignoreComponentNames: { type: 'array', uniqueItems: true, items: { type: 'string' }, }, }, additionalProperties: false, }, { type: 'object', properties: { eventHandlerPrefix: { type: 'string' }, eventHandlerPropPrefix: { type: 'boolean', enum: [false], }, checkLocalVariables: { type: 'boolean' }, checkInlineFunction: { type: 'boolean' }, ignoreComponentNames: { type: 'array', uniqueItems: true, items: { type: 'string' }, }, }, additionalProperties: false, }, { type: 'object', properties: { eventHandlerPrefix: { type: 'boolean', enum: [false], }, eventHandlerPropPrefix: { type: 'string' }, checkLocalVariables: { type: 'boolean' }, checkInlineFunction: { type: 'boolean' }, ignoreComponentNames: { type: 'array', uniqueItems: true, items: { type: 'string' }, }, }, additionalProperties: false, }, { type: 'object', properties: { checkLocalVariables: { type: 'boolean' }, }, additionalProperties: false, }, { type: 'object', properties: { checkInlineFunction: { type: 'boolean' }, }, additionalProperties: false, }, { type: 'object', properties: { ignoreComponentNames: { type: 'array', uniqueItems: true, items: { type: 'string' }, }, }, }, ], }], }, create(context) { const configuration = context.options[0] || {}; const eventHandlerPrefix = isPrefixDisabled(configuration.eventHandlerPrefix) ? null : configuration.eventHandlerPrefix || 'handle'; const eventHandlerPropPrefix = isPrefixDisabled(configuration.eventHandlerPropPrefix) ? null : configuration.eventHandlerPropPrefix || 'on'; const EVENT_HANDLER_REGEX = !eventHandlerPrefix ? null : new RegExp(`^((props\\.${eventHandlerPropPrefix || ''})|((.*\\.)?${eventHandlerPrefix}))[0-9]*[A-Z].*$`); const PROP_EVENT_HANDLER_REGEX = !eventHandlerPropPrefix ? null : new RegExp(`^(${eventHandlerPropPrefix}[A-Z].*|ref)$`); const checkLocal = !!configuration.checkLocalVariables; const checkInlineFunction = !!configuration.checkInlineFunction; const ignoreComponentNames = configuration.ignoreComponentNames || []; return { JSXAttribute(node) { const componentName = node.parent.name.name; const isComponentNameIgnored = ignoreComponentNames.some((ignoredComponentNamePattern) => minimatch( componentName, ignoredComponentNamePattern )); if ( !node.value || !node.value.expression || (!checkInlineFunction && isInlineHandler(node)) || ( !checkLocal && (isInlineHandler(node) ? !node.value.expression.body.callee || !node.value.expression.body.callee.object : !node.value.expression.object ) ) || isComponentNameIgnored ) { return; } const propKey = typeof node.name === 'object' ? node.name.name : node.name; const expression = node.value.expression; const propValue = getText( context, checkInlineFunction && isInlineHandler(node) ? expression.body.callee : expression ).replace(/\s*/g, '').replace(/^this\.|.*::/, ''); if (propKey === 'ref') { return; } const propIsEventHandler = PROP_EVENT_HANDLER_REGEX && PROP_EVENT_HANDLER_REGEX.test(propKey); const propFnIsNamedCorrectly = EVENT_HANDLER_REGEX && EVENT_HANDLER_REGEX.test(propValue); if ( propIsEventHandler && propFnIsNamedCorrectly !== null && !propFnIsNamedCorrectly ) { report(context, messages.badHandlerName, 'badHandlerName', { node, data: { propKey, handlerPrefix: eventHandlerPrefix, }, }); } else if ( propFnIsNamedCorrectly && propIsEventHandler !== null && !propIsEventHandler ) { report(context, messages.badPropKey, 'badPropKey', { node, data: { propValue, handlerPropPrefix: eventHandlerPropPrefix, }, }); } }, }; }, };