/** * @fileoverview Rule to flag declared but unused variables * @author Ilya Volodin */ "use strict"; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Requirements //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ const astUtils = require("./utils/ast-utils"); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Typedefs //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * A simple name for the types of variables that this rule supports * @typedef {'array-destructure'|'catch-clause'|'parameter'|'variable'} VariableType */ /** * Bag of data used for formatting the `unusedVar` lint message. * @typedef {Object} UnusedVarMessageData * @property {string} varName The name of the unused var. * @property {'defined'|'assigned a value'} action Description of the vars state. * @property {string} additional Any additional info to be appended at the end. */ /** * Bag of data used for formatting the `usedIgnoredVar` lint message. * @typedef {Object} UsedIgnoredVarMessageData * @property {string} varName The name of the unused var. * @property {string} additional Any additional info to be appended at the end. */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Rule Definition //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** @type {import('../shared/types').Rule} */ module.exports = { meta: { type: "problem", docs: { description: "Disallow unused variables", recommended: true, url: "https://eslint.org/docs/latest/rules/no-unused-vars" }, hasSuggestions: true, schema: [ { oneOf: [ { enum: ["all", "local"] }, { type: "object", properties: { vars: { enum: ["all", "local"] }, varsIgnorePattern: { type: "string" }, args: { enum: ["all", "after-used", "none"] }, ignoreRestSiblings: { type: "boolean" }, argsIgnorePattern: { type: "string" }, caughtErrors: { enum: ["all", "none"] }, caughtErrorsIgnorePattern: { type: "string" }, destructuredArrayIgnorePattern: { type: "string" }, ignoreClassWithStaticInitBlock: { type: "boolean" }, reportUsedIgnorePattern: { type: "boolean" } }, additionalProperties: false } ] } ], messages: { unusedVar: "'{{varName}}' is {{action}} but never used{{additional}}.", usedIgnoredVar: "'{{varName}}' is marked as ignored but is used{{additional}}.", removeVar: "Remove unused variable '{{varName}}'." } }, create(context) { const sourceCode = context.sourceCode; const REST_PROPERTY_TYPE = /^(?:RestElement|(?:Experimental)?RestProperty)$/u; const config = { vars: "all", args: "after-used", ignoreRestSiblings: false, caughtErrors: "all", ignoreClassWithStaticInitBlock: false, reportUsedIgnorePattern: false }; const firstOption = context.options[0]; if (firstOption) { if (typeof firstOption === "string") { config.vars = firstOption; } else { config.vars = firstOption.vars || config.vars; config.args = firstOption.args || config.args; config.ignoreRestSiblings = firstOption.ignoreRestSiblings || config.ignoreRestSiblings; config.caughtErrors = firstOption.caughtErrors || config.caughtErrors; config.ignoreClassWithStaticInitBlock = firstOption.ignoreClassWithStaticInitBlock || config.ignoreClassWithStaticInitBlock; config.reportUsedIgnorePattern = firstOption.reportUsedIgnorePattern || config.reportUsedIgnorePattern; if (firstOption.varsIgnorePattern) { config.varsIgnorePattern = new RegExp(firstOption.varsIgnorePattern, "u"); } if (firstOption.argsIgnorePattern) { config.argsIgnorePattern = new RegExp(firstOption.argsIgnorePattern, "u"); } if (firstOption.caughtErrorsIgnorePattern) { config.caughtErrorsIgnorePattern = new RegExp(firstOption.caughtErrorsIgnorePattern, "u"); } if (firstOption.destructuredArrayIgnorePattern) { config.destructuredArrayIgnorePattern = new RegExp(firstOption.destructuredArrayIgnorePattern, "u"); } } } /** * Determines what variable type a def is. * @param {Object} def the declaration to check * @returns {VariableType} a simple name for the types of variables that this rule supports */ function defToVariableType(def) { /* * This `destructuredArrayIgnorePattern` error report works differently from the catch * clause and parameter error reports. _Both_ the `varsIgnorePattern` and the * `destructuredArrayIgnorePattern` will be checked for array destructuring. However, * for the purposes of the report, the currently defined behavior is to only inform the * user of the `destructuredArrayIgnorePattern` if it's present (regardless of the fact * that the `varsIgnorePattern` would also apply). If it's not present, the user will be * informed of the `varsIgnorePattern`, assuming that's present. */ if (config.destructuredArrayIgnorePattern && def.name.parent.type === "ArrayPattern") { return "array-destructure"; } switch (def.type) { case "CatchClause": return "catch-clause"; case "Parameter": return "parameter"; default: return "variable"; } } /** * Gets a given variable's description and configured ignore pattern * based on the provided variableType * @param {VariableType} variableType a simple name for the types of variables that this rule supports * @throws {Error} (Unreachable) * @returns {[string | undefined, string | undefined]} the given variable's description and * ignore pattern */ function getVariableDescription(variableType) { let pattern; let variableDescription; switch (variableType) { case "array-destructure": pattern = config.destructuredArrayIgnorePattern; variableDescription = "elements of array destructuring"; break; case "catch-clause": pattern = config.caughtErrorsIgnorePattern; variableDescription = "caught errors"; break; case "parameter": pattern = config.argsIgnorePattern; variableDescription = "args"; break; case "variable": pattern = config.varsIgnorePattern; variableDescription = "vars"; break; default: throw new Error(`Unexpected variable type: ${variableType}`); } if (pattern) { pattern = pattern.toString(); } return [variableDescription, pattern]; } /** * Generates the message data about the variable being defined and unused, * including the ignore pattern if configured. * @param {Variable} unusedVar eslint-scope variable object. * @returns {UnusedVarMessageData} The message data to be used with this unused variable. */ function getDefinedMessageData(unusedVar) { const def = unusedVar.defs && unusedVar.defs[0]; let additionalMessageData = ""; if (def) { const [variableDescription, pattern] = getVariableDescription(defToVariableType(def)); if (pattern && variableDescription) { additionalMessageData = `. Allowed unused ${variableDescription} must match ${pattern}`; } } return { varName: unusedVar.name, action: "defined", additional: additionalMessageData }; } /** * Generate the warning message about the variable being * assigned and unused, including the ignore pattern if configured. * @param {Variable} unusedVar eslint-scope variable object. * @returns {UnusedVarMessageData} The message data to be used with this unused variable. */ function getAssignedMessageData(unusedVar) { const def = unusedVar.defs && unusedVar.defs[0]; let additionalMessageData = ""; if (def) { const [variableDescription, pattern] = getVariableDescription(defToVariableType(def)); if (pattern && variableDescription) { additionalMessageData = `. Allowed unused ${variableDescription} must match ${pattern}`; } } return { varName: unusedVar.name, action: "assigned a value", additional: additionalMessageData }; } /** * Generate the warning message about a variable being used even though * it is marked as being ignored. * @param {Variable} variable eslint-scope variable object * @param {VariableType} variableType a simple name for the types of variables that this rule supports * @returns {UsedIgnoredVarMessageData} The message data to be used with * this used ignored variable. */ function getUsedIgnoredMessageData(variable, variableType) { const [variableDescription, pattern] = getVariableDescription(variableType); let additionalMessageData = ""; if (pattern && variableDescription) { additionalMessageData = `. Used ${variableDescription} must not match ${pattern}`; } return { varName: variable.name, additional: additionalMessageData }; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Helpers //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- const STATEMENT_TYPE = /(?:Statement|Declaration)$/u; /** * Determines if a given variable is being exported from a module. * @param {Variable} variable eslint-scope variable object. * @returns {boolean} True if the variable is exported, false if not. * @private */ function isExported(variable) { const definition = variable.defs[0]; if (definition) { let node = definition.node; if (node.type === "VariableDeclarator") { node = node.parent; } else if (definition.type === "Parameter") { return false; } return node.parent.type.indexOf("Export") === 0; } return false; } /** * Checks whether a node is a sibling of the rest property or not. * @param {ASTNode} node a node to check * @returns {boolean} True if the node is a sibling of the rest property, otherwise false. */ function hasRestSibling(node) { return node.type === "Property" && node.parent.type === "ObjectPattern" && REST_PROPERTY_TYPE.test(node.parent.properties.at(-1).type); } /** * Determines if a variable has a sibling rest property * @param {Variable} variable eslint-scope variable object. * @returns {boolean} True if the variable has a sibling rest property, false if not. * @private */ function hasRestSpreadSibling(variable) { if (config.ignoreRestSiblings) { const hasRestSiblingDefinition = variable.defs.some(def => hasRestSibling(def.name.parent)); const hasRestSiblingReference = variable.references.some(ref => hasRestSibling(ref.identifier.parent)); return hasRestSiblingDefinition || hasRestSiblingReference; } return false; } /** * Determines if a reference is a read operation. * @param {Reference} ref An eslint-scope Reference * @returns {boolean} whether the given reference represents a read operation * @private */ function isReadRef(ref) { return ref.isRead(); } /** * Determine if an identifier is referencing an enclosing function name. * @param {Reference} ref The reference to check. * @param {ASTNode[]} nodes The candidate function nodes. * @returns {boolean} True if it's a self-reference, false if not. * @private */ function isSelfReference(ref, nodes) { let scope = ref.from; while (scope) { if (nodes.includes(scope.block)) { return true; } scope = scope.upper; } return false; } /** * Gets a list of function definitions for a specified variable. * @param {Variable} variable eslint-scope variable object. * @returns {ASTNode[]} Function nodes. * @private */ function getFunctionDefinitions(variable) { const functionDefinitions = []; variable.defs.forEach(def => { const { type, node } = def; // FunctionDeclarations if (type === "FunctionName") { functionDefinitions.push(node); } // FunctionExpressions if (type === "Variable" && node.init && (node.init.type === "FunctionExpression" || node.init.type === "ArrowFunctionExpression")) { functionDefinitions.push(node.init); } }); return functionDefinitions; } /** * Checks the position of given nodes. * @param {ASTNode} inner A node which is expected as inside. * @param {ASTNode} outer A node which is expected as outside. * @returns {boolean} `true` if the `inner` node exists in the `outer` node. * @private */ function isInside(inner, outer) { return ( inner.range[0] >= outer.range[0] && inner.range[1] <= outer.range[1] ); } /** * Checks whether a given node is unused expression or not. * @param {ASTNode} node The node itself * @returns {boolean} The node is an unused expression. * @private */ function isUnusedExpression(node) { const parent = node.parent; if (parent.type === "ExpressionStatement") { return true; } if (parent.type === "SequenceExpression") { const isLastExpression = parent.expressions.at(-1) === node; if (!isLastExpression) { return true; } return isUnusedExpression(parent); } return false; } /** * If a given reference is left-hand side of an assignment, this gets * the right-hand side node of the assignment. * * In the following cases, this returns null. * * - The reference is not the LHS of an assignment expression. * - The reference is inside of a loop. * - The reference is inside of a function scope which is different from * the declaration. * @param {eslint-scope.Reference} ref A reference to check. * @param {ASTNode} prevRhsNode The previous RHS node. * @returns {ASTNode|null} The RHS node or null. * @private */ function getRhsNode(ref, prevRhsNode) { const id = ref.identifier; const parent = id.parent; const refScope = ref.from.variableScope; const varScope = ref.resolved.scope.variableScope; const canBeUsedLater = refScope !== varScope || astUtils.isInLoop(id); /* * Inherits the previous node if this reference is in the node. * This is for `a = a + a`-like code. */ if (prevRhsNode && isInside(id, prevRhsNode)) { return prevRhsNode; } if (parent.type === "AssignmentExpression" && isUnusedExpression(parent) && id === parent.left && !canBeUsedLater ) { return parent.right; } return null; } /** * Checks whether a given function node is stored to somewhere or not. * If the function node is stored, the function can be used later. * @param {ASTNode} funcNode A function node to check. * @param {ASTNode} rhsNode The RHS node of the previous assignment. * @returns {boolean} `true` if under the following conditions: * - the funcNode is assigned to a variable. * - the funcNode is bound as an argument of a function call. * - the function is bound to a property and the object satisfies above conditions. * @private */ function isStorableFunction(funcNode, rhsNode) { let node = funcNode; let parent = funcNode.parent; while (parent && isInside(parent, rhsNode)) { switch (parent.type) { case "SequenceExpression": if (parent.expressions.at(-1) !== node) { return false; } break; case "CallExpression": case "NewExpression": return parent.callee !== node; case "AssignmentExpression": case "TaggedTemplateExpression": case "YieldExpression": return true; default: if (STATEMENT_TYPE.test(parent.type)) { /* * If it encountered statements, this is a complex pattern. * Since analyzing complex patterns is hard, this returns `true` to avoid false positive. */ return true; } } node = parent; parent = parent.parent; } return false; } /** * Checks whether a given Identifier node exists inside of a function node which can be used later. * * "can be used later" means: * - the function is assigned to a variable. * - the function is bound to a property and the object can be used later. * - the function is bound as an argument of a function call. * * If a reference exists in a function which can be used later, the reference is read when the function is called. * @param {ASTNode} id An Identifier node to check. * @param {ASTNode} rhsNode The RHS node of the previous assignment. * @returns {boolean} `true` if the `id` node exists inside of a function node which can be used later. * @private */ function isInsideOfStorableFunction(id, rhsNode) { const funcNode = astUtils.getUpperFunction(id); return ( funcNode && isInside(funcNode, rhsNode) && isStorableFunction(funcNode, rhsNode) ); } /** * Checks whether a given reference is a read to update itself or not. * @param {eslint-scope.Reference} ref A reference to check. * @param {ASTNode} rhsNode The RHS node of the previous assignment. * @returns {boolean} The reference is a read to update itself. * @private */ function isReadForItself(ref, rhsNode) { const id = ref.identifier; const parent = id.parent; return ref.isRead() && ( // self update. e.g. `a += 1`, `a++` ( ( parent.type === "AssignmentExpression" && parent.left === id && isUnusedExpression(parent) && !astUtils.isLogicalAssignmentOperator(parent.operator) ) || ( parent.type === "UpdateExpression" && isUnusedExpression(parent) ) ) || // in RHS of an assignment for itself. e.g. `a = a + 1` ( rhsNode && isInside(id, rhsNode) && !isInsideOfStorableFunction(id, rhsNode) ) ); } /** * Determine if an identifier is used either in for-in or for-of loops. * @param {Reference} ref The reference to check. * @returns {boolean} whether reference is used in the for-in loops * @private */ function isForInOfRef(ref) { let target = ref.identifier.parent; // "for (var ...) { return; }" if (target.type === "VariableDeclarator") { target = target.parent.parent; } if (target.type !== "ForInStatement" && target.type !== "ForOfStatement") { return false; } // "for (...) { return; }" if (target.body.type === "BlockStatement") { target = target.body.body[0]; // "for (...) return;" } else { target = target.body; } // For empty loop body if (!target) { return false; } return target.type === "ReturnStatement"; } /** * Determines if the variable is used. * @param {Variable} variable The variable to check. * @returns {boolean} True if the variable is used * @private */ function isUsedVariable(variable) { if (variable.eslintUsed) { return true; } const functionNodes = getFunctionDefinitions(variable); const isFunctionDefinition = functionNodes.length > 0; let rhsNode = null; return variable.references.some(ref => { if (isForInOfRef(ref)) { return true; } const forItself = isReadForItself(ref, rhsNode); rhsNode = getRhsNode(ref, rhsNode); return ( isReadRef(ref) && !forItself && !(isFunctionDefinition && isSelfReference(ref, functionNodes)) ); }); } /** * Checks whether the given variable is after the last used parameter. * @param {eslint-scope.Variable} variable The variable to check. * @returns {boolean} `true` if the variable is defined after the last * used parameter. */ function isAfterLastUsedArg(variable) { const def = variable.defs[0]; const params = sourceCode.getDeclaredVariables(def.node); const posteriorParams = params.slice(params.indexOf(variable) + 1); // If any used parameters occur after this parameter, do not report. return !posteriorParams.some(v => v.references.length > 0 || v.eslintUsed); } /** * Gets an array of variables without read references. * @param {Scope} scope an eslint-scope Scope object. * @param {Variable[]} unusedVars an array that saving result. * @returns {Variable[]} unused variables of the scope and descendant scopes. * @private */ function collectUnusedVariables(scope, unusedVars) { const variables = scope.variables; const childScopes = scope.childScopes; let i, l; if (scope.type !== "global" || config.vars === "all") { for (i = 0, l = variables.length; i < l; ++i) { const variable = variables[i]; // skip a variable of class itself name in the class scope if (scope.type === "class" && scope.block.id === variable.identifiers[0]) { continue; } // skip function expression names if (scope.functionExpressionScope) { continue; } // skip variables marked with markVariableAsUsed() if (!config.reportUsedIgnorePattern && variable.eslintUsed) { continue; } // skip implicit "arguments" variable if (scope.type === "function" && variable.name === "arguments" && variable.identifiers.length === 0) { continue; } // explicit global variables don't have definitions. const def = variable.defs[0]; if (def) { const type = def.type; const refUsedInArrayPatterns = variable.references.some(ref => ref.identifier.parent.type === "ArrayPattern"); // skip elements of array destructuring patterns if ( ( def.name.parent.type === "ArrayPattern" || refUsedInArrayPatterns ) && config.destructuredArrayIgnorePattern && config.destructuredArrayIgnorePattern.test(def.name.name) ) { if (config.reportUsedIgnorePattern && isUsedVariable(variable)) { context.report({ node: def.name, messageId: "usedIgnoredVar", data: getUsedIgnoredMessageData(variable, "array-destructure") }); } continue; } if (type === "ClassName") { const hasStaticBlock = def.node.body.body.some(node => node.type === "StaticBlock"); if (config.ignoreClassWithStaticInitBlock && hasStaticBlock) { continue; } } // skip catch variables if (type === "CatchClause") { if (config.caughtErrors === "none") { continue; } // skip ignored parameters if (config.caughtErrorsIgnorePattern && config.caughtErrorsIgnorePattern.test(def.name.name)) { if (config.reportUsedIgnorePattern && isUsedVariable(variable)) { context.report({ node: def.name, messageId: "usedIgnoredVar", data: getUsedIgnoredMessageData(variable, "catch-clause") }); } continue; } } else if (type === "Parameter") { // skip any setter argument if ((def.node.parent.type === "Property" || def.node.parent.type === "MethodDefinition") && def.node.parent.kind === "set") { continue; } // if "args" option is "none", skip any parameter if (config.args === "none") { continue; } // skip ignored parameters if (config.argsIgnorePattern && config.argsIgnorePattern.test(def.name.name)) { if (config.reportUsedIgnorePattern && isUsedVariable(variable)) { context.report({ node: def.name, messageId: "usedIgnoredVar", data: getUsedIgnoredMessageData(variable, "parameter") }); } continue; } // if "args" option is "after-used", skip used variables if (config.args === "after-used" && astUtils.isFunction(def.name.parent) && !isAfterLastUsedArg(variable)) { continue; } } else { // skip ignored variables if (config.varsIgnorePattern && config.varsIgnorePattern.test(def.name.name)) { if (config.reportUsedIgnorePattern && isUsedVariable(variable)) { context.report({ node: def.name, messageId: "usedIgnoredVar", data: getUsedIgnoredMessageData(variable, "variable") }); } continue; } } } if (!isUsedVariable(variable) && !isExported(variable) && !hasRestSpreadSibling(variable)) { unusedVars.push(variable); } } } for (i = 0, l = childScopes.length; i < l; ++i) { collectUnusedVariables(childScopes[i], unusedVars); } return unusedVars; } /** * fixes unused variables * @param {Object} fixer fixer object * @param {Object} unusedVar unused variable to fix * @returns {Object} fixer object */ function handleFixes(fixer, unusedVar) { const id = unusedVar.identifiers[0]; const parent = id.parent; const parentType = parent.type; const tokenBefore = sourceCode.getTokenBefore(id); const tokenAfter = sourceCode.getTokenAfter(id); const isFunction = astUtils.isFunction; const isLoop = astUtils.isLoop; const allWriteReferences = unusedVar.references.filter(ref => ref.isWrite()); /** * get range from token before of a given node * @param {ASTNode} node node of identifier * @param {number} skips number of token to skip * @returns {number} start range of token before the identifier */ function getPreviousTokenStart(node, skips) { return sourceCode.getTokenBefore(node, skips).range[0]; } /** * get range to token after of a given node * @param {ASTNode} node node of identifier * @param {number} skips number of token to skip * @returns {number} end range of token after the identifier */ function getNextTokenEnd(node, skips) { return sourceCode.getTokenAfter(node, skips).range[1]; } /** * get the value of token before of a given node * @param {ASTNode} node node of identifier * @returns {string} value of token before the identifier */ function getTokenBeforeValue(node) { return sourceCode.getTokenBefore(node).value; } /** * get the value of token after of a given node * @param {ASTNode} node node of identifier * @returns {string} value of token after the identifier */ function getTokenAfterValue(node) { return sourceCode.getTokenAfter(node).value; } /** * Check if an array has a single element with null as other element. * @param {ASTNode} node ArrayPattern node * @returns {boolean} true if array has single element with other null elements */ function hasSingleElement(node) { return node.elements.filter(e => e !== null).length === 1; } /** * check whether import specifier has an import of particular type * @param {ASTNode} node ImportDeclaration node * @param {string} type type of import to check * @returns {boolean} true if import specifier has import of specified type */ function hasImportOfCertainType(node, type) { return node.specifiers.some(e => e.type === type); } /** * Check whether declaration is safe to remove or not * @param {ASTNode} nextToken next token of unused variable * @param {ASTNode} prevToken previous token of unused variable * @returns {boolean} true if declaration is not safe to remove */ function isDeclarationNotSafeToRemove(nextToken, prevToken) { return ( (nextToken.type === "String") || ( prevToken && !astUtils.isSemicolonToken(prevToken) && !astUtils.isOpeningBraceToken(prevToken) ) ); } /** * give fixes for unused variables in function parameters * @param {ASTNode} node node to check * @returns {Object} fixer object */ function fixFunctionParameters(node) { const parentNode = node.parent; if (isFunction(parentNode)) { // remove unused function parameter if there is only a single parameter if (parentNode.params.length === 1) { return fixer.removeRange(node.range); } // remove first unused function parameter when there are multiple parameters if (getTokenBeforeValue(node) === "(" && getTokenAfterValue(node) === ",") { return fixer.removeRange([node.range[0], getNextTokenEnd(node)]); } // remove unused function parameters except first one when there are multiple parameters return fixer.removeRange([getPreviousTokenStart(node), node.range[1]]); } return null; } /** * fix unused variable declarations and function parameters * @param {ASTNode} node parent node to identifier * @returns {Object} fixer object */ function fixVariables(node) { const parentNode = node.parent; // remove unused declared variables such as var a = b; or var a = b, c; if (parentNode.type === "VariableDeclarator") { // skip variable in for (const [ foo ] of bar); if (isLoop(parentNode.parent.parent)) { return null; } /* * remove unused declared variable with single declaration such as 'var a = b;' * remove complete declaration when there is an unused variable in 'const { a } = foo;', same for arrays. */ if (parentNode.parent.declarations.length === 1) { // if next token is a string it could become a directive if node is removed -> no suggestion. const nextToken = sourceCode.getTokenAfter(parentNode.parent); // if previous token exists and is not ";" or "{" not sure about ASI rules -> no suggestion. const prevToken = sourceCode.getTokenBefore(parentNode.parent); if (nextToken && isDeclarationNotSafeToRemove(nextToken, prevToken)) { return null; } return fixer.removeRange(parentNode.parent.range); } /* * remove unused declared variable with multiple declaration except first one such as 'var a = b, c = d;' * fix 'let bar = "hello", { a } = foo;' to 'let bar = "hello";' if 'a' is unused, same for arrays. */ if (getTokenBeforeValue(parentNode) === ",") { return fixer.removeRange([getPreviousTokenStart(parentNode), parentNode.range[1]]); } /* * remove first unused declared variable when there are multiple declarations * fix 'let { a } = foo, bar = "hello";' to 'let bar = "hello";' if 'a' is unused, same for arrays. */ return fixer.removeRange([parentNode.range[0], getNextTokenEnd(parentNode)]); } // fixes [{a: {k}}], [{a: [k]}] if (getTokenBeforeValue(node) === ":") { if (parentNode.parent.type === "ObjectPattern") { // eslint-disable-next-line no-use-before-define -- due to interdependency of functions return fixObjectWithValueSeparator(node); } } // fix unused function parameters return fixFunctionParameters(node); } /** * fix nested object like { a: { b } } * @param {ASTNode} node parent node to check * @returns {Object} fixer object */ function fixNestedObjectVariable(node) { const parentNode = node.parent; // fix for { a: { b: { c: { d } } } } if ( parentNode.parent.parent.parent.type === "ObjectPattern" && parentNode.parent.properties.length === 1 ) { return fixNestedObjectVariable(parentNode.parent); } // fix for { a: { b } } if (parentNode.parent.type === "ObjectPattern") { // fix for unused variables in dectructured object with single property in variable decalartion and function parameter if (parentNode.parent.properties.length === 1) { return fixVariables(parentNode.parent); } // fix for first unused property when there are multiple properties such as '{ a: { b }, c }' if (getTokenBeforeValue(parentNode) === "{") { return fixer.removeRange( [parentNode.range[0], getNextTokenEnd(parentNode)] ); } // fix for unused property except first one when there are multiple properties such as '{ k, a: { b } }' return fixer.removeRange([getPreviousTokenStart(parentNode), parentNode.range[1]]); } return null; } /** * fix unused variables in array and nested array * @param {ASTNode} node parent node to check * @returns {Object} fixer object */ function fixNestedArrayVariable(node) { const parentNode = node.parent; // fix for nested arrays [[ a ]] if (parentNode.parent.type === "ArrayPattern" && hasSingleElement(parentNode)) { return fixNestedArrayVariable(parentNode); } if (hasSingleElement(parentNode)) { // fixes { a: [{ b }] } or { a: [[ b ]] } if (getTokenBeforeValue(parentNode) === ":") { return fixVariables(parentNode); } // fixes [a, ...[[ b ]]] or [a, ...[{ b }]] if (parentNode.parent.type === "RestElement") { // eslint-disable-next-line no-use-before-define -- due to interdependency of functions return fixRestInPattern(parentNode.parent); } // fix unused variables in destructured array in variable declaration or function parameter return fixVariables(parentNode); } // remove last unused array element if ( getTokenBeforeValue(node) === "," && getTokenAfterValue(node) === "]" ) { return fixer.removeRange([getPreviousTokenStart(node), node.range[1]]); } // remove unused array element return fixer.removeRange(node.range); } /** * fix cases like {a: {k}} or {a: [k]} * @param {ASTNode} node parent node to check * @returns {Object} fixer object */ function fixObjectWithValueSeparator(node) { const parentNode = node.parent.parent; // fix cases like [{a : { b }}] or [{a : [ b ]}] if ( parentNode.parent.type === "ArrayPattern" && parentNode.properties.length === 1 ) { return fixNestedArrayVariable(parentNode); } // fix cases like {a: {k}} or {a: [k]} return fixNestedObjectVariable(node); } /** * fix ...[[a]] or ...[{a}] like patterns * @param {ASTNode} node parent node to check * @returns {Object} fixer object */ function fixRestInPattern(node) { const parentNode = node.parent; // fix ...[[a]] or ...[{a}] in function parameters if (isFunction(parentNode)) { if (parentNode.params.length === 1) { return fixer.removeRange(node.range); } return fixer.removeRange([getPreviousTokenStart(node), node.range[1]]); } // fix rest in nested array pattern like [[a, ...[b]]] if (parentNode.type === "ArrayPattern") { // fix [[...[b]]] if (hasSingleElement(parentNode)) { if (parentNode.parent.type === "ArrayPattern") { return fixNestedArrayVariable(parentNode); } // fix 'const [...[b]] = foo; and function foo([...[b]]) {} return fixVariables(parentNode); } // fix [[a, ...[b]]] return fixer.removeRange([getPreviousTokenStart(node), node.range[1]]); } return null; } // skip fix when variable has references that would be left behind if (allWriteReferences.some(ref => ref.identifier.range[0] !== id.range[0])) { return null; } // remove declared variables such as var a; or var a, b; if (parentType === "VariableDeclarator") { if (parent.parent.declarations.length === 1) { // prevent fix of variable in forOf and forIn loops. if (isLoop(parent.parent.parent) && parent.parent.parent.body !== parent.parent) { return null; } // removes only variable not semicolon in 'if (foo()) var bar;' or in 'loops' or in 'with' statement. if ( parent.parent.parent.type === "IfStatement" || isLoop(parent.parent.parent) || (parent.parent.parent.type === "WithStatement" && parent.parent.parent.body === parent.parent) ) { return fixer.replaceText(parent.parent, ";"); } // if next token is a string it could become a directive if node is removed -> no suggestion. const nextToken = sourceCode.getTokenAfter(parent.parent); // if previous token exists and is not ";" or "{" not sure about ASI rules -> no suggestion. const prevToken = sourceCode.getTokenBefore(parent.parent); if (nextToken && isDeclarationNotSafeToRemove(nextToken, prevToken)) { return null; } // remove unused declared variable with single declaration like 'var a = b;' return fixer.removeRange(parent.parent.range); } // remove unused declared variable with multiple declaration except first one like 'var a = b, c = d;' if (tokenBefore.value === ",") { return fixer.removeRange([tokenBefore.range[0], parent.range[1]]); } // remove first unused declared variable when there are multiple declarations return fixer.removeRange([parent.range[0], getNextTokenEnd(parent)]); } // remove variables in object patterns if (parent.parent.type === "ObjectPattern") { if (parent.parent.properties.length === 1) { // fix [a, ...{b}] if (parent.parent.parent.type === "RestElement") { return fixRestInPattern(parent.parent.parent); } // fix [{ a }] if (parent.parent.parent.type === "ArrayPattern") { return fixNestedArrayVariable(parent.parent); } /* * var {a} = foo; * function a({a}) {} * fix const { a: { b } } = foo; */ return fixVariables(parent.parent); } // fix const { a:b } = foo; if (tokenBefore.value === ":") { // remove first unused variable in const { a:b } = foo; if (getTokenBeforeValue(parent) === "{" && getTokenAfterValue(parent) === ",") { return fixer.removeRange([parent.range[0], getNextTokenEnd(parent)]); } // remove unused variables in const { a: b, c: d } = foo; except first one return fixer.removeRange([getPreviousTokenStart(parent), id.range[1]]); } } // remove unused variables inside an array if (parentType === "ArrayPattern") { if (hasSingleElement(parent)) { // fix [a, ...[b]] if (parent.parent.type === "RestElement") { return fixRestInPattern(parent.parent); } // fix [ [a] ] if (parent.parent.type === "ArrayPattern") { return fixNestedArrayVariable(parent); } /* * fix var [a] = foo; * fix function foo([a]) {} * fix const { a: [b] } = foo; */ return fixVariables(parent); } // if "a" is unused in [a, b ,c] fixes to [, b, c] if (tokenBefore.value === "," && tokenAfter.value === ",") { return fixer.removeRange(id.range); } } // remove unused rest elements if (parentType === "RestElement") { // fix [a, ...rest] if (parent.parent.type === "ArrayPattern") { if (hasSingleElement(parent.parent)) { // fix [[...rest]] when there is only rest element if ( parent.parent.parent.type === "ArrayPattern" ) { return fixNestedArrayVariable(parent.parent); } // fix 'const [...rest] = foo;' and 'function foo([...rest]) {}' return fixVariables(parent.parent); } // fix [a, ...rest] return fixer.removeRange([getPreviousTokenStart(id, 1), id.range[1]]); } // fix { a, ...rest} if (parent.parent.type === "ObjectPattern") { // fix 'const {...rest} = foo;' and 'function foo({...rest}) {}' if (parent.parent.properties.length === 1) { return fixVariables(parent.parent); } // fix { a, ...rest} when there are multiple properties return fixer.removeRange([getPreviousTokenStart(id, 1), id.range[1]]); } // fix function foo(...rest) {} if (isFunction(parent.parent)) { // remove unused rest in function parameter if there is only single parameter if (parent.parent.params.length === 1) { return fixer.removeRange(parent.range); } // remove unused rest in function parameter if there multiple parameter return fixer.removeRange([getPreviousTokenStart(parent), parent.range[1]]); } } if (parentType === "AssignmentPattern") { // fix [a = aDefault] if (parent.parent.type === "ArrayPattern") { return fixNestedArrayVariable(parent); } // fix {a = aDefault} if (parent.parent.parent.type === "ObjectPattern") { if (parent.parent.parent.properties.length === 1) { // fixes [{a = aDefault}] if (parent.parent.parent.parent.type === "ArrayPattern") { return fixNestedArrayVariable(parent.parent.parent); } // fix 'const {a = aDefault} = foo;' and 'function foo({a = aDefault}) {}' return fixVariables(parent.parent.parent); } // fix unused 'a' in {a = aDefault} if it is the first property if ( getTokenBeforeValue(parent.parent) === "{" && getTokenAfterValue(parent.parent) === "," ) { return fixer.removeRange([parent.parent.range[0], getNextTokenEnd(parent.parent)]); } // fix unused 'b' in {a, b = aDefault} if it is not the first property return fixer.removeRange([getPreviousTokenStart(parent.parent), parent.parent.range[1]]); } // fix unused assignment patterns in function parameters if (isFunction(parent.parent)) { return fixFunctionParameters(parent); } } // remove unused functions if (parentType === "FunctionDeclaration" && parent.id === id) { return fixer.removeRange(parent.range); } // remove unused default import if (parentType === "ImportDefaultSpecifier") { // remove unused default import when there are not other imports if ( !hasImportOfCertainType(parent.parent, "ImportSpecifier") && !hasImportOfCertainType(parent.parent, "ImportNamespaceSpecifier") ) { return fixer.removeRange([parent.range[0], parent.parent.source.range[0]]); } // remove unused default import when there are other imports also return fixer.removeRange([id.range[0], tokenAfter.range[1]]); } if (parentType === "ImportSpecifier") { // remove unused imports when there is a single import if (parent.parent.specifiers.filter(e => e.type === "ImportSpecifier").length === 1) { // remove unused import when there is no default import if (!hasImportOfCertainType(parent.parent, "ImportDefaultSpecifier")) { return fixer.removeRange(parent.parent.range); } // fixes "import foo from 'module';" to "import 'module';" return fixer.removeRange([getPreviousTokenStart(parent, 1), tokenAfter.range[1]]); } if (getTokenBeforeValue(parent) === "{") { return fixer.removeRange([parent.range[0], getNextTokenEnd(parent)]); } return fixer.removeRange([getPreviousTokenStart(parent), parent.range[1]]); } if (parentType === "ImportNamespaceSpecifier") { if (hasImportOfCertainType(parent.parent, "ImportDefaultSpecifier")) { return fixer.removeRange([getPreviousTokenStart(parent), parent.range[1]]); } // fixes "import * as foo from 'module';" to "import 'module';" return fixer.removeRange([parent.range[0], parent.parent.source.range[0]]); } // skip error in catch(error) variable if (parentType === "CatchClause") { return null; } // remove unused declared classes if (parentType === "ClassDeclaration") { return fixer.removeRange(parent.range); } // remove unused varible that is in a sequence [a,b] fixes to [a] if (tokenBefore?.value === ",") { return fixer.removeRange([tokenBefore.range[0], id.range[1]]); } // remove unused varible that is in a sequence inside function arguments and object pattern if (tokenAfter.value === ",") { // fix function foo(a, b) {} if (tokenBefore.value === "(") { return fixer.removeRange([id.range[0], tokenAfter.range[1]]); } // fix const {a, b} = foo; if (tokenBefore.value === "{") { return fixer.removeRange([id.range[0], tokenAfter.range[1]]); } } if (parentType === "ArrowFunctionExpression" && parent.params.length === 1 && tokenAfter?.value !== ")") { return fixer.replaceText(id, "()"); } return fixer.removeRange(id.range); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Public //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- return { "Program:exit"(programNode) { const unusedVars = collectUnusedVariables(sourceCode.getScope(programNode), []); for (let i = 0, l = unusedVars.length; i < l; ++i) { const unusedVar = unusedVars[i]; // Report the first declaration. if (unusedVar.defs.length > 0) { // report last write reference, https://github.com/eslint/eslint/issues/14324 const writeReferences = unusedVar.references.filter(ref => ref.isWrite() && ref.from.variableScope === unusedVar.scope.variableScope); let referenceToReport; if (writeReferences.length > 0) { referenceToReport = writeReferences.at(-1); } context.report({ node: referenceToReport ? referenceToReport.identifier : unusedVar.identifiers[0], messageId: "unusedVar", data: unusedVar.references.some(ref => ref.isWrite()) ? getAssignedMessageData(unusedVar) : getDefinedMessageData(unusedVar), suggest: [ { messageId: "removeVar", data: { varName: unusedVar.name }, fix(fixer) { return handleFixes(fixer, unusedVar); } } ] }); // If there are no regular declaration, report the first `/*globals*/` comment directive. } else if (unusedVar.eslintExplicitGlobalComments) { const directiveComment = unusedVar.eslintExplicitGlobalComments[0]; context.report({ node: programNode, loc: astUtils.getNameLocationInGlobalDirectiveComment(sourceCode, directiveComment, unusedVar.name), messageId: "unusedVar", data: getDefinedMessageData(unusedVar) }); } } } }; } };