/** * @fileoverview Rule to disallow async functions which have no `await` expression. * @author Toru Nagashima */ "use strict"; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Requirements //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ const astUtils = require("./utils/ast-utils"); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Helpers //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Capitalize the 1st letter of the given text. * @param {string} text The text to capitalize. * @returns {string} The text that the 1st letter was capitalized. */ function capitalizeFirstLetter(text) { return text[0].toUpperCase() + text.slice(1); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Rule Definition //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** @type {import('../shared/types').Rule} */ module.exports = { meta: { type: "suggestion", docs: { description: "Disallow async functions which have no `await` expression", recommended: false, url: "https://eslint.org/docs/latest/rules/require-await" }, schema: [], messages: { missingAwait: "{{name}} has no 'await' expression.", removeAsync: "Remove 'async'." }, hasSuggestions: true }, create(context) { const sourceCode = context.sourceCode; let scopeInfo = null; /** * Push the scope info object to the stack. * @returns {void} */ function enterFunction() { scopeInfo = { upper: scopeInfo, hasAwait: false }; } /** * Pop the top scope info object from the stack. * Also, it reports the function if needed. * @param {ASTNode} node The node to report. * @returns {void} */ function exitFunction(node) { if (!node.generator && node.async && !scopeInfo.hasAwait && !astUtils.isEmptyFunction(node)) { /* * If the function belongs to a method definition or * property, then the function's range may not include the * `async` keyword and we should look at the parent instead. */ const nodeWithAsyncKeyword = (node.parent.type === "MethodDefinition" && node.parent.value === node) || (node.parent.type === "Property" && node.parent.method && node.parent.value === node) ? node.parent : node; const asyncToken = sourceCode.getFirstToken(nodeWithAsyncKeyword, token => token.value === "async"); const asyncRange = [asyncToken.range[0], sourceCode.getTokenAfter(asyncToken, { includeComments: true }).range[0]]; /* * Removing the `async` keyword can cause parsing errors if the current * statement is relying on automatic semicolon insertion. If ASI is currently * being used, then we should replace the `async` keyword with a semicolon. */ const nextToken = sourceCode.getTokenAfter(asyncToken); const addSemiColon = nextToken.type === "Punctuator" && (nextToken.value === "[" || nextToken.value === "(") && (nodeWithAsyncKeyword.type === "MethodDefinition" || astUtils.isStartOfExpressionStatement(nodeWithAsyncKeyword)) && astUtils.needsPrecedingSemicolon(sourceCode, nodeWithAsyncKeyword); context.report({ node, loc: astUtils.getFunctionHeadLoc(node, sourceCode), messageId: "missingAwait", data: { name: capitalizeFirstLetter( astUtils.getFunctionNameWithKind(node) ) }, suggest: [{ messageId: "removeAsync", fix: fixer => fixer.replaceTextRange(asyncRange, addSemiColon ? ";" : "") }] }); } scopeInfo = scopeInfo.upper; } return { FunctionDeclaration: enterFunction, FunctionExpression: enterFunction, ArrowFunctionExpression: enterFunction, "FunctionDeclaration:exit": exitFunction, "FunctionExpression:exit": exitFunction, "ArrowFunctionExpression:exit": exitFunction, AwaitExpression() { if (!scopeInfo) { return; } scopeInfo.hasAwait = true; }, ForOfStatement(node) { if (!scopeInfo) { return; } if (node.await) { scopeInfo.hasAwait = true; } } }; } };