/** * @fileoverview Rule to disallow use of void operator. * @author Mike Sidorov */ "use strict"; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Rule Definition //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** @type {import('../shared/types').Rule} */ module.exports = { meta: { type: "suggestion", defaultOptions: [{ allowAsStatement: false }], docs: { description: "Disallow `void` operators", recommended: false, url: "https://eslint.org/docs/latest/rules/no-void" }, messages: { noVoid: "Expected 'undefined' and instead saw 'void'." }, schema: [ { type: "object", properties: { allowAsStatement: { type: "boolean" } }, additionalProperties: false } ] }, create(context) { const [{ allowAsStatement }] = context.options; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Public //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- return { 'UnaryExpression[operator="void"]'(node) { if ( allowAsStatement && node.parent && node.parent.type === "ExpressionStatement" ) { return; } context.report({ node, messageId: "noVoid" }); } }; } };