/** * @fileoverview disallow assignments that can lead to race conditions due to usage of `await` or `yield` * @author Teddy Katz * @author Toru Nagashima */ "use strict"; /** * Make the map from identifiers to each reference. * @param {escope.Scope} scope The scope to get references. * @param {Map} [outReferenceMap] The map from identifier nodes to each reference object. * @returns {Map} `referenceMap`. */ function createReferenceMap(scope, outReferenceMap = new Map()) { for (const reference of scope.references) { if (reference.resolved === null) { continue; } outReferenceMap.set(reference.identifier, reference); } for (const childScope of scope.childScopes) { if (childScope.type !== "function") { createReferenceMap(childScope, outReferenceMap); } } return outReferenceMap; } /** * Get `reference.writeExpr` of a given reference. * If it's the read reference of MemberExpression in LHS, returns RHS in order to address `a.b = await a` * @param {escope.Reference} reference The reference to get. * @returns {Expression|null} The `reference.writeExpr`. */ function getWriteExpr(reference) { if (reference.writeExpr) { return reference.writeExpr; } let node = reference.identifier; while (node) { const t = node.parent.type; if (t === "AssignmentExpression" && node.parent.left === node) { return node.parent.right; } if (t === "MemberExpression" && node.parent.object === node) { node = node.parent; continue; } break; } return null; } /** * Checks if an expression is a variable that can only be observed within the given function. * @param {Variable|null} variable The variable to check * @param {boolean} isMemberAccess If `true` then this is a member access. * @returns {boolean} `true` if the variable is local to the given function, and is never referenced in a closure. */ function isLocalVariableWithoutEscape(variable, isMemberAccess) { if (!variable) { return false; // A global variable which was not defined. } // If the reference is a property access and the variable is a parameter, it handles the variable is not local. if (isMemberAccess && variable.defs.some(d => d.type === "Parameter")) { return false; } const functionScope = variable.scope.variableScope; return variable.references.every(reference => reference.from.variableScope === functionScope); } /** * Represents segment information. */ class SegmentInfo { constructor() { this.info = new WeakMap(); } /** * Initialize the segment information. * @param {PathSegment} segment The segment to initialize. * @returns {void} */ initialize(segment) { const outdatedReadVariables = new Set(); const freshReadVariables = new Set(); for (const prevSegment of segment.prevSegments) { const info = this.info.get(prevSegment); if (info) { info.outdatedReadVariables.forEach(Set.prototype.add, outdatedReadVariables); info.freshReadVariables.forEach(Set.prototype.add, freshReadVariables); } } this.info.set(segment, { outdatedReadVariables, freshReadVariables }); } /** * Mark a given variable as read on given segments. * @param {PathSegment[]} segments The segments that it read the variable on. * @param {Variable} variable The variable to be read. * @returns {void} */ markAsRead(segments, variable) { for (const segment of segments) { const info = this.info.get(segment); if (info) { info.freshReadVariables.add(variable); // If a variable is freshly read again, then it's no more out-dated. info.outdatedReadVariables.delete(variable); } } } /** * Move `freshReadVariables` to `outdatedReadVariables`. * @param {PathSegment[]} segments The segments to process. * @returns {void} */ makeOutdated(segments) { for (const segment of segments) { const info = this.info.get(segment); if (info) { info.freshReadVariables.forEach(Set.prototype.add, info.outdatedReadVariables); info.freshReadVariables.clear(); } } } /** * Check if a given variable is outdated on the current segments. * @param {PathSegment[]} segments The current segments. * @param {Variable} variable The variable to check. * @returns {boolean} `true` if the variable is outdated on the segments. */ isOutdated(segments, variable) { for (const segment of segments) { const info = this.info.get(segment); if (info && info.outdatedReadVariables.has(variable)) { return true; } } return false; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Rule Definition //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** @type {import('../shared/types').Rule} */ module.exports = { meta: { type: "problem", defaultOptions: [{ allowProperties: false }], docs: { description: "Disallow assignments that can lead to race conditions due to usage of `await` or `yield`", recommended: false, url: "https://eslint.org/docs/latest/rules/require-atomic-updates" }, fixable: null, schema: [{ type: "object", properties: { allowProperties: { type: "boolean" } }, additionalProperties: false }], messages: { nonAtomicUpdate: "Possible race condition: `{{value}}` might be reassigned based on an outdated value of `{{value}}`.", nonAtomicObjectUpdate: "Possible race condition: `{{value}}` might be assigned based on an outdated state of `{{object}}`." } }, create(context) { const [{ allowProperties }] = context.options; const sourceCode = context.sourceCode; const assignmentReferences = new Map(); const segmentInfo = new SegmentInfo(); let stack = null; return { onCodePathStart(codePath, node) { const scope = sourceCode.getScope(node); const shouldVerify = scope.type === "function" && (scope.block.async || scope.block.generator); stack = { upper: stack, codePath, referenceMap: shouldVerify ? createReferenceMap(scope) : null, currentSegments: new Set() }; }, onCodePathEnd() { stack = stack.upper; }, // Initialize the segment information. onCodePathSegmentStart(segment) { segmentInfo.initialize(segment); stack.currentSegments.add(segment); }, onUnreachableCodePathSegmentStart(segment) { stack.currentSegments.add(segment); }, onUnreachableCodePathSegmentEnd(segment) { stack.currentSegments.delete(segment); }, onCodePathSegmentEnd(segment) { stack.currentSegments.delete(segment); }, // Handle references to prepare verification. Identifier(node) { const { referenceMap } = stack; const reference = referenceMap && referenceMap.get(node); // Ignore if this is not a valid variable reference. if (!reference) { return; } const variable = reference.resolved; const writeExpr = getWriteExpr(reference); const isMemberAccess = reference.identifier.parent.type === "MemberExpression"; // Add a fresh read variable. if (reference.isRead() && !(writeExpr && writeExpr.parent.operator === "=")) { segmentInfo.markAsRead(stack.currentSegments, variable); } /* * Register the variable to verify after ESLint traversed the `writeExpr` node * if this reference is an assignment to a variable which is referred from other closure. */ if (writeExpr && writeExpr.parent.right === writeExpr && // ← exclude variable declarations. !isLocalVariableWithoutEscape(variable, isMemberAccess) ) { let refs = assignmentReferences.get(writeExpr); if (!refs) { refs = []; assignmentReferences.set(writeExpr, refs); } refs.push(reference); } }, /* * Verify assignments. * If the reference exists in `outdatedReadVariables` list, report it. */ ":expression:exit"(node) { // referenceMap exists if this is in a resumable function scope. if (!stack.referenceMap) { return; } // Mark the read variables on this code path as outdated. if (node.type === "AwaitExpression" || node.type === "YieldExpression") { segmentInfo.makeOutdated(stack.currentSegments); } // Verify. const references = assignmentReferences.get(node); if (references) { assignmentReferences.delete(node); for (const reference of references) { const variable = reference.resolved; if (segmentInfo.isOutdated(stack.currentSegments, variable)) { if (node.parent.left === reference.identifier) { context.report({ node: node.parent, messageId: "nonAtomicUpdate", data: { value: variable.name } }); } else if (!allowProperties) { context.report({ node: node.parent, messageId: "nonAtomicObjectUpdate", data: { value: sourceCode.getText(node.parent.left), object: variable.name } }); } } } } } }; } };