/** * @fileoverview Restrict usage of duplicate imports. * @author Simen Bekkhus */ "use strict"; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Helpers //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ const NAMED_TYPES = ["ImportSpecifier", "ExportSpecifier"]; const NAMESPACE_TYPES = [ "ImportNamespaceSpecifier", "ExportNamespaceSpecifier" ]; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Rule Definition //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Check if an import/export type belongs to (ImportSpecifier|ExportSpecifier) or (ImportNamespaceSpecifier|ExportNamespaceSpecifier). * @param {string} importExportType An import/export type to check. * @param {string} type Can be "named" or "namespace" * @returns {boolean} True if import/export type belongs to (ImportSpecifier|ExportSpecifier) or (ImportNamespaceSpecifier|ExportNamespaceSpecifier) and false if it doesn't. */ function isImportExportSpecifier(importExportType, type) { const arrayToCheck = type === "named" ? NAMED_TYPES : NAMESPACE_TYPES; return arrayToCheck.includes(importExportType); } /** * Return the type of (import|export). * @param {ASTNode} node A node to get. * @returns {string} The type of the (import|export). */ function getImportExportType(node) { if (node.specifiers && node.specifiers.length > 0) { const nodeSpecifiers = node.specifiers; const index = nodeSpecifiers.findIndex( ({ type }) => isImportExportSpecifier(type, "named") || isImportExportSpecifier(type, "namespace") ); const i = index > -1 ? index : 0; return nodeSpecifiers[i].type; } if (node.type === "ExportAllDeclaration") { if (node.exported) { return "ExportNamespaceSpecifier"; } return "ExportAll"; } return "SideEffectImport"; } /** * Returns a boolean indicates if two (import|export) can be merged * @param {ASTNode} node1 A node to check. * @param {ASTNode} node2 A node to check. * @returns {boolean} True if two (import|export) can be merged, false if they can't. */ function isImportExportCanBeMerged(node1, node2) { const importExportType1 = getImportExportType(node1); const importExportType2 = getImportExportType(node2); if ( (importExportType1 === "ExportAll" && importExportType2 !== "ExportAll" && importExportType2 !== "SideEffectImport") || (importExportType1 !== "ExportAll" && importExportType1 !== "SideEffectImport" && importExportType2 === "ExportAll") ) { return false; } if ( (isImportExportSpecifier(importExportType1, "namespace") && isImportExportSpecifier(importExportType2, "named")) || (isImportExportSpecifier(importExportType2, "namespace") && isImportExportSpecifier(importExportType1, "named")) ) { return false; } return true; } /** * Returns a boolean if we should report (import|export). * @param {ASTNode} node A node to be reported or not. * @param {[ASTNode]} previousNodes An array contains previous nodes of the module imported or exported. * @returns {boolean} True if the (import|export) should be reported. */ function shouldReportImportExport(node, previousNodes) { let i = 0; while (i < previousNodes.length) { if (isImportExportCanBeMerged(node, previousNodes[i])) { return true; } i++; } return false; } /** * Returns array contains only nodes with declarations types equal to type. * @param {[{node: ASTNode, declarationType: string}]} nodes An array contains objects, each object contains a node and a declaration type. * @param {string} type Declaration type. * @returns {[ASTNode]} An array contains only nodes with declarations types equal to type. */ function getNodesByDeclarationType(nodes, type) { return nodes .filter(({ declarationType }) => declarationType === type) .map(({ node }) => node); } /** * Returns the name of the module imported or re-exported. * @param {ASTNode} node A node to get. * @returns {string} The name of the module, or empty string if no name. */ function getModule(node) { if (node && node.source && node.source.value) { return node.source.value.trim(); } return ""; } /** * Checks if the (import|export) can be merged with at least one import or one export, and reports if so. * @param {RuleContext} context The ESLint rule context object. * @param {ASTNode} node A node to get. * @param {Map} modules A Map object contains as a key a module name and as value an array contains objects, each object contains a node and a declaration type. * @param {string} declarationType A declaration type can be an import or export. * @param {boolean} includeExports Whether or not to check for exports in addition to imports. * @returns {void} No return value. */ function checkAndReport( context, node, modules, declarationType, includeExports ) { const module = getModule(node); if (modules.has(module)) { const previousNodes = modules.get(module); const messagesIds = []; const importNodes = getNodesByDeclarationType(previousNodes, "import"); let exportNodes; if (includeExports) { exportNodes = getNodesByDeclarationType(previousNodes, "export"); } if (declarationType === "import") { if (shouldReportImportExport(node, importNodes)) { messagesIds.push("import"); } if (includeExports) { if (shouldReportImportExport(node, exportNodes)) { messagesIds.push("importAs"); } } } else if (declarationType === "export") { if (shouldReportImportExport(node, exportNodes)) { messagesIds.push("export"); } if (shouldReportImportExport(node, importNodes)) { messagesIds.push("exportAs"); } } messagesIds.forEach(messageId => context.report({ node, messageId, data: { module } })); } } /** * @callback nodeCallback * @param {ASTNode} node A node to handle. */ /** * Returns a function handling the (imports|exports) of a given file * @param {RuleContext} context The ESLint rule context object. * @param {Map} modules A Map object contains as a key a module name and as value an array contains objects, each object contains a node and a declaration type. * @param {string} declarationType A declaration type can be an import or export. * @param {boolean} includeExports Whether or not to check for exports in addition to imports. * @returns {nodeCallback} A function passed to ESLint to handle the statement. */ function handleImportsExports( context, modules, declarationType, includeExports ) { return function(node) { const module = getModule(node); if (module) { checkAndReport( context, node, modules, declarationType, includeExports ); const currentNode = { node, declarationType }; let nodes = [currentNode]; if (modules.has(module)) { const previousNodes = modules.get(module); nodes = [...previousNodes, currentNode]; } modules.set(module, nodes); } }; } /** @type {import('../shared/types').Rule} */ module.exports = { meta: { type: "problem", defaultOptions: [{ includeExports: false }], docs: { description: "Disallow duplicate module imports", recommended: false, url: "https://eslint.org/docs/latest/rules/no-duplicate-imports" }, schema: [ { type: "object", properties: { includeExports: { type: "boolean" } }, additionalProperties: false } ], messages: { import: "'{{module}}' import is duplicated.", importAs: "'{{module}}' import is duplicated as export.", export: "'{{module}}' export is duplicated.", exportAs: "'{{module}}' export is duplicated as import." } }, create(context) { const [{ includeExports }] = context.options; const modules = new Map(); const handlers = { ImportDeclaration: handleImportsExports( context, modules, "import", includeExports ) }; if (includeExports) { handlers.ExportNamedDeclaration = handleImportsExports( context, modules, "export", includeExports ); handlers.ExportAllDeclaration = handleImportsExports( context, modules, "export", includeExports ); } return handlers; } };