21151 lines
777 KiB
21151 lines
777 KiB
* @license lucide-react v0.469.0 - ISC
* This source code is licensed under the ISC license.
* See the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
(function (global, factory) {
typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports, require('react')) :
typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports', 'react'], factory) :
(global = typeof globalThis !== 'undefined' ? globalThis : global || self, factory(global.LucideReact = {}, global.react));
})(this, (function (exports, react) { 'use strict';
const toKebabCase = (string) => string.replace(/([a-z0-9])([A-Z])/g, "$1-$2").toLowerCase();
const mergeClasses = (...classes) => classes.filter((className, index, array) => {
return Boolean(className) && className.trim() !== "" && array.indexOf(className) === index;
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var defaultAttributes = {
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const Icon = react.forwardRef(
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className = "",
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return react.createElement(
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className: mergeClasses("lucide", className),
...iconNode.map(([tag, attrs]) => react.createElement(tag, attrs)),
...Array.isArray(children) ? children : [children]
const createLucideIcon = (iconName, iconNode) => {
const Component = react.forwardRef(
({ className, ...props }, ref) => react.createElement(Icon, {
className: mergeClasses(`lucide-${toKebabCase(iconName)}`, className),
Component.displayName = `${iconName}`;
return Component;
const AArrowDown = createLucideIcon("AArrowDown", [
["path", { d: "M3.5 13h6", key: "p1my2r" }],
["path", { d: "m2 16 4.5-9 4.5 9", key: "ndf0b3" }],
["path", { d: "M18 7v9", key: "pknjwm" }],
["path", { d: "m14 12 4 4 4-4", key: "buelq4" }]
const AArrowUp = createLucideIcon("AArrowUp", [
["path", { d: "M3.5 13h6", key: "p1my2r" }],
["path", { d: "m2 16 4.5-9 4.5 9", key: "ndf0b3" }],
["path", { d: "M18 16V7", key: "ty0viw" }],
["path", { d: "m14 11 4-4 4 4", key: "1pu57t" }]
const ALargeSmall = createLucideIcon("ALargeSmall", [
["path", { d: "M21 14h-5", key: "1vh23k" }],
["path", { d: "M16 16v-3.5a2.5 2.5 0 0 1 5 0V16", key: "1wh10o" }],
["path", { d: "M4.5 13h6", key: "dfilno" }],
["path", { d: "m3 16 4.5-9 4.5 9", key: "2dxa0e" }]
const Accessibility = createLucideIcon("Accessibility", [
["circle", { cx: "16", cy: "4", r: "1", key: "1grugj" }],
["path", { d: "m18 19 1-7-6 1", key: "r0i19z" }],
["path", { d: "m5 8 3-3 5.5 3-2.36 3.5", key: "9ptxx2" }],
["path", { d: "M4.24 14.5a5 5 0 0 0 6.88 6", key: "10kmtu" }],
["path", { d: "M13.76 17.5a5 5 0 0 0-6.88-6", key: "2qq6rc" }]
const Activity = createLucideIcon("Activity", [
d: "M22 12h-2.48a2 2 0 0 0-1.93 1.46l-2.35 8.36a.25.25 0 0 1-.48 0L9.24 2.18a.25.25 0 0 0-.48 0l-2.35 8.36A2 2 0 0 1 4.49 12H2",
key: "169zse"
const AirVent = createLucideIcon("AirVent", [
d: "M6 12H4a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V5a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h16a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v5a2 2 0 0 1-2 2h-2",
key: "larmp2"
["path", { d: "M6 8h12", key: "6g4wlu" }],
["path", { d: "M18.3 17.7a2.5 2.5 0 0 1-3.16 3.83 2.53 2.53 0 0 1-1.14-2V12", key: "1bo8pg" }],
["path", { d: "M6.6 15.6A2 2 0 1 0 10 17v-5", key: "t9h90c" }]
const Airplay = createLucideIcon("Airplay", [
d: "M5 17H4a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V5a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h16a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v10a2 2 0 0 1-2 2h-1",
key: "ns4c3b"
["path", { d: "m12 15 5 6H7Z", key: "14qnn2" }]
const AlarmClockCheck = createLucideIcon("AlarmClockCheck", [
["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "13", r: "8", key: "3y4lt7" }],
["path", { d: "M5 3 2 6", key: "18tl5t" }],
["path", { d: "m22 6-3-3", key: "1opdir" }],
["path", { d: "M6.38 18.7 4 21", key: "17xu3x" }],
["path", { d: "M17.64 18.67 20 21", key: "kv2oe2" }],
["path", { d: "m9 13 2 2 4-4", key: "6343dt" }]
const AlarmClockMinus = createLucideIcon("AlarmClockMinus", [
["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "13", r: "8", key: "3y4lt7" }],
["path", { d: "M5 3 2 6", key: "18tl5t" }],
["path", { d: "m22 6-3-3", key: "1opdir" }],
["path", { d: "M6.38 18.7 4 21", key: "17xu3x" }],
["path", { d: "M17.64 18.67 20 21", key: "kv2oe2" }],
["path", { d: "M9 13h6", key: "1uhe8q" }]
const AlarmClockOff = createLucideIcon("AlarmClockOff", [
["path", { d: "M6.87 6.87a8 8 0 1 0 11.26 11.26", key: "3on8tj" }],
["path", { d: "M19.9 14.25a8 8 0 0 0-9.15-9.15", key: "15ghsc" }],
["path", { d: "m22 6-3-3", key: "1opdir" }],
["path", { d: "M6.26 18.67 4 21", key: "yzmioq" }],
["path", { d: "m2 2 20 20", key: "1ooewy" }],
["path", { d: "M4 4 2 6", key: "1ycko6" }]
const AlarmClockPlus = createLucideIcon("AlarmClockPlus", [
["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "13", r: "8", key: "3y4lt7" }],
["path", { d: "M5 3 2 6", key: "18tl5t" }],
["path", { d: "m22 6-3-3", key: "1opdir" }],
["path", { d: "M6.38 18.7 4 21", key: "17xu3x" }],
["path", { d: "M17.64 18.67 20 21", key: "kv2oe2" }],
["path", { d: "M12 10v6", key: "1bos4e" }],
["path", { d: "M9 13h6", key: "1uhe8q" }]
const AlarmClock = createLucideIcon("AlarmClock", [
["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "13", r: "8", key: "3y4lt7" }],
["path", { d: "M12 9v4l2 2", key: "1c63tq" }],
["path", { d: "M5 3 2 6", key: "18tl5t" }],
["path", { d: "m22 6-3-3", key: "1opdir" }],
["path", { d: "M6.38 18.7 4 21", key: "17xu3x" }],
["path", { d: "M17.64 18.67 20 21", key: "kv2oe2" }]
const AlarmSmoke = createLucideIcon("AlarmSmoke", [
["path", { d: "M11 21c0-2.5 2-2.5 2-5", key: "1sicvv" }],
["path", { d: "M16 21c0-2.5 2-2.5 2-5", key: "1o3eny" }],
["path", { d: "m19 8-.8 3a1.25 1.25 0 0 1-1.2 1H7a1.25 1.25 0 0 1-1.2-1L5 8", key: "1bvca4" }],
{ d: "M21 3a1 1 0 0 1 1 1v2a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H4a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V4a1 1 0 0 1 1-1z", key: "x3qr1j" }
["path", { d: "M6 21c0-2.5 2-2.5 2-5", key: "i3w1gp" }]
const Album = createLucideIcon("Album", [
["rect", { width: "18", height: "18", x: "3", y: "3", rx: "2", ry: "2", key: "1m3agn" }],
["polyline", { points: "11 3 11 11 14 8 17 11 17 3", key: "1wcwz3" }]
const AlignCenterHorizontal = createLucideIcon("AlignCenterHorizontal", [
["path", { d: "M2 12h20", key: "9i4pu4" }],
["path", { d: "M10 16v4a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H6a2 2 0 0 1-2-2v-4", key: "11f1s0" }],
["path", { d: "M10 8V4a2 2 0 0 0-2-2H6a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v4", key: "t14dx9" }],
["path", { d: "M20 16v1a2 2 0 0 1-2 2h-2a2 2 0 0 1-2-2v-1", key: "1w07xs" }],
["path", { d: "M14 8V7c0-1.1.9-2 2-2h2a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v1", key: "1apec2" }]
const AlignCenterVertical = createLucideIcon("AlignCenterVertical", [
["path", { d: "M12 2v20", key: "t6zp3m" }],
["path", { d: "M8 10H4a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V6c0-1.1.9-2 2-2h4", key: "14d6g8" }],
["path", { d: "M16 10h4a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V6a2 2 0 0 0-2-2h-4", key: "1e2lrw" }],
["path", { d: "M8 20H7a2 2 0 0 1-2-2v-2c0-1.1.9-2 2-2h1", key: "1fkdwx" }],
["path", { d: "M16 14h1a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v2a2 2 0 0 1-2 2h-1", key: "1euafb" }]
const AlignCenter = createLucideIcon("AlignCenter", [
["path", { d: "M17 12H7", key: "16if0g" }],
["path", { d: "M19 18H5", key: "18s9l3" }],
["path", { d: "M21 6H3", key: "1jwq7v" }]
const AlignEndHorizontal = createLucideIcon("AlignEndHorizontal", [
["rect", { width: "6", height: "16", x: "4", y: "2", rx: "2", key: "z5wdxg" }],
["rect", { width: "6", height: "9", x: "14", y: "9", rx: "2", key: "um7a8w" }],
["path", { d: "M22 22H2", key: "19qnx5" }]
const AlignEndVertical = createLucideIcon("AlignEndVertical", [
["rect", { width: "16", height: "6", x: "2", y: "4", rx: "2", key: "10wcwx" }],
["rect", { width: "9", height: "6", x: "9", y: "14", rx: "2", key: "4p5bwg" }],
["path", { d: "M22 22V2", key: "12ipfv" }]
const AlignHorizontalDistributeCenter = createLucideIcon("AlignHorizontalDistributeCenter", [
["rect", { width: "6", height: "14", x: "4", y: "5", rx: "2", key: "1wwnby" }],
["rect", { width: "6", height: "10", x: "14", y: "7", rx: "2", key: "1fe6j6" }],
["path", { d: "M17 22v-5", key: "4b6g73" }],
["path", { d: "M17 7V2", key: "hnrr36" }],
["path", { d: "M7 22v-3", key: "1r4jpn" }],
["path", { d: "M7 5V2", key: "liy1u9" }]
const AlignHorizontalDistributeEnd = createLucideIcon("AlignHorizontalDistributeEnd", [
["rect", { width: "6", height: "14", x: "4", y: "5", rx: "2", key: "1wwnby" }],
["rect", { width: "6", height: "10", x: "14", y: "7", rx: "2", key: "1fe6j6" }],
["path", { d: "M10 2v20", key: "uyc634" }],
["path", { d: "M20 2v20", key: "1tx262" }]
const AlignHorizontalDistributeStart = createLucideIcon("AlignHorizontalDistributeStart", [
["rect", { width: "6", height: "14", x: "4", y: "5", rx: "2", key: "1wwnby" }],
["rect", { width: "6", height: "10", x: "14", y: "7", rx: "2", key: "1fe6j6" }],
["path", { d: "M4 2v20", key: "gtpd5x" }],
["path", { d: "M14 2v20", key: "tg6bpw" }]
const AlignHorizontalJustifyCenter = createLucideIcon("AlignHorizontalJustifyCenter", [
["rect", { width: "6", height: "14", x: "2", y: "5", rx: "2", key: "dy24zr" }],
["rect", { width: "6", height: "10", x: "16", y: "7", rx: "2", key: "13zkjt" }],
["path", { d: "M12 2v20", key: "t6zp3m" }]
const AlignHorizontalJustifyEnd = createLucideIcon("AlignHorizontalJustifyEnd", [
["rect", { width: "6", height: "14", x: "2", y: "5", rx: "2", key: "dy24zr" }],
["rect", { width: "6", height: "10", x: "12", y: "7", rx: "2", key: "1ht384" }],
["path", { d: "M22 2v20", key: "40qfg1" }]
const AlignHorizontalJustifyStart = createLucideIcon("AlignHorizontalJustifyStart", [
["rect", { width: "6", height: "14", x: "6", y: "5", rx: "2", key: "hsirpf" }],
["rect", { width: "6", height: "10", x: "16", y: "7", rx: "2", key: "13zkjt" }],
["path", { d: "M2 2v20", key: "1ivd8o" }]
const AlignHorizontalSpaceAround = createLucideIcon("AlignHorizontalSpaceAround", [
["rect", { width: "6", height: "10", x: "9", y: "7", rx: "2", key: "yn7j0q" }],
["path", { d: "M4 22V2", key: "tsjzd3" }],
["path", { d: "M20 22V2", key: "1bnhr8" }]
const AlignHorizontalSpaceBetween = createLucideIcon("AlignHorizontalSpaceBetween", [
["rect", { width: "6", height: "14", x: "3", y: "5", rx: "2", key: "j77dae" }],
["rect", { width: "6", height: "10", x: "15", y: "7", rx: "2", key: "bq30hj" }],
["path", { d: "M3 2v20", key: "1d2pfg" }],
["path", { d: "M21 2v20", key: "p059bm" }]
const AlignJustify = createLucideIcon("AlignJustify", [
["path", { d: "M3 12h18", key: "1i2n21" }],
["path", { d: "M3 18h18", key: "1h113x" }],
["path", { d: "M3 6h18", key: "d0wm0j" }]
const AlignLeft = createLucideIcon("AlignLeft", [
["path", { d: "M15 12H3", key: "6jk70r" }],
["path", { d: "M17 18H3", key: "1amg6g" }],
["path", { d: "M21 6H3", key: "1jwq7v" }]
const AlignRight = createLucideIcon("AlignRight", [
["path", { d: "M21 12H9", key: "dn1m92" }],
["path", { d: "M21 18H7", key: "1ygte8" }],
["path", { d: "M21 6H3", key: "1jwq7v" }]
const AlignStartHorizontal = createLucideIcon("AlignStartHorizontal", [
["rect", { width: "6", height: "16", x: "4", y: "6", rx: "2", key: "1n4dg1" }],
["rect", { width: "6", height: "9", x: "14", y: "6", rx: "2", key: "17khns" }],
["path", { d: "M22 2H2", key: "fhrpnj" }]
const AlignStartVertical = createLucideIcon("AlignStartVertical", [
["rect", { width: "9", height: "6", x: "6", y: "14", rx: "2", key: "lpm2y7" }],
["rect", { width: "16", height: "6", x: "6", y: "4", rx: "2", key: "rdj6ps" }],
["path", { d: "M2 2v20", key: "1ivd8o" }]
const AlignVerticalDistributeCenter = createLucideIcon("AlignVerticalDistributeCenter", [
["path", { d: "M22 17h-3", key: "1lwga1" }],
["path", { d: "M22 7h-5", key: "o2endc" }],
["path", { d: "M5 17H2", key: "1gx9xc" }],
["path", { d: "M7 7H2", key: "6bq26l" }],
["rect", { x: "5", y: "14", width: "14", height: "6", rx: "2", key: "1qrzuf" }],
["rect", { x: "7", y: "4", width: "10", height: "6", rx: "2", key: "we8e9z" }]
const AlignVerticalDistributeEnd = createLucideIcon("AlignVerticalDistributeEnd", [
["rect", { width: "14", height: "6", x: "5", y: "14", rx: "2", key: "jmoj9s" }],
["rect", { width: "10", height: "6", x: "7", y: "4", rx: "2", key: "aza5on" }],
["path", { d: "M2 20h20", key: "owomy5" }],
["path", { d: "M2 10h20", key: "1ir3d8" }]
const AlignVerticalDistributeStart = createLucideIcon("AlignVerticalDistributeStart", [
["rect", { width: "14", height: "6", x: "5", y: "14", rx: "2", key: "jmoj9s" }],
["rect", { width: "10", height: "6", x: "7", y: "4", rx: "2", key: "aza5on" }],
["path", { d: "M2 14h20", key: "myj16y" }],
["path", { d: "M2 4h20", key: "mda7wb" }]
const AlignVerticalJustifyCenter = createLucideIcon("AlignVerticalJustifyCenter", [
["rect", { width: "14", height: "6", x: "5", y: "16", rx: "2", key: "1i8z2d" }],
["rect", { width: "10", height: "6", x: "7", y: "2", rx: "2", key: "ypihtt" }],
["path", { d: "M2 12h20", key: "9i4pu4" }]
const AlignVerticalJustifyEnd = createLucideIcon("AlignVerticalJustifyEnd", [
["rect", { width: "14", height: "6", x: "5", y: "12", rx: "2", key: "4l4tp2" }],
["rect", { width: "10", height: "6", x: "7", y: "2", rx: "2", key: "ypihtt" }],
["path", { d: "M2 22h20", key: "272qi7" }]
const AlignVerticalJustifyStart = createLucideIcon("AlignVerticalJustifyStart", [
["rect", { width: "14", height: "6", x: "5", y: "16", rx: "2", key: "1i8z2d" }],
["rect", { width: "10", height: "6", x: "7", y: "6", rx: "2", key: "13squh" }],
["path", { d: "M2 2h20", key: "1ennik" }]
const AlignVerticalSpaceAround = createLucideIcon("AlignVerticalSpaceAround", [
["rect", { width: "10", height: "6", x: "7", y: "9", rx: "2", key: "b1zbii" }],
["path", { d: "M22 20H2", key: "1p1f7z" }],
["path", { d: "M22 4H2", key: "1b7qnq" }]
const AlignVerticalSpaceBetween = createLucideIcon("AlignVerticalSpaceBetween", [
["rect", { width: "14", height: "6", x: "5", y: "15", rx: "2", key: "1w91an" }],
["rect", { width: "10", height: "6", x: "7", y: "3", rx: "2", key: "17wqzy" }],
["path", { d: "M2 21h20", key: "1nyx9w" }],
["path", { d: "M2 3h20", key: "91anmk" }]
const Ambulance = createLucideIcon("Ambulance", [
["path", { d: "M10 10H6", key: "1bsnug" }],
["path", { d: "M14 18V6a2 2 0 0 0-2-2H4a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v11a1 1 0 0 0 1 1h2", key: "wrbu53" }],
d: "M19 18h2a1 1 0 0 0 1-1v-3.28a1 1 0 0 0-.684-.948l-1.923-.641a1 1 0 0 1-.578-.502l-1.539-3.076A1 1 0 0 0 16.382 8H14",
key: "lrkjwd"
["path", { d: "M8 8v4", key: "1fwk8c" }],
["path", { d: "M9 18h6", key: "x1upvd" }],
["circle", { cx: "17", cy: "18", r: "2", key: "332jqn" }],
["circle", { cx: "7", cy: "18", r: "2", key: "19iecd" }]
const Ampersand = createLucideIcon("Ampersand", [
d: "M17.5 12c0 4.4-3.6 8-8 8A4.5 4.5 0 0 1 5 15.5c0-6 8-4 8-8.5a3 3 0 1 0-6 0c0 3 2.5 8.5 12 13",
key: "1o9ehi"
["path", { d: "M16 12h3", key: "4uvgyw" }]
const Ampersands = createLucideIcon("Ampersands", [
d: "M10 17c-5-3-7-7-7-9a2 2 0 0 1 4 0c0 2.5-5 2.5-5 6 0 1.7 1.3 3 3 3 2.8 0 5-2.2 5-5",
key: "12lh1k"
d: "M22 17c-5-3-7-7-7-9a2 2 0 0 1 4 0c0 2.5-5 2.5-5 6 0 1.7 1.3 3 3 3 2.8 0 5-2.2 5-5",
key: "173c68"
const Amphora = createLucideIcon("Amphora", [
{ d: "M10 2v5.632c0 .424-.272.795-.653.982A6 6 0 0 0 6 14c.006 4 3 7 5 8", key: "1h8rid" }
["path", { d: "M10 5H8a2 2 0 0 0 0 4h.68", key: "3ezsi6" }],
["path", { d: "M14 2v5.632c0 .424.272.795.652.982A6 6 0 0 1 18 14c0 4-3 7-5 8", key: "yt6q09" }],
["path", { d: "M14 5h2a2 2 0 0 1 0 4h-.68", key: "8f95yk" }],
["path", { d: "M18 22H6", key: "mg6kv4" }],
["path", { d: "M9 2h6", key: "1jrp98" }]
const Anchor = createLucideIcon("Anchor", [
["path", { d: "M12 22V8", key: "qkxhtm" }],
["path", { d: "M5 12H2a10 10 0 0 0 20 0h-3", key: "1hv3nh" }],
["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "5", r: "3", key: "rqqgnr" }]
const Angry = createLucideIcon("Angry", [
["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "12", r: "10", key: "1mglay" }],
["path", { d: "M16 16s-1.5-2-4-2-4 2-4 2", key: "epbg0q" }],
["path", { d: "M7.5 8 10 9", key: "olxxln" }],
["path", { d: "m14 9 2.5-1", key: "1j6cij" }],
["path", { d: "M9 10h.01", key: "qbtxuw" }],
["path", { d: "M15 10h.01", key: "1qmjsl" }]
const Annoyed = createLucideIcon("Annoyed", [
["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "12", r: "10", key: "1mglay" }],
["path", { d: "M8 15h8", key: "45n4r" }],
["path", { d: "M8 9h2", key: "1g203m" }],
["path", { d: "M14 9h2", key: "116p9w" }]
const Antenna = createLucideIcon("Antenna", [
["path", { d: "M2 12 7 2", key: "117k30" }],
["path", { d: "m7 12 5-10", key: "1tvx22" }],
["path", { d: "m12 12 5-10", key: "ev1o1a" }],
["path", { d: "m17 12 5-10", key: "1e4ti3" }],
["path", { d: "M4.5 7h15", key: "vlsxkz" }],
["path", { d: "M12 16v6", key: "c8a4gj" }]
const Anvil = createLucideIcon("Anvil", [
["path", { d: "M7 10H6a4 4 0 0 1-4-4 1 1 0 0 1 1-1h4", key: "1hjpb6" }],
{ d: "M7 5a1 1 0 0 1 1-1h13a1 1 0 0 1 1 1 7 7 0 0 1-7 7H8a1 1 0 0 1-1-1z", key: "1qn45f" }
["path", { d: "M9 12v5", key: "3anwtq" }],
["path", { d: "M15 12v5", key: "5xh3zn" }],
{ d: "M5 20a3 3 0 0 1 3-3h8a3 3 0 0 1 3 3 1 1 0 0 1-1 1H6a1 1 0 0 1-1-1", key: "1fi4x8" }
const Aperture = createLucideIcon("Aperture", [
["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "12", r: "10", key: "1mglay" }],
["path", { d: "m14.31 8 5.74 9.94", key: "1y6ab4" }],
["path", { d: "M9.69 8h11.48", key: "1wxppr" }],
["path", { d: "m7.38 12 5.74-9.94", key: "1grp0k" }],
["path", { d: "M9.69 16 3.95 6.06", key: "libnyf" }],
["path", { d: "M14.31 16H2.83", key: "x5fava" }],
["path", { d: "m16.62 12-5.74 9.94", key: "1vwawt" }]
const AppWindowMac = createLucideIcon("AppWindowMac", [
["rect", { width: "20", height: "16", x: "2", y: "4", rx: "2", key: "18n3k1" }],
["path", { d: "M6 8h.01", key: "x9i8wu" }],
["path", { d: "M10 8h.01", key: "1r9ogq" }],
["path", { d: "M14 8h.01", key: "1primd" }]
const AppWindow = createLucideIcon("AppWindow", [
["rect", { x: "2", y: "4", width: "20", height: "16", rx: "2", key: "izxlao" }],
["path", { d: "M10 4v4", key: "pp8u80" }],
["path", { d: "M2 8h20", key: "d11cs7" }],
["path", { d: "M6 4v4", key: "1svtjw" }]
const Apple = createLucideIcon("Apple", [
d: "M12 20.94c1.5 0 2.75 1.06 4 1.06 3 0 6-8 6-12.22A4.91 4.91 0 0 0 17 5c-2.22 0-4 1.44-5 2-1-.56-2.78-2-5-2a4.9 4.9 0 0 0-5 4.78C2 14 5 22 8 22c1.25 0 2.5-1.06 4-1.06Z",
key: "3s7exb"
["path", { d: "M10 2c1 .5 2 2 2 5", key: "fcco2y" }]
const ArchiveRestore = createLucideIcon("ArchiveRestore", [
["rect", { width: "20", height: "5", x: "2", y: "3", rx: "1", key: "1wp1u1" }],
["path", { d: "M4 8v11a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h2", key: "tvwodi" }],
["path", { d: "M20 8v11a2 2 0 0 1-2 2h-2", key: "1gkqxj" }],
["path", { d: "m9 15 3-3 3 3", key: "1pd0qc" }],
["path", { d: "M12 12v9", key: "192myk" }]
const ArchiveX = createLucideIcon("ArchiveX", [
["rect", { width: "20", height: "5", x: "2", y: "3", rx: "1", key: "1wp1u1" }],
["path", { d: "M4 8v11a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h12a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V8", key: "1s80jp" }],
["path", { d: "m9.5 17 5-5", key: "nakeu6" }],
["path", { d: "m9.5 12 5 5", key: "1hccrj" }]
const Archive = createLucideIcon("Archive", [
["rect", { width: "20", height: "5", x: "2", y: "3", rx: "1", key: "1wp1u1" }],
["path", { d: "M4 8v11a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h12a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V8", key: "1s80jp" }],
["path", { d: "M10 12h4", key: "a56b0p" }]
const Armchair = createLucideIcon("Armchair", [
["path", { d: "M19 9V6a2 2 0 0 0-2-2H7a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v3", key: "irtipd" }],
d: "M3 16a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h14a2 2 0 0 0 2-2v-5a2 2 0 0 0-4 0v1.5a.5.5 0 0 1-.5.5h-9a.5.5 0 0 1-.5-.5V11a2 2 0 0 0-4 0z",
key: "1qyhux"
["path", { d: "M5 18v2", key: "ppbyun" }],
["path", { d: "M19 18v2", key: "gy7782" }]
const ArrowBigDownDash = createLucideIcon("ArrowBigDownDash", [
["path", { d: "M15 5H9", key: "1tp3ed" }],
["path", { d: "M15 9v3h4l-7 7-7-7h4V9z", key: "ncdc4b" }]
const ArrowBigDown = createLucideIcon("ArrowBigDown", [
["path", { d: "M15 6v6h4l-7 7-7-7h4V6h6z", key: "1thax2" }]
const ArrowBigLeftDash = createLucideIcon("ArrowBigLeftDash", [
["path", { d: "M19 15V9", key: "1hci5f" }],
["path", { d: "M15 15h-3v4l-7-7 7-7v4h3v6z", key: "16tjna" }]
const ArrowBigLeft = createLucideIcon("ArrowBigLeft", [
["path", { d: "M18 15h-6v4l-7-7 7-7v4h6v6z", key: "lbrdak" }]
const ArrowBigRightDash = createLucideIcon("ArrowBigRightDash", [
["path", { d: "M5 9v6", key: "158jrl" }],
["path", { d: "M9 9h3V5l7 7-7 7v-4H9V9z", key: "1sg2xn" }]
const ArrowBigRight = createLucideIcon("ArrowBigRight", [
["path", { d: "M6 9h6V5l7 7-7 7v-4H6V9z", key: "7fvt9c" }]
const ArrowBigUpDash = createLucideIcon("ArrowBigUpDash", [
["path", { d: "M9 19h6", key: "456am0" }],
["path", { d: "M9 15v-3H5l7-7 7 7h-4v3H9z", key: "1r2uve" }]
const ArrowBigUp = createLucideIcon("ArrowBigUp", [
["path", { d: "M9 18v-6H5l7-7 7 7h-4v6H9z", key: "1x06kx" }]
const ArrowDown01 = createLucideIcon("ArrowDown01", [
["path", { d: "m3 16 4 4 4-4", key: "1co6wj" }],
["path", { d: "M7 20V4", key: "1yoxec" }],
["rect", { x: "15", y: "4", width: "4", height: "6", ry: "2", key: "1bwicg" }],
["path", { d: "M17 20v-6h-2", key: "1qp1so" }],
["path", { d: "M15 20h4", key: "1j968p" }]
const ArrowDown10 = createLucideIcon("ArrowDown10", [
["path", { d: "m3 16 4 4 4-4", key: "1co6wj" }],
["path", { d: "M7 20V4", key: "1yoxec" }],
["path", { d: "M17 10V4h-2", key: "zcsr5x" }],
["path", { d: "M15 10h4", key: "id2lce" }],
["rect", { x: "15", y: "14", width: "4", height: "6", ry: "2", key: "33xykx" }]
const ArrowDownAZ = createLucideIcon("ArrowDownAZ", [
["path", { d: "m3 16 4 4 4-4", key: "1co6wj" }],
["path", { d: "M7 20V4", key: "1yoxec" }],
["path", { d: "M20 8h-5", key: "1vsyxs" }],
["path", { d: "M15 10V6.5a2.5 2.5 0 0 1 5 0V10", key: "ag13bf" }],
["path", { d: "M15 14h5l-5 6h5", key: "ur5jdg" }]
const ArrowDownFromLine = createLucideIcon("ArrowDownFromLine", [
["path", { d: "M19 3H5", key: "1236rx" }],
["path", { d: "M12 21V7", key: "gj6g52" }],
["path", { d: "m6 15 6 6 6-6", key: "h15q88" }]
const ArrowDownLeft = createLucideIcon("ArrowDownLeft", [
["path", { d: "M17 7 7 17", key: "15tmo1" }],
["path", { d: "M17 17H7V7", key: "1org7z" }]
const ArrowDownNarrowWide = createLucideIcon("ArrowDownNarrowWide", [
["path", { d: "m3 16 4 4 4-4", key: "1co6wj" }],
["path", { d: "M7 20V4", key: "1yoxec" }],
["path", { d: "M11 4h4", key: "6d7r33" }],
["path", { d: "M11 8h7", key: "djye34" }],
["path", { d: "M11 12h10", key: "1438ji" }]
const ArrowDownRight = createLucideIcon("ArrowDownRight", [
["path", { d: "m7 7 10 10", key: "1fmybs" }],
["path", { d: "M17 7v10H7", key: "6fjiku" }]
const ArrowDownToDot = createLucideIcon("ArrowDownToDot", [
["path", { d: "M12 2v14", key: "jyx4ut" }],
["path", { d: "m19 9-7 7-7-7", key: "1oe3oy" }],
["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "21", r: "1", key: "o0uj5v" }]
const ArrowDownToLine = createLucideIcon("ArrowDownToLine", [
["path", { d: "M12 17V3", key: "1cwfxf" }],
["path", { d: "m6 11 6 6 6-6", key: "12ii2o" }],
["path", { d: "M19 21H5", key: "150jfl" }]
const ArrowDownUp = createLucideIcon("ArrowDownUp", [
["path", { d: "m3 16 4 4 4-4", key: "1co6wj" }],
["path", { d: "M7 20V4", key: "1yoxec" }],
["path", { d: "m21 8-4-4-4 4", key: "1c9v7m" }],
["path", { d: "M17 4v16", key: "7dpous" }]
const ArrowDownWideNarrow = createLucideIcon("ArrowDownWideNarrow", [
["path", { d: "m3 16 4 4 4-4", key: "1co6wj" }],
["path", { d: "M7 20V4", key: "1yoxec" }],
["path", { d: "M11 4h10", key: "1w87gc" }],
["path", { d: "M11 8h7", key: "djye34" }],
["path", { d: "M11 12h4", key: "q8tih4" }]
const ArrowDownZA = createLucideIcon("ArrowDownZA", [
["path", { d: "m3 16 4 4 4-4", key: "1co6wj" }],
["path", { d: "M7 4v16", key: "1glfcx" }],
["path", { d: "M15 4h5l-5 6h5", key: "8asdl1" }],
["path", { d: "M15 20v-3.5a2.5 2.5 0 0 1 5 0V20", key: "r6l5cz" }],
["path", { d: "M20 18h-5", key: "18j1r2" }]
const ArrowDown = createLucideIcon("ArrowDown", [
["path", { d: "M12 5v14", key: "s699le" }],
["path", { d: "m19 12-7 7-7-7", key: "1idqje" }]
const ArrowLeftFromLine = createLucideIcon("ArrowLeftFromLine", [
["path", { d: "m9 6-6 6 6 6", key: "7v63n9" }],
["path", { d: "M3 12h14", key: "13k4hi" }],
["path", { d: "M21 19V5", key: "b4bplr" }]
const ArrowLeftRight = createLucideIcon("ArrowLeftRight", [
["path", { d: "M8 3 4 7l4 4", key: "9rb6wj" }],
["path", { d: "M4 7h16", key: "6tx8e3" }],
["path", { d: "m16 21 4-4-4-4", key: "siv7j2" }],
["path", { d: "M20 17H4", key: "h6l3hr" }]
const ArrowLeftToLine = createLucideIcon("ArrowLeftToLine", [
["path", { d: "M3 19V5", key: "rwsyhb" }],
["path", { d: "m13 6-6 6 6 6", key: "1yhaz7" }],
["path", { d: "M7 12h14", key: "uoisry" }]
const ArrowLeft = createLucideIcon("ArrowLeft", [
["path", { d: "m12 19-7-7 7-7", key: "1l729n" }],
["path", { d: "M19 12H5", key: "x3x0zl" }]
const ArrowRightFromLine = createLucideIcon("ArrowRightFromLine", [
["path", { d: "M3 5v14", key: "1nt18q" }],
["path", { d: "M21 12H7", key: "13ipq5" }],
["path", { d: "m15 18 6-6-6-6", key: "6tx3qv" }]
const ArrowRightLeft = createLucideIcon("ArrowRightLeft", [
["path", { d: "m16 3 4 4-4 4", key: "1x1c3m" }],
["path", { d: "M20 7H4", key: "zbl0bi" }],
["path", { d: "m8 21-4-4 4-4", key: "h9nckh" }],
["path", { d: "M4 17h16", key: "g4d7ey" }]
const ArrowRightToLine = createLucideIcon("ArrowRightToLine", [
["path", { d: "M17 12H3", key: "8awo09" }],
["path", { d: "m11 18 6-6-6-6", key: "8c2y43" }],
["path", { d: "M21 5v14", key: "nzette" }]
const ArrowRight = createLucideIcon("ArrowRight", [
["path", { d: "M5 12h14", key: "1ays0h" }],
["path", { d: "m12 5 7 7-7 7", key: "xquz4c" }]
const ArrowUp01 = createLucideIcon("ArrowUp01", [
["path", { d: "m3 8 4-4 4 4", key: "11wl7u" }],
["path", { d: "M7 4v16", key: "1glfcx" }],
["rect", { x: "15", y: "4", width: "4", height: "6", ry: "2", key: "1bwicg" }],
["path", { d: "M17 20v-6h-2", key: "1qp1so" }],
["path", { d: "M15 20h4", key: "1j968p" }]
const ArrowUp10 = createLucideIcon("ArrowUp10", [
["path", { d: "m3 8 4-4 4 4", key: "11wl7u" }],
["path", { d: "M7 4v16", key: "1glfcx" }],
["path", { d: "M17 10V4h-2", key: "zcsr5x" }],
["path", { d: "M15 10h4", key: "id2lce" }],
["rect", { x: "15", y: "14", width: "4", height: "6", ry: "2", key: "33xykx" }]
const ArrowUpAZ = createLucideIcon("ArrowUpAZ", [
["path", { d: "m3 8 4-4 4 4", key: "11wl7u" }],
["path", { d: "M7 4v16", key: "1glfcx" }],
["path", { d: "M20 8h-5", key: "1vsyxs" }],
["path", { d: "M15 10V6.5a2.5 2.5 0 0 1 5 0V10", key: "ag13bf" }],
["path", { d: "M15 14h5l-5 6h5", key: "ur5jdg" }]
const ArrowUpDown = createLucideIcon("ArrowUpDown", [
["path", { d: "m21 16-4 4-4-4", key: "f6ql7i" }],
["path", { d: "M17 20V4", key: "1ejh1v" }],
["path", { d: "m3 8 4-4 4 4", key: "11wl7u" }],
["path", { d: "M7 4v16", key: "1glfcx" }]
const ArrowUpFromDot = createLucideIcon("ArrowUpFromDot", [
["path", { d: "m5 9 7-7 7 7", key: "1hw5ic" }],
["path", { d: "M12 16V2", key: "ywoabb" }],
["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "21", r: "1", key: "o0uj5v" }]
const ArrowUpFromLine = createLucideIcon("ArrowUpFromLine", [
["path", { d: "m18 9-6-6-6 6", key: "kcunyi" }],
["path", { d: "M12 3v14", key: "7cf3v8" }],
["path", { d: "M5 21h14", key: "11awu3" }]
const ArrowUpLeft = createLucideIcon("ArrowUpLeft", [
["path", { d: "M7 17V7h10", key: "11bw93" }],
["path", { d: "M17 17 7 7", key: "2786uv" }]
const ArrowUpNarrowWide = createLucideIcon("ArrowUpNarrowWide", [
["path", { d: "m3 8 4-4 4 4", key: "11wl7u" }],
["path", { d: "M7 4v16", key: "1glfcx" }],
["path", { d: "M11 12h4", key: "q8tih4" }],
["path", { d: "M11 16h7", key: "uosisv" }],
["path", { d: "M11 20h10", key: "jvxblo" }]
const ArrowUpRight = createLucideIcon("ArrowUpRight", [
["path", { d: "M7 7h10v10", key: "1tivn9" }],
["path", { d: "M7 17 17 7", key: "1vkiza" }]
const ArrowUpToLine = createLucideIcon("ArrowUpToLine", [
["path", { d: "M5 3h14", key: "7usisc" }],
["path", { d: "m18 13-6-6-6 6", key: "1kf1n9" }],
["path", { d: "M12 7v14", key: "1akyts" }]
const ArrowUpWideNarrow = createLucideIcon("ArrowUpWideNarrow", [
["path", { d: "m3 8 4-4 4 4", key: "11wl7u" }],
["path", { d: "M7 4v16", key: "1glfcx" }],
["path", { d: "M11 12h10", key: "1438ji" }],
["path", { d: "M11 16h7", key: "uosisv" }],
["path", { d: "M11 20h4", key: "1krc32" }]
const ArrowUpZA = createLucideIcon("ArrowUpZA", [
["path", { d: "m3 8 4-4 4 4", key: "11wl7u" }],
["path", { d: "M7 4v16", key: "1glfcx" }],
["path", { d: "M15 4h5l-5 6h5", key: "8asdl1" }],
["path", { d: "M15 20v-3.5a2.5 2.5 0 0 1 5 0V20", key: "r6l5cz" }],
["path", { d: "M20 18h-5", key: "18j1r2" }]
const ArrowUp = createLucideIcon("ArrowUp", [
["path", { d: "m5 12 7-7 7 7", key: "hav0vg" }],
["path", { d: "M12 19V5", key: "x0mq9r" }]
const ArrowsUpFromLine = createLucideIcon("ArrowsUpFromLine", [
["path", { d: "m4 6 3-3 3 3", key: "9aidw8" }],
["path", { d: "M7 17V3", key: "19qxw1" }],
["path", { d: "m14 6 3-3 3 3", key: "6iy689" }],
["path", { d: "M17 17V3", key: "o0fmgi" }],
["path", { d: "M4 21h16", key: "1h09gz" }]
const Asterisk = createLucideIcon("Asterisk", [
["path", { d: "M12 6v12", key: "1vza4d" }],
["path", { d: "M17.196 9 6.804 15", key: "1ah31z" }],
["path", { d: "m6.804 9 10.392 6", key: "1b6pxd" }]
const AtSign = createLucideIcon("AtSign", [
["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "12", r: "4", key: "4exip2" }],
["path", { d: "M16 8v5a3 3 0 0 0 6 0v-1a10 10 0 1 0-4 8", key: "7n84p3" }]
const Atom = createLucideIcon("Atom", [
["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "12", r: "1", key: "41hilf" }],
d: "M20.2 20.2c2.04-2.03.02-7.36-4.5-11.9-4.54-4.52-9.87-6.54-11.9-4.5-2.04 2.03-.02 7.36 4.5 11.9 4.54 4.52 9.87 6.54 11.9 4.5Z",
key: "1l2ple"
d: "M15.7 15.7c4.52-4.54 6.54-9.87 4.5-11.9-2.03-2.04-7.36-.02-11.9 4.5-4.52 4.54-6.54 9.87-4.5 11.9 2.03 2.04 7.36.02 11.9-4.5Z",
key: "1wam0m"
const AudioLines = createLucideIcon("AudioLines", [
["path", { d: "M2 10v3", key: "1fnikh" }],
["path", { d: "M6 6v11", key: "11sgs0" }],
["path", { d: "M10 3v18", key: "yhl04a" }],
["path", { d: "M14 8v7", key: "3a1oy3" }],
["path", { d: "M18 5v13", key: "123xd1" }],
["path", { d: "M22 10v3", key: "154ddg" }]
const AudioWaveform = createLucideIcon("AudioWaveform", [
d: "M2 13a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V7a2 2 0 0 1 4 0v13a2 2 0 0 0 4 0V4a2 2 0 0 1 4 0v13a2 2 0 0 0 4 0v-4a2 2 0 0 1 2-2",
key: "57tc96"
const Award = createLucideIcon("Award", [
d: "m15.477 12.89 1.515 8.526a.5.5 0 0 1-.81.47l-3.58-2.687a1 1 0 0 0-1.197 0l-3.586 2.686a.5.5 0 0 1-.81-.469l1.514-8.526",
key: "1yiouv"
["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "8", r: "6", key: "1vp47v" }]
const Axe = createLucideIcon("Axe", [
["path", { d: "m14 12-8.5 8.5a2.12 2.12 0 1 1-3-3L11 9", key: "csbz4o" }],
["path", { d: "M15 13 9 7l4-4 6 6h3a8 8 0 0 1-7 7z", key: "113wfo" }]
const Axis3d = createLucideIcon("Axis3d", [
["path", { d: "M4 4v16h16", key: "1s015l" }],
["path", { d: "m4 20 7-7", key: "17qe9y" }]
const Baby = createLucideIcon("Baby", [
["path", { d: "M9 12h.01", key: "157uk2" }],
["path", { d: "M15 12h.01", key: "1k8ypt" }],
["path", { d: "M10 16c.5.3 1.2.5 2 .5s1.5-.2 2-.5", key: "1u7htd" }],
d: "M19 6.3a9 9 0 0 1 1.8 3.9 2 2 0 0 1 0 3.6 9 9 0 0 1-17.6 0 2 2 0 0 1 0-3.6A9 9 0 0 1 12 3c2 0 3.5 1.1 3.5 2.5s-.9 2.5-2 2.5c-.8 0-1.5-.4-1.5-1",
key: "5yv0yz"
const Backpack = createLucideIcon("Backpack", [
{ d: "M4 10a4 4 0 0 1 4-4h8a4 4 0 0 1 4 4v10a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H6a2 2 0 0 1-2-2z", key: "1ol0lm" }
["path", { d: "M8 10h8", key: "c7uz4u" }],
["path", { d: "M8 18h8", key: "1no2b1" }],
["path", { d: "M8 22v-6a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h4a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v6", key: "1fr6do" }],
["path", { d: "M9 6V4a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h2a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v2", key: "donm21" }]
const BadgeAlert = createLucideIcon("BadgeAlert", [
d: "M3.85 8.62a4 4 0 0 1 4.78-4.77 4 4 0 0 1 6.74 0 4 4 0 0 1 4.78 4.78 4 4 0 0 1 0 6.74 4 4 0 0 1-4.77 4.78 4 4 0 0 1-6.75 0 4 4 0 0 1-4.78-4.77 4 4 0 0 1 0-6.76Z",
key: "3c2336"
["line", { x1: "12", x2: "12", y1: "8", y2: "12", key: "1pkeuh" }],
["line", { x1: "12", x2: "12.01", y1: "16", y2: "16", key: "4dfq90" }]
const BadgeCent = createLucideIcon("BadgeCent", [
d: "M3.85 8.62a4 4 0 0 1 4.78-4.77 4 4 0 0 1 6.74 0 4 4 0 0 1 4.78 4.78 4 4 0 0 1 0 6.74 4 4 0 0 1-4.77 4.78 4 4 0 0 1-6.75 0 4 4 0 0 1-4.78-4.77 4 4 0 0 1 0-6.76Z",
key: "3c2336"
["path", { d: "M12 7v10", key: "jspqdw" }],
["path", { d: "M15.4 10a4 4 0 1 0 0 4", key: "2eqtx8" }]
const BadgeCheck = createLucideIcon("BadgeCheck", [
d: "M3.85 8.62a4 4 0 0 1 4.78-4.77 4 4 0 0 1 6.74 0 4 4 0 0 1 4.78 4.78 4 4 0 0 1 0 6.74 4 4 0 0 1-4.77 4.78 4 4 0 0 1-6.75 0 4 4 0 0 1-4.78-4.77 4 4 0 0 1 0-6.76Z",
key: "3c2336"
["path", { d: "m9 12 2 2 4-4", key: "dzmm74" }]
const BadgeDollarSign = createLucideIcon("BadgeDollarSign", [
d: "M3.85 8.62a4 4 0 0 1 4.78-4.77 4 4 0 0 1 6.74 0 4 4 0 0 1 4.78 4.78 4 4 0 0 1 0 6.74 4 4 0 0 1-4.77 4.78 4 4 0 0 1-6.75 0 4 4 0 0 1-4.78-4.77 4 4 0 0 1 0-6.76Z",
key: "3c2336"
["path", { d: "M16 8h-6a2 2 0 1 0 0 4h4a2 2 0 1 1 0 4H8", key: "1h4pet" }],
["path", { d: "M12 18V6", key: "zqpxq5" }]
const BadgeEuro = createLucideIcon("BadgeEuro", [
d: "M3.85 8.62a4 4 0 0 1 4.78-4.77 4 4 0 0 1 6.74 0 4 4 0 0 1 4.78 4.78 4 4 0 0 1 0 6.74 4 4 0 0 1-4.77 4.78 4 4 0 0 1-6.75 0 4 4 0 0 1-4.78-4.77 4 4 0 0 1 0-6.76Z",
key: "3c2336"
["path", { d: "M7 12h5", key: "gblrwe" }],
["path", { d: "M15 9.4a4 4 0 1 0 0 5.2", key: "1makmb" }]
const BadgeHelp = createLucideIcon("BadgeHelp", [
d: "M3.85 8.62a4 4 0 0 1 4.78-4.77 4 4 0 0 1 6.74 0 4 4 0 0 1 4.78 4.78 4 4 0 0 1 0 6.74 4 4 0 0 1-4.77 4.78 4 4 0 0 1-6.75 0 4 4 0 0 1-4.78-4.77 4 4 0 0 1 0-6.76Z",
key: "3c2336"
["path", { d: "M9.09 9a3 3 0 0 1 5.83 1c0 2-3 3-3 3", key: "1u773s" }],
["line", { x1: "12", x2: "12.01", y1: "17", y2: "17", key: "io3f8k" }]
const BadgeIndianRupee = createLucideIcon("BadgeIndianRupee", [
d: "M3.85 8.62a4 4 0 0 1 4.78-4.77 4 4 0 0 1 6.74 0 4 4 0 0 1 4.78 4.78 4 4 0 0 1 0 6.74 4 4 0 0 1-4.77 4.78 4 4 0 0 1-6.75 0 4 4 0 0 1-4.78-4.77 4 4 0 0 1 0-6.76Z",
key: "3c2336"
["path", { d: "M8 8h8", key: "1bis0t" }],
["path", { d: "M8 12h8", key: "1wcyev" }],
["path", { d: "m13 17-5-1h1a4 4 0 0 0 0-8", key: "nu2bwa" }]
const BadgeInfo = createLucideIcon("BadgeInfo", [
d: "M3.85 8.62a4 4 0 0 1 4.78-4.77 4 4 0 0 1 6.74 0 4 4 0 0 1 4.78 4.78 4 4 0 0 1 0 6.74 4 4 0 0 1-4.77 4.78 4 4 0 0 1-6.75 0 4 4 0 0 1-4.78-4.77 4 4 0 0 1 0-6.76Z",
key: "3c2336"
["line", { x1: "12", x2: "12", y1: "16", y2: "12", key: "1y1yb1" }],
["line", { x1: "12", x2: "12.01", y1: "8", y2: "8", key: "110wyk" }]
const BadgeJapaneseYen = createLucideIcon("BadgeJapaneseYen", [
d: "M3.85 8.62a4 4 0 0 1 4.78-4.77 4 4 0 0 1 6.74 0 4 4 0 0 1 4.78 4.78 4 4 0 0 1 0 6.74 4 4 0 0 1-4.77 4.78 4 4 0 0 1-6.75 0 4 4 0 0 1-4.78-4.77 4 4 0 0 1 0-6.76Z",
key: "3c2336"
["path", { d: "m9 8 3 3v7", key: "17yadx" }],
["path", { d: "m12 11 3-3", key: "p4cfq1" }],
["path", { d: "M9 12h6", key: "1c52cq" }],
["path", { d: "M9 16h6", key: "8wimt3" }]
const BadgeMinus = createLucideIcon("BadgeMinus", [
d: "M3.85 8.62a4 4 0 0 1 4.78-4.77 4 4 0 0 1 6.74 0 4 4 0 0 1 4.78 4.78 4 4 0 0 1 0 6.74 4 4 0 0 1-4.77 4.78 4 4 0 0 1-6.75 0 4 4 0 0 1-4.78-4.77 4 4 0 0 1 0-6.76Z",
key: "3c2336"
["line", { x1: "8", x2: "16", y1: "12", y2: "12", key: "1jonct" }]
const BadgePercent = createLucideIcon("BadgePercent", [
d: "M3.85 8.62a4 4 0 0 1 4.78-4.77 4 4 0 0 1 6.74 0 4 4 0 0 1 4.78 4.78 4 4 0 0 1 0 6.74 4 4 0 0 1-4.77 4.78 4 4 0 0 1-6.75 0 4 4 0 0 1-4.78-4.77 4 4 0 0 1 0-6.76Z",
key: "3c2336"
["path", { d: "m15 9-6 6", key: "1uzhvr" }],
["path", { d: "M9 9h.01", key: "1q5me6" }],
["path", { d: "M15 15h.01", key: "lqbp3k" }]
const BadgePlus = createLucideIcon("BadgePlus", [
d: "M3.85 8.62a4 4 0 0 1 4.78-4.77 4 4 0 0 1 6.74 0 4 4 0 0 1 4.78 4.78 4 4 0 0 1 0 6.74 4 4 0 0 1-4.77 4.78 4 4 0 0 1-6.75 0 4 4 0 0 1-4.78-4.77 4 4 0 0 1 0-6.76Z",
key: "3c2336"
["line", { x1: "12", x2: "12", y1: "8", y2: "16", key: "10p56q" }],
["line", { x1: "8", x2: "16", y1: "12", y2: "12", key: "1jonct" }]
const BadgePoundSterling = createLucideIcon("BadgePoundSterling", [
d: "M3.85 8.62a4 4 0 0 1 4.78-4.77 4 4 0 0 1 6.74 0 4 4 0 0 1 4.78 4.78 4 4 0 0 1 0 6.74 4 4 0 0 1-4.77 4.78 4 4 0 0 1-6.75 0 4 4 0 0 1-4.78-4.77 4 4 0 0 1 0-6.76Z",
key: "3c2336"
["path", { d: "M8 12h4", key: "qz6y1c" }],
["path", { d: "M10 16V9.5a2.5 2.5 0 0 1 5 0", key: "3mlbjk" }],
["path", { d: "M8 16h7", key: "sbedsn" }]
const BadgeRussianRuble = createLucideIcon("BadgeRussianRuble", [
d: "M3.85 8.62a4 4 0 0 1 4.78-4.77 4 4 0 0 1 6.74 0 4 4 0 0 1 4.78 4.78 4 4 0 0 1 0 6.74 4 4 0 0 1-4.77 4.78 4 4 0 0 1-6.75 0 4 4 0 0 1-4.78-4.77 4 4 0 0 1 0-6.76Z",
key: "3c2336"
["path", { d: "M9 16h5", key: "1syiyw" }],
["path", { d: "M9 12h5a2 2 0 1 0 0-4h-3v9", key: "1ge9c1" }]
const BadgeSwissFranc = createLucideIcon("BadgeSwissFranc", [
d: "M3.85 8.62a4 4 0 0 1 4.78-4.77 4 4 0 0 1 6.74 0 4 4 0 0 1 4.78 4.78 4 4 0 0 1 0 6.74 4 4 0 0 1-4.77 4.78 4 4 0 0 1-6.75 0 4 4 0 0 1-4.78-4.77 4 4 0 0 1 0-6.76Z",
key: "3c2336"
["path", { d: "M11 17V8h4", key: "1bfq6y" }],
["path", { d: "M11 12h3", key: "2eqnfz" }],
["path", { d: "M9 16h4", key: "1skf3a" }]
const BadgeX = createLucideIcon("BadgeX", [
d: "M3.85 8.62a4 4 0 0 1 4.78-4.77 4 4 0 0 1 6.74 0 4 4 0 0 1 4.78 4.78 4 4 0 0 1 0 6.74 4 4 0 0 1-4.77 4.78 4 4 0 0 1-6.75 0 4 4 0 0 1-4.78-4.77 4 4 0 0 1 0-6.76Z",
key: "3c2336"
["line", { x1: "15", x2: "9", y1: "9", y2: "15", key: "f7djnv" }],
["line", { x1: "9", x2: "15", y1: "9", y2: "15", key: "1shsy8" }]
const Badge = createLucideIcon("Badge", [
d: "M3.85 8.62a4 4 0 0 1 4.78-4.77 4 4 0 0 1 6.74 0 4 4 0 0 1 4.78 4.78 4 4 0 0 1 0 6.74 4 4 0 0 1-4.77 4.78 4 4 0 0 1-6.75 0 4 4 0 0 1-4.78-4.77 4 4 0 0 1 0-6.76Z",
key: "3c2336"
const BaggageClaim = createLucideIcon("BaggageClaim", [
["path", { d: "M22 18H6a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V7a2 2 0 0 0-2-2", key: "4irg2o" }],
["path", { d: "M17 14V4a2 2 0 0 0-2-2h-1a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v10", key: "14fcyx" }],
["rect", { width: "13", height: "8", x: "8", y: "6", rx: "1", key: "o6oiis" }],
["circle", { cx: "18", cy: "20", r: "2", key: "t9985n" }],
["circle", { cx: "9", cy: "20", r: "2", key: "e5v82j" }]
const Ban = createLucideIcon("Ban", [
["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "12", r: "10", key: "1mglay" }],
["path", { d: "m4.9 4.9 14.2 14.2", key: "1m5liu" }]
const Banana = createLucideIcon("Banana", [
["path", { d: "M4 13c3.5-2 8-2 10 2a5.5 5.5 0 0 1 8 5", key: "1cscit" }],
d: "M5.15 17.89c5.52-1.52 8.65-6.89 7-12C11.55 4 11.5 2 13 2c3.22 0 5 5.5 5 8 0 6.5-4.2 12-10.49 12C5.11 22 2 22 2 20c0-1.5 1.14-1.55 3.15-2.11Z",
key: "1y1nbv"
const Bandage = createLucideIcon("Bandage", [
["path", { d: "M10 10.01h.01", key: "1e9xi7" }],
["path", { d: "M10 14.01h.01", key: "ac23bv" }],
["path", { d: "M14 10.01h.01", key: "2wfrvf" }],
["path", { d: "M14 14.01h.01", key: "8tw8yn" }],
["path", { d: "M18 6v11.5", key: "dkbidh" }],
["path", { d: "M6 6v12", key: "vkc79e" }],
["rect", { x: "2", y: "6", width: "20", height: "12", rx: "2", key: "1wpnh2" }]
const Banknote = createLucideIcon("Banknote", [
["rect", { width: "20", height: "12", x: "2", y: "6", rx: "2", key: "9lu3g6" }],
["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "12", r: "2", key: "1c9p78" }],
["path", { d: "M6 12h.01M18 12h.01", key: "113zkx" }]
const Barcode = createLucideIcon("Barcode", [
["path", { d: "M3 5v14", key: "1nt18q" }],
["path", { d: "M8 5v14", key: "1ybrkv" }],
["path", { d: "M12 5v14", key: "s699le" }],
["path", { d: "M17 5v14", key: "ycjyhj" }],
["path", { d: "M21 5v14", key: "nzette" }]
const Baseline = createLucideIcon("Baseline", [
["path", { d: "M4 20h16", key: "14thso" }],
["path", { d: "m6 16 6-12 6 12", key: "1b4byz" }],
["path", { d: "M8 12h8", key: "1wcyev" }]
const Bath = createLucideIcon("Bath", [
["path", { d: "M10 4 8 6", key: "1rru8s" }],
["path", { d: "M17 19v2", key: "ts1sot" }],
["path", { d: "M2 12h20", key: "9i4pu4" }],
["path", { d: "M7 19v2", key: "12npes" }],
d: "M9 5 7.621 3.621A2.121 2.121 0 0 0 4 5v12a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h12a2 2 0 0 0 2-2v-5",
key: "14ym8i"
const BatteryCharging = createLucideIcon("BatteryCharging", [
["path", { d: "M15 7h1a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v6a2 2 0 0 1-2 2h-2", key: "1sdynx" }],
["path", { d: "M6 7H4a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v6a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h1", key: "1gkd3k" }],
["path", { d: "m11 7-3 5h4l-3 5", key: "b4a64w" }],
["line", { x1: "22", x2: "22", y1: "11", y2: "13", key: "4dh1rd" }]
const BatteryFull = createLucideIcon("BatteryFull", [
["rect", { width: "16", height: "10", x: "2", y: "7", rx: "2", ry: "2", key: "1w10f2" }],
["line", { x1: "22", x2: "22", y1: "11", y2: "13", key: "4dh1rd" }],
["line", { x1: "6", x2: "6", y1: "11", y2: "13", key: "1wd6dw" }],
["line", { x1: "10", x2: "10", y1: "11", y2: "13", key: "haxvl5" }],
["line", { x1: "14", x2: "14", y1: "11", y2: "13", key: "c6fn6x" }]
const BatteryLow = createLucideIcon("BatteryLow", [
["rect", { width: "16", height: "10", x: "2", y: "7", rx: "2", ry: "2", key: "1w10f2" }],
["line", { x1: "22", x2: "22", y1: "11", y2: "13", key: "4dh1rd" }],
["line", { x1: "6", x2: "6", y1: "11", y2: "13", key: "1wd6dw" }]
const BatteryMedium = createLucideIcon("BatteryMedium", [
["rect", { width: "16", height: "10", x: "2", y: "7", rx: "2", ry: "2", key: "1w10f2" }],
["line", { x1: "22", x2: "22", y1: "11", y2: "13", key: "4dh1rd" }],
["line", { x1: "6", x2: "6", y1: "11", y2: "13", key: "1wd6dw" }],
["line", { x1: "10", x2: "10", y1: "11", y2: "13", key: "haxvl5" }]
const BatteryWarning = createLucideIcon("BatteryWarning", [
["path", { d: "M10 17h.01", key: "nbq80n" }],
["path", { d: "M10 7v6", key: "nne03l" }],
["path", { d: "M14 7h2a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v6a2 2 0 0 1-2 2h-2", key: "1x5o8m" }],
["path", { d: "M22 11v2", key: "1wo06k" }],
["path", { d: "M6 7H4a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v6a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h2", key: "1mdjgh" }]
const Battery = createLucideIcon("Battery", [
["rect", { width: "16", height: "10", x: "2", y: "7", rx: "2", ry: "2", key: "1w10f2" }],
["line", { x1: "22", x2: "22", y1: "11", y2: "13", key: "4dh1rd" }]
const Beaker = createLucideIcon("Beaker", [
["path", { d: "M4.5 3h15", key: "c7n0jr" }],
["path", { d: "M6 3v16a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h8a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V3", key: "m1uhx7" }],
["path", { d: "M6 14h12", key: "4cwo0f" }]
const BeanOff = createLucideIcon("BeanOff", [
d: "M9 9c-.64.64-1.521.954-2.402 1.165A6 6 0 0 0 8 22a13.96 13.96 0 0 0 9.9-4.1",
key: "bq3udt"
["path", { d: "M10.75 5.093A6 6 0 0 1 22 8c0 2.411-.61 4.68-1.683 6.66", key: "17ccse" }],
d: "M5.341 10.62a4 4 0 0 0 6.487 1.208M10.62 5.341a4.015 4.015 0 0 1 2.039 2.04",
key: "18zqgq"
["line", { x1: "2", x2: "22", y1: "2", y2: "22", key: "a6p6uj" }]
const Bean = createLucideIcon("Bean", [
d: "M10.165 6.598C9.954 7.478 9.64 8.36 9 9c-.64.64-1.521.954-2.402 1.165A6 6 0 0 0 8 22c7.732 0 14-6.268 14-14a6 6 0 0 0-11.835-1.402Z",
key: "1tvzk7"
["path", { d: "M5.341 10.62a4 4 0 1 0 5.279-5.28", key: "2cyri2" }]
const BedDouble = createLucideIcon("BedDouble", [
["path", { d: "M2 20v-8a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h16a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v8", key: "1k78r4" }],
["path", { d: "M4 10V6a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h12a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v4", key: "fb3tl2" }],
["path", { d: "M12 4v6", key: "1dcgq2" }],
["path", { d: "M2 18h20", key: "ajqnye" }]
const BedSingle = createLucideIcon("BedSingle", [
["path", { d: "M3 20v-8a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h14a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v8", key: "1wm6mi" }],
["path", { d: "M5 10V6a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h10a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v4", key: "4k93s5" }],
["path", { d: "M3 18h18", key: "1h113x" }]
const Bed = createLucideIcon("Bed", [
["path", { d: "M2 4v16", key: "vw9hq8" }],
["path", { d: "M2 8h18a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v10", key: "1dgv2r" }],
["path", { d: "M2 17h20", key: "18nfp3" }],
["path", { d: "M6 8v9", key: "1yriud" }]
const Beef = createLucideIcon("Beef", [
["circle", { cx: "12.5", cy: "8.5", r: "2.5", key: "9738u8" }],
d: "M12.5 2a6.5 6.5 0 0 0-6.22 4.6c-1.1 3.13-.78 3.9-3.18 6.08A3 3 0 0 0 5 18c4 0 8.4-1.8 11.4-4.3A6.5 6.5 0 0 0 12.5 2Z",
key: "o0f6za"
d: "m18.5 6 2.19 4.5a6.48 6.48 0 0 1 .31 2 6.49 6.49 0 0 1-2.6 5.2C15.4 20.2 11 22 7 22a3 3 0 0 1-2.68-1.66L2.4 16.5",
key: "k7p6i0"
const BeerOff = createLucideIcon("BeerOff", [
["path", { d: "M13 13v5", key: "igwfh0" }],
["path", { d: "M17 11.47V8", key: "16yw0g" }],
["path", { d: "M17 11h1a3 3 0 0 1 2.745 4.211", key: "1xbt65" }],
["path", { d: "m2 2 20 20", key: "1ooewy" }],
["path", { d: "M5 8v12a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h8a2 2 0 0 0 2-2v-3", key: "c55o3e" }],
{ d: "M7.536 7.535C6.766 7.649 6.154 8 5.5 8a2.5 2.5 0 0 1-1.768-4.268", key: "1ydug7" }
d: "M8.727 3.204C9.306 2.767 9.885 2 11 2c1.56 0 2 1.5 3 1.5s1.72-.5 2.5-.5a1 1 0 1 1 0 5c-.78 0-1.5-.5-2.5-.5a3.149 3.149 0 0 0-.842.12",
key: "q81o7q"
["path", { d: "M9 14.6V18", key: "20ek98" }]
const Beer = createLucideIcon("Beer", [
["path", { d: "M17 11h1a3 3 0 0 1 0 6h-1", key: "1yp76v" }],
["path", { d: "M9 12v6", key: "1u1cab" }],
["path", { d: "M13 12v6", key: "1sugkk" }],
d: "M14 7.5c-1 0-1.44.5-3 .5s-2-.5-3-.5-1.72.5-2.5.5a2.5 2.5 0 0 1 0-5c.78 0 1.57.5 2.5.5S9.44 2 11 2s2 1.5 3 1.5 1.72-.5 2.5-.5a2.5 2.5 0 0 1 0 5c-.78 0-1.5-.5-2.5-.5Z",
key: "1510fo"
["path", { d: "M5 8v12a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h8a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V8", key: "19jb7n" }]
const BellDot = createLucideIcon("BellDot", [
["path", { d: "M10.268 21a2 2 0 0 0 3.464 0", key: "vwvbt9" }],
d: "M13.916 2.314A6 6 0 0 0 6 8c0 4.499-1.411 5.956-2.74 7.327A1 1 0 0 0 4 17h16a1 1 0 0 0 .74-1.673 9 9 0 0 1-.585-.665",
key: "1tip0g"
["circle", { cx: "18", cy: "8", r: "3", key: "1g0gzu" }]
const BellElectric = createLucideIcon("BellElectric", [
["path", { d: "M18.8 4A6.3 8.7 0 0 1 20 9", key: "xve1fh" }],
["path", { d: "M9 9h.01", key: "1q5me6" }],
["circle", { cx: "9", cy: "9", r: "7", key: "p2h5vp" }],
["rect", { width: "10", height: "6", x: "4", y: "16", rx: "2", key: "17f3te" }],
["path", { d: "M14 19c3 0 4.6-1.6 4.6-1.6", key: "n7odp6" }],
["circle", { cx: "20", cy: "16", r: "2", key: "1v9bxh" }]
const BellMinus = createLucideIcon("BellMinus", [
["path", { d: "M10.268 21a2 2 0 0 0 3.464 0", key: "vwvbt9" }],
["path", { d: "M15 8h6", key: "8ybuxh" }],
d: "M16.243 3.757A6 6 0 0 0 6 8c0 4.499-1.411 5.956-2.738 7.326A1 1 0 0 0 4 17h16a1 1 0 0 0 .74-1.673A9.4 9.4 0 0 1 18.667 12",
key: "bdwj86"
const BellOff = createLucideIcon("BellOff", [
["path", { d: "M10.268 21a2 2 0 0 0 3.464 0", key: "vwvbt9" }],
d: "M17 17H4a1 1 0 0 1-.74-1.673C4.59 13.956 6 12.499 6 8a6 6 0 0 1 .258-1.742",
key: "178tsu"
["path", { d: "m2 2 20 20", key: "1ooewy" }],
["path", { d: "M8.668 3.01A6 6 0 0 1 18 8c0 2.687.77 4.653 1.707 6.05", key: "1hqiys" }]
const BellPlus = createLucideIcon("BellPlus", [
["path", { d: "M10.268 21a2 2 0 0 0 3.464 0", key: "vwvbt9" }],
["path", { d: "M15 8h6", key: "8ybuxh" }],
["path", { d: "M18 5v6", key: "g5ayrv" }],
d: "M20.002 14.464a9 9 0 0 0 .738.863A1 1 0 0 1 20 17H4a1 1 0 0 1-.74-1.673C4.59 13.956 6 12.499 6 8a6 6 0 0 1 8.75-5.332",
key: "1abcvy"
const BellRing = createLucideIcon("BellRing", [
["path", { d: "M10.268 21a2 2 0 0 0 3.464 0", key: "vwvbt9" }],
["path", { d: "M22 8c0-2.3-.8-4.3-2-6", key: "5bb3ad" }],
d: "M3.262 15.326A1 1 0 0 0 4 17h16a1 1 0 0 0 .74-1.673C19.41 13.956 18 12.499 18 8A6 6 0 0 0 6 8c0 4.499-1.411 5.956-2.738 7.326",
key: "11g9vi"
["path", { d: "M4 2C2.8 3.7 2 5.7 2 8", key: "tap9e0" }]
const Bell = createLucideIcon("Bell", [
["path", { d: "M10.268 21a2 2 0 0 0 3.464 0", key: "vwvbt9" }],
d: "M3.262 15.326A1 1 0 0 0 4 17h16a1 1 0 0 0 .74-1.673C19.41 13.956 18 12.499 18 8A6 6 0 0 0 6 8c0 4.499-1.411 5.956-2.738 7.326",
key: "11g9vi"
const BetweenHorizontalEnd = createLucideIcon("BetweenHorizontalEnd", [
["rect", { width: "13", height: "7", x: "3", y: "3", rx: "1", key: "11xb64" }],
["path", { d: "m22 15-3-3 3-3", key: "26chmm" }],
["rect", { width: "13", height: "7", x: "3", y: "14", rx: "1", key: "k6ky7n" }]
const BetweenHorizontalStart = createLucideIcon("BetweenHorizontalStart", [
["rect", { width: "13", height: "7", x: "8", y: "3", rx: "1", key: "pkso9a" }],
["path", { d: "m2 9 3 3-3 3", key: "1agib5" }],
["rect", { width: "13", height: "7", x: "8", y: "14", rx: "1", key: "1q5fc1" }]
const BetweenVerticalEnd = createLucideIcon("BetweenVerticalEnd", [
["rect", { width: "7", height: "13", x: "3", y: "3", rx: "1", key: "1fdu0f" }],
["path", { d: "m9 22 3-3 3 3", key: "17z65a" }],
["rect", { width: "7", height: "13", x: "14", y: "3", rx: "1", key: "1squn4" }]
const BetweenVerticalStart = createLucideIcon("BetweenVerticalStart", [
["rect", { width: "7", height: "13", x: "3", y: "8", rx: "1", key: "1fjrkv" }],
["path", { d: "m15 2-3 3-3-3", key: "1uh6eb" }],
["rect", { width: "7", height: "13", x: "14", y: "8", rx: "1", key: "w3fjg8" }]
const BicepsFlexed = createLucideIcon("BicepsFlexed", [
d: "M12.409 13.017A5 5 0 0 1 22 15c0 3.866-4 7-9 7-4.077 0-8.153-.82-10.371-2.462-.426-.316-.631-.832-.62-1.362C2.118 12.723 2.627 2 10 2a3 3 0 0 1 3 3 2 2 0 0 1-2 2c-1.105 0-1.64-.444-2-1",
key: "1pmlyh"
["path", { d: "M15 14a5 5 0 0 0-7.584 2", key: "5rb254" }],
["path", { d: "M9.964 6.825C8.019 7.977 9.5 13 8 15", key: "kbvsx9" }]
const Bike = createLucideIcon("Bike", [
["circle", { cx: "18.5", cy: "17.5", r: "3.5", key: "15x4ox" }],
["circle", { cx: "5.5", cy: "17.5", r: "3.5", key: "1noe27" }],
["circle", { cx: "15", cy: "5", r: "1", key: "19l28e" }],
["path", { d: "M12 17.5V14l-3-3 4-3 2 3h2", key: "1npguv" }]
const Binary = createLucideIcon("Binary", [
["rect", { x: "14", y: "14", width: "4", height: "6", rx: "2", key: "p02svl" }],
["rect", { x: "6", y: "4", width: "4", height: "6", rx: "2", key: "xm4xkj" }],
["path", { d: "M6 20h4", key: "1i6q5t" }],
["path", { d: "M14 10h4", key: "ru81e7" }],
["path", { d: "M6 14h2v6", key: "16z9wg" }],
["path", { d: "M14 4h2v6", key: "1idq9u" }]
const Binoculars = createLucideIcon("Binoculars", [
["path", { d: "M10 10h4", key: "tcdvrf" }],
["path", { d: "M19 7V4a1 1 0 0 0-1-1h-2a1 1 0 0 0-1 1v3", key: "3apit1" }],
d: "M20 21a2 2 0 0 0 2-2v-3.851c0-1.39-2-2.962-2-4.829V8a1 1 0 0 0-1-1h-4a1 1 0 0 0-1 1v11a2 2 0 0 0 2 2z",
key: "rhpgnw"
["path", { d: "M 22 16 L 2 16", key: "14lkq7" }],
d: "M4 21a2 2 0 0 1-2-2v-3.851c0-1.39 2-2.962 2-4.829V8a1 1 0 0 1 1-1h4a1 1 0 0 1 1 1v11a2 2 0 0 1-2 2z",
key: "104b3k"
["path", { d: "M9 7V4a1 1 0 0 0-1-1H6a1 1 0 0 0-1 1v3", key: "14fczp" }]
const Biohazard = createLucideIcon("Biohazard", [
["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "11.9", r: "2", key: "e8h31w" }],
["path", { d: "M6.7 3.4c-.9 2.5 0 5.2 2.2 6.7C6.5 9 3.7 9.6 2 11.6", key: "17bolr" }],
["path", { d: "m8.9 10.1 1.4.8", key: "15ezny" }],
["path", { d: "M17.3 3.4c.9 2.5 0 5.2-2.2 6.7 2.4-1.2 5.2-.6 6.9 1.5", key: "wtwa5u" }],
["path", { d: "m15.1 10.1-1.4.8", key: "1r0b28" }],
["path", { d: "M16.7 20.8c-2.6-.4-4.6-2.6-4.7-5.3-.2 2.6-2.1 4.8-4.7 5.2", key: "m7qszh" }],
["path", { d: "M12 13.9v1.6", key: "zfyyim" }],
["path", { d: "M13.5 5.4c-1-.2-2-.2-3 0", key: "1bi9q0" }],
["path", { d: "M17 16.4c.7-.7 1.2-1.6 1.5-2.5", key: "1rhjqw" }],
["path", { d: "M5.5 13.9c.3.9.8 1.8 1.5 2.5", key: "8gsud3" }]
const Bird = createLucideIcon("Bird", [
["path", { d: "M16 7h.01", key: "1kdx03" }],
["path", { d: "M3.4 18H12a8 8 0 0 0 8-8V7a4 4 0 0 0-7.28-2.3L2 20", key: "oj1oa8" }],
["path", { d: "m20 7 2 .5-2 .5", key: "12nv4d" }],
["path", { d: "M10 18v3", key: "1yea0a" }],
["path", { d: "M14 17.75V21", key: "1pymcb" }],
["path", { d: "M7 18a6 6 0 0 0 3.84-10.61", key: "1npnn0" }]
const Bitcoin = createLucideIcon("Bitcoin", [
d: "M11.767 19.089c4.924.868 6.14-6.025 1.216-6.894m-1.216 6.894L5.86 18.047m5.908 1.042-.347 1.97m1.563-8.864c4.924.869 6.14-6.025 1.215-6.893m-1.215 6.893-3.94-.694m5.155-6.2L8.29 4.26m5.908 1.042.348-1.97M7.48 20.364l3.126-17.727",
key: "yr8idg"
const Blend = createLucideIcon("Blend", [
["circle", { cx: "9", cy: "9", r: "7", key: "p2h5vp" }],
["circle", { cx: "15", cy: "15", r: "7", key: "19ennj" }]
const Blinds = createLucideIcon("Blinds", [
["path", { d: "M3 3h18", key: "o7r712" }],
["path", { d: "M20 7H8", key: "gd2fo2" }],
["path", { d: "M20 11H8", key: "1ynp89" }],
["path", { d: "M10 19h10", key: "19hjk5" }],
["path", { d: "M8 15h12", key: "1yqzne" }],
["path", { d: "M4 3v14", key: "fggqzn" }],
["circle", { cx: "4", cy: "19", r: "2", key: "p3m9r0" }]
const Blocks = createLucideIcon("Blocks", [
["rect", { width: "7", height: "7", x: "14", y: "3", rx: "1", key: "6d4xhi" }],
d: "M10 21V8a1 1 0 0 0-1-1H4a1 1 0 0 0-1 1v12a1 1 0 0 0 1 1h12a1 1 0 0 0 1-1v-5a1 1 0 0 0-1-1H3",
key: "1fpvtg"
const BluetoothConnected = createLucideIcon("BluetoothConnected", [
["path", { d: "m7 7 10 10-5 5V2l5 5L7 17", key: "1q5490" }],
["line", { x1: "18", x2: "21", y1: "12", y2: "12", key: "1rsjjs" }],
["line", { x1: "3", x2: "6", y1: "12", y2: "12", key: "11yl8c" }]
const BluetoothOff = createLucideIcon("BluetoothOff", [
["path", { d: "m17 17-5 5V12l-5 5", key: "v5aci6" }],
["path", { d: "m2 2 20 20", key: "1ooewy" }],
["path", { d: "M14.5 9.5 17 7l-5-5v4.5", key: "1kddfz" }]
const BluetoothSearching = createLucideIcon("BluetoothSearching", [
["path", { d: "m7 7 10 10-5 5V2l5 5L7 17", key: "1q5490" }],
["path", { d: "M20.83 14.83a4 4 0 0 0 0-5.66", key: "k8tn1j" }],
["path", { d: "M18 12h.01", key: "yjnet6" }]
const Bluetooth = createLucideIcon("Bluetooth", [
["path", { d: "m7 7 10 10-5 5V2l5 5L7 17", key: "1q5490" }]
const Bold = createLucideIcon("Bold", [
{ d: "M6 12h9a4 4 0 0 1 0 8H7a1 1 0 0 1-1-1V5a1 1 0 0 1 1-1h7a4 4 0 0 1 0 8", key: "mg9rjx" }
const Bolt = createLucideIcon("Bolt", [
d: "M21 16V8a2 2 0 0 0-1-1.73l-7-4a2 2 0 0 0-2 0l-7 4A2 2 0 0 0 3 8v8a2 2 0 0 0 1 1.73l7 4a2 2 0 0 0 2 0l7-4A2 2 0 0 0 21 16z",
key: "yt0hxn"
["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "12", r: "4", key: "4exip2" }]
const Bomb = createLucideIcon("Bomb", [
["circle", { cx: "11", cy: "13", r: "9", key: "hd149" }],
d: "M14.35 4.65 16.3 2.7a2.41 2.41 0 0 1 3.4 0l1.6 1.6a2.4 2.4 0 0 1 0 3.4l-1.95 1.95",
key: "jp4j1b"
["path", { d: "m22 2-1.5 1.5", key: "ay92ug" }]
const Bone = createLucideIcon("Bone", [
d: "M17 10c.7-.7 1.69 0 2.5 0a2.5 2.5 0 1 0 0-5 .5.5 0 0 1-.5-.5 2.5 2.5 0 1 0-5 0c0 .81.7 1.8 0 2.5l-7 7c-.7.7-1.69 0-2.5 0a2.5 2.5 0 0 0 0 5c.28 0 . 2.5 0 1 0 5 0c0-.81-.7-1.8 0-2.5Z",
key: "w610uw"
const BookA = createLucideIcon("BookA", [
d: "M4 19.5v-15A2.5 2.5 0 0 1 6.5 2H19a1 1 0 0 1 1 1v18a1 1 0 0 1-1 1H6.5a1 1 0 0 1 0-5H20",
key: "k3hazp"
["path", { d: "m8 13 4-7 4 7", key: "4rari8" }],
["path", { d: "M9.1 11h5.7", key: "1gkovt" }]
const BookAudio = createLucideIcon("BookAudio", [
["path", { d: "M12 6v7", key: "1f6ttz" }],
["path", { d: "M16 8v3", key: "gejaml" }],
d: "M4 19.5v-15A2.5 2.5 0 0 1 6.5 2H19a1 1 0 0 1 1 1v18a1 1 0 0 1-1 1H6.5a1 1 0 0 1 0-5H20",
key: "k3hazp"
["path", { d: "M8 8v3", key: "1qzp49" }]
const BookCheck = createLucideIcon("BookCheck", [
d: "M4 19.5v-15A2.5 2.5 0 0 1 6.5 2H19a1 1 0 0 1 1 1v18a1 1 0 0 1-1 1H6.5a1 1 0 0 1 0-5H20",
key: "k3hazp"
["path", { d: "m9 9.5 2 2 4-4", key: "1dth82" }]
const BookCopy = createLucideIcon("BookCopy", [
["path", { d: "M2 16V4a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h11", key: "spzkk5" }],
d: "M22 18H11a2 2 0 1 0 0 4h10.5a.5.5 0 0 0 .5-.5v-15a.5.5 0 0 0-.5-.5H11a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v12",
key: "1wz07i"
["path", { d: "M5 14H4a2 2 0 1 0 0 4h1", key: "16gqf9" }]
const BookDashed = createLucideIcon("BookDashed", [
["path", { d: "M12 17h1.5", key: "1gkc67" }],
["path", { d: "M12 22h1.5", key: "1my7sn" }],
["path", { d: "M12 2h1.5", key: "19tvb7" }],
["path", { d: "M17.5 22H19a1 1 0 0 0 1-1", key: "10akbh" }],
["path", { d: "M17.5 2H19a1 1 0 0 1 1 1v1.5", key: "1vrfjs" }],
["path", { d: "M20 14v3h-2.5", key: "1naeju" }],
["path", { d: "M20 8.5V10", key: "1ctpfu" }],
["path", { d: "M4 10V8.5", key: "1o3zg5" }],
["path", { d: "M4 19.5V14", key: "ob81pf" }],
["path", { d: "M4 4.5A2.5 2.5 0 0 1 6.5 2H8", key: "s8vcyb" }],
["path", { d: "M8 22H6.5a1 1 0 0 1 0-5H8", key: "1cu73q" }]
const BookDown = createLucideIcon("BookDown", [
["path", { d: "M12 13V7", key: "h0r20n" }],
d: "M4 19.5v-15A2.5 2.5 0 0 1 6.5 2H19a1 1 0 0 1 1 1v18a1 1 0 0 1-1 1H6.5a1 1 0 0 1 0-5H20",
key: "k3hazp"
["path", { d: "m9 10 3 3 3-3", key: "zt5b4y" }]
const BookHeadphones = createLucideIcon("BookHeadphones", [
d: "M4 19.5v-15A2.5 2.5 0 0 1 6.5 2H19a1 1 0 0 1 1 1v18a1 1 0 0 1-1 1H6.5a1 1 0 0 1 0-5H20",
key: "k3hazp"
["path", { d: "M8 12v-2a4 4 0 0 1 8 0v2", key: "1vsqkj" }],
["circle", { cx: "15", cy: "12", r: "1", key: "1tmaij" }],
["circle", { cx: "9", cy: "12", r: "1", key: "1vctgf" }]
const BookHeart = createLucideIcon("BookHeart", [
d: "M16 8.2A2.22 2.22 0 0 0 13.8 6c-.8 0-1.4.3-1.8.9-.4-.6-1-.9-1.8-.9A2.22 2.22 0 0 0 8 8.2c0 .6.3 1.2.7 1.6A226.652 226.652 0 0 0 12 13a404 404 0 0 0 3.3-3.1 2.413 2.413 0 0 0 .7-1.7",
key: "1t75a8"
d: "M4 19.5v-15A2.5 2.5 0 0 1 6.5 2H19a1 1 0 0 1 1 1v18a1 1 0 0 1-1 1H6.5a1 1 0 0 1 0-5H20",
key: "k3hazp"
const BookImage = createLucideIcon("BookImage", [
["path", { d: "m20 13.7-2.1-2.1a2 2 0 0 0-2.8 0L9.7 17", key: "q6ojf0" }],
d: "M4 19.5v-15A2.5 2.5 0 0 1 6.5 2H19a1 1 0 0 1 1 1v18a1 1 0 0 1-1 1H6.5a1 1 0 0 1 0-5H20",
key: "k3hazp"
["circle", { cx: "10", cy: "8", r: "2", key: "2qkj4p" }]
const BookKey = createLucideIcon("BookKey", [
["path", { d: "m19 3 1 1", key: "ze14oc" }],
["path", { d: "m20 2-4.5 4.5", key: "1sppr8" }],
["path", { d: "M20 8v13a1 1 0 0 1-1 1H6.5a1 1 0 0 1 0-5H20", key: "1ocbpn" }],
["path", { d: "M4 19.5v-15A2.5 2.5 0 0 1 6.5 2H14", key: "1gfsgw" }],
["circle", { cx: "14", cy: "8", r: "2", key: "u49eql" }]
const BookLock = createLucideIcon("BookLock", [
["path", { d: "M18 6V4a2 2 0 1 0-4 0v2", key: "1aquzs" }],
["path", { d: "M20 15v6a1 1 0 0 1-1 1H6.5a1 1 0 0 1 0-5H20", key: "1rkj32" }],
["path", { d: "M4 19.5v-15A2.5 2.5 0 0 1 6.5 2H10", key: "18wgow" }],
["rect", { x: "12", y: "6", width: "8", height: "5", rx: "1", key: "73l30o" }]
const BookMarked = createLucideIcon("BookMarked", [
["path", { d: "M10 2v8l3-3 3 3V2", key: "sqw3rj" }],
d: "M4 19.5v-15A2.5 2.5 0 0 1 6.5 2H19a1 1 0 0 1 1 1v18a1 1 0 0 1-1 1H6.5a1 1 0 0 1 0-5H20",
key: "k3hazp"
const BookMinus = createLucideIcon("BookMinus", [
d: "M4 19.5v-15A2.5 2.5 0 0 1 6.5 2H19a1 1 0 0 1 1 1v18a1 1 0 0 1-1 1H6.5a1 1 0 0 1 0-5H20",
key: "k3hazp"
["path", { d: "M9 10h6", key: "9gxzsh" }]
const BookOpenCheck = createLucideIcon("BookOpenCheck", [
["path", { d: "M12 21V7", key: "gj6g52" }],
["path", { d: "m16 12 2 2 4-4", key: "mdajum" }],
d: "M22 6V4a1 1 0 0 0-1-1h-5a4 4 0 0 0-4 4 4 4 0 0 0-4-4H3a1 1 0 0 0-1 1v13a1 1 0 0 0 1 1h6a3 3 0 0 1 3 3 3 3 0 0 1 3-3h6a1 1 0 0 0 1-1v-1.3",
key: "8arnkb"
const BookOpenText = createLucideIcon("BookOpenText", [
["path", { d: "M12 7v14", key: "1akyts" }],
["path", { d: "M16 12h2", key: "7q9ll5" }],
["path", { d: "M16 8h2", key: "msurwy" }],
d: "M3 18a1 1 0 0 1-1-1V4a1 1 0 0 1 1-1h5a4 4 0 0 1 4 4 4 4 0 0 1 4-4h5a1 1 0 0 1 1 1v13a1 1 0 0 1-1 1h-6a3 3 0 0 0-3 3 3 3 0 0 0-3-3z",
key: "ruj8y"
["path", { d: "M6 12h2", key: "32wvfc" }],
["path", { d: "M6 8h2", key: "30oboj" }]
const BookOpen = createLucideIcon("BookOpen", [
["path", { d: "M12 7v14", key: "1akyts" }],
d: "M3 18a1 1 0 0 1-1-1V4a1 1 0 0 1 1-1h5a4 4 0 0 1 4 4 4 4 0 0 1 4-4h5a1 1 0 0 1 1 1v13a1 1 0 0 1-1 1h-6a3 3 0 0 0-3 3 3 3 0 0 0-3-3z",
key: "ruj8y"
const BookPlus = createLucideIcon("BookPlus", [
["path", { d: "M12 7v6", key: "lw1j43" }],
d: "M4 19.5v-15A2.5 2.5 0 0 1 6.5 2H19a1 1 0 0 1 1 1v18a1 1 0 0 1-1 1H6.5a1 1 0 0 1 0-5H20",
key: "k3hazp"
["path", { d: "M9 10h6", key: "9gxzsh" }]
const BookText = createLucideIcon("BookText", [
d: "M4 19.5v-15A2.5 2.5 0 0 1 6.5 2H19a1 1 0 0 1 1 1v18a1 1 0 0 1-1 1H6.5a1 1 0 0 1 0-5H20",
key: "k3hazp"
["path", { d: "M8 11h8", key: "vwpz6n" }],
["path", { d: "M8 7h6", key: "1f0q6e" }]
const BookType = createLucideIcon("BookType", [
["path", { d: "M10 13h4", key: "ytezjc" }],
["path", { d: "M12 6v7", key: "1f6ttz" }],
["path", { d: "M16 8V6H8v2", key: "x8j6u4" }],
d: "M4 19.5v-15A2.5 2.5 0 0 1 6.5 2H19a1 1 0 0 1 1 1v18a1 1 0 0 1-1 1H6.5a1 1 0 0 1 0-5H20",
key: "k3hazp"
const BookUp2 = createLucideIcon("BookUp2", [
["path", { d: "M12 13V7", key: "h0r20n" }],
["path", { d: "M18 2h1a1 1 0 0 1 1 1v18a1 1 0 0 1-1 1H6.5a1 1 0 0 1 0-5H20", key: "161d7n" }],
["path", { d: "M4 19.5v-15A2.5 2.5 0 0 1 6.5 2", key: "1lorq7" }],
["path", { d: "m9 10 3-3 3 3", key: "11gsxs" }],
["path", { d: "m9 5 3-3 3 3", key: "l8vdw6" }]
const BookUp = createLucideIcon("BookUp", [
["path", { d: "M12 13V7", key: "h0r20n" }],
d: "M4 19.5v-15A2.5 2.5 0 0 1 6.5 2H19a1 1 0 0 1 1 1v18a1 1 0 0 1-1 1H6.5a1 1 0 0 1 0-5H20",
key: "k3hazp"
["path", { d: "m9 10 3-3 3 3", key: "11gsxs" }]
const BookUser = createLucideIcon("BookUser", [
["path", { d: "M15 13a3 3 0 1 0-6 0", key: "10j68g" }],
d: "M4 19.5v-15A2.5 2.5 0 0 1 6.5 2H19a1 1 0 0 1 1 1v18a1 1 0 0 1-1 1H6.5a1 1 0 0 1 0-5H20",
key: "k3hazp"
["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "8", r: "2", key: "1822b1" }]
const BookX = createLucideIcon("BookX", [
["path", { d: "m14.5 7-5 5", key: "dy991v" }],
d: "M4 19.5v-15A2.5 2.5 0 0 1 6.5 2H19a1 1 0 0 1 1 1v18a1 1 0 0 1-1 1H6.5a1 1 0 0 1 0-5H20",
key: "k3hazp"
["path", { d: "m9.5 7 5 5", key: "s45iea" }]
const Book = createLucideIcon("Book", [
d: "M4 19.5v-15A2.5 2.5 0 0 1 6.5 2H19a1 1 0 0 1 1 1v18a1 1 0 0 1-1 1H6.5a1 1 0 0 1 0-5H20",
key: "k3hazp"
const BookmarkCheck = createLucideIcon("BookmarkCheck", [
["path", { d: "m19 21-7-4-7 4V5a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h10a2 2 0 0 1 2 2Z", key: "169p4p" }],
["path", { d: "m9 10 2 2 4-4", key: "1gnqz4" }]
const BookmarkMinus = createLucideIcon("BookmarkMinus", [
["path", { d: "m19 21-7-4-7 4V5a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h10a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v16z", key: "1fy3hk" }],
["line", { x1: "15", x2: "9", y1: "10", y2: "10", key: "1gty7f" }]
const BookmarkPlus = createLucideIcon("BookmarkPlus", [
["path", { d: "m19 21-7-4-7 4V5a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h10a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v16z", key: "1fy3hk" }],
["line", { x1: "12", x2: "12", y1: "7", y2: "13", key: "1cppfj" }],
["line", { x1: "15", x2: "9", y1: "10", y2: "10", key: "1gty7f" }]
const BookmarkX = createLucideIcon("BookmarkX", [
["path", { d: "m19 21-7-4-7 4V5a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h10a2 2 0 0 1 2 2Z", key: "169p4p" }],
["path", { d: "m14.5 7.5-5 5", key: "3lb6iw" }],
["path", { d: "m9.5 7.5 5 5", key: "ko136h" }]
const Bookmark = createLucideIcon("Bookmark", [
["path", { d: "m19 21-7-4-7 4V5a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h10a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v16z", key: "1fy3hk" }]
const BoomBox = createLucideIcon("BoomBox", [
["path", { d: "M4 9V5a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h12a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v4", key: "vvzvr1" }],
["path", { d: "M8 8v1", key: "xcqmfk" }],
["path", { d: "M12 8v1", key: "1rj8u4" }],
["path", { d: "M16 8v1", key: "1q12zr" }],
["rect", { width: "20", height: "12", x: "2", y: "9", rx: "2", key: "igpb89" }],
["circle", { cx: "8", cy: "15", r: "2", key: "fa4a8s" }],
["circle", { cx: "16", cy: "15", r: "2", key: "14c3ya" }]
const BotMessageSquare = createLucideIcon("BotMessageSquare", [
["path", { d: "M12 6V2H8", key: "1155em" }],
["path", { d: "m8 18-4 4V8a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h12a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v8a2 2 0 0 1-2 2Z", key: "w2lp3e" }],
["path", { d: "M2 12h2", key: "1t8f8n" }],
["path", { d: "M9 11v2", key: "1ueba0" }],
["path", { d: "M15 11v2", key: "i11awn" }],
["path", { d: "M20 12h2", key: "1q8mjw" }]
const BotOff = createLucideIcon("BotOff", [
["path", { d: "M13.67 8H18a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v4.33", key: "7az073" }],
["path", { d: "M2 14h2", key: "vft8re" }],
["path", { d: "M20 14h2", key: "4cs60a" }],
["path", { d: "M22 22 2 2", key: "1r8tn9" }],
["path", { d: "M8 8H6a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v8a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h12a2 2 0 0 0 1.414-.586", key: "s09a7a" }],
["path", { d: "M9 13v2", key: "rq6x2g" }],
["path", { d: "M9.67 4H12v2.33", key: "110xot" }]
const Bot = createLucideIcon("Bot", [
["path", { d: "M12 8V4H8", key: "hb8ula" }],
["rect", { width: "16", height: "12", x: "4", y: "8", rx: "2", key: "enze0r" }],
["path", { d: "M2 14h2", key: "vft8re" }],
["path", { d: "M20 14h2", key: "4cs60a" }],
["path", { d: "M15 13v2", key: "1xurst" }],
["path", { d: "M9 13v2", key: "rq6x2g" }]
const Box = createLucideIcon("Box", [
d: "M21 8a2 2 0 0 0-1-1.73l-7-4a2 2 0 0 0-2 0l-7 4A2 2 0 0 0 3 8v8a2 2 0 0 0 1 1.73l7 4a2 2 0 0 0 2 0l7-4A2 2 0 0 0 21 16Z",
key: "hh9hay"
["path", { d: "m3.3 7 8.7 5 8.7-5", key: "g66t2b" }],
["path", { d: "M12 22V12", key: "d0xqtd" }]
const Boxes = createLucideIcon("Boxes", [
d: "M2.97 12.92A2 2 0 0 0 2 14.63v3.24a2 2 0 0 0 .97 1.71l3 1.8a2 2 0 0 0 2.06 0L12 19v-5.5l-5-3-4.03 2.42Z",
key: "lc1i9w"
["path", { d: "m7 16.5-4.74-2.85", key: "1o9zyk" }],
["path", { d: "m7 16.5 5-3", key: "va8pkn" }],
["path", { d: "M7 16.5v5.17", key: "jnp8gn" }],
d: "M12 13.5V19l3.97 2.38a2 2 0 0 0 2.06 0l3-1.8a2 2 0 0 0 .97-1.71v-3.24a2 2 0 0 0-.97-1.71L17 10.5l-5 3Z",
key: "8zsnat"
["path", { d: "m17 16.5-5-3", key: "8arw3v" }],
["path", { d: "m17 16.5 4.74-2.85", key: "8rfmw" }],
["path", { d: "M17 16.5v5.17", key: "k6z78m" }],
d: "M7.97 4.42A2 2 0 0 0 7 6.13v4.37l5 3 5-3V6.13a2 2 0 0 0-.97-1.71l-3-1.8a2 2 0 0 0-2.06 0l-3 1.8Z",
key: "1xygjf"
["path", { d: "M12 8 7.26 5.15", key: "1vbdud" }],
["path", { d: "m12 8 4.74-2.85", key: "3rx089" }],
["path", { d: "M12 13.5V8", key: "1io7kd" }]
const Braces = createLucideIcon("Braces", [
{ d: "M8 3H7a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v5a2 2 0 0 1-2 2 2 2 0 0 1 2 2v5c0 1.1.9 2 2 2h1", key: "ezmyqa" }
d: "M16 21h1a2 2 0 0 0 2-2v-5c0-1.1.9-2 2-2a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V5a2 2 0 0 0-2-2h-1",
key: "e1hn23"
const Brackets = createLucideIcon("Brackets", [
["path", { d: "M16 3h3v18h-3", key: "1yor1f" }],
["path", { d: "M8 21H5V3h3", key: "1qrfwo" }]
const BrainCircuit = createLucideIcon("BrainCircuit", [
d: "M12 5a3 3 0 1 0-5.997.125 4 4 0 0 0-2.526 5.77 4 4 0 0 0 .556 6.588A4 4 0 1 0 12 18Z",
key: "l5xja"
["path", { d: "M9 13a4.5 4.5 0 0 0 3-4", key: "10igwf" }],
["path", { d: "M6.003 5.125A3 3 0 0 0 6.401 6.5", key: "105sqy" }],
["path", { d: "M3.477 10.896a4 4 0 0 1 .585-.396", key: "ql3yin" }],
["path", { d: "M6 18a4 4 0 0 1-1.967-.516", key: "2e4loj" }],
["path", { d: "M12 13h4", key: "1ku699" }],
["path", { d: "M12 18h6a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v1", key: "105ag5" }],
["path", { d: "M12 8h8", key: "1lhi5i" }],
["path", { d: "M16 8V5a2 2 0 0 1 2-2", key: "u6izg6" }],
["circle", { cx: "16", cy: "13", r: ".5", key: "ry7gng" }],
["circle", { cx: "18", cy: "3", r: ".5", key: "1aiba7" }],
["circle", { cx: "20", cy: "21", r: ".5", key: "yhc1fs" }],
["circle", { cx: "20", cy: "8", r: ".5", key: "1e43v0" }]
const BrainCog = createLucideIcon("BrainCog", [
d: "M12 5a3 3 0 1 0-5.997.142 4 4 0 0 0-2.526 5.77 4 4 0 0 0 .556 6.588 4 4 0 0 0 7.636 2.106 3.2 3.2 0 0 0 .164-.546c.028-.13.306-.13.335 0a3.2 3.2 0 0 0 .163.546 4 4 0 0 0 7.636-2.106 4 4 0 0 0 .556-6.588 4 4 0 0 0-2.526-5.77A3 3 0 1 0 12 5",
key: "1kgmhc"
["path", { d: "M17.599 6.5a3 3 0 0 0 .399-1.375", key: "tmeiqw" }],
["path", { d: "M6.003 5.125A3 3 0 0 0 6.401 6.5", key: "105sqy" }],
["path", { d: "M3.477 10.896a4 4 0 0 1 .585-.396", key: "ql3yin" }],
["path", { d: "M19.938 10.5a4 4 0 0 1 .585.396", key: "1qfode" }],
["path", { d: "M6 18a4 4 0 0 1-1.967-.516", key: "2e4loj" }],
["path", { d: "M19.967 17.484A4 4 0 0 1 18 18", key: "159ez6" }],
["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "12", r: "3", key: "1v7zrd" }],
["path", { d: "m15.7 10.4-.9.4", key: "ayzo6p" }],
["path", { d: "m9.2 13.2-.9.4", key: "1uzb3g" }],
["path", { d: "m13.6 15.7-.4-.9", key: "11ifqf" }],
["path", { d: "m10.8 9.2-.4-.9", key: "1pmk2v" }],
["path", { d: "m15.7 13.5-.9-.4", key: "7ng02m" }],
["path", { d: "m9.2 10.9-.9-.4", key: "1x66zd" }],
["path", { d: "m10.5 15.7.4-.9", key: "3js94g" }],
["path", { d: "m13.1 9.2.4-.9", key: "18n7mc" }]
const Brain = createLucideIcon("Brain", [
d: "M12 5a3 3 0 1 0-5.997.125 4 4 0 0 0-2.526 5.77 4 4 0 0 0 .556 6.588A4 4 0 1 0 12 18Z",
key: "l5xja"
d: "M12 5a3 3 0 1 1 5.997.125 4 4 0 0 1 2.526 5.77 4 4 0 0 1-.556 6.588A4 4 0 1 1 12 18Z",
key: "ep3f8r"
["path", { d: "M15 13a4.5 4.5 0 0 1-3-4 4.5 4.5 0 0 1-3 4", key: "1p4c4q" }],
["path", { d: "M17.599 6.5a3 3 0 0 0 .399-1.375", key: "tmeiqw" }],
["path", { d: "M6.003 5.125A3 3 0 0 0 6.401 6.5", key: "105sqy" }],
["path", { d: "M3.477 10.896a4 4 0 0 1 .585-.396", key: "ql3yin" }],
["path", { d: "M19.938 10.5a4 4 0 0 1 .585.396", key: "1qfode" }],
["path", { d: "M6 18a4 4 0 0 1-1.967-.516", key: "2e4loj" }],
["path", { d: "M19.967 17.484A4 4 0 0 1 18 18", key: "159ez6" }]
const BrickWall = createLucideIcon("BrickWall", [
["rect", { width: "18", height: "18", x: "3", y: "3", rx: "2", key: "afitv7" }],
["path", { d: "M12 9v6", key: "199k2o" }],
["path", { d: "M16 15v6", key: "8rj2es" }],
["path", { d: "M16 3v6", key: "1j6rpj" }],
["path", { d: "M3 15h18", key: "5xshup" }],
["path", { d: "M3 9h18", key: "1pudct" }],
["path", { d: "M8 15v6", key: "1stoo3" }],
["path", { d: "M8 3v6", key: "vlvjmk" }]
const BriefcaseBusiness = createLucideIcon("BriefcaseBusiness", [
["path", { d: "M12 12h.01", key: "1mp3jc" }],
["path", { d: "M16 6V4a2 2 0 0 0-2-2h-4a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v2", key: "1ksdt3" }],
["path", { d: "M22 13a18.15 18.15 0 0 1-20 0", key: "12hx5q" }],
["rect", { width: "20", height: "14", x: "2", y: "6", rx: "2", key: "i6l2r4" }]
const BriefcaseConveyorBelt = createLucideIcon("BriefcaseConveyorBelt", [
["path", { d: "M10 20v2", key: "1n8e1g" }],
["path", { d: "M14 20v2", key: "1lq872" }],
["path", { d: "M18 20v2", key: "10uadw" }],
["path", { d: "M21 20H3", key: "kdqkdp" }],
["path", { d: "M6 20v2", key: "a9bc87" }],
["path", { d: "M8 16V4a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h4a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v12", key: "17n9tx" }],
["rect", { x: "4", y: "6", width: "16", height: "10", rx: "2", key: "1097i5" }]
const BriefcaseMedical = createLucideIcon("BriefcaseMedical", [
["path", { d: "M12 11v4", key: "a6ujw6" }],
["path", { d: "M14 13h-4", key: "1pl8zg" }],
["path", { d: "M16 6V4a2 2 0 0 0-2-2h-4a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v2", key: "1ksdt3" }],
["path", { d: "M18 6v14", key: "1mu4gy" }],
["path", { d: "M6 6v14", key: "1s15cj" }],
["rect", { width: "20", height: "14", x: "2", y: "6", rx: "2", key: "i6l2r4" }]
const Briefcase = createLucideIcon("Briefcase", [
["path", { d: "M16 20V4a2 2 0 0 0-2-2h-4a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v16", key: "jecpp" }],
["rect", { width: "20", height: "14", x: "2", y: "6", rx: "2", key: "i6l2r4" }]
const BringToFront = createLucideIcon("BringToFront", [
["rect", { x: "8", y: "8", width: "8", height: "8", rx: "2", key: "yj20xf" }],
["path", { d: "M4 10a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V4a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h4a2 2 0 0 1 2 2", key: "1ltk23" }],
["path", { d: "M14 20a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h4a2 2 0 0 0 2-2v-4a2 2 0 0 0-2-2", key: "1q24h9" }]
const Brush = createLucideIcon("Brush", [
["path", { d: "m9.06 11.9 8.07-8.06a2.85 2.85 0 1 1 4.03 4.03l-8.06 8.08", key: "1styjt" }],
d: "M7.07 14.94c-1.66 0-3 1.35-3 3.02 0 1.33-2.5 1.52-2 2.02 1.08 1.1 2.49 2.02 4 2.02 2.2 0 4-1.8 4-4.04a3.01 3.01 0 0 0-3-3.02z",
key: "z0l1mu"
const BugOff = createLucideIcon("BugOff", [
["path", { d: "M15 7.13V6a3 3 0 0 0-5.14-2.1L8 2", key: "vl8zik" }],
["path", { d: "M14.12 3.88 16 2", key: "qol33r" }],
["path", { d: "M22 13h-4v-2a4 4 0 0 0-4-4h-1.3", key: "1ou0bd" }],
["path", { d: "M20.97 5c0 2.1-1.6 3.8-3.5 4", key: "18gb23" }],
["path", { d: "m2 2 20 20", key: "1ooewy" }],
["path", { d: "M7.7 7.7A4 4 0 0 0 6 11v3a6 6 0 0 0 11.13 3.13", key: "1njkjs" }],
["path", { d: "M12 20v-8", key: "i3yub9" }],
["path", { d: "M6 13H2", key: "82j7cp" }],
["path", { d: "M3 21c0-2.1 1.7-3.9 3.8-4", key: "4p0ekp" }]
const BugPlay = createLucideIcon("BugPlay", [
d: "M12.765 21.522a.5.5 0 0 1-.765-.424v-8.196a.5.5 0 0 1 .765-.424l5.878 3.674a1 1 0 0 1 0 1.696z",
key: "17shqo"
["path", { d: "M14.12 3.88 16 2", key: "qol33r" }],
["path", { d: "M18 11a4 4 0 0 0-4-4h-4a4 4 0 0 0-4 4v3a6.1 6.1 0 0 0 2 4.5", key: "1tjixy" }],
["path", { d: "M20.97 5c0 2.1-1.6 3.8-3.5 4", key: "18gb23" }],
["path", { d: "M3 21c0-2.1 1.7-3.9 3.8-4", key: "4p0ekp" }],
["path", { d: "M6 13H2", key: "82j7cp" }],
["path", { d: "M6.53 9C4.6 8.8 3 7.1 3 5", key: "32zzws" }],
["path", { d: "m8 2 1.88 1.88", key: "fmnt4t" }],
["path", { d: "M9 7.13v-1a3.003 3.003 0 1 1 6 0v1", key: "d7y7pr" }]
const Bug = createLucideIcon("Bug", [
["path", { d: "m8 2 1.88 1.88", key: "fmnt4t" }],
["path", { d: "M14.12 3.88 16 2", key: "qol33r" }],
["path", { d: "M9 7.13v-1a3.003 3.003 0 1 1 6 0v1", key: "d7y7pr" }],
d: "M12 20c-3.3 0-6-2.7-6-6v-3a4 4 0 0 1 4-4h4a4 4 0 0 1 4 4v3c0 3.3-2.7 6-6 6",
key: "xs1cw7"
["path", { d: "M12 20v-9", key: "1qisl0" }],
["path", { d: "M6.53 9C4.6 8.8 3 7.1 3 5", key: "32zzws" }],
["path", { d: "M6 13H2", key: "82j7cp" }],
["path", { d: "M3 21c0-2.1 1.7-3.9 3.8-4", key: "4p0ekp" }],
["path", { d: "M20.97 5c0 2.1-1.6 3.8-3.5 4", key: "18gb23" }],
["path", { d: "M22 13h-4", key: "1jl80f" }],
["path", { d: "M17.2 17c2.1.1 3.8 1.9 3.8 4", key: "k3fwyw" }]
const Building2 = createLucideIcon("Building2", [
["path", { d: "M6 22V4a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h8a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v18Z", key: "1b4qmf" }],
["path", { d: "M6 12H4a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v6a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h2", key: "i71pzd" }],
["path", { d: "M18 9h2a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v9a2 2 0 0 1-2 2h-2", key: "10jefs" }],
["path", { d: "M10 6h4", key: "1itunk" }],
["path", { d: "M10 10h4", key: "tcdvrf" }],
["path", { d: "M10 14h4", key: "kelpxr" }],
["path", { d: "M10 18h4", key: "1ulq68" }]
const Building = createLucideIcon("Building", [
["rect", { width: "16", height: "20", x: "4", y: "2", rx: "2", ry: "2", key: "76otgf" }],
["path", { d: "M9 22v-4h6v4", key: "r93iot" }],
["path", { d: "M8 6h.01", key: "1dz90k" }],
["path", { d: "M16 6h.01", key: "1x0f13" }],
["path", { d: "M12 6h.01", key: "1vi96p" }],
["path", { d: "M12 10h.01", key: "1nrarc" }],
["path", { d: "M12 14h.01", key: "1etili" }],
["path", { d: "M16 10h.01", key: "1m94wz" }],
["path", { d: "M16 14h.01", key: "1gbofw" }],
["path", { d: "M8 10h.01", key: "19clt8" }],
["path", { d: "M8 14h.01", key: "6423bh" }]
const BusFront = createLucideIcon("BusFront", [
["path", { d: "M4 6 2 7", key: "1mqr15" }],
["path", { d: "M10 6h4", key: "1itunk" }],
["path", { d: "m22 7-2-1", key: "1umjhc" }],
["rect", { width: "16", height: "16", x: "4", y: "3", rx: "2", key: "1wxw4b" }],
["path", { d: "M4 11h16", key: "mpoxn0" }],
["path", { d: "M8 15h.01", key: "a7atzg" }],
["path", { d: "M16 15h.01", key: "rnfrdf" }],
["path", { d: "M6 19v2", key: "1loha6" }],
["path", { d: "M18 21v-2", key: "sqyl04" }]
const Bus = createLucideIcon("Bus", [
["path", { d: "M8 6v6", key: "18i7km" }],
["path", { d: "M15 6v6", key: "1sg6z9" }],
["path", { d: "M2 12h19.6", key: "de5uta" }],
d: "M18 18h3s.5-1.7.8-2.8c.1-.4.2-.8.2-1.2 0-.4-.1-.8-.2-1.2l-1.4-5C20.1 6.8 19.1 6 18 6H4a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v10h3",
key: "1wwztk"
["circle", { cx: "7", cy: "18", r: "2", key: "19iecd" }],
["path", { d: "M9 18h5", key: "lrx6i" }],
["circle", { cx: "16", cy: "18", r: "2", key: "1v4tcr" }]
const CableCar = createLucideIcon("CableCar", [
["path", { d: "M10 3h.01", key: "lbucoy" }],
["path", { d: "M14 2h.01", key: "1k8aa1" }],
["path", { d: "m2 9 20-5", key: "1kz0j5" }],
["path", { d: "M12 12V6.5", key: "1vbrij" }],
["rect", { width: "16", height: "10", x: "4", y: "12", rx: "3", key: "if91er" }],
["path", { d: "M9 12v5", key: "3anwtq" }],
["path", { d: "M15 12v5", key: "5xh3zn" }],
["path", { d: "M4 17h16", key: "g4d7ey" }]
const Cable = createLucideIcon("Cable", [
d: "M17 21v-2a1 1 0 0 1-1-1v-1a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h2a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v1a1 1 0 0 1-1 1",
key: "10bnsj"
["path", { d: "M19 15V6.5a1 1 0 0 0-7 0v11a1 1 0 0 1-7 0V9", key: "1eqmu1" }],
["path", { d: "M21 21v-2h-4", key: "14zm7j" }],
["path", { d: "M3 5h4V3", key: "z442eg" }],
{ d: "M7 5a1 1 0 0 1 1 1v1a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H4a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V6a1 1 0 0 1 1-1V3", key: "ebdjd7" }
const CakeSlice = createLucideIcon("CakeSlice", [
["circle", { cx: "9", cy: "7", r: "2", key: "1305pl" }],
{ d: "M7.2 7.9 3 11v9c0 .6.4 1 1 1h16c.6 0 1-.4 1-1v-9c0-2-3-6-7-8l-3.6 2.6", key: "xle13f" }
["path", { d: "M16 13H3", key: "1wpj08" }],
["path", { d: "M16 17H3", key: "3lvfcd" }]
const Cake = createLucideIcon("Cake", [
["path", { d: "M20 21v-8a2 2 0 0 0-2-2H6a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v8", key: "1w3rig" }],
["path", { d: "M4 16s.5-1 2-1 2.5 2 4 2 2.5-2 4-2 2.5 2 4 2 2-1 2-1", key: "n2jgmb" }],
["path", { d: "M2 21h20", key: "1nyx9w" }],
["path", { d: "M7 8v3", key: "1qtyvj" }],
["path", { d: "M12 8v3", key: "hwp4zt" }],
["path", { d: "M17 8v3", key: "1i6e5u" }],
["path", { d: "M7 4h.01", key: "1bh4kh" }],
["path", { d: "M12 4h.01", key: "1ujb9j" }],
["path", { d: "M17 4h.01", key: "1upcoc" }]
const Calculator = createLucideIcon("Calculator", [
["rect", { width: "16", height: "20", x: "4", y: "2", rx: "2", key: "1nb95v" }],
["line", { x1: "8", x2: "16", y1: "6", y2: "6", key: "x4nwl0" }],
["line", { x1: "16", x2: "16", y1: "14", y2: "18", key: "wjye3r" }],
["path", { d: "M16 10h.01", key: "1m94wz" }],
["path", { d: "M12 10h.01", key: "1nrarc" }],
["path", { d: "M8 10h.01", key: "19clt8" }],
["path", { d: "M12 14h.01", key: "1etili" }],
["path", { d: "M8 14h.01", key: "6423bh" }],
["path", { d: "M12 18h.01", key: "mhygvu" }],
["path", { d: "M8 18h.01", key: "lrp35t" }]
const Calendar1 = createLucideIcon("Calendar1", [
["path", { d: "M11 14h1v4", key: "fy54vd" }],
["path", { d: "M16 2v4", key: "4m81vk" }],
["path", { d: "M3 10h18", key: "8toen8" }],
["path", { d: "M8 2v4", key: "1cmpym" }],
["rect", { x: "3", y: "4", width: "18", height: "18", rx: "2", key: "12vinp" }]
const CalendarArrowDown = createLucideIcon("CalendarArrowDown", [
["path", { d: "m14 18 4 4 4-4", key: "1waygx" }],
["path", { d: "M16 2v4", key: "4m81vk" }],
["path", { d: "M18 14v8", key: "irew45" }],
{ d: "M21 11.354V6a2 2 0 0 0-2-2H5a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v14a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h7.343", key: "bse4f3" }
["path", { d: "M3 10h18", key: "8toen8" }],
["path", { d: "M8 2v4", key: "1cmpym" }]
const CalendarArrowUp = createLucideIcon("CalendarArrowUp", [
["path", { d: "m14 18 4-4 4 4", key: "ftkppy" }],
["path", { d: "M16 2v4", key: "4m81vk" }],
["path", { d: "M18 22v-8", key: "su0gjh" }],
["path", { d: "M21 11.343V6a2 2 0 0 0-2-2H5a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v14a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h9", key: "1exg90" }],
["path", { d: "M3 10h18", key: "8toen8" }],
["path", { d: "M8 2v4", key: "1cmpym" }]
const CalendarCheck2 = createLucideIcon("CalendarCheck2", [
["path", { d: "M8 2v4", key: "1cmpym" }],
["path", { d: "M16 2v4", key: "4m81vk" }],
["path", { d: "M21 14V6a2 2 0 0 0-2-2H5a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v14a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h8", key: "bce9hv" }],
["path", { d: "M3 10h18", key: "8toen8" }],
["path", { d: "m16 20 2 2 4-4", key: "13tcca" }]
const CalendarCheck = createLucideIcon("CalendarCheck", [
["path", { d: "M8 2v4", key: "1cmpym" }],
["path", { d: "M16 2v4", key: "4m81vk" }],
["rect", { width: "18", height: "18", x: "3", y: "4", rx: "2", key: "1hopcy" }],
["path", { d: "M3 10h18", key: "8toen8" }],
["path", { d: "m9 16 2 2 4-4", key: "19s6y9" }]
const CalendarClock = createLucideIcon("CalendarClock", [
["path", { d: "M21 7.5V6a2 2 0 0 0-2-2H5a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v14a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h3.5", key: "1osxxc" }],
["path", { d: "M16 2v4", key: "4m81vk" }],
["path", { d: "M8 2v4", key: "1cmpym" }],
["path", { d: "M3 10h5", key: "r794hk" }],
["path", { d: "M17.5 17.5 16 16.3V14", key: "akvzfd" }],
["circle", { cx: "16", cy: "16", r: "6", key: "qoo3c4" }]
const CalendarCog = createLucideIcon("CalendarCog", [
["path", { d: "m15.2 16.9-.9-.4", key: "1r0w5f" }],
["path", { d: "m15.2 19.1-.9.4", key: "j188fs" }],
["path", { d: "M16 2v4", key: "4m81vk" }],
["path", { d: "m16.9 15.2-.4-.9", key: "699xu" }],
["path", { d: "m16.9 20.8-.4.9", key: "dfjc4z" }],
["path", { d: "m19.5 14.3-.4.9", key: "1eb35c" }],
["path", { d: "m19.5 21.7-.4-.9", key: "1tonu5" }],
["path", { d: "M21 10.5V6a2 2 0 0 0-2-2H5a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v14a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h6", key: "11kmuh" }],
["path", { d: "m21.7 16.5-.9.4", key: "1knoei" }],
["path", { d: "m21.7 19.5-.9-.4", key: "q4dx6b" }],
["path", { d: "M3 10h18", key: "8toen8" }],
["path", { d: "M8 2v4", key: "1cmpym" }],
["circle", { cx: "18", cy: "18", r: "3", key: "1xkwt0" }]
const CalendarDays = createLucideIcon("CalendarDays", [
["path", { d: "M8 2v4", key: "1cmpym" }],
["path", { d: "M16 2v4", key: "4m81vk" }],
["rect", { width: "18", height: "18", x: "3", y: "4", rx: "2", key: "1hopcy" }],
["path", { d: "M3 10h18", key: "8toen8" }],
["path", { d: "M8 14h.01", key: "6423bh" }],
["path", { d: "M12 14h.01", key: "1etili" }],
["path", { d: "M16 14h.01", key: "1gbofw" }],
["path", { d: "M8 18h.01", key: "lrp35t" }],
["path", { d: "M12 18h.01", key: "mhygvu" }],
["path", { d: "M16 18h.01", key: "kzsmim" }]
const CalendarFold = createLucideIcon("CalendarFold", [
["path", { d: "M8 2v4", key: "1cmpym" }],
["path", { d: "M16 2v4", key: "4m81vk" }],
["path", { d: "M21 17V6a2 2 0 0 0-2-2H5a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v14a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h11Z", key: "kg77oy" }],
["path", { d: "M3 10h18", key: "8toen8" }],
["path", { d: "M15 22v-4a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h4", key: "1gnbqr" }]
const CalendarHeart = createLucideIcon("CalendarHeart", [
["path", { d: "M3 10h18V6a2 2 0 0 0-2-2H5a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v14a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h7", key: "136lmk" }],
["path", { d: "M8 2v4", key: "1cmpym" }],
["path", { d: "M16 2v4", key: "4m81vk" }],
d: "M21.29 14.7a2.43 2.43 0 0 0-2.65-.52c-.3.12-.57.3-.8.53l-.34.34-.35-.34a2.43 2.43 0 0 0-2.65-.53c-.3.12-.56.3-.79.53-.95.94-1 2.53.2 3.74L17.5 22l3.6-3.55c1.2-1.21 1.14-2.8.19-3.74Z",
key: "1t7hil"
const CalendarMinus2 = createLucideIcon("CalendarMinus2", [
["path", { d: "M8 2v4", key: "1cmpym" }],
["path", { d: "M16 2v4", key: "4m81vk" }],
["rect", { width: "18", height: "18", x: "3", y: "4", rx: "2", key: "1hopcy" }],
["path", { d: "M3 10h18", key: "8toen8" }],
["path", { d: "M10 16h4", key: "17e571" }]
const CalendarMinus = createLucideIcon("CalendarMinus", [
["path", { d: "M16 19h6", key: "xwg31i" }],
["path", { d: "M16 2v4", key: "4m81vk" }],
["path", { d: "M21 15V6a2 2 0 0 0-2-2H5a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v14a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h8.5", key: "1scpom" }],
["path", { d: "M3 10h18", key: "8toen8" }],
["path", { d: "M8 2v4", key: "1cmpym" }]
const CalendarOff = createLucideIcon("CalendarOff", [
["path", { d: "M4.2 4.2A2 2 0 0 0 3 6v14a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h14a2 2 0 0 0 1.82-1.18", key: "16swn3" }],
["path", { d: "M21 15.5V6a2 2 0 0 0-2-2H9.5", key: "yhw86o" }],
["path", { d: "M16 2v4", key: "4m81vk" }],
["path", { d: "M3 10h7", key: "1wap6i" }],
["path", { d: "M21 10h-5.5", key: "quycpq" }],
["path", { d: "m2 2 20 20", key: "1ooewy" }]
const CalendarPlus2 = createLucideIcon("CalendarPlus2", [
["path", { d: "M8 2v4", key: "1cmpym" }],
["path", { d: "M16 2v4", key: "4m81vk" }],
["rect", { width: "18", height: "18", x: "3", y: "4", rx: "2", key: "1hopcy" }],
["path", { d: "M3 10h18", key: "8toen8" }],
["path", { d: "M10 16h4", key: "17e571" }],
["path", { d: "M12 14v4", key: "1thi36" }]
const CalendarPlus = createLucideIcon("CalendarPlus", [
["path", { d: "M8 2v4", key: "1cmpym" }],
["path", { d: "M16 2v4", key: "4m81vk" }],
["path", { d: "M21 13V6a2 2 0 0 0-2-2H5a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v14a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h8", key: "3spt84" }],
["path", { d: "M3 10h18", key: "8toen8" }],
["path", { d: "M16 19h6", key: "xwg31i" }],
["path", { d: "M19 16v6", key: "tddt3s" }]
const CalendarRange = createLucideIcon("CalendarRange", [
["rect", { width: "18", height: "18", x: "3", y: "4", rx: "2", key: "1hopcy" }],
["path", { d: "M16 2v4", key: "4m81vk" }],
["path", { d: "M3 10h18", key: "8toen8" }],
["path", { d: "M8 2v4", key: "1cmpym" }],
["path", { d: "M17 14h-6", key: "bkmgh3" }],
["path", { d: "M13 18H7", key: "bb0bb7" }],
["path", { d: "M7 14h.01", key: "1qa3f1" }],
["path", { d: "M17 18h.01", key: "1bdyru" }]
const CalendarSearch = createLucideIcon("CalendarSearch", [
["path", { d: "M16 2v4", key: "4m81vk" }],
["path", { d: "M21 11.75V6a2 2 0 0 0-2-2H5a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v14a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h7.25", key: "1jrsq6" }],
["path", { d: "m22 22-1.875-1.875", key: "13zax7" }],
["path", { d: "M3 10h18", key: "8toen8" }],
["path", { d: "M8 2v4", key: "1cmpym" }],
["circle", { cx: "18", cy: "18", r: "3", key: "1xkwt0" }]
const CalendarSync = createLucideIcon("CalendarSync", [
["path", { d: "M11 10v4h4", key: "172dkj" }],
["path", { d: "m11 14 1.535-1.605a5 5 0 0 1 8 1.5", key: "vu0qm5" }],
["path", { d: "M16 2v4", key: "4m81vk" }],
["path", { d: "m21 18-1.535 1.605a5 5 0 0 1-8-1.5", key: "1qgeyt" }],
["path", { d: "M21 22v-4h-4", key: "hrummi" }],
["path", { d: "M21 8.5V6a2 2 0 0 0-2-2H5a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v14a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h4.3", key: "mctw84" }],
["path", { d: "M3 10h4", key: "1el30a" }],
["path", { d: "M8 2v4", key: "1cmpym" }]
const CalendarX2 = createLucideIcon("CalendarX2", [
["path", { d: "M8 2v4", key: "1cmpym" }],
["path", { d: "M16 2v4", key: "4m81vk" }],
["path", { d: "M21 13V6a2 2 0 0 0-2-2H5a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v14a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h8", key: "3spt84" }],
["path", { d: "M3 10h18", key: "8toen8" }],
["path", { d: "m17 22 5-5", key: "1k6ppv" }],
["path", { d: "m17 17 5 5", key: "p7ous7" }]
const CalendarX = createLucideIcon("CalendarX", [
["path", { d: "M8 2v4", key: "1cmpym" }],
["path", { d: "M16 2v4", key: "4m81vk" }],
["rect", { width: "18", height: "18", x: "3", y: "4", rx: "2", key: "1hopcy" }],
["path", { d: "M3 10h18", key: "8toen8" }],
["path", { d: "m14 14-4 4", key: "rymu2i" }],
["path", { d: "m10 14 4 4", key: "3sz06r" }]
const Calendar = createLucideIcon("Calendar", [
["path", { d: "M8 2v4", key: "1cmpym" }],
["path", { d: "M16 2v4", key: "4m81vk" }],
["rect", { width: "18", height: "18", x: "3", y: "4", rx: "2", key: "1hopcy" }],
["path", { d: "M3 10h18", key: "8toen8" }]
const CameraOff = createLucideIcon("CameraOff", [
["line", { x1: "2", x2: "22", y1: "2", y2: "22", key: "a6p6uj" }],
["path", { d: "M7 7H4a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v9a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h16", key: "qmtpty" }],
["path", { d: "M9.5 4h5L17 7h3a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v7.5", key: "1ufyfc" }],
["path", { d: "M14.121 15.121A3 3 0 1 1 9.88 10.88", key: "11zox6" }]
const Camera = createLucideIcon("Camera", [
d: "M14.5 4h-5L7 7H4a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v9a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h16a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V9a2 2 0 0 0-2-2h-3l-2.5-3z",
key: "1tc9qg"
["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "13", r: "3", key: "1vg3eu" }]
const CandyCane = createLucideIcon("CandyCane", [
d: "M5.7 21a2 2 0 0 1-3.5-2l8.6-14a6 6 0 0 1 10.4 6 2 2 0 1 1-3.464-2 2 2 0 1 0-3.464-2Z",
key: "isaq8g"
["path", { d: "M17.75 7 15 2.1", key: "12x7e8" }],
["path", { d: "M10.9 4.8 13 9", key: "100a87" }],
["path", { d: "m7.9 9.7 2 4.4", key: "ntfhaj" }],
["path", { d: "M4.9 14.7 7 18.9", key: "1x43jy" }]
const CandyOff = createLucideIcon("CandyOff", [
["path", { d: "m8.5 8.5-1 1a4.95 4.95 0 0 0 7 7l1-1", key: "1ff4ui" }],
{ d: "M11.843 6.187A4.947 4.947 0 0 1 16.5 7.5a4.947 4.947 0 0 1 1.313 4.657", key: "1sbrv4" }
["path", { d: "M14 16.5V14", key: "1maf8j" }],
["path", { d: "M14 6.5v1.843", key: "1a6u6t" }],
["path", { d: "M10 10v7.5", key: "80pj65" }],
d: "m16 7 1-5 1.367.683A3 3 0 0 0 19.708 3H21v1.292a3 3 0 0 0 .317 1.341L22 7l-5 1",
key: "11a9mt"
d: "m8 17-1 5-1.367-.683A3 3 0 0 0 4.292 21H3v-1.292a3 3 0 0 0-.317-1.341L2 17l5-1",
key: "3mjmon"
["line", { x1: "2", x2: "22", y1: "2", y2: "22", key: "a6p6uj" }]
const Candy = createLucideIcon("Candy", [
["path", { d: "m9.5 7.5-2 2a4.95 4.95 0 1 0 7 7l2-2a4.95 4.95 0 1 0-7-7Z", key: "ue6khb" }],
["path", { d: "M14 6.5v10", key: "5xnk7c" }],
["path", { d: "M10 7.5v10", key: "1uew51" }],
{ d: "m16 7 1-5 1.37.68A3 3 0 0 0 19.7 3H21v1.3c0 . 1.33L22 7l-5 1", key: "b9cp6k" }
{ d: "m8 17-1 5-1.37-.68A3 3 0 0 0 4.3 21H3v-1.3a3 3 0 0 0-.32-1.33L2 17l5-1", key: "5lney8" }
const Cannabis = createLucideIcon("Cannabis", [
["path", { d: "M12 22v-4", key: "1utk9m" }],
d: "M7 12c-1.5 0-4.5 1.5-5 3 3.5 1.5 6 1 6 1-1.5 1.5-2 3.5-2 5 2.5 0 4.5-1.5 6-3 1.5 1.5 3.5 3 6 3 0-1.5-.5-3.5-2-5 0 0 2.5.5 6-1-.5-1.5-3.5-3-5-3 1.5-1 4-4 4-6-2.5 0-5.5 1.5-7 3 0-2.5-.5-5-2-7-1.5 2-2 4.5-2 7-1.5-1.5-4.5-3-7-3 0 2 2.5 5 4 6",
key: "1mezod"
const CaptionsOff = createLucideIcon("CaptionsOff", [
["path", { d: "M10.5 5H19a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v8.5", key: "jqtk4d" }],
["path", { d: "M17 11h-.5", key: "1961ue" }],
["path", { d: "M19 19H5a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V7a2 2 0 0 1 2-2", key: "1keqsi" }],
["path", { d: "m2 2 20 20", key: "1ooewy" }],
["path", { d: "M7 11h4", key: "1o1z6v" }],
["path", { d: "M7 15h2.5", key: "1ina1g" }]
const Captions = createLucideIcon("Captions", [
["rect", { width: "18", height: "14", x: "3", y: "5", rx: "2", ry: "2", key: "12ruh7" }],
["path", { d: "M7 15h4M15 15h2M7 11h2M13 11h4", key: "1ueiar" }]
const CarFront = createLucideIcon("CarFront", [
{ d: "m21 8-2 2-1.5-3.7A2 2 0 0 0 15.646 5H8.4a2 2 0 0 0-1.903 1.257L5 10 3 8", key: "1imjwt" }
["path", { d: "M7 14h.01", key: "1qa3f1" }],
["path", { d: "M17 14h.01", key: "7oqj8z" }],
["rect", { width: "18", height: "8", x: "3", y: "10", rx: "2", key: "a7itu8" }],
["path", { d: "M5 18v2", key: "ppbyun" }],
["path", { d: "M19 18v2", key: "gy7782" }]
const CarTaxiFront = createLucideIcon("CarTaxiFront", [
["path", { d: "M10 2h4", key: "n1abiw" }],
{ d: "m21 8-2 2-1.5-3.7A2 2 0 0 0 15.646 5H8.4a2 2 0 0 0-1.903 1.257L5 10 3 8", key: "1imjwt" }
["path", { d: "M7 14h.01", key: "1qa3f1" }],
["path", { d: "M17 14h.01", key: "7oqj8z" }],
["rect", { width: "18", height: "8", x: "3", y: "10", rx: "2", key: "a7itu8" }],
["path", { d: "M5 18v2", key: "ppbyun" }],
["path", { d: "M19 18v2", key: "gy7782" }]
const Car = createLucideIcon("Car", [
d: "M19 17h2c.6 0 1-.4 1-1v-3c0-.9-.7-1.7-1.5-1.9C18.7 10.6 16 10 16 10s-1.3-1.4-2.2-2.3c-.5-.4-1.1-.7-1.8-.7H5c-.6 0-1.1.4-1.4.9l-1.4 2.9A3.7 3.7 0 0 0 2 12v4c0 .6.4 1 1 1h2",
key: "5owen"
["circle", { cx: "7", cy: "17", r: "2", key: "u2ysq9" }],
["path", { d: "M9 17h6", key: "r8uit2" }],
["circle", { cx: "17", cy: "17", r: "2", key: "axvx0g" }]
const Caravan = createLucideIcon("Caravan", [
["path", { d: "M18 19V9a4 4 0 0 0-4-4H6a4 4 0 0 0-4 4v8a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h2", key: "19jm3t" }],
["path", { d: "M2 9h3a1 1 0 0 1 1 1v2a1 1 0 0 1-1 1H2", key: "13hakp" }],
["path", { d: "M22 17v1a1 1 0 0 1-1 1H10v-9a1 1 0 0 1 1-1h2a1 1 0 0 1 1 1v9", key: "1crci8" }],
["circle", { cx: "8", cy: "19", r: "2", key: "t8fc5s" }]
const Carrot = createLucideIcon("Carrot", [
d: "M2.27 21.7s9.87-3.5 12.73-6.36a4.5 4.5 0 0 0-6.36-6.37C5.77 11.84 2.27 21.7 2.27 21.7zM8.64 14l-2.05-2.04M15.34 15l-2.46-2.46",
key: "rfqxbe"
["path", { d: "M22 9s-1.33-2-3.5-2C16.86 7 15 9 15 9s1.33 2 3.5 2S22 9 22 9z", key: "6b25w4" }],
["path", { d: "M15 2s-2 1.33-2 3.5S15 9 15 9s2-1.84 2-3.5C17 3.33 15 2 15 2z", key: "fn65lo" }]
const CaseLower = createLucideIcon("CaseLower", [
["circle", { cx: "7", cy: "12", r: "3", key: "12clwm" }],
["path", { d: "M10 9v6", key: "17i7lo" }],
["circle", { cx: "17", cy: "12", r: "3", key: "gl7c2s" }],
["path", { d: "M14 7v8", key: "dl84cr" }]
const CaseSensitive = createLucideIcon("CaseSensitive", [
["path", { d: "m3 15 4-8 4 8", key: "1vwr6u" }],
["path", { d: "M4 13h6", key: "1r9ots" }],
["circle", { cx: "18", cy: "12", r: "3", key: "1kchzo" }],
["path", { d: "M21 9v6", key: "anns31" }]
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["path", { d: "M2 8V6a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h16a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v12a2 2 0 0 1-2 2h-6", key: "3zrzxg" }],
["path", { d: "M2 12a9 9 0 0 1 8 8", key: "g6cvee" }],
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["path", { d: "M22 20v-9H2v9a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h16a2 2 0 0 0 2-2Z", key: "109fe4" }],
["path", { d: "M18 11V4H6v7", key: "mon5oj" }],
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["path", { d: "M10 4V2", key: "75d9ly" }],
["path", { d: "M14 4V2", key: "8nj3z6" }]
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d: "M12 5c.67 0 1.35.09 2 .26 1.78-2 5.03-2.84 6.42-2.26 1.4.58-.42 7-.42 7 .57 1.07 1 2.24 1 3.44C21 17.9 16.97 21 12 21s-9-3-9-7.56c0-1.25.5-2.4 1-3.44 0 0-1.89-6.42-.5-7 1.39-.58 4.72.23 6.5 2.23A9.04 9.04 0 0 1 12 5Z",
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["path", { d: "M8 14v.5", key: "1nzgdb" }],
["path", { d: "M16 14v.5", key: "1lajdz" }],
["path", { d: "M11.25 16.25h1.5L12 17l-.75-.75Z", key: "12kq1m" }]
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d: "M16.75 12h3.632a1 1 0 0 1 .894 1.447l-2.034 4.069a1 1 0 0 1-1.708.134l-2.124-2.97",
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key: "jlp8i1"
["path", { d: "M2 19h3.76a2 2 0 0 0 1.8-1.1L9 15", key: "19bib8" }],
["path", { d: "M2 21v-4", key: "l40lih" }],
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["path", { d: "M3 3v16a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h16", key: "c24i48" }],
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key: "q0gr47"
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["path", { d: "M3 3v16a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h16", key: "c24i48" }],
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["path", { d: "M3 3v16a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h16", key: "c24i48" }],
["path", { d: "M7 11h8", key: "1feolt" }],
["path", { d: "M7 16h3", key: "ur6vzw" }],
["path", { d: "M7 6h12", key: "sz5b0d" }]
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["path", { d: "M3 3v16a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h16", key: "c24i48" }],
["path", { d: "M7 11h8", key: "1feolt" }],
["path", { d: "M7 16h12", key: "wsnu98" }],
["path", { d: "M7 6h3", key: "w9rmul" }]
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["path", { d: "M11 13v4", key: "vyy2rb" }],
["path", { d: "M15 5v4", key: "1gx88a" }],
["path", { d: "M3 3v16a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h16", key: "c24i48" }],
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["rect", { x: "7", y: "5", width: "12", height: "4", rx: "1", key: "1anskk" }]
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["path", { d: "M3 3v16a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h16", key: "c24i48" }],
["path", { d: "M7 16h8", key: "srdodz" }],
["path", { d: "M7 11h12", key: "127s9w" }],
["path", { d: "M7 6h3", key: "w9rmul" }]
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["path", { d: "M9 5v4", key: "14uxtq" }],
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["path", { d: "M9 15v2", key: "r5rk32" }],
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["path", { d: "M3 3v16a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h16", key: "c24i48" }]
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["path", { d: "M3 3v16a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h16", key: "c24i48" }],
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["path", { d: "M13 17V9", key: "1fwyjl" }],
["path", { d: "M18 17v-3", key: "1sqioe" }],
["path", { d: "M3 3v16a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h16", key: "c24i48" }],
["path", { d: "M8 17V5", key: "1wzmnc" }]
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["path", { d: "M13 17V9", key: "1fwyjl" }],
["path", { d: "M18 17V5", key: "sfb6ij" }],
["path", { d: "M3 3v16a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h16", key: "c24i48" }],
["path", { d: "M8 17v-3", key: "17ska0" }]
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["path", { d: "M11 13H7", key: "t0o9gq" }],
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["path", { d: "M3 3v16a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h16", key: "c24i48" }],
["path", { d: "M18 17V9", key: "2bz60n" }],
["path", { d: "M13 17V5", key: "1frdt8" }],
["path", { d: "M8 17v-3", key: "17ska0" }]
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["path", { d: "M10 6h8", key: "zvc2xc" }],
["path", { d: "M12 16h6", key: "yi5mkt" }],
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["path", { d: "M8 11h7", key: "wz2hg0" }]
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["path", { d: "M3 3v16a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h16", key: "c24i48" }],
["path", { d: "m19 9-5 5-4-4-3 3", key: "2osh9i" }]
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["path", { d: "m13.11 7.664 1.78 2.672", key: "go2gg9" }],
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["path", { d: "M12 20V10", key: "g8npz5" }],
["path", { d: "M18 20v-4", key: "8uic4z" }],
["path", { d: "M6 20V4", key: "1w1bmo" }]
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["line", { x1: "12", x2: "12", y1: "20", y2: "10", key: "1vz5eb" }],
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["line", { x1: "6", x2: "6", y1: "20", y2: "16", key: "hq0ia6" }]
const ChartNoAxesColumn = createLucideIcon("ChartNoAxesColumn", [
["line", { x1: "18", x2: "18", y1: "20", y2: "10", key: "1xfpm4" }],
["line", { x1: "12", x2: "12", y1: "20", y2: "4", key: "be30l9" }],
["line", { x1: "6", x2: "6", y1: "20", y2: "14", key: "1r4le6" }]
const ChartNoAxesCombined = createLucideIcon("ChartNoAxesCombined", [
["path", { d: "M12 16v5", key: "zza2cw" }],
["path", { d: "M16 14v7", key: "1g90b9" }],
["path", { d: "M20 10v11", key: "1iqoj0" }],
{ d: "m22 3-8.646 8.646a.5.5 0 0 1-.708 0L9.354 8.354a.5.5 0 0 0-.707 0L2 15", key: "1fw8x9" }
["path", { d: "M4 18v3", key: "1yp0dc" }],
["path", { d: "M8 14v7", key: "n3cwzv" }]
const ChartNoAxesGantt = createLucideIcon("ChartNoAxesGantt", [
["path", { d: "M8 6h10", key: "9lnwnk" }],
["path", { d: "M6 12h9", key: "1g9pqf" }],
["path", { d: "M11 18h7", key: "c8dzvl" }]
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d: "M21 12c.552 0 1.005-.449.95-.998a10 10 0 0 0-8.953-8.951c-.55-.055-.998.398-.998.95v8a1 1 0 0 0 1 1z",
key: "pzmjnu"
["path", { d: "M21.21 15.89A10 10 0 1 1 8 2.83", key: "k2fpak" }]
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["circle", { cx: "7.5", cy: "7.5", r: ".5", fill: "currentColor", key: "kqv944" }],
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["path", { d: "M3 3v16a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h16", key: "c24i48" }]
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["path", { d: "M3 3v16a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h16", key: "c24i48" }],
["path", { d: "M7 16c.5-2 1.5-7 4-7 2 0 2 3 4 3 2.5 0 4.5-5 5-7", key: "lw07rv" }]
const CheckCheck = createLucideIcon("CheckCheck", [
["path", { d: "M18 6 7 17l-5-5", key: "116fxf" }],
["path", { d: "m22 10-7.5 7.5L13 16", key: "ke71qq" }]
const Check = createLucideIcon("Check", [["path", { d: "M20 6 9 17l-5-5", key: "1gmf2c" }]]);
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d: "M17 21a1 1 0 0 0 1-1v-5.35c0-.457.316-.844.727-1.041a4 4 0 0 0-2.134-7.589 5 5 0 0 0-9.186 0 4 4 0 0 0-2.134 7.588c.411.198.727.585.727 1.041V20a1 1 0 0 0 1 1Z",
key: "1qvrer"
["path", { d: "M6 17h12", key: "1jwigz" }]
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["path", { d: "M2 17a5 5 0 0 0 10 0c0-2.76-2.5-5-5-3-2.5-2-5 .24-5 3Z", key: "cvxqlc" }],
["path", { d: "M12 17a5 5 0 0 0 10 0c0-2.76-2.5-5-5-3-2.5-2-5 .24-5 3Z", key: "1ostrc" }],
["path", { d: "M7 14c3.22-2.91 4.29-8.75 5-12 1.66 2.38 4.94 9 5 12", key: "hqx58h" }],
["path", { d: "M22 9c-4.29 0-7.14-2.33-10-7 5.71 0 10 4.67 10 7Z", key: "eykp1o" }]
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["path", { d: "m6 9 6 6 6-6", key: "qrunsl" }]
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["path", { d: "m17 18-6-6 6-6", key: "1yerx2" }],
["path", { d: "M7 6v12", key: "1p53r6" }]
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["path", { d: "m7 18 6-6-6-6", key: "lwmzdw" }],
["path", { d: "M17 6v12", key: "1o0aio" }]
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["path", { d: "m15 18-6-6 6-6", key: "1wnfg3" }]
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["path", { d: "m9 18 6-6-6-6", key: "mthhwq" }]
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["path", { d: "m7 20 5-5 5 5", key: "13a0gw" }],
["path", { d: "m7 4 5 5 5-5", key: "1kwcof" }]
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["path", { d: "m7 6 5 5 5-5", key: "1lc07p" }],
["path", { d: "m7 13 5 5 5-5", key: "1d48rs" }]
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["path", { d: "m18 8 4 4-4 4", key: "1ak13k" }],
["path", { d: "m6 8-4 4 4 4", key: "15zrgr" }],
["path", { d: "M8 12h.01", key: "czm47f" }],
["path", { d: "M12 12h.01", key: "1mp3jc" }],
["path", { d: "M16 12h.01", key: "1l6xoz" }]
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["path", { d: "m9 7-5 5 5 5", key: "j5w590" }],
["path", { d: "m15 7 5 5-5 5", key: "1bl6da" }]
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["path", { d: "m11 17-5-5 5-5", key: "13zhaf" }],
["path", { d: "m18 17-5-5 5-5", key: "h8a8et" }]
const ChevronsRightLeft = createLucideIcon("ChevronsRightLeft", [
["path", { d: "m20 17-5-5 5-5", key: "30x0n2" }],
["path", { d: "m4 17 5-5-5-5", key: "16spf4" }]
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["path", { d: "m6 17 5-5-5-5", key: "xnjwq" }],
["path", { d: "m13 17 5-5-5-5", key: "17xmmf" }]
const ChevronsUpDown = createLucideIcon("ChevronsUpDown", [
["path", { d: "m7 15 5 5 5-5", key: "1hf1tw" }],
["path", { d: "m7 9 5-5 5 5", key: "sgt6xg" }]
const ChevronsUp = createLucideIcon("ChevronsUp", [
["path", { d: "m17 11-5-5-5 5", key: "e8nh98" }],
["path", { d: "m17 18-5-5-5 5", key: "2avn1x" }]
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["line", { x1: "10.88", x2: "15.46", y1: "21.94", y2: "14", key: "1ymyh8" }]
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["path", { d: "M10 9h4", key: "u4k05v" }],
["path", { d: "M12 7v5", key: "ma6bk" }],
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d: "M18 22V5.618a1 1 0 0 0-.553-.894l-4.553-2.277a2 2 0 0 0-1.788 0L6.553 4.724A1 1 0 0 0 6 5.618V22",
key: "1rkokr"
d: "m18 7 3.447 1.724a1 1 0 0 1 .553.894V20a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H4a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V9.618a1 1 0 0 1 .553-.894L6 7",
key: "1w6esw"
const CigaretteOff = createLucideIcon("CigaretteOff", [
["path", { d: "M12 12H3a1 1 0 0 0-1 1v2a1 1 0 0 0 1 1h13", key: "1gdiyg" }],
["path", { d: "M18 8c0-2.5-2-2.5-2-5", key: "1il607" }],
["path", { d: "m2 2 20 20", key: "1ooewy" }],
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["path", { d: "M7 12v4", key: "jqww69" }]
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["path", { d: "M7 12v4", key: "jqww69" }]
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["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "12", r: "10", key: "1mglay" }],
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["path", { d: "M2 12a10 10 0 1 1 10 10", key: "1yn6ov" }],
["path", { d: "m2 22 10-10", key: "28ilpk" }],
["path", { d: "M8 22H2v-6", key: "sulq54" }]
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["path", { d: "M12 22a10 10 0 1 1 10-10", key: "130bv5" }],
["path", { d: "M22 22 12 12", key: "131aw7" }],
["path", { d: "M22 16v6h-6", key: "1gvm70" }]
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["path", { d: "M2 8V2h6", key: "hiwtdz" }],
["path", { d: "m2 2 10 10", key: "1oh8rs" }],
["path", { d: "M12 2A10 10 0 1 1 2 12", key: "rrk4fa" }]
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["path", { d: "M22 12A10 10 0 1 1 12 2", key: "1fm58d" }],
["path", { d: "M22 2 12 12", key: "yg2myt" }],
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["path", { d: "M7 14h10", key: "1mhdw3" }],
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["path", { d: "M12 2a10 10 0 0 1 7.38 16.75", key: "175t95" }],
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["path", { d: "M8 12h8", key: "1wcyev" }]
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["path", { d: "m2 2 20 20", key: "1ooewy" }],
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["path", { d: "M9 17v-2.34", key: "a9qo08" }]
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["path", { d: "M8 12h8", key: "1wcyev" }],
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["path", { d: "M22 2 2 22", key: "y4kqgn" }]
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["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "12", r: "10", key: "1mglay" }],
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["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "12", r: "10", key: "1mglay" }],
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["path", { d: "M18 20a6 6 0 0 0-12 0", key: "1qehca" }],
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["path", { d: "m15 9-6 6", key: "1uzhvr" }],
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["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "12", r: "10", key: "1mglay" }]
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{ d: "M20.2 6 3 11l-.9-2.4c-.3-1.1.3-2.2 1.3-2.5l13.5-4c1.1-.3 2.2.3 2.5 1.3Z", key: "1tn4o7" }
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key: "2t3380"
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key: "1y4qbx"
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["path", { d: "M20 21.5h.01", key: "1r2dzp" }]
const ClockArrowDown = createLucideIcon("ClockArrowDown", [
["path", { d: "M12.338 21.994A10 10 0 1 1 21.925 13.227", key: "1i7shu" }],
["path", { d: "M12 6v6l2 1", key: "19cm8n" }],
["path", { d: "m14 18 4 4 4-4", key: "1waygx" }],
["path", { d: "M18 14v8", key: "irew45" }]
const ClockArrowUp = createLucideIcon("ClockArrowUp", [
["path", { d: "M13.228 21.925A10 10 0 1 1 21.994 12.338", key: "1fzlyi" }],
["path", { d: "M12 6v6l1.562.781", key: "1ujuk9" }],
["path", { d: "m14 18 4-4 4 4", key: "ftkppy" }],
["path", { d: "M18 22v-8", key: "su0gjh" }]
const Clock = createLucideIcon("Clock", [
["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "12", r: "10", key: "1mglay" }],
["polyline", { points: "12 6 12 12 16 14", key: "68esgv" }]
const CloudAlert = createLucideIcon("CloudAlert", [
["path", { d: "M12 12v4", key: "tww15h" }],
["path", { d: "M12 20h.01", key: "zekei9" }],
["path", { d: "M17 18h.5a1 1 0 0 0 0-9h-1.79A7 7 0 1 0 7 17.708", key: "xsb5ju" }]
const CloudCog = createLucideIcon("CloudCog", [
["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "17", r: "3", key: "1spfwm" }],
["path", { d: "M4.2 15.1A7 7 0 1 1 15.71 8h1.79a4.5 4.5 0 0 1 2.5 8.2", key: "zaobp" }],
["path", { d: "m15.7 18.4-.9-.3", key: "4qxpbn" }],
["path", { d: "m9.2 15.9-.9-.3", key: "17q7o2" }],
["path", { d: "m10.6 20.7.3-.9", key: "1pf4s2" }],
["path", { d: "m13.1 14.2.3-.9", key: "1mnuqm" }],
["path", { d: "m13.6 20.7-.4-1", key: "1jpd1m" }],
["path", { d: "m10.8 14.3-.4-1", key: "17ugyy" }],
["path", { d: "m8.3 18.6 1-.4", key: "s42vdx" }],
["path", { d: "m14.7 15.8 1-.4", key: "2wizun" }]
const CloudDownload = createLucideIcon("CloudDownload", [
["path", { d: "M12 13v8l-4-4", key: "1f5nwf" }],
["path", { d: "m12 21 4-4", key: "1lfcce" }],
["path", { d: "M4.393 15.269A7 7 0 1 1 15.71 8h1.79a4.5 4.5 0 0 1 2.436 8.284", key: "ui1hmy" }]
const CloudDrizzle = createLucideIcon("CloudDrizzle", [
["path", { d: "M4 14.899A7 7 0 1 1 15.71 8h1.79a4.5 4.5 0 0 1 2.5 8.242", key: "1pljnt" }],
["path", { d: "M8 19v1", key: "1dk2by" }],
["path", { d: "M8 14v1", key: "84yxot" }],
["path", { d: "M16 19v1", key: "v220m7" }],
["path", { d: "M16 14v1", key: "g12gj6" }],
["path", { d: "M12 21v1", key: "q8vafk" }],
["path", { d: "M12 16v1", key: "1mx6rx" }]
const CloudFog = createLucideIcon("CloudFog", [
["path", { d: "M4 14.899A7 7 0 1 1 15.71 8h1.79a4.5 4.5 0 0 1 2.5 8.242", key: "1pljnt" }],
["path", { d: "M16 17H7", key: "pygtm1" }],
["path", { d: "M17 21H9", key: "1u2q02" }]
const CloudHail = createLucideIcon("CloudHail", [
["path", { d: "M4 14.899A7 7 0 1 1 15.71 8h1.79a4.5 4.5 0 0 1 2.5 8.242", key: "1pljnt" }],
["path", { d: "M16 14v2", key: "a1is7l" }],
["path", { d: "M8 14v2", key: "1e9m6t" }],
["path", { d: "M16 20h.01", key: "xwek51" }],
["path", { d: "M8 20h.01", key: "1vjney" }],
["path", { d: "M12 16v2", key: "z66u1j" }],
["path", { d: "M12 22h.01", key: "1urd7a" }]
const CloudLightning = createLucideIcon("CloudLightning", [
["path", { d: "M6 16.326A7 7 0 1 1 15.71 8h1.79a4.5 4.5 0 0 1 .5 8.973", key: "1cez44" }],
["path", { d: "m13 12-3 5h4l-3 5", key: "1t22er" }]
const CloudMoonRain = createLucideIcon("CloudMoonRain", [
["path", { d: "M10.188 8.5A6 6 0 0 1 16 4a1 1 0 0 0 6 6 6 6 0 0 1-3 5.197", key: "erj67n" }],
["path", { d: "M11 20v2", key: "174qtz" }],
["path", { d: "M3 20a5 5 0 1 1 8.9-4H13a3 3 0 0 1 2 5.24", key: "1qmrp3" }],
["path", { d: "M7 19v2", key: "12npes" }]
const CloudMoon = createLucideIcon("CloudMoon", [
["path", { d: "M10.188 8.5A6 6 0 0 1 16 4a1 1 0 0 0 6 6 6 6 0 0 1-3 5.197", key: "erj67n" }],
["path", { d: "M13 16a3 3 0 1 1 0 6H7a5 5 0 1 1 4.9-6Z", key: "p44pc9" }]
const CloudOff = createLucideIcon("CloudOff", [
["path", { d: "m2 2 20 20", key: "1ooewy" }],
["path", { d: "M5.782 5.782A7 7 0 0 0 9 19h8.5a4.5 4.5 0 0 0 1.307-.193", key: "yfwify" }],
{ d: "M21.532 16.5A4.5 4.5 0 0 0 17.5 10h-1.79A7.008 7.008 0 0 0 10 5.07", key: "jlfiyv" }
const CloudRainWind = createLucideIcon("CloudRainWind", [
["path", { d: "M4 14.899A7 7 0 1 1 15.71 8h1.79a4.5 4.5 0 0 1 2.5 8.242", key: "1pljnt" }],
["path", { d: "m9.2 22 3-7", key: "sb5f6j" }],
["path", { d: "m9 13-3 7", key: "500co5" }],
["path", { d: "m17 13-3 7", key: "8t2fiy" }]
const CloudRain = createLucideIcon("CloudRain", [
["path", { d: "M4 14.899A7 7 0 1 1 15.71 8h1.79a4.5 4.5 0 0 1 2.5 8.242", key: "1pljnt" }],
["path", { d: "M16 14v6", key: "1j4efv" }],
["path", { d: "M8 14v6", key: "17c4r9" }],
["path", { d: "M12 16v6", key: "c8a4gj" }]
const CloudSnow = createLucideIcon("CloudSnow", [
["path", { d: "M4 14.899A7 7 0 1 1 15.71 8h1.79a4.5 4.5 0 0 1 2.5 8.242", key: "1pljnt" }],
["path", { d: "M8 15h.01", key: "a7atzg" }],
["path", { d: "M8 19h.01", key: "puxtts" }],
["path", { d: "M12 17h.01", key: "p32p05" }],
["path", { d: "M12 21h.01", key: "h35vbk" }],
["path", { d: "M16 15h.01", key: "rnfrdf" }],
["path", { d: "M16 19h.01", key: "1vcnzz" }]
const CloudSunRain = createLucideIcon("CloudSunRain", [
["path", { d: "M12 2v2", key: "tus03m" }],
["path", { d: "m4.93 4.93 1.41 1.41", key: "149t6j" }],
["path", { d: "M20 12h2", key: "1q8mjw" }],
["path", { d: "m19.07 4.93-1.41 1.41", key: "1shlcs" }],
["path", { d: "M15.947 12.65a4 4 0 0 0-5.925-4.128", key: "dpwdj0" }],
["path", { d: "M3 20a5 5 0 1 1 8.9-4H13a3 3 0 0 1 2 5.24", key: "1qmrp3" }],
["path", { d: "M11 20v2", key: "174qtz" }],
["path", { d: "M7 19v2", key: "12npes" }]
const CloudSun = createLucideIcon("CloudSun", [
["path", { d: "M12 2v2", key: "tus03m" }],
["path", { d: "m4.93 4.93 1.41 1.41", key: "149t6j" }],
["path", { d: "M20 12h2", key: "1q8mjw" }],
["path", { d: "m19.07 4.93-1.41 1.41", key: "1shlcs" }],
["path", { d: "M15.947 12.65a4 4 0 0 0-5.925-4.128", key: "dpwdj0" }],
["path", { d: "M13 22H7a5 5 0 1 1 4.9-6H13a3 3 0 0 1 0 6Z", key: "s09mg5" }]
const CloudUpload = createLucideIcon("CloudUpload", [
["path", { d: "M12 13v8", key: "1l5pq0" }],
["path", { d: "M4 14.899A7 7 0 1 1 15.71 8h1.79a4.5 4.5 0 0 1 2.5 8.242", key: "1pljnt" }],
["path", { d: "m8 17 4-4 4 4", key: "1quai1" }]
const Cloud = createLucideIcon("Cloud", [
["path", { d: "M17.5 19H9a7 7 0 1 1 6.71-9h1.79a4.5 4.5 0 1 1 0 9Z", key: "p7xjir" }]
const Cloudy = createLucideIcon("Cloudy", [
["path", { d: "M17.5 21H9a7 7 0 1 1 6.71-9h1.79a4.5 4.5 0 1 1 0 9Z", key: "gqqjvc" }],
["path", { d: "M22 10a3 3 0 0 0-3-3h-2.207a5.502 5.502 0 0 0-10.702.5", key: "1p2s76" }]
const Clover = createLucideIcon("Clover", [
["path", { d: "M16.17 7.83 2 22", key: "t58vo8" }],
d: "M4.02 12a2.827 2.827 0 1 1 3.81-4.17A2.827 2.827 0 1 1 12 4.02a2.827 2.827 0 1 1 4.17 3.81A2.827 2.827 0 1 1 19.98 12a2.827 2.827 0 1 1-3.81 4.17A2.827 2.827 0 1 1 12 19.98a2.827 2.827 0 1 1-4.17-3.81A1 1 0 1 1 4 12",
key: "17k36q"
["path", { d: "m7.83 7.83 8.34 8.34", key: "1d7sxk" }]
const Club = createLucideIcon("Club", [
d: "M17.28 9.05a5.5 5.5 0 1 0-10.56 0A5.5 5.5 0 1 0 12 17.66a5.5 5.5 0 1 0 5.28-8.6Z",
key: "27yuqz"
["path", { d: "M12 17.66L12 22", key: "ogfahf" }]
const CodeXml = createLucideIcon("CodeXml", [
["path", { d: "m18 16 4-4-4-4", key: "1inbqp" }],
["path", { d: "m6 8-4 4 4 4", key: "15zrgr" }],
["path", { d: "m14.5 4-5 16", key: "e7oirm" }]
const Code = createLucideIcon("Code", [
["polyline", { points: "16 18 22 12 16 6", key: "z7tu5w" }],
["polyline", { points: "8 6 2 12 8 18", key: "1eg1df" }]
const Codepen = createLucideIcon("Codepen", [
["polygon", { points: "12 2 22 8.5 22 15.5 12 22 2 15.5 2 8.5 12 2", key: "srzb37" }],
["line", { x1: "12", x2: "12", y1: "22", y2: "15.5", key: "1t73f2" }],
["polyline", { points: "22 8.5 12 15.5 2 8.5", key: "ajlxae" }],
["polyline", { points: "2 15.5 12 8.5 22 15.5", key: "susrui" }],
["line", { x1: "12", x2: "12", y1: "2", y2: "8.5", key: "2cldga" }]
const Codesandbox = createLucideIcon("Codesandbox", [
d: "M21 16V8a2 2 0 0 0-1-1.73l-7-4a2 2 0 0 0-2 0l-7 4A2 2 0 0 0 3 8v8a2 2 0 0 0 1 1.73l7 4a2 2 0 0 0 2 0l7-4A2 2 0 0 0 21 16z",
key: "yt0hxn"
["polyline", { points: "7.5 4.21 12 6.81 16.5 4.21", key: "fabo96" }],
["polyline", { points: "7.5 19.79 7.5 14.6 3 12", key: "z377f1" }],
["polyline", { points: "21 12 16.5 14.6 16.5 19.79", key: "9nrev1" }],
["polyline", { points: "3.27 6.96 12 12.01 20.73 6.96", key: "1180pa" }],
["line", { x1: "12", x2: "12", y1: "22.08", y2: "12", key: "3z3uq6" }]
const Coffee = createLucideIcon("Coffee", [
["path", { d: "M10 2v2", key: "7u0qdc" }],
["path", { d: "M14 2v2", key: "6buw04" }],
d: "M16 8a1 1 0 0 1 1 1v8a4 4 0 0 1-4 4H7a4 4 0 0 1-4-4V9a1 1 0 0 1 1-1h14a4 4 0 1 1 0 8h-1",
key: "pwadti"
["path", { d: "M6 2v2", key: "colzsn" }]
const Cog = createLucideIcon("Cog", [
["path", { d: "M12 20a8 8 0 1 0 0-16 8 8 0 0 0 0 16Z", key: "sobvz5" }],
["path", { d: "M12 14a2 2 0 1 0 0-4 2 2 0 0 0 0 4Z", key: "11i496" }],
["path", { d: "M12 2v2", key: "tus03m" }],
["path", { d: "M12 22v-2", key: "1osdcq" }],
["path", { d: "m17 20.66-1-1.73", key: "eq3orb" }],
["path", { d: "M11 10.27 7 3.34", key: "16pf9h" }],
["path", { d: "m20.66 17-1.73-1", key: "sg0v6f" }],
["path", { d: "m3.34 7 1.73 1", key: "1ulond" }],
["path", { d: "M14 12h8", key: "4f43i9" }],
["path", { d: "M2 12h2", key: "1t8f8n" }],
["path", { d: "m20.66 7-1.73 1", key: "1ow05n" }],
["path", { d: "m3.34 17 1.73-1", key: "nuk764" }],
["path", { d: "m17 3.34-1 1.73", key: "2wel8s" }],
["path", { d: "m11 13.73-4 6.93", key: "794ttg" }]
const Coins = createLucideIcon("Coins", [
["circle", { cx: "8", cy: "8", r: "6", key: "3yglwk" }],
["path", { d: "M18.09 10.37A6 6 0 1 1 10.34 18", key: "t5s6rm" }],
["path", { d: "M7 6h1v4", key: "1obek4" }],
["path", { d: "m16.71 2.82", key: "1rbuyh" }]
const Columns2 = createLucideIcon("Columns2", [
["rect", { width: "18", height: "18", x: "3", y: "3", rx: "2", key: "afitv7" }],
["path", { d: "M12 3v18", key: "108xh3" }]
const Columns3 = createLucideIcon("Columns3", [
["rect", { width: "18", height: "18", x: "3", y: "3", rx: "2", key: "afitv7" }],
["path", { d: "M9 3v18", key: "fh3hqa" }],
["path", { d: "M15 3v18", key: "14nvp0" }]
const Columns4 = createLucideIcon("Columns4", [
["rect", { width: "18", height: "18", x: "3", y: "3", rx: "2", key: "afitv7" }],
["path", { d: "M7.5 3v18", key: "w0wo6v" }],
["path", { d: "M12 3v18", key: "108xh3" }],
["path", { d: "M16.5 3v18", key: "10tjh1" }]
const Combine = createLucideIcon("Combine", [
["path", { d: "M10 18H5a3 3 0 0 1-3-3v-1", key: "ru65g8" }],
["path", { d: "M14 2a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v4a2 2 0 0 1-2 2", key: "e30een" }],
["path", { d: "M20 2a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v4a2 2 0 0 1-2 2", key: "2ahx8o" }],
["path", { d: "m7 21 3-3-3-3", key: "127cv2" }],
["rect", { x: "14", y: "14", width: "8", height: "8", rx: "2", key: "1b0bso" }],
["rect", { x: "2", y: "2", width: "8", height: "8", rx: "2", key: "1x09vl" }]
const Command = createLucideIcon("Command", [
{ d: "M15 6v12a3 3 0 1 0 3-3H6a3 3 0 1 0 3 3V6a3 3 0 1 0-3 3h12a3 3 0 1 0-3-3", key: "11bfej" }
const Compass = createLucideIcon("Compass", [
d: "m16.24 7.76-1.804 5.411a2 2 0 0 1-1.265 1.265L7.76 16.24l1.804-5.411a2 2 0 0 1 1.265-1.265z",
key: "9ktpf1"
["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "12", r: "10", key: "1mglay" }]
const Component = createLucideIcon("Component", [
d: "M15.536 11.293a1 1 0 0 0 0 1.414l2.376 2.377a1 1 0 0 0 1.414 0l2.377-2.377a1 1 0 0 0 0-1.414l-2.377-2.377a1 1 0 0 0-1.414 0z",
key: "1uwlt4"
d: "M2.297 11.293a1 1 0 0 0 0 1.414l2.377 2.377a1 1 0 0 0 1.414 0l2.377-2.377a1 1 0 0 0 0-1.414L6.088 8.916a1 1 0 0 0-1.414 0z",
key: "10291m"
d: "M8.916 17.912a1 1 0 0 0 0 1.415l2.377 2.376a1 1 0 0 0 1.414 0l2.377-2.376a1 1 0 0 0 0-1.415l-2.377-2.376a1 1 0 0 0-1.414 0z",
key: "1tqoq1"
d: "M8.916 4.674a1 1 0 0 0 0 1.414l2.377 2.376a1 1 0 0 0 1.414 0l2.377-2.376a1 1 0 0 0 0-1.414l-2.377-2.377a1 1 0 0 0-1.414 0z",
key: "1x6lto"
const Computer = createLucideIcon("Computer", [
["rect", { width: "14", height: "8", x: "5", y: "2", rx: "2", key: "wc9tft" }],
["rect", { width: "20", height: "8", x: "2", y: "14", rx: "2", key: "w68u3i" }],
["path", { d: "M6 18h2", key: "rwmk9e" }],
["path", { d: "M12 18h6", key: "aqd8w3" }]
const ConciergeBell = createLucideIcon("ConciergeBell", [
{ d: "M3 20a1 1 0 0 1-1-1v-1a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h16a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v1a1 1 0 0 1-1 1Z", key: "1pvr1r" }
["path", { d: "M20 16a8 8 0 1 0-16 0", key: "1pa543" }],
["path", { d: "M12 4v4", key: "1bq03y" }],
["path", { d: "M10 4h4", key: "1xpv9s" }]
const Cone = createLucideIcon("Cone", [
["path", { d: "m20.9 18.55-8-15.98a1 1 0 0 0-1.8 0l-8 15.98", key: "53pte7" }],
["ellipse", { cx: "12", cy: "19", rx: "9", ry: "3", key: "1ji25f" }]
const Construction = createLucideIcon("Construction", [
["rect", { x: "2", y: "6", width: "20", height: "8", rx: "1", key: "1estib" }],
["path", { d: "M17 14v7", key: "7m2elx" }],
["path", { d: "M7 14v7", key: "1cm7wv" }],
["path", { d: "M17 3v3", key: "1v4jwn" }],
["path", { d: "M7 3v3", key: "7o6guu" }],
["path", { d: "M10 14 2.3 6.3", key: "1023jk" }],
["path", { d: "m14 6 7.7 7.7", key: "1s8pl2" }],
["path", { d: "m8 6 8 8", key: "hl96qh" }]
const ContactRound = createLucideIcon("ContactRound", [
["path", { d: "M16 2v2", key: "scm5qe" }],
["path", { d: "M17.915 22a6 6 0 0 0-12 0", key: "suqz9p" }],
["path", { d: "M8 2v2", key: "pbkmx" }],
["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "12", r: "4", key: "4exip2" }],
["rect", { x: "3", y: "4", width: "18", height: "18", rx: "2", key: "12vinp" }]
const Contact = createLucideIcon("Contact", [
["path", { d: "M16 2v2", key: "scm5qe" }],
["path", { d: "M7 22v-2a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h6a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v2", key: "1waht3" }],
["path", { d: "M8 2v2", key: "pbkmx" }],
["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "11", r: "3", key: "itu57m" }],
["rect", { x: "3", y: "4", width: "18", height: "18", rx: "2", key: "12vinp" }]
const Container = createLucideIcon("Container", [
d: "M22 7.7c0-.6-.4-1.2-.8-1.5l-6.3-3.9a1.72 1.72 0 0 0-1.7 0l-10.3 6c-.5.2-.9.8-.9 1.4v6.6c0 .5.4 1.2.8 1.5l6.3 3.9a1.72 1.72 0 0 0 1.7 0l10.3-6c.5-.3.9-1 .9-1.5Z",
key: "1t2lqe"
["path", { d: "M10 21.9V14L2.1 9.1", key: "o7czzq" }],
["path", { d: "m10 14 11.9-6.9", key: "zm5e20" }],
["path", { d: "M14 19.8v-8.1", key: "159ecu" }],
["path", { d: "M18 17.5V9.4", key: "11uown" }]
const Contrast = createLucideIcon("Contrast", [
["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "12", r: "10", key: "1mglay" }],
["path", { d: "M12 18a6 6 0 0 0 0-12v12z", key: "j4l70d" }]
const Cookie = createLucideIcon("Cookie", [
["path", { d: "M12 2a10 10 0 1 0 10 10 4 4 0 0 1-5-5 4 4 0 0 1-5-5", key: "laymnq" }],
["path", { d: "M8.5 8.5v.01", key: "ue8clq" }],
["path", { d: "M16 15.5v.01", key: "14dtrp" }],
["path", { d: "M12 12v.01", key: "u5ubse" }],
["path", { d: "M11 17v.01", key: "1hyl5a" }],
["path", { d: "M7 14v.01", key: "uct60s" }]
const CookingPot = createLucideIcon("CookingPot", [
["path", { d: "M2 12h20", key: "9i4pu4" }],
["path", { d: "M20 12v8a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H6a2 2 0 0 1-2-2v-8", key: "u0tga0" }],
["path", { d: "m4 8 16-4", key: "16g0ng" }],
d: "m8.86 6.78-.45-1.81a2 2 0 0 1 1.45-2.43l1.94-.48a2 2 0 0 1 2.43 1.46l.45 1.8",
key: "12cejc"
const CopyCheck = createLucideIcon("CopyCheck", [
["path", { d: "m12 15 2 2 4-4", key: "2c609p" }],
["rect", { width: "14", height: "14", x: "8", y: "8", rx: "2", ry: "2", key: "17jyea" }],
["path", { d: "M4 16c-1.1 0-2-.9-2-2V4c0-1.1.9-2 2-2h10c1.1 0 2 .9 2 2", key: "zix9uf" }]
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["line", { x1: "12", x2: "18", y1: "15", y2: "15", key: "1nscbv" }],
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["path", { d: "M4 16c-1.1 0-2-.9-2-2V4c0-1.1.9-2 2-2h10c1.1 0 2 .9 2 2", key: "zix9uf" }]
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["line", { x1: "15", x2: "15", y1: "12", y2: "18", key: "1p7wdc" }],
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["path", { d: "M4 16c-1.1 0-2-.9-2-2V4c0-1.1.9-2 2-2h10c1.1 0 2 .9 2 2", key: "zix9uf" }]
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["line", { x1: "12", x2: "18", y1: "18", y2: "12", key: "ebkxgr" }],
["rect", { width: "14", height: "14", x: "8", y: "8", rx: "2", ry: "2", key: "17jyea" }],
["path", { d: "M4 16c-1.1 0-2-.9-2-2V4c0-1.1.9-2 2-2h10c1.1 0 2 .9 2 2", key: "zix9uf" }]
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["line", { x1: "12", x2: "18", y1: "12", y2: "18", key: "1rg63v" }],
["line", { x1: "12", x2: "18", y1: "18", y2: "12", key: "ebkxgr" }],
["rect", { width: "14", height: "14", x: "8", y: "8", rx: "2", ry: "2", key: "17jyea" }],
["path", { d: "M4 16c-1.1 0-2-.9-2-2V4c0-1.1.9-2 2-2h10c1.1 0 2 .9 2 2", key: "zix9uf" }]
const Copy = createLucideIcon("Copy", [
["rect", { width: "14", height: "14", x: "8", y: "8", rx: "2", ry: "2", key: "17jyea" }],
["path", { d: "M4 16c-1.1 0-2-.9-2-2V4c0-1.1.9-2 2-2h10c1.1 0 2 .9 2 2", key: "zix9uf" }]
const Copyleft = createLucideIcon("Copyleft", [
["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "12", r: "10", key: "1mglay" }],
["path", { d: "M9.17 14.83a4 4 0 1 0 0-5.66", key: "1sveal" }]
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["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "12", r: "10", key: "1mglay" }],
["path", { d: "M14.83 14.83a4 4 0 1 1 0-5.66", key: "1i56pz" }]
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["polyline", { points: "9 10 4 15 9 20", key: "r3jprv" }],
["path", { d: "M20 4v7a4 4 0 0 1-4 4H4", key: "6o5b7l" }]
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["polyline", { points: "15 10 20 15 15 20", key: "1q7qjw" }],
["path", { d: "M4 4v7a4 4 0 0 0 4 4h12", key: "z08zvw" }]
const CornerLeftDown = createLucideIcon("CornerLeftDown", [
["polyline", { points: "14 15 9 20 4 15", key: "nkc4i" }],
["path", { d: "M20 4h-7a4 4 0 0 0-4 4v12", key: "nbpdq2" }]
const CornerLeftUp = createLucideIcon("CornerLeftUp", [
["polyline", { points: "14 9 9 4 4 9", key: "m9oyvo" }],
["path", { d: "M20 20h-7a4 4 0 0 1-4-4V4", key: "1blwi3" }]
const CornerRightDown = createLucideIcon("CornerRightDown", [
["polyline", { points: "10 15 15 20 20 15", key: "axus6l" }],
["path", { d: "M4 4h7a4 4 0 0 1 4 4v12", key: "wcbgct" }]
const CornerRightUp = createLucideIcon("CornerRightUp", [
["polyline", { points: "10 9 15 4 20 9", key: "1lr6px" }],
["path", { d: "M4 20h7a4 4 0 0 0 4-4V4", key: "1plgdj" }]
const CornerUpLeft = createLucideIcon("CornerUpLeft", [
["polyline", { points: "9 14 4 9 9 4", key: "881910" }],
["path", { d: "M20 20v-7a4 4 0 0 0-4-4H4", key: "1nkjon" }]
const CornerUpRight = createLucideIcon("CornerUpRight", [
["polyline", { points: "15 14 20 9 15 4", key: "1tbx3s" }],
["path", { d: "M4 20v-7a4 4 0 0 1 4-4h12", key: "1lu4f8" }]
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["rect", { width: "16", height: "16", x: "4", y: "4", rx: "2", key: "14l7u7" }],
["rect", { width: "6", height: "6", x: "9", y: "9", rx: "1", key: "5aljv4" }],
["path", { d: "M15 2v2", key: "13l42r" }],
["path", { d: "M15 20v2", key: "15mkzm" }],
["path", { d: "M2 15h2", key: "1gxd5l" }],
["path", { d: "M2 9h2", key: "1bbxkp" }],
["path", { d: "M20 15h2", key: "19e6y8" }],
["path", { d: "M20 9h2", key: "19tzq7" }],
["path", { d: "M9 2v2", key: "165o2o" }],
["path", { d: "M9 20v2", key: "i2bqo8" }]
const CreativeCommons = createLucideIcon("CreativeCommons", [
["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "12", r: "10", key: "1mglay" }],
{ d: "M10 9.3a2.8 2.8 0 0 0-3.5 1 3.1 3.1 0 0 0 0 3.4 2.7 2.7 0 0 0 3.5 1", key: "1ss3eq" }
{ d: "M17 9.3a2.8 2.8 0 0 0-3.5 1 3.1 3.1 0 0 0 0 3.4 2.7 2.7 0 0 0 3.5 1", key: "1od56t" }
const CreditCard = createLucideIcon("CreditCard", [
["rect", { width: "20", height: "14", x: "2", y: "5", rx: "2", key: "ynyp8z" }],
["line", { x1: "2", x2: "22", y1: "10", y2: "10", key: "1b3vmo" }]
const Croissant = createLucideIcon("Croissant", [
d: "m4.6 13.11 5.79-3.21c1.89-1.05 4.79 1.78 3.71 3.71l-3.22 5.81C8.8 23.16.79 15.23 4.6 13.11Z",
key: "1ozxlb"
d: "m10.5 9.5-1-2.29C9.2 6.48 8.8 6 8 6H4.5C2.79 6 2 6.5 2 8.5a7.71 7.71 0 0 0 2 4.83",
key: "ffuyb5"
["path", { d: "M8 6c0-1.55.24-4-2-4-2 0-2.5 2.17-2.5 4", key: "osnpzi" }],
d: "m14.5 13.5 2.29 1c.73.3 1.21.7 1.21 1.5v3.5c0 1.71-.5 2.5-2.5 2.5a7.71 7.71 0 0 1-4.83-2",
key: "1vubaw"
["path", { d: "M18 16c1.55 0 4-.24 4 2 0 2-2.17 2.5-4 2.5", key: "wxr772" }]
const Crop = createLucideIcon("Crop", [
["path", { d: "M6 2v14a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h14", key: "ron5a4" }],
["path", { d: "M18 22V8a2 2 0 0 0-2-2H2", key: "7s9ehn" }]
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d: "M4 9a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v2a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h4a1 1 0 0 1 1 1v4a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h2a2 2 0 0 0 2-2v-4a1 1 0 0 1 1-1h4a2 2 0 0 0 2-2v-2a2 2 0 0 0-2-2h-4a1 1 0 0 1-1-1V4a2 2 0 0 0-2-2h-2a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v4a1 1 0 0 1-1 1z",
key: "1xbrqy"
const Crosshair = createLucideIcon("Crosshair", [
["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "12", r: "10", key: "1mglay" }],
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["line", { x1: "12", x2: "12", y1: "22", y2: "18", key: "15g9kq" }]
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d: "M11.562 3.266a.5.5 0 0 1 .876 0L15.39 8.87a1 1 0 0 0 1.516.294L21.183 5.5a.5.5 0 0 1 .798.519l-2.834 10.246a1 1 0 0 1-.956.734H5.81a1 1 0 0 1-.957-.734L2.02 6.02a.5.5 0 0 1 .798-.519l4.276 3.664a1 1 0 0 0 1.516-.294z",
key: "1vdc57"
["path", { d: "M5 21h14", key: "11awu3" }]
const Cuboid = createLucideIcon("Cuboid", [
d: "m21.12 6.4-6.05-4.06a2 2 0 0 0-2.17-.05L2.95 8.41a2 2 0 0 0-.95 1.7v5.82a2 2 0 0 0 .88 1.66l6.05 4.07a2 2 0 0 0 2.17.05l9.95-6.12a2 2 0 0 0 .95-1.7V8.06a2 2 0 0 0-.88-1.66Z",
key: "1u2ovd"
["path", { d: "M10 22v-8L2.25 9.15", key: "11pn4q" }],
["path", { d: "m10 14 11.77-6.87", key: "1kt1wh" }]
const CupSoda = createLucideIcon("CupSoda", [
["path", { d: "m6 8 1.75 12.28a2 2 0 0 0 2 1.72h4.54a2 2 0 0 0 2-1.72L18 8", key: "8166m8" }],
["path", { d: "M5 8h14", key: "pcz4l3" }],
["path", { d: "M7 15a6.47 6.47 0 0 1 5 0 6.47 6.47 0 0 0 5 0", key: "yjz344" }],
["path", { d: "m12 8 1-6h2", key: "3ybfa4" }]
const Currency = createLucideIcon("Currency", [
["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "12", r: "8", key: "46899m" }],
["line", { x1: "3", x2: "6", y1: "3", y2: "6", key: "1jkytn" }],
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["line", { x1: "21", x2: "18", y1: "21", y2: "18", key: "yj2dd7" }]
const Cylinder = createLucideIcon("Cylinder", [
["ellipse", { cx: "12", cy: "5", rx: "9", ry: "3", key: "msslwz" }],
["path", { d: "M3 5v14a9 3 0 0 0 18 0V5", key: "aqi0yr" }]
const Dam = createLucideIcon("Dam", [
{ d: "M11 11.31c1.17.56 1.54 1.69 3.5 1.69 2.5 0 2.5-2 5-2 1.3 0 1.9.5 2.5 1", key: "157kva" }
["path", { d: "M11.75 18c.35.5 1.45 1 2.75 1 2.5 0 2.5-2 5-2 1.3 0 1.9.5 2.5 1", key: "d7q6m6" }],
["path", { d: "M2 10h4", key: "l0bgd4" }],
["path", { d: "M2 14h4", key: "1gsvsf" }],
["path", { d: "M2 18h4", key: "1bu2t1" }],
["path", { d: "M2 6h4", key: "aawbzj" }],
{ d: "M7 3a1 1 0 0 0-1 1v16a1 1 0 0 0 1 1h4a1 1 0 0 0 1-1L10 4a1 1 0 0 0-1-1z", key: "pr6s65" }
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["ellipse", { cx: "12", cy: "5", rx: "9", ry: "3", key: "msslwz" }],
["path", { d: "M3 12a9 3 0 0 0 5 2.69", key: "1ui2ym" }],
["path", { d: "M21 9.3V5", key: "6k6cib" }],
["path", { d: "M3 5v14a9 3 0 0 0 6.47 2.88", key: "i62tjy" }],
["path", { d: "M12 12v4h4", key: "1bxaet" }],
d: "M13 20a5 5 0 0 0 9-3 4.5 4.5 0 0 0-4.5-4.5c-1.33 0-2.54.54-3.41 1.41L12 16",
key: "1f4ei9"
const DatabaseZap = createLucideIcon("DatabaseZap", [
["ellipse", { cx: "12", cy: "5", rx: "9", ry: "3", key: "msslwz" }],
["path", { d: "M3 5V19A9 3 0 0 0 15 21.84", key: "14ibmq" }],
["path", { d: "M21 5V8", key: "1marbg" }],
["path", { d: "M21 12L18 17H22L19 22", key: "zafso" }],
["path", { d: "M3 12A9 3 0 0 0 14.59 14.87", key: "1y4wr8" }]
const Database = createLucideIcon("Database", [
["ellipse", { cx: "12", cy: "5", rx: "9", ry: "3", key: "msslwz" }],
["path", { d: "M3 5V19A9 3 0 0 0 21 19V5", key: "1wlel7" }],
["path", { d: "M3 12A9 3 0 0 0 21 12", key: "mv7ke4" }]
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d: "M10 5a2 2 0 0 0-1.344.519l-6.328 5.74a1 1 0 0 0 0 1.481l6.328 5.741A2 2 0 0 0 10 19h10a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V7a2 2 0 0 0-2-2z",
key: "1yo7s0"
["path", { d: "m12 9 6 6", key: "anjzzh" }],
["path", { d: "m18 9-6 6", key: "1fp51s" }]
const Dessert = createLucideIcon("Dessert", [
["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "4", r: "2", key: "muu5ef" }],
d: "M10.2 3.2C5.5 4 2 8.1 2 13a2 2 0 0 0 4 0v-1a2 2 0 0 1 4 0v4a2 2 0 0 0 4 0v-4a2 2 0 0 1 4 0v1a2 2 0 0 0 4 0c0-4.9-3.5-9-8.2-9.8",
key: "lfo06j"
["path", { d: "M3.2 14.8a9 9 0 0 0 17.6 0", key: "12xarc" }]
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["circle", { cx: "19", cy: "19", r: "2", key: "17f5cg" }],
["circle", { cx: "5", cy: "5", r: "2", key: "1gwv83" }],
["path", { d: "M6.48 3.66a10 10 0 0 1 13.86 13.86", key: "xr8kdq" }],
["path", { d: "m6.41 6.41 11.18 11.18", key: "uhpjw7" }],
["path", { d: "M3.66 6.48a10 10 0 0 0 13.86 13.86", key: "cldpwv" }]
const DiamondMinus = createLucideIcon("DiamondMinus", [
d: "M2.7 10.3a2.41 2.41 0 0 0 0 3.41l7.59 7.59a2.41 2.41 0 0 0 3.41 0l7.59-7.59a2.41 2.41 0 0 0 0-3.41L13.7 2.71a2.41 2.41 0 0 0-3.41 0z",
key: "1ey20j"
["path", { d: "M8 12h8", key: "1wcyev" }]
const DiamondPercent = createLucideIcon("DiamondPercent", [
d: "M2.7 10.3a2.41 2.41 0 0 0 0 3.41l7.59 7.59a2.41 2.41 0 0 0 3.41 0l7.59-7.59a2.41 2.41 0 0 0 0-3.41L13.7 2.71a2.41 2.41 0 0 0-3.41 0Z",
key: "1tpxz2"
["path", { d: "M9.2 9.2h.01", key: "1b7bvt" }],
["path", { d: "m14.5 9.5-5 5", key: "17q4r4" }],
["path", { d: "M14.7 14.8h.01", key: "17nsh4" }]
const DiamondPlus = createLucideIcon("DiamondPlus", [
["path", { d: "M12 8v8", key: "napkw2" }],
d: "M2.7 10.3a2.41 2.41 0 0 0 0 3.41l7.59 7.59a2.41 2.41 0 0 0 3.41 0l7.59-7.59a2.41 2.41 0 0 0 0-3.41L13.7 2.71a2.41 2.41 0 0 0-3.41 0z",
key: "1ey20j"
["path", { d: "M8 12h8", key: "1wcyev" }]
const Diamond = createLucideIcon("Diamond", [
d: "M2.7 10.3a2.41 2.41 0 0 0 0 3.41l7.59 7.59a2.41 2.41 0 0 0 3.41 0l7.59-7.59a2.41 2.41 0 0 0 0-3.41l-7.59-7.59a2.41 2.41 0 0 0-3.41 0Z",
key: "1f1r0c"
const Dice1 = createLucideIcon("Dice1", [
["rect", { width: "18", height: "18", x: "3", y: "3", rx: "2", ry: "2", key: "1m3agn" }],
["path", { d: "M12 12h.01", key: "1mp3jc" }]
const Dice2 = createLucideIcon("Dice2", [
["rect", { width: "18", height: "18", x: "3", y: "3", rx: "2", ry: "2", key: "1m3agn" }],
["path", { d: "M15 9h.01", key: "x1ddxp" }],
["path", { d: "M9 15h.01", key: "fzyn71" }]
const Dice3 = createLucideIcon("Dice3", [
["rect", { width: "18", height: "18", x: "3", y: "3", rx: "2", ry: "2", key: "1m3agn" }],
["path", { d: "M16 8h.01", key: "cr5u4v" }],
["path", { d: "M12 12h.01", key: "1mp3jc" }],
["path", { d: "M8 16h.01", key: "18s6g9" }]
const Dice4 = createLucideIcon("Dice4", [
["rect", { width: "18", height: "18", x: "3", y: "3", rx: "2", ry: "2", key: "1m3agn" }],
["path", { d: "M16 8h.01", key: "cr5u4v" }],
["path", { d: "M8 8h.01", key: "1e4136" }],
["path", { d: "M8 16h.01", key: "18s6g9" }],
["path", { d: "M16 16h.01", key: "1f9h7w" }]
const Dice5 = createLucideIcon("Dice5", [
["rect", { width: "18", height: "18", x: "3", y: "3", rx: "2", ry: "2", key: "1m3agn" }],
["path", { d: "M16 8h.01", key: "cr5u4v" }],
["path", { d: "M8 8h.01", key: "1e4136" }],
["path", { d: "M8 16h.01", key: "18s6g9" }],
["path", { d: "M16 16h.01", key: "1f9h7w" }],
["path", { d: "M12 12h.01", key: "1mp3jc" }]
const Dice6 = createLucideIcon("Dice6", [
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["path", { d: "M16 8h.01", key: "cr5u4v" }],
["path", { d: "M16 12h.01", key: "1l6xoz" }],
["path", { d: "M16 16h.01", key: "1f9h7w" }],
["path", { d: "M8 8h.01", key: "1e4136" }],
["path", { d: "M8 12h.01", key: "czm47f" }],
["path", { d: "M8 16h.01", key: "18s6g9" }]
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["rect", { width: "12", height: "12", x: "2", y: "10", rx: "2", ry: "2", key: "6agr2n" }],
{ d: "m17.92 14 3.5-3.5a2.24 2.24 0 0 0 0-3l-5-4.92a2.24 2.24 0 0 0-3 0L10 6", key: "1o487t" }
["path", { d: "M6 18h.01", key: "uhywen" }],
["path", { d: "M10 14h.01", key: "ssrbsk" }],
["path", { d: "M15 6h.01", key: "cblpky" }],
["path", { d: "M18 9h.01", key: "2061c0" }]
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["path", { d: "M12 3v14", key: "7cf3v8" }],
["path", { d: "M5 10h14", key: "elsbfy" }],
["path", { d: "M5 21h14", key: "11awu3" }]
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["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "12", r: "4", key: "4exip2" }],
["path", { d: "M12 12h.01", key: "1mp3jc" }]
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["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "12", r: "10", key: "1mglay" }],
["path", { d: "M6 12c0-1.7.7-3.2 1.8-4.2", key: "oqkarx" }],
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["path", { d: "M18 12c0 1.7-.7 3.2-1.8 4.2", key: "1eah9h" }]
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["path", { d: "M12 12h.01", key: "1mp3jc" }]
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["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "12", r: "10", key: "1mglay" }],
["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "12", r: "2", key: "1c9p78" }]
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["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "18", r: "1", key: "lqb9t5" }]
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["path", { d: "M15 2c-1.35 1.5-2.092 3-2.5 4.5L14 8", key: "1bivrr" }],
["path", { d: "m17 6-2.891-2.891", key: "xu6p2f" }],
["path", { d: "M2 15c3.333-3 6.667-3 10-3", key: "nxix30" }],
["path", { d: "m2 2 20 20", key: "1ooewy" }],
["path", { d: "m20 9 .891.891", key: "3xwk7g" }],
["path", { d: "M22 9c-1.5 1.35-3 2.092-4.5 2.5l-1-1", key: "18cutr" }],
["path", { d: "M3.109 14.109 4 15", key: "q76aoh" }],
["path", { d: "m6.5 12.5 1 1", key: "cs35ky" }],
["path", { d: "m7 18 2.891 2.891", key: "1sisit" }],
["path", { d: "M9 22c1.35-1.5 2.092-3 2.5-4.5L10 16", key: "rlvei3" }]
const Dna = createLucideIcon("Dna", [
["path", { d: "m10 16 1.5 1.5", key: "11lckj" }],
["path", { d: "m14 8-1.5-1.5", key: "1ohn8i" }],
["path", { d: "M15 2c-1.798 1.998-2.518 3.995-2.807 5.993", key: "80uv8i" }],
["path", { d: "m16.5 10.5 1 1", key: "696xn5" }],
["path", { d: "m17 6-2.891-2.891", key: "xu6p2f" }],
["path", { d: "M2 15c6.667-6 13.333 0 20-6", key: "1pyr53" }],
["path", { d: "m20 9 .891.891", key: "3xwk7g" }],
["path", { d: "M3.109 14.109 4 15", key: "q76aoh" }],
["path", { d: "m6.5 12.5 1 1", key: "cs35ky" }],
["path", { d: "m7 18 2.891 2.891", key: "1sisit" }],
["path", { d: "M9 22c1.798-1.998 2.518-3.995 2.807-5.993", key: "q3hbxp" }]
const Dock = createLucideIcon("Dock", [
["path", { d: "M2 8h20", key: "d11cs7" }],
["rect", { width: "20", height: "16", x: "2", y: "4", rx: "2", key: "18n3k1" }],
["path", { d: "M6 16h12", key: "u522kt" }]
const Dog = createLucideIcon("Dog", [
["path", { d: "M11.25 16.25h1.5L12 17z", key: "w7jh35" }],
["path", { d: "M16 14v.5", key: "1lajdz" }],
d: "M4.42 11.247A13.152 13.152 0 0 0 4 14.556C4 18.728 7.582 21 12 21s8-2.272 8-6.444a11.702 11.702 0 0 0-.493-3.309",
key: "u7s9ue"
["path", { d: "M8 14v.5", key: "1nzgdb" }],
d: "M8.5 8.5c-.384 1.05-1.083 2.028-2.344 2.5-1.931.722-3.576-.297-3.656-1-.113-.994 1.177-6.53 4-7 1.923-.321 3.651.845 3.651 2.235A7.497 7.497 0 0 1 14 5.277c0-1.39 1.844-2.598 3.767-2.277 2.823.47 4.113 6.006 4 7-.08.703-1.725 1.722-3.656 1-1.261-.472-1.855-1.45-2.239-2.5",
key: "v8hric"
const DollarSign = createLucideIcon("DollarSign", [
["line", { x1: "12", x2: "12", y1: "2", y2: "22", key: "7eqyqh" }],
["path", { d: "M17 5H9.5a3.5 3.5 0 0 0 0 7h5a3.5 3.5 0 0 1 0 7H6", key: "1b0p4s" }]
const Donut = createLucideIcon("Donut", [
d: "M20.5 10a2.5 2.5 0 0 1-2.4-3H18a2.95 2.95 0 0 1-2.6-4.4 10 10 0 1 0 6.3 7.1c-.3.2-.8.3-1.2.3",
key: "19sr3x"
["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "12", r: "3", key: "1v7zrd" }]
const DoorClosed = createLucideIcon("DoorClosed", [
["path", { d: "M18 20V6a2 2 0 0 0-2-2H8a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v14", key: "36qu9e" }],
["path", { d: "M2 20h20", key: "owomy5" }],
["path", { d: "M14 12v.01", key: "xfcn54" }]
const DoorOpen = createLucideIcon("DoorOpen", [
["path", { d: "M13 4h3a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v14", key: "hrm0s9" }],
["path", { d: "M2 20h3", key: "1gaodv" }],
["path", { d: "M13 20h9", key: "s90cdi" }],
["path", { d: "M10 12v.01", key: "vx6srw" }],
d: "M13 4.562v16.157a1 1 0 0 1-1.242.97L5 20V5.562a2 2 0 0 1 1.515-1.94l4-1A2 2 0 0 1 13 4.561Z",
key: "199qr4"
const Dot = createLucideIcon("Dot", [
["circle", { cx: "12.1", cy: "12.1", r: "1", key: "18d7e5" }]
const Download = createLucideIcon("Download", [
["path", { d: "M21 15v4a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H5a2 2 0 0 1-2-2v-4", key: "ih7n3h" }],
["polyline", { points: "7 10 12 15 17 10", key: "2ggqvy" }],
["line", { x1: "12", x2: "12", y1: "15", y2: "3", key: "1vk2je" }]
const DraftingCompass = createLucideIcon("DraftingCompass", [
["path", { d: "m12.99 6.74 1.93 3.44", key: "iwagvd" }],
["path", { d: "M19.136 12a10 10 0 0 1-14.271 0", key: "ppmlo4" }],
["path", { d: "m21 21-2.16-3.84", key: "vylbct" }],
["path", { d: "m3 21 8.02-14.26", key: "1ssaw4" }],
["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "5", r: "2", key: "f1ur92" }]
const Drama = createLucideIcon("Drama", [
["path", { d: "M10 11h.01", key: "d2at3l" }],
["path", { d: "M14 6h.01", key: "k028ub" }],
["path", { d: "M18 6h.01", key: "1v4wsw" }],
["path", { d: "M6.5 13.1h.01", key: "1748ia" }],
["path", { d: "M22 5c0 9-4 12-6 12s-6-3-6-12c0-2 2-3 6-3s6 1 6 3", key: "172yzv" }],
["path", { d: "M17.4 9.9c-.8.8-2 .8-2.8 0", key: "1obv0w" }],
d: "M10.1 7.1C9 7.2 7.7 7.7 6 8.6c-3.5 2-4.7 3.9-3.7 5.6 4.5 7.8 9.5 8.4 11.2 7.4.9-.5 1.9-2.1 1.9-4.7",
key: "rqjl8i"
["path", { d: "M9.1 16.5c.3-1.1 1.4-1.7 2.4-1.4", key: "1mr6wy" }]
const Dribbble = createLucideIcon("Dribbble", [
["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "12", r: "10", key: "1mglay" }],
["path", { d: "M19.13 5.09C15.22 9.14 10 10.44 2.25 10.94", key: "hpej1" }],
["path", { d: "M21.75 12.84c-6.62-1.41-12.14 1-16.38 6.32", key: "1tr44o" }],
["path", { d: "M8.56 2.75c4.37 6 6 9.42 8 17.72", key: "kbh691" }]
const Drill = createLucideIcon("Drill", [
{ d: "M10 18a1 1 0 0 1 1 1v2a1 1 0 0 1-1 1H5a3 3 0 0 1-3-3 1 1 0 0 1 1-1z", key: "ioqxb1" }
d: "M13 10H4a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V4a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h9a1 1 0 0 1 1 1v6a1 1 0 0 1-1 1l-.81 3.242a1 1 0 0 1-.97.758H8",
key: "1rs59n"
["path", { d: "M14 4h3a1 1 0 0 1 1 1v2a1 1 0 0 1-1 1h-3", key: "105ega" }],
["path", { d: "M18 6h4", key: "66u95g" }],
["path", { d: "m5 10-2 8", key: "xt2lic" }],
["path", { d: "m7 18 2-8", key: "1bzku2" }]
const DropletOff = createLucideIcon("DropletOff", [
d: "M18.715 13.186C18.29 11.858 17.384 10.607 16 9.5c-2-1.6-3.5-4-4-6.5a10.7 10.7 0 0 1-.884 2.586",
key: "8suz2t"
["path", { d: "m2 2 20 20", key: "1ooewy" }],
{ d: "M8.795 8.797A11 11 0 0 1 8 9.5C6 11.1 5 13 5 15a7 7 0 0 0 13.222 3.208", key: "19dw9m" }
const Droplet = createLucideIcon("Droplet", [
d: "M12 22a7 7 0 0 0 7-7c0-2-1-3.9-3-5.5s-3.5-4-4-6.5c-.5 2.5-2 4.9-4 6.5C6 11.1 5 13 5 15a7 7 0 0 0 7 7z",
key: "c7niix"
const Droplets = createLucideIcon("Droplets", [
d: "M7 16.3c2.2 0 4-1.83 4-4.05 0-1.16-.57-2.26-1.71-3.19S7.29 6.75 7 5.3c-.29 1.45-1.14 2.84-2.29 3.76S3 11.1 3 12.25c0 2.22 1.8 4.05 4 4.05z",
key: "1ptgy4"
d: "M12.56 6.6A10.97 10.97 0 0 0 14 3.02c.5 2.5 2 4.9 4 6.5s3 3.5 3 5.5a6.98 6.98 0 0 1-11.91 4.97",
key: "1sl1rz"
const Drum = createLucideIcon("Drum", [
["path", { d: "m2 2 8 8", key: "1v6059" }],
["path", { d: "m22 2-8 8", key: "173r8a" }],
["ellipse", { cx: "12", cy: "9", rx: "10", ry: "5", key: "liohsx" }],
["path", { d: "M7 13.4v7.9", key: "1yi6u9" }],
["path", { d: "M12 14v8", key: "1tn2tj" }],
["path", { d: "M17 13.4v7.9", key: "eqz2v3" }],
["path", { d: "M2 9v8a10 5 0 0 0 20 0V9", key: "1750ul" }]
const Drumstick = createLucideIcon("Drumstick", [
{ d: "M15.4 15.63a7.875 6 135 1 1 6.23-6.23 4.5 3.43 135 0 0-6.23 6.23", key: "1dtqwm" }
d: "m8.29 12.71-2.6 2.6a2.5 2.5 0 1 0-1.65 4.65A2.5 2.5 0 1 0 8.7 18.3l2.59-2.59",
key: "1oq1fw"
const Dumbbell = createLucideIcon("Dumbbell", [
["path", { d: "M14.4 14.4 9.6 9.6", key: "ic80wn" }],
d: "M18.657 21.485a2 2 0 1 1-2.829-2.828l-1.767 1.768a2 2 0 1 1-2.829-2.829l6.364-6.364a2 2 0 1 1 2.829 2.829l-1.768 1.767a2 2 0 1 1 2.828 2.829z",
key: "nnl7wr"
["path", { d: "m21.5 21.5-1.4-1.4", key: "1f1ice" }],
["path", { d: "M3.9 3.9 2.5 2.5", key: "1evmna" }],
d: "M6.404 12.768a2 2 0 1 1-2.829-2.829l1.768-1.767a2 2 0 1 1-2.828-2.829l2.828-2.828a2 2 0 1 1 2.829 2.828l1.767-1.768a2 2 0 1 1 2.829 2.829z",
key: "yhosts"
const EarOff = createLucideIcon("EarOff", [
["path", { d: "M6 18.5a3.5 3.5 0 1 0 7 0c0-1.57.92-2.52 2.04-3.46", key: "1qngmn" }],
["path", { d: "M6 8.5c0-.75.13-1.47.36-2.14", key: "b06bma" }],
["path", { d: "M8.8 3.15A6.5 6.5 0 0 1 19 8.5c0 1.63-.44 2.81-1.09 3.76", key: "g10hsz" }],
["path", { d: "M12.5 6A2.5 2.5 0 0 1 15 8.5M10 13a2 2 0 0 0 1.82-1.18", key: "ygzou7" }],
["line", { x1: "2", x2: "22", y1: "2", y2: "22", key: "a6p6uj" }]
const Ear = createLucideIcon("Ear", [
["path", { d: "M6 8.5a6.5 6.5 0 1 1 13 0c0 6-6 6-6 10a3.5 3.5 0 1 1-7 0", key: "1dfaln" }],
["path", { d: "M15 8.5a2.5 2.5 0 0 0-5 0v1a2 2 0 1 1 0 4", key: "1qnva7" }]
const EarthLock = createLucideIcon("EarthLock", [
["path", { d: "M7 3.34V5a3 3 0 0 0 3 3", key: "w732o8" }],
["path", { d: "M11 21.95V18a2 2 0 0 0-2-2 2 2 0 0 1-2-2v-1a2 2 0 0 0-2-2H2.05", key: "f02343" }],
["path", { d: "M21.54 15H17a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v4.54", key: "1djwo0" }],
["path", { d: "M12 2a10 10 0 1 0 9.54 13", key: "zjsr6q" }],
["path", { d: "M20 6V4a2 2 0 1 0-4 0v2", key: "1of5e8" }],
["rect", { width: "8", height: "5", x: "14", y: "6", rx: "1", key: "1fmf51" }]
const Earth = createLucideIcon("Earth", [
["path", { d: "M21.54 15H17a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v4.54", key: "1djwo0" }],
d: "M7 3.34V5a3 3 0 0 0 3 3a2 2 0 0 1 2 2c0 1.1.9 2 2 2a2 2 0 0 0 2-2c0-1.1.9-2 2-2h3.17",
key: "1tzkfa"
["path", { d: "M11 21.95V18a2 2 0 0 0-2-2a2 2 0 0 1-2-2v-1a2 2 0 0 0-2-2H2.05", key: "14pb5j" }],
["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "12", r: "10", key: "1mglay" }]
const Eclipse = createLucideIcon("Eclipse", [
["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "12", r: "10", key: "1mglay" }],
["path", { d: "M12 2a7 7 0 1 0 10 10", key: "1yuj32" }]
const EggFried = createLucideIcon("EggFried", [
["circle", { cx: "11.5", cy: "12.5", r: "3.5", key: "1cl1mi" }],
d: "M3 8c0-3.5 2.5-6 6.5-6 5 0 4.83 3 7.5 5s5 2 5 6c0 4.5-2.5 6.5-7 6.5-2.5 0-2.5 2.5-6 2.5s-7-2-7-5.5c0-3 1.5-3 1.5-5C3.5 10 3 9 3 8Z",
key: "165ef9"
const EggOff = createLucideIcon("EggOff", [
d: "M6.399 6.399C5.362 8.157 4.65 10.189 4.5 12c-.37 4.43 1.27 9.95 7.5 10 3.256-.026 5.259-1.547 6.375-3.625",
key: "6et380"
d: "M19.532 13.875A14.07 14.07 0 0 0 19.5 12c-.36-4.34-3.95-9.96-7.5-10-1.04.012-2.082.502-3.046 1.297",
key: "gcdc3f"
["line", { x1: "2", x2: "22", y1: "2", y2: "22", key: "a6p6uj" }]
const Egg = createLucideIcon("Egg", [
d: "M12 22c6.23-.05 7.87-5.57 7.5-10-.36-4.34-3.95-9.96-7.5-10-3.55.04-7.14 5.66-7.5 10-.37 4.43 1.27 9.95 7.5 10z",
key: "1c39pg"
const EllipsisVertical = createLucideIcon("EllipsisVertical", [
["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "12", r: "1", key: "41hilf" }],
["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "5", r: "1", key: "gxeob9" }],
["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "19", r: "1", key: "lyex9k" }]
const Ellipsis = createLucideIcon("Ellipsis", [
["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "12", r: "1", key: "41hilf" }],
["circle", { cx: "19", cy: "12", r: "1", key: "1wjl8i" }],
["circle", { cx: "5", cy: "12", r: "1", key: "1pcz8c" }]
const EqualApproximately = createLucideIcon("EqualApproximately", [
["path", { d: "M5 15a6.5 6.5 0 0 1 7 0 6.5 6.5 0 0 0 7 0", key: "yrdkhy" }],
["path", { d: "M5 9a6.5 6.5 0 0 1 7 0 6.5 6.5 0 0 0 7 0", key: "gzkvyz" }]
const EqualNot = createLucideIcon("EqualNot", [
["line", { x1: "5", x2: "19", y1: "9", y2: "9", key: "1nwqeh" }],
["line", { x1: "5", x2: "19", y1: "15", y2: "15", key: "g8yjpy" }],
["line", { x1: "19", x2: "5", y1: "5", y2: "19", key: "1x9vlm" }]
const Equal = createLucideIcon("Equal", [
["line", { x1: "5", x2: "19", y1: "9", y2: "9", key: "1nwqeh" }],
["line", { x1: "5", x2: "19", y1: "15", y2: "15", key: "g8yjpy" }]
const Eraser = createLucideIcon("Eraser", [
d: "m7 21-4.3-4.3c-1-1-1-2.5 0-3.4l9.6-9.6c1-1 2.5-1 3.4 0l5.6 5.6c1 1 1 2.5 0 3.4L13 21",
key: "182aya"
["path", { d: "M22 21H7", key: "t4ddhn" }],
["path", { d: "m5 11 9 9", key: "1mo9qw" }]
const EthernetPort = createLucideIcon("EthernetPort", [
d: "m15 20 3-3h2a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V6a2 2 0 0 0-2-2H4a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v9a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h2l3 3z",
key: "rbahqx"
["path", { d: "M6 8v1", key: "1636ez" }],
["path", { d: "M10 8v1", key: "1talb4" }],
["path", { d: "M14 8v1", key: "1rsfgr" }],
["path", { d: "M18 8v1", key: "gnkwox" }]
const Euro = createLucideIcon("Euro", [
["path", { d: "M4 10h12", key: "1y6xl8" }],
["path", { d: "M4 14h9", key: "1loblj" }],
d: "M19 6a7.7 7.7 0 0 0-5.2-2A7.9 7.9 0 0 0 6 12c0 4.4 3.5 8 7.8 8 2 0 3.8-.8 5.2-2",
key: "1j6lzo"
const Expand = createLucideIcon("Expand", [
["path", { d: "m21 21-6-6m6 6v-4.8m0 4.8h-4.8", key: "1c15vz" }],
["path", { d: "M3 16.2V21m0 0h4.8M3 21l6-6", key: "1fsnz2" }],
["path", { d: "M21 7.8V3m0 0h-4.8M21 3l-6 6", key: "hawz9i" }],
["path", { d: "M3 7.8V3m0 0h4.8M3 3l6 6", key: "u9ee12" }]
const ExternalLink = createLucideIcon("ExternalLink", [
["path", { d: "M15 3h6v6", key: "1q9fwt" }],
["path", { d: "M10 14 21 3", key: "gplh6r" }],
["path", { d: "M18 13v6a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H5a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V8a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h6", key: "a6xqqp" }]
const EyeClosed = createLucideIcon("EyeClosed", [
["path", { d: "m15 18-.722-3.25", key: "1j64jw" }],
["path", { d: "M2 8a10.645 10.645 0 0 0 20 0", key: "1e7gxb" }],
["path", { d: "m20 15-1.726-2.05", key: "1cnuld" }],
["path", { d: "m4 15 1.726-2.05", key: "1dsqqd" }],
["path", { d: "m9 18 .722-3.25", key: "ypw2yx" }]
const EyeOff = createLucideIcon("EyeOff", [
d: "M10.733 5.076a10.744 10.744 0 0 1 11.205 6.575 1 1 0 0 1 0 .696 10.747 10.747 0 0 1-1.444 2.49",
key: "ct8e1f"
["path", { d: "M14.084 14.158a3 3 0 0 1-4.242-4.242", key: "151rxh" }],
d: "M17.479 17.499a10.75 10.75 0 0 1-15.417-5.151 1 1 0 0 1 0-.696 10.75 10.75 0 0 1 4.446-5.143",
key: "13bj9a"
["path", { d: "m2 2 20 20", key: "1ooewy" }]
const Eye = createLucideIcon("Eye", [
d: "M2.062 12.348a1 1 0 0 1 0-.696 10.75 10.75 0 0 1 19.876 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 .696 10.75 10.75 0 0 1-19.876 0",
key: "1nclc0"
["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "12", r: "3", key: "1v7zrd" }]
const Facebook = createLucideIcon("Facebook", [
{ d: "M18 2h-3a5 5 0 0 0-5 5v3H7v4h3v8h4v-8h3l1-4h-4V7a1 1 0 0 1 1-1h3z", key: "1jg4f8" }
const Factory = createLucideIcon("Factory", [
d: "M2 20a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h16a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V8l-7 5V8l-7 5V4a2 2 0 0 0-2-2H4a2 2 0 0 0-2 2Z",
key: "159hny"
["path", { d: "M17 18h1", key: "uldtlt" }],
["path", { d: "M12 18h1", key: "s9uhes" }],
["path", { d: "M7 18h1", key: "1neino" }]
const Fan = createLucideIcon("Fan", [
d: "M10.827 16.379a6.082 6.082 0 0 1-8.618-7.002l5.412 1.45a6.082 6.082 0 0 1 7.002-8.618l-1.45 5.412a6.082 6.082 0 0 1 8.618 7.002l-5.412-1.45a6.082 6.082 0 0 1-7.002 8.618l1.45-5.412Z",
key: "484a7f"
["path", { d: "M12 12v.01", key: "u5ubse" }]
const FastForward = createLucideIcon("FastForward", [
["polygon", { points: "13 19 22 12 13 5 13 19", key: "587y9g" }],
["polygon", { points: "2 19 11 12 2 5 2 19", key: "3pweh0" }]
const Feather = createLucideIcon("Feather", [
d: "M12.67 19a2 2 0 0 0 1.416-.588l6.154-6.172a6 6 0 0 0-8.49-8.49L5.586 9.914A2 2 0 0 0 5 11.328V18a1 1 0 0 0 1 1z",
key: "18jl4k"
["path", { d: "M16 8 2 22", key: "vp34q" }],
["path", { d: "M17.5 15H9", key: "1oz8nu" }]
const Fence = createLucideIcon("Fence", [
["path", { d: "M4 3 2 5v15c0 .6.4 1 1 1h2c.6 0 1-.4 1-1V5Z", key: "1n2rgs" }],
["path", { d: "M6 8h4", key: "utf9t1" }],
["path", { d: "M6 18h4", key: "12yh4b" }],
["path", { d: "m12 3-2 2v15c0 .6.4 1 1 1h2c.6 0 1-.4 1-1V5Z", key: "3ha7mj" }],
["path", { d: "M14 8h4", key: "1r8wg2" }],
["path", { d: "M14 18h4", key: "1t3kbu" }],
["path", { d: "m20 3-2 2v15c0 .6.4 1 1 1h2c.6 0 1-.4 1-1V5Z", key: "dfd4e2" }]
const FerrisWheel = createLucideIcon("FerrisWheel", [
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["path", { d: "M8 22h8", key: "rmew8v" }],
["path", { d: "M18 18.7a9 9 0 1 0-12 0", key: "dhzg4g" }]
const Figma = createLucideIcon("Figma", [
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["path", { d: "M5 12.5A3.5 3.5 0 0 1 8.5 9H12v7H8.5A3.5 3.5 0 0 1 5 12.5z", key: "pdip6e" }]
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d: "M2 19a2 2 0 1 1 4 0v1a2 2 0 1 1-4 0v-4a6 6 0 0 1 12 0v4a2 2 0 1 1-4 0v-1a2 2 0 1 1 4 0",
key: "9f7x3i"
const FileAxis3d = createLucideIcon("FileAxis3d", [
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["path", { d: "m8 18 4-4", key: "12zab0" }],
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["path", { d: "m14 12.5 1 5.5-3-1-3 1 1-5.5", key: "14xlky" }]
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["path", { d: "M12 22h6a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V7l-5-5H6a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v3", key: "12ixgl" }],
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["path", { d: "M5 17a3 3 0 1 0 0-6 3 3 0 0 0 0 6Z", key: "u0c8gj" }],
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d: "M3 13.1a2 2 0 0 0-1 1.76v3.24a2 2 0 0 0 .97 1.78L6 21.7a2 2 0 0 0 2.03.01L11 19.9a2 2 0 0 0 1-1.76V14.9a2 2 0 0 0-.97-1.78L8 11.3a2 2 0 0 0-2.03-.01Z",
key: "99pj1s"
["path", { d: "M7 17v5", key: "1yj1jh" }],
["path", { d: "M11.7 14.2 7 17l-4.7-2.8", key: "1yk8tc" }]
const FileChartColumnIncreasing = createLucideIcon("FileChartColumnIncreasing", [
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["path", { d: "M14 2v4a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h4", key: "tnqrlb" }],
["path", { d: "M8 18v-2", key: "qcmpov" }],
["path", { d: "M12 18v-4", key: "q1q25u" }],
["path", { d: "M16 18v-6", key: "15y0np" }]
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["path", { d: "M15 2H6a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v16a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h12a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V7Z", key: "1rqfz7" }],
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["path", { d: "M8 18v-1", key: "zg0ygc" }],
["path", { d: "M12 18v-6", key: "17g6i2" }],
["path", { d: "M16 18v-3", key: "j5jt4h" }]
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["path", { d: "m16 13-3.5 3.5-2-2L8 17", key: "zz7yod" }]
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["path", { d: "M14 2v4a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h4", key: "tnqrlb" }],
["path", { d: "M16 22h2a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V7l-5-5H6a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v3.5", key: "13ddob" }],
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d: "M9 16a1 1 0 0 1-1-1v-4c0-.552.45-1.008.995-.917a6 6 0 0 1 4.922 4.922c.091.544-.365.995-.917.995z",
key: "1dl6s6"
const FileCheck2 = createLucideIcon("FileCheck2", [
["path", { d: "M4 22h14a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V7l-5-5H6a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v4", key: "1pf5j1" }],
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["path", { d: "m3 15 2 2 4-4", key: "1lhrkk" }]
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["path", { d: "M15 2H6a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v16a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h12a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V7Z", key: "1rqfz7" }],
["path", { d: "M14 2v4a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h4", key: "tnqrlb" }],
["path", { d: "m9 15 2 2 4-4", key: "1grp1n" }]
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["path", { d: "M16 22h2a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V7l-5-5H6a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v3", key: "37hlfg" }],
["path", { d: "M14 2v4a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h4", key: "tnqrlb" }],
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["path", { d: "m5 12-3 3 3 3", key: "oke12k" }],
["path", { d: "m9 18 3-3-3-3", key: "112psh" }]
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["path", { d: "m14 12.5 2 2.5-2 2.5", key: "yinavb" }],
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["path", { d: "M15 2H6a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v16a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h12a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V7z", key: "1mlx9k" }]
const FileCog = createLucideIcon("FileCog", [
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["path", { d: "m3.2 12.9-.9-.4", key: "1i3dj5" }],
["path", { d: "m3.2 15.1-.9.4", key: "1fvgj0" }],
d: "M4.677 21.5a2 2 0 0 0 1.313.5H18a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V7l-5-5H6a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v2.5",
key: "1yo3oz"
["path", { d: "m4.9 11.2-.4-.9", key: "otmhb9" }],
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["path", { d: "M9 10h6", key: "9gxzsh" }],
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["path", { d: "M9 17h6", key: "r8uit2" }]
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["path", { d: "M4 22h14a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V7l-5-5H6a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v4", key: "1pf5j1" }],
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["path", { d: "M10 12h2v6", key: "12zw74" }],
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["path", { d: "M15 2H6a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v16a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h12a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V7Z", key: "1rqfz7" }],
["path", { d: "M14 2v4a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h4", key: "tnqrlb" }],
["path", { d: "M12 18v-6", key: "17g6i2" }],
["path", { d: "m9 15 3 3 3-3", key: "1npd3o" }]
const FileHeart = createLucideIcon("FileHeart", [
["path", { d: "M4 22h14a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V7l-5-5H6a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v2", key: "17k7jt" }],
["path", { d: "M14 2v4a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h4", key: "tnqrlb" }],
d: "M10.29 10.7a2.43 2.43 0 0 0-2.66-.52c-.29.12-.56.3-.78.53l-.35.34-.35-.34a2.43 2.43 0 0 0-2.65-.53c-.3.12-.56.3-.79.53-.95.94-1 2.53.2 3.74L6.5 18l3.6-3.55c1.2-1.21 1.14-2.8.19-3.74Z",
key: "1c1fso"
const FileImage = createLucideIcon("FileImage", [
["path", { d: "M15 2H6a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v16a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h12a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V7Z", key: "1rqfz7" }],
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["path", { d: "m20 17-1.296-1.296a2.41 2.41 0 0 0-3.408 0L9 22", key: "wt3hpn" }]
const FileInput = createLucideIcon("FileInput", [
["path", { d: "M4 22h14a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V7l-5-5H6a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v4", key: "1pf5j1" }],
["path", { d: "M14 2v4a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h4", key: "tnqrlb" }],
["path", { d: "M2 15h10", key: "jfw4w8" }],
["path", { d: "m9 18 3-3-3-3", key: "112psh" }]
const FileJson2 = createLucideIcon("FileJson2", [
["path", { d: "M4 22h14a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V7l-5-5H6a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v4", key: "1pf5j1" }],
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{ d: "M4 12a1 1 0 0 0-1 1v1a1 1 0 0 1-1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1v1a1 1 0 0 0 1 1", key: "fq0c9t" }
{ d: "M8 18a1 1 0 0 0 1-1v-1a1 1 0 0 1 1-1 1 1 0 0 1-1-1v-1a1 1 0 0 0-1-1", key: "4gibmv" }
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["path", { d: "M15 2H6a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v16a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h12a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V7Z", key: "1rqfz7" }],
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{ d: "M10 12a1 1 0 0 0-1 1v1a1 1 0 0 1-1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1v1a1 1 0 0 0 1 1", key: "1oajmo" }
{ d: "M14 18a1 1 0 0 0 1-1v-1a1 1 0 0 1 1-1 1 1 0 0 1-1-1v-1a1 1 0 0 0-1-1", key: "mpwhp6" }
const FileKey2 = createLucideIcon("FileKey2", [
["path", { d: "M4 22h14a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V7l-5-5H6a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v6", key: "rc0qvx" }],
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["path", { d: "m9 11 1 1", key: "wa6s5q" }]
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["path", { d: "M15 2H6a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v16a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h12a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V7Z", key: "1rqfz7" }],
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["path", { d: "m16 10-4.5 4.5", key: "7p3ebg" }],
["path", { d: "m15 11 1 1", key: "1bsyx3" }]
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["path", { d: "M4 22h14a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V7l-5-5H6a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v1", key: "jmtmu2" }],
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["path", { d: "M8 13v-2a2 2 0 1 0-4 0v2", key: "1pdxzg" }]
const FileLock = createLucideIcon("FileLock", [
["path", { d: "M15 2H6a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v16a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h12a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V7Z", key: "1rqfz7" }],
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const FileMinus2 = createLucideIcon("FileMinus2", [
["path", { d: "M4 22h14a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V7l-5-5H6a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v4", key: "1pf5j1" }],
["path", { d: "M14 2v4a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h4", key: "tnqrlb" }],
["path", { d: "M3 15h6", key: "4e2qda" }]
const FileMinus = createLucideIcon("FileMinus", [
["path", { d: "M15 2H6a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v16a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h12a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V7Z", key: "1rqfz7" }],
["path", { d: "M14 2v4a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h4", key: "tnqrlb" }],
["path", { d: "M9 15h6", key: "cctwl0" }]
const FileMusic = createLucideIcon("FileMusic", [
["path", { d: "M10.5 22H18a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V7l-5-5H6a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v8.4", key: "1d3kfm" }],
["path", { d: "M8 18v-7.7L16 9v7", key: "1oie6o" }],
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["circle", { cx: "6", cy: "18", r: "2", key: "1fncim" }]
const FileOutput = createLucideIcon("FileOutput", [
["path", { d: "M14 2v4a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h4", key: "tnqrlb" }],
["path", { d: "M4 7V4a2 2 0 0 1 2-2 2 2 0 0 0-2 2", key: "1vk7w2" }],
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["path", { d: "m5 11-3 3", key: "1dgrs4" }],
["path", { d: "m5 17-3-3h10", key: "1mvvaf" }]
const FilePenLine = createLucideIcon("FilePenLine", [
d: "m18 5-2.414-2.414A2 2 0 0 0 14.172 2H6a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v16a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h12a2 2 0 0 0 2-2",
key: "142zxg"
d: "M21.378 12.626a1 1 0 0 0-3.004-3.004l-4.01 4.012a2 2 0 0 0-.506.854l-.837 2.87a.5.5 0 0 0 .62.62l2.87-.837a2 2 0 0 0 .854-.506z",
key: "2t3380"
["path", { d: "M8 18h1", key: "13wk12" }]
const FilePen = createLucideIcon("FilePen", [
["path", { d: "M12.5 22H18a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V7l-5-5H6a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v9.5", key: "1couwa" }],
["path", { d: "M14 2v4a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h4", key: "tnqrlb" }],
d: "M13.378 15.626a1 1 0 1 0-3.004-3.004l-5.01 5.012a2 2 0 0 0-.506.854l-.837 2.87a.5.5 0 0 0 .62.62l2.87-.837a2 2 0 0 0 .854-.506z",
key: "1y4qbx"
const FilePlus2 = createLucideIcon("FilePlus2", [
["path", { d: "M4 22h14a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V7l-5-5H6a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v4", key: "1pf5j1" }],
["path", { d: "M14 2v4a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h4", key: "tnqrlb" }],
["path", { d: "M3 15h6", key: "4e2qda" }],
["path", { d: "M6 12v6", key: "1u72j0" }]
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["path", { d: "M15 2H6a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v16a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h12a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V7Z", key: "1rqfz7" }],
["path", { d: "M14 2v4a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h4", key: "tnqrlb" }],
["path", { d: "M9 15h6", key: "cctwl0" }],
["path", { d: "M12 18v-6", key: "17g6i2" }]
const FileQuestion = createLucideIcon("FileQuestion", [
["path", { d: "M12 17h.01", key: "p32p05" }],
["path", { d: "M15 2H6a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v16a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h12a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V7z", key: "1mlx9k" }],
["path", { d: "M9.1 9a3 3 0 0 1 5.82 1c0 2-3 3-3 3", key: "mhlwft" }]
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["path", { d: "M20 10V7l-5-5H6a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v16a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h4", key: "1rdf37" }],
["path", { d: "M14 2v4a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h4", key: "tnqrlb" }],
["path", { d: "M16 14a2 2 0 0 0-2 2", key: "ceaadl" }],
["path", { d: "M20 14a2 2 0 0 1 2 2", key: "1ny6zw" }],
["path", { d: "M20 22a2 2 0 0 0 2-2", key: "1l9q4k" }],
["path", { d: "M16 22a2 2 0 0 1-2-2", key: "1wqh5n" }]
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["path", { d: "M15 2H6a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v16a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h12a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V7Z", key: "1rqfz7" }],
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["path", { d: "M13.3 16.3 15 18", key: "2quom7" }]
const FileSearch = createLucideIcon("FileSearch", [
["path", { d: "M14 2v4a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h4", key: "tnqrlb" }],
{ d: "M4.268 21a2 2 0 0 0 1.727 1H18a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V7l-5-5H6a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v3", key: "ms7g94" }
["path", { d: "m9 18-1.5-1.5", key: "1j6qii" }],
["circle", { cx: "5", cy: "14", r: "3", key: "ufru5t" }]
const FileSliders = createLucideIcon("FileSliders", [
["path", { d: "M15 2H6a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v16a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h12a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V7Z", key: "1rqfz7" }],
["path", { d: "M14 2v4a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h4", key: "tnqrlb" }],
["path", { d: "M8 12h8", key: "1wcyev" }],
["path", { d: "M10 11v2", key: "1s651w" }],
["path", { d: "M8 17h8", key: "wh5c61" }],
["path", { d: "M14 16v2", key: "12fp5e" }]
const FileSpreadsheet = createLucideIcon("FileSpreadsheet", [
["path", { d: "M15 2H6a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v16a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h12a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V7Z", key: "1rqfz7" }],
["path", { d: "M14 2v4a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h4", key: "tnqrlb" }],
["path", { d: "M8 13h2", key: "yr2amv" }],
["path", { d: "M14 13h2", key: "un5t4a" }],
["path", { d: "M8 17h2", key: "2yhykz" }],
["path", { d: "M14 17h2", key: "10kma7" }]
const FileStack = createLucideIcon("FileStack", [
["path", { d: "M21 7h-3a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V2", key: "9rb54x" }],
d: "M21 6v6.5c0 .8-.7 1.5-1.5 1.5h-7c-.8 0-1.5-.7-1.5-1.5v-9c0-.8.7-1.5 1.5-1.5H17Z",
key: "1059l0"
["path", { d: "M7 8v8.8c0 .", key: "16874u" }],
["path", { d: "M3 12v8.8c0 .", key: "k2ox98" }]
const FileSymlink = createLucideIcon("FileSymlink", [
["path", { d: "m10 18 3-3-3-3", key: "18f6ys" }],
["path", { d: "M14 2v4a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h4", key: "tnqrlb" }],
d: "M4 11V4a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h9l5 5v13a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H6a2 2 0 0 1-2-2v-3a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h7",
key: "50q2rw"
const FileTerminal = createLucideIcon("FileTerminal", [
["path", { d: "M15 2H6a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v16a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h12a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V7Z", key: "1rqfz7" }],
["path", { d: "M14 2v4a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h4", key: "tnqrlb" }],
["path", { d: "m8 16 2-2-2-2", key: "10vzyd" }],
["path", { d: "M12 18h4", key: "1wd2n7" }]
const FileText = createLucideIcon("FileText", [
["path", { d: "M15 2H6a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v16a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h12a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V7Z", key: "1rqfz7" }],
["path", { d: "M14 2v4a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h4", key: "tnqrlb" }],
["path", { d: "M10 9H8", key: "b1mrlr" }],
["path", { d: "M16 13H8", key: "t4e002" }],
["path", { d: "M16 17H8", key: "z1uh3a" }]
const FileType2 = createLucideIcon("FileType2", [
["path", { d: "M4 22h14a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V7l-5-5H6a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v4", key: "1pf5j1" }],
["path", { d: "M14 2v4a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h4", key: "tnqrlb" }],
["path", { d: "M2 13v-1h6v1", key: "1dh9dg" }],
["path", { d: "M5 12v6", key: "150t9c" }],
["path", { d: "M4 18h2", key: "1xrofg" }]
const FileType = createLucideIcon("FileType", [
["path", { d: "M15 2H6a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v16a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h12a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V7Z", key: "1rqfz7" }],
["path", { d: "M14 2v4a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h4", key: "tnqrlb" }],
["path", { d: "M9 13v-1h6v1", key: "1bb014" }],
["path", { d: "M12 12v6", key: "3ahymv" }],
["path", { d: "M11 18h2", key: "12mj7e" }]
const FileUp = createLucideIcon("FileUp", [
["path", { d: "M15 2H6a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v16a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h12a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V7Z", key: "1rqfz7" }],
["path", { d: "M14 2v4a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h4", key: "tnqrlb" }],
["path", { d: "M12 12v6", key: "3ahymv" }],
["path", { d: "m15 15-3-3-3 3", key: "15xj92" }]
const FileUser = createLucideIcon("FileUser", [
["path", { d: "M14 2v4a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h4", key: "tnqrlb" }],
["path", { d: "M15 18a3 3 0 1 0-6 0", key: "16awa0" }],
["path", { d: "M15 2H6a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v16a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h12a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V7z", key: "1mlx9k" }],
["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "13", r: "2", key: "1c1ljs" }]
const FileVideo2 = createLucideIcon("FileVideo2", [
["path", { d: "M4 22h14a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V7l-5-5H6a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v4", key: "1pf5j1" }],
["path", { d: "M14 2v4a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h4", key: "tnqrlb" }],
["rect", { width: "8", height: "6", x: "2", y: "12", rx: "1", key: "1a6c1e" }],
["path", { d: "m10 15.5 4 2.5v-6l-4 2.5", key: "t7cp39" }]
const FileVideo = createLucideIcon("FileVideo", [
["path", { d: "M15 2H6a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v16a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h12a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V7Z", key: "1rqfz7" }],
["path", { d: "M14 2v4a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h4", key: "tnqrlb" }],
["path", { d: "m10 11 5 3-5 3v-6Z", key: "7ntvm4" }]
const FileVolume2 = createLucideIcon("FileVolume2", [
["path", { d: "M15 2H6a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v16a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h12a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V7Z", key: "1rqfz7" }],
["path", { d: "M14 2v4a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h4", key: "tnqrlb" }],
["path", { d: "M8 15h.01", key: "a7atzg" }],
["path", { d: "M11.5 13.5a2.5 2.5 0 0 1 0 3", key: "1fccat" }],
["path", { d: "M15 12a5 5 0 0 1 0 6", key: "ps46cm" }]
const FileVolume = createLucideIcon("FileVolume", [
["path", { d: "M11 11a5 5 0 0 1 0 6", key: "193qb2" }],
["path", { d: "M14 2v4a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h4", key: "tnqrlb" }],
{ d: "M4 6.765V4a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h9l5 5v13a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H6a2 2 0 0 1-.93-.23", key: "ifyjnl" }
d: "M7 10.51a.5.5 0 0 0-.826-.38l-1.893 1.628A1 1 0 0 1 3.63 12H2.5a.5.5 0 0 0-.5.5v3a.5.5 0 0 0 .5.5h1.129a1 1 0 0 1 .652.242l1.893 1.63a.5.5 0 0 0 .826-.38z",
key: "mk8rxu"
const FileWarning = createLucideIcon("FileWarning", [
["path", { d: "M15 2H6a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v16a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h12a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V7Z", key: "1rqfz7" }],
["path", { d: "M12 9v4", key: "juzpu7" }],
["path", { d: "M12 17h.01", key: "p32p05" }]
const FileX2 = createLucideIcon("FileX2", [
["path", { d: "M4 22h14a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V7l-5-5H6a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v4", key: "1pf5j1" }],
["path", { d: "M14 2v4a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h4", key: "tnqrlb" }],
["path", { d: "m8 12.5-5 5", key: "b853mi" }],
["path", { d: "m3 12.5 5 5", key: "1qls4r" }]
const FileX = createLucideIcon("FileX", [
["path", { d: "M15 2H6a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v16a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h12a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V7Z", key: "1rqfz7" }],
["path", { d: "M14 2v4a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h4", key: "tnqrlb" }],
["path", { d: "m14.5 12.5-5 5", key: "b62r18" }],
["path", { d: "m9.5 12.5 5 5", key: "1rk7el" }]
const File = createLucideIcon("File", [
["path", { d: "M15 2H6a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v16a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h12a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V7Z", key: "1rqfz7" }],
["path", { d: "M14 2v4a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h4", key: "tnqrlb" }]
const Files = createLucideIcon("Files", [
["path", { d: "M20 7h-3a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V2", key: "x099mo" }],
["path", { d: "M9 18a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V4a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h7l4 4v10a2 2 0 0 1-2 2Z", key: "18t6ie" }],
["path", { d: "M3 7.6v12.8A1.6 1.6 0 0 0 4.6 22h9.8", key: "1nja0z" }]
const Film = createLucideIcon("Film", [
["rect", { width: "18", height: "18", x: "3", y: "3", rx: "2", key: "afitv7" }],
["path", { d: "M7 3v18", key: "bbkbws" }],
["path", { d: "M3 7.5h4", key: "zfgn84" }],
["path", { d: "M3 12h18", key: "1i2n21" }],
["path", { d: "M3 16.5h4", key: "1230mu" }],
["path", { d: "M17 3v18", key: "in4fa5" }],
["path", { d: "M17 7.5h4", key: "myr1c1" }],
["path", { d: "M17 16.5h4", key: "go4c1d" }]
const FilterX = createLucideIcon("FilterX", [
["path", { d: "M13.013 3H2l8 9.46V19l4 2v-8.54l.9-1.055", key: "1fi1da" }],
["path", { d: "m22 3-5 5", key: "12jva0" }],
["path", { d: "m17 3 5 5", key: "k36vhe" }]
const Filter = createLucideIcon("Filter", [
["polygon", { points: "22 3 2 3 10 12.46 10 19 14 21 14 12.46 22 3", key: "1yg77f" }]
const Fingerprint = createLucideIcon("Fingerprint", [
["path", { d: "M12 10a2 2 0 0 0-2 2c0 1.02-.1 2.51-.26 4", key: "1nerag" }],
["path", { d: "M14 13.12c0 2.38 0 6.38-1 8.88", key: "o46ks0" }],
["path", { d: "M17.29 21.02c.12-.6.43-2.3.5-3.02", key: "ptglia" }],
["path", { d: "M2 12a10 10 0 0 1 18-6", key: "ydlgp0" }],
["path", { d: "M2 16h.01", key: "1gqxmh" }],
["path", { d: "M21.8 16c.2-2 .131-5.354 0-6", key: "drycrb" }],
["path", { d: "M5 19.5C5.5 18 6 15 6 12a6 6 0 0 1 .34-2", key: "1tidbn" }],
["path", { d: "M8.65 22c.21-.66.45-1.32.57-2", key: "13wd9y" }],
["path", { d: "M9 6.8a6 6 0 0 1 9 5.2v2", key: "1fr1j5" }]
const FireExtinguisher = createLucideIcon("FireExtinguisher", [
["path", { d: "M15 6.5V3a1 1 0 0 0-1-1h-2a1 1 0 0 0-1 1v3.5", key: "sqyvz" }],
["path", { d: "M9 18h8", key: "i7pszb" }],
["path", { d: "M18 3h-3", key: "7idoqj" }],
["path", { d: "M11 3a6 6 0 0 0-6 6v11", key: "1v5je3" }],
["path", { d: "M5 13h4", key: "svpcxo" }],
["path", { d: "M17 10a4 4 0 0 0-8 0v10a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h4a2 2 0 0 0 2-2Z", key: "vsjego" }]
const FishOff = createLucideIcon("FishOff", [
d: "M18 12.47v.03m0-.5v.47m-.475 5.056A6.744 6.744 0 0 1 15 18c-3.56 0-7.56-2.53-8.5-6 .348-1.28 1.114-2.433 2.121-3.38m3.444-2.088A8.802 8.802 0 0 1 15 6c3.56 0 6.06 2.54 7 6-.309 1.14-.786 2.177-1.413 3.058",
key: "1j1hse"
d: "M7 10.67C7 8 5.58 5.97 2.73 5.5c-1 1.5-1 5 .23 6.5-1.24 1.5-1.24 5-.23 6.5C5.58 18.03 7 16 7 13.33m7.48-4.372A9.77 9.77 0 0 1 16 6.07m0 11.86a9.77 9.77 0 0 1-1.728-3.618",
key: "1q46z8"
d: "m16.01 17.93-.23 1.4A2 2 0 0 1 13.8 21H9.5a5.96 5.96 0 0 0 1.49-3.98M8.53 3h5.27a2 2 0 0 1 1.98 1.67l.23 1.4M2 2l20 20",
key: "1407gh"
const FishSymbol = createLucideIcon("FishSymbol", [
["path", { d: "M2 16s9-15 20-4C11 23 2 8 2 8", key: "h4oh4o" }]
const Fish = createLucideIcon("Fish", [
d: "M6.5 12c.94-3.46 4.94-6 8.5-6 3.56 0 6.06 2.54 7 6-.94 3.47-3.44 6-7 6s-7.56-2.53-8.5-6Z",
key: "15baut"
["path", { d: "M18 12v.5", key: "18hhni" }],
["path", { d: "M16 17.93a9.77 9.77 0 0 1 0-11.86", key: "16dt7o" }],
d: "M7 10.67C7 8 5.58 5.97 2.73 5.5c-1 1.5-1 5 .23 6.5-1.24 1.5-1.24 5-.23 6.5C5.58 18.03 7 16 7 13.33",
key: "l9di03"
{ d: "M10.46 7.26C10.2 5.88 9.17 4.24 8 3h5.8a2 2 0 0 1 1.98 1.67l.23 1.4", key: "1kjonw" }
{ d: "m16.01 17.93-.23 1.4A2 2 0 0 1 13.8 21H9.5a5.96 5.96 0 0 0 1.49-3.98", key: "1zlm23" }
const FlagOff = createLucideIcon("FlagOff", [
["path", { d: "M8 2c3 0 5 2 8 2s4-1 4-1v11", key: "9rwyz9" }],
["path", { d: "M4 22V4", key: "1plyxx" }],
["path", { d: "M4 15s1-1 4-1 5 2 8 2", key: "1myooe" }],
["line", { x1: "2", x2: "22", y1: "2", y2: "22", key: "a6p6uj" }]
const FlagTriangleLeft = createLucideIcon("FlagTriangleLeft", [
["path", { d: "M17 22V2L7 7l10 5", key: "1rmf0r" }]
const FlagTriangleRight = createLucideIcon("FlagTriangleRight", [
["path", { d: "M7 22V2l10 5-10 5", key: "17n18y" }]
const Flag = createLucideIcon("Flag", [
["path", { d: "M4 15s1-1 4-1 5 2 8 2 4-1 4-1V3s-1 1-4 1-5-2-8-2-4 1-4 1z", key: "i9b6wo" }],
["line", { x1: "4", x2: "4", y1: "22", y2: "15", key: "1cm3nv" }]
const FlameKindling = createLucideIcon("FlameKindling", [
d: "M12 2c1 3 2.5 3.5 3.5 4.5A5 5 0 0 1 17 10a5 5 0 1 1-10 0c0-.3 0-.6.1-.9a2 2 0 1 0 3.3-2C8 4.5 11 2 12 2Z",
key: "1ir223"
["path", { d: "m5 22 14-4", key: "1brv4h" }],
["path", { d: "m5 18 14 4", key: "lgyyje" }]
const Flame = createLucideIcon("Flame", [
d: "M8.5 14.5A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 11 12c0-1.38-.5-2-1-3-1.072-2.143-.224-4.054 2-6 .5 2.5 2 4.9 4 6.5 2 1.6 3 3.5 3 5.5a7 7 0 1 1-14 0c0-1.153.433-2.294 1-3a2.5 2.5 0 0 0 2.5 2.5z",
key: "96xj49"
const FlashlightOff = createLucideIcon("FlashlightOff", [
["path", { d: "M16 16v4a2 2 0 0 1-2 2h-4a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V10c0-2-2-2-2-4", key: "1r120k" }],
["path", { d: "M7 2h11v4c0 2-2 2-2 4v1", key: "dz1920" }],
["line", { x1: "11", x2: "18", y1: "6", y2: "6", key: "bi1vpe" }],
["line", { x1: "2", x2: "22", y1: "2", y2: "22", key: "a6p6uj" }]
const Flashlight = createLucideIcon("Flashlight", [
d: "M18 6c0 2-2 2-2 4v10a2 2 0 0 1-2 2h-4a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V10c0-2-2-2-2-4V2h12z",
key: "1orkel"
["line", { x1: "6", x2: "18", y1: "6", y2: "6", key: "1z11jq" }],
["line", { x1: "12", x2: "12", y1: "12", y2: "12", key: "1f4yc1" }]
const FlaskConicalOff = createLucideIcon("FlaskConicalOff", [
["path", { d: "M10 2v2.343", key: "15t272" }],
["path", { d: "M14 2v6.343", key: "sxr80q" }],
["path", { d: "m2 2 20 20", key: "1ooewy" }],
["path", { d: "M20 20a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H6a2 2 0 0 1-1.755-2.96l5.227-9.563", key: "k0duyd" }],
["path", { d: "M6.453 15H15", key: "1f0z33" }],
["path", { d: "M8.5 2h7", key: "csnxdl" }]
const FlaskConical = createLucideIcon("FlaskConical", [
d: "M14 2v6a2 2 0 0 0 .245.96l5.51 10.08A2 2 0 0 1 18 22H6a2 2 0 0 1-1.755-2.96l5.51-10.08A2 2 0 0 0 10 8V2",
key: "18mbvz"
["path", { d: "M6.453 15h11.094", key: "3shlmq" }],
["path", { d: "M8.5 2h7", key: "csnxdl" }]
const FlaskRound = createLucideIcon("FlaskRound", [
["path", { d: "M10 2v6.292a7 7 0 1 0 4 0V2", key: "1s42pc" }],
["path", { d: "M5 15h14", key: "m0yey3" }],
["path", { d: "M8.5 2h7", key: "csnxdl" }]
const FlipHorizontal2 = createLucideIcon("FlipHorizontal2", [
["path", { d: "m3 7 5 5-5 5V7", key: "couhi7" }],
["path", { d: "m21 7-5 5 5 5V7", key: "6ouia7" }],
["path", { d: "M12 20v2", key: "1lh1kg" }],
["path", { d: "M12 14v2", key: "8jcxud" }],
["path", { d: "M12 8v2", key: "1woqiv" }],
["path", { d: "M12 2v2", key: "tus03m" }]
const FlipHorizontal = createLucideIcon("FlipHorizontal", [
["path", { d: "M8 3H5a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v14c0 1.1.9 2 2 2h3", key: "1i73f7" }],
["path", { d: "M16 3h3a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v14a2 2 0 0 1-2 2h-3", key: "saxlbk" }],
["path", { d: "M12 20v2", key: "1lh1kg" }],
["path", { d: "M12 14v2", key: "8jcxud" }],
["path", { d: "M12 8v2", key: "1woqiv" }],
["path", { d: "M12 2v2", key: "tus03m" }]
const FlipVertical2 = createLucideIcon("FlipVertical2", [
["path", { d: "m17 3-5 5-5-5h10", key: "1ftt6x" }],
["path", { d: "m17 21-5-5-5 5h10", key: "1m0wmu" }],
["path", { d: "M4 12H2", key: "rhcxmi" }],
["path", { d: "M10 12H8", key: "s88cx1" }],
["path", { d: "M16 12h-2", key: "10asgb" }],
["path", { d: "M22 12h-2", key: "14jgyd" }]
const FlipVertical = createLucideIcon("FlipVertical", [
["path", { d: "M21 8V5a2 2 0 0 0-2-2H5a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v3", key: "14bfxa" }],
["path", { d: "M21 16v3a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H5a2 2 0 0 1-2-2v-3", key: "14rx03" }],
["path", { d: "M4 12H2", key: "rhcxmi" }],
["path", { d: "M10 12H8", key: "s88cx1" }],
["path", { d: "M16 12h-2", key: "10asgb" }],
["path", { d: "M22 12h-2", key: "14jgyd" }]
const Flower2 = createLucideIcon("Flower2", [
d: "M12 5a3 3 0 1 1 3 3m-3-3a3 3 0 1 0-3 3m3-3v1M9 8a3 3 0 1 0 3 3M9 8h1m5 0a3 3 0 1 1-3 3m3-3h-1m-2 3v-1",
key: "3pnvol"
["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "8", r: "2", key: "1822b1" }],
["path", { d: "M12 10v12", key: "6ubwww" }],
["path", { d: "M12 22c4.2 0 7-1.667 7-5-4.2 0-7 1.667-7 5Z", key: "9hd38g" }],
["path", { d: "M12 22c-4.2 0-7-1.667-7-5 4.2 0 7 1.667 7 5Z", key: "ufn41s" }]
const Flower = createLucideIcon("Flower", [
["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "12", r: "3", key: "1v7zrd" }],
d: "M12 16.5A4.5 4.5 0 1 1 7.5 12 4.5 4.5 0 1 1 12 7.5a4.5 4.5 0 1 1 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 0 1 1-4.5 4.5",
key: "14wa3c"
["path", { d: "M12 7.5V9", key: "1oy5b0" }],
["path", { d: "M7.5 12H9", key: "eltsq1" }],
["path", { d: "M16.5 12H15", key: "vk5kw4" }],
["path", { d: "M12 16.5V15", key: "k7eayi" }],
["path", { d: "m8 8 1.88 1.88", key: "nxy4qf" }],
["path", { d: "M14.12 9.88 16 8", key: "1lst6k" }],
["path", { d: "m8 16 1.88-1.88", key: "h2eex1" }],
["path", { d: "M14.12 14.12 16 16", key: "uqkrx3" }]
const Focus = createLucideIcon("Focus", [
["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "12", r: "3", key: "1v7zrd" }],
["path", { d: "M3 7V5a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h2", key: "aa7l1z" }],
["path", { d: "M17 3h2a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v2", key: "4qcy5o" }],
["path", { d: "M21 17v2a2 2 0 0 1-2 2h-2", key: "6vwrx8" }],
["path", { d: "M7 21H5a2 2 0 0 1-2-2v-2", key: "ioqczr" }]
const FoldHorizontal = createLucideIcon("FoldHorizontal", [
["path", { d: "M2 12h6", key: "1wqiqv" }],
["path", { d: "M22 12h-6", key: "1eg9hc" }],
["path", { d: "M12 2v2", key: "tus03m" }],
["path", { d: "M12 8v2", key: "1woqiv" }],
["path", { d: "M12 14v2", key: "8jcxud" }],
["path", { d: "M12 20v2", key: "1lh1kg" }],
["path", { d: "m19 9-3 3 3 3", key: "12ol22" }],
["path", { d: "m5 15 3-3-3-3", key: "1kdhjc" }]
const FoldVertical = createLucideIcon("FoldVertical", [
["path", { d: "M12 22v-6", key: "6o8u61" }],
["path", { d: "M12 8V2", key: "1wkif3" }],
["path", { d: "M4 12H2", key: "rhcxmi" }],
["path", { d: "M10 12H8", key: "s88cx1" }],
["path", { d: "M16 12h-2", key: "10asgb" }],
["path", { d: "M22 12h-2", key: "14jgyd" }],
["path", { d: "m15 19-3-3-3 3", key: "e37ymu" }],
["path", { d: "m15 5-3 3-3-3", key: "19d6lf" }]
const FolderArchive = createLucideIcon("FolderArchive", [
["circle", { cx: "15", cy: "19", r: "2", key: "u2pros" }],
d: "M20.9 19.8A2 2 0 0 0 22 18V8a2 2 0 0 0-2-2h-7.9a2 2 0 0 1-1.69-.9L9.6 3.9A2 2 0 0 0 7.93 3H4a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v13a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h5.1",
key: "1jj40k"
["path", { d: "M15 11v-1", key: "cntcp" }],
["path", { d: "M15 17v-2", key: "1279jj" }]
const FolderCheck = createLucideIcon("FolderCheck", [
d: "M20 20a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V8a2 2 0 0 0-2-2h-7.9a2 2 0 0 1-1.69-.9L9.6 3.9A2 2 0 0 0 7.93 3H4a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v13a2 2 0 0 0 2 2Z",
key: "1kt360"
["path", { d: "m9 13 2 2 4-4", key: "6343dt" }]
const FolderClock = createLucideIcon("FolderClock", [
["circle", { cx: "16", cy: "16", r: "6", key: "qoo3c4" }],
d: "M7 20H4a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V5a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h3.9a2 2 0 0 1 1.69.9l.81 1.2a2 2 0 0 0 1.67.9H20a2 2 0 0 1 2 2",
key: "1urifu"
["path", { d: "M16 14v2l1 1", key: "xth2jh" }]
const FolderClosed = createLucideIcon("FolderClosed", [
d: "M20 20a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V8a2 2 0 0 0-2-2h-7.9a2 2 0 0 1-1.69-.9L9.6 3.9A2 2 0 0 0 7.93 3H4a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v13a2 2 0 0 0 2 2Z",
key: "1kt360"
["path", { d: "M2 10h20", key: "1ir3d8" }]
const FolderCode = createLucideIcon("FolderCode", [
["path", { d: "M10 10.5 8 13l2 2.5", key: "m4t9c1" }],
["path", { d: "m14 10.5 2 2.5-2 2.5", key: "14w2eb" }],
d: "M20 20a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V8a2 2 0 0 0-2-2h-7.9a2 2 0 0 1-1.69-.9L9.6 3.9A2 2 0 0 0 7.93 3H4a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v13a2 2 0 0 0 2 2z",
key: "1u1bxd"
const FolderCog = createLucideIcon("FolderCog", [
["circle", { cx: "18", cy: "18", r: "3", key: "1xkwt0" }],
d: "M10.3 20H4a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V5a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h3.9a2 2 0 0 1 1.69.9l.81 1.2a2 2 0 0 0 1.67.9H20a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v3.3",
key: "1k8050"
["path", { d: "m21.7 19.4-.9-.3", key: "1qgwi9" }],
["path", { d: "m15.2 16.9-.9-.3", key: "1t7mvx" }],
["path", { d: "m16.6 21.7.3-.9", key: "1j67ps" }],
["path", { d: "m19.1 15.2.3-.9", key: "18r7jp" }],
["path", { d: "m19.6 21.7-.4-1", key: "z2vh2" }],
["path", { d: "m16.8 15.3-.4-1", key: "1ei7r6" }],
["path", { d: "m14.3 19.6 1-.4", key: "11sv9r" }],
["path", { d: "m20.7 16.8 1-.4", key: "19m87a" }]
const FolderDot = createLucideIcon("FolderDot", [
d: "M4 20h16a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V8a2 2 0 0 0-2-2h-7.93a2 2 0 0 1-1.66-.9l-.82-1.2A2 2 0 0 0 7.93 3H4a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v13c0 1.1.9 2 2 2Z",
key: "1fr9dc"
["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "13", r: "1", key: "49l61u" }]
const FolderDown = createLucideIcon("FolderDown", [
d: "M20 20a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V8a2 2 0 0 0-2-2h-7.9a2 2 0 0 1-1.69-.9L9.6 3.9A2 2 0 0 0 7.93 3H4a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v13a2 2 0 0 0 2 2Z",
key: "1kt360"
["path", { d: "M12 10v6", key: "1bos4e" }],
["path", { d: "m15 13-3 3-3-3", key: "6j2sf0" }]
const FolderGit2 = createLucideIcon("FolderGit2", [
d: "M9 20H4a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V5a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h3.9a2 2 0 0 1 1.69.9l.81 1.2a2 2 0 0 0 1.67.9H20a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v5",
key: "1w6njk"
["circle", { cx: "13", cy: "12", r: "2", key: "1j92g6" }],
["path", { d: "M18 19c-2.8 0-5-2.2-5-5v8", key: "pkpw2h" }],
["circle", { cx: "20", cy: "19", r: "2", key: "1obnsp" }]
const FolderGit = createLucideIcon("FolderGit", [
["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "13", r: "2", key: "1c1ljs" }],
d: "M20 20a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V8a2 2 0 0 0-2-2h-7.9a2 2 0 0 1-1.69-.9L9.6 3.9A2 2 0 0 0 7.93 3H4a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v13a2 2 0 0 0 2 2Z",
key: "1kt360"
["path", { d: "M14 13h3", key: "1dgedf" }],
["path", { d: "M7 13h3", key: "1pygq7" }]
const FolderHeart = createLucideIcon("FolderHeart", [
d: "M11 20H4a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V5a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h3.9a2 2 0 0 1 1.69.9l.81 1.2a2 2 0 0 0 1.67.9H20a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v1.5",
key: "6hud8k"
d: "M13.9 17.45c-1.2-1.2-1.14-2.8-.2-3.73a2.43 2.43 0 0 1 3.44 0l.36.34.34-.34a2.43 2.43 0 0 1 3.45-.01c.95.95 1 2.53-.2 3.74L17.5 21Z",
key: "wpff58"
const FolderInput = createLucideIcon("FolderInput", [
d: "M2 9V5a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h3.9a2 2 0 0 1 1.69.9l.81 1.2a2 2 0 0 0 1.67.9H20a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v10a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H4a2 2 0 0 1-2-2v-1",
key: "fm4g5t"
["path", { d: "M2 13h10", key: "pgb2dq" }],
["path", { d: "m9 16 3-3-3-3", key: "6m91ic" }]
const FolderKanban = createLucideIcon("FolderKanban", [
d: "M4 20h16a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V8a2 2 0 0 0-2-2h-7.93a2 2 0 0 1-1.66-.9l-.82-1.2A2 2 0 0 0 7.93 3H4a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v13c0 1.1.9 2 2 2Z",
key: "1fr9dc"
["path", { d: "M8 10v4", key: "tgpxqk" }],
["path", { d: "M12 10v2", key: "hh53o1" }],
["path", { d: "M16 10v6", key: "1d6xys" }]
const FolderKey = createLucideIcon("FolderKey", [
["circle", { cx: "16", cy: "20", r: "2", key: "1vifvg" }],
d: "M10 20H4a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V5a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h3.9a2 2 0 0 1 1.69.9l.81 1.2a2 2 0 0 0 1.67.9H20a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v2",
key: "3hgo9p"
["path", { d: "m22 14-4.5 4.5", key: "1ef6z8" }],
["path", { d: "m21 15 1 1", key: "1ejcpy" }]
const FolderLock = createLucideIcon("FolderLock", [
["rect", { width: "8", height: "5", x: "14", y: "17", rx: "1", key: "19aais" }],
d: "M10 20H4a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V5a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h3.9a2 2 0 0 1 1.69.9l.81 1.2a2 2 0 0 0 1.67.9H20a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v2.5",
key: "1w6v7t"
["path", { d: "M20 17v-2a2 2 0 1 0-4 0v2", key: "pwaxnr" }]
const FolderMinus = createLucideIcon("FolderMinus", [
["path", { d: "M9 13h6", key: "1uhe8q" }],
d: "M20 20a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V8a2 2 0 0 0-2-2h-7.9a2 2 0 0 1-1.69-.9L9.6 3.9A2 2 0 0 0 7.93 3H4a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v13a2 2 0 0 0 2 2Z",
key: "1kt360"
const FolderOpenDot = createLucideIcon("FolderOpenDot", [
d: "m6 14 1.45-2.9A2 2 0 0 1 9.24 10H20a2 2 0 0 1 1.94 2.5l-1.55 6a2 2 0 0 1-1.94 1.5H4a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V5c0-1.1.9-2 2-2h3.93a2 2 0 0 1 1.66.9l.82 1.2a2 2 0 0 0 1.66.9H18a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v2",
key: "1nmvlm"
["circle", { cx: "14", cy: "15", r: "1", key: "1gm4qj" }]
const FolderOpen = createLucideIcon("FolderOpen", [
d: "m6 14 1.5-2.9A2 2 0 0 1 9.24 10H20a2 2 0 0 1 1.94 2.5l-1.54 6a2 2 0 0 1-1.95 1.5H4a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V5a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h3.9a2 2 0 0 1 1.69.9l.81 1.2a2 2 0 0 0 1.67.9H18a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v2",
key: "usdka0"
const FolderOutput = createLucideIcon("FolderOutput", [
d: "M2 7.5V5a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h3.9a2 2 0 0 1 1.69.9l.81 1.2a2 2 0 0 0 1.67.9H20a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v10a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H4a2 2 0 0 1-2-1.5",
key: "1yk7aj"
["path", { d: "M2 13h10", key: "pgb2dq" }],
["path", { d: "m5 10-3 3 3 3", key: "1r8ie0" }]
const FolderPen = createLucideIcon("FolderPen", [
d: "M2 11.5V5a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h3.9c.7 0 1.3.3 1.7.9l.8 1.2c.4.6 1 .9 1.7.9H20a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v10a2 2 0 0 1-2 2h-9.5",
key: "a8xqs0"
d: "M11.378 13.626a1 1 0 1 0-3.004-3.004l-5.01 5.012a2 2 0 0 0-.506.854l-.837 2.87a.5.5 0 0 0 .62.62l2.87-.837a2 2 0 0 0 .854-.506z",
key: "1saktj"
const FolderPlus = createLucideIcon("FolderPlus", [
["path", { d: "M12 10v6", key: "1bos4e" }],
["path", { d: "M9 13h6", key: "1uhe8q" }],
d: "M20 20a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V8a2 2 0 0 0-2-2h-7.9a2 2 0 0 1-1.69-.9L9.6 3.9A2 2 0 0 0 7.93 3H4a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v13a2 2 0 0 0 2 2Z",
key: "1kt360"
const FolderRoot = createLucideIcon("FolderRoot", [
d: "M4 20h16a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V8a2 2 0 0 0-2-2h-7.93a2 2 0 0 1-1.66-.9l-.82-1.2A2 2 0 0 0 7.93 3H4a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v13c0 1.1.9 2 2 2Z",
key: "1fr9dc"
["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "13", r: "2", key: "1c1ljs" }],
["path", { d: "M12 15v5", key: "11xva1" }]
const FolderSearch2 = createLucideIcon("FolderSearch2", [
["circle", { cx: "11.5", cy: "12.5", r: "2.5", key: "1ea5ju" }],
d: "M20 20a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V8a2 2 0 0 0-2-2h-7.9a2 2 0 0 1-1.69-.9L9.6 3.9A2 2 0 0 0 7.93 3H4a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v13a2 2 0 0 0 2 2Z",
key: "1kt360"
["path", { d: "M13.3 14.3 15 16", key: "1y4v1n" }]
const FolderSearch = createLucideIcon("FolderSearch", [
d: "M10.7 20H4a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V5a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h3.9a2 2 0 0 1 1.69.9l.81 1.2a2 2 0 0 0 1.67.9H20a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v4.1",
key: "1bw5m7"
["path", { d: "m21 21-1.9-1.9", key: "1g2n9r" }],
["circle", { cx: "17", cy: "17", r: "3", key: "18b49y" }]
const FolderSymlink = createLucideIcon("FolderSymlink", [
d: "M2 9V5a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h3.9a2 2 0 0 1 1.69.9l.81 1.2a2 2 0 0 0 1.67.9H20a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v10a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H4a2 2 0 0 1-2-2v-3a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h7",
key: "x1c07l"
["path", { d: "m8 16 3-3-3-3", key: "rlqrt1" }]
const FolderSync = createLucideIcon("FolderSync", [
d: "M9 20H4a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V5a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h3.9a2 2 0 0 1 1.69.9l.81 1.2a2 2 0 0 0 1.67.9H20a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v.5",
key: "1dkoa9"
["path", { d: "M12 10v4h4", key: "1czhmt" }],
["path", { d: "m12 14 1.535-1.605a5 5 0 0 1 8 1.5", key: "lvuxfi" }],
["path", { d: "M22 22v-4h-4", key: "1ewp4q" }],
["path", { d: "m22 18-1.535 1.605a5 5 0 0 1-8-1.5", key: "14ync0" }]
const FolderTree = createLucideIcon("FolderTree", [
d: "M20 10a1 1 0 0 0 1-1V6a1 1 0 0 0-1-1h-2.5a1 1 0 0 1-.8-.4l-.9-1.2A1 1 0 0 0 15 3h-2a1 1 0 0 0-1 1v5a1 1 0 0 0 1 1Z",
key: "hod4my"
d: "M20 21a1 1 0 0 0 1-1v-3a1 1 0 0 0-1-1h-2.9a1 1 0 0 1-.88-.55l-.42-.85a1 1 0 0 0-.92-.6H13a1 1 0 0 0-1 1v5a1 1 0 0 0 1 1Z",
key: "w4yl2u"
["path", { d: "M3 5a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h3", key: "f2jnh7" }],
["path", { d: "M3 3v13a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h3", key: "k8epm1" }]
const FolderUp = createLucideIcon("FolderUp", [
d: "M20 20a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V8a2 2 0 0 0-2-2h-7.9a2 2 0 0 1-1.69-.9L9.6 3.9A2 2 0 0 0 7.93 3H4a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v13a2 2 0 0 0 2 2Z",
key: "1kt360"
["path", { d: "M12 10v6", key: "1bos4e" }],
["path", { d: "m9 13 3-3 3 3", key: "1pxg3c" }]
const FolderX = createLucideIcon("FolderX", [
d: "M20 20a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V8a2 2 0 0 0-2-2h-7.9a2 2 0 0 1-1.69-.9L9.6 3.9A2 2 0 0 0 7.93 3H4a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v13a2 2 0 0 0 2 2Z",
key: "1kt360"
["path", { d: "m9.5 10.5 5 5", key: "ra9qjz" }],
["path", { d: "m14.5 10.5-5 5", key: "l2rkpq" }]
const Folder = createLucideIcon("Folder", [
d: "M20 20a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V8a2 2 0 0 0-2-2h-7.9a2 2 0 0 1-1.69-.9L9.6 3.9A2 2 0 0 0 7.93 3H4a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v13a2 2 0 0 0 2 2Z",
key: "1kt360"
const Folders = createLucideIcon("Folders", [
d: "M20 17a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V9a2 2 0 0 0-2-2h-3.9a2 2 0 0 1-1.69-.9l-.81-1.2a2 2 0 0 0-1.67-.9H8a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v9a2 2 0 0 0 2 2Z",
key: "4u7rpt"
["path", { d: "M2 8v11a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h14", key: "1eicx1" }]
const Footprints = createLucideIcon("Footprints", [
d: "M4 16v-2.38C4 11.5 2.97 10.5 3 8c.03-2.72 1.49-6 4.5-6C9.37 2 10 3.8 10 5.5c0 3.11-2 5.66-2 8.68V16a2 2 0 1 1-4 0Z",
key: "1dudjm"
d: "M20 20v-2.38c0-2.12 1.03-3.12 1-5.62-.03-2.72-1.49-6-4.5-6C14.63 6 14 7.8 14 9.5c0 3.11 2 5.66 2 8.68V20a2 2 0 1 0 4 0Z",
key: "l2t8xc"
["path", { d: "M16 17h4", key: "1dejxt" }],
["path", { d: "M4 13h4", key: "1bwh8b" }]
const Forklift = createLucideIcon("Forklift", [
["path", { d: "M12 12H5a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v5", key: "7zsz91" }],
["circle", { cx: "13", cy: "19", r: "2", key: "wjnkru" }],
["circle", { cx: "5", cy: "19", r: "2", key: "v8kfzx" }],
["path", { d: "M8 19h3m5-17v17h6M6 12V7c0-1.1.9-2 2-2h3l5 5", key: "13bk1p" }]
const Forward = createLucideIcon("Forward", [
["polyline", { points: "15 17 20 12 15 7", key: "1w3sku" }],
["path", { d: "M4 18v-2a4 4 0 0 1 4-4h12", key: "jmiej9" }]
const Frame = createLucideIcon("Frame", [
["line", { x1: "22", x2: "2", y1: "6", y2: "6", key: "15w7dq" }],
["line", { x1: "22", x2: "2", y1: "18", y2: "18", key: "1ip48p" }],
["line", { x1: "6", x2: "6", y1: "2", y2: "22", key: "a2lnyx" }],
["line", { x1: "18", x2: "18", y1: "2", y2: "22", key: "8vb6jd" }]
const Framer = createLucideIcon("Framer", [
["path", { d: "M5 16V9h14V2H5l14 14h-7m-7 0 7 7v-7m-7 0h7", key: "1a2nng" }]
const Frown = createLucideIcon("Frown", [
["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "12", r: "10", key: "1mglay" }],
["path", { d: "M16 16s-1.5-2-4-2-4 2-4 2", key: "epbg0q" }],
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["line", { x1: "15", x2: "15.01", y1: "9", y2: "9", key: "1p4y9e" }]
const Fuel = createLucideIcon("Fuel", [
["line", { x1: "3", x2: "15", y1: "22", y2: "22", key: "xegly4" }],
["line", { x1: "4", x2: "14", y1: "9", y2: "9", key: "xcnuvu" }],
["path", { d: "M14 22V4a2 2 0 0 0-2-2H6a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v18", key: "16j0yd" }],
d: "M14 13h2a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v2a2 2 0 0 0 2 2a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V9.83a2 2 0 0 0-.59-1.42L18 5",
key: "7cu91f"
const Fullscreen = createLucideIcon("Fullscreen", [
["path", { d: "M3 7V5a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h2", key: "aa7l1z" }],
["path", { d: "M17 3h2a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v2", key: "4qcy5o" }],
["path", { d: "M21 17v2a2 2 0 0 1-2 2h-2", key: "6vwrx8" }],
["path", { d: "M7 21H5a2 2 0 0 1-2-2v-2", key: "ioqczr" }],
["rect", { width: "10", height: "8", x: "7", y: "8", rx: "1", key: "vys8me" }]
const GalleryHorizontalEnd = createLucideIcon("GalleryHorizontalEnd", [
["path", { d: "M2 7v10", key: "a2pl2d" }],
["path", { d: "M6 5v14", key: "1kq3d7" }],
["rect", { width: "12", height: "18", x: "10", y: "3", rx: "2", key: "13i7bc" }]
const GalleryHorizontal = createLucideIcon("GalleryHorizontal", [
["path", { d: "M2 3v18", key: "pzttux" }],
["rect", { width: "12", height: "18", x: "6", y: "3", rx: "2", key: "btr8bg" }],
["path", { d: "M22 3v18", key: "6jf3v" }]
const GalleryThumbnails = createLucideIcon("GalleryThumbnails", [
["rect", { width: "18", height: "14", x: "3", y: "3", rx: "2", key: "74y24f" }],
["path", { d: "M4 21h1", key: "16zlid" }],
["path", { d: "M9 21h1", key: "15o7lz" }],
["path", { d: "M14 21h1", key: "v9vybs" }],
["path", { d: "M19 21h1", key: "edywat" }]
const GalleryVerticalEnd = createLucideIcon("GalleryVerticalEnd", [
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d: "M17.32 5H6.68a4 4 0 0 0-3.978 3.59c-.006.052-.01.101-.017.152C2.604 9.416 2 14.456 2 16a3 3 0 0 0 3 3c1 0 1.5-.5 2-1l1.414-1.414A2 2 0 0 1 9.828 16h4.344a2 2 0 0 1 1.414.586L17 18c.5.5 1 1 2 1a3 3 0 0 0 3-3c0-1.545-.604-6.584-.685-7.258-.007-.05-.011-.1-.017-.151A4 4 0 0 0 17.32 5z",
key: "mfqc10"
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["path", { d: "m12 14 4-4", key: "9kzdfg" }],
["path", { d: "M3.34 19a10 10 0 1 1 17.32 0", key: "19p75a" }]
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["path", { d: "m14.5 12.5-8 8a2.119 2.119 0 1 1-3-3l8-8", key: "15492f" }],
["path", { d: "m16 16 6-6", key: "vzrcl6" }],
["path", { d: "m8 8 6-6", key: "18bi4p" }],
["path", { d: "m9 7 8 8", key: "5jnvq1" }],
["path", { d: "m21 11-8-8", key: "z4y7zo" }]
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["path", { d: "M6 3h12l4 6-10 13L2 9Z", key: "1pcd5k" }],
["path", { d: "M11 3 8 9l4 13 4-13-3-6", key: "1fcu3u" }],
["path", { d: "M2 9h20", key: "16fsjt" }]
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["path", { d: "M9 10h.01", key: "qbtxuw" }],
["path", { d: "M15 10h.01", key: "1qmjsl" }],
d: "M12 2a8 8 0 0 0-8 8v12l3-3 2.5 2.5L12 19l2.5 2.5L17 19l3 3V10a8 8 0 0 0-8-8z",
key: "uwwb07"
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["path", { d: "M12 8v13", key: "1c76mn" }],
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d: "M7.5 8a2.5 2.5 0 0 1 0-5A4.8 8 0 0 1 12 8a4.8 8 0 0 1 4.5-5 2.5 2.5 0 0 1 0 5",
key: "1ihvrl"
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["path", { d: "M18 15v6", key: "9wciyi" }],
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["path", { d: "m15 9-3-3 3-3", key: "1lwv8l" }],
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["path", { d: "m9 15 3 3-3 3", key: "1m3kbl" }]
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["path", { d: "M11 18H8a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V9", key: "19pyzm" }]
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["path", { d: "M12 12v3", key: "158kv8" }]
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["path", { d: "M5 9v6", key: "158jrl" }],
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["path", { d: "M12 3v18", key: "108xh3" }],
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["path", { d: "M6 21V9a9 9 0 0 0 9 9", key: "7kw0sc" }]
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["circle", { cx: "5", cy: "6", r: "3", key: "1qnov2" }],
["path", { d: "M5 9v12", key: "ih889a" }],
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["path", { d: "m15 9-3-3 3-3", key: "1lwv8l" }],
["path", { d: "M12 6h5a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v7", key: "1yj91y" }]
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["path", { d: "M6 9v12", key: "1sc30k" }],
["path", { d: "m21 3-6 6", key: "16nqsk" }],
["path", { d: "m21 9-6-6", key: "9j17rh" }],
["path", { d: "M18 11.5V15", key: "65xf6f" }],
["circle", { cx: "18", cy: "18", r: "3", key: "1xkwt0" }]
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["circle", { cx: "5", cy: "6", r: "3", key: "1qnov2" }],
["path", { d: "M5 9v12", key: "ih889a" }],
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["path", { d: "M19 15v6", key: "10aioa" }],
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["path", { d: "M6 9v12", key: "1sc30k" }],
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["path", { d: "M18 15v6", key: "9wciyi" }],
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["path", { d: "M18 6V5", key: "1oao2s" }],
["path", { d: "M18 11v-1", key: "11c8tz" }],
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d: "M15 22v-4a4.8 4.8 0 0 0-1-3.5c3 0 6-2 6-5.5.08-1.25-.27-2.48-1-3.5.28-1.15.28-2.35 0-3.5 0 0-1 0-3 1.5-2.64-.5-5.36-.5-8 0C6 2 5 2 5 2c-.3 1.15-.3 2.35 0 3.5A5.403 5.403 0 0 0 4 9c0 3.5 3 5.5 6 5.5-.39.49-.68 1.05-.85 1.65-.17.6-.22 1.23-.15 1.85v4",
key: "tonef"
["path", { d: "M9 18c-4.51 2-5-2-7-2", key: "9comsn" }]
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d: "m22 13.29-3.33-10a.42.42 0 0 0-.14-.18.38.38 0 0 0-.22-.11.39.39 0 0 0-. 0 0 0-.14.18l-2.26 6.67H8.32L6.1 3.26a.42.42 0 0 0-.1-.18.38.38 0 0 0-.26-.08.39.39 0 0 0-. 0 0 0-.14.18L2 13.29a.74.74 0 0 0 .27.83L12 21l9.69-6.88a.71.71 0 0 0 .31-.83Z",
key: "148pdi"
const GlassWater = createLucideIcon("GlassWater", [
d: "M5.116 4.104A1 1 0 0 1 6.11 3h11.78a1 1 0 0 1 .994 1.105L17.19 20.21A2 2 0 0 1 15.2 22H8.8a2 2 0 0 1-2-1.79z",
key: "p55z4y"
["path", { d: "M6 12a5 5 0 0 1 6 0 5 5 0 0 0 6 0", key: "mjntcy" }]
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["circle", { cx: "6", cy: "15", r: "4", key: "vux9w4" }],
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["path", { d: "M2.5 13 5 7c.7-1.3 1.4-2 3-2", key: "1hm1gs" }],
["path", { d: "M21.5 13 19 7c-.7-1.3-1.5-2-3-2", key: "1r31ai" }]
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d: "M15.686 15A14.5 14.5 0 0 1 12 22a14.5 14.5 0 0 1 0-20 10 10 0 1 0 9.542 13",
key: "qkt0x6"
["path", { d: "M2 12h8.5", key: "ovaggd" }],
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["path", { d: "M2 12h20", key: "9i4pu4" }]
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["path", { d: "M12 13V2l8 4-8 4", key: "5wlwwj" }],
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["path", { d: "M14 10V8a2 2 0 0 0-2-2a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v2", key: "19wdwo" }],
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d: "M21.42 10.922a1 1 0 0 0-.019-1.838L12.83 5.18a2 2 0 0 0-1.66 0L2.6 9.08a1 1 0 0 0 0 1.832l8.57 3.908a2 2 0 0 0 1.66 0z",
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d: "M12 3v17a1 1 0 0 1-1 1H5a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V5a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h14a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v6a1 1 0 0 1-1 1H3",
key: "11za1p"
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d: "M12 3v17a1 1 0 0 1-1 1H5a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V5a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h14a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v6a1 1 0 0 1-1 1H3",
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["path", { d: "M16 19h6", key: "xwg31i" }],
["path", { d: "M19 22v-6", key: "qhmiwi" }]
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d: "M12 3v17a1 1 0 0 1-1 1H5a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V5a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h14a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v6a1 1 0 0 1-1 1H3",
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["path", { d: "m8.5 16.5-1-1", key: "otr954" }]
const Hammer = createLucideIcon("Hammer", [
["path", { d: "m15 12-8.373 8.373a1 1 0 1 1-3-3L12 9", key: "eefl8a" }],
["path", { d: "m18 15 4-4", key: "16gjal" }],
d: "m21.5 11.5-1.914-1.914A2 2 0 0 1 19 8.172V7l-2.26-2.26a6 6 0 0 0-4.202-1.756L9 2.96l.92.82A6.18 6.18 0 0 1 12 8.4V10l2 2h1.172a2 2 0 0 1 1.414.586L18.5 14.5",
key: "b7pghm"
const HandCoins = createLucideIcon("HandCoins", [
["path", { d: "M11 15h2a2 2 0 1 0 0-4h-3c-.6 0-1.1.2-1.4.6L3 17", key: "geh8rc" }],
d: "m7 21 1.6-1.4c.3-.4.8-.6 1.4-.6h4c1.1 0 2.1-.4 2.8-1.2l4.6-4.4a2 2 0 0 0-2.75-2.91l-4.2 3.9",
key: "1fto5m"
["path", { d: "m2 16 6 6", key: "1pfhp9" }],
["circle", { cx: "16", cy: "9", r: "2.9", key: "1n0dlu" }],
["circle", { cx: "6", cy: "5", r: "3", key: "151irh" }]
const HandHeart = createLucideIcon("HandHeart", [
["path", { d: "M11 14h2a2 2 0 1 0 0-4h-3c-.6 0-1.1.2-1.4.6L3 16", key: "1ifwr1" }],
d: "m7 20 1.6-1.4c.3-.4.8-.6 1.4-.6h4c1.1 0 2.1-.4 2.8-1.2l4.6-4.4a2 2 0 0 0-2.75-2.91l-4.2 3.9",
key: "17abbs"
["path", { d: "m2 15 6 6", key: "10dquu" }],
d: "M19.5 8.5c.7-.7 1.5-1.6 1.5-2.7A2.73 2.73 0 0 0 16 4a2.78 2.78 0 0 0-5 1.8c0 1.2.8 2 1.5 2.8L16 12Z",
key: "1h3036"
const HandHelping = createLucideIcon("HandHelping", [
["path", { d: "M11 12h2a2 2 0 1 0 0-4h-3c-.6 0-1.1.2-1.4.6L3 14", key: "1j4xps" }],
d: "m7 18 1.6-1.4c.3-.4.8-.6 1.4-.6h4c1.1 0 2.1-.4 2.8-1.2l4.6-4.4a2 2 0 0 0-2.75-2.91l-4.2 3.9",
key: "uospg8"
["path", { d: "m2 13 6 6", key: "16e5sb" }]
const HandMetal = createLucideIcon("HandMetal", [
["path", { d: "M18 12.5V10a2 2 0 0 0-2-2a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v1.4", key: "wc6myp" }],
["path", { d: "M14 11V9a2 2 0 1 0-4 0v2", key: "94qvcw" }],
["path", { d: "M10 10.5V5a2 2 0 1 0-4 0v9", key: "m1ah89" }],
d: "m7 15-1.76-1.76a2 2 0 0 0-2.83 2.82l3.6 3.6C7.5 21.14 9.2 22 12 22h2a8 8 0 0 0 8-8V7a2 2 0 1 0-4 0v5",
key: "t1skq1"
const HandPlatter = createLucideIcon("HandPlatter", [
["path", { d: "M12 3V2", key: "ar7q03" }],
d: "m15.4 17.4 3.2-2.8a2 2 0 1 1 2.8 2.9l-3.6 3.3c-.7.8-1.7 1.2-2.8 1.2h-4c-1.1 0-2.1-.4-2.8-1.2l-1.302-1.464A1 1 0 0 0 6.151 19H5",
key: "n2g93r"
["path", { d: "M2 14h12a2 2 0 0 1 0 4h-2", key: "1o2jem" }],
["path", { d: "M4 10h16", key: "img6z1" }],
["path", { d: "M5 10a7 7 0 0 1 14 0", key: "1ega1o" }],
["path", { d: "M5 14v6a1 1 0 0 1-1 1H2", key: "1hescx" }]
const Hand = createLucideIcon("Hand", [
["path", { d: "M18 11V6a2 2 0 0 0-2-2a2 2 0 0 0-2 2", key: "1fvzgz" }],
["path", { d: "M14 10V4a2 2 0 0 0-2-2a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v2", key: "1kc0my" }],
["path", { d: "M10 10.5V6a2 2 0 0 0-2-2a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v8", key: "10h0bg" }],
d: "M18 8a2 2 0 1 1 4 0v6a8 8 0 0 1-8 8h-2c-2.8 0-4.5-.86-5.99-2.34l-3.6-3.6a2 2 0 0 1 2.83-2.82L7 15",
key: "1s1gnw"
const Handshake = createLucideIcon("Handshake", [
["path", { d: "m11 17 2 2a1 1 0 1 0 3-3", key: "efffak" }],
d: "m14 14 2.5 2.5a1 1 0 1 0 3-3l-3.88-3.88a3 3 0 0 0-4.24 0l-.88.88a1 1 0 1 1-3-3l2.81-2.81a5.79 5.79 0 0 1 7.06-.87l.47.28a2 2 0 0 0 1.42.25L21 4",
key: "9pr0kb"
["path", { d: "m21 3 1 11h-2", key: "1tisrp" }],
["path", { d: "M3 3 2 14l6.5 6.5a1 1 0 1 0 3-3", key: "1uvwmv" }],
["path", { d: "M3 4h8", key: "1ep09j" }]
const HardDriveDownload = createLucideIcon("HardDriveDownload", [
["path", { d: "M12 2v8", key: "1q4o3n" }],
["path", { d: "m16 6-4 4-4-4", key: "6wukr" }],
["rect", { width: "20", height: "8", x: "2", y: "14", rx: "2", key: "w68u3i" }],
["path", { d: "M6 18h.01", key: "uhywen" }],
["path", { d: "M10 18h.01", key: "h775k" }]
const HardDriveUpload = createLucideIcon("HardDriveUpload", [
["path", { d: "m16 6-4-4-4 4", key: "13yo43" }],
["path", { d: "M12 2v8", key: "1q4o3n" }],
["rect", { width: "20", height: "8", x: "2", y: "14", rx: "2", key: "w68u3i" }],
["path", { d: "M6 18h.01", key: "uhywen" }],
["path", { d: "M10 18h.01", key: "h775k" }]
const HardDrive = createLucideIcon("HardDrive", [
["line", { x1: "22", x2: "2", y1: "12", y2: "12", key: "1y58io" }],
d: "M5.45 5.11 2 12v6a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h16a2 2 0 0 0 2-2v-6l-3.45-6.89A2 2 0 0 0 16.76 4H7.24a2 2 0 0 0-1.79 1.11z",
key: "oot6mr"
["line", { x1: "6", x2: "6.01", y1: "16", y2: "16", key: "sgf278" }],
["line", { x1: "10", x2: "10.01", y1: "16", y2: "16", key: "1l4acy" }]
const HardHat = createLucideIcon("HardHat", [
["path", { d: "M10 10V5a1 1 0 0 1 1-1h2a1 1 0 0 1 1 1v5", key: "1p9q5i" }],
["path", { d: "M14 6a6 6 0 0 1 6 6v3", key: "1hnv84" }],
["path", { d: "M4 15v-3a6 6 0 0 1 6-6", key: "9ciidu" }],
["rect", { x: "2", y: "15", width: "20", height: "4", rx: "1", key: "g3x8cw" }]
const Hash = createLucideIcon("Hash", [
["line", { x1: "4", x2: "20", y1: "9", y2: "9", key: "4lhtct" }],
["line", { x1: "4", x2: "20", y1: "15", y2: "15", key: "vyu0kd" }],
["line", { x1: "10", x2: "8", y1: "3", y2: "21", key: "1ggp8o" }],
["line", { x1: "16", x2: "14", y1: "3", y2: "21", key: "weycgp" }]
const Haze = createLucideIcon("Haze", [
["path", { d: "m5.2 6.2 1.4 1.4", key: "17imol" }],
["path", { d: "M2 13h2", key: "13gyu8" }],
["path", { d: "M20 13h2", key: "16rner" }],
["path", { d: "m17.4 7.6 1.4-1.4", key: "t4xlah" }],
["path", { d: "M22 17H2", key: "1gtaj3" }],
["path", { d: "M22 21H2", key: "1gy6en" }],
["path", { d: "M16 13a4 4 0 0 0-8 0", key: "1dyczq" }],
["path", { d: "M12 5V2.5", key: "1vytko" }]
const HdmiPort = createLucideIcon("HdmiPort", [
d: "M22 9a1 1 0 0 0-1-1H3a1 1 0 0 0-1 1v4a1 1 0 0 0 1 1h1l2 2h12l2-2h1a1 1 0 0 0 1-1Z",
key: "2128wb"
["path", { d: "M7.5 12h9", key: "1t0ckc" }]
const Heading1 = createLucideIcon("Heading1", [
["path", { d: "M4 12h8", key: "17cfdx" }],
["path", { d: "M4 18V6", key: "1rz3zl" }],
["path", { d: "M12 18V6", key: "zqpxq5" }],
["path", { d: "m17 12 3-2v8", key: "1hhhft" }]
const Heading2 = createLucideIcon("Heading2", [
["path", { d: "M4 12h8", key: "17cfdx" }],
["path", { d: "M4 18V6", key: "1rz3zl" }],
["path", { d: "M12 18V6", key: "zqpxq5" }],
["path", { d: "M21 18h-4c0-4 4-3 4-6 0-1.5-2-2.5-4-1", key: "9jr5yi" }]
const Heading3 = createLucideIcon("Heading3", [
["path", { d: "M4 12h8", key: "17cfdx" }],
["path", { d: "M4 18V6", key: "1rz3zl" }],
["path", { d: "M12 18V6", key: "zqpxq5" }],
["path", { d: "M17.5 10.5c1.7-1 3.5 0 3.5 1.5a2 2 0 0 1-2 2", key: "68ncm8" }],
["path", { d: "M17 17.5c2 1.5 4 .3 4-1.5a2 2 0 0 0-2-2", key: "1ejuhz" }]
const Heading4 = createLucideIcon("Heading4", [
["path", { d: "M12 18V6", key: "zqpxq5" }],
["path", { d: "M17 10v3a1 1 0 0 0 1 1h3", key: "tj5zdr" }],
["path", { d: "M21 10v8", key: "1kdml4" }],
["path", { d: "M4 12h8", key: "17cfdx" }],
["path", { d: "M4 18V6", key: "1rz3zl" }]
const Heading5 = createLucideIcon("Heading5", [
["path", { d: "M4 12h8", key: "17cfdx" }],
["path", { d: "M4 18V6", key: "1rz3zl" }],
["path", { d: "M12 18V6", key: "zqpxq5" }],
["path", { d: "M17 13v-3h4", key: "1nvgqp" }],
{ d: "M17 17.7c. 1.3.3 1.5 0 2.7-1.1 2.7-2.5S19.8 13 18.3 13H17", key: "2nebdn" }
const Heading6 = createLucideIcon("Heading6", [
["path", { d: "M4 12h8", key: "17cfdx" }],
["path", { d: "M4 18V6", key: "1rz3zl" }],
["path", { d: "M12 18V6", key: "zqpxq5" }],
["circle", { cx: "19", cy: "16", r: "2", key: "15mx69" }],
["path", { d: "M20 10c-2 2-3 3.5-3 6", key: "f35dl0" }]
const Heading = createLucideIcon("Heading", [
["path", { d: "M6 12h12", key: "8npq4p" }],
["path", { d: "M6 20V4", key: "1w1bmo" }],
["path", { d: "M18 20V4", key: "o2hl4u" }]
const HeadphoneOff = createLucideIcon("HeadphoneOff", [
["path", { d: "M21 14h-1.343", key: "1jdnxi" }],
["path", { d: "M9.128 3.47A9 9 0 0 1 21 12v3.343", key: "6kipu2" }],
["path", { d: "m2 2 20 20", key: "1ooewy" }],
["path", { d: "M20.414 20.414A2 2 0 0 1 19 21h-1a2 2 0 0 1-2-2v-3", key: "9x50f4" }],
d: "M3 14h3a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v3a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H5a2 2 0 0 1-2-2v-7a9 9 0 0 1 2.636-6.364",
key: "1bkxnm"
const Headphones = createLucideIcon("Headphones", [
d: "M3 14h3a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v3a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H5a2 2 0 0 1-2-2v-7a9 9 0 0 1 18 0v7a2 2 0 0 1-2 2h-1a2 2 0 0 1-2-2v-3a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h3",
key: "1xhozi"
const Headset = createLucideIcon("Headset", [
d: "M3 11h3a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v3a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H5a2 2 0 0 1-2-2v-5Zm0 0a9 9 0 1 1 18 0m0 0v5a2 2 0 0 1-2 2h-1a2 2 0 0 1-2-2v-3a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h3Z",
key: "12oyoe"
["path", { d: "M21 16v2a4 4 0 0 1-4 4h-5", key: "1x7m43" }]
const HeartCrack = createLucideIcon("HeartCrack", [
d: "M19 14c1.49-1.46 3-3.21 3-5.5A5.5 5.5 0 0 0 16.5 3c-1.76 0-3 .5-4.5 2-1.5-1.5-2.74-2-4.5-2A5.5 5.5 0 0 0 2 8.5c0 2.3 1.5 4.05 3 5.5l7 7Z",
key: "c3ymky"
["path", { d: "m12 13-1-1 2-2-3-3 2-2", key: "xjdxli" }]
const HeartHandshake = createLucideIcon("HeartHandshake", [
d: "M19 14c1.49-1.46 3-3.21 3-5.5A5.5 5.5 0 0 0 16.5 3c-1.76 0-3 .5-4.5 2-1.5-1.5-2.74-2-4.5-2A5.5 5.5 0 0 0 2 8.5c0 2.3 1.5 4.05 3 5.5l7 7Z",
key: "c3ymky"
d: "M12 5 9.04 7.96a2.17 2.17 0 0 0 0 3.08c.82.82 2.13.85 3 .07l2.07-1.9a2.82 2.82 0 0 1 3.79 0l2.96 2.66",
key: "4oyue0"
["path", { d: "m18 15-2-2", key: "60u0ii" }],
["path", { d: "m15 18-2-2", key: "6p76be" }]
const HeartOff = createLucideIcon("HeartOff", [
["line", { x1: "2", y1: "2", x2: "22", y2: "22", key: "1w4vcy" }],
{ d: "M16.5 16.5 12 21l-7-7c-1.5-1.45-3-3.2-3-5.5a5.5 5.5 0 0 1 2.14-4.35", key: "3mpagl" }
d: "M8.76 3.1c1.15.22 2.13.78 3.24 1.9 1.5-1.5 2.74-2 4.5-2A5.5 5.5 0 0 1 22 8.5c0 2.12-1.3 3.78-2.67 5.17",
key: "1gh3v3"
const HeartPulse = createLucideIcon("HeartPulse", [
d: "M19 14c1.49-1.46 3-3.21 3-5.5A5.5 5.5 0 0 0 16.5 3c-1.76 0-3 .5-4.5 2-1.5-1.5-2.74-2-4.5-2A5.5 5.5 0 0 0 2 8.5c0 2.3 1.5 4.05 3 5.5l7 7Z",
key: "c3ymky"
["path", { d: "M3.22 12H9.5l.5-1 2 4.5 2-7 1.5 3.5h5.27", key: "1uw2ng" }]
const Heart = createLucideIcon("Heart", [
d: "M19 14c1.49-1.46 3-3.21 3-5.5A5.5 5.5 0 0 0 16.5 3c-1.76 0-3 .5-4.5 2-1.5-1.5-2.74-2-4.5-2A5.5 5.5 0 0 0 2 8.5c0 2.3 1.5 4.05 3 5.5l7 7Z",
key: "c3ymky"
const Heater = createLucideIcon("Heater", [
["path", { d: "M11 8c2-3-2-3 0-6", key: "1ldv5m" }],
["path", { d: "M15.5 8c2-3-2-3 0-6", key: "1otqoz" }],
["path", { d: "M6 10h.01", key: "1lbq93" }],
["path", { d: "M6 14h.01", key: "zudwn7" }],
["path", { d: "M10 16v-4", key: "1c25yv" }],
["path", { d: "M14 16v-4", key: "1dkbt8" }],
["path", { d: "M18 16v-4", key: "1yg9me" }],
{ d: "M20 6a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v10a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H4a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V8a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h3", key: "1ubg90" }
["path", { d: "M5 20v2", key: "1abpe8" }],
["path", { d: "M19 20v2", key: "kqn6ft" }]
const Hexagon = createLucideIcon("Hexagon", [
d: "M21 16V8a2 2 0 0 0-1-1.73l-7-4a2 2 0 0 0-2 0l-7 4A2 2 0 0 0 3 8v8a2 2 0 0 0 1 1.73l7 4a2 2 0 0 0 2 0l7-4A2 2 0 0 0 21 16z",
key: "yt0hxn"
const Highlighter = createLucideIcon("Highlighter", [
["path", { d: "m9 11-6 6v3h9l3-3", key: "1a3l36" }],
["path", { d: "m22 12-4.6 4.6a2 2 0 0 1-2.8 0l-5.2-5.2a2 2 0 0 1 0-2.8L14 4", key: "14a9rk" }]
const History = createLucideIcon("History", [
["path", { d: "M3 12a9 9 0 1 0 9-9 9.75 9.75 0 0 0-6.74 2.74L3 8", key: "1357e3" }],
["path", { d: "M3 3v5h5", key: "1xhq8a" }],
["path", { d: "M12 7v5l4 2", key: "1fdv2h" }]
const HopOff = createLucideIcon("HopOff", [
["path", { d: "M10.82 16.12c1.69.6 3.91.79", key: "qyzcap" }],
d: "M11.14 20.57c.52.24 2.44 1.12 4.08",
key: "y078lb"
["path", { d: "M16.13 21.05c1.65.63 3.68.84 4.87.91a.9.9 0 0 0 .7-.26", key: "1utre3" }],
d: "M17.99 5.52a20.83 20.83 0 0 1 3.15 0 0 1-.68 1.13c-1.17.1-2.5.02-3.9-.25",
key: "17o9hm"
["path", { d: "M20.57 11.14c.24.52 1.12 2.44 1.37", key: "1d1n4p" }],
d: "M4.93 4.93a10 10 0 0 0-.67 13.4c. 1.17-.12.69-1.71 1.07-5.07 1.07-6.71 1.34.45 3.1.9 4.88.62a.85.85 0 0 0 .48-.24",
key: "9uv3tt"
d: "M5.52 17.99c1.05.95 2.91 2.42 4.5 3.15a.8.8 0 0 0 1.13-.68c.2-2.34-.33-5.3-1.57-8.28",
key: "1292wz"
d: "M8.35 2.68a10 10 0 0 1 9.98 1.58c. 1.17-1.5.6-4.3.98-6.07 1.05",
key: "7ozu9p"
["path", { d: "m2 2 20 20", key: "1ooewy" }]
const Hop = createLucideIcon("Hop", [
d: "M10.82 16.12c1.69.6 3.91.79 1-.42.97-.97-.06-1.27-.26-3.5-.85-5.18",
key: "18lxf1"
d: "M11.5 6.5c1.64 0 5-.38 6.71-1.07.52-.2.55-.82.12-1.17A10 10 0 0 0 4.26 18.33c. 1.17-.12.69-1.71 1.07-5.07 1.07-6.71 1.34.45 3.1.9 4.88.62a.88.88 0 0 0 .73-.74c.3-2.14-.15-3.5-.61-4.88",
key: "vtfxrw"
d: "M15.62 16.95c.2.85.62 2.76.5 4.28a.77.77 0 0 1-.9.7 16.64 16.64 0 0 1-4.08-1.36",
key: "13hl71"
d: "M16.13 21.05c1.65.63 3.68.84 4.87.91a.9.9 0 0 0 .96-.96 17.68 17.68 0 0 0-.9-4.87",
key: "1sl8oj"
d: "M16.94 15.62c.86.2 2.77.62 4.29.5a.77.77 0 0 0 .7-.9 16.64 16.64 0 0 0-1.36-4.08",
key: "19c6kt"
d: "M17.99 5.52a20.82 20.82 0 0 1 3.15 0 0 1-.68 1.13c-2.33.2-5.3-.32-8.27-1.57",
key: "85ghs3"
["path", { d: "M4.93 4.93 3 3a.7.7 0 0 1 0-1", key: "x087yj" }],
d: "M9.58 12.18c1.24 2.98 1.77 5.95 1.57 8.28a.8.8 0 0 1-1.13.68 20.82 20.82 0 0 1-4.5-3.15",
key: "11xdqo"
const Hospital = createLucideIcon("Hospital", [
["path", { d: "M12 6v4", key: "16clxf" }],
["path", { d: "M14 14h-4", key: "esezmu" }],
["path", { d: "M14 18h-4", key: "16mqa2" }],
["path", { d: "M14 8h-4", key: "z8ypaz" }],
d: "M18 12h2a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v6a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H4a2 2 0 0 1-2-2v-9a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h2",
key: "b1k337"
["path", { d: "M18 22V4a2 2 0 0 0-2-2H8a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v18", key: "16g51d" }]
const Hotel = createLucideIcon("Hotel", [
["path", { d: "M10 22v-6.57", key: "1wmca3" }],
["path", { d: "M12 11h.01", key: "z322tv" }],
["path", { d: "M12 7h.01", key: "1ivr5q" }],
["path", { d: "M14 15.43V22", key: "1q2vjd" }],
["path", { d: "M15 16a5 5 0 0 0-6 0", key: "o9wqvi" }],
["path", { d: "M16 11h.01", key: "xkw8gn" }],
["path", { d: "M16 7h.01", key: "1kdx03" }],
["path", { d: "M8 11h.01", key: "1dfujw" }],
["path", { d: "M8 7h.01", key: "1vti4s" }],
["rect", { x: "4", y: "2", width: "16", height: "20", rx: "2", key: "1uxh74" }]
const Hourglass = createLucideIcon("Hourglass", [
["path", { d: "M5 22h14", key: "ehvnwv" }],
["path", { d: "M5 2h14", key: "pdyrp9" }],
d: "M17 22v-4.172a2 2 0 0 0-.586-1.414L12 12l-4.414 4.414A2 2 0 0 0 7 17.828V22",
key: "1d314k"
{ d: "M7 2v4.172a2 2 0 0 0 .586 1.414L12 12l4.414-4.414A2 2 0 0 0 17 6.172V2", key: "1vvvr6" }
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["path", { d: "M10 12V8.964", key: "1vll13" }],
["path", { d: "M14 12V8.964", key: "1x3qvg" }],
{ d: "M15 12a1 1 0 0 1 1 1v2a2 2 0 0 1-2 2h-4a2 2 0 0 1-2-2v-2a1 1 0 0 1 1-1z", key: "ppykja" }
d: "M8.5 21H5a2 2 0 0 1-2-2v-9a2 2 0 0 1 .709-1.528l7-5.999a2 2 0 0 1 2.582 0l7 5.999A2 2 0 0 1 21 10v9a2 2 0 0 1-2 2h-5a2 2 0 0 1-2-2v-2",
key: "1gvg2z"
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d: "M13.22 2.416a2 2 0 0 0-2.511.057l-7 5.999A2 2 0 0 0 3 10v9a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h14a2 2 0 0 0 2-2v-7.354",
key: "5phn05"
["path", { d: "M15 21v-8a1 1 0 0 0-1-1h-4a1 1 0 0 0-1 1v8", key: "5wwlr5" }],
["path", { d: "M15 6h6", key: "1jlkvy" }],
["path", { d: "M18 3v6", key: "x1uolp" }]
const House = createLucideIcon("House", [
["path", { d: "M15 21v-8a1 1 0 0 0-1-1h-4a1 1 0 0 0-1 1v8", key: "5wwlr5" }],
d: "M3 10a2 2 0 0 1 .709-1.528l7-5.999a2 2 0 0 1 2.582 0l7 5.999A2 2 0 0 1 21 10v9a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H5a2 2 0 0 1-2-2z",
key: "1d0kgt"
const IceCreamBowl = createLucideIcon("IceCreamBowl", [
d: "M12 17c5 0 8-2.69 8-6H4c0 3.31 3 6 8 6m-4 4h8m-4-3v3M5.14 11a3.5 3.5 0 1 1 6.71 0",
key: "1uxfcu"
["path", { d: "M12.14 11a3.5 3.5 0 1 1 6.71 0", key: "4k3m1s" }],
["path", { d: "M15.5 6.5a3.5 3.5 0 1 0-7 0", key: "zmuahr" }]
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["path", { d: "m7 11 4.08 10.35a1 1 0 0 0 1.84 0L17 11", key: "1v6356" }],
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["path", { d: "M17 7a2 2 0 0 1 0 4H7a2 2 0 0 1 0-4", key: "1sdaij" }]
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["path", { d: "M16 10h2", key: "8sgtl7" }],
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d: "M10.3 21H5a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V5a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h14a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v10l-3.1-3.1a2 2 0 0 0-2.814.014L6 21",
key: "9csbqa"
["path", { d: "m14 19 3 3v-5.5", key: "9ldu5r" }],
["path", { d: "m17 22 3-3", key: "1nkfve" }],
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["path", { d: "m21 15-3.086-3.086a2 2 0 0 0-2.828 0L6 21", key: "1xmnt7" }]
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["line", { x1: "2", x2: "22", y1: "2", y2: "22", key: "a6p6uj" }],
["path", { d: "M10.41 10.41a2 2 0 1 1-2.83-2.83", key: "1bzlo9" }],
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d: "M3.59 3.59A1.99 1.99 0 0 0 3 5v14a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h14c.55 0 1.052-.22 1.41-.59",
key: "mmje98"
["path", { d: "M21 15V5a2 2 0 0 0-2-2H9", key: "43el77" }]
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["path", { d: "m11 16-5 5", key: "j5f7ct" }],
["path", { d: "M11 21H5a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V5a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h14a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v6.5", key: "7s81lt" }],
d: "M15.765 22a.5.5 0 0 1-.765-.424V13.38a.5.5 0 0 1 .765-.424l5.878 3.674a1 1 0 0 1 0 1.696z",
key: "1omb6s"
["circle", { cx: "9", cy: "9", r: "2", key: "af1f0g" }]
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["path", { d: "M16 5h6", key: "1vod17" }],
["path", { d: "M19 2v6", key: "4bpg5p" }],
["path", { d: "M21 11.5V19a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H5a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V5a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h7.5", key: "1ue2ih" }],
["path", { d: "m21 15-3.086-3.086a2 2 0 0 0-2.828 0L6 21", key: "1xmnt7" }],
["circle", { cx: "9", cy: "9", r: "2", key: "af1f0g" }]
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d: "M10.3 21H5a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V5a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h14a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v10l-3.1-3.1a2 2 0 0 0-2.814.014L6 21",
key: "9csbqa"
["path", { d: "m14 19.5 3-3 3 3", key: "9vmjn0" }],
["path", { d: "M17 22v-5.5", key: "1aa6fl" }],
["circle", { cx: "9", cy: "9", r: "2", key: "af1f0g" }]
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["path", { d: "M16 3h5v5", key: "1806ms" }],
["path", { d: "M17 21h2a2 2 0 0 0 2-2", key: "130fy9" }],
["path", { d: "M21 12v3", key: "1wzk3p" }],
["path", { d: "m21 3-5 5", key: "1g5oa7" }],
["path", { d: "M3 7V5a2 2 0 0 1 2-2", key: "kk3yz1" }],
["path", { d: "m5 21 4.144-4.144a1.21 1.21 0 0 1 1.712 0L13 19", key: "fyekpt" }],
["path", { d: "M9 3h3", key: "d52fa" }],
["rect", { x: "3", y: "11", width: "10", height: "10", rx: "1", key: "1wpmix" }]
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["rect", { width: "18", height: "18", x: "3", y: "3", rx: "2", ry: "2", key: "1m3agn" }],
["circle", { cx: "9", cy: "9", r: "2", key: "af1f0g" }],
["path", { d: "m21 15-3.086-3.086a2 2 0 0 0-2.828 0L6 21", key: "1xmnt7" }]
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["path", { d: "M18 22H4a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V6", key: "pblm9e" }],
["path", { d: "m22 13-1.296-1.296a2.41 2.41 0 0 0-3.408 0L11 18", key: "nf6bnh" }],
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["path", { d: "M12 3v12", key: "1x0j5s" }],
["path", { d: "m8 11 4 4 4-4", key: "1dohi6" }],
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key: "1ywtjm"
const Inbox = createLucideIcon("Inbox", [
["polyline", { points: "22 12 16 12 14 15 10 15 8 12 2 12", key: "o97t9d" }],
d: "M5.45 5.11 2 12v6a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h16a2 2 0 0 0 2-2v-6l-3.45-6.89A2 2 0 0 0 16.76 4H7.24a2 2 0 0 0-1.79 1.11z",
key: "oot6mr"
const IndentDecrease = createLucideIcon("IndentDecrease", [
["path", { d: "M21 12H11", key: "wd7e0v" }],
["path", { d: "M21 18H11", key: "4wu86t" }],
["path", { d: "M21 6H11", key: "6dy1d6" }],
["path", { d: "m7 8-4 4 4 4", key: "o5hrat" }]
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["path", { d: "M21 12H11", key: "wd7e0v" }],
["path", { d: "M21 18H11", key: "4wu86t" }],
["path", { d: "M21 6H11", key: "6dy1d6" }],
["path", { d: "m3 8 4 4-4 4", key: "1a3j6y" }]
const IndianRupee = createLucideIcon("IndianRupee", [
["path", { d: "M6 3h12", key: "ggurg9" }],
["path", { d: "M6 8h12", key: "6g4wlu" }],
["path", { d: "m6 13 8.5 8", key: "u1kupk" }],
["path", { d: "M6 13h3", key: "wdp6ag" }],
["path", { d: "M9 13c6.667 0 6.667-10 0-10", key: "1nkvk2" }]
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d: "M12 12c-2-2.67-4-4-6-4a4 4 0 1 0 0 8c2 0 4-1.33 6-4Zm0 0c2 2.67 4 4 6 4a4 4 0 0 0 0-8c-2 0-4 1.33-6 4Z",
key: "1z0uae"
const Info = createLucideIcon("Info", [
["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "12", r: "10", key: "1mglay" }],
["path", { d: "M12 16v-4", key: "1dtifu" }],
["path", { d: "M12 8h.01", key: "e9boi3" }]
const InspectionPanel = createLucideIcon("InspectionPanel", [
["rect", { width: "18", height: "18", x: "3", y: "3", rx: "2", key: "afitv7" }],
["path", { d: "M7 7h.01", key: "7u93v4" }],
["path", { d: "M17 7h.01", key: "14a9sn" }],
["path", { d: "M7 17h.01", key: "19xn7k" }],
["path", { d: "M17 17h.01", key: "1sd3ek" }]
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["rect", { width: "20", height: "20", x: "2", y: "2", rx: "5", ry: "5", key: "2e1cvw" }],
["path", { d: "M16 11.37A4 4 0 1 1 12.63 8 4 4 0 0 1 16 11.37z", key: "9exkf1" }],
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["line", { x1: "19", x2: "10", y1: "4", y2: "4", key: "15jd3p" }],
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["line", { x1: "15", x2: "9", y1: "4", y2: "20", key: "uljnxc" }]
const IterationCcw = createLucideIcon("IterationCcw", [
["path", { d: "M20 10c0-4.4-3.6-8-8-8s-8 3.6-8 8 3.6 8 8 8h8", key: "4znkd0" }],
["polyline", { points: "16 14 20 18 16 22", key: "11njsm" }]
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["path", { d: "M4 10c0-4.4 3.6-8 8-8s8 3.6 8 8-3.6 8-8 8H4", key: "tuf4su" }],
["polyline", { points: "8 22 4 18 8 14", key: "evkj9s" }]
const JapaneseYen = createLucideIcon("JapaneseYen", [
["path", { d: "M12 9.5V21m0-11.5L6 3m6 6.5L18 3", key: "2ej80x" }],
["path", { d: "M6 15h12", key: "1hwgt5" }],
["path", { d: "M6 11h12", key: "wf4gp6" }]
const Joystick = createLucideIcon("Joystick", [
d: "M21 17a2 2 0 0 0-2-2H5a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v2a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h14a2 2 0 0 0 2-2v-2Z",
key: "jg2n2t"
["path", { d: "M6 15v-2", key: "gd6mvg" }],
["path", { d: "M12 15V9", key: "8c7uyn" }],
["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "6", r: "3", key: "1gm2ql" }]
const Kanban = createLucideIcon("Kanban", [
["path", { d: "M6 5v11", key: "mdvv1e" }],
["path", { d: "M12 5v6", key: "14ar3b" }],
["path", { d: "M18 5v14", key: "7ji314" }]
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d: "M2.586 17.414A2 2 0 0 0 2 18.828V21a1 1 0 0 0 1 1h3a1 1 0 0 0 1-1v-1a1 1 0 0 1 1-1h1a1 1 0 0 0 1-1v-1a1 1 0 0 1 1-1h.172a2 2 0 0 0 1.414-.586l.814-.814a6.5 6.5 0 1 0-4-4z",
key: "1s6t7t"
["circle", { cx: "16.5", cy: "7.5", r: ".5", fill: "currentColor", key: "w0ekpg" }]
const KeySquare = createLucideIcon("KeySquare", [
d: "M12.4 2.7a2.5 2.5 0 0 1 3.4 0l5.5 5.5a2.5 2.5 0 0 1 0 3.4l-3.7 3.7a2.5 2.5 0 0 1-3.4 0L8.7 9.8a2.5 2.5 0 0 1 0-3.4z",
key: "165ttr"
["path", { d: "m14 7 3 3", key: "1r5n42" }],
d: "m9.4 10.6-6.814 6.814A2 2 0 0 0 2 18.828V21a1 1 0 0 0 1 1h3a1 1 0 0 0 1-1v-1a1 1 0 0 1 1-1h1a1 1 0 0 0 1-1v-1a1 1 0 0 1 1-1h.172a2 2 0 0 0 1.414-.586l.814-.814",
key: "1ubxi2"
const Key = createLucideIcon("Key", [
["path", { d: "m15.5 7.5 2.3 2.3a1 1 0 0 0 1.4 0l2.1-2.1a1 1 0 0 0 0-1.4L19 4", key: "g0fldk" }],
["path", { d: "m21 2-9.6 9.6", key: "1j0ho8" }],
["circle", { cx: "7.5", cy: "15.5", r: "5.5", key: "yqb3hr" }]
const KeyboardMusic = createLucideIcon("KeyboardMusic", [
["rect", { width: "20", height: "16", x: "2", y: "4", rx: "2", key: "18n3k1" }],
["path", { d: "M6 8h4", key: "utf9t1" }],
["path", { d: "M14 8h.01", key: "1primd" }],
["path", { d: "M18 8h.01", key: "emo2bl" }],
["path", { d: "M2 12h20", key: "9i4pu4" }],
["path", { d: "M6 12v4", key: "dy92yo" }],
["path", { d: "M10 12v4", key: "1fxnav" }],
["path", { d: "M14 12v4", key: "1hft58" }],
["path", { d: "M18 12v4", key: "tjjnbz" }]
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["path", { d: "M 20 4 A2 2 0 0 1 22 6", key: "1g1fkt" }],
["path", { d: "M 22 6 L 22 16.41", key: "1qjg3w" }],
["path", { d: "M 7 16 L 16 16", key: "n0yqwb" }],
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["path", { d: "M14 8h.01", key: "1primd" }],
["path", { d: "M18 8h.01", key: "emo2bl" }],
["path", { d: "m2 2 20 20", key: "1ooewy" }],
["path", { d: "M20 20H4a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V6a2 2 0 0 1 2-2", key: "s23sx2" }],
["path", { d: "M6 8h.01", key: "x9i8wu" }],
["path", { d: "M8 12h.01", key: "czm47f" }]
const Keyboard = createLucideIcon("Keyboard", [
["path", { d: "M10 8h.01", key: "1r9ogq" }],
["path", { d: "M12 12h.01", key: "1mp3jc" }],
["path", { d: "M14 8h.01", key: "1primd" }],
["path", { d: "M16 12h.01", key: "1l6xoz" }],
["path", { d: "M18 8h.01", key: "emo2bl" }],
["path", { d: "M6 8h.01", key: "x9i8wu" }],
["path", { d: "M7 16h10", key: "wp8him" }],
["path", { d: "M8 12h.01", key: "czm47f" }],
["rect", { width: "20", height: "16", x: "2", y: "4", rx: "2", key: "18n3k1" }]
const LampCeiling = createLucideIcon("LampCeiling", [
["path", { d: "M12 2v5", key: "nd4vlx" }],
["path", { d: "M6 7h12l4 9H2l4-9Z", key: "123d64" }],
["path", { d: "M9.17 16a3 3 0 1 0 5.66 0", key: "1061mw" }]
const LampDesk = createLucideIcon("LampDesk", [
["path", { d: "m14 5-3 3 2 7 8-8-7-2Z", key: "1b0msb" }],
["path", { d: "m14 5-3 3-3-3 3-3 3 3Z", key: "1uemms" }],
["path", { d: "M9.5 6.5 4 12l3 6", key: "1bx08v" }],
["path", { d: "M3 22v-2c0-1.1.9-2 2-2h4a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v2H3Z", key: "wap775" }]
const LampFloor = createLucideIcon("LampFloor", [
["path", { d: "M9 2h6l3 7H6l3-7Z", key: "wcx6mj" }],
["path", { d: "M12 9v13", key: "3n1su1" }],
["path", { d: "M9 22h6", key: "1rlq3v" }]
const LampWallDown = createLucideIcon("LampWallDown", [
["path", { d: "M11 13h6l3 7H8l3-7Z", key: "9n3qlo" }],
["path", { d: "M14 13V8a2 2 0 0 0-2-2H8", key: "1hu4hb" }],
["path", { d: "M4 9h2a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V5a2 2 0 0 0-2-2H4v6Z", key: "s053bc" }]
const LampWallUp = createLucideIcon("LampWallUp", [
["path", { d: "M11 4h6l3 7H8l3-7Z", key: "11x1ee" }],
["path", { d: "M14 11v5a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H8", key: "eutp5o" }],
["path", { d: "M4 15h2a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v2a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H4v-6Z", key: "1iuthr" }]
const Lamp = createLucideIcon("Lamp", [
["path", { d: "M8 2h8l4 10H4L8 2Z", key: "9dma5w" }],
["path", { d: "M12 12v6", key: "3ahymv" }],
["path", { d: "M8 22v-2c0-1.1.9-2 2-2h4a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v2H8Z", key: "mwf4oh" }]
const LandPlot = createLucideIcon("LandPlot", [
["path", { d: "m12 8 6-3-6-3v10", key: "mvpnpy" }],
d: "m8 11.99-5.5 3.14a1 1 0 0 0 0 1.74l8.5 4.86a2 2 0 0 0 2 0l8.5-4.86a1 1 0 0 0 0-1.74L16 12",
key: "ek95tt"
["path", { d: "m6.49 12.85 11.02 6.3", key: "1kt42w" }],
["path", { d: "M17.51 12.85 6.5 19.15", key: "v55bdg" }]
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["line", { x1: "3", x2: "21", y1: "22", y2: "22", key: "j8o0r" }],
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["line", { x1: "18", x2: "18", y1: "18", y2: "11", key: "1kevvc" }],
["polygon", { points: "12 2 20 7 4 7", key: "jkujk7" }]
const Languages = createLucideIcon("Languages", [
["path", { d: "m5 8 6 6", key: "1wu5hv" }],
["path", { d: "m4 14 6-6 2-3", key: "1k1g8d" }],
["path", { d: "M2 5h12", key: "or177f" }],
["path", { d: "M7 2h1", key: "1t2jsx" }],
["path", { d: "m22 22-5-10-5 10", key: "don7ne" }],
["path", { d: "M14 18h6", key: "1m8k6r" }]
const LaptopMinimalCheck = createLucideIcon("LaptopMinimalCheck", [
["path", { d: "M2 20h20", key: "owomy5" }],
["path", { d: "m9 10 2 2 4-4", key: "1gnqz4" }],
["rect", { x: "3", y: "4", width: "18", height: "12", rx: "2", key: "8ur36m" }]
const LaptopMinimal = createLucideIcon("LaptopMinimal", [
["rect", { width: "18", height: "12", x: "3", y: "4", rx: "2", ry: "2", key: "1qhy41" }],
["line", { x1: "2", x2: "22", y1: "20", y2: "20", key: "ni3hll" }]
const Laptop = createLucideIcon("Laptop", [
d: "M20 16V7a2 2 0 0 0-2-2H6a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v9m16 0H4m16 0 1.28 2.55a1 1 0 0 1-.9 1.45H3.62a1 1 0 0 1-.9-1.45L4 16",
key: "tarvll"
const LassoSelect = createLucideIcon("LassoSelect", [
["path", { d: "M7 22a5 5 0 0 1-2-4", key: "umushi" }],
["path", { d: "M7 16.93c.96.43 1.96.74 2.99.91", key: "ybbtv3" }],
d: "M3.34 14A6.8 6.8 0 0 1 2 10c0-4.42 4.48-8 10-8s10 3.58 10 8a7.19 7.19 0 0 1-.33 2",
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key: "146dds"
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["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "12", r: "10", key: "1mglay" }],
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["line", { x1: "15", x2: "15.01", y1: "9", y2: "9", key: "1p4y9e" }]
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d: "m16.02 12 5.48 3.13a1 1 0 0 1 0 1.74L13 21.74a2 2 0 0 1-2 0l-8.5-4.87a1 1 0 0 1 0-1.74L7.98 12",
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d: "M13 13.74a2 2 0 0 1-2 0L2.5 8.87a1 1 0 0 1 0-1.74L11 2.26a2 2 0 0 1 2 0l8.5 4.87a1 1 0 0 1 0 1.74Z",
key: "pdlvxu"
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d: "M12.83 2.18a2 2 0 0 0-1.66 0L2.6 6.08a1 1 0 0 0 0 1.83l8.58 3.91a2 2 0 0 0 1.66 0l8.58-3.9a1 1 0 0 0 0-1.83z",
key: "zw3jo"
d: "M2 12a1 1 0 0 0 .58.91l8.6 3.91a2 2 0 0 0 1.65 0l8.58-3.9A1 1 0 0 0 22 12",
key: "1wduqc"
d: "M2 17a1 1 0 0 0 .58.91l8.6 3.91a2 2 0 0 0 1.65 0l8.58-3.9A1 1 0 0 0 22 17",
key: "kqbvx6"
const LayoutDashboard = createLucideIcon("LayoutDashboard", [
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["rect", { width: "7", height: "7", x: "3", y: "14", rx: "1", key: "1bb6yr" }],
["path", { d: "M14 4h7", key: "3xa0d5" }],
["path", { d: "M14 9h7", key: "1icrd9" }],
["path", { d: "M14 15h7", key: "1mj8o2" }],
["path", { d: "M14 20h7", key: "11slyb" }]
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["rect", { width: "7", height: "7", x: "14", y: "14", rx: "1", key: "nxv5o0" }]
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["rect", { width: "5", height: "7", x: "16", y: "14", rx: "1", key: "q5h2i8" }]
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d: "M11 20A7 7 0 0 1 9.8 6.1C15.5 5 17 4.48 19 2c1 2 2 4.18 2 8 0 5.5-4.78 10-10 10Z",
key: "nnexq3"
["path", { d: "M2 21c0-3 1.85-5.36 5.08-6C9.5 14.52 12 13 13 12", key: "mt58a7" }]
const LeafyGreen = createLucideIcon("LeafyGreen", [
d: "M2 22c1.25-.987 2.27-1.975 3.9-2.2a5.56 5.56 0 0 1 3.8 1.5 4 4 0 0 0 6.187-2.353 3.5 3.5 0 0 0 3.69-5.116A3.5 3.5 0 0 0 20.95 8 3.5 3.5 0 1 0 16 3.05a3.5 3.5 0 0 0-5.831 1.373 3.5 3.5 0 0 0-5.116 3.69 4 4 0 0 0-2.348 6.155C3.499 15.42 4.409 16.712 4.2 18.1 3.926 19.743 3.014 20.732 2 22",
key: "1134nt"
["path", { d: "M2 22 17 7", key: "1q7jp2" }]
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d: "M16 12h3a2 2 0 0 0 1.902-1.38l1.056-3.333A1 1 0 0 0 21 6H3a1 1 0 0 0-.958 1.287l1.056 3.334A2 2 0 0 0 5 12h3",
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["path", { d: "M18 6V3a1 1 0 0 0-1-1h-3", key: "1550fe" }],
["rect", { width: "8", height: "12", x: "8", y: "10", rx: "1", key: "qmu8b6" }]
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["path", { d: "M15 12h6", key: "upa0zy" }],
["path", { d: "M15 6h6", key: "1jlkvy" }],
["path", { d: "m3 13 3.553-7.724a.5.5 0 0 1 .894 0L11 13", key: "blevx4" }],
["path", { d: "M3 18h18", key: "1h113x" }],
["path", { d: "M4 11h6", key: "olkgv1" }]
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["rect", { width: "8", height: "18", x: "3", y: "3", rx: "1", key: "oynpb5" }],
["path", { d: "M7 3v18", key: "bbkbws" }],
d: "M20.4 18.9c.2.5-.1 1.1-.6 1.3l-1.9.7c-.5.2-1.1-.1-1.3-.6L11.1 5.1c-.2-.5.1-1.1.6-1.3l1.9-.7c.5-.2 1.1.1 1.3.6Z",
key: "1qboyk"
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["path", { d: "m16 6 4 14", key: "ji33uf" }],
["path", { d: "M12 6v14", key: "1n7gus" }],
["path", { d: "M8 8v12", key: "1gg7y9" }],
["path", { d: "M4 4v16", key: "6qkkli" }]
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["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "12", r: "10", key: "1mglay" }],
["path", { d: "m4.93 4.93 4.24 4.24", key: "1ymg45" }],
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["path", { d: "M8 20V8c0-2.2 1.8-4 4-4 1.5 0 2.8.8 3.5 2", key: "1rtphz" }],
["path", { d: "M6 12h4", key: "a4o3ry" }],
["path", { d: "M14 12h2v8", key: "c1fccl" }],
["path", { d: "M6 20h4", key: "1i6q5t" }],
["path", { d: "M14 20h4", key: "lzx1xo" }]
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["path", { d: "M16.8 11.2c.8-.9 1.2-2 1.2-3.2a6 6 0 0 0-9.3-5", key: "1fkcox" }],
["path", { d: "m2 2 20 20", key: "1ooewy" }],
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["path", { d: "M9 18h6", key: "x1upvd" }],
["path", { d: "M10 22h4", key: "ceow96" }]
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d: "M15 14c.2-1 .7-1.7 1.5-2.5 1-.9 1.5-2.2 1.5-3.5A6 6 0 0 0 6 8c0 1 .2 2.2 1.5 1.3 1.5 1.5 2.5",
key: "1gvzjb"
["path", { d: "M9 18h6", key: "x1upvd" }],
["path", { d: "M10 22h4", key: "ceow96" }]
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["path", { d: "M15 7h2a5 5 0 0 1 4 8", key: "1d3206" }],
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["path", { d: "M10 13a5 5 0 0 0 7.54.54l3-3a5 5 0 0 0-7.07-7.07l-1.72 1.71", key: "1cjeqo" }],
["path", { d: "M14 11a5 5 0 0 0-7.54-.54l-3 3a5 5 0 0 0 7.07 7.07l1.71-1.71", key: "19qd67" }]
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d: "M16 8a6 6 0 0 1 6 6v7h-4v-7a2 2 0 0 0-2-2 2 2 0 0 0-2 2v7h-4v-7a6 6 0 0 1 6-6z",
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["circle", { cx: "4", cy: "4", r: "2", key: "bt5ra8" }]
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["path", { d: "M11 18H3", key: "n3j2dh" }],
["path", { d: "m15 18 2 2 4-4", key: "1szwhi" }],
["path", { d: "M16 12H3", key: "1a2rj7" }],
["path", { d: "M16 6H3", key: "1wxfjs" }]
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["path", { d: "m3 17 2 2 4-4", key: "1jhpwq" }],
["path", { d: "m3 7 2 2 4-4", key: "1obspn" }],
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["path", { d: "M13 12h8", key: "h98zly" }],
["path", { d: "M13 18h8", key: "oe0vm4" }]
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["path", { d: "m3 10 2.5-2.5L3 5", key: "i6eama" }],
["path", { d: "m3 19 2.5-2.5L3 14", key: "w2gmor" }],
["path", { d: "M10 6h11", key: "c7qv1k" }],
["path", { d: "M10 12h11", key: "6m4ad9" }],
["path", { d: "M10 18h11", key: "11hvi2" }]
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["path", { d: "M16 12H3", key: "1a2rj7" }],
["path", { d: "M16 6H3", key: "1wxfjs" }],
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["path", { d: "M21 6v10a2 2 0 0 1-2 2h-5", key: "ilrcs8" }],
["path", { d: "m16 16-2 2 2 2", key: "kkc6pm" }]
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["path", { d: "M10 18h4", key: "1ulq68" }],
["path", { d: "M11 6H3", key: "1u26ik" }],
["path", { d: "M15 6h6", key: "1jlkvy" }],
["path", { d: "M18 9V3", key: "xwwp7m" }],
["path", { d: "M7 12h8", key: "7a1bxv" }]
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["path", { d: "M3 6h18", key: "d0wm0j" }],
["path", { d: "M7 12h10", key: "b7w52i" }],
["path", { d: "M10 18h4", key: "1ulq68" }]
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["path", { d: "M11 12H3", key: "51ecnj" }],
["path", { d: "M16 6H3", key: "1wxfjs" }],
["path", { d: "M16 18H3", key: "12xzn7" }],
["path", { d: "M21 12h-6", key: "bt1uis" }]
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["path", { d: "M21 15V6", key: "h1cx4g" }],
["path", { d: "M18.5 18a2.5 2.5 0 1 0 0-5 2.5 2.5 0 0 0 0 5Z", key: "8saifv" }],
["path", { d: "M12 12H3", key: "18klou" }],
["path", { d: "M16 6H3", key: "1wxfjs" }],
["path", { d: "M12 18H3", key: "11ftsu" }]
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["path", { d: "M10 12h11", key: "6m4ad9" }],
["path", { d: "M10 18h11", key: "11hvi2" }],
["path", { d: "M10 6h11", key: "c7qv1k" }],
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["path", { d: "M6 18H4c0-1 2-2 2-3s-1-1.5-2-1", key: "m9a95d" }]
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["path", { d: "M11 12H3", key: "51ecnj" }],
["path", { d: "M16 6H3", key: "1wxfjs" }],
["path", { d: "M16 18H3", key: "12xzn7" }],
["path", { d: "M18 9v6", key: "1twb98" }],
["path", { d: "M21 12h-6", key: "bt1uis" }]
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["path", { d: "M21 6H3", key: "1jwq7v" }],
["path", { d: "M7 12H3", key: "13ou7f" }],
["path", { d: "M7 18H3", key: "1sijw9" }],
d: "M12 18a5 5 0 0 0 9-3 4.5 4.5 0 0 0-4.5-4.5c-1.33 0-2.54.54-3.41 1.41L11 14",
key: "qth677"
["path", { d: "M11 10v4h4", key: "172dkj" }]
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["path", { d: "M16 12H3", key: "1a2rj7" }],
["path", { d: "M16 18H3", key: "12xzn7" }],
["path", { d: "M10 6H3", key: "lf8lx7" }],
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["path", { d: "m16 8-2-2 2-2", key: "160uvd" }]
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["rect", { x: "3", y: "5", width: "6", height: "6", rx: "1", key: "1defrl" }],
["path", { d: "m3 17 2 2 4-4", key: "1jhpwq" }],
["path", { d: "M13 6h8", key: "15sg57" }],
["path", { d: "M13 12h8", key: "h98zly" }],
["path", { d: "M13 18h8", key: "oe0vm4" }]
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["path", { d: "M21 12h-8", key: "1bmf0i" }],
["path", { d: "M21 6H8", key: "1pqkrb" }],
["path", { d: "M21 18h-8", key: "1tm79t" }],
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["path", { d: "M3 10v6c0 1.1.9 2 2 2h3", key: "2wc746" }]
const ListVideo = createLucideIcon("ListVideo", [
["path", { d: "M12 12H3", key: "18klou" }],
["path", { d: "M16 6H3", key: "1wxfjs" }],
["path", { d: "M12 18H3", key: "11ftsu" }],
["path", { d: "m16 12 5 3-5 3v-6Z", key: "zpskkp" }]
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["path", { d: "M11 12H3", key: "51ecnj" }],
["path", { d: "M16 6H3", key: "1wxfjs" }],
["path", { d: "M16 18H3", key: "12xzn7" }],
["path", { d: "m19 10-4 4", key: "1tz659" }],
["path", { d: "m15 10 4 4", key: "1n7nei" }]
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["path", { d: "M3 12h.01", key: "nlz23k" }],
["path", { d: "M3 18h.01", key: "1tta3j" }],
["path", { d: "M3 6h.01", key: "1rqtza" }],
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["path", { d: "M8 18h13", key: "1lx6n3" }],
["path", { d: "M8 6h13", key: "ik3vkj" }]
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["path", { d: "M21 12a9 9 0 1 1-6.219-8.56", key: "13zald" }]
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["path", { d: "M7 20.7a1 1 0 1 1 5-8.7 1 1 0 1 0 5-8.6", key: "1gnrpi" }],
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["path", { d: "M12 2v4", key: "3427ic" }],
["path", { d: "m16.2 7.8 2.9-2.9", key: "r700ao" }],
["path", { d: "M18 12h4", key: "wj9ykh" }],
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["path", { d: "M12 18v4", key: "jadmvz" }],
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["path", { d: "M2 12h4", key: "j09sii" }],
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key: "3qdecy"
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["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "12", r: "7", key: "fim9np" }]
const LockKeyholeOpen = createLucideIcon("LockKeyholeOpen", [
["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "16", r: "1", key: "1au0dj" }],
["rect", { width: "18", height: "12", x: "3", y: "10", rx: "2", key: "l0tzu3" }],
["path", { d: "M7 10V7a5 5 0 0 1 9.33-2.5", key: "car5b7" }]
const LockKeyhole = createLucideIcon("LockKeyhole", [
["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "16", r: "1", key: "1au0dj" }],
["rect", { x: "3", y: "10", width: "18", height: "12", rx: "2", key: "6s8ecr" }],
["path", { d: "M7 10V7a5 5 0 0 1 10 0v3", key: "1pqi11" }]
const LockOpen = createLucideIcon("LockOpen", [
["rect", { width: "18", height: "11", x: "3", y: "11", rx: "2", ry: "2", key: "1w4ew1" }],
["path", { d: "M7 11V7a5 5 0 0 1 9.9-1", key: "1mm8w8" }]
const Lock = createLucideIcon("Lock", [
["rect", { width: "18", height: "11", x: "3", y: "11", rx: "2", ry: "2", key: "1w4ew1" }],
["path", { d: "M7 11V7a5 5 0 0 1 10 0v4", key: "fwvmzm" }]
const LogIn = createLucideIcon("LogIn", [
["path", { d: "M15 3h4a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v14a2 2 0 0 1-2 2h-4", key: "u53s6r" }],
["polyline", { points: "10 17 15 12 10 7", key: "1ail0h" }],
["line", { x1: "15", x2: "3", y1: "12", y2: "12", key: "v6grx8" }]
const LogOut = createLucideIcon("LogOut", [
["path", { d: "M9 21H5a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V5a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h4", key: "1uf3rs" }],
["polyline", { points: "16 17 21 12 16 7", key: "1gabdz" }],
["line", { x1: "21", x2: "9", y1: "12", y2: "12", key: "1uyos4" }]
const Logs = createLucideIcon("Logs", [
["path", { d: "M13 12h8", key: "h98zly" }],
["path", { d: "M13 18h8", key: "oe0vm4" }],
["path", { d: "M13 6h8", key: "15sg57" }],
["path", { d: "M3 12h1", key: "lp3yf2" }],
["path", { d: "M3 18h1", key: "1eiwyy" }],
["path", { d: "M3 6h1", key: "rgxa97" }],
["path", { d: "M8 12h1", key: "1con00" }],
["path", { d: "M8 18h1", key: "13wk12" }],
["path", { d: "M8 6h1", key: "tn6mkg" }]
const Lollipop = createLucideIcon("Lollipop", [
["circle", { cx: "11", cy: "11", r: "8", key: "4ej97u" }],
["path", { d: "m21 21-4.3-4.3", key: "1qie3q" }],
["path", { d: "M11 11a2 2 0 0 0 4 0 4 4 0 0 0-8 0 6 6 0 0 0 12 0", key: "107gwy" }]
const Luggage = createLucideIcon("Luggage", [
{ d: "M6 20a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V8a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h12a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v10a2 2 0 0 1-2 2", key: "1m57jg" }
["path", { d: "M8 18V4a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h4a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v14", key: "1l99gc" }],
["path", { d: "M10 20h4", key: "ni2waw" }],
["circle", { cx: "16", cy: "20", r: "2", key: "1vifvg" }],
["circle", { cx: "8", cy: "20", r: "2", key: "ckkr5m" }]
const Magnet = createLucideIcon("Magnet", [
d: "m6 15-4-4 6.75-6.77a7.79 7.79 0 0 1 11 11L13 22l-4-4 6.39-6.36a2.14 2.14 0 0 0-3-3L6 15",
key: "1i3lhw"
["path", { d: "m5 8 4 4", key: "j6kj7e" }],
["path", { d: "m12 15 4 4", key: "lnac28" }]
const MailCheck = createLucideIcon("MailCheck", [
["path", { d: "M22 13V6a2 2 0 0 0-2-2H4a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v12c0 1.1.9 2 2 2h8", key: "12jkf8" }],
["path", { d: "m22 7-8.97 5.7a1.94 1.94 0 0 1-2.06 0L2 7", key: "1ocrg3" }],
["path", { d: "m16 19 2 2 4-4", key: "1b14m6" }]
const MailMinus = createLucideIcon("MailMinus", [
["path", { d: "M22 15V6a2 2 0 0 0-2-2H4a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v12c0 1.1.9 2 2 2h8", key: "fuxbkv" }],
["path", { d: "m22 7-8.97 5.7a1.94 1.94 0 0 1-2.06 0L2 7", key: "1ocrg3" }],
["path", { d: "M16 19h6", key: "xwg31i" }]
const MailOpen = createLucideIcon("MailOpen", [
d: "M21.2 8.4c. 1.6v10a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H4a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V10a2 2 0 0 1 .8-1.6l8-6a2 2 0 0 1 2.4 0l8 6Z",
key: "1jhwl8"
["path", { d: "m22 10-8.97 5.7a1.94 1.94 0 0 1-2.06 0L2 10", key: "1qfld7" }]
const MailPlus = createLucideIcon("MailPlus", [
["path", { d: "M22 13V6a2 2 0 0 0-2-2H4a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v12c0 1.1.9 2 2 2h8", key: "12jkf8" }],
["path", { d: "m22 7-8.97 5.7a1.94 1.94 0 0 1-2.06 0L2 7", key: "1ocrg3" }],
["path", { d: "M19 16v6", key: "tddt3s" }],
["path", { d: "M16 19h6", key: "xwg31i" }]
const MailQuestion = createLucideIcon("MailQuestion", [
["path", { d: "M22 10.5V6a2 2 0 0 0-2-2H4a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v12c0 1.1.9 2 2 2h12.5", key: "e61zoh" }],
["path", { d: "m22 7-8.97 5.7a1.94 1.94 0 0 1-2.06 0L2 7", key: "1ocrg3" }],
d: "M18 15.28c.2-.4.5-.8.9-1a2.1 2.1 0 0 1 2.6.4c. 1.3 0 1.3-2 2-2 2",
key: "7z9rxb"
["path", { d: "M20 22v.01", key: "12bgn6" }]
const MailSearch = createLucideIcon("MailSearch", [
["path", { d: "M22 12.5V6a2 2 0 0 0-2-2H4a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v12c0 1.1.9 2 2 2h7.5", key: "w80f2v" }],
["path", { d: "m22 7-8.97 5.7a1.94 1.94 0 0 1-2.06 0L2 7", key: "1ocrg3" }],
["path", { d: "M18 21a3 3 0 1 0 0-6 3 3 0 0 0 0 6Z", key: "8lzu5m" }],
["circle", { cx: "18", cy: "18", r: "3", key: "1xkwt0" }],
["path", { d: "m22 22-1.5-1.5", key: "1x83k4" }]
const MailWarning = createLucideIcon("MailWarning", [
["path", { d: "M22 10.5V6a2 2 0 0 0-2-2H4a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v12c0 1.1.9 2 2 2h12.5", key: "e61zoh" }],
["path", { d: "m22 7-8.97 5.7a1.94 1.94 0 0 1-2.06 0L2 7", key: "1ocrg3" }],
["path", { d: "M20 14v4", key: "1hm744" }],
["path", { d: "M20 22v.01", key: "12bgn6" }]
const MailX = createLucideIcon("MailX", [
["path", { d: "M22 13V6a2 2 0 0 0-2-2H4a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v12c0 1.1.9 2 2 2h9", key: "1j9vog" }],
["path", { d: "m22 7-8.97 5.7a1.94 1.94 0 0 1-2.06 0L2 7", key: "1ocrg3" }],
["path", { d: "m17 17 4 4", key: "1b3523" }],
["path", { d: "m21 17-4 4", key: "uinynz" }]
const Mail = createLucideIcon("Mail", [
["rect", { width: "20", height: "16", x: "2", y: "4", rx: "2", key: "18n3k1" }],
["path", { d: "m22 7-8.97 5.7a1.94 1.94 0 0 1-2.06 0L2 7", key: "1ocrg3" }]
const Mailbox = createLucideIcon("Mailbox", [
d: "M22 17a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H4a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V9.5C2 7 4 5 6.5 5H18c2.2 0 4 1.8 4 4v8Z",
key: "1lbycx"
["polyline", { points: "15,9 18,9 18,11", key: "1pm9c0" }],
["path", { d: "M6.5 5C9 5 11 7 11 9.5V17a2 2 0 0 1-2 2", key: "15i455" }],
["line", { x1: "6", x2: "7", y1: "10", y2: "10", key: "1e2scm" }]
const Mails = createLucideIcon("Mails", [
["rect", { width: "16", height: "13", x: "6", y: "4", rx: "2", key: "1drq3f" }],
["path", { d: "m22 7-7.1 3.78c-.57.3-1.23.3-1.8 0L6 7", key: "xn252p" }],
["path", { d: "M2 8v11c0 1.1.9 2 2 2h14", key: "n13cji" }]
const MapPinCheckInside = createLucideIcon("MapPinCheckInside", [
d: "M20 10c0 4.993-5.539 10.193-7.399 11.799a1 1 0 0 1-1.202 0C9.539 20.193 4 14.993 4 10a8 8 0 0 1 16 0",
key: "1r0f0z"
["path", { d: "m9 10 2 2 4-4", key: "1gnqz4" }]
const MapPinCheck = createLucideIcon("MapPinCheck", [
d: "M19.43 12.935c.357-.967.57-1.955.57-2.935a8 8 0 0 0-16 0c0 4.993 5.539 10.193 7.399 11.799a1 1 0 0 0 1.202 0 32.197 32.197 0 0 0 .813-.728",
key: "1dq61d"
["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "10", r: "3", key: "ilqhr7" }],
["path", { d: "m16 18 2 2 4-4", key: "1mkfmb" }]
const MapPinHouse = createLucideIcon("MapPinHouse", [
d: "M15 22a1 1 0 0 1-1-1v-4a1 1 0 0 1 .445-.832l3-2a1 1 0 0 1 1.11 0l3 2A1 1 0 0 1 22 17v4a1 1 0 0 1-1 1z",
key: "1p1rcz"
d: "M18 10a8 8 0 0 0-16 0c0 4.993 5.539 10.193 7.399 11.799a1 1 0 0 0 .601.2",
key: "mcbcs9"
["path", { d: "M18 22v-3", key: "1t1ugv" }],
["circle", { cx: "10", cy: "10", r: "3", key: "1ns7v1" }]
const MapPinMinusInside = createLucideIcon("MapPinMinusInside", [
d: "M20 10c0 4.993-5.539 10.193-7.399 11.799a1 1 0 0 1-1.202 0C9.539 20.193 4 14.993 4 10a8 8 0 0 1 16 0",
key: "1r0f0z"
["path", { d: "M9 10h6", key: "9gxzsh" }]
const MapPinMinus = createLucideIcon("MapPinMinus", [
d: "M18.977 14C19.6 12.701 20 11.343 20 10a8 8 0 0 0-16 0c0 4.993 5.539 10.193 7.399 11.799a1 1 0 0 0 1.202 0 32 32 0 0 0 .824-.738",
key: "11uxia"
["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "10", r: "3", key: "ilqhr7" }],
["path", { d: "M16 18h6", key: "987eiv" }]
const MapPinOff = createLucideIcon("MapPinOff", [
["path", { d: "M12.75 7.09a3 3 0 0 1 2.16 2.16", key: "1d4wjd" }],
d: "M17.072 17.072c-1.634 2.17-3.527 3.912-4.471 4.727a1 1 0 0 1-1.202 0C9.539 20.193 4 14.993 4 10a8 8 0 0 1 1.432-4.568",
key: "12yil7"
["path", { d: "m2 2 20 20", key: "1ooewy" }],
["path", { d: "M8.475 2.818A8 8 0 0 1 20 10c0 1.183-.31 2.377-.81 3.533", key: "lhrkcz" }],
["path", { d: "M9.13 9.13a3 3 0 0 0 3.74 3.74", key: "13wojd" }]
const MapPinPlusInside = createLucideIcon("MapPinPlusInside", [
d: "M20 10c0 4.993-5.539 10.193-7.399 11.799a1 1 0 0 1-1.202 0C9.539 20.193 4 14.993 4 10a8 8 0 0 1 16 0",
key: "1r0f0z"
["path", { d: "M12 7v6", key: "lw1j43" }],
["path", { d: "M9 10h6", key: "9gxzsh" }]
const MapPinPlus = createLucideIcon("MapPinPlus", [
d: "M19.914 11.105A7.298 7.298 0 0 0 20 10a8 8 0 0 0-16 0c0 4.993 5.539 10.193 7.399 11.799a1 1 0 0 0 1.202 0 32 32 0 0 0 .824-.738",
key: "fcdtly"
["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "10", r: "3", key: "ilqhr7" }],
["path", { d: "M16 18h6", key: "987eiv" }],
["path", { d: "M19 15v6", key: "10aioa" }]
const MapPinXInside = createLucideIcon("MapPinXInside", [
d: "M20 10c0 4.993-5.539 10.193-7.399 11.799a1 1 0 0 1-1.202 0C9.539 20.193 4 14.993 4 10a8 8 0 0 1 16 0",
key: "1r0f0z"
["path", { d: "m14.5 7.5-5 5", key: "3lb6iw" }],
["path", { d: "m9.5 7.5 5 5", key: "ko136h" }]
const MapPinX = createLucideIcon("MapPinX", [
d: "M19.752 11.901A7.78 7.78 0 0 0 20 10a8 8 0 0 0-16 0c0 4.993 5.539 10.193 7.399 11.799a1 1 0 0 0 1.202 0 19 19 0 0 0 .09-.077",
key: "y0ewhp"
["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "10", r: "3", key: "ilqhr7" }],
["path", { d: "m21.5 15.5-5 5", key: "11iqnx" }],
["path", { d: "m21.5 20.5-5-5", key: "1bylgx" }]
const MapPin = createLucideIcon("MapPin", [
d: "M20 10c0 4.993-5.539 10.193-7.399 11.799a1 1 0 0 1-1.202 0C9.539 20.193 4 14.993 4 10a8 8 0 0 1 16 0",
key: "1r0f0z"
["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "10", r: "3", key: "ilqhr7" }]
const MapPinned = createLucideIcon("MapPinned", [
d: "M18 8c0 3.613-3.869 7.429-5.393 8.795a1 1 0 0 1-1.214 0C9.87 15.429 6 11.613 6 8a6 6 0 0 1 12 0",
key: "11u0oz"
["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "8", r: "2", key: "1822b1" }],
d: "M8.714 14h-3.71a1 1 0 0 0-.948.683l-2.004 6A1 1 0 0 0 3 22h18a1 1 0 0 0 .948-1.316l-2-6a1 1 0 0 0-.949-.684h-3.712",
key: "q8zwxj"
const Map = createLucideIcon("Map", [
d: "M14.106 5.553a2 2 0 0 0 1.788 0l3.659-1.83A1 1 0 0 1 21 4.619v12.764a1 1 0 0 1-.553.894l-4.553 2.277a2 2 0 0 1-1.788 0l-4.212-2.106a2 2 0 0 0-1.788 0l-3.659 1.83A1 1 0 0 1 3 19.381V6.618a1 1 0 0 1 .553-.894l4.553-2.277a2 2 0 0 1 1.788 0z",
key: "169xi5"
["path", { d: "M15 5.764v15", key: "1pn4in" }],
["path", { d: "M9 3.236v15", key: "1uimfh" }]
const Martini = createLucideIcon("Martini", [
["path", { d: "M8 22h8", key: "rmew8v" }],
["path", { d: "M12 11v11", key: "ur9y6a" }],
["path", { d: "m19 3-7 8-7-8Z", key: "1sgpiw" }]
const Maximize2 = createLucideIcon("Maximize2", [
["polyline", { points: "15 3 21 3 21 9", key: "mznyad" }],
["polyline", { points: "9 21 3 21 3 15", key: "1avn1i" }],
["line", { x1: "21", x2: "14", y1: "3", y2: "10", key: "ota7mn" }],
["line", { x1: "3", x2: "10", y1: "21", y2: "14", key: "1atl0r" }]
const Maximize = createLucideIcon("Maximize", [
["path", { d: "M8 3H5a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v3", key: "1dcmit" }],
["path", { d: "M21 8V5a2 2 0 0 0-2-2h-3", key: "1e4gt3" }],
["path", { d: "M3 16v3a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h3", key: "wsl5sc" }],
["path", { d: "M16 21h3a2 2 0 0 0 2-2v-3", key: "18trek" }]
const Medal = createLucideIcon("Medal", [
d: "M7.21 15 2.66 7.14a2 2 0 0 1 .13-2.2L4.4 2.8A2 2 0 0 1 6 2h12a2 2 0 0 1 1.6.8l1.6 2.14a2 2 0 0 1 .14 2.2L16.79 15",
key: "143lza"
["path", { d: "M11 12 5.12 2.2", key: "qhuxz6" }],
["path", { d: "m13 12 5.88-9.8", key: "hbye0f" }],
["path", { d: "M8 7h8", key: "i86dvs" }],
["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "17", r: "5", key: "qbz8iq" }],
["path", { d: "M12 18v-2h-.5", key: "fawc4q" }]
const MegaphoneOff = createLucideIcon("MegaphoneOff", [
["path", { d: "M9.26 9.26 3 11v3l14.14 3.14", key: "3429n" }],
["path", { d: "M21 15.34V6l-7.31 2.03", key: "4o1dh8" }],
["path", { d: "M11.6 16.8a3 3 0 1 1-5.8-1.6", key: "1yl0tm" }],
["line", { x1: "2", x2: "22", y1: "2", y2: "22", key: "a6p6uj" }]
const Megaphone = createLucideIcon("Megaphone", [
["path", { d: "m3 11 18-5v12L3 14v-3z", key: "n962bs" }],
["path", { d: "M11.6 16.8a3 3 0 1 1-5.8-1.6", key: "1yl0tm" }]
const Meh = createLucideIcon("Meh", [
["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "12", r: "10", key: "1mglay" }],
["line", { x1: "8", x2: "16", y1: "15", y2: "15", key: "1xb1d9" }],
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["line", { x1: "15", x2: "15.01", y1: "9", y2: "9", key: "1p4y9e" }]
const MemoryStick = createLucideIcon("MemoryStick", [
["path", { d: "M6 19v-3", key: "1nvgqn" }],
["path", { d: "M10 19v-3", key: "iu8nkm" }],
["path", { d: "M14 19v-3", key: "kcehxu" }],
["path", { d: "M18 19v-3", key: "1vh91z" }],
["path", { d: "M8 11V9", key: "63erz4" }],
["path", { d: "M16 11V9", key: "fru6f3" }],
["path", { d: "M12 11V9", key: "ha00sb" }],
["path", { d: "M2 15h20", key: "16ne18" }],
d: "M2 7a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h16a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v1.1a2 2 0 0 0 0 3.837V17a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H4a2 2 0 0 1-2-2v-5.1a2 2 0 0 0 0-3.837Z",
key: "lhddv3"
const Menu = createLucideIcon("Menu", [
["line", { x1: "4", x2: "20", y1: "12", y2: "12", key: "1e0a9i" }],
["line", { x1: "4", x2: "20", y1: "6", y2: "6", key: "1owob3" }],
["line", { x1: "4", x2: "20", y1: "18", y2: "18", key: "yk5zj1" }]
const Merge = createLucideIcon("Merge", [
["path", { d: "m8 6 4-4 4 4", key: "ybng9g" }],
["path", { d: "M12 2v10.3a4 4 0 0 1-1.172 2.872L4 22", key: "1hyw0i" }],
["path", { d: "m20 22-5-5", key: "1m27yz" }]
const MessageCircleCode = createLucideIcon("MessageCircleCode", [
["path", { d: "M10 9.5 8 12l2 2.5", key: "3mjy60" }],
["path", { d: "m14 9.5 2 2.5-2 2.5", key: "1bir2l" }],
["path", { d: "M7.9 20A9 9 0 1 0 4 16.1L2 22z", key: "k85zhp" }]
const MessageCircleDashed = createLucideIcon("MessageCircleDashed", [
["path", { d: "M13.5 3.1c-.5 0-1-.1-1.5-.1s-1 .1-1.5.1", key: "16ll65" }],
["path", { d: "M19.3 6.8a10.45 10.45 0 0 0-2.1-2.1", key: "1nq77a" }],
["path", { d: "M20.9 13.5c.1-.5.1-1 .1-1.5s-.1-1-.1-1.5", key: "1sf7wn" }],
["path", { d: "M17.2 19.3a10.45 10.45 0 0 0 2.1-2.1", key: "x1hs5g" }],
["path", { d: "M10.5 20.9c.5.1 1 .1 1.5.1s1-.1 1.5-.1", key: "19m18z" }],
["path", { d: "M3.5 17.5 2 22l4.5-1.5", key: "1f36qi" }],
["path", { d: "M3.1 10.5c0 .5-.1 1-.1 1.5s.1 1 .1 1.5", key: "1vz3ju" }],
["path", { d: "M6.8 4.7a10.45 10.45 0 0 0-2.1 2.1", key: "19f9do" }]
const MessageCircleHeart = createLucideIcon("MessageCircleHeart", [
["path", { d: "M7.9 20A9 9 0 1 0 4 16.1L2 22Z", key: "vv11sd" }],
d: "M15.8 9.2a2.5 2.5 0 0 0-3.5 0l-.3.4-.35-.3a2.42 2.42 0 1 0-3.2 3.6l3.6 3.5 3.6-3.5c1.2-1.2 1.1-2.7.2-3.7",
key: "43lnbm"
const MessageCircleMore = createLucideIcon("MessageCircleMore", [
["path", { d: "M7.9 20A9 9 0 1 0 4 16.1L2 22Z", key: "vv11sd" }],
["path", { d: "M8 12h.01", key: "czm47f" }],
["path", { d: "M12 12h.01", key: "1mp3jc" }],
["path", { d: "M16 12h.01", key: "1l6xoz" }]
const MessageCircleOff = createLucideIcon("MessageCircleOff", [
["path", { d: "M20.5 14.9A9 9 0 0 0 9.1 3.5", key: "1iebmn" }],
["path", { d: "m2 2 20 20", key: "1ooewy" }],
["path", { d: "M5.6 5.6C3 8.3 2.2 12.5 4 16l-2 6 6-2c3.4 1.8 7.6 1.1 10.3-1.7", key: "1ov8ce" }]
const MessageCirclePlus = createLucideIcon("MessageCirclePlus", [
["path", { d: "M7.9 20A9 9 0 1 0 4 16.1L2 22Z", key: "vv11sd" }],
["path", { d: "M8 12h8", key: "1wcyev" }],
["path", { d: "M12 8v8", key: "napkw2" }]
const MessageCircleQuestion = createLucideIcon("MessageCircleQuestion", [
["path", { d: "M7.9 20A9 9 0 1 0 4 16.1L2 22Z", key: "vv11sd" }],
["path", { d: "M9.09 9a3 3 0 0 1 5.83 1c0 2-3 3-3 3", key: "1u773s" }],
["path", { d: "M12 17h.01", key: "p32p05" }]
const MessageCircleReply = createLucideIcon("MessageCircleReply", [
["path", { d: "M7.9 20A9 9 0 1 0 4 16.1L2 22Z", key: "vv11sd" }],
["path", { d: "m10 15-3-3 3-3", key: "1pgupc" }],
["path", { d: "M7 12h7a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v1", key: "1gheu4" }]
const MessageCircleWarning = createLucideIcon("MessageCircleWarning", [
["path", { d: "M7.9 20A9 9 0 1 0 4 16.1L2 22Z", key: "vv11sd" }],
["path", { d: "M12 8v4", key: "1got3b" }],
["path", { d: "M12 16h.01", key: "1drbdi" }]
const MessageCircleX = createLucideIcon("MessageCircleX", [
["path", { d: "M7.9 20A9 9 0 1 0 4 16.1L2 22Z", key: "vv11sd" }],
["path", { d: "m15 9-6 6", key: "1uzhvr" }],
["path", { d: "m9 9 6 6", key: "z0biqf" }]
const MessageCircle = createLucideIcon("MessageCircle", [
["path", { d: "M7.9 20A9 9 0 1 0 4 16.1L2 22Z", key: "vv11sd" }]
const MessageSquareCode = createLucideIcon("MessageSquareCode", [
["path", { d: "M10 7.5 8 10l2 2.5", key: "xb17xw" }],
["path", { d: "m14 7.5 2 2.5-2 2.5", key: "5rap1v" }],
["path", { d: "M21 15a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H7l-4 4V5a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h14a2 2 0 0 1 2 2z", key: "1lielz" }]
const MessageSquareDashed = createLucideIcon("MessageSquareDashed", [
["path", { d: "M10 17H7l-4 4v-7", key: "1r71xu" }],
["path", { d: "M14 17h1", key: "nufu4t" }],
["path", { d: "M14 3h1", key: "1ec4yj" }],
["path", { d: "M19 3a2 2 0 0 1 2 2", key: "18rm91" }],
["path", { d: "M21 14v1a2 2 0 0 1-2 2", key: "29akq3" }],
["path", { d: "M21 9v1", key: "mxsmne" }],
["path", { d: "M3 9v1", key: "1r0deq" }],
["path", { d: "M5 3a2 2 0 0 0-2 2", key: "y57alp" }],
["path", { d: "M9 3h1", key: "1yesri" }]
const MessageSquareDiff = createLucideIcon("MessageSquareDiff", [
["path", { d: "m5 19-2 2V5a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h14a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v10a2 2 0 0 1-2 2", key: "1xuzuj" }],
["path", { d: "M9 10h6", key: "9gxzsh" }],
["path", { d: "M12 7v6", key: "lw1j43" }],
["path", { d: "M9 17h6", key: "r8uit2" }]
const MessageSquareDot = createLucideIcon("MessageSquareDot", [
["path", { d: "M11.7 3H5a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v16l4-4h12a2 2 0 0 0 2-2v-2.7", key: "uodpkb" }],
["circle", { cx: "18", cy: "6", r: "3", key: "1h7g24" }]
const MessageSquareHeart = createLucideIcon("MessageSquareHeart", [
["path", { d: "M21 15a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H7l-4 4V5a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h14a2 2 0 0 1 2 2z", key: "1lielz" }],
d: "M14.8 7.5a1.84 1.84 0 0 0-2.6 0l-.2.3-.3-.3a1.84 1.84 0 1 0-2.4 2.8L12 13l2.7-2.7c.9-.9.8-2.1.1-2.8",
key: "1blaws"
const MessageSquareLock = createLucideIcon("MessageSquareLock", [
["path", { d: "M19 15v-2a2 2 0 1 0-4 0v2", key: "h3d1vz" }],
["path", { d: "M9 17H7l-4 4V5a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h14a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v3.5", key: "xsnnhn" }],
["rect", { x: "13", y: "15", width: "8", height: "5", rx: "1", key: "1ccwuk" }]
const MessageSquareMore = createLucideIcon("MessageSquareMore", [
["path", { d: "M21 15a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H7l-4 4V5a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h14a2 2 0 0 1 2 2z", key: "1lielz" }],
["path", { d: "M8 10h.01", key: "19clt8" }],
["path", { d: "M12 10h.01", key: "1nrarc" }],
["path", { d: "M16 10h.01", key: "1m94wz" }]
const MessageSquareOff = createLucideIcon("MessageSquareOff", [
["path", { d: "M21 15V5a2 2 0 0 0-2-2H9", key: "43el77" }],
["path", { d: "m2 2 20 20", key: "1ooewy" }],
["path", { d: "M3.6 3.6c-.4.3-.6.8-.6 1.4v16l4-4h10", key: "pwpm4a" }]
const MessageSquarePlus = createLucideIcon("MessageSquarePlus", [
["path", { d: "M21 15a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H7l-4 4V5a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h14a2 2 0 0 1 2 2z", key: "1lielz" }],
["path", { d: "M12 7v6", key: "lw1j43" }],
["path", { d: "M9 10h6", key: "9gxzsh" }]
const MessageSquareQuote = createLucideIcon("MessageSquareQuote", [
["path", { d: "M21 15a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H7l-4 4V5a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h14a2 2 0 0 1 2 2z", key: "1lielz" }],
["path", { d: "M8 12a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V8H8", key: "1jfesj" }],
["path", { d: "M14 12a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V8h-2", key: "1dq9mh" }]
const MessageSquareReply = createLucideIcon("MessageSquareReply", [
["path", { d: "M21 15a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H7l-4 4V5a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h14a2 2 0 0 1 2 2z", key: "1lielz" }],
["path", { d: "m10 7-3 3 3 3", key: "1eugdv" }],
["path", { d: "M17 13v-1a2 2 0 0 0-2-2H7", key: "ernfh3" }]
const MessageSquareShare = createLucideIcon("MessageSquareShare", [
["path", { d: "M21 12v3a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H7l-4 4V5a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h7", key: "tqtdkg" }],
["path", { d: "M16 3h5v5", key: "1806ms" }],
["path", { d: "m16 8 5-5", key: "15mbrl" }]
const MessageSquareText = createLucideIcon("MessageSquareText", [
["path", { d: "M21 15a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H7l-4 4V5a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h14a2 2 0 0 1 2 2z", key: "1lielz" }],
["path", { d: "M13 8H7", key: "14i4kc" }],
["path", { d: "M17 12H7", key: "16if0g" }]
const MessageSquareWarning = createLucideIcon("MessageSquareWarning", [
["path", { d: "M21 15a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H7l-4 4V5a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h14a2 2 0 0 1 2 2z", key: "1lielz" }],
["path", { d: "M12 7v2", key: "stiyo7" }],
["path", { d: "M12 13h.01", key: "y0uutt" }]
const MessageSquareX = createLucideIcon("MessageSquareX", [
["path", { d: "M21 15a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H7l-4 4V5a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h14a2 2 0 0 1 2 2z", key: "1lielz" }],
["path", { d: "m14.5 7.5-5 5", key: "3lb6iw" }],
["path", { d: "m9.5 7.5 5 5", key: "ko136h" }]
const MessageSquare = createLucideIcon("MessageSquare", [
["path", { d: "M21 15a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H7l-4 4V5a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h14a2 2 0 0 1 2 2z", key: "1lielz" }]
const MessagesSquare = createLucideIcon("MessagesSquare", [
["path", { d: "M14 9a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H6l-4 4V4a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h8a2 2 0 0 1 2 2z", key: "p1xzt8" }],
["path", { d: "M18 9h2a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v11l-4-4h-6a2 2 0 0 1-2-2v-1", key: "1cx29u" }]
const MicOff = createLucideIcon("MicOff", [
["line", { x1: "2", x2: "22", y1: "2", y2: "22", key: "a6p6uj" }],
["path", { d: "M18.89 13.23A7.12 7.12 0 0 0 19 12v-2", key: "80xlxr" }],
["path", { d: "M5 10v2a7 7 0 0 0 12 5", key: "p2k8kg" }],
["path", { d: "M15 9.34V5a3 3 0 0 0-5.68-1.33", key: "1gzdoj" }],
["path", { d: "M9 9v3a3 3 0 0 0 5.12 2.12", key: "r2i35w" }],
["line", { x1: "12", x2: "12", y1: "19", y2: "22", key: "x3vr5v" }]
const MicVocal = createLucideIcon("MicVocal", [
d: "m11 7.601-5.994 8.19a1 1 0 0 0 .1 1.298l.817.818a1 1 0 0 0 1.314.087L15.09 12",
key: "80a601"
d: "M16.5 21.174C15.5 20.5 14.372 20 13 20c-2.058 0-3.928 2.356-6 2-2.072-.356-2.775-3.369-1.5-4.5",
key: "j0ngtp"
["circle", { cx: "16", cy: "7", r: "5", key: "d08jfb" }]
const Mic = createLucideIcon("Mic", [
["path", { d: "M12 2a3 3 0 0 0-3 3v7a3 3 0 0 0 6 0V5a3 3 0 0 0-3-3Z", key: "131961" }],
["path", { d: "M19 10v2a7 7 0 0 1-14 0v-2", key: "1vc78b" }],
["line", { x1: "12", x2: "12", y1: "19", y2: "22", key: "x3vr5v" }]
const Microchip = createLucideIcon("Microchip", [
["path", { d: "M18 12h2", key: "quuxs7" }],
["path", { d: "M18 16h2", key: "zsn3lv" }],
["path", { d: "M18 20h2", key: "9x5y9y" }],
["path", { d: "M18 4h2", key: "1luxfb" }],
["path", { d: "M18 8h2", key: "nxqzg" }],
["path", { d: "M4 12h2", key: "1ltxp0" }],
["path", { d: "M4 16h2", key: "8a5zha" }],
["path", { d: "M4 20h2", key: "27dk57" }],
["path", { d: "M4 4h2", key: "10groj" }],
["path", { d: "M4 8h2", key: "18vq6w" }],
d: "M8 2a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v16a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h8a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V4a2 2 0 0 0-2-2h-1.5c-.276 0-.494.227-.562.495a2 2 0 0 1-3.876 0C9.994 2.227 9.776 2 9.5 2z",
key: "1681fp"
const Microscope = createLucideIcon("Microscope", [
["path", { d: "M6 18h8", key: "1borvv" }],
["path", { d: "M3 22h18", key: "8prr45" }],
["path", { d: "M14 22a7 7 0 1 0 0-14h-1", key: "1jwaiy" }],
["path", { d: "M9 14h2", key: "197e7h" }],
["path", { d: "M9 12a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V6h6v4a2 2 0 0 1-2 2Z", key: "1bmzmy" }],
["path", { d: "M12 6V3a1 1 0 0 0-1-1H9a1 1 0 0 0-1 1v3", key: "1drr47" }]
const Microwave = createLucideIcon("Microwave", [
["rect", { width: "20", height: "15", x: "2", y: "4", rx: "2", key: "2no95f" }],
["rect", { width: "8", height: "7", x: "6", y: "8", rx: "1", key: "zh9wx" }],
["path", { d: "M18 8v7", key: "o5zi4n" }],
["path", { d: "M6 19v2", key: "1loha6" }],
["path", { d: "M18 19v2", key: "1dawf0" }]
const Milestone = createLucideIcon("Milestone", [
["path", { d: "M12 13v8", key: "1l5pq0" }],
["path", { d: "M12 3v3", key: "1n5kay" }],
d: "M4 6a1 1 0 0 0-1 1v5a1 1 0 0 0 1 1h13a2 2 0 0 0 1.152-.365l3.424-2.317a1 1 0 0 0 0-1.635l-3.424-2.318A2 2 0 0 0 17 6z",
key: "1btarq"
const MilkOff = createLucideIcon("MilkOff", [
["path", { d: "M8 2h8", key: "1ssgc1" }],
d: "M9 2v1.343M15 2v2.789a4 4 0 0 0 .672 2.219l.656.984a4 4 0 0 1 .672 2.22v1.131M7.8 7.8l-.128.192A4 4 0 0 0 7 10.212V20a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h6a2 2 0 0 0 2-2v-3",
key: "y0ejgx"
["path", { d: "M7 15a6.47 6.47 0 0 1 5 0 6.472 6.472 0 0 0 3.435.435", key: "iaxqsy" }],
["line", { x1: "2", x2: "22", y1: "2", y2: "22", key: "a6p6uj" }]
const Milk = createLucideIcon("Milk", [
["path", { d: "M8 2h8", key: "1ssgc1" }],
d: "M9 2v2.789a4 4 0 0 1-.672 2.219l-.656.984A4 4 0 0 0 7 10.212V20a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h6a2 2 0 0 0 2-2v-9.789a4 4 0 0 0-.672-2.219l-.656-.984A4 4 0 0 1 15 4.788V2",
key: "qtp12x"
["path", { d: "M7 15a6.472 6.472 0 0 1 5 0 6.47 6.47 0 0 0 5 0", key: "ygeh44" }]
const Minimize2 = createLucideIcon("Minimize2", [
["polyline", { points: "4 14 10 14 10 20", key: "11kfnr" }],
["polyline", { points: "20 10 14 10 14 4", key: "rlmsce" }],
["line", { x1: "14", x2: "21", y1: "10", y2: "3", key: "o5lafz" }],
["line", { x1: "3", x2: "10", y1: "21", y2: "14", key: "1atl0r" }]
const Minimize = createLucideIcon("Minimize", [
["path", { d: "M8 3v3a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H3", key: "hohbtr" }],
["path", { d: "M21 8h-3a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V3", key: "5jw1f3" }],
["path", { d: "M3 16h3a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v3", key: "198tvr" }],
["path", { d: "M16 21v-3a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h3", key: "ph8mxp" }]
const Minus = createLucideIcon("Minus", [["path", { d: "M5 12h14", key: "1ays0h" }]]);
const MonitorCheck = createLucideIcon("MonitorCheck", [
["path", { d: "m9 10 2 2 4-4", key: "1gnqz4" }],
["rect", { width: "20", height: "14", x: "2", y: "3", rx: "2", key: "48i651" }],
["path", { d: "M12 17v4", key: "1riwvh" }],
["path", { d: "M8 21h8", key: "1ev6f3" }]
const MonitorCog = createLucideIcon("MonitorCog", [
["path", { d: "M12 17v4", key: "1riwvh" }],
["path", { d: "m15.2 4.9-.9-.4", key: "12wd2u" }],
["path", { d: "m15.2 7.1-.9.4", key: "1r2vl7" }],
["path", { d: "m16.9 3.2-.4-.9", key: "3zbo91" }],
["path", { d: "m16.9 8.8-.4.9", key: "1qr2dn" }],
["path", { d: "m19.5 2.3-.4.9", key: "1rjrkq" }],
["path", { d: "m19.5 9.7-.4-.9", key: "heryx5" }],
["path", { d: "m21.7 4.5-.9.4", key: "17fqt1" }],
["path", { d: "m21.7 7.5-.9-.4", key: "14zyni" }],
["path", { d: "M22 13v2a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H4a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V5a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h7", key: "1tnzv8" }],
["path", { d: "M8 21h8", key: "1ev6f3" }],
["circle", { cx: "18", cy: "6", r: "3", key: "1h7g24" }]
const MonitorDot = createLucideIcon("MonitorDot", [
["circle", { cx: "19", cy: "6", r: "3", key: "108a5v" }],
["path", { d: "M22 12v3a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H4a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V5a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h9", key: "1fet9y" }],
["path", { d: "M12 17v4", key: "1riwvh" }],
["path", { d: "M8 21h8", key: "1ev6f3" }]
const MonitorDown = createLucideIcon("MonitorDown", [
["path", { d: "M12 13V7", key: "h0r20n" }],
["path", { d: "m15 10-3 3-3-3", key: "lzhmyn" }],
["rect", { width: "20", height: "14", x: "2", y: "3", rx: "2", key: "48i651" }],
["path", { d: "M12 17v4", key: "1riwvh" }],
["path", { d: "M8 21h8", key: "1ev6f3" }]
const MonitorOff = createLucideIcon("MonitorOff", [
["path", { d: "M17 17H4a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V5c0-1.5 1-2 1-2", key: "k0q8oc" }],
["path", { d: "M22 15V5a2 2 0 0 0-2-2H9", key: "cp1ac0" }],
["path", { d: "M8 21h8", key: "1ev6f3" }],
["path", { d: "M12 17v4", key: "1riwvh" }],
["path", { d: "m2 2 20 20", key: "1ooewy" }]
const MonitorPause = createLucideIcon("MonitorPause", [
["path", { d: "M10 13V7", key: "1u13u9" }],
["path", { d: "M14 13V7", key: "1vj9om" }],
["rect", { width: "20", height: "14", x: "2", y: "3", rx: "2", key: "48i651" }],
["path", { d: "M12 17v4", key: "1riwvh" }],
["path", { d: "M8 21h8", key: "1ev6f3" }]
const MonitorPlay = createLucideIcon("MonitorPlay", [
d: "M10 7.75a.75.75 0 0 1 1.142-.638l3.664 2.249a.75.75 0 0 1 0 1.278l-3.664 2.25a.75.75 0 0 1-1.142-.64z",
key: "1pctta"
["path", { d: "M12 17v4", key: "1riwvh" }],
["path", { d: "M8 21h8", key: "1ev6f3" }],
["rect", { x: "2", y: "3", width: "20", height: "14", rx: "2", key: "x3v2xh" }]
const MonitorSmartphone = createLucideIcon("MonitorSmartphone", [
["path", { d: "M18 8V6a2 2 0 0 0-2-2H4a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v7a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h8", key: "10dyio" }],
["path", { d: "M10 19v-3.96 3.15", key: "1irgej" }],
["path", { d: "M7 19h5", key: "qswx4l" }],
["rect", { width: "6", height: "10", x: "16", y: "12", rx: "2", key: "1egngj" }]
const MonitorSpeaker = createLucideIcon("MonitorSpeaker", [
["path", { d: "M5.5 20H8", key: "1k40s5" }],
["path", { d: "M17 9h.01", key: "1j24nn" }],
["rect", { width: "10", height: "16", x: "12", y: "4", rx: "2", key: "ixliua" }],
["path", { d: "M8 6H4a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v6a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h4", key: "1mp6e1" }],
["circle", { cx: "17", cy: "15", r: "1", key: "tqvash" }]
const MonitorStop = createLucideIcon("MonitorStop", [
["path", { d: "M12 17v4", key: "1riwvh" }],
["path", { d: "M8 21h8", key: "1ev6f3" }],
["rect", { x: "2", y: "3", width: "20", height: "14", rx: "2", key: "x3v2xh" }],
["rect", { x: "9", y: "7", width: "6", height: "6", rx: "1", key: "5m2oou" }]
const MonitorUp = createLucideIcon("MonitorUp", [
["path", { d: "m9 10 3-3 3 3", key: "11gsxs" }],
["path", { d: "M12 13V7", key: "h0r20n" }],
["rect", { width: "20", height: "14", x: "2", y: "3", rx: "2", key: "48i651" }],
["path", { d: "M12 17v4", key: "1riwvh" }],
["path", { d: "M8 21h8", key: "1ev6f3" }]
const MonitorX = createLucideIcon("MonitorX", [
["path", { d: "m14.5 12.5-5-5", key: "1jahn5" }],
["path", { d: "m9.5 12.5 5-5", key: "1k2t7b" }],
["rect", { width: "20", height: "14", x: "2", y: "3", rx: "2", key: "48i651" }],
["path", { d: "M12 17v4", key: "1riwvh" }],
["path", { d: "M8 21h8", key: "1ev6f3" }]
const Monitor = createLucideIcon("Monitor", [
["rect", { width: "20", height: "14", x: "2", y: "3", rx: "2", key: "48i651" }],
["line", { x1: "8", x2: "16", y1: "21", y2: "21", key: "1svkeh" }],
["line", { x1: "12", x2: "12", y1: "17", y2: "21", key: "vw1qmm" }]
const MoonStar = createLucideIcon("MoonStar", [
["path", { d: "M12 3a6 6 0 0 0 9 9 9 9 0 1 1-9-9", key: "4ay0iu" }],
["path", { d: "M20 3v4", key: "1olli1" }],
["path", { d: "M22 5h-4", key: "1gvqau" }]
const Moon = createLucideIcon("Moon", [
["path", { d: "M12 3a6 6 0 0 0 9 9 9 9 0 1 1-9-9Z", key: "a7tn18" }]
const MountainSnow = createLucideIcon("MountainSnow", [
["path", { d: "m8 3 4 8 5-5 5 15H2L8 3z", key: "otkl63" }],
{ d: "M4.14 15.08c2.62-1.57 5.24-1.43 7.86.42 2.74 1.94 5.49 2 8.23.19", key: "1pvmmp" }
const Mountain = createLucideIcon("Mountain", [
["path", { d: "m8 3 4 8 5-5 5 15H2L8 3z", key: "otkl63" }]
const MouseOff = createLucideIcon("MouseOff", [
["path", { d: "M12 6v.343", key: "1gyhex" }],
["path", { d: "M18.218 18.218A7 7 0 0 1 5 15V9a7 7 0 0 1 .782-3.218", key: "ukzz01" }],
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["path", { d: "M22 22 2 2", key: "1r8tn9" }]
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d: "M4.037 4.688a.495.495 0 0 1 .651-.651l16 6.5a.5.5 0 0 1-.063.947l-6.124 1.58a2 2 0 0 0-1.438 1.435l-1.579 6.126a.5.5 0 0 1-.947.063z",
key: "edeuup"
const MousePointerBan = createLucideIcon("MousePointerBan", [
d: "M2.034 2.681a.498.498 0 0 1 .647-.647l9 3.5a.5.5 0 0 1-.033.944L8.204 7.545a1 1 0 0 0-.66.66l-1.066 3.443a.5.5 0 0 1-.944.033z",
key: "11pp1i"
["circle", { cx: "16", cy: "16", r: "6", key: "qoo3c4" }],
["path", { d: "m11.8 11.8 8.4 8.4", key: "oogvdj" }]
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["path", { d: "M14 4.1 12 6", key: "ita8i4" }],
["path", { d: "m5.1 8-2.9-.8", key: "1go3kf" }],
["path", { d: "m6 12-1.9 2", key: "mnht97" }],
["path", { d: "M7.2 2.2 8 5.1", key: "1cfko1" }],
d: "M9.037 9.69a.498.498 0 0 1 .653-.653l11 4.5a.5.5 0 0 1-.074.949l-4.349 1.041a1 1 0 0 0-.74.739l-1.04 4.35a.5.5 0 0 1-.95.074z",
key: "s0h3yz"
const MousePointer = createLucideIcon("MousePointer", [
["path", { d: "M12.586 12.586 19 19", key: "ea5xo7" }],
d: "M3.688 3.037a.497.497 0 0 0-.651.651l6.5 15.999a.501.501 0 0 0 .947-.062l1.569-6.083a2 2 0 0 1 1.448-1.479l6.124-1.579a.5.5 0 0 0 .063-.947z",
key: "277e5u"
const Mouse = createLucideIcon("Mouse", [
["rect", { x: "5", y: "2", width: "14", height: "20", rx: "7", key: "11ol66" }],
["path", { d: "M12 6v4", key: "16clxf" }]
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["path", { d: "M5 3v16h16", key: "1mqmf9" }],
["path", { d: "m5 19 6-6", key: "jh6hbb" }],
["path", { d: "m2 6 3-3 3 3", key: "tkyvxa" }],
["path", { d: "m18 16 3 3-3 3", key: "1d4glt" }]
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["path", { d: "M19 13v6h-6", key: "1hxl6d" }],
["path", { d: "M5 11V5h6", key: "12e2xe" }],
["path", { d: "m5 5 14 14", key: "11anup" }]
const MoveDiagonal = createLucideIcon("MoveDiagonal", [
["path", { d: "M11 19H5v-6", key: "8awifj" }],
["path", { d: "M13 5h6v6", key: "7voy1q" }],
["path", { d: "M19 5 5 19", key: "wwaj1z" }]
const MoveDownLeft = createLucideIcon("MoveDownLeft", [
["path", { d: "M11 19H5V13", key: "1akmht" }],
["path", { d: "M19 5L5 19", key: "72u4yj" }]
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["path", { d: "M19 13V19H13", key: "10vkzq" }],
["path", { d: "M5 5L19 19", key: "5zm2fv" }]
const MoveDown = createLucideIcon("MoveDown", [
["path", { d: "M8 18L12 22L16 18", key: "cskvfv" }],
["path", { d: "M12 2V22", key: "r89rzk" }]
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["path", { d: "m18 8 4 4-4 4", key: "1ak13k" }],
["path", { d: "M2 12h20", key: "9i4pu4" }],
["path", { d: "m6 8-4 4 4 4", key: "15zrgr" }]
const MoveLeft = createLucideIcon("MoveLeft", [
["path", { d: "M6 8L2 12L6 16", key: "kyvwex" }],
["path", { d: "M2 12H22", key: "1m8cig" }]
const MoveRight = createLucideIcon("MoveRight", [
["path", { d: "M18 8L22 12L18 16", key: "1r0oui" }],
["path", { d: "M2 12H22", key: "1m8cig" }]
const MoveUpLeft = createLucideIcon("MoveUpLeft", [
["path", { d: "M5 11V5H11", key: "3q78g9" }],
["path", { d: "M5 5L19 19", key: "5zm2fv" }]
const MoveUpRight = createLucideIcon("MoveUpRight", [
["path", { d: "M13 5H19V11", key: "1n1gyv" }],
["path", { d: "M19 5L5 19", key: "72u4yj" }]
const MoveUp = createLucideIcon("MoveUp", [
["path", { d: "M8 6L12 2L16 6", key: "1yvkyx" }],
["path", { d: "M12 2V22", key: "r89rzk" }]
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["path", { d: "M12 2v20", key: "t6zp3m" }],
["path", { d: "m8 18 4 4 4-4", key: "bh5tu3" }],
["path", { d: "m8 6 4-4 4 4", key: "ybng9g" }]
const Move = createLucideIcon("Move", [
["path", { d: "M12 2v20", key: "t6zp3m" }],
["path", { d: "m15 19-3 3-3-3", key: "11eu04" }],
["path", { d: "m19 9 3 3-3 3", key: "1mg7y2" }],
["path", { d: "M2 12h20", key: "9i4pu4" }],
["path", { d: "m5 9-3 3 3 3", key: "j64kie" }],
["path", { d: "m9 5 3-3 3 3", key: "l8vdw6" }]
const Music2 = createLucideIcon("Music2", [
["circle", { cx: "8", cy: "18", r: "4", key: "1fc0mg" }],
["path", { d: "M12 18V2l7 4", key: "g04rme" }]
const Music3 = createLucideIcon("Music3", [
["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "18", r: "4", key: "m3r9ws" }],
["path", { d: "M16 18V2", key: "40x2m5" }]
const Music4 = createLucideIcon("Music4", [
["path", { d: "M9 18V5l12-2v13", key: "1jmyc2" }],
["path", { d: "m9 9 12-2", key: "1e64n2" }],
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["circle", { cx: "18", cy: "16", r: "3", key: "1hluhg" }]
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["path", { d: "M9 18V5l12-2v13", key: "1jmyc2" }],
["circle", { cx: "6", cy: "18", r: "3", key: "fqmcym" }],
["circle", { cx: "18", cy: "16", r: "3", key: "1hluhg" }]
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["path", { d: "M9.31 9.31 5 21l7-4 7 4-1.17-3.17", key: "qoq2o2" }],
["path", { d: "M14.53 8.88 12 2l-1.17 3.17", key: "k3sjzy" }],
["line", { x1: "2", x2: "22", y1: "2", y2: "22", key: "a6p6uj" }]
const Navigation2 = createLucideIcon("Navigation2", [
["polygon", { points: "12 2 19 21 12 17 5 21 12 2", key: "x8c0qg" }]
const NavigationOff = createLucideIcon("NavigationOff", [
["path", { d: "M8.43 8.43 3 11l8 2 2 8 2.57-5.43", key: "1vdtb7" }],
["path", { d: "M17.39 11.73 22 2l-9.73 4.61", key: "tya3r6" }],
["line", { x1: "2", x2: "22", y1: "2", y2: "22", key: "a6p6uj" }]
const Navigation = createLucideIcon("Navigation", [
["polygon", { points: "3 11 22 2 13 21 11 13 3 11", key: "1ltx0t" }]
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["rect", { x: "16", y: "16", width: "6", height: "6", rx: "1", key: "4q2zg0" }],
["rect", { x: "2", y: "16", width: "6", height: "6", rx: "1", key: "8cvhb9" }],
["rect", { x: "9", y: "2", width: "6", height: "6", rx: "1", key: "1egb70" }],
["path", { d: "M5 16v-3a1 1 0 0 1 1-1h12a1 1 0 0 1 1 1v3", key: "1jsf9p" }],
["path", { d: "M12 12V8", key: "2874zd" }]
const Newspaper = createLucideIcon("Newspaper", [
d: "M4 22h16a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V4a2 2 0 0 0-2-2H8a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v16a2 2 0 0 1-2 2Zm0 0a2 2 0 0 1-2-2v-9c0-1.1.9-2 2-2h2",
key: "7pis2x"
["path", { d: "M18 14h-8", key: "sponae" }],
["path", { d: "M15 18h-5", key: "95g1m2" }],
["path", { d: "M10 6h8v4h-8V6Z", key: "smlsk5" }]
const Nfc = createLucideIcon("Nfc", [
["path", { d: "M6 8.32a7.43 7.43 0 0 1 0 7.36", key: "9iaqei" }],
["path", { d: "M9.46 6.21a11.76 11.76 0 0 1 0 11.58", key: "1yha7l" }],
["path", { d: "M12.91 4.1a15.91 15.91 0 0 1 .01 15.8", key: "4iu2gk" }],
["path", { d: "M16.37 2a20.16 20.16 0 0 1 0 20", key: "sap9u2" }]
const NotebookPen = createLucideIcon("NotebookPen", [
["path", { d: "M13.4 2H6a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v16a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h12a2 2 0 0 0 2-2v-7.4", key: "re6nr2" }],
["path", { d: "M2 6h4", key: "aawbzj" }],
["path", { d: "M2 10h4", key: "l0bgd4" }],
["path", { d: "M2 14h4", key: "1gsvsf" }],
["path", { d: "M2 18h4", key: "1bu2t1" }],
d: "M21.378 5.626a1 1 0 1 0-3.004-3.004l-5.01 5.012a2 2 0 0 0-.506.854l-.837 2.87a.5.5 0 0 0 .62.62l2.87-.837a2 2 0 0 0 .854-.506z",
key: "pqwjuv"
const NotebookTabs = createLucideIcon("NotebookTabs", [
["path", { d: "M2 6h4", key: "aawbzj" }],
["path", { d: "M2 10h4", key: "l0bgd4" }],
["path", { d: "M2 14h4", key: "1gsvsf" }],
["path", { d: "M2 18h4", key: "1bu2t1" }],
["rect", { width: "16", height: "20", x: "4", y: "2", rx: "2", key: "1nb95v" }],
["path", { d: "M15 2v20", key: "dcj49h" }],
["path", { d: "M15 7h5", key: "1xj5lc" }],
["path", { d: "M15 12h5", key: "w5shd9" }],
["path", { d: "M15 17h5", key: "1qaofu" }]
const NotebookText = createLucideIcon("NotebookText", [
["path", { d: "M2 6h4", key: "aawbzj" }],
["path", { d: "M2 10h4", key: "l0bgd4" }],
["path", { d: "M2 14h4", key: "1gsvsf" }],
["path", { d: "M2 18h4", key: "1bu2t1" }],
["rect", { width: "16", height: "20", x: "4", y: "2", rx: "2", key: "1nb95v" }],
["path", { d: "M9.5 8h5", key: "11mslq" }],
["path", { d: "M9.5 12H16", key: "ktog6x" }],
["path", { d: "M9.5 16H14", key: "p1seyn" }]
const Notebook = createLucideIcon("Notebook", [
["path", { d: "M2 6h4", key: "aawbzj" }],
["path", { d: "M2 10h4", key: "l0bgd4" }],
["path", { d: "M2 14h4", key: "1gsvsf" }],
["path", { d: "M2 18h4", key: "1bu2t1" }],
["rect", { width: "16", height: "20", x: "4", y: "2", rx: "2", key: "1nb95v" }],
["path", { d: "M16 2v20", key: "rotuqe" }]
const NotepadTextDashed = createLucideIcon("NotepadTextDashed", [
["path", { d: "M8 2v4", key: "1cmpym" }],
["path", { d: "M12 2v4", key: "3427ic" }],
["path", { d: "M16 2v4", key: "4m81vk" }],
["path", { d: "M16 4h2a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v2", key: "j91f56" }],
["path", { d: "M20 12v2", key: "w8o0tu" }],
["path", { d: "M20 18v2a2 2 0 0 1-2 2h-1", key: "1c9ggx" }],
["path", { d: "M13 22h-2", key: "191ugt" }],
["path", { d: "M7 22H6a2 2 0 0 1-2-2v-2", key: "1rt9px" }],
["path", { d: "M4 14v-2", key: "1v0sqh" }],
["path", { d: "M4 8V6a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h2", key: "1mwabg" }],
["path", { d: "M8 10h6", key: "3oa6kw" }],
["path", { d: "M8 14h8", key: "1fgep2" }],
["path", { d: "M8 18h5", key: "17enja" }]
const NotepadText = createLucideIcon("NotepadText", [
["path", { d: "M8 2v4", key: "1cmpym" }],
["path", { d: "M12 2v4", key: "3427ic" }],
["path", { d: "M16 2v4", key: "4m81vk" }],
["rect", { width: "16", height: "18", x: "4", y: "4", rx: "2", key: "1u9h20" }],
["path", { d: "M8 10h6", key: "3oa6kw" }],
["path", { d: "M8 14h8", key: "1fgep2" }],
["path", { d: "M8 18h5", key: "17enja" }]
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["path", { d: "M12 4V2", key: "1k5q1u" }],
d: "M5 10v4a7.004 7.004 0 0 0 5.277 6.787c.412.104.802.292 1.102.592L12 22l.621-.621c.3-.3.69-.488 1.102-.592a7.01 7.01 0 0 0 4.125-2.939",
key: "1xcvy9"
["path", { d: "M19 10v3.343", key: "163tfc" }],
d: "M12 12c-1.349-.573-1.905-1.005-2.5-2-.546.902-1.048 1.353-2.5 2-1.018-.644-1.46-1.08-2-2-1.028.71-1.69.918-3 1 1.081-1.048 1.757-2.03 2-3 .194-.776.84-1.551 1.79-2.21m11.654 5.997c.887-.457 1.28-.891 1.556-1.787 1.032.916 1.683 1.157 3 1-1.297-1.036-1.758-2.03-2-3-.5-2-4-4-8-4-.74 0-1.461.068-2.15.192",
key: "17914v"
["line", { x1: "2", x2: "22", y1: "2", y2: "22", key: "a6p6uj" }]
const Nut = createLucideIcon("Nut", [
["path", { d: "M12 4V2", key: "1k5q1u" }],
d: "M5 10v4a7.004 7.004 0 0 0 5.277 6.787c.412.104.802.292 1.102.592L12 22l.621-.621c.3-.3.69-.488 1.102-.592A7.003 7.003 0 0 0 19 14v-4",
key: "1tgyif"
d: "M12 4C8 4 4.5 6 4 8c-.243.97-.919 1.952-2 3 1.31-.082 1.972-.29 3-1 .54.92.982 1.356 2 2 1.452-.647 1.954-1.098 2.5-2 .595.995 1.151 1.427 2.5 2 1.31-.621 1.862-1.058 2.5-2 .629.977 1.162 1.423 2.5 2 1.209-.548 1.68-.967 2-2 1.032.916 1.683 1.157 3 1-1.297-1.036-1.758-2.03-2-3-.5-2-4-4-8-4Z",
key: "tnsqj"
const OctagonAlert = createLucideIcon("OctagonAlert", [
["path", { d: "M12 16h.01", key: "1drbdi" }],
["path", { d: "M12 8v4", key: "1got3b" }],
d: "M15.312 2a2 2 0 0 1 1.414.586l4.688 4.688A2 2 0 0 1 22 8.688v6.624a2 2 0 0 1-.586 1.414l-4.688 4.688a2 2 0 0 1-1.414.586H8.688a2 2 0 0 1-1.414-.586l-4.688-4.688A2 2 0 0 1 2 15.312V8.688a2 2 0 0 1 .586-1.414l4.688-4.688A2 2 0 0 1 8.688 2z",
key: "1fd625"
const OctagonMinus = createLucideIcon("OctagonMinus", [
d: "M2.586 16.726A2 2 0 0 1 2 15.312V8.688a2 2 0 0 1 .586-1.414l4.688-4.688A2 2 0 0 1 8.688 2h6.624a2 2 0 0 1 1.414.586l4.688 4.688A2 2 0 0 1 22 8.688v6.624a2 2 0 0 1-.586 1.414l-4.688 4.688a2 2 0 0 1-1.414.586H8.688a2 2 0 0 1-1.414-.586z",
key: "2d38gg"
["path", { d: "M8 12h8", key: "1wcyev" }]
const OctagonPause = createLucideIcon("OctagonPause", [
["path", { d: "M10 15V9", key: "1lckn7" }],
["path", { d: "M14 15V9", key: "1muqhk" }],
d: "M2.586 16.726A2 2 0 0 1 2 15.312V8.688a2 2 0 0 1 .586-1.414l4.688-4.688A2 2 0 0 1 8.688 2h6.624a2 2 0 0 1 1.414.586l4.688 4.688A2 2 0 0 1 22 8.688v6.624a2 2 0 0 1-.586 1.414l-4.688 4.688a2 2 0 0 1-1.414.586H8.688a2 2 0 0 1-1.414-.586z",
key: "2d38gg"
const OctagonX = createLucideIcon("OctagonX", [
["path", { d: "m15 9-6 6", key: "1uzhvr" }],
d: "M2.586 16.726A2 2 0 0 1 2 15.312V8.688a2 2 0 0 1 .586-1.414l4.688-4.688A2 2 0 0 1 8.688 2h6.624a2 2 0 0 1 1.414.586l4.688 4.688A2 2 0 0 1 22 8.688v6.624a2 2 0 0 1-.586 1.414l-4.688 4.688a2 2 0 0 1-1.414.586H8.688a2 2 0 0 1-1.414-.586z",
key: "2d38gg"
["path", { d: "m9 9 6 6", key: "z0biqf" }]
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d: "M2.586 16.726A2 2 0 0 1 2 15.312V8.688a2 2 0 0 1 .586-1.414l4.688-4.688A2 2 0 0 1 8.688 2h6.624a2 2 0 0 1 1.414.586l4.688 4.688A2 2 0 0 1 22 8.688v6.624a2 2 0 0 1-.586 1.414l-4.688 4.688a2 2 0 0 1-1.414.586H8.688a2 2 0 0 1-1.414-.586z",
key: "2d38gg"
const Omega = createLucideIcon("Omega", [
d: "M3 20h4.5a.5.5 0 0 0 .5-.5v-.282a.52.52 0 0 0-.247-.437 8 8 0 1 1 8.494-.001.52.52 0 0 0-.247.438v.282a.5.5 0 0 0 .5.5H21",
key: "1x94xo"
const Option = createLucideIcon("Option", [
["path", { d: "M3 3h6l6 18h6", key: "ph9rgk" }],
["path", { d: "M14 3h7", key: "16f0ms" }]
const Orbit = createLucideIcon("Orbit", [
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["path", { d: "M13.5 2.1a10 10 0 0 0-9.841 15.416", key: "19pvbm" }]
const Origami = createLucideIcon("Origami", [
["path", { d: "M12 12V4a1 1 0 0 1 1-1h6.297a1 1 0 0 1 .651 1.759l-4.696 4.025", key: "1bx4vc" }],
d: "m12 21-7.414-7.414A2 2 0 0 1 4 12.172V6.415a1.002 1.002 0 0 1 1.707-.707L20 20.009",
key: "1h3km6"
d: "m12.214 3.381 8.414 14.966a1 1 0 0 1-.167 1.199l-1.168 1.163a1 1 0 0 1-.706.291H6.351a1 1 0 0 1-.625-.219L3.25 18.8a1 1 0 0 1 .631-1.781l4.165.027",
key: "1hj4wg"
const Package2 = createLucideIcon("Package2", [
["path", { d: "M3 9h18v10a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H5a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V9Z", key: "1ront0" }],
["path", { d: "m3 9 2.45-4.9A2 2 0 0 1 7.24 3h9.52a2 2 0 0 1 1.8 1.1L21 9", key: "19h2x1" }],
["path", { d: "M12 3v6", key: "1holv5" }]
const PackageCheck = createLucideIcon("PackageCheck", [
["path", { d: "m16 16 2 2 4-4", key: "gfu2re" }],
d: "M21 10V8a2 2 0 0 0-1-1.73l-7-4a2 2 0 0 0-2 0l-7 4A2 2 0 0 0 3 8v8a2 2 0 0 0 1 1.73l7 4a2 2 0 0 0 2 0l2-1.14",
key: "e7tb2h"
["path", { d: "m7.5 4.27 9 5.15", key: "1c824w" }],
["polyline", { points: "3.29 7 12 12 20.71 7", key: "ousv84" }],
["line", { x1: "12", x2: "12", y1: "22", y2: "12", key: "a4e8g8" }]
const PackageMinus = createLucideIcon("PackageMinus", [
["path", { d: "M16 16h6", key: "100bgy" }],
d: "M21 10V8a2 2 0 0 0-1-1.73l-7-4a2 2 0 0 0-2 0l-7 4A2 2 0 0 0 3 8v8a2 2 0 0 0 1 1.73l7 4a2 2 0 0 0 2 0l2-1.14",
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["line", { x1: "12", x2: "12", y1: "22", y2: "12", key: "a4e8g8" }]
const PackageOpen = createLucideIcon("PackageOpen", [
["path", { d: "M12 22v-9", key: "x3hkom" }],
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key: "2ntwy6"
d: "M20 13v3.87a2.06 2.06 0 0 1-1.11 1.83l-6 3.08a1.93 1.93 0 0 1-1.78 0l-6-3.08A2.06 2.06 0 0 1 4 16.87V13",
key: "1pmm1c"
d: "M21 12.43a1.93 1.93 0 0 0 0-3.36L8.83 2.2a1.64 1.64 0 0 0-1.63 0L3 4.57a1.93 1.93 0 0 0 0 3.36l12.18 6.86a1.636 1.636 0 0 0 1.63 0z",
key: "12ttoo"
const PackagePlus = createLucideIcon("PackagePlus", [
["path", { d: "M16 16h6", key: "100bgy" }],
["path", { d: "M19 13v6", key: "85cyf1" }],
d: "M21 10V8a2 2 0 0 0-1-1.73l-7-4a2 2 0 0 0-2 0l-7 4A2 2 0 0 0 3 8v8a2 2 0 0 0 1 1.73l7 4a2 2 0 0 0 2 0l2-1.14",
key: "e7tb2h"
["path", { d: "m7.5 4.27 9 5.15", key: "1c824w" }],
["polyline", { points: "3.29 7 12 12 20.71 7", key: "ousv84" }],
["line", { x1: "12", x2: "12", y1: "22", y2: "12", key: "a4e8g8" }]
const PackageSearch = createLucideIcon("PackageSearch", [
d: "M21 10V8a2 2 0 0 0-1-1.73l-7-4a2 2 0 0 0-2 0l-7 4A2 2 0 0 0 3 8v8a2 2 0 0 0 1 1.73l7 4a2 2 0 0 0 2 0l2-1.14",
key: "e7tb2h"
["path", { d: "m7.5 4.27 9 5.15", key: "1c824w" }],
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["path", { d: "M20.27 17.27 22 19", key: "1l4muz" }]
const PackageX = createLucideIcon("PackageX", [
d: "M21 10V8a2 2 0 0 0-1-1.73l-7-4a2 2 0 0 0-2 0l-7 4A2 2 0 0 0 3 8v8a2 2 0 0 0 1 1.73l7 4a2 2 0 0 0 2 0l2-1.14",
key: "e7tb2h"
["path", { d: "m7.5 4.27 9 5.15", key: "1c824w" }],
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["path", { d: "m17 13 5 5m-5 0 5-5", key: "im3w4b" }]
const Package = createLucideIcon("Package", [
d: "M11 21.73a2 2 0 0 0 2 0l7-4A2 2 0 0 0 21 16V8a2 2 0 0 0-1-1.73l-7-4a2 2 0 0 0-2 0l-7 4A2 2 0 0 0 3 8v8a2 2 0 0 0 1 1.73z",
key: "1a0edw"
["path", { d: "M12 22V12", key: "d0xqtd" }],
["path", { d: "m3.3 7 7.703 4.734a2 2 0 0 0 1.994 0L20.7 7", key: "yx3hmr" }],
["path", { d: "m7.5 4.27 9 5.15", key: "1c824w" }]
const PaintBucket = createLucideIcon("PaintBucket", [
{ d: "m19 11-8-8-8.6 8.6a2 2 0 0 0 0 2.8l5.2 5.2c.8.8 2 .8 2.8 0L19 11Z", key: "irua1i" }
["path", { d: "m5 2 5 5", key: "1lls2c" }],
["path", { d: "M2 13h15", key: "1hkzvu" }],
["path", { d: "M22 20a2 2 0 1 1-4 0c0-1.6 1.7-2.4 2-4 .3 1.6 2 2.4 2 4Z", key: "xk76lq" }]
const PaintRoller = createLucideIcon("PaintRoller", [
["rect", { width: "16", height: "6", x: "2", y: "2", rx: "2", key: "jcyz7m" }],
["path", { d: "M10 16v-2a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h8a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V7a2 2 0 0 0-2-2h-2", key: "1b9h7c" }],
["rect", { width: "4", height: "6", x: "8", y: "16", rx: "1", key: "d6e7yl" }]
const PaintbrushVertical = createLucideIcon("PaintbrushVertical", [
["path", { d: "M10 2v2", key: "7u0qdc" }],
["path", { d: "M14 2v4", key: "qmzblu" }],
["path", { d: "M17 2a1 1 0 0 1 1 1v9H6V3a1 1 0 0 1 1-1z", key: "ycvu00" }],
d: "M6 12a1 1 0 0 0-1 1v1a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h2a1 1 0 0 1 1 1v2.9a2 2 0 1 0 4 0V17a1 1 0 0 1 1-1h2a2 2 0 0 0 2-2v-1a1 1 0 0 0-1-1",
key: "iw4wnp"
const Paintbrush = createLucideIcon("Paintbrush", [
["path", { d: "m14.622 17.897-10.68-2.913", key: "vj2p1u" }],
d: "M18.376 2.622a1 1 0 1 1 3.002 3.002L17.36 9.643a.5.5 0 0 0 0 .707l.944.944a2.41 2.41 0 0 1 0 3.408l-.944.944a.5.5 0 0 1-.707 0L8.354 7.348a.5.5 0 0 1 0-.707l.944-.944a2.41 2.41 0 0 1 3.408 0l.944.944a.5.5 0 0 0 .707 0z",
key: "18tc5c"
d: "M9 8c-1.804 2.71-3.97 3.46-6.583 3.948a.507.507 0 0 0-.302.819l7.32 8.883a1 1 0 0 0 1.185.204C12.735 20.405 16 16.792 16 15",
key: "ytzfxy"
const Palette = createLucideIcon("Palette", [
["circle", { cx: "13.5", cy: "6.5", r: ".5", fill: "currentColor", key: "1okk4w" }],
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d: "M12 2C6.5 2 2 6.5 2 12s4.5 10 10 10c.926 0 1.648-.746 1.648-1.688 0-.437-.18-.835-.437-1.125-.29-.289-.438-.652-.438-1.125a1.64 1.64 0 0 1 1.668-1.668h1.996c3.051 0 5.555-2.503 5.555-5.554C21.965 6.012 17.461 2 12 2z",
key: "12rzf8"
const PanelBottomClose = createLucideIcon("PanelBottomClose", [
["rect", { width: "18", height: "18", x: "3", y: "3", rx: "2", key: "afitv7" }],
["path", { d: "M3 15h18", key: "5xshup" }],
["path", { d: "m15 8-3 3-3-3", key: "1oxy1z" }]
const PanelBottomDashed = createLucideIcon("PanelBottomDashed", [
["rect", { width: "18", height: "18", x: "3", y: "3", rx: "2", key: "afitv7" }],
["path", { d: "M14 15h1", key: "171nev" }],
["path", { d: "M19 15h2", key: "1vnucp" }],
["path", { d: "M3 15h2", key: "8bym0q" }],
["path", { d: "M9 15h1", key: "1tg3ks" }]
const PanelBottomOpen = createLucideIcon("PanelBottomOpen", [
["rect", { width: "18", height: "18", x: "3", y: "3", rx: "2", key: "afitv7" }],
["path", { d: "M3 15h18", key: "5xshup" }],
["path", { d: "m9 10 3-3 3 3", key: "11gsxs" }]
const PanelBottom = createLucideIcon("PanelBottom", [
["rect", { width: "18", height: "18", x: "3", y: "3", rx: "2", key: "afitv7" }],
["path", { d: "M3 15h18", key: "5xshup" }]
const PanelLeftClose = createLucideIcon("PanelLeftClose", [
["rect", { width: "18", height: "18", x: "3", y: "3", rx: "2", key: "afitv7" }],
["path", { d: "M9 3v18", key: "fh3hqa" }],
["path", { d: "m16 15-3-3 3-3", key: "14y99z" }]
const PanelLeftDashed = createLucideIcon("PanelLeftDashed", [
["rect", { width: "18", height: "18", x: "3", y: "3", rx: "2", key: "afitv7" }],
["path", { d: "M9 14v1", key: "askpd8" }],
["path", { d: "M9 19v2", key: "16tejx" }],
["path", { d: "M9 3v2", key: "1noubl" }],
["path", { d: "M9 9v1", key: "19ebxg" }]
const PanelLeftOpen = createLucideIcon("PanelLeftOpen", [
["rect", { width: "18", height: "18", x: "3", y: "3", rx: "2", key: "afitv7" }],
["path", { d: "M9 3v18", key: "fh3hqa" }],
["path", { d: "m14 9 3 3-3 3", key: "8010ee" }]
const PanelLeft = createLucideIcon("PanelLeft", [
["rect", { width: "18", height: "18", x: "3", y: "3", rx: "2", key: "afitv7" }],
["path", { d: "M9 3v18", key: "fh3hqa" }]
const PanelRightClose = createLucideIcon("PanelRightClose", [
["rect", { width: "18", height: "18", x: "3", y: "3", rx: "2", key: "afitv7" }],
["path", { d: "M15 3v18", key: "14nvp0" }],
["path", { d: "m8 9 3 3-3 3", key: "12hl5m" }]
const PanelRightDashed = createLucideIcon("PanelRightDashed", [
["rect", { width: "18", height: "18", x: "3", y: "3", rx: "2", key: "afitv7" }],
["path", { d: "M15 14v1", key: "ilsfch" }],
["path", { d: "M15 19v2", key: "1fst2f" }],
["path", { d: "M15 3v2", key: "z204g4" }],
["path", { d: "M15 9v1", key: "z2a8b1" }]
const PanelRightOpen = createLucideIcon("PanelRightOpen", [
["rect", { width: "18", height: "18", x: "3", y: "3", rx: "2", key: "afitv7" }],
["path", { d: "M15 3v18", key: "14nvp0" }],
["path", { d: "m10 15-3-3 3-3", key: "1pgupc" }]
const PanelRight = createLucideIcon("PanelRight", [
["rect", { width: "18", height: "18", x: "3", y: "3", rx: "2", key: "afitv7" }],
["path", { d: "M15 3v18", key: "14nvp0" }]
const PanelTopClose = createLucideIcon("PanelTopClose", [
["rect", { width: "18", height: "18", x: "3", y: "3", rx: "2", key: "afitv7" }],
["path", { d: "M3 9h18", key: "1pudct" }],
["path", { d: "m9 16 3-3 3 3", key: "1idcnm" }]
const PanelTopDashed = createLucideIcon("PanelTopDashed", [
["rect", { width: "18", height: "18", x: "3", y: "3", rx: "2", key: "afitv7" }],
["path", { d: "M14 9h1", key: "l0svgy" }],
["path", { d: "M19 9h2", key: "te2zfg" }],
["path", { d: "M3 9h2", key: "1h4ldw" }],
["path", { d: "M9 9h1", key: "15jzuz" }]
const PanelTopOpen = createLucideIcon("PanelTopOpen", [
["rect", { width: "18", height: "18", x: "3", y: "3", rx: "2", key: "afitv7" }],
["path", { d: "M3 9h18", key: "1pudct" }],
["path", { d: "m15 14-3 3-3-3", key: "g215vf" }]
const PanelTop = createLucideIcon("PanelTop", [
["rect", { width: "18", height: "18", x: "3", y: "3", rx: "2", key: "afitv7" }],
["path", { d: "M3 9h18", key: "1pudct" }]
const PanelsLeftBottom = createLucideIcon("PanelsLeftBottom", [
["rect", { width: "18", height: "18", x: "3", y: "3", rx: "2", key: "afitv7" }],
["path", { d: "M9 3v18", key: "fh3hqa" }],
["path", { d: "M9 15h12", key: "5ijen5" }]
const PanelsRightBottom = createLucideIcon("PanelsRightBottom", [
["rect", { width: "18", height: "18", x: "3", y: "3", rx: "2", key: "afitv7" }],
["path", { d: "M3 15h12", key: "1wkqb3" }],
["path", { d: "M15 3v18", key: "14nvp0" }]
const PanelsTopLeft = createLucideIcon("PanelsTopLeft", [
["rect", { width: "18", height: "18", x: "3", y: "3", rx: "2", key: "afitv7" }],
["path", { d: "M3 9h18", key: "1pudct" }],
["path", { d: "M9 21V9", key: "1oto5p" }]
const Paperclip = createLucideIcon("Paperclip", [
["path", { d: "M13.234 20.252 21 12.3", key: "1cbrk9" }],
d: "m16 6-8.414 8.586a2 2 0 0 0 0 2.828 2 2 0 0 0 2.828 0l8.414-8.586a4 4 0 0 0 0-5.656 4 4 0 0 0-5.656 0l-8.415 8.585a6 6 0 1 0 8.486 8.486",
key: "1pkts6"
const Parentheses = createLucideIcon("Parentheses", [
["path", { d: "M8 21s-4-3-4-9 4-9 4-9", key: "uto9ud" }],
["path", { d: "M16 3s4 3 4 9-4 9-4 9", key: "4w2vsq" }]
const ParkingMeter = createLucideIcon("ParkingMeter", [
["path", { d: "M11 15h2", key: "199qp6" }],
["path", { d: "M12 12v3", key: "158kv8" }],
["path", { d: "M12 19v3", key: "npa21l" }],
d: "M15.282 19a1 1 0 0 0 .948-.68l2.37-6.988a7 7 0 1 0-13.2 0l2.37 6.988a1 1 0 0 0 .948.68z",
key: "1jofit"
["path", { d: "M9 9a3 3 0 1 1 6 0", key: "jdoeu8" }]
const PartyPopper = createLucideIcon("PartyPopper", [
["path", { d: "M5.8 11.3 2 22l10.7-3.79", key: "gwxi1d" }],
["path", { d: "M4 3h.01", key: "1vcuye" }],
["path", { d: "M22 8h.01", key: "1mrtc2" }],
["path", { d: "M15 2h.01", key: "1cjtqr" }],
["path", { d: "M22 20h.01", key: "1mrys2" }],
d: "m22 2-2.24.75a2.9 2.9 0 0 0-1.96 3.12c.1.86-.57 1.63-1.45 1.63h-.38c-.86 0-1.6.6-1.76 1.44L14 10",
key: "hbicv8"
{ d: "m22 13-.82-.33c-.86-.34-1.82.2-1.98 1.11c-.11.7-.72 1.22-1.43 1.22H17", key: "1i94pl" }
["path", { d: "m11 2 .33.82c.34.86-.2 1.82-1.11 1.98C9.52 4.9 9 5.52 9 6.23V7", key: "1cofks" }],
d: "M11 13c1.93 1.93 2.83 4.17 2 5-.83.83-3.07-.07-5-2-1.93-1.93-2.83-4.17-2-5 .83-.83 3.07.07 5 2Z",
key: "4kbmks"
const Pause = createLucideIcon("Pause", [
["rect", { x: "14", y: "4", width: "4", height: "16", rx: "1", key: "zuxfzm" }],
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d: "M9 10a5 5 0 0 1 5 5v3.5a3.5 3.5 0 0 1-6.84 1.045Q6.52 17.48 4.46 16.84A3.5 3.5 0 0 1 5.5 10Z",
key: "1ydw1z"
const PcCase = createLucideIcon("PcCase", [
["rect", { width: "14", height: "20", x: "5", y: "2", rx: "2", key: "1uq1d7" }],
["path", { d: "M15 14h.01", key: "1kp3bh" }],
["path", { d: "M9 6h6", key: "dgm16u" }],
["path", { d: "M9 10h6", key: "9gxzsh" }]
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["path", { d: "M12 20h9", key: "t2du7b" }],
d: "M16.376 3.622a1 1 0 0 1 3.002 3.002L7.368 18.635a2 2 0 0 1-.855.506l-2.872.838a.5.5 0 0 1-.62-.62l.838-2.872a2 2 0 0 1 .506-.854z",
key: "1ykcvy"
const PenOff = createLucideIcon("PenOff", [
d: "m10 10-6.157 6.162a2 2 0 0 0-.5.833l-1.322 4.36a.5.5 0 0 0 .622.624l4.358-1.323a2 2 0 0 0 .83-.5L14 13.982",
key: "bjo8r8"
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["path", { d: "m2 2 20 20", key: "1ooewy" }]
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d: "M15.707 21.293a1 1 0 0 1-1.414 0l-1.586-1.586a1 1 0 0 1 0-1.414l5.586-5.586a1 1 0 0 1 1.414 0l1.586 1.586a1 1 0 0 1 0 1.414z",
key: "nt11vn"
d: "m18 13-1.375-6.874a1 1 0 0 0-.746-.776L3.235 2.028a1 1 0 0 0-1.207 1.207L5.35 15.879a1 1 0 0 0 .776.746L13 18",
key: "15qc1e"
["path", { d: "m2.3 2.3 7.286 7.286", key: "1wuzzi" }],
["circle", { cx: "11", cy: "11", r: "2", key: "xmgehs" }]
const Pen = createLucideIcon("Pen", [
d: "M21.174 6.812a1 1 0 0 0-3.986-3.987L3.842 16.174a2 2 0 0 0-.5.83l-1.321 4.352a.5.5 0 0 0 .623.622l4.353-1.32a2 2 0 0 0 .83-.497z",
key: "1a8usu"
const PencilLine = createLucideIcon("PencilLine", [
["path", { d: "M12 20h9", key: "t2du7b" }],
d: "M16.376 3.622a1 1 0 0 1 3.002 3.002L7.368 18.635a2 2 0 0 1-.855.506l-2.872.838a.5.5 0 0 1-.62-.62l.838-2.872a2 2 0 0 1 .506-.854z",
key: "1ykcvy"
["path", { d: "m15 5 3 3", key: "1w25hb" }]
const PencilOff = createLucideIcon("PencilOff", [
d: "m10 10-6.157 6.162a2 2 0 0 0-.5.833l-1.322 4.36a.5.5 0 0 0 .622.624l4.358-1.323a2 2 0 0 0 .83-.5L14 13.982",
key: "bjo8r8"
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["path", { d: "m15 5 4 4", key: "1mk7zo" }],
["path", { d: "m2 2 20 20", key: "1ooewy" }]
const PencilRuler = createLucideIcon("PencilRuler", [
{ d: "M13 7 8.7 2.7a2.41 2.41 0 0 0-3.4 0L2.7 5.3a2.41 2.41 0 0 0 0 3.4L7 13", key: "orapub" }
["path", { d: "m8 6 2-2", key: "115y1s" }],
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d: "m17 11 4.3 4.3c.94.94.94 2.46 0 3.4l-2.6 2.6c-.94.94-2.46.94-3.4 0L11 17",
key: "cfq27r"
d: "M21.174 6.812a1 1 0 0 0-3.986-3.987L3.842 16.174a2 2 0 0 0-.5.83l-1.321 4.352a.5.5 0 0 0 .623.622l4.353-1.32a2 2 0 0 0 .83-.497z",
key: "1a8usu"
["path", { d: "m15 5 4 4", key: "1mk7zo" }]
const Pencil = createLucideIcon("Pencil", [
d: "M21.174 6.812a1 1 0 0 0-3.986-3.987L3.842 16.174a2 2 0 0 0-.5.83l-1.321 4.352a.5.5 0 0 0 .623.622l4.353-1.32a2 2 0 0 0 .83-.497z",
key: "1a8usu"
["path", { d: "m15 5 4 4", key: "1mk7zo" }]
const Pentagon = createLucideIcon("Pentagon", [
d: "M10.83 2.38a2 2 0 0 1 2.34 0l8 5.74a2 2 0 0 1 .73 2.25l-3.04 9.26a2 2 0 0 1-1.9 1.37H7.04a2 2 0 0 1-1.9-1.37L2.1 10.37a2 2 0 0 1 .73-2.25z",
key: "2hea0t"
const Percent = createLucideIcon("Percent", [
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["circle", { cx: "17.5", cy: "17.5", r: "2.5", key: "1mdrzq" }]
const PersonStanding = createLucideIcon("PersonStanding", [
["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "5", r: "1", key: "gxeob9" }],
["path", { d: "m9 20 3-6 3 6", key: "se2kox" }],
["path", { d: "m6 8 6 2 6-2", key: "4o3us4" }],
["path", { d: "M12 10v4", key: "1kjpxc" }]
const PhilippinePeso = createLucideIcon("PhilippinePeso", [
["path", { d: "M20 11H4", key: "6ut86h" }],
["path", { d: "M20 7H4", key: "zbl0bi" }],
["path", { d: "M7 21V4a1 1 0 0 1 1-1h4a1 1 0 0 1 0 12H7", key: "1ana5r" }]
const PhoneCall = createLucideIcon("PhoneCall", [
d: "M22 16.92v3a2 2 0 0 1-2.18 2 19.79 19.79 0 0 1-8.63-3.07 19.5 19.5 0 0 1-6-6 19.79 19.79 0 0 1-3.07-8.67A2 2 0 0 1 4.11 2h3a2 2 0 0 1 2 1.72 12.84 12.84 0 0 0 .7 2.81 2 2 0 0 1-.45 2.11L8.09 9.91a16 16 0 0 0 6 6l1.27-1.27a2 2 0 0 1 2.11-.45 12.84 12.84 0 0 0 2.81.7A2 2 0 0 1 22 16.92z",
key: "foiqr5"
["path", { d: "M14.05 2a9 9 0 0 1 8 7.94", key: "vmijpz" }],
["path", { d: "M14.05 6A5 5 0 0 1 18 10", key: "13nbpp" }]
const PhoneForwarded = createLucideIcon("PhoneForwarded", [
["polyline", { points: "18 2 22 6 18 10", key: "6vjanh" }],
["line", { x1: "14", x2: "22", y1: "6", y2: "6", key: "1jsywh" }],
d: "M22 16.92v3a2 2 0 0 1-2.18 2 19.79 19.79 0 0 1-8.63-3.07 19.5 19.5 0 0 1-6-6 19.79 19.79 0 0 1-3.07-8.67A2 2 0 0 1 4.11 2h3a2 2 0 0 1 2 1.72 12.84 12.84 0 0 0 .7 2.81 2 2 0 0 1-.45 2.11L8.09 9.91a16 16 0 0 0 6 6l1.27-1.27a2 2 0 0 1 2.11-.45 12.84 12.84 0 0 0 2.81.7A2 2 0 0 1 22 16.92z",
key: "foiqr5"
const PhoneIncoming = createLucideIcon("PhoneIncoming", [
["polyline", { points: "16 2 16 8 22 8", key: "1ygljm" }],
["line", { x1: "22", x2: "16", y1: "2", y2: "8", key: "1xzwqn" }],
d: "M22 16.92v3a2 2 0 0 1-2.18 2 19.79 19.79 0 0 1-8.63-3.07 19.5 19.5 0 0 1-6-6 19.79 19.79 0 0 1-3.07-8.67A2 2 0 0 1 4.11 2h3a2 2 0 0 1 2 1.72 12.84 12.84 0 0 0 .7 2.81 2 2 0 0 1-.45 2.11L8.09 9.91a16 16 0 0 0 6 6l1.27-1.27a2 2 0 0 1 2.11-.45 12.84 12.84 0 0 0 2.81.7A2 2 0 0 1 22 16.92z",
key: "foiqr5"
const PhoneMissed = createLucideIcon("PhoneMissed", [
["line", { x1: "22", x2: "16", y1: "2", y2: "8", key: "1xzwqn" }],
["line", { x1: "16", x2: "22", y1: "2", y2: "8", key: "13zxdn" }],
d: "M22 16.92v3a2 2 0 0 1-2.18 2 19.79 19.79 0 0 1-8.63-3.07 19.5 19.5 0 0 1-6-6 19.79 19.79 0 0 1-3.07-8.67A2 2 0 0 1 4.11 2h3a2 2 0 0 1 2 1.72 12.84 12.84 0 0 0 .7 2.81 2 2 0 0 1-.45 2.11L8.09 9.91a16 16 0 0 0 6 6l1.27-1.27a2 2 0 0 1 2.11-.45 12.84 12.84 0 0 0 2.81.7A2 2 0 0 1 22 16.92z",
key: "foiqr5"
const PhoneOff = createLucideIcon("PhoneOff", [
d: "M10.68 13.31a16 16 0 0 0 3.41 2.6l1.27-1.27a2 2 0 0 1 2.11-.45 12.84 12.84 0 0 0 2.81.7 2 2 0 0 1 1.72 2v3a2 2 0 0 1-2.18 2 19.79 19.79 0 0 1-8.63-3.07 19.42 19.42 0 0 1-3.33-2.67m-2.67-3.34a19.79 19.79 0 0 1-3.07-8.63A2 2 0 0 1 4.11 2h3a2 2 0 0 1 2 1.72 12.84 12.84 0 0 0 .7 2.81 2 2 0 0 1-.45 2.11L8.09 9.91",
key: "z86iuo"
["line", { x1: "22", x2: "2", y1: "2", y2: "22", key: "11kh81" }]
const PhoneOutgoing = createLucideIcon("PhoneOutgoing", [
["polyline", { points: "22 8 22 2 16 2", key: "1g204g" }],
["line", { x1: "16", x2: "22", y1: "8", y2: "2", key: "1ggias" }],
d: "M22 16.92v3a2 2 0 0 1-2.18 2 19.79 19.79 0 0 1-8.63-3.07 19.5 19.5 0 0 1-6-6 19.79 19.79 0 0 1-3.07-8.67A2 2 0 0 1 4.11 2h3a2 2 0 0 1 2 1.72 12.84 12.84 0 0 0 .7 2.81 2 2 0 0 1-.45 2.11L8.09 9.91a16 16 0 0 0 6 6l1.27-1.27a2 2 0 0 1 2.11-.45 12.84 12.84 0 0 0 2.81.7A2 2 0 0 1 22 16.92z",
key: "foiqr5"
const Phone = createLucideIcon("Phone", [
d: "M22 16.92v3a2 2 0 0 1-2.18 2 19.79 19.79 0 0 1-8.63-3.07 19.5 19.5 0 0 1-6-6 19.79 19.79 0 0 1-3.07-8.67A2 2 0 0 1 4.11 2h3a2 2 0 0 1 2 1.72 12.84 12.84 0 0 0 .7 2.81 2 2 0 0 1-.45 2.11L8.09 9.91a16 16 0 0 0 6 6l1.27-1.27a2 2 0 0 1 2.11-.45 12.84 12.84 0 0 0 2.81.7A2 2 0 0 1 22 16.92z",
key: "foiqr5"
const Pi = createLucideIcon("Pi", [
["line", { x1: "9", x2: "9", y1: "4", y2: "20", key: "ovs5a5" }],
["path", { d: "M4 7c0-1.7 1.3-3 3-3h13", key: "10pag4" }],
["path", { d: "M18 20c-1.7 0-3-1.3-3-3V4", key: "1gaosr" }]
const Piano = createLucideIcon("Piano", [
d: "M18.5 8c-1.4 0-2.6-.8-3.2-2A6.87 6.87 0 0 0 2 9v11a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h16a2 2 0 0 0 2-2v-8.5C22 9.6 20.4 8 18.5 8",
key: "lag0yf"
["path", { d: "M2 14h20", key: "myj16y" }],
["path", { d: "M6 14v4", key: "9ng0ue" }],
["path", { d: "M10 14v4", key: "1v8uk5" }],
["path", { d: "M14 14v4", key: "1tqops" }],
["path", { d: "M18 14v4", key: "18uqwm" }]
const Pickaxe = createLucideIcon("Pickaxe", [
["path", { d: "M14.531 12.469 6.619 20.38a1 1 0 1 1-3-3l7.912-7.912", key: "we99rg" }],
d: "M15.686 4.314A12.5 12.5 0 0 0 5.461 2.958 1 1 0 0 0 5.58 4.71a22 22 0 0 1 6.318 3.393",
key: "1w6hck"
d: "M17.7 3.7a1 1 0 0 0-1.4 0l-4.6 4.6a1 1 0 0 0 0 1.4l2.6 2.6a1 1 0 0 0 1.4 0l4.6-4.6a1 1 0 0 0 0-1.4z",
key: "15hgfx"
d: "M19.686 8.314a12.501 12.501 0 0 1 1.356 10.225 1 1 0 0 1-1.751-.119 22 22 0 0 0-3.393-6.319",
key: "452b4h"
const PictureInPicture2 = createLucideIcon("PictureInPicture2", [
["path", { d: "M21 9V6a2 2 0 0 0-2-2H4a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v10c0 1.1.9 2 2 2h4", key: "daa4of" }],
["rect", { width: "10", height: "7", x: "12", y: "13", rx: "2", key: "1nb8gs" }]
const PictureInPicture = createLucideIcon("PictureInPicture", [
["path", { d: "M2 10h6V4", key: "zwrco" }],
["path", { d: "m2 4 6 6", key: "ug085t" }],
["path", { d: "M21 10V7a2 2 0 0 0-2-2h-7", key: "git5jr" }],
["path", { d: "M3 14v2a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h3", key: "1f7fh3" }],
["rect", { x: "12", y: "14", width: "10", height: "7", rx: "1", key: "1wjs3o" }]
const PiggyBank = createLucideIcon("PiggyBank", [
d: "M19 5c-1.5 0-2.8 1.4-3 2-3.5-1.5-11-.3-11 5 0 1.8 0 3 2 4.5V20h4v-2h3v2h4v-4c1-.5 1.7-1 2-2h2v-4h-2c0-1-.5-1.5-1-2V5z",
key: "1ivx2i"
["path", { d: "M2 9v1c0 1.1.9 2 2 2h1", key: "nm575m" }],
["path", { d: "M16 11h.01", key: "xkw8gn" }]
const PilcrowLeft = createLucideIcon("PilcrowLeft", [
["path", { d: "M14 3v11", key: "mlfb7b" }],
["path", { d: "M14 9h-3a3 3 0 0 1 0-6h9", key: "1ulc19" }],
["path", { d: "M18 3v11", key: "1phi0r" }],
["path", { d: "M22 18H2l4-4", key: "yt65j9" }],
["path", { d: "m6 22-4-4", key: "6jgyf5" }]
const PilcrowRight = createLucideIcon("PilcrowRight", [
["path", { d: "M10 3v11", key: "o3l5kj" }],
["path", { d: "M10 9H7a1 1 0 0 1 0-6h8", key: "1wb1nc" }],
["path", { d: "M14 3v11", key: "mlfb7b" }],
["path", { d: "m18 14 4 4H2", key: "4r8io1" }],
["path", { d: "m22 18-4 4", key: "1hjjrd" }]
const Pilcrow = createLucideIcon("Pilcrow", [
["path", { d: "M13 4v16", key: "8vvj80" }],
["path", { d: "M17 4v16", key: "7dpous" }],
["path", { d: "M19 4H9.5a4.5 4.5 0 0 0 0 9H13", key: "sh4n9v" }]
const PillBottle = createLucideIcon("PillBottle", [
["path", { d: "M18 11h-4a1 1 0 0 0-1 1v5a1 1 0 0 0 1 1h4", key: "17ldeb" }],
["path", { d: "M6 7v13a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h8a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V7", key: "nc37y6" }],
["rect", { width: "16", height: "5", x: "4", y: "2", rx: "1", key: "3jeezo" }]
const Pill = createLucideIcon("Pill", [
{ d: "m10.5 20.5 10-10a4.95 4.95 0 1 0-7-7l-10 10a4.95 4.95 0 1 0 7 7Z", key: "wa1lgi" }
["path", { d: "m8.5 8.5 7 7", key: "rvfmvr" }]
const PinOff = createLucideIcon("PinOff", [
["path", { d: "M12 17v5", key: "bb1du9" }],
["path", { d: "M15 9.34V7a1 1 0 0 1 1-1 2 2 0 0 0 0-4H7.89", key: "znwnzq" }],
["path", { d: "m2 2 20 20", key: "1ooewy" }],
d: "M9 9v1.76a2 2 0 0 1-1.11 1.79l-1.78.9A2 2 0 0 0 5 15.24V16a1 1 0 0 0 1 1h11",
key: "c9qhm2"
const Pin = createLucideIcon("Pin", [
["path", { d: "M12 17v5", key: "bb1du9" }],
d: "M9 10.76a2 2 0 0 1-1.11 1.79l-1.78.9A2 2 0 0 0 5 15.24V16a1 1 0 0 0 1 1h12a1 1 0 0 0 1-1v-.76a2 2 0 0 0-1.11-1.79l-1.78-.9A2 2 0 0 1 15 10.76V7a1 1 0 0 1 1-1 2 2 0 0 0 0-4H8a2 2 0 0 0 0 4 1 1 0 0 1 1 1z",
key: "1nkz8b"
const Pipette = createLucideIcon("Pipette", [
["path", { d: "m2 22 1-1h3l9-9", key: "1sre89" }],
["path", { d: "M3 21v-3l9-9", key: "hpe2y6" }],
d: "m15 6 3.4-3.4a2.1 2.1 0 1 1 3 3L18 9l.4.4a2.1 2.1 0 1 1-3 3l-3.8-3.8a2.1 2.1 0 1 1 3-3l.4.4Z",
key: "196du1"
const Pizza = createLucideIcon("Pizza", [
["path", { d: "m12 14-1 1", key: "11onhr" }],
["path", { d: "m13.75 18.25-1.25 1.42", key: "1yisr3" }],
["path", { d: "M17.775 5.654a15.68 15.68 0 0 0-12.121 12.12", key: "1qtqk6" }],
["path", { d: "M18.8 9.3a1 1 0 0 0 2.1 7.7", key: "fbbbr2" }],
d: "M21.964 20.732a1 1 0 0 1-1.232 1.232l-18-5a1 1 0 0 1-.695-1.232A19.68 19.68 0 0 1 15.732 2.037a1 1 0 0 1 1.232.695z",
key: "1hyfdd"
const PlaneLanding = createLucideIcon("PlaneLanding", [
["path", { d: "M2 22h20", key: "272qi7" }],
d: "M3.77 10.77 2 9l2-4.5 1.1.55c. 1.45s.35 1.17.9 1.45L8 8.5l3-6 1.05.53a2 2 0 0 1 1.09 1.52l.72 5.4a2 2 0 0 0 1.09 1.52l4.4 2.2c. 1.01.96l.6 1.03c.49.88-.06 1.98-1.06 2.1l-1.18.15c-.47.06-.95-.02-1.37-.24L4.29 11.15a2 2 0 0 1-.52-.38Z",
key: "1ma21e"
const PlaneTakeoff = createLucideIcon("PlaneTakeoff", [
["path", { d: "M2 22h20", key: "272qi7" }],
d: "M6.36 17.4 4 17l-2-4 1.1-.55a2 2 0 0 1 1.8 0l.17.1a2 2 0 0 0 1.8 0L8 12 5 6l.9-.45a2 2 0 0 1 2.09.2l4.02 3a2 2 0 0 0 2.1.2l4.19-2.06a2.41 2.41 0 0 1 1.73-.17L21 7a1.4 1.4 0 0 1 .87 1.99l-.38.76c-.23.46-.6.84-1.07 1.08L7.58 17.2a2 2 0 0 1-1.22.18Z",
key: "fkigj9"
const Plane = createLucideIcon("Plane", [
d: "M17.8 19.2 16 11l3.5-3.5C21 6 21.5 4 21 3c-1-.5-3 0-4.5 1.5L13 8 4.8 6.2c-.5-.1-.9.1-1.1.5l-.3.5c-.2.5-.1 1 .3 1.3L9 12l-2 3H4l-1 1 3 2 2 3 1-1v-3l3-2 3.5 5.3c. 1.3.3l.5-.2c.4-.3.6-.7.5-1.2z",
key: "1v9wt8"
const Play = createLucideIcon("Play", [
["polygon", { points: "6 3 20 12 6 21 6 3", key: "1oa8hb" }]
const Plug2 = createLucideIcon("Plug2", [
["path", { d: "M9 2v6", key: "17ngun" }],
["path", { d: "M15 2v6", key: "s7yy2p" }],
["path", { d: "M12 17v5", key: "bb1du9" }],
["path", { d: "M5 8h14", key: "pcz4l3" }],
["path", { d: "M6 11V8h12v3a6 6 0 1 1-12 0Z", key: "wtfw2c" }]
const PlugZap = createLucideIcon("PlugZap", [
{ d: "M6.3 20.3a2.4 2.4 0 0 0 3.4 0L12 18l-6-6-2.3 2.3a2.4 2.4 0 0 0 0 3.4Z", key: "goz73y" }
["path", { d: "m2 22 3-3", key: "19mgm9" }],
["path", { d: "M7.5 13.5 10 11", key: "7xgeeb" }],
["path", { d: "M10.5 16.5 13 14", key: "10btkg" }],
["path", { d: "m18 3-4 4h6l-4 4", key: "16psg9" }]
const Plug = createLucideIcon("Plug", [
["path", { d: "M12 22v-5", key: "1ega77" }],
["path", { d: "M9 8V2", key: "14iosj" }],
["path", { d: "M15 8V2", key: "18g5xt" }],
["path", { d: "M18 8v5a4 4 0 0 1-4 4h-4a4 4 0 0 1-4-4V8Z", key: "osxo6l" }]
const Plus = createLucideIcon("Plus", [
["path", { d: "M5 12h14", key: "1ays0h" }],
["path", { d: "M12 5v14", key: "s699le" }]
const PocketKnife = createLucideIcon("PocketKnife", [
["path", { d: "M3 2v1c0 1 2 1 2 2S3 6 3 7s2 1 2 2-2 1-2 2 2 1 2 2", key: "19w3oe" }],
["path", { d: "M18 6h.01", key: "1v4wsw" }],
["path", { d: "M6 18h.01", key: "uhywen" }],
["path", { d: "M20.83 8.83a4 4 0 0 0-5.66-5.66l-12 12a4 4 0 1 0 5.66 5.66Z", key: "6fykxj" }],
["path", { d: "M18 11.66V22a4 4 0 0 0 4-4V6", key: "1utzek" }]
const Pocket = createLucideIcon("Pocket", [
d: "M4 3h16a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v6a10 10 0 0 1-10 10A10 10 0 0 1 2 11V5a2 2 0 0 1 2-2z",
key: "1mz881"
["polyline", { points: "8 10 12 14 16 10", key: "w4mbv5" }]
const Podcast = createLucideIcon("Podcast", [
["path", { d: "M16.85 18.58a9 9 0 1 0-9.7 0", key: "d71mpg" }],
["path", { d: "M8 14a5 5 0 1 1 8 0", key: "fc81rn" }],
["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "11", r: "1", key: "1gvufo" }],
["path", { d: "M13 17a1 1 0 1 0-2 0l.5 4.5a.5.5 0 1 0 1 0Z", key: "za5kbj" }]
const PointerOff = createLucideIcon("PointerOff", [
["path", { d: "M10 4.5V4a2 2 0 0 0-2.41-1.957", key: "jsi14n" }],
["path", { d: "M13.9 8.4a2 2 0 0 0-1.26-1.295", key: "hirc7f" }],
{ d: "M21.7 16.2A8 8 0 0 0 22 14v-3a2 2 0 1 0-4 0v-1a2 2 0 0 0-3.63-1.158", key: "1jxb2e" }
d: "m7 15-1.8-1.8a2 2 0 0 0-2.79 2.86L6 19.7a7.74 7.74 0 0 0 6 2.3h2a8 8 0 0 0 5.657-2.343",
key: "10r7hm"
["path", { d: "M6 6v8", key: "tv5xkp" }],
["path", { d: "m2 2 20 20", key: "1ooewy" }]
const Pointer = createLucideIcon("Pointer", [
["path", { d: "M22 14a8 8 0 0 1-8 8", key: "56vcr3" }],
["path", { d: "M18 11v-1a2 2 0 0 0-2-2a2 2 0 0 0-2 2", key: "1agjmk" }],
["path", { d: "M14 10V9a2 2 0 0 0-2-2a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v1", key: "wdbh2u" }],
["path", { d: "M10 9.5V4a2 2 0 0 0-2-2a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v10", key: "1ibuk9" }],
d: "M18 11a2 2 0 1 1 4 0v3a8 8 0 0 1-8 8h-2c-2.8 0-4.5-.86-5.99-2.34l-3.6-3.6a2 2 0 0 1 2.83-2.82L7 15",
key: "g6ys72"
const Popcorn = createLucideIcon("Popcorn", [
d: "M18 8a2 2 0 0 0 0-4 2 2 0 0 0-4 0 2 2 0 0 0-4 0 2 2 0 0 0-4 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 4",
key: "10td1f"
["path", { d: "M10 22 9 8", key: "yjptiv" }],
["path", { d: "m14 22 1-14", key: "8jwc8b" }],
d: "M20 8c.5 0 .9.4.8 1l-2.6 12c-.1.5-.7 1-1.2 1H7c-.6 0-1.1-.4-1.2-1L3.2 9c-.1-.6.3-1 .8-1Z",
key: "1qo33t"
const Popsicle = createLucideIcon("Popsicle", [
d: "M18.6 14.4c.8-.8.8-2 0-2.8l-8.1-8.1a4.95 4.95 0 1 0-7.1 7.1l8.1 8.1c.9.7 2.1.7 2.9-.1Z",
key: "1o68ps"
["path", { d: "m22 22-5.5-5.5", key: "17o70y" }]
const PoundSterling = createLucideIcon("PoundSterling", [
["path", { d: "M18 7c0-5.333-8-5.333-8 0", key: "1prm2n" }],
["path", { d: "M10 7v14", key: "18tmcs" }],
["path", { d: "M6 21h12", key: "4dkmi1" }],
["path", { d: "M6 13h10", key: "ybwr4a" }]
const PowerOff = createLucideIcon("PowerOff", [
["path", { d: "M18.36 6.64A9 9 0 0 1 20.77 15", key: "dxknvb" }],
["path", { d: "M6.16 6.16a9 9 0 1 0 12.68 12.68", key: "1x7qb5" }],
["path", { d: "M12 2v4", key: "3427ic" }],
["path", { d: "m2 2 20 20", key: "1ooewy" }]
const Power = createLucideIcon("Power", [
["path", { d: "M12 2v10", key: "mnfbl" }],
["path", { d: "M18.4 6.6a9 9 0 1 1-12.77.04", key: "obofu9" }]
const Presentation = createLucideIcon("Presentation", [
["path", { d: "M2 3h20", key: "91anmk" }],
["path", { d: "M21 3v11a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H5a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V3", key: "2k9sn8" }],
["path", { d: "m7 21 5-5 5 5", key: "bip4we" }]
const PrinterCheck = createLucideIcon("PrinterCheck", [
["path", { d: "M13.5 22H7a1 1 0 0 1-1-1v-6a1 1 0 0 1 1-1h10a1 1 0 0 1 1 1v.5", key: "qeb09x" }],
["path", { d: "m16 19 2 2 4-4", key: "1b14m6" }],
["path", { d: "M6 18H4a2 2 0 0 1-2-2v-5a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h16a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v2", key: "1md90i" }],
["path", { d: "M6 9V3a1 1 0 0 1 1-1h10a1 1 0 0 1 1 1v6", key: "1itne7" }]
const Printer = createLucideIcon("Printer", [
d: "M6 18H4a2 2 0 0 1-2-2v-5a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h16a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v5a2 2 0 0 1-2 2h-2",
key: "143wyd"
["path", { d: "M6 9V3a1 1 0 0 1 1-1h10a1 1 0 0 1 1 1v6", key: "1itne7" }],
["rect", { x: "6", y: "14", width: "12", height: "8", rx: "1", key: "1ue0tg" }]
const Projector = createLucideIcon("Projector", [
["path", { d: "M5 7 3 5", key: "1yys58" }],
["path", { d: "M9 6V3", key: "1ptz9u" }],
["path", { d: "m13 7 2-2", key: "1w3vmq" }],
["circle", { cx: "9", cy: "13", r: "3", key: "1mma13" }],
d: "M11.83 12H20a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v4a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H4a2 2 0 0 1-2-2v-4a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h2.17",
key: "2frwzc"
["path", { d: "M16 16h2", key: "dnq2od" }]
const Proportions = createLucideIcon("Proportions", [
["rect", { width: "20", height: "16", x: "2", y: "4", rx: "2", key: "18n3k1" }],
["path", { d: "M12 9v11", key: "1fnkrn" }],
["path", { d: "M2 9h13a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v9", key: "11z3ex" }]
const Puzzle = createLucideIcon("Puzzle", [
d: "M15.39 4.39a1 1 0 0 0 1.68-.474 2.5 2.5 0 1 1 3.014 3.015 1 1 0 0 0-.474 1.68l1.683 1.682a2.414 2.414 0 0 1 0 3.414L19.61 15.39a1 1 0 0 1-1.68-.474 2.5 2.5 0 1 0-3.014 3.015 1 1 0 0 1 .474 1.68l-1.683 1.682a2.414 2.414 0 0 1-3.414 0L8.61 19.61a1 1 0 0 0-1.68.474 2.5 2.5 0 1 1-3.014-3.015 1 1 0 0 0 .474-1.68l-1.683-1.682a2.414 2.414 0 0 1 0-3.414L4.39 8.61a1 1 0 0 1 1.68.474 2.5 2.5 0 1 0 3.014-3.015 1 1 0 0 1-.474-1.68l1.683-1.682a2.414 2.414 0 0 1 3.414 0z",
key: "w46dr5"
const Pyramid = createLucideIcon("Pyramid", [
d: "M2.5 16.88a1 1 0 0 1-.32-1.43l9-13.02a1 1 0 0 1 1.64 0l9 13.01a1 1 0 0 1-.32 1.44l-8.51 4.86a2 2 0 0 1-1.98 0Z",
key: "aenxs0"
["path", { d: "M12 2v20", key: "t6zp3m" }]
const QrCode = createLucideIcon("QrCode", [
["rect", { width: "5", height: "5", x: "3", y: "3", rx: "1", key: "1tu5fj" }],
["rect", { width: "5", height: "5", x: "16", y: "3", rx: "1", key: "1v8r4q" }],
["rect", { width: "5", height: "5", x: "3", y: "16", rx: "1", key: "1x03jg" }],
["path", { d: "M21 16h-3a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v3", key: "177gqh" }],
["path", { d: "M21 21v.01", key: "ents32" }],
["path", { d: "M12 7v3a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H7", key: "8crl2c" }],
["path", { d: "M3 12h.01", key: "nlz23k" }],
["path", { d: "M12 3h.01", key: "n36tog" }],
["path", { d: "M12 16v.01", key: "133mhm" }],
["path", { d: "M16 12h1", key: "1slzba" }],
["path", { d: "M21 12v.01", key: "1lwtk9" }],
["path", { d: "M12 21v-1", key: "1880an" }]
const Quote = createLucideIcon("Quote", [
d: "M16 3a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v6a2 2 0 0 0 2 2 1 1 0 0 1 1 1v1a2 2 0 0 1-2 2 1 1 0 0 0-1 1v2a1 1 0 0 0 1 1 6 6 0 0 0 6-6V5a2 2 0 0 0-2-2z",
key: "rib7q0"
d: "M5 3a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v6a2 2 0 0 0 2 2 1 1 0 0 1 1 1v1a2 2 0 0 1-2 2 1 1 0 0 0-1 1v2a1 1 0 0 0 1 1 6 6 0 0 0 6-6V5a2 2 0 0 0-2-2z",
key: "1ymkrd"
const Rabbit = createLucideIcon("Rabbit", [
["path", { d: "M13 16a3 3 0 0 1 2.24 5", key: "1epib5" }],
["path", { d: "M18 12h.01", key: "yjnet6" }],
d: "M18 21h-8a4 4 0 0 1-4-4 7 7 0 0 1 7-7h.2L9.6 6.4a1 1 0 1 1 2.8-2.8L15.8 7h.2c3.3 0 6 2.7 6 6v1a2 2 0 0 1-2 2h-1a3 3 0 0 0-3 3",
key: "ue9ozu"
["path", { d: "M20 8.54V4a2 2 0 1 0-4 0v3", key: "49iql8" }],
["path", { d: "M7.612 12.524a3 3 0 1 0-1.6 4.3", key: "1e33i0" }]
const Radar = createLucideIcon("Radar", [
["path", { d: "M19.07 4.93A10 10 0 0 0 6.99 3.34", key: "z3du51" }],
["path", { d: "M4 6h.01", key: "oypzma" }],
["path", { d: "M2.29 9.62A10 10 0 1 0 21.31 8.35", key: "qzzz0" }],
["path", { d: "M16.24 7.76A6 6 0 1 0 8.23 16.67", key: "1yjesh" }],
["path", { d: "M12 18h.01", key: "mhygvu" }],
["path", { d: "M17.99 11.66A6 6 0 0 1 15.77 16.67", key: "1u2y91" }],
["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "12", r: "2", key: "1c9p78" }],
["path", { d: "m13.41 10.59 5.66-5.66", key: "mhq4k0" }]
const Radiation = createLucideIcon("Radiation", [
["path", { d: "M12 12h.01", key: "1mp3jc" }],
d: "M7.5 4.2c-.3-.5-.9-.7-1.3-.4C3.9 5.5 2.3 8.1 2 11c-.1.5.4 1 1 1h5c0-1.5.8-2.8 2-3.4-1.1-1.9-2-3.5-2.5-4.4z",
key: "wy49g3"
d: "M21 12c.6 0 1-.4 1-1-.3-2.9-1.8-5.5-4.1-7.1-.4-.3-1.1-.2-1.3.3-.6.9-1.5 2.5-2.6 4.3 1.2.7 2 2 2 3.5h5z",
key: "vklnvr"
d: "M7.5 19.8c-.3.5-.1 1.1.4 1.3 2.6 1.2 5.6 1.2 8.2 0 .5-.2.7-.8.4-1.3-.5-.9-1.4-2.5-2.5-4.3-1.2.7-2.8.7-4 0-1.1 1.8-2 3.4-2.5 4.3z",
key: "wkdf1o"
const Radical = createLucideIcon("Radical", [
d: "M3 12h3.28a1 1 0 0 1 .948.684l2.298 7.934a.5.5 0 0 0 .96-.044L13.82 4.771A1 1 0 0 1 14.792 4H21",
key: "1mqj8i"
const RadioReceiver = createLucideIcon("RadioReceiver", [
["path", { d: "M5 16v2", key: "g5qcv5" }],
["path", { d: "M19 16v2", key: "1gbaio" }],
["rect", { width: "20", height: "8", x: "2", y: "8", rx: "2", key: "vjsjur" }],
["path", { d: "M18 12h.01", key: "yjnet6" }]
const RadioTower = createLucideIcon("RadioTower", [
["path", { d: "M4.9 16.1C1 12.2 1 5.8 4.9 1.9", key: "s0qx1y" }],
["path", { d: "M7.8 4.7a6.14 6.14 0 0 0-.8 7.5", key: "1idnkw" }],
["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "9", r: "2", key: "1092wv" }],
["path", { d: "M16.2 4.8c2 2 2.26 5.11.8 7.47", key: "ojru2q" }],
["path", { d: "M19.1 1.9a9.96 9.96 0 0 1 0 14.1", key: "rhi7fg" }],
["path", { d: "M9.5 18h5", key: "mfy3pd" }],
["path", { d: "m8 22 4-11 4 11", key: "25yftu" }]
const Radio = createLucideIcon("Radio", [
["path", { d: "M4.9 19.1C1 15.2 1 8.8 4.9 4.9", key: "1vaf9d" }],
["path", { d: "M7.8 16.2c-2.3-2.3-2.3-6.1 0-8.5", key: "u1ii0m" }],
["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "12", r: "2", key: "1c9p78" }],
["path", { d: "M16.2 7.8c2.3 2.3 2.3 6.1 0 8.5", key: "1j5fej" }],
["path", { d: "M19.1 4.9C23 8.8 23 15.1 19.1 19", key: "10b0cb" }]
const Radius = createLucideIcon("Radius", [
["path", { d: "M20.34 17.52a10 10 0 1 0-2.82 2.82", key: "fydyku" }],
["circle", { cx: "19", cy: "19", r: "2", key: "17f5cg" }],
["path", { d: "m13.41 13.41 4.18 4.18", key: "1gqbwc" }],
["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "12", r: "2", key: "1c9p78" }]
const RailSymbol = createLucideIcon("RailSymbol", [
["path", { d: "M5 15h14", key: "m0yey3" }],
["path", { d: "M5 9h14", key: "7tsvo6" }],
["path", { d: "m14 20-5-5 6-6-5-5", key: "1jo42i" }]
const Rainbow = createLucideIcon("Rainbow", [
["path", { d: "M22 17a10 10 0 0 0-20 0", key: "ozegv" }],
["path", { d: "M6 17a6 6 0 0 1 12 0", key: "5giftw" }],
["path", { d: "M10 17a2 2 0 0 1 4 0", key: "gnsikk" }]
const Rat = createLucideIcon("Rat", [
d: "M17 5c0-1.7-1.3-3-3-3s-3 1.3-3 3c0 .8.3 1.5.8 2H11c-3.9 0-7 3.1-7 7c0 2.2 1.8 4 4 4",
key: "1wq71c"
d: "M16.8 3.9c.3-.3.6-.5 1-.7 1.5-.6 3.3.1 3.9 1.6.6 1.5-.1 3.3-1.6 3.9l1.6 2.8c. 1-.2.8-.9 1.2-1.7 1.1 0 0-1.6-.3-2.7-.6H17c-1.7 0-3 1.3-3 3",
key: "1crdmb"
["path", { d: "M13.2 18a3 3 0 0 0-2.2-5", key: "1ol3lk" }],
["path", { d: "M13 22H4a2 2 0 0 1 0-4h12", key: "bt3f23" }],
["path", { d: "M16 9h.01", key: "1bdo4e" }]
const Ratio = createLucideIcon("Ratio", [
["rect", { width: "12", height: "20", x: "6", y: "2", rx: "2", key: "1oxtiu" }],
["rect", { width: "20", height: "12", x: "2", y: "6", rx: "2", key: "9lu3g6" }]
const ReceiptCent = createLucideIcon("ReceiptCent", [
{ d: "M4 2v20l2-1 2 1 2-1 2 1 2-1 2 1 2-1 2 1V2l-2 1-2-1-2 1-2-1-2 1-2-1-2 1Z", key: "q3az6g" }
["path", { d: "M12 6.5v11", key: "ecfhkf" }],
["path", { d: "M15 9.4a4 4 0 1 0 0 5.2", key: "1makmb" }]
const ReceiptEuro = createLucideIcon("ReceiptEuro", [
{ d: "M4 2v20l2-1 2 1 2-1 2 1 2-1 2 1 2-1 2 1V2l-2 1-2-1-2 1-2-1-2 1-2-1-2 1Z", key: "q3az6g" }
["path", { d: "M8 12h5", key: "1g6qi8" }],
["path", { d: "M16 9.5a4 4 0 1 0 0 5.2", key: "b2px4r" }]
const ReceiptIndianRupee = createLucideIcon("ReceiptIndianRupee", [
{ d: "M4 2v20l2-1 2 1 2-1 2 1 2-1 2 1 2-1 2 1V2l-2 1-2-1-2 1-2-1-2 1-2-1-2 1Z", key: "q3az6g" }
["path", { d: "M8 7h8", key: "i86dvs" }],
["path", { d: "M12 17.5 8 15h1a4 4 0 0 0 0-8", key: "grpkl4" }],
["path", { d: "M8 11h8", key: "vwpz6n" }]
const ReceiptJapaneseYen = createLucideIcon("ReceiptJapaneseYen", [
{ d: "M4 2v20l2-1 2 1 2-1 2 1 2-1 2 1 2-1 2 1V2l-2 1-2-1-2 1-2-1-2 1-2-1-2 1Z", key: "q3az6g" }
["path", { d: "m12 10 3-3", key: "1mc12w" }],
["path", { d: "m9 7 3 3v7.5", key: "39i0xv" }],
["path", { d: "M9 11h6", key: "1fldmi" }],
["path", { d: "M9 15h6", key: "cctwl0" }]
const ReceiptPoundSterling = createLucideIcon("ReceiptPoundSterling", [
{ d: "M4 2v20l2-1 2 1 2-1 2 1 2-1 2 1 2-1 2 1V2l-2 1-2-1-2 1-2-1-2 1-2-1-2 1Z", key: "q3az6g" }
["path", { d: "M8 13h5", key: "1k9z8w" }],
["path", { d: "M10 17V9.5a2.5 2.5 0 0 1 5 0", key: "1dzgp0" }],
["path", { d: "M8 17h7", key: "8mjdqu" }]
const ReceiptRussianRuble = createLucideIcon("ReceiptRussianRuble", [
{ d: "M4 2v20l2-1 2 1 2-1 2 1 2-1 2 1 2-1 2 1V2l-2 1-2-1-2 1-2-1-2 1-2-1-2 1Z", key: "q3az6g" }
["path", { d: "M8 15h5", key: "vxg57a" }],
["path", { d: "M8 11h5a2 2 0 1 0 0-4h-3v10", key: "1usi5u" }]
const ReceiptSwissFranc = createLucideIcon("ReceiptSwissFranc", [
{ d: "M4 2v20l2-1 2 1 2-1 2 1 2-1 2 1 2-1 2 1V2l-2 1-2-1-2 1-2-1-2 1-2-1-2 1Z", key: "q3az6g" }
["path", { d: "M10 17V7h5", key: "k7jq18" }],
["path", { d: "M10 11h4", key: "1i0mka" }],
["path", { d: "M8 15h5", key: "vxg57a" }]
const ReceiptText = createLucideIcon("ReceiptText", [
{ d: "M4 2v20l2-1 2 1 2-1 2 1 2-1 2 1 2-1 2 1V2l-2 1-2-1-2 1-2-1-2 1-2-1-2 1Z", key: "q3az6g" }
["path", { d: "M14 8H8", key: "1l3xfs" }],
["path", { d: "M16 12H8", key: "1fr5h0" }],
["path", { d: "M13 16H8", key: "wsln4y" }]
const Receipt = createLucideIcon("Receipt", [
{ d: "M4 2v20l2-1 2 1 2-1 2 1 2-1 2 1 2-1 2 1V2l-2 1-2-1-2 1-2-1-2 1-2-1-2 1Z", key: "q3az6g" }
["path", { d: "M16 8h-6a2 2 0 1 0 0 4h4a2 2 0 1 1 0 4H8", key: "1h4pet" }],
["path", { d: "M12 17.5v-11", key: "1jc1ny" }]
const RectangleEllipsis = createLucideIcon("RectangleEllipsis", [
["rect", { width: "20", height: "12", x: "2", y: "6", rx: "2", key: "9lu3g6" }],
["path", { d: "M12 12h.01", key: "1mp3jc" }],
["path", { d: "M17 12h.01", key: "1m0b6t" }],
["path", { d: "M7 12h.01", key: "eqddd0" }]
const RectangleHorizontal = createLucideIcon("RectangleHorizontal", [
["rect", { width: "20", height: "12", x: "2", y: "6", rx: "2", key: "9lu3g6" }]
const RectangleVertical = createLucideIcon("RectangleVertical", [
["rect", { width: "12", height: "20", x: "6", y: "2", rx: "2", key: "1oxtiu" }]
const Recycle = createLucideIcon("Recycle", [
d: "M7 19H4.815a1.83 1.83 0 0 1-1.57-.881 1.785 1.785 0 0 1-.004-1.784L7.196 9.5",
key: "x6z5xu"
d: "M11 19h8.203a1.83 1.83 0 0 0 1.556-.89 1.784 1.784 0 0 0 0-1.775l-1.226-2.12",
key: "1x4zh5"
["path", { d: "m14 16-3 3 3 3", key: "f6jyew" }],
["path", { d: "M8.293 13.596 7.196 9.5 3.1 10.598", key: "wf1obh" }],
d: "m9.344 5.811 1.093-1.892A1.83 1.83 0 0 1 11.985 3a1.784 1.784 0 0 1 1.546.888l3.943 6.843",
key: "9tzpgr"
["path", { d: "m13.378 9.633 4.096 1.098 1.097-4.096", key: "1oe83g" }]
const Redo2 = createLucideIcon("Redo2", [
["path", { d: "m15 14 5-5-5-5", key: "12vg1m" }],
["path", { d: "M20 9H9.5A5.5 5.5 0 0 0 4 14.5A5.5 5.5 0 0 0 9.5 20H13", key: "6uklza" }]
const RedoDot = createLucideIcon("RedoDot", [
["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "17", r: "1", key: "1ixnty" }],
["path", { d: "M21 7v6h-6", key: "3ptur4" }],
["path", { d: "M3 17a9 9 0 0 1 9-9 9 9 0 0 1 6 2.3l3 2.7", key: "1kgawr" }]
const Redo = createLucideIcon("Redo", [
["path", { d: "M21 7v6h-6", key: "3ptur4" }],
["path", { d: "M3 17a9 9 0 0 1 9-9 9 9 0 0 1 6 2.3l3 2.7", key: "1kgawr" }]
const RefreshCcwDot = createLucideIcon("RefreshCcwDot", [
["path", { d: "M3 2v6h6", key: "18ldww" }],
["path", { d: "M21 12A9 9 0 0 0 6 5.3L3 8", key: "1pbrqz" }],
["path", { d: "M21 22v-6h-6", key: "usdfbe" }],
["path", { d: "M3 12a9 9 0 0 0 15 6.7l3-2.7", key: "1hosoe" }],
["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "12", r: "1", key: "41hilf" }]
const RefreshCcw = createLucideIcon("RefreshCcw", [
["path", { d: "M21 12a9 9 0 0 0-9-9 9.75 9.75 0 0 0-6.74 2.74L3 8", key: "14sxne" }],
["path", { d: "M3 3v5h5", key: "1xhq8a" }],
["path", { d: "M3 12a9 9 0 0 0 9 9 9.75 9.75 0 0 0 6.74-2.74L21 16", key: "1hlbsb" }],
["path", { d: "M16 16h5v5", key: "ccwih5" }]
const RefreshCwOff = createLucideIcon("RefreshCwOff", [
["path", { d: "M21 8L18.74 5.74A9.75 9.75 0 0 0 12 3C11 3 10.03 3.16 9.13 3.47", key: "1krf6h" }],
["path", { d: "M8 16H3v5", key: "1cv678" }],
["path", { d: "M3 12C3 9.51 4 7.26 5.64 5.64", key: "ruvoct" }],
["path", { d: "m3 16 2.26 2.26A9.75 9.75 0 0 0 12 21c2.49 0 4.74-1 6.36-2.64", key: "19q130" }],
["path", { d: "M21 12c0 1-.16 1.97-.47 2.87", key: "4w8emr" }],
["path", { d: "M21 3v5h-5", key: "1q7to0" }],
["path", { d: "M22 22 2 2", key: "1r8tn9" }]
const RefreshCw = createLucideIcon("RefreshCw", [
["path", { d: "M3 12a9 9 0 0 1 9-9 9.75 9.75 0 0 1 6.74 2.74L21 8", key: "v9h5vc" }],
["path", { d: "M21 3v5h-5", key: "1q7to0" }],
["path", { d: "M21 12a9 9 0 0 1-9 9 9.75 9.75 0 0 1-6.74-2.74L3 16", key: "3uifl3" }],
["path", { d: "M8 16H3v5", key: "1cv678" }]
const Refrigerator = createLucideIcon("Refrigerator", [
{ d: "M5 6a4 4 0 0 1 4-4h6a4 4 0 0 1 4 4v14a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H7a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V6Z", key: "fpq118" }
["path", { d: "M5 10h14", key: "elsbfy" }],
["path", { d: "M15 7v6", key: "1nx30x" }]
const Regex = createLucideIcon("Regex", [
["path", { d: "M17 3v10", key: "15fgeh" }],
["path", { d: "m12.67 5.5 8.66 5", key: "1gpheq" }],
["path", { d: "m12.67 10.5 8.66-5", key: "1dkfa6" }],
{ d: "M9 17a2 2 0 0 0-2-2H5a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v2a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h2a2 2 0 0 0 2-2v-2z", key: "swwfx4" }
const RemoveFormatting = createLucideIcon("RemoveFormatting", [
["path", { d: "M4 7V4h16v3", key: "9msm58" }],
["path", { d: "M5 20h6", key: "1h6pxn" }],
["path", { d: "M13 4 8 20", key: "kqq6aj" }],
["path", { d: "m15 15 5 5", key: "me55sn" }],
["path", { d: "m20 15-5 5", key: "11p7ol" }]
const Repeat1 = createLucideIcon("Repeat1", [
["path", { d: "m17 2 4 4-4 4", key: "nntrym" }],
["path", { d: "M3 11v-1a4 4 0 0 1 4-4h14", key: "84bu3i" }],
["path", { d: "m7 22-4-4 4-4", key: "1wqhfi" }],
["path", { d: "M21 13v1a4 4 0 0 1-4 4H3", key: "1rx37r" }],
["path", { d: "M11 10h1v4", key: "70cz1p" }]
const Repeat2 = createLucideIcon("Repeat2", [
["path", { d: "m2 9 3-3 3 3", key: "1ltn5i" }],
["path", { d: "M13 18H7a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V6", key: "1r6tfw" }],
["path", { d: "m22 15-3 3-3-3", key: "4rnwn2" }],
["path", { d: "M11 6h6a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v10", key: "2f72bc" }]
const Repeat = createLucideIcon("Repeat", [
["path", { d: "m17 2 4 4-4 4", key: "nntrym" }],
["path", { d: "M3 11v-1a4 4 0 0 1 4-4h14", key: "84bu3i" }],
["path", { d: "m7 22-4-4 4-4", key: "1wqhfi" }],
["path", { d: "M21 13v1a4 4 0 0 1-4 4H3", key: "1rx37r" }]
const ReplaceAll = createLucideIcon("ReplaceAll", [
["path", { d: "M14 14a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v4a2 2 0 0 1-2 2", key: "1yyzbs" }],
["path", { d: "M14 4a2 2 0 0 1 2-2", key: "1w2hp7" }],
["path", { d: "M16 10a2 2 0 0 1-2-2", key: "shjach" }],
["path", { d: "M20 14a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v4a2 2 0 0 1-2 2", key: "zfj4xr" }],
["path", { d: "M20 2a2 2 0 0 1 2 2", key: "188mtx" }],
["path", { d: "M22 8a2 2 0 0 1-2 2", key: "ddf4tu" }],
["path", { d: "m3 7 3 3 3-3", key: "x25e72" }],
["path", { d: "M6 10V5a 3 3 0 0 1 3-3h1", key: "1ageje" }],
["rect", { x: "2", y: "14", width: "8", height: "8", rx: "2", key: "4rksxw" }]
const Replace = createLucideIcon("Replace", [
["path", { d: "M14 4a2 2 0 0 1 2-2", key: "1w2hp7" }],
["path", { d: "M16 10a2 2 0 0 1-2-2", key: "shjach" }],
["path", { d: "M20 2a2 2 0 0 1 2 2", key: "188mtx" }],
["path", { d: "M22 8a2 2 0 0 1-2 2", key: "ddf4tu" }],
["path", { d: "m3 7 3 3 3-3", key: "x25e72" }],
["path", { d: "M6 10V5a3 3 0 0 1 3-3h1", key: "3y3t5z" }],
["rect", { x: "2", y: "14", width: "8", height: "8", rx: "2", key: "4rksxw" }]
const ReplyAll = createLucideIcon("ReplyAll", [
["polyline", { points: "7 17 2 12 7 7", key: "t83bqg" }],
["polyline", { points: "12 17 7 12 12 7", key: "1g4ajm" }],
["path", { d: "M22 18v-2a4 4 0 0 0-4-4H7", key: "1fcyog" }]
const Reply = createLucideIcon("Reply", [
["polyline", { points: "9 17 4 12 9 7", key: "hvgpf2" }],
["path", { d: "M20 18v-2a4 4 0 0 0-4-4H4", key: "5vmcpk" }]
const Rewind = createLucideIcon("Rewind", [
["polygon", { points: "11 19 2 12 11 5 11 19", key: "14yba5" }],
["polygon", { points: "22 19 13 12 22 5 22 19", key: "1pi1cj" }]
const Ribbon = createLucideIcon("Ribbon", [
{ d: "M12 11.22C11 9.997 10 9 10 8a2 2 0 0 1 4 0c0 1-.998 2.002-2.01 3.22", key: "1rnhq3" }
["path", { d: "m12 18 2.57-3.5", key: "116vt7" }],
["path", { d: "M6.243 9.016a7 7 0 0 1 11.507-.009", key: "10dq0b" }],
["path", { d: "M9.35 14.53 12 11.22", key: "tdsyp2" }],
d: "M9.35 14.53C7.728 12.246 6 10.221 6 7a6 5 0 0 1 12 0c-.005 3.22-1.778 5.235-3.43 7.5l3.557 4.527a1 1 0 0 1-.203 1.43l-1.894 1.36a1 1 0 0 1-1.384-.215L12 18l-2.679 3.593a1 1 0 0 1-1.39.213l-1.865-1.353a1 1 0 0 1-.203-1.422z",
key: "nmifey"
const Rocket = createLucideIcon("Rocket", [
d: "M4.5 16.5c-1.5 1.26-2 5-2 5s3.74-.5 5-2c.71-.84.7-2.13-.09-2.91a2.18 2.18 0 0 0-2.91-.09z",
key: "m3kijz"
d: "m12 15-3-3a22 22 0 0 1 2-3.95A12.88 12.88 0 0 1 22 2c0 2.72-.78 7.5-6 11a22.35 22.35 0 0 1-4 2z",
key: "1fmvmk"
["path", { d: "M9 12H4s.55-3.03 2-4c1.62-1.08 5 0 5 0", key: "1f8sc4" }],
["path", { d: "M12 15v5s3.03-.55 4-2c1.08-1.62 0-5 0-5", key: "qeys4" }]
const RockingChair = createLucideIcon("RockingChair", [
["polyline", { points: "3.5 2 6.5 12.5 18 12.5", key: "y3iy52" }],
["line", { x1: "9.5", x2: "5.5", y1: "12.5", y2: "20", key: "19vg5i" }],
["line", { x1: "15", x2: "18.5", y1: "12.5", y2: "20", key: "1inpmv" }],
["path", { d: "M2.75 18a13 13 0 0 0 18.5 0", key: "1nquas" }]
const RollerCoaster = createLucideIcon("RollerCoaster", [
["path", { d: "M6 19V5", key: "1r845m" }],
["path", { d: "M10 19V6.8", key: "9j2tfs" }],
["path", { d: "M14 19v-7.8", key: "10s8qv" }],
["path", { d: "M18 5v4", key: "1tajlv" }],
["path", { d: "M18 19v-6", key: "ielfq3" }],
["path", { d: "M22 19V9", key: "158nzp" }],
["path", { d: "M2 19V9a4 4 0 0 1 4-4c2 0 4 1.33 6 4s4 4 6 4a4 4 0 1 0-3-6.65", key: "1930oh" }]
const Rotate3d = createLucideIcon("Rotate3d", [
d: "M16.466 7.5C15.643 4.237 13.952 2 12 2 9.239 2 7 6.477 7 12s2.239 10 5 10c.342 0 .677-.069 1-.2",
key: "10n0gc"
["path", { d: "m15.194 13.707 3.814 1.86-1.86 3.814", key: "16shm9" }],
d: "M19 15.57c-1.804.885-4.274 1.43-7 1.43-5.523 0-10-2.239-10-5s4.477-5 10-5c4.838 0 8.873 1.718 9.8 4",
key: "1lxi77"
const RotateCcwSquare = createLucideIcon("RotateCcwSquare", [
["path", { d: "M20 9V7a2 2 0 0 0-2-2h-6", key: "19z8uc" }],
["path", { d: "m15 2-3 3 3 3", key: "177bxs" }],
["path", { d: "M20 13v5a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H6a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V7a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h2", key: "d36hnl" }]
const RotateCcw = createLucideIcon("RotateCcw", [
["path", { d: "M3 12a9 9 0 1 0 9-9 9.75 9.75 0 0 0-6.74 2.74L3 8", key: "1357e3" }],
["path", { d: "M3 3v5h5", key: "1xhq8a" }]
const RotateCwSquare = createLucideIcon("RotateCwSquare", [
["path", { d: "M12 5H6a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v3", key: "l96uqu" }],
["path", { d: "m9 8 3-3-3-3", key: "1gzgc3" }],
["path", { d: "M4 14v4a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h12a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V7a2 2 0 0 0-2-2h-2", key: "1w2k5h" }]
const RotateCw = createLucideIcon("RotateCw", [
["path", { d: "M21 12a9 9 0 1 1-9-9c2.52 0 4.93 1 6.74 2.74L21 8", key: "1p45f6" }],
["path", { d: "M21 3v5h-5", key: "1q7to0" }]
const RouteOff = createLucideIcon("RouteOff", [
["circle", { cx: "6", cy: "19", r: "3", key: "1kj8tv" }],
["path", { d: "M9 19h8.5c.4 0 .9-.1 1.3-.2", key: "1effex" }],
["path", { d: "M5.2 5.2A3.5 3.53 0 0 0 6.5 12H12", key: "k9y2ds" }],
["path", { d: "m2 2 20 20", key: "1ooewy" }],
["path", { d: "M21 15.3a3.5 3.5 0 0 0-3.3-3.3", key: "11nlu2" }],
["path", { d: "M15 5h-4.3", key: "6537je" }],
["circle", { cx: "18", cy: "5", r: "3", key: "gq8acd" }]
const Route = createLucideIcon("Route", [
["circle", { cx: "6", cy: "19", r: "3", key: "1kj8tv" }],
["path", { d: "M9 19h8.5a3.5 3.5 0 0 0 0-7h-11a3.5 3.5 0 0 1 0-7H15", key: "1d8sl" }],
["circle", { cx: "18", cy: "5", r: "3", key: "gq8acd" }]
const Router = createLucideIcon("Router", [
["rect", { width: "20", height: "8", x: "2", y: "14", rx: "2", key: "w68u3i" }],
["path", { d: "M6.01 18H6", key: "19vcac" }],
["path", { d: "M10.01 18H10", key: "uamcmx" }],
["path", { d: "M15 10v4", key: "qjz1xs" }],
["path", { d: "M17.84 7.17a4 4 0 0 0-5.66 0", key: "1rif40" }],
["path", { d: "M20.66 4.34a8 8 0 0 0-11.31 0", key: "6a5xfq" }]
const Rows2 = createLucideIcon("Rows2", [
["rect", { width: "18", height: "18", x: "3", y: "3", rx: "2", key: "afitv7" }],
["path", { d: "M3 12h18", key: "1i2n21" }]
const Rows3 = createLucideIcon("Rows3", [
["rect", { width: "18", height: "18", x: "3", y: "3", rx: "2", key: "afitv7" }],
["path", { d: "M21 9H3", key: "1338ky" }],
["path", { d: "M21 15H3", key: "9uk58r" }]
const Rows4 = createLucideIcon("Rows4", [
["rect", { width: "18", height: "18", x: "3", y: "3", rx: "2", key: "afitv7" }],
["path", { d: "M21 7.5H3", key: "1hm9pq" }],
["path", { d: "M21 12H3", key: "2avoz0" }],
["path", { d: "M21 16.5H3", key: "n7jzkj" }]
const Rss = createLucideIcon("Rss", [
["path", { d: "M4 11a9 9 0 0 1 9 9", key: "pv89mb" }],
["path", { d: "M4 4a16 16 0 0 1 16 16", key: "k0647b" }],
["circle", { cx: "5", cy: "19", r: "1", key: "bfqh0e" }]
const Ruler = createLucideIcon("Ruler", [
d: "M21.3 15.3a2.4 2.4 0 0 1 0 3.4l-2.6 2.6a2.4 2.4 0 0 1-3.4 0L2.7 8.7a2.41 2.41 0 0 1 0-3.4l2.6-2.6a2.41 2.41 0 0 1 3.4 0Z",
key: "icamh8"
["path", { d: "m14.5 12.5 2-2", key: "inckbg" }],
["path", { d: "m11.5 9.5 2-2", key: "fmmyf7" }],
["path", { d: "m8.5 6.5 2-2", key: "vc6u1g" }],
["path", { d: "m17.5 15.5 2-2", key: "wo5hmg" }]
const RussianRuble = createLucideIcon("RussianRuble", [
["path", { d: "M6 11h8a4 4 0 0 0 0-8H9v18", key: "18ai8t" }],
["path", { d: "M6 15h8", key: "1y8f6l" }]
const Sailboat = createLucideIcon("Sailboat", [
["path", { d: "M22 18H2a4 4 0 0 0 4 4h12a4 4 0 0 0 4-4Z", key: "1404fh" }],
["path", { d: "M21 14 10 2 3 14h18Z", key: "1nzg7v" }],
["path", { d: "M10 2v16", key: "1labyt" }]
const Salad = createLucideIcon("Salad", [
["path", { d: "M7 21h10", key: "1b0cd5" }],
["path", { d: "M12 21a9 9 0 0 0 9-9H3a9 9 0 0 0 9 9Z", key: "4rw317" }],
d: "M11.38 12a2.4 2.4 0 0 1-.4-4.77 2.4 2.4 0 0 1 3.2-2.77 2.4 2.4 0 0 1 3.47-.63 2.4 2.4 0 0 1 3.37 3.37 2.4 2.4 0 0 1-1.1 3.7 2.51 2.51 0 0 1 .03 1.1",
key: "10xrj0"
["path", { d: "m13 12 4-4", key: "1hckqy" }],
["path", { d: "M10.9 7.25A3.99 3.99 0 0 0 4 10c0 .73.2 1.41.54 2", key: "1p4srx" }]
const Sandwich = createLucideIcon("Sandwich", [
["path", { d: "m2.37 11.223 8.372-6.777a2 2 0 0 1 2.516 0l8.371 6.777", key: "f1wd0e" }],
["path", { d: "M21 15a1 1 0 0 1 1 1v2a1 1 0 0 1-1 1h-5.25", key: "1pfu07" }],
["path", { d: "M3 15a1 1 0 0 0-1 1v2a1 1 0 0 0 1 1h9", key: "1oq9qw" }],
["path", { d: "m6.67 15 6.13 4.6a2 2 0 0 0 2.8-.4l3.15-4.2", key: "1fnwu5" }],
["rect", { width: "20", height: "4", x: "2", y: "11", rx: "1", key: "itshg" }]
const SatelliteDish = createLucideIcon("SatelliteDish", [
["path", { d: "M4 10a7.31 7.31 0 0 0 10 10Z", key: "1fzpp3" }],
["path", { d: "m9 15 3-3", key: "88sc13" }],
["path", { d: "M17 13a6 6 0 0 0-6-6", key: "15cc6u" }],
["path", { d: "M21 13A10 10 0 0 0 11 3", key: "11nf8s" }]
const Satellite = createLucideIcon("Satellite", [
["path", { d: "M13 7 9 3 5 7l4 4", key: "vyckw6" }],
["path", { d: "m17 11 4 4-4 4-4-4", key: "rchckc" }],
["path", { d: "m8 12 4 4 6-6-4-4Z", key: "1sshf7" }],
["path", { d: "m16 8 3-3", key: "x428zp" }],
["path", { d: "M9 21a6 6 0 0 0-6-6", key: "1iajcf" }]
const SaveAll = createLucideIcon("SaveAll", [
["path", { d: "M10 2v3a1 1 0 0 0 1 1h5", key: "1xspal" }],
["path", { d: "M18 18v-6a1 1 0 0 0-1-1h-6a1 1 0 0 0-1 1v6", key: "1ra60u" }],
["path", { d: "M18 22H4a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V6", key: "pblm9e" }],
d: "M8 18a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V4a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h9.172a2 2 0 0 1 1.414.586l2.828 2.828A2 2 0 0 1 22 6.828V16a2 2 0 0 1-2.01 2z",
key: "1yve0x"
const SaveOff = createLucideIcon("SaveOff", [
["path", { d: "M13 13H8a1 1 0 0 0-1 1v7", key: "h8g396" }],
["path", { d: "M14 8h1", key: "1lfen6" }],
["path", { d: "M17 21v-4", key: "1yknxs" }],
["path", { d: "m2 2 20 20", key: "1ooewy" }],
{ d: "M20.41 20.41A2 2 0 0 1 19 21H5a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V5a2 2 0 0 1 .59-1.41", key: "1t4vdl" }
["path", { d: "M29.5 11.5s5 5 4 5", key: "zzn4i6" }],
["path", { d: "M9 3h6.2a2 2 0 0 1 1.4.6l3.8 3.8a2 2 0 0 1 .6 1.4V15", key: "24cby9" }]
const Save = createLucideIcon("Save", [
d: "M15.2 3a2 2 0 0 1 1.4.6l3.8 3.8a2 2 0 0 1 .6 1.4V19a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H5a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V5a2 2 0 0 1 2-2z",
key: "1c8476"
["path", { d: "M17 21v-7a1 1 0 0 0-1-1H8a1 1 0 0 0-1 1v7", key: "1ydtos" }],
["path", { d: "M7 3v4a1 1 0 0 0 1 1h7", key: "t51u73" }]
const Scale3d = createLucideIcon("Scale3d", [
["path", { d: "M5 7v11a1 1 0 0 0 1 1h11", key: "13dt1j" }],
["path", { d: "M5.293 18.707 11 13", key: "ezgbsx" }],
["circle", { cx: "19", cy: "19", r: "2", key: "17f5cg" }],
["circle", { cx: "5", cy: "5", r: "2", key: "1gwv83" }]
const Scale = createLucideIcon("Scale", [
["path", { d: "m16 16 3-8 3 8c-.87.65-1.92 1-3 1s-2.13-.35-3-1Z", key: "7g6ntu" }],
["path", { d: "m2 16 3-8 3 8c-.87.65-1.92 1-3 1s-2.13-.35-3-1Z", key: "ijws7r" }],
["path", { d: "M7 21h10", key: "1b0cd5" }],
["path", { d: "M12 3v18", key: "108xh3" }],
["path", { d: "M3 7h2c2 0 5-1 7-2 2 1 5 2 7 2h2", key: "3gwbw2" }]
const Scaling = createLucideIcon("Scaling", [
["path", { d: "M12 3H5a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v14a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h14a2 2 0 0 0 2-2v-7", key: "1m0v6g" }],
["path", { d: "M14 15H9v-5", key: "pi4jk9" }],
["path", { d: "M16 3h5v5", key: "1806ms" }],
["path", { d: "M21 3 9 15", key: "15kdhq" }]
const ScanBarcode = createLucideIcon("ScanBarcode", [
["path", { d: "M3 7V5a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h2", key: "aa7l1z" }],
["path", { d: "M17 3h2a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v2", key: "4qcy5o" }],
["path", { d: "M21 17v2a2 2 0 0 1-2 2h-2", key: "6vwrx8" }],
["path", { d: "M7 21H5a2 2 0 0 1-2-2v-2", key: "ioqczr" }],
["path", { d: "M8 7v10", key: "23sfjj" }],
["path", { d: "M12 7v10", key: "jspqdw" }],
["path", { d: "M17 7v10", key: "578dap" }]
const ScanEye = createLucideIcon("ScanEye", [
["path", { d: "M3 7V5a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h2", key: "aa7l1z" }],
["path", { d: "M17 3h2a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v2", key: "4qcy5o" }],
["path", { d: "M21 17v2a2 2 0 0 1-2 2h-2", key: "6vwrx8" }],
["path", { d: "M7 21H5a2 2 0 0 1-2-2v-2", key: "ioqczr" }],
["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "12", r: "1", key: "41hilf" }],
d: "M18.944 12.33a1 1 0 0 0 0-.66 7.5 7.5 0 0 0-13.888 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 .66 7.5 7.5 0 0 0 13.888 0",
key: "11ak4c"
const ScanFace = createLucideIcon("ScanFace", [
["path", { d: "M3 7V5a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h2", key: "aa7l1z" }],
["path", { d: "M17 3h2a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v2", key: "4qcy5o" }],
["path", { d: "M21 17v2a2 2 0 0 1-2 2h-2", key: "6vwrx8" }],
["path", { d: "M7 21H5a2 2 0 0 1-2-2v-2", key: "ioqczr" }],
["path", { d: "M8 14s1.5 2 4 2 4-2 4-2", key: "1y1vjs" }],
["path", { d: "M9 9h.01", key: "1q5me6" }],
["path", { d: "M15 9h.01", key: "x1ddxp" }]
const ScanHeart = createLucideIcon("ScanHeart", [
d: "M11.246 16.657a1 1 0 0 0 1.508 0l3.57-4.101A2.75 2.75 0 1 0 12 9.168a2.75 2.75 0 1 0-4.324 3.388z",
key: "1algrk"
["path", { d: "M17 3h2a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v2", key: "4qcy5o" }],
["path", { d: "M21 17v2a2 2 0 0 1-2 2h-2", key: "6vwrx8" }],
["path", { d: "M3 7V5a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h2", key: "aa7l1z" }],
["path", { d: "M7 21H5a2 2 0 0 1-2-2v-2", key: "ioqczr" }]
const ScanLine = createLucideIcon("ScanLine", [
["path", { d: "M3 7V5a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h2", key: "aa7l1z" }],
["path", { d: "M17 3h2a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v2", key: "4qcy5o" }],
["path", { d: "M21 17v2a2 2 0 0 1-2 2h-2", key: "6vwrx8" }],
["path", { d: "M7 21H5a2 2 0 0 1-2-2v-2", key: "ioqczr" }],
["path", { d: "M7 12h10", key: "b7w52i" }]
const ScanQrCode = createLucideIcon("ScanQrCode", [
["path", { d: "M17 12v4a1 1 0 0 1-1 1h-4", key: "uk4fdo" }],
["path", { d: "M17 3h2a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v2", key: "4qcy5o" }],
["path", { d: "M17 8V7", key: "q2g9wo" }],
["path", { d: "M21 17v2a2 2 0 0 1-2 2h-2", key: "6vwrx8" }],
["path", { d: "M3 7V5a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h2", key: "aa7l1z" }],
["path", { d: "M7 17h.01", key: "19xn7k" }],
["path", { d: "M7 21H5a2 2 0 0 1-2-2v-2", key: "ioqczr" }],
["rect", { x: "7", y: "7", width: "5", height: "5", rx: "1", key: "m9kyts" }]
const ScanSearch = createLucideIcon("ScanSearch", [
["path", { d: "M3 7V5a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h2", key: "aa7l1z" }],
["path", { d: "M17 3h2a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v2", key: "4qcy5o" }],
["path", { d: "M21 17v2a2 2 0 0 1-2 2h-2", key: "6vwrx8" }],
["path", { d: "M7 21H5a2 2 0 0 1-2-2v-2", key: "ioqczr" }],
["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "12", r: "3", key: "1v7zrd" }],
["path", { d: "m16 16-1.9-1.9", key: "1dq9hf" }]
const ScanText = createLucideIcon("ScanText", [
["path", { d: "M3 7V5a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h2", key: "aa7l1z" }],
["path", { d: "M17 3h2a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v2", key: "4qcy5o" }],
["path", { d: "M21 17v2a2 2 0 0 1-2 2h-2", key: "6vwrx8" }],
["path", { d: "M7 21H5a2 2 0 0 1-2-2v-2", key: "ioqczr" }],
["path", { d: "M7 8h8", key: "1jbsf9" }],
["path", { d: "M7 12h10", key: "b7w52i" }],
["path", { d: "M7 16h6", key: "1vyc9m" }]
const Scan = createLucideIcon("Scan", [
["path", { d: "M3 7V5a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h2", key: "aa7l1z" }],
["path", { d: "M17 3h2a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v2", key: "4qcy5o" }],
["path", { d: "M21 17v2a2 2 0 0 1-2 2h-2", key: "6vwrx8" }],
["path", { d: "M7 21H5a2 2 0 0 1-2-2v-2", key: "ioqczr" }]
const School = createLucideIcon("School", [
["path", { d: "M14 22v-4a2 2 0 1 0-4 0v4", key: "hhkicm" }],
d: "m18 10 3.447 1.724a1 1 0 0 1 .553.894V20a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H4a2 2 0 0 1-2-2v-7.382a1 1 0 0 1 .553-.894L6 10",
key: "1xqip1"
["path", { d: "M18 5v17", key: "1sw6gf" }],
["path", { d: "m4 6 7.106-3.553a2 2 0 0 1 1.788 0L20 6", key: "9d2mlk" }],
["path", { d: "M6 5v17", key: "1xfsm0" }],
["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "9", r: "2", key: "1092wv" }]
const ScissorsLineDashed = createLucideIcon("ScissorsLineDashed", [
["path", { d: "M5.42 9.42 8 12", key: "12pkuq" }],
["circle", { cx: "4", cy: "8", r: "2", key: "107mxr" }],
["path", { d: "m14 6-8.58 8.58", key: "gvzu5l" }],
["circle", { cx: "4", cy: "16", r: "2", key: "1ehqvc" }],
["path", { d: "M10.8 14.8 14 18", key: "ax7m9r" }],
["path", { d: "M16 12h-2", key: "10asgb" }],
["path", { d: "M22 12h-2", key: "14jgyd" }]
const Scissors = createLucideIcon("Scissors", [
["circle", { cx: "6", cy: "6", r: "3", key: "1lh9wr" }],
["path", { d: "M8.12 8.12 12 12", key: "1alkpv" }],
["path", { d: "M20 4 8.12 15.88", key: "xgtan2" }],
["circle", { cx: "6", cy: "18", r: "3", key: "fqmcym" }],
["path", { d: "M14.8 14.8 20 20", key: "ptml3r" }]
const ScreenShareOff = createLucideIcon("ScreenShareOff", [
["path", { d: "M13 3H4a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v10a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h16a2 2 0 0 0 2-2v-3", key: "i8wdob" }],
["path", { d: "M8 21h8", key: "1ev6f3" }],
["path", { d: "M12 17v4", key: "1riwvh" }],
["path", { d: "m22 3-5 5", key: "12jva0" }],
["path", { d: "m17 3 5 5", key: "k36vhe" }]
const ScreenShare = createLucideIcon("ScreenShare", [
["path", { d: "M13 3H4a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v10a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h16a2 2 0 0 0 2-2v-3", key: "i8wdob" }],
["path", { d: "M8 21h8", key: "1ev6f3" }],
["path", { d: "M12 17v4", key: "1riwvh" }],
["path", { d: "m17 8 5-5", key: "fqif7o" }],
["path", { d: "M17 3h5v5", key: "1o3tu8" }]
const ScrollText = createLucideIcon("ScrollText", [
["path", { d: "M15 12h-5", key: "r7krc0" }],
["path", { d: "M15 8h-5", key: "1khuty" }],
["path", { d: "M19 17V5a2 2 0 0 0-2-2H4", key: "zz82l3" }],
d: "M8 21h12a2 2 0 0 0 2-2v-1a1 1 0 0 0-1-1H11a1 1 0 0 0-1 1v1a2 2 0 1 1-4 0V5a2 2 0 1 0-4 0v2a1 1 0 0 0 1 1h3",
key: "1ph1d7"
const Scroll = createLucideIcon("Scroll", [
["path", { d: "M19 17V5a2 2 0 0 0-2-2H4", key: "zz82l3" }],
d: "M8 21h12a2 2 0 0 0 2-2v-1a1 1 0 0 0-1-1H11a1 1 0 0 0-1 1v1a2 2 0 1 1-4 0V5a2 2 0 1 0-4 0v2a1 1 0 0 0 1 1h3",
key: "1ph1d7"
const SearchCheck = createLucideIcon("SearchCheck", [
["path", { d: "m8 11 2 2 4-4", key: "1sed1v" }],
["circle", { cx: "11", cy: "11", r: "8", key: "4ej97u" }],
["path", { d: "m21 21-4.3-4.3", key: "1qie3q" }]
const SearchCode = createLucideIcon("SearchCode", [
["path", { d: "m13 13.5 2-2.5-2-2.5", key: "1rvxrh" }],
["path", { d: "m21 21-4.3-4.3", key: "1qie3q" }],
["path", { d: "M9 8.5 7 11l2 2.5", key: "6ffwbx" }],
["circle", { cx: "11", cy: "11", r: "8", key: "4ej97u" }]
const SearchSlash = createLucideIcon("SearchSlash", [
["path", { d: "m13.5 8.5-5 5", key: "1cs55j" }],
["circle", { cx: "11", cy: "11", r: "8", key: "4ej97u" }],
["path", { d: "m21 21-4.3-4.3", key: "1qie3q" }]
const SearchX = createLucideIcon("SearchX", [
["path", { d: "m13.5 8.5-5 5", key: "1cs55j" }],
["path", { d: "m8.5 8.5 5 5", key: "a8mexj" }],
["circle", { cx: "11", cy: "11", r: "8", key: "4ej97u" }],
["path", { d: "m21 21-4.3-4.3", key: "1qie3q" }]
const Search = createLucideIcon("Search", [
["circle", { cx: "11", cy: "11", r: "8", key: "4ej97u" }],
["path", { d: "m21 21-4.3-4.3", key: "1qie3q" }]
const Section = createLucideIcon("Section", [
["path", { d: "M16 5a4 3 0 0 0-8 0c0 4 8 3 8 7a4 3 0 0 1-8 0", key: "vqan6v" }],
["path", { d: "M8 19a4 3 0 0 0 8 0c0-4-8-3-8-7a4 3 0 0 1 8 0", key: "wdjd8o" }]
const SendHorizontal = createLucideIcon("SendHorizontal", [
d: "M3.714 3.048a.498.498 0 0 0-.683.627l2.843 7.627a2 2 0 0 1 0 1.396l-2.842 7.627a.498.498 0 0 0 .682.627l18-8.5a.5.5 0 0 0 0-.904z",
key: "117uat"
["path", { d: "M6 12h16", key: "s4cdu5" }]
const SendToBack = createLucideIcon("SendToBack", [
["rect", { x: "14", y: "14", width: "8", height: "8", rx: "2", key: "1b0bso" }],
["rect", { x: "2", y: "2", width: "8", height: "8", rx: "2", key: "1x09vl" }],
["path", { d: "M7 14v1a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h1", key: "pao6x6" }],
["path", { d: "M14 7h1a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v1", key: "19tdru" }]
const Send = createLucideIcon("Send", [
d: "M14.536 21.686a.5.5 0 0 0 .937-.024l6.5-19a.496.496 0 0 0-.635-.635l-19 6.5a.5.5 0 0 0-.024.937l7.93 3.18a2 2 0 0 1 1.112 1.11z",
key: "1ffxy3"
["path", { d: "m21.854 2.147-10.94 10.939", key: "12cjpa" }]
const SeparatorHorizontal = createLucideIcon("SeparatorHorizontal", [
["line", { x1: "3", x2: "21", y1: "12", y2: "12", key: "10d38w" }],
["polyline", { points: "8 8 12 4 16 8", key: "zo8t4w" }],
["polyline", { points: "16 16 12 20 8 16", key: "1oyrid" }]
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["line", { x1: "12", x2: "12", y1: "3", y2: "21", key: "1efggb" }],
["polyline", { points: "8 8 4 12 8 16", key: "bnfmv4" }],
["polyline", { points: "16 16 20 12 16 8", key: "u90052" }]
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["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "12", r: "3", key: "1v7zrd" }],
d: "M4.5 10H4a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V4a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h16a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v4a2 2 0 0 1-2 2h-.5",
key: "tn8das"
d: "M4.5 14H4a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v4a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h16a2 2 0 0 0 2-2v-4a2 2 0 0 0-2-2h-.5",
key: "1g2pve"
["path", { d: "M6 6h.01", key: "1utrut" }],
["path", { d: "M6 18h.01", key: "uhywen" }],
["path", { d: "m15.7 13.4-.9-.3", key: "1jwmzr" }],
["path", { d: "m9.2 10.9-.9-.3", key: "qapnim" }],
["path", { d: "m10.6 15.7.3-.9", key: "quwk0k" }],
["path", { d: "m13.6 15.7-.4-1", key: "cb9xp7" }],
["path", { d: "m10.8 9.3-.4-1", key: "1uaiz5" }],
["path", { d: "m8.3 13.6 1-.4", key: "s6srou" }],
["path", { d: "m14.7 10.8 1-.4", key: "4d31cq" }],
["path", { d: "m13.4 8.3-.3.9", key: "1bm987" }]
const ServerCrash = createLucideIcon("ServerCrash", [
d: "M6 10H4a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V4a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h16a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v4a2 2 0 0 1-2 2h-2",
key: "4b9dqc"
d: "M6 14H4a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v4a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h16a2 2 0 0 0 2-2v-4a2 2 0 0 0-2-2h-2",
key: "22nnkd"
["path", { d: "M6 6h.01", key: "1utrut" }],
["path", { d: "M6 18h.01", key: "uhywen" }],
["path", { d: "m13 6-4 6h6l-4 6", key: "14hqih" }]
const ServerOff = createLucideIcon("ServerOff", [
["path", { d: "M7 2h13a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v4a2 2 0 0 1-2 2h-5", key: "bt2siv" }],
["path", { d: "M10 10 2.5 2.5C2 2 2 2.5 2 5v3a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h6z", key: "1hjrv1" }],
["path", { d: "M22 17v-1a2 2 0 0 0-2-2h-1", key: "1iynyr" }],
["path", { d: "M4 14a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v4a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h16.5l1-.5.5.5-8-8H4z", key: "161ggg" }],
["path", { d: "M6 18h.01", key: "uhywen" }],
["path", { d: "m2 2 20 20", key: "1ooewy" }]
const Server = createLucideIcon("Server", [
["rect", { width: "20", height: "8", x: "2", y: "2", rx: "2", ry: "2", key: "ngkwjq" }],
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["line", { x1: "6", x2: "6.01", y1: "18", y2: "18", key: "nzw8ys" }]
const Settings2 = createLucideIcon("Settings2", [
["path", { d: "M20 7h-9", key: "3s1dr2" }],
["path", { d: "M14 17H5", key: "gfn3mx" }],
["circle", { cx: "17", cy: "17", r: "3", key: "18b49y" }],
["circle", { cx: "7", cy: "7", r: "3", key: "dfmy0x" }]
const Settings = createLucideIcon("Settings", [
d: "M12.22 2h-.44a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v.18a2 2 0 0 1-1 1.73l-.43.25a2 2 0 0 1-2 0l-.15-.08a2 2 0 0 0-2.73.73l-.22.38a2 2 0 0 0 .73 2.73l.15.1a2 2 0 0 1 1 1.72v.51a2 2 0 0 1-1 1.74l-.15.09a2 2 0 0 0-.73 2.73l.22.38a2 2 0 0 0 2.73.73l.15-.08a2 2 0 0 1 2 0l.43.25a2 2 0 0 1 1 1.73V20a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h.44a2 2 0 0 0 2-2v-.18a2 2 0 0 1 1-1.73l.43-.25a2 2 0 0 1 2 0l.15.08a2 2 0 0 0 2.73-.73l.22-.39a2 2 0 0 0-.73-2.73l-.15-.08a2 2 0 0 1-1-1.74v-.5a2 2 0 0 1 1-1.74l.15-.09a2 2 0 0 0 .73-2.73l-.22-.38a2 2 0 0 0-2.73-.73l-.15.08a2 2 0 0 1-2 0l-.43-.25a2 2 0 0 1-1-1.73V4a2 2 0 0 0-2-2z",
key: "1qme2f"
["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "12", r: "3", key: "1v7zrd" }]
const Shapes = createLucideIcon("Shapes", [
d: "M8.3 10a.7.7 0 0 1-.626-1.079L11.4 3a.7.7 0 0 1 1.198-.043L16.3 8.9a.7.7 0 0 1-.572 1.1Z",
key: "1bo67w"
["rect", { x: "3", y: "14", width: "7", height: "7", rx: "1", key: "1bkyp8" }],
["circle", { cx: "17.5", cy: "17.5", r: "3.5", key: "w3z12y" }]
const Share2 = createLucideIcon("Share2", [
["circle", { cx: "18", cy: "5", r: "3", key: "gq8acd" }],
["circle", { cx: "6", cy: "12", r: "3", key: "w7nqdw" }],
["circle", { cx: "18", cy: "19", r: "3", key: "1xt0gg" }],
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["line", { x1: "15.41", x2: "8.59", y1: "6.51", y2: "10.49", key: "1n3mei" }]
const Share = createLucideIcon("Share", [
["path", { d: "M4 12v8a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h12a2 2 0 0 0 2-2v-8", key: "1b2hhj" }],
["polyline", { points: "16 6 12 2 8 6", key: "m901s6" }],
["line", { x1: "12", x2: "12", y1: "2", y2: "15", key: "1p0rca" }]
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["rect", { width: "18", height: "18", x: "3", y: "3", rx: "2", ry: "2", key: "1m3agn" }],
["line", { x1: "3", x2: "21", y1: "9", y2: "9", key: "1vqk6q" }],
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["line", { x1: "15", x2: "15", y1: "9", y2: "21", key: "1n26ft" }]
const Shell = createLucideIcon("Shell", [
d: "M14 11a2 2 0 1 1-4 0 4 4 0 0 1 8 0 6 6 0 0 1-12 0 8 8 0 0 1 16 0 10 10 0 1 1-20 0 11.93 11.93 0 0 1 2.42-7.22 2 2 0 1 1 3.16 2.44",
key: "1cn552"
const ShieldAlert = createLucideIcon("ShieldAlert", [
d: "M20 13c0 5-3.5 7.5-7.66 8.95a1 1 0 0 1-.67-.01C7.5 20.5 4 18 4 13V6a1 1 0 0 1 1-1c2 0 4.5-1.2 6.24-2.72a1.17 1.17 0 0 1 1.52 0C14.51 3.81 17 5 19 5a1 1 0 0 1 1 1z",
key: "oel41y"
["path", { d: "M12 8v4", key: "1got3b" }],
["path", { d: "M12 16h.01", key: "1drbdi" }]
const ShieldBan = createLucideIcon("ShieldBan", [
d: "M20 13c0 5-3.5 7.5-7.66 8.95a1 1 0 0 1-.67-.01C7.5 20.5 4 18 4 13V6a1 1 0 0 1 1-1c2 0 4.5-1.2 6.24-2.72a1.17 1.17 0 0 1 1.52 0C14.51 3.81 17 5 19 5a1 1 0 0 1 1 1z",
key: "oel41y"
["path", { d: "m4.243 5.21 14.39 12.472", key: "1c9a7c" }]
const ShieldCheck = createLucideIcon("ShieldCheck", [
d: "M20 13c0 5-3.5 7.5-7.66 8.95a1 1 0 0 1-.67-.01C7.5 20.5 4 18 4 13V6a1 1 0 0 1 1-1c2 0 4.5-1.2 6.24-2.72a1.17 1.17 0 0 1 1.52 0C14.51 3.81 17 5 19 5a1 1 0 0 1 1 1z",
key: "oel41y"
["path", { d: "m9 12 2 2 4-4", key: "dzmm74" }]
const ShieldEllipsis = createLucideIcon("ShieldEllipsis", [
d: "M20 13c0 5-3.5 7.5-7.66 8.95a1 1 0 0 1-.67-.01C7.5 20.5 4 18 4 13V6a1 1 0 0 1 1-1c2 0 4.5-1.2 6.24-2.72a1.17 1.17 0 0 1 1.52 0C14.51 3.81 17 5 19 5a1 1 0 0 1 1 1z",
key: "oel41y"
["path", { d: "M8 12h.01", key: "czm47f" }],
["path", { d: "M12 12h.01", key: "1mp3jc" }],
["path", { d: "M16 12h.01", key: "1l6xoz" }]
const ShieldHalf = createLucideIcon("ShieldHalf", [
d: "M20 13c0 5-3.5 7.5-7.66 8.95a1 1 0 0 1-.67-.01C7.5 20.5 4 18 4 13V6a1 1 0 0 1 1-1c2 0 4.5-1.2 6.24-2.72a1.17 1.17 0 0 1 1.52 0C14.51 3.81 17 5 19 5a1 1 0 0 1 1 1z",
key: "oel41y"
["path", { d: "M12 22V2", key: "zs6s6o" }]
const ShieldMinus = createLucideIcon("ShieldMinus", [
d: "M20 13c0 5-3.5 7.5-7.66 8.95a1 1 0 0 1-.67-.01C7.5 20.5 4 18 4 13V6a1 1 0 0 1 1-1c2 0 4.5-1.2 6.24-2.72a1.17 1.17 0 0 1 1.52 0C14.51 3.81 17 5 19 5a1 1 0 0 1 1 1z",
key: "oel41y"
["path", { d: "M9 12h6", key: "1c52cq" }]
const ShieldOff = createLucideIcon("ShieldOff", [
["path", { d: "m2 2 20 20", key: "1ooewy" }],
d: "M5 5a1 1 0 0 0-1 1v7c0 5 3.5 7.5 7.67 8.94a1 1 0 0 0 .67.01c2.35-.82 4.48-1.97 5.9-3.71",
key: "1jlk70"
d: "M9.309 3.652A12.252 12.252 0 0 0 11.24 2.28a1.17 1.17 0 0 1 1.52 0C14.51 3.81 17 5 19 5a1 1 0 0 1 1 1v7a9.784 9.784 0 0 1-.08 1.264",
key: "18rp1v"
const ShieldPlus = createLucideIcon("ShieldPlus", [
d: "M20 13c0 5-3.5 7.5-7.66 8.95a1 1 0 0 1-.67-.01C7.5 20.5 4 18 4 13V6a1 1 0 0 1 1-1c2 0 4.5-1.2 6.24-2.72a1.17 1.17 0 0 1 1.52 0C14.51 3.81 17 5 19 5a1 1 0 0 1 1 1z",
key: "oel41y"
["path", { d: "M9 12h6", key: "1c52cq" }],
["path", { d: "M12 9v6", key: "199k2o" }]
const ShieldQuestion = createLucideIcon("ShieldQuestion", [
d: "M20 13c0 5-3.5 7.5-7.66 8.95a1 1 0 0 1-.67-.01C7.5 20.5 4 18 4 13V6a1 1 0 0 1 1-1c2 0 4.5-1.2 6.24-2.72a1.17 1.17 0 0 1 1.52 0C14.51 3.81 17 5 19 5a1 1 0 0 1 1 1z",
key: "oel41y"
["path", { d: "M9.1 9a3 3 0 0 1 5.82 1c0 2-3 3-3 3", key: "mhlwft" }],
["path", { d: "M12 17h.01", key: "p32p05" }]
const ShieldX = createLucideIcon("ShieldX", [
d: "M20 13c0 5-3.5 7.5-7.66 8.95a1 1 0 0 1-.67-.01C7.5 20.5 4 18 4 13V6a1 1 0 0 1 1-1c2 0 4.5-1.2 6.24-2.72a1.17 1.17 0 0 1 1.52 0C14.51 3.81 17 5 19 5a1 1 0 0 1 1 1z",
key: "oel41y"
["path", { d: "m14.5 9.5-5 5", key: "17q4r4" }],
["path", { d: "m9.5 9.5 5 5", key: "18nt4w" }]
const Shield = createLucideIcon("Shield", [
d: "M20 13c0 5-3.5 7.5-7.66 8.95a1 1 0 0 1-.67-.01C7.5 20.5 4 18 4 13V6a1 1 0 0 1 1-1c2 0 4.5-1.2 6.24-2.72a1.17 1.17 0 0 1 1.52 0C14.51 3.81 17 5 19 5a1 1 0 0 1 1 1z",
key: "oel41y"
const ShipWheel = createLucideIcon("ShipWheel", [
["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "12", r: "8", key: "46899m" }],
["path", { d: "M12 2v7.5", key: "1e5rl5" }],
["path", { d: "m19 5-5.23 5.23", key: "1ezxxf" }],
["path", { d: "M22 12h-7.5", key: "le1719" }],
["path", { d: "m19 19-5.23-5.23", key: "p3fmgn" }],
["path", { d: "M12 14.5V22", key: "dgcmos" }],
["path", { d: "M10.23 13.77 5 19", key: "qwopd4" }],
["path", { d: "M9.5 12H2", key: "r7bup8" }],
["path", { d: "M10.23 10.23 5 5", key: "k2y7lj" }],
["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "12", r: "2.5", key: "ix0uyj" }]
const Ship = createLucideIcon("Ship", [
["path", { d: "M12 10.189V14", key: "1p8cqu" }],
["path", { d: "M12 2v3", key: "qbqxhf" }],
["path", { d: "M19 13V7a2 2 0 0 0-2-2H7a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v6", key: "qpkstq" }],
d: "M19.38 20A11.6 11.6 0 0 0 21 14l-8.188-3.639a2 2 0 0 0-1.624 0L3 14a11.6 11.6 0 0 0 2.81 7.76",
key: "7tigtc"
d: "M2 21c.6.5 1.2 1 2.5 1 2.5 0 2.5-2 5-2 1.3 0 1.9.5 2.5 1s1.2 1 2.5 1c2.5 0 2.5-2 5-2 1.3 0 1.9.5 2.5 1",
key: "1924j5"
const Shirt = createLucideIcon("Shirt", [
d: "M20.38 3.46 16 2a4 4 0 0 1-8 0L3.62 3.46a2 2 0 0 0-1.34 2.23l.58 3.47a1 1 0 0 0 .99.84H6v10c0 1.1.9 2 2 2h8a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V10h2.15a1 1 0 0 0 .99-.84l.58-3.47a2 2 0 0 0-1.34-2.23z",
key: "1wgbhj"
const ShoppingBag = createLucideIcon("ShoppingBag", [
["path", { d: "M6 2 3 6v14a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h14a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V6l-3-4Z", key: "hou9p0" }],
["path", { d: "M3 6h18", key: "d0wm0j" }],
["path", { d: "M16 10a4 4 0 0 1-8 0", key: "1ltviw" }]
const ShoppingBasket = createLucideIcon("ShoppingBasket", [
["path", { d: "m15 11-1 9", key: "5wnq3a" }],
["path", { d: "m19 11-4-7", key: "cnml18" }],
["path", { d: "M2 11h20", key: "3eubbj" }],
["path", { d: "m3.5 11 1.6 7.4a2 2 0 0 0 2 1.6h9.8a2 2 0 0 0 2-1.6l1.7-7.4", key: "yiazzp" }],
["path", { d: "M4.5 15.5h15", key: "13mye1" }],
["path", { d: "m5 11 4-7", key: "116ra9" }],
["path", { d: "m9 11 1 9", key: "1ojof7" }]
const ShoppingCart = createLucideIcon("ShoppingCart", [
["circle", { cx: "8", cy: "21", r: "1", key: "jimo8o" }],
["circle", { cx: "19", cy: "21", r: "1", key: "13723u" }],
d: "M2.05 2.05h2l2.66 12.42a2 2 0 0 0 2 1.58h9.78a2 2 0 0 0 1.95-1.57l1.65-7.43H5.12",
key: "9zh506"
const Shovel = createLucideIcon("Shovel", [
["path", { d: "M2 22v-5l5-5 5 5-5 5z", key: "1fh25c" }],
["path", { d: "M9.5 14.5 16 8", key: "1smz5x" }],
{ d: "m17 2 5 5-.5.5a3.53 3.53 0 0 1-5 0s0 0 0 0a3.53 3.53 0 0 1 0-5L17 2", key: "1q8uv5" }
const ShowerHead = createLucideIcon("ShowerHead", [
["path", { d: "m4 4 2.5 2.5", key: "uv2vmf" }],
["path", { d: "M13.5 6.5a4.95 4.95 0 0 0-7 7", key: "frdkwv" }],
["path", { d: "M15 5 5 15", key: "1ag8rq" }],
["path", { d: "M14 17v.01", key: "eokfpp" }],
["path", { d: "M10 16v.01", key: "14uyyl" }],
["path", { d: "M13 13v.01", key: "1v1k97" }],
["path", { d: "M16 10v.01", key: "5169yg" }],
["path", { d: "M11 20v.01", key: "cj92p8" }],
["path", { d: "M17 14v.01", key: "11cswd" }],
["path", { d: "M20 11v.01", key: "19e0od" }]
const Shrink = createLucideIcon("Shrink", [
["path", { d: "m15 15 6 6m-6-6v4.8m0-4.8h4.8", key: "17vawe" }],
["path", { d: "M9 19.8V15m0 0H4.2M9 15l-6 6", key: "chjx8e" }],
["path", { d: "M15 4.2V9m0 0h4.8M15 9l6-6", key: "lav6yq" }],
["path", { d: "M9 4.2V9m0 0H4.2M9 9 3 3", key: "1pxi2q" }]
const Shrub = createLucideIcon("Shrub", [
["path", { d: "M12 22v-7l-2-2", key: "eqv9mc" }],
["path", { d: "M17 8v.8A6 6 0 0 1 13.8 20H10A6.5 6.5 0 0 1 7 8a5 5 0 0 1 10 0Z", key: "ubcgy" }],
["path", { d: "m14 14-2 2", key: "847xa2" }]
const Shuffle = createLucideIcon("Shuffle", [
["path", { d: "m18 14 4 4-4 4", key: "10pe0f" }],
["path", { d: "m18 2 4 4-4 4", key: "pucp1d" }],
["path", { d: "M2 18h1.973a4 4 0 0 0 3.3-1.7l5.454-8.6a4 4 0 0 1 3.3-1.7H22", key: "1ailkh" }],
["path", { d: "M2 6h1.972a4 4 0 0 1 3.6 2.2", key: "km57vx" }],
["path", { d: "M22 18h-6.041a4 4 0 0 1-3.3-1.8l-.359-.45", key: "os18l9" }]
const Sigma = createLucideIcon("Sigma", [
d: "M18 7V5a1 1 0 0 0-1-1H6.5a.5.5 0 0 0-.4.8l4.5 6a2 2 0 0 1 0 2.4l-4.5 6a.5.5 0 0 0 .4.8H17a1 1 0 0 0 1-1v-2",
key: "wuwx1p"
const SignalHigh = createLucideIcon("SignalHigh", [
["path", { d: "M2 20h.01", key: "4haj6o" }],
["path", { d: "M7 20v-4", key: "j294jx" }],
["path", { d: "M12 20v-8", key: "i3yub9" }],
["path", { d: "M17 20V8", key: "1tkaf5" }]
const SignalLow = createLucideIcon("SignalLow", [
["path", { d: "M2 20h.01", key: "4haj6o" }],
["path", { d: "M7 20v-4", key: "j294jx" }]
const SignalMedium = createLucideIcon("SignalMedium", [
["path", { d: "M2 20h.01", key: "4haj6o" }],
["path", { d: "M7 20v-4", key: "j294jx" }],
["path", { d: "M12 20v-8", key: "i3yub9" }]
const SignalZero = createLucideIcon("SignalZero", [["path", { d: "M2 20h.01", key: "4haj6o" }]]);
const Signal = createLucideIcon("Signal", [
["path", { d: "M2 20h.01", key: "4haj6o" }],
["path", { d: "M7 20v-4", key: "j294jx" }],
["path", { d: "M12 20v-8", key: "i3yub9" }],
["path", { d: "M17 20V8", key: "1tkaf5" }],
["path", { d: "M22 4v16", key: "sih9yq" }]
const Signature = createLucideIcon("Signature", [
d: "m21 17-2.156-1.868A.5.5 0 0 0 18 15.5v.5a1 1 0 0 1-1 1h-2a1 1 0 0 1-1-1c0-2.545-3.991-3.97-8.5-4a1 1 0 0 0 0 5c4.153 0 4.745-11.295 5.708-13.5a2.5 2.5 0 1 1 3.31 3.284",
key: "y32ogt"
["path", { d: "M3 21h18", key: "itz85i" }]
const SignpostBig = createLucideIcon("SignpostBig", [
["path", { d: "M10 9H4L2 7l2-2h6", key: "1hq7x2" }],
["path", { d: "M14 5h6l2 2-2 2h-6", key: "bv62ej" }],
["path", { d: "M10 22V4a2 2 0 1 1 4 0v18", key: "eqpcf2" }],
["path", { d: "M8 22h8", key: "rmew8v" }]
const Signpost = createLucideIcon("Signpost", [
["path", { d: "M12 13v8", key: "1l5pq0" }],
["path", { d: "M12 3v3", key: "1n5kay" }],
d: "M18 6a2 2 0 0 1 1.387.56l2.307 2.22a1 1 0 0 1 0 1.44l-2.307 2.22A2 2 0 0 1 18 13H6a2 2 0 0 1-1.387-.56l-2.306-2.22a1 1 0 0 1 0-1.44l2.306-2.22A2 2 0 0 1 6 6z",
key: "gqqp9m"
const Siren = createLucideIcon("Siren", [
["path", { d: "M7 18v-6a5 5 0 1 1 10 0v6", key: "pcx96s" }],
{ d: "M5 21a1 1 0 0 0 1 1h12a1 1 0 0 0 1-1v-1a2 2 0 0 0-2-2H7a2 2 0 0 0-2 2z", key: "1b4s83" }
["path", { d: "M21 12h1", key: "jtio3y" }],
["path", { d: "M18.5 4.5 18 5", key: "g5sp9y" }],
["path", { d: "M2 12h1", key: "1uaihz" }],
["path", { d: "M12 2v1", key: "11qlp1" }],
["path", { d: "m4.929 4.929.707.707", key: "1i51kw" }],
["path", { d: "M12 12v6", key: "3ahymv" }]
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["polygon", { points: "19 20 9 12 19 4 19 20", key: "o2sva" }],
["line", { x1: "5", x2: "5", y1: "19", y2: "5", key: "1ocqjk" }]
const SkipForward = createLucideIcon("SkipForward", [
["polygon", { points: "5 4 15 12 5 20 5 4", key: "16p6eg" }],
["line", { x1: "19", x2: "19", y1: "5", y2: "19", key: "futhcm" }]
const Skull = createLucideIcon("Skull", [
["path", { d: "m12.5 17-.5-1-.5 1h1z", key: "3me087" }],
d: "M15 22a1 1 0 0 0 1-1v-1a2 2 0 0 0 1.56-3.25 8 8 0 1 0-11.12 0A2 2 0 0 0 8 20v1a1 1 0 0 0 1 1z",
key: "1o5pge"
["circle", { cx: "15", cy: "12", r: "1", key: "1tmaij" }],
["circle", { cx: "9", cy: "12", r: "1", key: "1vctgf" }]
const Slack = createLucideIcon("Slack", [
["rect", { width: "3", height: "8", x: "13", y: "2", rx: "1.5", key: "diqz80" }],
["path", { d: "M19 8.5V10h1.5A1.5 1.5 0 1 0 19 8.5", key: "183iwg" }],
["rect", { width: "3", height: "8", x: "8", y: "14", rx: "1.5", key: "hqg7r1" }],
["path", { d: "M5 15.5V14H3.5A1.5 1.5 0 1 0 5 15.5", key: "76g71w" }],
["rect", { width: "8", height: "3", x: "14", y: "13", rx: "1.5", key: "1kmz0a" }],
["path", { d: "M15.5 19H14v1.5a1.5 1.5 0 1 0 1.5-1.5", key: "jc4sz0" }],
["rect", { width: "8", height: "3", x: "2", y: "8", rx: "1.5", key: "1omvl4" }],
["path", { d: "M8.5 5H10V3.5A1.5 1.5 0 1 0 8.5 5", key: "16f3cl" }]
const Slash = createLucideIcon("Slash", [["path", { d: "M22 2 2 22", key: "y4kqgn" }]]);
const Slice = createLucideIcon("Slice", [
d: "M11 16.586V19a1 1 0 0 1-1 1H2L18.37 3.63a1 1 0 1 1 3 3l-9.663 9.663a1 1 0 0 1-1.414 0L8 14",
key: "1sllp5"
const SlidersHorizontal = createLucideIcon("SlidersHorizontal", [
["line", { x1: "21", x2: "14", y1: "4", y2: "4", key: "obuewd" }],
["line", { x1: "10", x2: "3", y1: "4", y2: "4", key: "1q6298" }],
["line", { x1: "21", x2: "12", y1: "12", y2: "12", key: "1iu8h1" }],
["line", { x1: "8", x2: "3", y1: "12", y2: "12", key: "ntss68" }],
["line", { x1: "21", x2: "16", y1: "20", y2: "20", key: "14d8ph" }],
["line", { x1: "12", x2: "3", y1: "20", y2: "20", key: "m0wm8r" }],
["line", { x1: "14", x2: "14", y1: "2", y2: "6", key: "14e1ph" }],
["line", { x1: "8", x2: "8", y1: "10", y2: "14", key: "1i6ji0" }],
["line", { x1: "16", x2: "16", y1: "18", y2: "22", key: "1lctlv" }]
const SlidersVertical = createLucideIcon("SlidersVertical", [
["line", { x1: "4", x2: "4", y1: "21", y2: "14", key: "1p332r" }],
["line", { x1: "4", x2: "4", y1: "10", y2: "3", key: "gb41h5" }],
["line", { x1: "12", x2: "12", y1: "21", y2: "12", key: "hf2csr" }],
["line", { x1: "12", x2: "12", y1: "8", y2: "3", key: "1kfi7u" }],
["line", { x1: "20", x2: "20", y1: "21", y2: "16", key: "1lhrwl" }],
["line", { x1: "20", x2: "20", y1: "12", y2: "3", key: "16vvfq" }],
["line", { x1: "2", x2: "6", y1: "14", y2: "14", key: "1uebub" }],
["line", { x1: "10", x2: "14", y1: "8", y2: "8", key: "1yglbp" }],
["line", { x1: "18", x2: "22", y1: "16", y2: "16", key: "1jxqpz" }]
const SmartphoneCharging = createLucideIcon("SmartphoneCharging", [
["rect", { width: "14", height: "20", x: "5", y: "2", rx: "2", ry: "2", key: "1yt0o3" }],
["path", { d: "M12.667 8 10 12h4l-2.667 4", key: "h9lk2d" }]
const SmartphoneNfc = createLucideIcon("SmartphoneNfc", [
["rect", { width: "7", height: "12", x: "2", y: "6", rx: "1", key: "5nje8w" }],
["path", { d: "M13 8.32a7.43 7.43 0 0 1 0 7.36", key: "1g306n" }],
["path", { d: "M16.46 6.21a11.76 11.76 0 0 1 0 11.58", key: "uqvjvo" }],
["path", { d: "M19.91 4.1a15.91 15.91 0 0 1 .01 15.8", key: "ujntz3" }]
const Smartphone = createLucideIcon("Smartphone", [
["rect", { width: "14", height: "20", x: "5", y: "2", rx: "2", ry: "2", key: "1yt0o3" }],
["path", { d: "M12 18h.01", key: "mhygvu" }]
const SmilePlus = createLucideIcon("SmilePlus", [
["path", { d: "M22 11v1a10 10 0 1 1-9-10", key: "ew0xw9" }],
["path", { d: "M8 14s1.5 2 4 2 4-2 4-2", key: "1y1vjs" }],
["line", { x1: "9", x2: "9.01", y1: "9", y2: "9", key: "yxxnd0" }],
["line", { x1: "15", x2: "15.01", y1: "9", y2: "9", key: "1p4y9e" }],
["path", { d: "M16 5h6", key: "1vod17" }],
["path", { d: "M19 2v6", key: "4bpg5p" }]
const Smile = createLucideIcon("Smile", [
["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "12", r: "10", key: "1mglay" }],
["path", { d: "M8 14s1.5 2 4 2 4-2 4-2", key: "1y1vjs" }],
["line", { x1: "9", x2: "9.01", y1: "9", y2: "9", key: "yxxnd0" }],
["line", { x1: "15", x2: "15.01", y1: "9", y2: "9", key: "1p4y9e" }]
const Snail = createLucideIcon("Snail", [
["path", { d: "M2 13a6 6 0 1 0 12 0 4 4 0 1 0-8 0 2 2 0 0 0 4 0", key: "hneq2s" }],
["circle", { cx: "10", cy: "13", r: "8", key: "194lz3" }],
["path", { d: "M2 21h12c4.4 0 8-3.6 8-8V7a2 2 0 1 0-4 0v6", key: "ixqyt7" }],
["path", { d: "M18 3 19.1 5.2", key: "9tjm43" }],
["path", { d: "M22 3 20.9 5.2", key: "j3odrs" }]
const Snowflake = createLucideIcon("Snowflake", [
["path", { d: "m10 20-1.25-2.5L6 18", key: "18frcb" }],
["path", { d: "M10 4 8.75 6.5 6 6", key: "7mghy3" }],
["path", { d: "m14 20 1.25-2.5L18 18", key: "1chtki" }],
["path", { d: "m14 4 1.25 2.5L18 6", key: "1b4wsy" }],
["path", { d: "m17 21-3-6h-4", key: "15hhxa" }],
["path", { d: "m17 3-3 6 1.5 3", key: "11697g" }],
["path", { d: "M2 12h6.5L10 9", key: "kv9z4n" }],
["path", { d: "m20 10-1.5 2 1.5 2", key: "1swlpi" }],
["path", { d: "M22 12h-6.5L14 15", key: "1mxi28" }],
["path", { d: "m4 10 1.5 2L4 14", key: "k9enpj" }],
["path", { d: "m7 21 3-6-1.5-3", key: "j8hb9u" }],
["path", { d: "m7 3 3 6h4", key: "1otusx" }]
const Sofa = createLucideIcon("Sofa", [
["path", { d: "M20 9V6a2 2 0 0 0-2-2H6a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v3", key: "1dgpiv" }],
d: "M2 16a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h16a2 2 0 0 0 2-2v-5a2 2 0 0 0-4 0v1.5a.5.5 0 0 1-.5.5h-11a.5.5 0 0 1-.5-.5V11a2 2 0 0 0-4 0z",
key: "xacw8m"
["path", { d: "M4 18v2", key: "jwo5n2" }],
["path", { d: "M20 18v2", key: "1ar1qi" }],
["path", { d: "M12 4v9", key: "oqhhn3" }]
const Soup = createLucideIcon("Soup", [
["path", { d: "M12 21a9 9 0 0 0 9-9H3a9 9 0 0 0 9 9Z", key: "4rw317" }],
["path", { d: "M7 21h10", key: "1b0cd5" }],
["path", { d: "M19.5 12 22 6", key: "shfsr5" }],
d: "M16.25 3c. 1.36-.06.83-.93 1.2-1 2.02-.05.78.34 1.24.73 1.62",
key: "rpc6vp"
d: "M11.25 3c. 1.36-.05.83-.93 1.2-.98 2.02-.06.78.33 1.24.72 1.62",
key: "1lf63m"
{ d: "M6.25 3c. 1.36-.06.83-.93 1.2-1 2.02-.05.78.34 1.24.74 1.62", key: "97tijn" }
const Space = createLucideIcon("Space", [
["path", { d: "M22 17v1c0 .5-.5 1-1 1H3c-.5 0-1-.5-1-1v-1", key: "lt2kga" }]
const Spade = createLucideIcon("Spade", [
d: "M5 9c-1.5 1.5-3 3.2-3 5.5A5.5 5.5 0 0 0 7.5 20c1.8 0 3-.5 4.5-2 1.5 1.5 2.7 2 4.5 2a5.5 5.5 0 0 0 5.5-5.5c0-2.3-1.5-4-3-5.5l-7-7-7 7Z",
key: "40bo9n"
["path", { d: "M12 18v4", key: "jadmvz" }]
const Sparkle = createLucideIcon("Sparkle", [
d: "M9.937 15.5A2 2 0 0 0 8.5 14.063l-6.135-1.582a.5.5 0 0 1 0-.962L8.5 9.936A2 2 0 0 0 9.937 8.5l1.582-6.135a.5.5 0 0 1 .963 0L14.063 8.5A2 2 0 0 0 15.5 9.937l6.135 1.581a.5.5 0 0 1 0 .964L15.5 14.063a2 2 0 0 0-1.437 1.437l-1.582 6.135a.5.5 0 0 1-.963 0z",
key: "4pj2yx"
const Sparkles = createLucideIcon("Sparkles", [
d: "M9.937 15.5A2 2 0 0 0 8.5 14.063l-6.135-1.582a.5.5 0 0 1 0-.962L8.5 9.936A2 2 0 0 0 9.937 8.5l1.582-6.135a.5.5 0 0 1 .963 0L14.063 8.5A2 2 0 0 0 15.5 9.937l6.135 1.581a.5.5 0 0 1 0 .964L15.5 14.063a2 2 0 0 0-1.437 1.437l-1.582 6.135a.5.5 0 0 1-.963 0z",
key: "4pj2yx"
["path", { d: "M20 3v4", key: "1olli1" }],
["path", { d: "M22 5h-4", key: "1gvqau" }],
["path", { d: "M4 17v2", key: "vumght" }],
["path", { d: "M5 18H3", key: "zchphs" }]
const Speaker = createLucideIcon("Speaker", [
["rect", { width: "16", height: "20", x: "4", y: "2", rx: "2", key: "1nb95v" }],
["path", { d: "M12 6h.01", key: "1vi96p" }],
["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "14", r: "4", key: "1jruaj" }],
["path", { d: "M12 14h.01", key: "1etili" }]
const Speech = createLucideIcon("Speech", [
d: "M8.8 20v-4.1l1.9.2a2.3 2.3 0 0 0 2.164-2.1V8.3A5.37 5.37 0 0 0 2 8.25c0 2.8.656 3.054 1 4.55a5.77 5.77 0 0 1 .029 2.758L2 20",
key: "11atix"
["path", { d: "M19.8 17.8a7.5 7.5 0 0 0 .003-10.603", key: "yol142" }],
["path", { d: "M17 15a3.5 3.5 0 0 0-.025-4.975", key: "ssbmkc" }]
const SpellCheck2 = createLucideIcon("SpellCheck2", [
["path", { d: "m6 16 6-12 6 12", key: "1b4byz" }],
["path", { d: "M8 12h8", key: "1wcyev" }],
d: "M4 21c1.1 0 1.1-1 2.3-1s1.1 1 2.3 1c1.1 0 1.1-1 2.3-1 1.1 0 1.1 1 2.3 1 1.1 0 1.1-1 2.3-1 1.1 0 1.1 1 2.3 1 1.1 0 1.1-1 2.3-1",
key: "8mdmtu"
const SpellCheck = createLucideIcon("SpellCheck", [
["path", { d: "m6 16 6-12 6 12", key: "1b4byz" }],
["path", { d: "M8 12h8", key: "1wcyev" }],
["path", { d: "m16 20 2 2 4-4", key: "13tcca" }]
const Spline = createLucideIcon("Spline", [
["circle", { cx: "19", cy: "5", r: "2", key: "mhkx31" }],
["circle", { cx: "5", cy: "19", r: "2", key: "v8kfzx" }],
["path", { d: "M5 17A12 12 0 0 1 17 5", key: "1okkup" }]
const Split = createLucideIcon("Split", [
["path", { d: "M16 3h5v5", key: "1806ms" }],
["path", { d: "M8 3H3v5", key: "15dfkv" }],
["path", { d: "M12 22v-8.3a4 4 0 0 0-1.172-2.872L3 3", key: "1qrqzj" }],
["path", { d: "m15 9 6-6", key: "ko1vev" }]
const SprayCan = createLucideIcon("SprayCan", [
["path", { d: "M3 3h.01", key: "159qn6" }],
["path", { d: "M7 5h.01", key: "1hq22a" }],
["path", { d: "M11 7h.01", key: "1osv80" }],
["path", { d: "M3 7h.01", key: "1xzrh3" }],
["path", { d: "M7 9h.01", key: "19b3jx" }],
["path", { d: "M3 11h.01", key: "1eifu7" }],
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["path", { d: "m19 9 2 2v10c0 .6-.4 1-1 1h-6c-.6 0-1-.4-1-1V11l2-2", key: "aib6hk" }],
["path", { d: "m13 14 8-2", key: "1d7bmk" }],
["path", { d: "m13 19 8-2", key: "1y2vml" }]
const Sprout = createLucideIcon("Sprout", [
["path", { d: "M7 20h10", key: "e6iznv" }],
["path", { d: "M10 20c5.5-2.5.8-6.4 3-10", key: "161w41" }],
d: "M9.5 9.4c1.1.8 1.8 2.2 2.3 3.7-2 .4-3.5.4-4.8-.3-1.2-.6-2.3-1.9-3-4.2 2.8-.5 4.4 0 5.5.8z",
key: "9gtqwd"
d: "M14.1 6a7 7 0 0 0-1.1 4c1.9-.1 3.3-.6 4.3-1.4 1-1 1.6-2.3 1.7-4.6-2.7.1-4 1-4.9 2z",
key: "bkxnd2"
const SquareActivity = createLucideIcon("SquareActivity", [
["rect", { width: "18", height: "18", x: "3", y: "3", rx: "2", key: "afitv7" }],
["path", { d: "M17 12h-2l-2 5-2-10-2 5H7", key: "15hlnc" }]
const SquareArrowDownLeft = createLucideIcon("SquareArrowDownLeft", [
["rect", { width: "18", height: "18", x: "3", y: "3", rx: "2", key: "afitv7" }],
["path", { d: "m16 8-8 8", key: "166keh" }],
["path", { d: "M16 16H8V8", key: "1w2ppm" }]
const SquareArrowDownRight = createLucideIcon("SquareArrowDownRight", [
["rect", { width: "18", height: "18", x: "3", y: "3", rx: "2", key: "afitv7" }],
["path", { d: "m8 8 8 8", key: "1imecy" }],
["path", { d: "M16 8v8H8", key: "1lbpgo" }]
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["path", { d: "M8 12h8", key: "1wcyev" }]
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key: "xwnzip"
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key: "ohrbg2"
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["path", { d: "M4 10c-1.1 0-2-.9-2-2V4c0-1.1.9-2 2-2h4c1.1 0 2 .9 2 2", key: "4i38lg" }],
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["path", { d: "M12 3c7.2 0 9 1.8 9 9s-1.8 9-9 9-9-1.8-9-9 1.8-9 9-9", key: "garfkc" }]
const Squirrel = createLucideIcon("Squirrel", [
["path", { d: "M15.236 22a3 3 0 0 0-2.2-5", key: "21bitc" }],
["path", { d: "M16 20a3 3 0 0 1 3-3h1a2 2 0 0 0 2-2v-2a4 4 0 0 0-4-4V4", key: "oh0fg0" }],
["path", { d: "M18 13h.01", key: "9veqaj" }],
d: "M18 6a4 4 0 0 0-4 4 7 7 0 0 0-7 7c0-5 4-5 4-10.5a4.5 4.5 0 1 0-9 0 2.5 2.5 0 0 0 5 0C7 10 3 11 3 17c0 2.8 2.2 5 5 5h10",
key: "980v8a"
const Stamp = createLucideIcon("Stamp", [
["path", { d: "M5 22h14", key: "ehvnwv" }],
d: "M19.27 13.73A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 17.5 13h-11A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 4 15.5V17a1 1 0 0 0 1 1h14a1 1 0 0 0 1-1v-1.5c0-.66-.26-1.3-.73-1.77Z",
key: "1sy9ra"
{ d: "M14 13V8.5C14 7 15 7 15 5a3 3 0 0 0-3-3c-1.66 0-3 1-3 3s1 2 1 3.5V13", key: "cnxgux" }
const StarHalf = createLucideIcon("StarHalf", [
d: "M12 18.338a2.1 2.1 0 0 0-.987.244L6.396 21.01a.53.53 0 0 1-.77-.56l.881-5.139a2.12 2.12 0 0 0-.611-1.879L2.16 9.795a.53.53 0 0 1 .294-.906l5.165-.755a2.12 2.12 0 0 0 1.597-1.16l2.309-4.679A.53.53 0 0 1 12 2",
key: "2ksp49"
const StarOff = createLucideIcon("StarOff", [
["path", { d: "M8.34 8.34 2 9.27l5 4.87L5.82 21 12 17.77 18.18 21l-.59-3.43", key: "16m0ql" }],
["path", { d: "M18.42 12.76 22 9.27l-6.91-1L12 2l-1.44 2.91", key: "1vt8nq" }],
["line", { x1: "2", x2: "22", y1: "2", y2: "22", key: "a6p6uj" }]
const Star = createLucideIcon("Star", [
d: "M11.525 2.295a.53.53 0 0 1 .95 0l2.31 4.679a2.123 2.123 0 0 0 1.595 1.16l5.166.756a.53.53 0 0 1 .294.904l-3.736 3.638a2.123 2.123 0 0 0-.611 1.878l.882 5.14a.53.53 0 0 1-.771.56l-4.618-2.428a2.122 2.122 0 0 0-1.973 0L6.396 21.01a.53.53 0 0 1-.77-.56l.881-5.139a2.122 2.122 0 0 0-.611-1.879L2.16 9.795a.53.53 0 0 1 .294-.906l5.165-.755a2.122 2.122 0 0 0 1.597-1.16z",
key: "r04s7s"
const StepBack = createLucideIcon("StepBack", [
["line", { x1: "18", x2: "18", y1: "20", y2: "4", key: "cun8e5" }],
["polygon", { points: "14,20 4,12 14,4", key: "ypakod" }]
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["line", { x1: "6", x2: "6", y1: "4", y2: "20", key: "fy8qot" }],
["polygon", { points: "10,4 20,12 10,20", key: "1mc1pf" }]
const Stethoscope = createLucideIcon("Stethoscope", [
["path", { d: "M11 2v2", key: "1539x4" }],
["path", { d: "M5 2v2", key: "1yf1q8" }],
["path", { d: "M5 3H4a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v4a6 6 0 0 0 12 0V5a2 2 0 0 0-2-2h-1", key: "rb5t3r" }],
["path", { d: "M8 15a6 6 0 0 0 12 0v-3", key: "x18d4x" }],
["circle", { cx: "20", cy: "10", r: "2", key: "ts1r5v" }]
const Sticker = createLucideIcon("Sticker", [
{ d: "M15.5 3H5a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v14c0 1.1.9 2 2 2h14a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V8.5L15.5 3Z", key: "1wis1t" }
["path", { d: "M14 3v4a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h4", key: "36rjfy" }],
["path", { d: "M8 13h.01", key: "1sbv64" }],
["path", { d: "M16 13h.01", key: "wip0gl" }],
["path", { d: "M10 16s.8 1 2 1c1.3 0 2-1 2-1", key: "1vvgv3" }]
const StickyNote = createLucideIcon("StickyNote", [
["path", { d: "M16 3H5a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v14a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h14a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V8Z", key: "qazsjp" }],
["path", { d: "M15 3v4a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h4", key: "40519r" }]
const Store = createLucideIcon("Store", [
["path", { d: "m2 7 4.41-4.41A2 2 0 0 1 7.83 2h8.34a2 2 0 0 1 1.42.59L22 7", key: "ztvudi" }],
["path", { d: "M4 12v8a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h12a2 2 0 0 0 2-2v-8", key: "1b2hhj" }],
["path", { d: "M15 22v-4a2 2 0 0 0-2-2h-2a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v4", key: "2ebpfo" }],
["path", { d: "M2 7h20", key: "1fcdvo" }],
d: "M22 7v3a2 2 0 0 1-2 2a2.7 2.7 0 0 1-1.59-.63.7.7 0 0 0-.82 0A2.7 2.7 0 0 1 16 12a2.7 2.7 0 0 1-1.59-.63.7.7 0 0 0-.82 0A2.7 2.7 0 0 1 12 12a2.7 2.7 0 0 1-1.59-.63.7.7 0 0 0-.82 0A2.7 2.7 0 0 1 8 12a2.7 2.7 0 0 1-1.59-.63.7.7 0 0 0-.82 0A2.7 2.7 0 0 1 4 12a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V7",
key: "6c3vgh"
const StretchHorizontal = createLucideIcon("StretchHorizontal", [
["rect", { width: "20", height: "6", x: "2", y: "4", rx: "2", key: "qdearl" }],
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["path", { d: "M16 4H9a3 3 0 0 0-2.83 4", key: "43sutm" }],
["path", { d: "M14 12a4 4 0 0 1 0 8H6", key: "nlfj13" }],
["line", { x1: "4", x2: "20", y1: "12", y2: "12", key: "1e0a9i" }]
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["path", { d: "m4 5 8 8", key: "1eunvl" }],
["path", { d: "m12 5-8 8", key: "1ah0jp" }],
d: "M20 19h-4c0-1.5.44-2 1.5-2.5S20 15.33 20 14c0-.47-.17-.93-.48-1.29a2.11 2.11 0 0 0-2.62-.44c-.42.24-.74.62-.9 1.07",
key: "e8ta8j"
const SunDim = createLucideIcon("SunDim", [
["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "12", r: "4", key: "4exip2" }],
["path", { d: "M12 4h.01", key: "1ujb9j" }],
["path", { d: "M20 12h.01", key: "1ykeid" }],
["path", { d: "M12 20h.01", key: "zekei9" }],
["path", { d: "M4 12h.01", key: "158zrr" }],
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["path", { d: "M6.343 17.657h.01", key: "gdk6ow" }],
["path", { d: "M6.343 6.343h.01", key: "1uurf0" }]
const SunMedium = createLucideIcon("SunMedium", [
["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "12", r: "4", key: "4exip2" }],
["path", { d: "M12 3v1", key: "1asbbs" }],
["path", { d: "M12 20v1", key: "1wcdkc" }],
["path", { d: "M3 12h1", key: "lp3yf2" }],
["path", { d: "M20 12h1", key: "1vloll" }],
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["path", { d: "m5.636 5.636.707.707", key: "1xv1c5" }],
["path", { d: "m17.657 17.657.707.707", key: "vl76zb" }]
const SunMoon = createLucideIcon("SunMoon", [
["path", { d: "M12 8a2.83 2.83 0 0 0 4 4 4 4 0 1 1-4-4", key: "1fu5g2" }],
["path", { d: "M12 2v2", key: "tus03m" }],
["path", { d: "M12 20v2", key: "1lh1kg" }],
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["path", { d: "M2 12h2", key: "1t8f8n" }],
["path", { d: "M20 12h2", key: "1q8mjw" }],
["path", { d: "m6.3 17.7-1.4 1.4", key: "5gca6" }],
["path", { d: "m19.1 4.9-1.4 1.4", key: "wpu9u6" }]
const SunSnow = createLucideIcon("SunSnow", [
["path", { d: "M10 21v-1", key: "1u8rkd" }],
["path", { d: "M10 4V3", key: "pkzwkn" }],
["path", { d: "M10 9a3 3 0 0 0 0 6", key: "gv75dk" }],
["path", { d: "m14 20 1.25-2.5L18 18", key: "1chtki" }],
["path", { d: "m14 4 1.25 2.5L18 6", key: "1b4wsy" }],
["path", { d: "m17 21-3-6 1.5-3H22", key: "o5qa3v" }],
["path", { d: "m17 3-3 6 1.5 3", key: "11697g" }],
["path", { d: "M2 12h1", key: "1uaihz" }],
["path", { d: "m20 10-1.5 2 1.5 2", key: "1swlpi" }],
["path", { d: "m3.64 18.36.7-.7", key: "105rm9" }],
["path", { d: "m4.34 6.34-.7-.7", key: "d3unjp" }]
const Sun = createLucideIcon("Sun", [
["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "12", r: "4", key: "4exip2" }],
["path", { d: "M12 2v2", key: "tus03m" }],
["path", { d: "M12 20v2", key: "1lh1kg" }],
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["path", { d: "m17.66 17.66 1.41 1.41", key: "ptbguv" }],
["path", { d: "M2 12h2", key: "1t8f8n" }],
["path", { d: "M20 12h2", key: "1q8mjw" }],
["path", { d: "m6.34 17.66-1.41 1.41", key: "1m8zz5" }],
["path", { d: "m19.07 4.93-1.41 1.41", key: "1shlcs" }]
const Sunrise = createLucideIcon("Sunrise", [
["path", { d: "M12 2v8", key: "1q4o3n" }],
["path", { d: "m4.93 10.93 1.41 1.41", key: "2a7f42" }],
["path", { d: "M2 18h2", key: "j10viu" }],
["path", { d: "M20 18h2", key: "wocana" }],
["path", { d: "m19.07 10.93-1.41 1.41", key: "15zs5n" }],
["path", { d: "M22 22H2", key: "19qnx5" }],
["path", { d: "m8 6 4-4 4 4", key: "ybng9g" }],
["path", { d: "M16 18a4 4 0 0 0-8 0", key: "1lzouq" }]
const Sunset = createLucideIcon("Sunset", [
["path", { d: "M12 10V2", key: "16sf7g" }],
["path", { d: "m4.93 10.93 1.41 1.41", key: "2a7f42" }],
["path", { d: "M2 18h2", key: "j10viu" }],
["path", { d: "M20 18h2", key: "wocana" }],
["path", { d: "m19.07 10.93-1.41 1.41", key: "15zs5n" }],
["path", { d: "M22 22H2", key: "19qnx5" }],
["path", { d: "m16 6-4 4-4-4", key: "6wukr" }],
["path", { d: "M16 18a4 4 0 0 0-8 0", key: "1lzouq" }]
const Superscript = createLucideIcon("Superscript", [
["path", { d: "m4 19 8-8", key: "hr47gm" }],
["path", { d: "m12 19-8-8", key: "1dhhmo" }],
d: "M20 12h-4c0-1.5.442-2 1.5-2.5S20 8.334 20 7.002c0-.472-.17-.93-.484-1.29a2.105 2.105 0 0 0-2.617-.436c-.42.239-.738.614-.899 1.06",
key: "1dfcux"
const SwatchBook = createLucideIcon("SwatchBook", [
["path", { d: "M11 17a4 4 0 0 1-8 0V5a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h4a2 2 0 0 1 2 2Z", key: "1ldrpk" }],
["path", { d: "M16.7 13H19a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v4a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H7", key: "11i5po" }],
["path", { d: "M 7 17h.01", key: "1euzgo" }],
d: "m11 8 2.3-2.3a2.4 2.4 0 0 1 3.404.004L18.6 7.6a2.4 2.4 0 0 1 .026 3.434L9.9 19.8",
key: "o2gii7"
const SwissFranc = createLucideIcon("SwissFranc", [
["path", { d: "M10 21V3h8", key: "br2l0g" }],
["path", { d: "M6 16h9", key: "2py0wn" }],
["path", { d: "M10 9.5h7", key: "13dmhz" }]
const SwitchCamera = createLucideIcon("SwitchCamera", [
["path", { d: "M11 19H4a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V7a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h5", key: "mtk2lu" }],
["path", { d: "M13 5h7a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v10a2 2 0 0 1-2 2h-5", key: "120jsl" }],
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["path", { d: "m18 22-3-3 3-3", key: "kgdoj7" }],
["path", { d: "m6 2 3 3-3 3", key: "1fnbkv" }]
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["polyline", { points: "14.5 17.5 3 6 3 3 6 3 17.5 14.5", key: "1hfsw2" }],
["line", { x1: "13", x2: "19", y1: "19", y2: "13", key: "1vrmhu" }],
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["line", { x1: "19", x2: "21", y1: "21", y2: "19", key: "13pww6" }]
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["polyline", { points: "14.5 17.5 3 6 3 3 6 3 17.5 14.5", key: "1hfsw2" }],
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["path", { d: "m18 2 4 4", key: "22kx64" }],
["path", { d: "m17 7 3-3", key: "1w1zoj" }],
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["path", { d: "m9 11 4 4", key: "rovt3i" }],
["path", { d: "m5 19-3 3", key: "59f2uf" }],
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d: "M9 3H5a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v4m6-6h10a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v4M9 3v18m0 0h10a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V9M9 21H5a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V9m0 0h18",
key: "gugj83"
const TableCellsMerge = createLucideIcon("TableCellsMerge", [
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["path", { d: "M12 9V3", key: "da5inc" }],
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["path", { d: "M3 9h18", key: "1pudct" }],
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["path", { d: "M14 14v2", key: "w2a1xv" }],
["path", { d: "M14 20v2", key: "1lq872" }],
["path", { d: "M14 2v2", key: "6buw04" }],
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["path", { d: "M2 9h8", key: "yelfik" }],
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["path", { d: "M22 9h-4", key: "1luja7" }],
["path", { d: "M5 3v18", key: "14hmio" }]
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["path", { d: "M16 18H3", key: "12xzn7" }],
["path", { d: "M16 6H3", key: "1wxfjs" }],
["path", { d: "M21 12h.01", key: "msek7k" }],
["path", { d: "M21 18h.01", key: "1e8rq1" }],
["path", { d: "M21 6h.01", key: "1koanj" }]
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["path", { d: "M9 2v4", key: "j1yeou" }]
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["path", { d: "M12 3v18", key: "108xh3" }],
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const TabletSmartphone = createLucideIcon("TabletSmartphone", [
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["path", { d: "M8 18h.01", key: "lrp35t" }]
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["path", { d: "M12 17h10", key: "ls21zv" }],
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key: "vktsd0"
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const Tags = createLucideIcon("Tags", [
["path", { d: "m15 5 6.3 6.3a2.4 2.4 0 0 1 0 3.4L17 19", key: "1cbfv1" }],
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key: "135mg7"
["circle", { cx: "6.5", cy: "9.5", r: ".5", fill: "currentColor", key: "5pm5xn" }]
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["path", { d: "M4 4v16", key: "6qkkli" }],
["path", { d: "M9 4v16", key: "81ygyz" }]
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["path", { d: "M4 4v16", key: "6qkkli" }],
["path", { d: "M9 4v16", key: "81ygyz" }],
["path", { d: "M14 4v16", key: "12vmem" }]
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["path", { d: "M4 4v16", key: "6qkkli" }],
["path", { d: "M9 4v16", key: "81ygyz" }],
["path", { d: "M14 4v16", key: "12vmem" }],
["path", { d: "M19 4v16", key: "8ij5ei" }]
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["path", { d: "M4 4v16", key: "6qkkli" }],
["path", { d: "M9 4v16", key: "81ygyz" }],
["path", { d: "M14 4v16", key: "12vmem" }],
["path", { d: "M19 4v16", key: "8ij5ei" }],
["path", { d: "M22 6 2 18", key: "h9moai" }]
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["circle", { cx: "17", cy: "4", r: "2", key: "y5j2s2" }],
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["path", { d: "M12 22s-4-9-1.5-11.5S22 12 22 12", key: "1twk4o" }]
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["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "12", r: "10", key: "1mglay" }],
["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "12", r: "6", key: "1vlfrh" }],
["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "12", r: "2", key: "1c9p78" }]
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d: "m10.065 12.493-6.18 1.318a.934.934 0 0 1-1.108-.702l-.537-2.15a1.07 1.07 0 0 1 .691-1.265l13.504-4.44",
key: "k4qptu"
["path", { d: "m13.56 11.747 4.332-.924", key: "19l80z" }],
["path", { d: "m16 21-3.105-6.21", key: "7oh9d" }],
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key: "m7xp4m"
["path", { d: "m6.158 8.633 1.114 4.456", key: "74o979" }],
["path", { d: "m8 21 3.105-6.21", key: "1fvxut" }],
["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "13", r: "2", key: "1c1ljs" }]
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["circle", { cx: "4", cy: "4", r: "2", key: "bt5ra8" }],
["path", { d: "m14 5 3-3 3 3", key: "1sorif" }],
["path", { d: "m14 10 3-3 3 3", key: "1jyi9h" }],
["path", { d: "M17 14V2", key: "8ymqnk" }],
["path", { d: "M17 14H7l-5 8h20Z", key: "13ar7p" }],
["path", { d: "M8 14v8", key: "1ghmqk" }],
["path", { d: "m9 14 5 8", key: "13pgi6" }]
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["path", { d: "M3.5 21 14 3", key: "1szst5" }],
["path", { d: "M20.5 21 10 3", key: "1310c3" }],
["path", { d: "M15.5 21 12 15l-3.5 6", key: "1ddtfw" }],
["path", { d: "M2 21h20", key: "1nyx9w" }]
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["polyline", { points: "4 17 10 11 4 5", key: "akl6gq" }],
["line", { x1: "12", x2: "20", y1: "19", y2: "19", key: "q2wloq" }]
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{ d: "M21 7 6.82 21.18a2.83 2.83 0 0 1-3.99-.01a2.83 2.83 0 0 1 0-4L17 3", key: "1ub6xw" }
["path", { d: "m16 2 6 6", key: "1gw87d" }],
["path", { d: "M12 16H4", key: "1cjfip" }]
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["path", { d: "M14.5 2v17.5c0 1.4-1.1 2.5-2.5 2.5c-1.4 0-2.5-1.1-2.5-2.5V2", key: "125lnx" }],
["path", { d: "M8.5 2h7", key: "csnxdl" }],
["path", { d: "M14.5 16h-5", key: "1ox875" }]
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["path", { d: "M9 2v17.5A2.5 2.5 0 0 1 6.5 22A2.5 2.5 0 0 1 4 19.5V2", key: "1hjrqt" }],
["path", { d: "M20 2v17.5a2.5 2.5 0 0 1-2.5 2.5a2.5 2.5 0 0 1-2.5-2.5V2", key: "16lc8n" }],
["path", { d: "M3 2h7", key: "7s29d5" }],
["path", { d: "M14 2h7", key: "7sicin" }],
["path", { d: "M9 16H4", key: "1bfye3" }],
["path", { d: "M20 16h-5", key: "ddnjpe" }]
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["path", { d: "M5 4h1a3 3 0 0 1 3 3 3 3 0 0 1 3-3h1", key: "18xjzo" }],
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["path", { d: "M5 16H4a2 2 0 0 1-2-2v-4a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h1", key: "1n9rhb" }],
["path", { d: "M13 8h7a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v4a2 2 0 0 1-2 2h-7", key: "13ksps" }],
["path", { d: "M9 7v10", key: "1vc8ob" }]
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["path", { d: "M17 22h-1a4 4 0 0 1-4-4V6a4 4 0 0 1 4-4h1", key: "uvaxm9" }],
["path", { d: "M7 22h1a4 4 0 0 0 4-4v-1", key: "11xy8d" }],
["path", { d: "M7 2h1a4 4 0 0 1 4 4v1", key: "1uw06m" }]
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["path", { d: "M17 6H3", key: "16j9eg" }],
["path", { d: "M21 12H8", key: "scolzb" }],
["path", { d: "M21 18H8", key: "1wfozv" }],
["path", { d: "M3 12v6", key: "fv4c87" }]
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["path", { d: "M21 6H3", key: "1jwq7v" }],
["path", { d: "M10 12H3", key: "1ulcyk" }],
["path", { d: "M10 18H3", key: "13769t" }],
["circle", { cx: "17", cy: "15", r: "3", key: "1upz2a" }],
["path", { d: "m21 19-1.9-1.9", key: "dwi7p8" }]
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["path", { d: "M5 3a2 2 0 0 0-2 2", key: "y57alp" }],
["path", { d: "M19 3a2 2 0 0 1 2 2", key: "18rm91" }],
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["path", { d: "M5 21a2 2 0 0 1-2-2", key: "sbafld" }],
["path", { d: "M9 3h1", key: "1yesri" }],
["path", { d: "M9 21h1", key: "15o7lz" }],
["path", { d: "M14 3h1", key: "1ec4yj" }],
["path", { d: "M14 21h1", key: "v9vybs" }],
["path", { d: "M3 9v1", key: "1r0deq" }],
["path", { d: "M21 9v1", key: "mxsmne" }],
["path", { d: "M3 14v1", key: "vnatye" }],
["path", { d: "M21 14v1", key: "169vum" }],
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["line", { x1: "7", x2: "13", y1: "16", y2: "16", key: "37cgm6" }]
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["path", { d: "M17 6.1H3", key: "wptmhv" }],
["path", { d: "M21 12.1H3", key: "1j38uz" }],
["path", { d: "M15.1 18H3", key: "1nb16a" }]
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["path", { d: "M2 10s3-3 3-8", key: "3xiif0" }],
["path", { d: "M22 10s-3-3-3-8", key: "ioaa5q" }],
["path", { d: "M10 2c0 4.4-3.6 8-8 8", key: "16fkpi" }],
["path", { d: "M14 2c0 4.4 3.6 8 8 8", key: "b9eulq" }],
["path", { d: "M2 10s2 2 2 5", key: "1au1lb" }],
["path", { d: "M22 10s-2 2-2 5", key: "qi2y5e" }],
["path", { d: "M8 15h8", key: "45n4r" }],
["path", { d: "M2 22v-1a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h4a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v1", key: "1vsc2m" }],
["path", { d: "M14 22v-1a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h4a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v1", key: "hrha4u" }]
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["path", { d: "m10 20-1.25-2.5L6 18", key: "18frcb" }],
["path", { d: "M10 4 8.75 6.5 6 6", key: "7mghy3" }],
["path", { d: "M10.585 15H10", key: "4nqulp" }],
["path", { d: "M2 12h6.5L10 9", key: "kv9z4n" }],
["path", { d: "M20 14.54a4 4 0 1 1-4 0V4a2 2 0 0 1 4 0z", key: "yu0u2z" }],
["path", { d: "m4 10 1.5 2L4 14", key: "k9enpj" }],
["path", { d: "m7 21 3-6-1.5-3", key: "j8hb9u" }],
["path", { d: "m7 3 3 6h2", key: "1bbqgq" }]
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["path", { d: "M12 9a4 4 0 0 0-2 7.5", key: "1jvsq6" }],
["path", { d: "M12 3v2", key: "1w22ol" }],
["path", { d: "m6.6 18.4-1.4 1.4", key: "w2yidj" }],
["path", { d: "M20 4v10.54a4 4 0 1 1-4 0V4a2 2 0 0 1 4 0Z", key: "iof6y5" }],
["path", { d: "M4 13H2", key: "118le4" }],
["path", { d: "M6.34 7.34 4.93 5.93", key: "1brd51" }]
const Thermometer = createLucideIcon("Thermometer", [
["path", { d: "M14 4v10.54a4 4 0 1 1-4 0V4a2 2 0 0 1 4 0Z", key: "17jzev" }]
const ThumbsDown = createLucideIcon("ThumbsDown", [
["path", { d: "M17 14V2", key: "8ymqnk" }],
d: "M9 18.12 10 14H4.17a2 2 0 0 1-1.92-2.56l2.33-8A2 2 0 0 1 6.5 2H20a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v8a2 2 0 0 1-2 2h-2.76a2 2 0 0 0-1.79 1.11L12 22a3.13 3.13 0 0 1-3-3.88Z",
key: "m61m77"
const ThumbsUp = createLucideIcon("ThumbsUp", [
["path", { d: "M7 10v12", key: "1qc93n" }],
d: "M15 5.88 14 10h5.83a2 2 0 0 1 1.92 2.56l-2.33 8A2 2 0 0 1 17.5 22H4a2 2 0 0 1-2-2v-8a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h2.76a2 2 0 0 0 1.79-1.11L12 2a3.13 3.13 0 0 1 3 3.88Z",
key: "emmmcr"
const TicketCheck = createLucideIcon("TicketCheck", [
d: "M2 9a3 3 0 0 1 0 6v2a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h16a2 2 0 0 0 2-2v-2a3 3 0 0 1 0-6V7a2 2 0 0 0-2-2H4a2 2 0 0 0-2 2Z",
key: "qn84l0"
["path", { d: "m9 12 2 2 4-4", key: "dzmm74" }]
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d: "M2 9a3 3 0 0 1 0 6v2a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h16a2 2 0 0 0 2-2v-2a3 3 0 0 1 0-6V7a2 2 0 0 0-2-2H4a2 2 0 0 0-2 2Z",
key: "qn84l0"
["path", { d: "M9 12h6", key: "1c52cq" }]
const TicketPercent = createLucideIcon("TicketPercent", [
d: "M2 9a3 3 0 1 1 0 6v2a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h16a2 2 0 0 0 2-2v-2a3 3 0 1 1 0-6V7a2 2 0 0 0-2-2H4a2 2 0 0 0-2 2Z",
key: "1l48ns"
["path", { d: "M9 9h.01", key: "1q5me6" }],
["path", { d: "m15 9-6 6", key: "1uzhvr" }],
["path", { d: "M15 15h.01", key: "lqbp3k" }]
const TicketPlus = createLucideIcon("TicketPlus", [
d: "M2 9a3 3 0 0 1 0 6v2a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h16a2 2 0 0 0 2-2v-2a3 3 0 0 1 0-6V7a2 2 0 0 0-2-2H4a2 2 0 0 0-2 2Z",
key: "qn84l0"
["path", { d: "M9 12h6", key: "1c52cq" }],
["path", { d: "M12 9v6", key: "199k2o" }]
const TicketSlash = createLucideIcon("TicketSlash", [
d: "M2 9a3 3 0 0 1 0 6v2a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h16a2 2 0 0 0 2-2v-2a3 3 0 0 1 0-6V7a2 2 0 0 0-2-2H4a2 2 0 0 0-2 2Z",
key: "qn84l0"
["path", { d: "m9.5 14.5 5-5", key: "qviqfa" }]
const TicketX = createLucideIcon("TicketX", [
d: "M2 9a3 3 0 0 1 0 6v2a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h16a2 2 0 0 0 2-2v-2a3 3 0 0 1 0-6V7a2 2 0 0 0-2-2H4a2 2 0 0 0-2 2Z",
key: "qn84l0"
["path", { d: "m9.5 14.5 5-5", key: "qviqfa" }],
["path", { d: "m9.5 9.5 5 5", key: "18nt4w" }]
const Ticket = createLucideIcon("Ticket", [
d: "M2 9a3 3 0 0 1 0 6v2a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h16a2 2 0 0 0 2-2v-2a3 3 0 0 1 0-6V7a2 2 0 0 0-2-2H4a2 2 0 0 0-2 2Z",
key: "qn84l0"
["path", { d: "M13 5v2", key: "dyzc3o" }],
["path", { d: "M13 17v2", key: "1ont0d" }],
["path", { d: "M13 11v2", key: "1wjjxi" }]
const TicketsPlane = createLucideIcon("TicketsPlane", [
["path", { d: "M10.5 17h1.227a2 2 0 0 0 1.345-.52L18 12", key: "16muxl" }],
["path", { d: "m12 13.5 3.75.5", key: "1i9qhk" }],
["path", { d: "m4.5 8 10.58-5.06a1 1 0 0 1 1.342.488L18.5 8", key: "12lg5p" }],
["path", { d: "M6 10V8", key: "1y41hn" }],
["path", { d: "M6 14v1", key: "cao2tf" }],
["path", { d: "M6 19v2", key: "1loha6" }],
["rect", { x: "2", y: "8", width: "20", height: "13", rx: "2", key: "p3bz5l" }]
const Tickets = createLucideIcon("Tickets", [
["path", { d: "m4.5 8 10.58-5.06a1 1 0 0 1 1.342.488L18.5 8", key: "12lg5p" }],
["path", { d: "M6 10V8", key: "1y41hn" }],
["path", { d: "M6 14v1", key: "cao2tf" }],
["path", { d: "M6 19v2", key: "1loha6" }],
["rect", { x: "2", y: "8", width: "20", height: "13", rx: "2", key: "p3bz5l" }]
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["path", { d: "M10 2h4", key: "n1abiw" }],
["path", { d: "M4.6 11a8 8 0 0 0 1.7 8.7 8 8 0 0 0 8.7 1.7", key: "10he05" }],
["path", { d: "M7.4 7.4a8 8 0 0 1 10.3 1 8 8 0 0 1 .9 10.2", key: "15f7sh" }],
["path", { d: "m2 2 20 20", key: "1ooewy" }],
["path", { d: "M12 12v-2", key: "fwoke6" }]
const TimerReset = createLucideIcon("TimerReset", [
["path", { d: "M10 2h4", key: "n1abiw" }],
["path", { d: "M12 14v-4", key: "1evpnu" }],
["path", { d: "M4 13a8 8 0 0 1 8-7 8 8 0 1 1-5.3 14L4 17.6", key: "1ts96g" }],
["path", { d: "M9 17H4v5", key: "8t5av" }]
const Timer = createLucideIcon("Timer", [
["line", { x1: "10", x2: "14", y1: "2", y2: "2", key: "14vaq8" }],
["line", { x1: "12", x2: "15", y1: "14", y2: "11", key: "17fdiu" }],
["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "14", r: "8", key: "1e1u0o" }]
const ToggleLeft = createLucideIcon("ToggleLeft", [
["rect", { width: "20", height: "12", x: "2", y: "6", rx: "6", ry: "6", key: "f2vt7d" }],
["circle", { cx: "8", cy: "12", r: "2", key: "1nvbw3" }]
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["rect", { width: "20", height: "12", x: "2", y: "6", rx: "6", ry: "6", key: "f2vt7d" }],
["circle", { cx: "16", cy: "12", r: "2", key: "4ma0v8" }]
const Toilet = createLucideIcon("Toilet", [
d: "M7 12h13a1 1 0 0 1 1 1 5 5 0 0 1-5 5h-.598a.5.5 0 0 0-.424.765l1.544 2.47a.5.5 0 0 1-.424.765H5.402a.5.5 0 0 1-.424-.765L7 18",
key: "kc4kqr"
["path", { d: "M8 18a5 5 0 0 1-5-5V4a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h8a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v8", key: "1tqs57" }]
const Tornado = createLucideIcon("Tornado", [
["path", { d: "M21 4H3", key: "1hwok0" }],
["path", { d: "M18 8H6", key: "41n648" }],
["path", { d: "M19 12H9", key: "1g4lpz" }],
["path", { d: "M16 16h-6", key: "1j5d54" }],
["path", { d: "M11 20H9", key: "39obr8" }]
const Torus = createLucideIcon("Torus", [
["ellipse", { cx: "12", cy: "11", rx: "3", ry: "2", key: "1b2qxu" }],
["ellipse", { cx: "12", cy: "12.5", rx: "10", ry: "8.5", key: "h8emeu" }]
const TouchpadOff = createLucideIcon("TouchpadOff", [
["path", { d: "M4 4a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v12a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h16", key: "lnt0bk" }],
["path", { d: "M2 14h12", key: "d8icqz" }],
["path", { d: "M22 14h-2", key: "jrx26d" }],
["path", { d: "M12 20v-6", key: "1rm09r" }],
["path", { d: "m2 2 20 20", key: "1ooewy" }],
["path", { d: "M22 16V6a2 2 0 0 0-2-2H10", key: "11y8e4" }]
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["rect", { width: "20", height: "16", x: "2", y: "4", rx: "2", key: "18n3k1" }],
["path", { d: "M2 14h20", key: "myj16y" }],
["path", { d: "M12 20v-6", key: "1rm09r" }]
const TowerControl = createLucideIcon("TowerControl", [
{ d: "M18.2 12.27 20 6H4l1.8 6.27a1 1 0 0 0 .95.73h10.5a1 1 0 0 0 .96-.73Z", key: "1pledb" }
["path", { d: "M8 13v9", key: "hmv0ci" }],
["path", { d: "M16 22v-9", key: "ylnf1u" }],
["path", { d: "m9 6 1 7", key: "dpdgam" }],
["path", { d: "m15 6-1 7", key: "ls7zgu" }],
["path", { d: "M12 6V2", key: "1pj48d" }],
["path", { d: "M13 2h-2", key: "mj6ths" }]
const ToyBrick = createLucideIcon("ToyBrick", [
["rect", { width: "18", height: "12", x: "3", y: "8", rx: "1", key: "158fvp" }],
["path", { d: "M10 8V5c0-.6-.4-1-1-1H6a1 1 0 0 0-1 1v3", key: "s0042v" }],
["path", { d: "M19 8V5c0-.6-.4-1-1-1h-3a1 1 0 0 0-1 1v3", key: "9wmeh2" }]
const Tractor = createLucideIcon("Tractor", [
["path", { d: "m10 11 11 .9a1 1 0 0 1 .8 1.1l-.665 4.158a1 1 0 0 1-.988.842H20", key: "she1j9" }],
["path", { d: "M16 18h-5", key: "bq60fd" }],
["path", { d: "M18 5a1 1 0 0 0-1 1v5.573", key: "1kv8ia" }],
["path", { d: "M3 4h8.129a1 1 0 0 1 .99.863L13 11.246", key: "1q1ert" }],
["path", { d: "M4 11V4", key: "9ft8pt" }],
["path", { d: "M7 15h.01", key: "k5ht0j" }],
["path", { d: "M8 10.1V4", key: "1jgyzo" }],
["circle", { cx: "18", cy: "18", r: "2", key: "1emm8v" }],
["circle", { cx: "7", cy: "15", r: "5", key: "ddtuc" }]
const TrafficCone = createLucideIcon("TrafficCone", [
["path", { d: "M9.3 6.2a4.55 4.55 0 0 0 5.4 0", key: "flyxqv" }],
["path", { d: "M7.9 10.7c.9.8 2.4 1.3 4.1 1.3s3.2-.5 4.1-1.3", key: "1nlxxg" }],
d: "M13.9 3.5a1.93 1.93 0 0 0-3.8-.1l-3 10c-.1.2-.1.4-.1.6 0 1.7 2.2 3 5 3s5-1.3 5-3c0-.2 0-.4-.1-.5Z",
key: "vz7x1l"
d: "m7.5 12.2-4.7 2.7c-.5.3-.8.7-.8 1.1s.3.8.8 1.1l7.6 4.5c.9.5 2.1.5 3 0l7.6-4.5c.7-.3 1-.7 1-1.1s-.3-.8-.8-1.1l-4.7-2.8",
key: "1xfzlw"
const TrainFrontTunnel = createLucideIcon("TrainFrontTunnel", [
["path", { d: "M2 22V12a10 10 0 1 1 20 0v10", key: "o0fyp0" }],
["path", { d: "M15 6.8v1.4a3 2.8 0 1 1-6 0V6.8", key: "m8q3n9" }],
["path", { d: "M10 15h.01", key: "44in9x" }],
["path", { d: "M14 15h.01", key: "5mohn5" }],
["path", { d: "M10 19a4 4 0 0 1-4-4v-3a6 6 0 1 1 12 0v3a4 4 0 0 1-4 4Z", key: "hckbmu" }],
["path", { d: "m9 19-2 3", key: "iij7hm" }],
["path", { d: "m15 19 2 3", key: "npx8sa" }]
const TrainFront = createLucideIcon("TrainFront", [
["path", { d: "M8 3.1V7a4 4 0 0 0 8 0V3.1", key: "1v71zp" }],
["path", { d: "m9 15-1-1", key: "1yrq24" }],
["path", { d: "m15 15 1-1", key: "1t0d6s" }],
["path", { d: "M9 19c-2.8 0-5-2.2-5-5v-4a8 8 0 0 1 16 0v4c0 2.8-2.2 5-5 5Z", key: "1p0hjs" }],
["path", { d: "m8 19-2 3", key: "13i0xs" }],
["path", { d: "m16 19 2 3", key: "xo31yx" }]
const TrainTrack = createLucideIcon("TrainTrack", [
["path", { d: "M2 17 17 2", key: "18b09t" }],
["path", { d: "m2 14 8 8", key: "1gv9hu" }],
["path", { d: "m5 11 8 8", key: "189pqp" }],
["path", { d: "m8 8 8 8", key: "1imecy" }],
["path", { d: "m11 5 8 8", key: "ummqn6" }],
["path", { d: "m14 2 8 8", key: "1vk7dn" }],
["path", { d: "M7 22 22 7", key: "15mb1i" }]
const TramFront = createLucideIcon("TramFront", [
["rect", { width: "16", height: "16", x: "4", y: "3", rx: "2", key: "1wxw4b" }],
["path", { d: "M4 11h16", key: "mpoxn0" }],
["path", { d: "M12 3v8", key: "1h2ygw" }],
["path", { d: "m8 19-2 3", key: "13i0xs" }],
["path", { d: "m18 22-2-3", key: "1p0ohu" }],
["path", { d: "M8 15h.01", key: "a7atzg" }],
["path", { d: "M16 15h.01", key: "rnfrdf" }]
const Trash2 = createLucideIcon("Trash2", [
["path", { d: "M3 6h18", key: "d0wm0j" }],
["path", { d: "M19 6v14c0 1-1 2-2 2H7c-1 0-2-1-2-2V6", key: "4alrt4" }],
["path", { d: "M8 6V4c0-1 1-2 2-2h4c1 0 2 1 2 2v2", key: "v07s0e" }],
["line", { x1: "10", x2: "10", y1: "11", y2: "17", key: "1uufr5" }],
["line", { x1: "14", x2: "14", y1: "11", y2: "17", key: "xtxkd" }]
const Trash = createLucideIcon("Trash", [
["path", { d: "M3 6h18", key: "d0wm0j" }],
["path", { d: "M19 6v14c0 1-1 2-2 2H7c-1 0-2-1-2-2V6", key: "4alrt4" }],
["path", { d: "M8 6V4c0-1 1-2 2-2h4c1 0 2 1 2 2v2", key: "v07s0e" }]
const TreeDeciduous = createLucideIcon("TreeDeciduous", [
d: "M8 19a4 4 0 0 1-2.24-7.32A3.5 3.5 0 0 1 9 6.03V6a3 3 0 1 1 6 0v.04a3.5 3.5 0 0 1 3.24 5.65A4 4 0 0 1 16 19Z",
key: "oadzkq"
["path", { d: "M12 19v3", key: "npa21l" }]
const TreePalm = createLucideIcon("TreePalm", [
["path", { d: "M13 8c0-2.76-2.46-5-5.5-5S2 5.24 2 8h2l1-1 1 1h4", key: "foxbe7" }],
{ d: "M13 7.14A5.82 5.82 0 0 1 16.5 6c3.04 0 5.5 2.24 5.5 5h-3l-1-1-1 1h-3", key: "18arnh" }
d: "M5.89 9.71c-2.15 2.15-2.3 5.47-.35 7.43l4.24-4.25.7-.7.71-.71 2.12-2.12c-1.95-1.96-5.27-1.8-7.42.35",
key: "ywahnh"
["path", { d: "M11 15.5c.5 2.5-.17 4.5-1 6.5h4c2-5.5-.5-12-1-14", key: "ft0feo" }]
const TreePine = createLucideIcon("TreePine", [
d: "m17 14 3 3.3a1 1 0 0 1-.7 1.7H4.7a1 1 0 0 1-.7-1.7L7 14h-.3a1 1 0 0 1-.7-1.7L9 9h-.2A1 1 0 0 1 8 7.3L12 3l4 4.3a1 1 0 0 1-.8 1.7H15l3 3.3a1 1 0 0 1-.7 1.7H17Z",
key: "cpyugq"
["path", { d: "M12 22v-3", key: "kmzjlo" }]
const Trees = createLucideIcon("Trees", [
["path", { d: "M10 10v.2A3 3 0 0 1 8.9 16H5a3 3 0 0 1-1-5.8V10a3 3 0 0 1 6 0Z", key: "1l6gj6" }],
["path", { d: "M7 16v6", key: "1a82de" }],
["path", { d: "M13 19v3", key: "13sx9i" }],
d: "M12 19h8.3a1 1 0 0 0 .7-1.7L18 14h.3a1 1 0 0 0 .7-1.7L16 9h.2a1 1 0 0 0 .8-1.7L13 3l-1.4 1.5",
key: "1sj9kv"
const Trello = createLucideIcon("Trello", [
["rect", { width: "18", height: "18", x: "3", y: "3", rx: "2", ry: "2", key: "1m3agn" }],
["rect", { width: "3", height: "9", x: "7", y: "7", key: "14n3xi" }],
["rect", { width: "3", height: "5", x: "14", y: "7", key: "s4azjd" }]
const TrendingDown = createLucideIcon("TrendingDown", [
["polyline", { points: "22 17 13.5 8.5 8.5 13.5 2 7", key: "1r2t7k" }],
["polyline", { points: "16 17 22 17 22 11", key: "11uiuu" }]
const TrendingUpDown = createLucideIcon("TrendingUpDown", [
["path", { d: "M14.828 14.828 21 21", key: "ar5fw7" }],
["path", { d: "M21 16v5h-5", key: "1ck2sf" }],
["path", { d: "m21 3-9 9-4-4-6 6", key: "1h02xo" }],
["path", { d: "M21 8V3h-5", key: "1qoq8a" }]
const TrendingUp = createLucideIcon("TrendingUp", [
["polyline", { points: "22 7 13.5 15.5 8.5 10.5 2 17", key: "126l90" }],
["polyline", { points: "16 7 22 7 22 13", key: "kwv8wd" }]
const TriangleAlert = createLucideIcon("TriangleAlert", [
d: "m21.73 18-8-14a2 2 0 0 0-3.48 0l-8 14A2 2 0 0 0 4 21h16a2 2 0 0 0 1.73-3",
key: "wmoenq"
["path", { d: "M12 9v4", key: "juzpu7" }],
["path", { d: "M12 17h.01", key: "p32p05" }]
const TriangleRight = createLucideIcon("TriangleRight", [
d: "M22 18a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H3c-1.1 0-1.3-.6-.4-1.3L20.4 4.3c.9-.7 1.6-.4 1.6.7Z",
key: "183wce"
const Triangle = createLucideIcon("Triangle", [
{ d: "M13.73 4a2 2 0 0 0-3.46 0l-8 14A2 2 0 0 0 4 21h16a2 2 0 0 0 1.73-3Z", key: "14u9p9" }
const Trophy = createLucideIcon("Trophy", [
["path", { d: "M6 9H4.5a2.5 2.5 0 0 1 0-5H6", key: "17hqa7" }],
["path", { d: "M18 9h1.5a2.5 2.5 0 0 0 0-5H18", key: "lmptdp" }],
["path", { d: "M4 22h16", key: "57wxv0" }],
["path", { d: "M10 14.66V17c0 .55-.47.98-.97 1.21C7.85 18.75 7 20.24 7 22", key: "1nw9bq" }],
["path", { d: "M14 14.66V17c0 . 1.21C16.15 18.75 17 20.24 17 22", key: "1np0yb" }],
["path", { d: "M18 2H6v7a6 6 0 0 0 12 0V2Z", key: "u46fv3" }]
const Truck = createLucideIcon("Truck", [
["path", { d: "M14 18V6a2 2 0 0 0-2-2H4a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v11a1 1 0 0 0 1 1h2", key: "wrbu53" }],
["path", { d: "M15 18H9", key: "1lyqi6" }],
d: "M19 18h2a1 1 0 0 0 1-1v-3.65a1 1 0 0 0-.22-.624l-3.48-4.35A1 1 0 0 0 17.52 8H14",
key: "lysw3i"
["circle", { cx: "17", cy: "18", r: "2", key: "332jqn" }],
["circle", { cx: "7", cy: "18", r: "2", key: "19iecd" }]
const Turtle = createLucideIcon("Turtle", [
d: "m12 10 2 4v3a1 1 0 0 0 1 1h2a1 1 0 0 0 1-1v-3a8 8 0 1 0-16 0v3a1 1 0 0 0 1 1h2a1 1 0 0 0 1-1v-3l2-4h4Z",
key: "1lbbv7"
["path", { d: "M4.82 7.9 8 10", key: "m9wose" }],
["path", { d: "M15.18 7.9 12 10", key: "p8dp2u" }],
["path", { d: "M16.93 10H20a2 2 0 0 1 0 4H2", key: "12nsm7" }]
const TvMinimalPlay = createLucideIcon("TvMinimalPlay", [
d: "M10 7.75a.75.75 0 0 1 1.142-.638l3.664 2.249a.75.75 0 0 1 0 1.278l-3.664 2.25a.75.75 0 0 1-1.142-.64z",
key: "1pctta"
["path", { d: "M7 21h10", key: "1b0cd5" }],
["rect", { width: "20", height: "14", x: "2", y: "3", rx: "2", key: "48i651" }]
const TvMinimal = createLucideIcon("TvMinimal", [
["path", { d: "M7 21h10", key: "1b0cd5" }],
["rect", { width: "20", height: "14", x: "2", y: "3", rx: "2", key: "48i651" }]
const Tv = createLucideIcon("Tv", [
["rect", { width: "20", height: "15", x: "2", y: "7", rx: "2", ry: "2", key: "10ag99" }],
["polyline", { points: "17 2 12 7 7 2", key: "11pgbg" }]
const Twitch = createLucideIcon("Twitch", [
["path", { d: "M21 2H3v16h5v4l4-4h5l4-4V2zm-10 9V7m5 4V7", key: "c0yzno" }]
const Twitter = createLucideIcon("Twitter", [
d: "M22 4s-.7 2.1-2 3.4c1.6 10-9.4 17.3-18 11.6 2.2.1 4.4-.6 6-2C3 15.5.5 9.6 3 5c2.2 2.6 5.6 4.1 9 4-.9-4.2 4-6.6 7-3.8 1.1 0 3-1.2 3-1.2z",
key: "pff0z6"
const TypeOutline = createLucideIcon("TypeOutline", [
d: "M14 16.5a.5.5 0 0 0 .5.5h.5a2 2 0 0 1 0 4H9a2 2 0 0 1 0-4h.5a.5.5 0 0 0 .5-.5v-9a.5.5 0 0 0-.5-.5h-3a.5.5 0 0 0-.5.5V8a2 2 0 0 1-4 0V5a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h16a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v3a2 2 0 0 1-4 0v-.5a.5.5 0 0 0-.5-.5h-3a.5.5 0 0 0-.5.5Z",
key: "1reda3"
const Type = createLucideIcon("Type", [
["polyline", { points: "4 7 4 4 20 4 20 7", key: "1nosan" }],
["line", { x1: "9", x2: "15", y1: "20", y2: "20", key: "swin9y" }],
["line", { x1: "12", x2: "12", y1: "4", y2: "20", key: "1tx1rr" }]
const UmbrellaOff = createLucideIcon("UmbrellaOff", [
["path", { d: "M12 2v1", key: "11qlp1" }],
["path", { d: "M15.5 21a1.85 1.85 0 0 1-3.5-1v-8H2a10 10 0 0 1 3.428-6.575", key: "eki10q" }],
["path", { d: "M17.5 12H22A10 10 0 0 0 9.004 3.455", key: "n2ayka" }],
["path", { d: "m2 2 20 20", key: "1ooewy" }]
const Umbrella = createLucideIcon("Umbrella", [
["path", { d: "M22 12a10.06 10.06 1 0 0-20 0Z", key: "1teyop" }],
["path", { d: "M12 12v8a2 2 0 0 0 4 0", key: "ulpmoc" }],
["path", { d: "M12 2v1", key: "11qlp1" }]
const Underline = createLucideIcon("Underline", [
["path", { d: "M6 4v6a6 6 0 0 0 12 0V4", key: "9kb039" }],
["line", { x1: "4", x2: "20", y1: "20", y2: "20", key: "nun2al" }]
const Undo2 = createLucideIcon("Undo2", [
["path", { d: "M9 14 4 9l5-5", key: "102s5s" }],
["path", { d: "M4 9h10.5a5.5 5.5 0 0 1 5.5 5.5a5.5 5.5 0 0 1-5.5 5.5H11", key: "f3b9sd" }]
const UndoDot = createLucideIcon("UndoDot", [
["path", { d: "M21 17a9 9 0 0 0-15-6.7L3 13", key: "8mp6z9" }],
["path", { d: "M3 7v6h6", key: "1v2h90" }],
["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "17", r: "1", key: "1ixnty" }]
const Undo = createLucideIcon("Undo", [
["path", { d: "M3 7v6h6", key: "1v2h90" }],
["path", { d: "M21 17a9 9 0 0 0-9-9 9 9 0 0 0-6 2.3L3 13", key: "1r6uu6" }]
const UnfoldHorizontal = createLucideIcon("UnfoldHorizontal", [
["path", { d: "M16 12h6", key: "15xry1" }],
["path", { d: "M8 12H2", key: "1jqql6" }],
["path", { d: "M12 2v2", key: "tus03m" }],
["path", { d: "M12 8v2", key: "1woqiv" }],
["path", { d: "M12 14v2", key: "8jcxud" }],
["path", { d: "M12 20v2", key: "1lh1kg" }],
["path", { d: "m19 15 3-3-3-3", key: "wjy7rq" }],
["path", { d: "m5 9-3 3 3 3", key: "j64kie" }]
const UnfoldVertical = createLucideIcon("UnfoldVertical", [
["path", { d: "M12 22v-6", key: "6o8u61" }],
["path", { d: "M12 8V2", key: "1wkif3" }],
["path", { d: "M4 12H2", key: "rhcxmi" }],
["path", { d: "M10 12H8", key: "s88cx1" }],
["path", { d: "M16 12h-2", key: "10asgb" }],
["path", { d: "M22 12h-2", key: "14jgyd" }],
["path", { d: "m15 19-3 3-3-3", key: "11eu04" }],
["path", { d: "m15 5-3-3-3 3", key: "itvq4r" }]
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["rect", { width: "8", height: "6", x: "5", y: "4", rx: "1", key: "nzclkv" }],
["rect", { width: "8", height: "6", x: "11", y: "14", rx: "1", key: "4tytwb" }]
const University = createLucideIcon("University", [
["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "10", r: "1", key: "1gnqs8" }],
["path", { d: "M22 20V8h-4l-6-4-6 4H2v12a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h16a2 2 0 0 0 2-2", key: "1qj5sn" }],
["path", { d: "M6 17v.01", key: "roodi6" }],
["path", { d: "M6 13v.01", key: "67c122" }],
["path", { d: "M18 17v.01", key: "12ktxm" }],
["path", { d: "M18 13v.01", key: "tn1rt1" }],
["path", { d: "M14 22v-5a2 2 0 0 0-2-2a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v5", key: "11g7fi" }]
const Unlink2 = createLucideIcon("Unlink2", [
["path", { d: "M15 7h2a5 5 0 0 1 0 10h-2m-6 0H7A5 5 0 0 1 7 7h2", key: "1re2ne" }]
const Unlink = createLucideIcon("Unlink", [
d: "m18.84 12.25 1.72-1.71h-.02a5.004 5.004 0 0 0-.12-7.07 5.006 5.006 0 0 0-6.95 0l-1.72 1.71",
key: "yqzxt4"
d: "m5.17 11.75-1.71 1.71a5.004 5.004 0 0 0 .12 7.07 5.006 5.006 0 0 0 6.95 0l1.71-1.71",
key: "4qinb0"
["line", { x1: "8", x2: "8", y1: "2", y2: "5", key: "1041cp" }],
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["line", { x1: "19", x2: "22", y1: "16", y2: "16", key: "ox905f" }]
const Unplug = createLucideIcon("Unplug", [
["path", { d: "m19 5 3-3", key: "yk6iyv" }],
["path", { d: "m2 22 3-3", key: "19mgm9" }],
{ d: "M6.3 20.3a2.4 2.4 0 0 0 3.4 0L12 18l-6-6-2.3 2.3a2.4 2.4 0 0 0 0 3.4Z", key: "goz73y" }
["path", { d: "M7.5 13.5 10 11", key: "7xgeeb" }],
["path", { d: "M10.5 16.5 13 14", key: "10btkg" }],
{ d: "m12 6 6 6 2.3-2.3a2.4 2.4 0 0 0 0-3.4l-2.6-2.6a2.4 2.4 0 0 0-3.4 0Z", key: "1snsnr" }
const Upload = createLucideIcon("Upload", [
["path", { d: "M21 15v4a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H5a2 2 0 0 1-2-2v-4", key: "ih7n3h" }],
["polyline", { points: "17 8 12 3 7 8", key: "t8dd8p" }],
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const Usb = createLucideIcon("Usb", [
["circle", { cx: "10", cy: "7", r: "1", key: "dypaad" }],
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["path", { d: "m21 3-3 1 2 2Z", key: "d3ov82" }],
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["path", { d: "m18 12 1-1 1 1-1 1Z", key: "1bh22v" }]
const UserCheck = createLucideIcon("UserCheck", [
["path", { d: "M16 21v-2a4 4 0 0 0-4-4H6a4 4 0 0 0-4 4v2", key: "1yyitq" }],
["circle", { cx: "9", cy: "7", r: "4", key: "nufk8" }],
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["circle", { cx: "18", cy: "15", r: "3", key: "gjjjvw" }],
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["path", { d: "m14.3 16.6 1-.4", key: "1qlj63" }],
["path", { d: "m20.7 13.8 1-.4", key: "1v5t8k" }]
const UserMinus = createLucideIcon("UserMinus", [
["path", { d: "M16 21v-2a4 4 0 0 0-4-4H6a4 4 0 0 0-4 4v2", key: "1yyitq" }],
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const UserPen = createLucideIcon("UserPen", [
["path", { d: "M11.5 15H7a4 4 0 0 0-4 4v2", key: "15lzij" }],
d: "M21.378 16.626a1 1 0 0 0-3.004-3.004l-4.01 4.012a2 2 0 0 0-.506.854l-.837 2.87a.5.5 0 0 0 .62.62l2.87-.837a2 2 0 0 0 .854-.506z",
key: "1817ys"
["circle", { cx: "10", cy: "7", r: "4", key: "e45bow" }]
const UserPlus = createLucideIcon("UserPlus", [
["path", { d: "M16 21v-2a4 4 0 0 0-4-4H6a4 4 0 0 0-4 4v2", key: "1yyitq" }],
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["line", { x1: "22", x2: "16", y1: "11", y2: "11", key: "1shjgl" }]
const UserRoundCheck = createLucideIcon("UserRoundCheck", [
["path", { d: "M2 21a8 8 0 0 1 13.292-6", key: "bjp14o" }],
["circle", { cx: "10", cy: "8", r: "5", key: "o932ke" }],
["path", { d: "m16 19 2 2 4-4", key: "1b14m6" }]
const UserRoundCog = createLucideIcon("UserRoundCog", [
["path", { d: "M2 21a8 8 0 0 1 10.434-7.62", key: "1yezr2" }],
["circle", { cx: "10", cy: "8", r: "5", key: "o932ke" }],
["circle", { cx: "18", cy: "18", r: "3", key: "1xkwt0" }],
["path", { d: "m19.5 14.3-.4.9", key: "1eb35c" }],
["path", { d: "m16.9 20.8-.4.9", key: "dfjc4z" }],
["path", { d: "m21.7 19.5-.9-.4", key: "q4dx6b" }],
["path", { d: "m15.2 16.9-.9-.4", key: "1r0w5f" }],
["path", { d: "m21.7 16.5-.9.4", key: "1knoei" }],
["path", { d: "m15.2 19.1-.9.4", key: "j188fs" }],
["path", { d: "m19.5 21.7-.4-.9", key: "1tonu5" }],
["path", { d: "m16.9 15.2-.4-.9", key: "699xu" }]
const UserRoundMinus = createLucideIcon("UserRoundMinus", [
["path", { d: "M2 21a8 8 0 0 1 13.292-6", key: "bjp14o" }],
["circle", { cx: "10", cy: "8", r: "5", key: "o932ke" }],
["path", { d: "M22 19h-6", key: "vcuq98" }]
const UserRoundPen = createLucideIcon("UserRoundPen", [
["path", { d: "M2 21a8 8 0 0 1 10.821-7.487", key: "1c8h7z" }],
d: "M21.378 16.626a1 1 0 0 0-3.004-3.004l-4.01 4.012a2 2 0 0 0-.506.854l-.837 2.87a.5.5 0 0 0 .62.62l2.87-.837a2 2 0 0 0 .854-.506z",
key: "1817ys"
["circle", { cx: "10", cy: "8", r: "5", key: "o932ke" }]
const UserRoundPlus = createLucideIcon("UserRoundPlus", [
["path", { d: "M2 21a8 8 0 0 1 13.292-6", key: "bjp14o" }],
["circle", { cx: "10", cy: "8", r: "5", key: "o932ke" }],
["path", { d: "M19 16v6", key: "tddt3s" }],
["path", { d: "M22 19h-6", key: "vcuq98" }]
const UserRoundSearch = createLucideIcon("UserRoundSearch", [
["circle", { cx: "10", cy: "8", r: "5", key: "o932ke" }],
["path", { d: "M2 21a8 8 0 0 1 10.434-7.62", key: "1yezr2" }],
["circle", { cx: "18", cy: "18", r: "3", key: "1xkwt0" }],
["path", { d: "m22 22-1.9-1.9", key: "1e5ubv" }]
const UserRoundX = createLucideIcon("UserRoundX", [
["path", { d: "M2 21a8 8 0 0 1 11.873-7", key: "74fkxq" }],
["circle", { cx: "10", cy: "8", r: "5", key: "o932ke" }],
["path", { d: "m17 17 5 5", key: "p7ous7" }],
["path", { d: "m22 17-5 5", key: "gqnmv0" }]
const UserRound = createLucideIcon("UserRound", [
["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "8", r: "5", key: "1hypcn" }],
["path", { d: "M20 21a8 8 0 0 0-16 0", key: "rfgkzh" }]
const UserSearch = createLucideIcon("UserSearch", [
["circle", { cx: "10", cy: "7", r: "4", key: "e45bow" }],
["path", { d: "M10.3 15H7a4 4 0 0 0-4 4v2", key: "3bnktk" }],
["circle", { cx: "17", cy: "17", r: "3", key: "18b49y" }],
["path", { d: "m21 21-1.9-1.9", key: "1g2n9r" }]
const UserX = createLucideIcon("UserX", [
["path", { d: "M16 21v-2a4 4 0 0 0-4-4H6a4 4 0 0 0-4 4v2", key: "1yyitq" }],
["circle", { cx: "9", cy: "7", r: "4", key: "nufk8" }],
["line", { x1: "17", x2: "22", y1: "8", y2: "13", key: "3nzzx3" }],
["line", { x1: "22", x2: "17", y1: "8", y2: "13", key: "1swrse" }]
const User = createLucideIcon("User", [
["path", { d: "M19 21v-2a4 4 0 0 0-4-4H9a4 4 0 0 0-4 4v2", key: "975kel" }],
["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "7", r: "4", key: "17ys0d" }]
const UsersRound = createLucideIcon("UsersRound", [
["path", { d: "M18 21a8 8 0 0 0-16 0", key: "3ypg7q" }],
["circle", { cx: "10", cy: "8", r: "5", key: "o932ke" }],
["path", { d: "M22 20c0-3.37-2-6.5-4-8a5 5 0 0 0-.45-8.3", key: "10s06x" }]
const Users = createLucideIcon("Users", [
["path", { d: "M16 21v-2a4 4 0 0 0-4-4H6a4 4 0 0 0-4 4v2", key: "1yyitq" }],
["circle", { cx: "9", cy: "7", r: "4", key: "nufk8" }],
["path", { d: "M22 21v-2a4 4 0 0 0-3-3.87", key: "kshegd" }],
["path", { d: "M16 3.13a4 4 0 0 1 0 7.75", key: "1da9ce" }]
const UtensilsCrossed = createLucideIcon("UtensilsCrossed", [
["path", { d: "m16 2-2.3 2.3a3 3 0 0 0 0 4.2l1.8 1.8a3 3 0 0 0 4.2 0L22 8", key: "n7qcjb" }],
{ d: "M15 15 3.3 3.3a4.2 4.2 0 0 0 0 6l7.3 7.3c.7.7 2 .7 2.8 0L15 15Zm0 0 7 7", key: "d0u48b" }
["path", { d: "m2.1 21.8 6.4-6.3", key: "yn04lh" }],
["path", { d: "m19 5-7 7", key: "194lzd" }]
const Utensils = createLucideIcon("Utensils", [
["path", { d: "M3 2v7c0 1.1.9 2 2 2h4a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V2", key: "cjf0a3" }],
["path", { d: "M7 2v20", key: "1473qp" }],
["path", { d: "M21 15V2a5 5 0 0 0-5 5v6c0 1.1.9 2 2 2h3Zm0 0v7", key: "j28e5" }]
const UtilityPole = createLucideIcon("UtilityPole", [
["path", { d: "M12 2v20", key: "t6zp3m" }],
["path", { d: "M2 5h20", key: "1fs1ex" }],
["path", { d: "M3 3v2", key: "9imdir" }],
["path", { d: "M7 3v2", key: "n0os7" }],
["path", { d: "M17 3v2", key: "1l2re6" }],
["path", { d: "M21 3v2", key: "1duuac" }],
["path", { d: "m19 5-7 7-7-7", key: "133zxf" }]
const Variable = createLucideIcon("Variable", [
["path", { d: "M8 21s-4-3-4-9 4-9 4-9", key: "uto9ud" }],
["path", { d: "M16 3s4 3 4 9-4 9-4 9", key: "4w2vsq" }],
["line", { x1: "15", x2: "9", y1: "9", y2: "15", key: "f7djnv" }],
["line", { x1: "9", x2: "15", y1: "9", y2: "15", key: "1shsy8" }]
const Vault = createLucideIcon("Vault", [
["rect", { width: "18", height: "18", x: "3", y: "3", rx: "2", key: "afitv7" }],
["circle", { cx: "7.5", cy: "7.5", r: ".5", fill: "currentColor", key: "kqv944" }],
["path", { d: "m7.9 7.9 2.7 2.7", key: "hpeyl3" }],
["circle", { cx: "16.5", cy: "7.5", r: ".5", fill: "currentColor", key: "w0ekpg" }],
["path", { d: "m13.4 10.6 2.7-2.7", key: "264c1n" }],
["circle", { cx: "7.5", cy: "16.5", r: ".5", fill: "currentColor", key: "nkw3mc" }],
["path", { d: "m7.9 16.1 2.7-2.7", key: "p81g5e" }],
["circle", { cx: "16.5", cy: "16.5", r: ".5", fill: "currentColor", key: "fubopw" }],
["path", { d: "m13.4 13.4 2.7 2.7", key: "abhel3" }],
["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "12", r: "2", key: "1c9p78" }]
const Vegan = createLucideIcon("Vegan", [
["path", { d: "M16 8q6 0 6-6-6 0-6 6", key: "qsyyc4" }],
["path", { d: "M17.41 3.59a10 10 0 1 0 3 3", key: "41m9h7" }],
["path", { d: "M2 2a26.6 26.6 0 0 1 10 20c.9-6.82 1.5-9.5 4-14", key: "qiv7li" }]
const VenetianMask = createLucideIcon("VenetianMask", [
["path", { d: "M18 11c-1.5 0-2.5.5-3 2", key: "1fod00" }],
d: "M4 6a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v4a5 5 0 0 0 5 5 8 8 0 0 1 5 2 8 8 0 0 1 5-2 5 5 0 0 0 5-5V8a2 2 0 0 0-2-2h-3a8 8 0 0 0-5 2 8 8 0 0 0-5-2z",
key: "d70hit"
["path", { d: "M6 11c1.5 0 2.5.5 3 2", key: "136fht" }]
const VibrateOff = createLucideIcon("VibrateOff", [
["path", { d: "m2 8 2 2-2 2 2 2-2 2", key: "sv1b1" }],
["path", { d: "m22 8-2 2 2 2-2 2 2 2", key: "101i4y" }],
["path", { d: "M8 8v10c0 .55.45 1 1 1h6c.55 0 1-.45 1-1v-2", key: "1hbad5" }],
["path", { d: "M16 10.34V6c0-.55-.45-1-1-1h-4.34", key: "1x5tf0" }],
["line", { x1: "2", x2: "22", y1: "2", y2: "22", key: "a6p6uj" }]
const Vibrate = createLucideIcon("Vibrate", [
["path", { d: "m2 8 2 2-2 2 2 2-2 2", key: "sv1b1" }],
["path", { d: "m22 8-2 2 2 2-2 2 2 2", key: "101i4y" }],
["rect", { width: "8", height: "14", x: "8", y: "5", rx: "1", key: "1oyrl4" }]
const VideoOff = createLucideIcon("VideoOff", [
{ d: "M10.66 6H14a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v2.5l5.248-3.062A.5.5 0 0 1 22 7.87v8.196", key: "w8jjjt" }
["path", { d: "M16 16a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H4a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V8a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h2", key: "1xawa7" }],
["path", { d: "m2 2 20 20", key: "1ooewy" }]
const Video = createLucideIcon("Video", [
d: "m16 13 5.223 3.482a.5.5 0 0 0 .777-.416V7.87a.5.5 0 0 0-.752-.432L16 10.5",
key: "ftymec"
["rect", { x: "2", y: "6", width: "14", height: "12", rx: "2", key: "158x01" }]
const Videotape = createLucideIcon("Videotape", [
["rect", { width: "20", height: "16", x: "2", y: "4", rx: "2", key: "18n3k1" }],
["path", { d: "M2 8h20", key: "d11cs7" }],
["circle", { cx: "8", cy: "14", r: "2", key: "1k2qr5" }],
["path", { d: "M8 12h8", key: "1wcyev" }],
["circle", { cx: "16", cy: "14", r: "2", key: "14k7lr" }]
const View = createLucideIcon("View", [
["path", { d: "M21 17v2a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H5a2 2 0 0 1-2-2v-2", key: "mrq65r" }],
["path", { d: "M21 7V5a2 2 0 0 0-2-2H5a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v2", key: "be3xqs" }],
["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "12", r: "1", key: "41hilf" }],
d: "M18.944 12.33a1 1 0 0 0 0-.66 7.5 7.5 0 0 0-13.888 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 .66 7.5 7.5 0 0 0 13.888 0",
key: "11ak4c"
const Voicemail = createLucideIcon("Voicemail", [
["circle", { cx: "6", cy: "12", r: "4", key: "1ehtga" }],
["circle", { cx: "18", cy: "12", r: "4", key: "4vafl8" }],
["line", { x1: "6", x2: "18", y1: "16", y2: "16", key: "pmt8us" }]
const Volleyball = createLucideIcon("Volleyball", [
["path", { d: "M11.1 7.1a16.55 16.55 0 0 1 10.9 4", key: "2880wi" }],
["path", { d: "M12 12a12.6 12.6 0 0 1-8.7 5", key: "113sja" }],
["path", { d: "M16.8 13.6a16.55 16.55 0 0 1-9 7.5", key: "1qmsgl" }],
["path", { d: "M20.7 17a12.8 12.8 0 0 0-8.7-5 13.3 13.3 0 0 1 0-10", key: "1bmeqp" }],
["path", { d: "M6.3 3.8a16.55 16.55 0 0 0 1.9 11.5", key: "iekzv9" }],
["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "12", r: "10", key: "1mglay" }]
const Volume1 = createLucideIcon("Volume1", [
d: "M11 4.702a.705.705 0 0 0-1.203-.498L6.413 7.587A1.4 1.4 0 0 1 5.416 8H3a1 1 0 0 0-1 1v6a1 1 0 0 0 1 1h2.416a1.4 1.4 0 0 1 .997.413l3.383 3.384A.705.705 0 0 0 11 19.298z",
key: "uqj9uw"
["path", { d: "M16 9a5 5 0 0 1 0 6", key: "1q6k2b" }]
const Volume2 = createLucideIcon("Volume2", [
d: "M11 4.702a.705.705 0 0 0-1.203-.498L6.413 7.587A1.4 1.4 0 0 1 5.416 8H3a1 1 0 0 0-1 1v6a1 1 0 0 0 1 1h2.416a1.4 1.4 0 0 1 .997.413l3.383 3.384A.705.705 0 0 0 11 19.298z",
key: "uqj9uw"
["path", { d: "M16 9a5 5 0 0 1 0 6", key: "1q6k2b" }],
["path", { d: "M19.364 18.364a9 9 0 0 0 0-12.728", key: "ijwkga" }]
const VolumeOff = createLucideIcon("VolumeOff", [
["path", { d: "M16 9a5 5 0 0 1 .95 2.293", key: "1fgyg8" }],
["path", { d: "M19.364 5.636a9 9 0 0 1 1.889 9.96", key: "l3zxae" }],
["path", { d: "m2 2 20 20", key: "1ooewy" }],
d: "m7 7-.587.587A1.4 1.4 0 0 1 5.416 8H3a1 1 0 0 0-1 1v6a1 1 0 0 0 1 1h2.416a1.4 1.4 0 0 1 .997.413l3.383 3.384A.705.705 0 0 0 11 19.298V11",
key: "1gbwow"
["path", { d: "M9.828 4.172A.686.686 0 0 1 11 4.657v.686", key: "s2je0y" }]
const VolumeX = createLucideIcon("VolumeX", [
d: "M11 4.702a.705.705 0 0 0-1.203-.498L6.413 7.587A1.4 1.4 0 0 1 5.416 8H3a1 1 0 0 0-1 1v6a1 1 0 0 0 1 1h2.416a1.4 1.4 0 0 1 .997.413l3.383 3.384A.705.705 0 0 0 11 19.298z",
key: "uqj9uw"
["line", { x1: "22", x2: "16", y1: "9", y2: "15", key: "1ewh16" }],
["line", { x1: "16", x2: "22", y1: "9", y2: "15", key: "5ykzw1" }]
const Volume = createLucideIcon("Volume", [
d: "M11 4.702a.705.705 0 0 0-1.203-.498L6.413 7.587A1.4 1.4 0 0 1 5.416 8H3a1 1 0 0 0-1 1v6a1 1 0 0 0 1 1h2.416a1.4 1.4 0 0 1 .997.413l3.383 3.384A.705.705 0 0 0 11 19.298z",
key: "uqj9uw"
const Vote = createLucideIcon("Vote", [
["path", { d: "m9 12 2 2 4-4", key: "dzmm74" }],
["path", { d: "M5 7c0-1.1.9-2 2-2h10a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v12H5V7Z", key: "1ezoue" }],
["path", { d: "M22 19H2", key: "nuriw5" }]
const WalletCards = createLucideIcon("WalletCards", [
["rect", { width: "18", height: "18", x: "3", y: "3", rx: "2", key: "afitv7" }],
["path", { d: "M3 9a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h14a2 2 0 0 1 2 2", key: "4125el" }],
d: "M3 11h3c.8 0 1.6.3 2.1.9l1.1.9c1.6 1.6 4.1 1.6 5.7 0l1.1-.9c.5-.5 1.3-.9 2.1-.9H21",
key: "1dpki6"
const WalletMinimal = createLucideIcon("WalletMinimal", [
["path", { d: "M17 14h.01", key: "7oqj8z" }],
d: "M7 7h12a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v10a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H5a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V5a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h14",
key: "u1rqew"
const Wallet = createLucideIcon("Wallet", [
d: "M19 7V4a1 1 0 0 0-1-1H5a2 2 0 0 0 0 4h15a1 1 0 0 1 1 1v4h-3a2 2 0 0 0 0 4h3a1 1 0 0 0 1-1v-2a1 1 0 0 0-1-1",
key: "18etb6"
["path", { d: "M3 5v14a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h15a1 1 0 0 0 1-1v-4", key: "xoc0q4" }]
const Wallpaper = createLucideIcon("Wallpaper", [
["circle", { cx: "8", cy: "9", r: "2", key: "gjzl9d" }],
d: "m9 17 6.1-6.1a2 2 0 0 1 2.81.01L22 15V5a2 2 0 0 0-2-2H4a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v10a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h16a2 2 0 0 0 2-2",
key: "69xh40"
["path", { d: "M8 21h8", key: "1ev6f3" }],
["path", { d: "M12 17v4", key: "1riwvh" }]
const WandSparkles = createLucideIcon("WandSparkles", [
d: "m21.64 3.64-1.28-1.28a1.21 1.21 0 0 0-1.72 0L2.36 18.64a1.21 1.21 0 0 0 0 1.72l1.28 1.28a1.2 1.2 0 0 0 1.72 0L21.64 5.36a1.2 1.2 0 0 0 0-1.72",
key: "ul74o6"
["path", { d: "m14 7 3 3", key: "1r5n42" }],
["path", { d: "M5 6v4", key: "ilb8ba" }],
["path", { d: "M19 14v4", key: "blhpug" }],
["path", { d: "M10 2v2", key: "7u0qdc" }],
["path", { d: "M7 8H3", key: "zfb6yr" }],
["path", { d: "M21 16h-4", key: "1cnmox" }],
["path", { d: "M11 3H9", key: "1obp7u" }]
const Wand = createLucideIcon("Wand", [
["path", { d: "M15 4V2", key: "z1p9b7" }],
["path", { d: "M15 16v-2", key: "px0unx" }],
["path", { d: "M8 9h2", key: "1g203m" }],
["path", { d: "M20 9h2", key: "19tzq7" }],
["path", { d: "M17.8 11.8 19 13", key: "yihg8r" }],
["path", { d: "M15 9h.01", key: "x1ddxp" }],
["path", { d: "M17.8 6.2 19 5", key: "fd4us0" }],
["path", { d: "m3 21 9-9", key: "1jfql5" }],
["path", { d: "M12.2 6.2 11 5", key: "i3da3b" }]
const Warehouse = createLucideIcon("Warehouse", [
d: "M22 8.35V20a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H4a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V8.35A2 2 0 0 1 3.26 6.5l8-3.2a2 2 0 0 1 1.48 0l8 3.2A2 2 0 0 1 22 8.35Z",
key: "gksnxg"
["path", { d: "M6 18h12", key: "9pbo8z" }],
["path", { d: "M6 14h12", key: "4cwo0f" }],
["rect", { width: "12", height: "12", x: "6", y: "10", key: "apd30q" }]
const WashingMachine = createLucideIcon("WashingMachine", [
["path", { d: "M3 6h3", key: "155dbl" }],
["path", { d: "M17 6h.01", key: "e2y6kg" }],
["rect", { width: "18", height: "20", x: "3", y: "2", rx: "2", key: "od3kk9" }],
["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "13", r: "5", key: "nlbqau" }],
["path", { d: "M12 18a2.5 2.5 0 0 0 0-5 2.5 2.5 0 0 1 0-5", key: "17lach" }]
const Watch = createLucideIcon("Watch", [
["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "12", r: "6", key: "1vlfrh" }],
["polyline", { points: "12 10 12 12 13 13", key: "19dquz" }],
{ d: "m16.13 7.66-.81-4.05a2 2 0 0 0-2-1.61h-2.68a2 2 0 0 0-2 1.61l-.78 4.05", key: "18k57s" }
["path", { d: "m7.88 16.36.8 4a2 2 0 0 0 2 1.61h2.72a2 2 0 0 0 2-1.61l.81-4.05", key: "16ny36" }]
const WavesLadder = createLucideIcon("WavesLadder", [
["path", { d: "M19 5a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v11", key: "s41o68" }],
d: "M2 18c.6.5 1.2 1 2.5 1 2.5 0 2.5-2 5-2 2.6 0 2.4 2 5 2 2.5 0 2.5-2 5-2 1.3 0 1.9.5 2.5 1",
key: "rd2r6e"
["path", { d: "M7 13h10", key: "1rwob1" }],
["path", { d: "M7 9h10", key: "12czzb" }],
["path", { d: "M9 5a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v11", key: "x0q4gh" }]
const Waves = createLucideIcon("Waves", [
d: "M2 6c.6.5 1.2 1 2.5 1C7 7 7 5 9.5 5c2.6 0 2.4 2 5 2 2.5 0 2.5-2 5-2 1.3 0 1.9.5 2.5 1",
key: "knzxuh"
d: "M2 12c.6.5 1.2 1 2.5 1 2.5 0 2.5-2 5-2 2.6 0 2.4 2 5 2 2.5 0 2.5-2 5-2 1.3 0 1.9.5 2.5 1",
key: "2jd2cc"
d: "M2 18c.6.5 1.2 1 2.5 1 2.5 0 2.5-2 5-2 2.6 0 2.4 2 5 2 2.5 0 2.5-2 5-2 1.3 0 1.9.5 2.5 1",
key: "rd2r6e"
const Waypoints = createLucideIcon("Waypoints", [
["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "4.5", r: "2.5", key: "r5ysbb" }],
["path", { d: "m10.2 6.3-3.9 3.9", key: "1nzqf6" }],
["circle", { cx: "4.5", cy: "12", r: "2.5", key: "jydg6v" }],
["path", { d: "M7 12h10", key: "b7w52i" }],
["circle", { cx: "19.5", cy: "12", r: "2.5", key: "1piiel" }],
["path", { d: "m13.8 17.7 3.9-3.9", key: "1wyg1y" }],
["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "19.5", r: "2.5", key: "13o1pw" }]
const Webcam = createLucideIcon("Webcam", [
["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "10", r: "8", key: "1gshiw" }],
["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "10", r: "3", key: "ilqhr7" }],
["path", { d: "M7 22h10", key: "10w4w3" }],
["path", { d: "M12 22v-4", key: "1utk9m" }]
const WebhookOff = createLucideIcon("WebhookOff", [
["path", { d: "M17 17h-5c-1.09-.02-1.94.92-2.5 1.9A3 3 0 1 1 2.57 15", key: "1tvl6x" }],
["path", { d: "M9 3.4a4 4 0 0 1 6.52.66", key: "q04jfq" }],
["path", { d: "m6 17 3.1-5.8a2.5 2.5 0 0 0 .057-2.05", key: "azowf0" }],
["path", { d: "M20.3 20.3a4 4 0 0 1-2.3.7", key: "5joiws" }],
["path", { d: "M18.6 13a4 4 0 0 1 3.357 3.414", key: "cangb8" }],
["path", { d: "m12 6 .6 1", key: "tpjl1n" }],
["path", { d: "m2 2 20 20", key: "1ooewy" }]
const Webhook = createLucideIcon("Webhook", [
d: "M18 16.98h-5.99c-1.1 0-1.95.94-2.48 1.9A4 4 0 0 1 2 17c.01-.7.2-1.4.57-2",
key: "q3hayz"
["path", { d: "m6 17 3.13-5.78c.53-.97.1-2.18-.5-3.1a4 4 0 1 1 6.89-4.06", key: "1go1hn" }],
["path", { d: "m12 6 3.13 5.73C15.66 12.7 16.9 13 18 13a4 4 0 0 1 0 8", key: "qlwsc0" }]
const Weight = createLucideIcon("Weight", [
["circle", { cx: "12", cy: "5", r: "3", key: "rqqgnr" }],
d: "M6.5 8a2 2 0 0 0-1.905 1.46L2.1 18.5A2 2 0 0 0 4 21h16a2 2 0 0 0 1.925-2.54L19.4 9.5A2 2 0 0 0 17.48 8Z",
key: "56o5sh"
const WheatOff = createLucideIcon("WheatOff", [
["path", { d: "m2 22 10-10", key: "28ilpk" }],
["path", { d: "m16 8-1.17 1.17", key: "1qqm82" }],
d: "M3.47 12.53 5 11l1.53 1.53a3.5 3.5 0 0 1 0 4.94L5 19l-1.53-1.53a3.5 3.5 0 0 1 0-4.94Z",
key: "1rdhi6"
{ d: "m8 8-.53.53a3.5 3.5 0 0 0 0 4.94L9 15l1.53-1.53c.55-.55.88-1.25.98-1.97", key: "4wz8re" }
{ d: "M10.91 5.26c.15-.26.34-.51.56-.73L13 3l1.53 1.53a3.5 3.5 0 0 1 .28 4.62", key: "rves66" }
["path", { d: "M20 2h2v2a4 4 0 0 1-4 4h-2V6a4 4 0 0 1 4-4Z", key: "19rau1" }],
d: "M11.47 17.47 13 19l-1.53 1.53a3.5 3.5 0 0 1-4.94 0L5 19l1.53-1.53a3.5 3.5 0 0 1 4.94 0Z",
key: "tc8ph9"
d: "m16 16-.53.53a3.5 3.5 0 0 1-4.94 0L9 15l1.53-1.53a3.49 3.49 0 0 1 1.97-.98",
key: "ak46r"
d: "M18.74 13.09c.26-.15.51-.34.73-.56L21 11l-1.53-1.53a3.5 3.5 0 0 0-4.62-.28",
key: "1tw520"
["line", { x1: "2", x2: "22", y1: "2", y2: "22", key: "a6p6uj" }]
const Wheat = createLucideIcon("Wheat", [
["path", { d: "M2 22 16 8", key: "60hf96" }],
d: "M3.47 12.53 5 11l1.53 1.53a3.5 3.5 0 0 1 0 4.94L5 19l-1.53-1.53a3.5 3.5 0 0 1 0-4.94Z",
key: "1rdhi6"
d: "M7.47 8.53 9 7l1.53 1.53a3.5 3.5 0 0 1 0 4.94L9 15l-1.53-1.53a3.5 3.5 0 0 1 0-4.94Z",
key: "1sdzmb"
d: "M11.47 4.53 13 3l1.53 1.53a3.5 3.5 0 0 1 0 4.94L13 11l-1.53-1.53a3.5 3.5 0 0 1 0-4.94Z",
key: "eoatbi"
["path", { d: "M20 2h2v2a4 4 0 0 1-4 4h-2V6a4 4 0 0 1 4-4Z", key: "19rau1" }],
d: "M11.47 17.47 13 19l-1.53 1.53a3.5 3.5 0 0 1-4.94 0L5 19l1.53-1.53a3.5 3.5 0 0 1 4.94 0Z",
key: "tc8ph9"
d: "M15.47 13.47 17 15l-1.53 1.53a3.5 3.5 0 0 1-4.94 0L9 15l1.53-1.53a3.5 3.5 0 0 1 4.94 0Z",
key: "2m8kc5"
d: "M19.47 9.47 21 11l-1.53 1.53a3.5 3.5 0 0 1-4.94 0L13 11l1.53-1.53a3.5 3.5 0 0 1 4.94 0Z",
key: "vex3ng"
const WholeWord = createLucideIcon("WholeWord", [
["circle", { cx: "7", cy: "12", r: "3", key: "12clwm" }],
["path", { d: "M10 9v6", key: "17i7lo" }],
["circle", { cx: "17", cy: "12", r: "3", key: "gl7c2s" }],
["path", { d: "M14 7v8", key: "dl84cr" }],
["path", { d: "M22 17v1c0 .5-.5 1-1 1H3c-.5 0-1-.5-1-1v-1", key: "lt2kga" }]
const WifiHigh = createLucideIcon("WifiHigh", [
["path", { d: "M12 20h.01", key: "zekei9" }],
["path", { d: "M5 12.859a10 10 0 0 1 14 0", key: "1x1e6c" }],
["path", { d: "M8.5 16.429a5 5 0 0 1 7 0", key: "1bycff" }]
const WifiLow = createLucideIcon("WifiLow", [
["path", { d: "M12 20h.01", key: "zekei9" }],
["path", { d: "M8.5 16.429a5 5 0 0 1 7 0", key: "1bycff" }]
const WifiOff = createLucideIcon("WifiOff", [
["path", { d: "M12 20h.01", key: "zekei9" }],
["path", { d: "M8.5 16.429a5 5 0 0 1 7 0", key: "1bycff" }],
["path", { d: "M5 12.859a10 10 0 0 1 5.17-2.69", key: "1dl1wf" }],
["path", { d: "M19 12.859a10 10 0 0 0-2.007-1.523", key: "4k23kn" }],
["path", { d: "M2 8.82a15 15 0 0 1 4.177-2.643", key: "1grhjp" }],
["path", { d: "M22 8.82a15 15 0 0 0-11.288-3.764", key: "z3jwby" }],
["path", { d: "m2 2 20 20", key: "1ooewy" }]
const WifiZero = createLucideIcon("WifiZero", [["path", { d: "M12 20h.01", key: "zekei9" }]]);
const Wifi = createLucideIcon("Wifi", [
["path", { d: "M12 20h.01", key: "zekei9" }],
["path", { d: "M2 8.82a15 15 0 0 1 20 0", key: "dnpr2z" }],
["path", { d: "M5 12.859a10 10 0 0 1 14 0", key: "1x1e6c" }],
["path", { d: "M8.5 16.429a5 5 0 0 1 7 0", key: "1bycff" }]
const WindArrowDown = createLucideIcon("WindArrowDown", [
["path", { d: "M10 2v8", key: "d4bbey" }],
["path", { d: "M12.8 21.6A2 2 0 1 0 14 18H2", key: "19kp1d" }],
["path", { d: "M17.5 10a2.5 2.5 0 1 1 2 4H2", key: "19kpjc" }],
["path", { d: "m6 6 4 4 4-4", key: "k13n16" }]
const Wind = createLucideIcon("Wind", [
["path", { d: "M12.8 19.6A2 2 0 1 0 14 16H2", key: "148xed" }],
["path", { d: "M17.5 8a2.5 2.5 0 1 1 2 4H2", key: "1u4tom" }],
["path", { d: "M9.8 4.4A2 2 0 1 1 11 8H2", key: "75valh" }]
const WineOff = createLucideIcon("WineOff", [
["path", { d: "M8 22h8", key: "rmew8v" }],
["path", { d: "M7 10h3m7 0h-1.343", key: "v48bem" }],
["path", { d: "M12 15v7", key: "t2xh3l" }],
d: "M7.307 7.307A12.33 12.33 0 0 0 7 10a5 5 0 0 0 7.391 4.391M8.638 2.981C8.75 2.668 8.872 2.34 9 2h6c1.5 4 2 6 2 8 0 .407-.05.809-.145 1.198",
key: "1ymjlu"
["line", { x1: "2", x2: "22", y1: "2", y2: "22", key: "a6p6uj" }]
const Wine = createLucideIcon("Wine", [
["path", { d: "M8 22h8", key: "rmew8v" }],
["path", { d: "M7 10h10", key: "1101jm" }],
["path", { d: "M12 15v7", key: "t2xh3l" }],
{ d: "M12 15a5 5 0 0 0 5-5c0-2-.5-4-2-8H9c-1.5 4-2 6-2 8a5 5 0 0 0 5 5Z", key: "10ffi3" }
const Workflow = createLucideIcon("Workflow", [
["rect", { width: "8", height: "8", x: "3", y: "3", rx: "2", key: "by2w9f" }],
["path", { d: "M7 11v4a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h4", key: "xkn7yn" }],
["rect", { width: "8", height: "8", x: "13", y: "13", rx: "2", key: "1cgmvn" }]
const Worm = createLucideIcon("Worm", [
["path", { d: "m19 12-1.5 3", key: "9bcu4o" }],
["path", { d: "M19.63 18.81 22 20", key: "121v98" }],
d: "M6.47 8.23a1.68 1.68 0 0 1 2.44 1.93l-.64 2.08a6.76 6.76 0 0 0 10.16 7.67l.42-.27a1 1 0 1 0-2.73-4.21l-.42.27a1.76 1.76 0 0 1-2.63-1.99l.64-2.08A6.66 6.66 0 0 0 3.94 3.9l-.7.4a1 1 0 1 0 2.55 4.34z",
key: "1tij6q"
const WrapText = createLucideIcon("WrapText", [
["line", { x1: "3", x2: "21", y1: "6", y2: "6", key: "4m8b97" }],
["path", { d: "M3 12h15a3 3 0 1 1 0 6h-4", key: "1cl7v7" }],
["polyline", { points: "16 16 14 18 16 20", key: "1jznyi" }],
["line", { x1: "3", x2: "10", y1: "18", y2: "18", key: "1h33wv" }]
const Wrench = createLucideIcon("Wrench", [
d: "M14.7 6.3a1 1 0 0 0 0 1.4l1.6 1.6a1 1 0 0 0 1.4 0l3.77-3.77a6 6 0 0 1-7.94 7.94l-6.91 6.91a2.12 2.12 0 0 1-3-3l6.91-6.91a6 6 0 0 1 7.94-7.94l-3.76 3.76z",
key: "cbrjhi"
const X = createLucideIcon("X", [
["path", { d: "M18 6 6 18", key: "1bl5f8" }],
["path", { d: "m6 6 12 12", key: "d8bk6v" }]
const Youtube = createLucideIcon("Youtube", [
d: "M2.5 17a24.12 24.12 0 0 1 0-10 2 2 0 0 1 1.4-1.4 49.56 49.56 0 0 1 16.2 0A2 2 0 0 1 21.5 7a24.12 24.12 0 0 1 0 10 2 2 0 0 1-1.4 1.4 49.55 49.55 0 0 1-16.2 0A2 2 0 0 1 2.5 17",
key: "1q2vi4"
["path", { d: "m10 15 5-3-5-3z", key: "1jp15x" }]
const ZapOff = createLucideIcon("ZapOff", [
["path", { d: "M10.513 4.856 13.12 2.17a.5.5 0 0 1 .86.46l-1.377 4.317", key: "193nxd" }],
["path", { d: "M15.656 10H20a1 1 0 0 1 .78 1.63l-1.72 1.773", key: "27a7lr" }],
d: "M16.273 16.273 10.88 21.83a.5.5 0 0 1-.86-.46l1.92-6.02A1 1 0 0 0 11 14H4a1 1 0 0 1-.78-1.63l4.507-4.643",
key: "1e0qe9"
["path", { d: "m2 2 20 20", key: "1ooewy" }]
const Zap = createLucideIcon("Zap", [
d: "M4 14a1 1 0 0 1-.78-1.63l9.9-10.2a.5.5 0 0 1 .86.46l-1.92 6.02A1 1 0 0 0 13 10h7a1 1 0 0 1 .78 1.63l-9.9 10.2a.5.5 0 0 1-.86-.46l1.92-6.02A1 1 0 0 0 11 14z",
key: "1xq2db"
const ZoomIn = createLucideIcon("ZoomIn", [
["circle", { cx: "11", cy: "11", r: "8", key: "4ej97u" }],
["line", { x1: "21", x2: "16.65", y1: "21", y2: "16.65", key: "13gj7c" }],
["line", { x1: "11", x2: "11", y1: "8", y2: "14", key: "1vmskp" }],
["line", { x1: "8", x2: "14", y1: "11", y2: "11", key: "durymu" }]
const ZoomOut = createLucideIcon("ZoomOut", [
["circle", { cx: "11", cy: "11", r: "8", key: "4ej97u" }],
["line", { x1: "21", x2: "16.65", y1: "21", y2: "16.65", key: "13gj7c" }],
["line", { x1: "8", x2: "14", y1: "11", y2: "11", key: "durymu" }]
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Activity: Activity,
AirVent: AirVent,
Airplay: Airplay,
AlarmClock: AlarmClock,
AlarmClockCheck: AlarmClockCheck,
AlarmClockMinus: AlarmClockMinus,
AlarmClockOff: AlarmClockOff,
AlarmClockPlus: AlarmClockPlus,
AlarmSmoke: AlarmSmoke,
Album: Album,
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AlignCenterHorizontal: AlignCenterHorizontal,
AlignCenterVertical: AlignCenterVertical,
AlignEndHorizontal: AlignEndHorizontal,
AlignEndVertical: AlignEndVertical,
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AlignVerticalJustifyEnd: AlignVerticalJustifyEnd,
AlignVerticalJustifyStart: AlignVerticalJustifyStart,
AlignVerticalSpaceAround: AlignVerticalSpaceAround,
AlignVerticalSpaceBetween: AlignVerticalSpaceBetween,
Ambulance: Ambulance,
Ampersand: Ampersand,
Ampersands: Ampersands,
Amphora: Amphora,
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Annoyed: Annoyed,
Antenna: Antenna,
Anvil: Anvil,
Aperture: Aperture,
AppWindow: AppWindow,
AppWindowMac: AppWindowMac,
Apple: Apple,
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ArchiveRestore: ArchiveRestore,
ArchiveX: ArchiveX,
Armchair: Armchair,
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ArrowBigLeft: ArrowBigLeft,
ArrowBigLeftDash: ArrowBigLeftDash,
ArrowBigRight: ArrowBigRight,
ArrowBigRightDash: ArrowBigRightDash,
ArrowBigUp: ArrowBigUp,
ArrowBigUpDash: ArrowBigUpDash,
ArrowDown: ArrowDown,
ArrowDown01: ArrowDown01,
ArrowDown10: ArrowDown10,
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ArrowDownLeft: ArrowDownLeft,
ArrowDownNarrowWide: ArrowDownNarrowWide,
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ArrowDownToDot: ArrowDownToDot,
ArrowDownToLine: ArrowDownToLine,
ArrowDownUp: ArrowDownUp,
ArrowDownWideNarrow: ArrowDownWideNarrow,
ArrowDownZA: ArrowDownZA,
ArrowLeft: ArrowLeft,
ArrowLeftFromLine: ArrowLeftFromLine,
ArrowLeftRight: ArrowLeftRight,
ArrowLeftToLine: ArrowLeftToLine,
ArrowRight: ArrowRight,
ArrowRightFromLine: ArrowRightFromLine,
ArrowRightLeft: ArrowRightLeft,
ArrowRightToLine: ArrowRightToLine,
ArrowUp: ArrowUp,
ArrowUp01: ArrowUp01,
ArrowUp10: ArrowUp10,
ArrowUpAZ: ArrowUpAZ,
ArrowUpDown: ArrowUpDown,
ArrowUpFromDot: ArrowUpFromDot,
ArrowUpFromLine: ArrowUpFromLine,
ArrowUpLeft: ArrowUpLeft,
ArrowUpNarrowWide: ArrowUpNarrowWide,
ArrowUpRight: ArrowUpRight,
ArrowUpToLine: ArrowUpToLine,
ArrowUpWideNarrow: ArrowUpWideNarrow,
ArrowUpZA: ArrowUpZA,
ArrowsUpFromLine: ArrowsUpFromLine,
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AtSign: AtSign,
Atom: Atom,
AudioLines: AudioLines,
AudioWaveform: AudioWaveform,
Award: Award,
Axe: Axe,
Axis3d: Axis3d,
Baby: Baby,
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BadgeAlert: BadgeAlert,
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BadgeDollarSign: BadgeDollarSign,
BadgeEuro: BadgeEuro,
BadgeHelp: BadgeHelp,
BadgeIndianRupee: BadgeIndianRupee,
BadgeInfo: BadgeInfo,
BadgeJapaneseYen: BadgeJapaneseYen,
BadgeMinus: BadgeMinus,
BadgePercent: BadgePercent,
BadgePlus: BadgePlus,
BadgePoundSterling: BadgePoundSterling,
BadgeRussianRuble: BadgeRussianRuble,
BadgeSwissFranc: BadgeSwissFranc,
BadgeX: BadgeX,
BaggageClaim: BaggageClaim,
Ban: Ban,
Banana: Banana,
Bandage: Bandage,
Banknote: Banknote,
Barcode: Barcode,
Baseline: Baseline,
Bath: Bath,
Battery: Battery,
BatteryCharging: BatteryCharging,
BatteryFull: BatteryFull,
BatteryLow: BatteryLow,
BatteryMedium: BatteryMedium,
BatteryWarning: BatteryWarning,
Beaker: Beaker,
Bean: Bean,
BeanOff: BeanOff,
Bed: Bed,
BedDouble: BedDouble,
BedSingle: BedSingle,
Beef: Beef,
Beer: Beer,
BeerOff: BeerOff,
Bell: Bell,
BellDot: BellDot,
BellElectric: BellElectric,
BellMinus: BellMinus,
BellOff: BellOff,
BellPlus: BellPlus,
BellRing: BellRing,
BetweenHorizontalEnd: BetweenHorizontalEnd,
BetweenHorizontalStart: BetweenHorizontalStart,
BetweenVerticalEnd: BetweenVerticalEnd,
BetweenVerticalStart: BetweenVerticalStart,
BicepsFlexed: BicepsFlexed,
Bike: Bike,
Binary: Binary,
Binoculars: Binoculars,
Biohazard: Biohazard,
Bird: Bird,
Bitcoin: Bitcoin,
Blend: Blend,
Blinds: Blinds,
Blocks: Blocks,
Bluetooth: Bluetooth,
BluetoothConnected: BluetoothConnected,
BluetoothOff: BluetoothOff,
BluetoothSearching: BluetoothSearching,
Bold: Bold,
Bolt: Bolt,
Bomb: Bomb,
Bone: Bone,
Book: Book,
BookA: BookA,
BookAudio: BookAudio,
BookCheck: BookCheck,
BookCopy: BookCopy,
BookDashed: BookDashed,
BookDown: BookDown,
BookHeadphones: BookHeadphones,
BookHeart: BookHeart,
BookImage: BookImage,
BookKey: BookKey,
BookLock: BookLock,
BookMarked: BookMarked,
BookMinus: BookMinus,
BookOpen: BookOpen,
BookOpenCheck: BookOpenCheck,
BookOpenText: BookOpenText,
BookPlus: BookPlus,
BookText: BookText,
BookType: BookType,
BookUp: BookUp,
BookUp2: BookUp2,
BookUser: BookUser,
BookX: BookX,
Bookmark: Bookmark,
BookmarkCheck: BookmarkCheck,
BookmarkMinus: BookmarkMinus,
BookmarkPlus: BookmarkPlus,
BookmarkX: BookmarkX,
BoomBox: BoomBox,
Bot: Bot,
BotMessageSquare: BotMessageSquare,
BotOff: BotOff,
Box: Box,
Boxes: Boxes,
Braces: Braces,
Brackets: Brackets,
Brain: Brain,
BrainCircuit: BrainCircuit,
BrainCog: BrainCog,
BrickWall: BrickWall,
Briefcase: Briefcase,
BriefcaseBusiness: BriefcaseBusiness,
BriefcaseConveyorBelt: BriefcaseConveyorBelt,
BriefcaseMedical: BriefcaseMedical,
BringToFront: BringToFront,
Brush: Brush,
Bug: Bug,
BugOff: BugOff,
BugPlay: BugPlay,
Building: Building,
Building2: Building2,
Bus: Bus,
BusFront: BusFront,
Cable: Cable,
CableCar: CableCar,
Cake: Cake,
CakeSlice: CakeSlice,
Calculator: Calculator,
Calendar: Calendar,
Calendar1: Calendar1,
CalendarArrowDown: CalendarArrowDown,
CalendarArrowUp: CalendarArrowUp,
CalendarCheck: CalendarCheck,
CalendarCheck2: CalendarCheck2,
CalendarClock: CalendarClock,
CalendarCog: CalendarCog,
CalendarDays: CalendarDays,
CalendarFold: CalendarFold,
CalendarHeart: CalendarHeart,
CalendarMinus: CalendarMinus,
CalendarMinus2: CalendarMinus2,
CalendarOff: CalendarOff,
CalendarPlus: CalendarPlus,
CalendarPlus2: CalendarPlus2,
CalendarRange: CalendarRange,
CalendarSearch: CalendarSearch,
CalendarSync: CalendarSync,
CalendarX: CalendarX,
CalendarX2: CalendarX2,
Camera: Camera,
CameraOff: CameraOff,
Candy: Candy,
CandyCane: CandyCane,
CandyOff: CandyOff,
Cannabis: Cannabis,
Captions: Captions,
CaptionsOff: CaptionsOff,
Car: Car,
CarFront: CarFront,
CarTaxiFront: CarTaxiFront,
Caravan: Caravan,
Carrot: Carrot,
CaseLower: CaseLower,
CaseSensitive: CaseSensitive,
CaseUpper: CaseUpper,
CassetteTape: CassetteTape,
Cast: Cast,
Castle: Castle,
Cat: Cat,
Cctv: Cctv,
ChartArea: ChartArea,
ChartBar: ChartBar,
ChartBarBig: ChartBarBig,
ChartBarDecreasing: ChartBarDecreasing,
ChartBarIncreasing: ChartBarIncreasing,
ChartBarStacked: ChartBarStacked,
ChartCandlestick: ChartCandlestick,
ChartColumn: ChartColumn,
ChartColumnBig: ChartColumnBig,
ChartColumnDecreasing: ChartColumnDecreasing,
ChartColumnIncreasing: ChartColumnIncreasing,
ChartColumnStacked: ChartColumnStacked,
ChartGantt: ChartGantt,
ChartLine: ChartLine,
ChartNetwork: ChartNetwork,
ChartNoAxesColumn: ChartNoAxesColumn,
ChartNoAxesColumnDecreasing: ChartNoAxesColumnDecreasing,
ChartNoAxesColumnIncreasing: ChartNoAxesColumnIncreasing,
ChartNoAxesCombined: ChartNoAxesCombined,
ChartNoAxesGantt: ChartNoAxesGantt,
ChartPie: ChartPie,
ChartScatter: ChartScatter,
ChartSpline: ChartSpline,
Check: Check,
CheckCheck: CheckCheck,
ChefHat: ChefHat,
Cherry: Cherry,
ChevronDown: ChevronDown,
ChevronFirst: ChevronFirst,
ChevronLast: ChevronLast,
ChevronLeft: ChevronLeft,
ChevronRight: ChevronRight,
ChevronUp: ChevronUp,
ChevronsDown: ChevronsDown,
ChevronsDownUp: ChevronsDownUp,
ChevronsLeft: ChevronsLeft,
ChevronsLeftRight: ChevronsLeftRight,
ChevronsLeftRightEllipsis: ChevronsLeftRightEllipsis,
ChevronsRight: ChevronsRight,
ChevronsRightLeft: ChevronsRightLeft,
ChevronsUp: ChevronsUp,
ChevronsUpDown: ChevronsUpDown,
Chrome: Chrome,
Church: Church,
Cigarette: Cigarette,
CigaretteOff: CigaretteOff,
Circle: Circle,
CircleAlert: CircleAlert,
CircleArrowDown: CircleArrowDown,
CircleArrowLeft: CircleArrowLeft,
CircleArrowOutDownLeft: CircleArrowOutDownLeft,
CircleArrowOutDownRight: CircleArrowOutDownRight,
CircleArrowOutUpLeft: CircleArrowOutUpLeft,
CircleArrowOutUpRight: CircleArrowOutUpRight,
CircleArrowRight: CircleArrowRight,
CircleArrowUp: CircleArrowUp,
CircleCheck: CircleCheck,
CircleCheckBig: CircleCheckBig,
CircleChevronDown: CircleChevronDown,
CircleChevronLeft: CircleChevronLeft,
CircleChevronRight: CircleChevronRight,
CircleChevronUp: CircleChevronUp,
CircleDashed: CircleDashed,
CircleDivide: CircleDivide,
CircleDollarSign: CircleDollarSign,
CircleDot: CircleDot,
CircleDotDashed: CircleDotDashed,
CircleEllipsis: CircleEllipsis,
CircleEqual: CircleEqual,
CircleFadingArrowUp: CircleFadingArrowUp,
CircleFadingPlus: CircleFadingPlus,
CircleGauge: CircleGauge,
CircleHelp: CircleHelp,
CircleMinus: CircleMinus,
CircleOff: CircleOff,
CircleParking: CircleParking,
CircleParkingOff: CircleParkingOff,
CirclePause: CirclePause,
CirclePercent: CirclePercent,
CirclePlay: CirclePlay,
CirclePlus: CirclePlus,
CirclePower: CirclePower,
CircleSlash: CircleSlash,
CircleSlash2: CircleSlash2,
CircleStop: CircleStop,
CircleUser: CircleUser,
CircleUserRound: CircleUserRound,
CircleX: CircleX,
CircuitBoard: CircuitBoard,
Citrus: Citrus,
Clapperboard: Clapperboard,
Clipboard: Clipboard,
ClipboardCheck: ClipboardCheck,
ClipboardCopy: ClipboardCopy,
ClipboardList: ClipboardList,
ClipboardMinus: ClipboardMinus,
ClipboardPaste: ClipboardPaste,
ClipboardPen: ClipboardPen,
ClipboardPenLine: ClipboardPenLine,
ClipboardPlus: ClipboardPlus,
ClipboardType: ClipboardType,
ClipboardX: ClipboardX,
Clock: Clock,
Clock1: Clock1,
Clock10: Clock10,
Clock11: Clock11,
Clock12: Clock12,
Clock2: Clock2,
Clock3: Clock3,
Clock4: Clock4,
Clock5: Clock5,
Clock6: Clock6,
Clock7: Clock7,
Clock8: Clock8,
Clock9: Clock9,
ClockAlert: ClockAlert,
ClockArrowDown: ClockArrowDown,
ClockArrowUp: ClockArrowUp,
Cloud: Cloud,
CloudAlert: CloudAlert,
CloudCog: CloudCog,
CloudDownload: CloudDownload,
CloudDrizzle: CloudDrizzle,
CloudFog: CloudFog,
CloudHail: CloudHail,
CloudLightning: CloudLightning,
CloudMoon: CloudMoon,
CloudMoonRain: CloudMoonRain,
CloudOff: CloudOff,
CloudRain: CloudRain,
CloudRainWind: CloudRainWind,
CloudSnow: CloudSnow,
CloudSun: CloudSun,
CloudSunRain: CloudSunRain,
CloudUpload: CloudUpload,
Cloudy: Cloudy,
Clover: Clover,
Club: Club,
Code: Code,
CodeXml: CodeXml,
Codepen: Codepen,
Codesandbox: Codesandbox,
Coffee: Coffee,
Cog: Cog,
Coins: Coins,
Columns2: Columns2,
Columns3: Columns3,
Columns4: Columns4,
Combine: Combine,
Command: Command,
Compass: Compass,
Component: Component,
Computer: Computer,
ConciergeBell: ConciergeBell,
Cone: Cone,
Construction: Construction,
Contact: Contact,
ContactRound: ContactRound,
Container: Container,
Contrast: Contrast,
Cookie: Cookie,
CookingPot: CookingPot,
Copy: Copy,
CopyCheck: CopyCheck,
CopyMinus: CopyMinus,
CopyPlus: CopyPlus,
CopySlash: CopySlash,
CopyX: CopyX,
Copyleft: Copyleft,
Copyright: Copyright,
CornerDownLeft: CornerDownLeft,
CornerDownRight: CornerDownRight,
CornerLeftDown: CornerLeftDown,
CornerLeftUp: CornerLeftUp,
CornerRightDown: CornerRightDown,
CornerRightUp: CornerRightUp,
CornerUpLeft: CornerUpLeft,
CornerUpRight: CornerUpRight,
Cpu: Cpu,
CreativeCommons: CreativeCommons,
CreditCard: CreditCard,
Croissant: Croissant,
Crop: Crop,
Cross: Cross,
Crosshair: Crosshair,
Crown: Crown,
Cuboid: Cuboid,
CupSoda: CupSoda,
Currency: Currency,
Cylinder: Cylinder,
Dam: Dam,
Database: Database,
DatabaseBackup: DatabaseBackup,
DatabaseZap: DatabaseZap,
Delete: Delete,
Dessert: Dessert,
Diameter: Diameter,
Diamond: Diamond,
DiamondMinus: DiamondMinus,
DiamondPercent: DiamondPercent,
DiamondPlus: DiamondPlus,
Dice1: Dice1,
Dice2: Dice2,
Dice3: Dice3,
Dice4: Dice4,
Dice5: Dice5,
Dice6: Dice6,
Dices: Dices,
Diff: Diff,
Disc: Disc,
Disc2: Disc2,
Disc3: Disc3,
DiscAlbum: DiscAlbum,
Divide: Divide,
Dna: Dna,
DnaOff: DnaOff,
Dock: Dock,
Dog: Dog,
DollarSign: DollarSign,
Donut: Donut,
DoorClosed: DoorClosed,
DoorOpen: DoorOpen,
Dot: Dot,
Download: Download,
DraftingCompass: DraftingCompass,
Drama: Drama,
Dribbble: Dribbble,
Drill: Drill,
Droplet: Droplet,
DropletOff: DropletOff,
Droplets: Droplets,
Drum: Drum,
Drumstick: Drumstick,
Dumbbell: Dumbbell,
Ear: Ear,
EarOff: EarOff,
Earth: Earth,
EarthLock: EarthLock,
Eclipse: Eclipse,
Egg: Egg,
EggFried: EggFried,
EggOff: EggOff,
Ellipsis: Ellipsis,
EllipsisVertical: EllipsisVertical,
Equal: Equal,
EqualApproximately: EqualApproximately,
EqualNot: EqualNot,
Eraser: Eraser,
EthernetPort: EthernetPort,
Euro: Euro,
Expand: Expand,
ExternalLink: ExternalLink,
Eye: Eye,
EyeClosed: EyeClosed,
EyeOff: EyeOff,
Facebook: Facebook,
Factory: Factory,
Fan: Fan,
FastForward: FastForward,
Feather: Feather,
Fence: Fence,
FerrisWheel: FerrisWheel,
Figma: Figma,
File: File,
FileArchive: FileArchive,
FileAudio: FileAudio,
FileAudio2: FileAudio2,
FileAxis3d: FileAxis3d,
FileBadge: FileBadge,
FileBadge2: FileBadge2,
FileBox: FileBox,
FileChartColumn: FileChartColumn,
FileChartColumnIncreasing: FileChartColumnIncreasing,
FileChartLine: FileChartLine,
FileChartPie: FileChartPie,
FileCheck: FileCheck,
FileCheck2: FileCheck2,
FileClock: FileClock,
FileCode: FileCode,
FileCode2: FileCode2,
FileCog: FileCog,
FileDiff: FileDiff,
FileDigit: FileDigit,
FileDown: FileDown,
FileHeart: FileHeart,
FileImage: FileImage,
FileInput: FileInput,
FileJson: FileJson,
FileJson2: FileJson2,
FileKey: FileKey,
FileKey2: FileKey2,
FileLock: FileLock,
FileLock2: FileLock2,
FileMinus: FileMinus,
FileMinus2: FileMinus2,
FileMusic: FileMusic,
FileOutput: FileOutput,
FilePen: FilePen,
FilePenLine: FilePenLine,
FilePlus: FilePlus,
FilePlus2: FilePlus2,
FileQuestion: FileQuestion,
FileScan: FileScan,
FileSearch: FileSearch,
FileSearch2: FileSearch2,
FileSliders: FileSliders,
FileSpreadsheet: FileSpreadsheet,
FileStack: FileStack,
FileSymlink: FileSymlink,
FileTerminal: FileTerminal,
FileText: FileText,
FileType: FileType,
FileType2: FileType2,
FileUp: FileUp,
FileUser: FileUser,
FileVideo: FileVideo,
FileVideo2: FileVideo2,
FileVolume: FileVolume,
FileVolume2: FileVolume2,
FileWarning: FileWarning,
FileX: FileX,
FileX2: FileX2,
Files: Files,
Film: Film,
Filter: Filter,
FilterX: FilterX,
Fingerprint: Fingerprint,
FireExtinguisher: FireExtinguisher,
Fish: Fish,
FishOff: FishOff,
FishSymbol: FishSymbol,
Flag: Flag,
FlagOff: FlagOff,
FlagTriangleLeft: FlagTriangleLeft,
FlagTriangleRight: FlagTriangleRight,
Flame: Flame,
FlameKindling: FlameKindling,
Flashlight: Flashlight,
FlashlightOff: FlashlightOff,
FlaskConical: FlaskConical,
FlaskConicalOff: FlaskConicalOff,
FlaskRound: FlaskRound,
FlipHorizontal: FlipHorizontal,
FlipHorizontal2: FlipHorizontal2,
FlipVertical: FlipVertical,
FlipVertical2: FlipVertical2,
Flower: Flower,
Flower2: Flower2,
Focus: Focus,
FoldHorizontal: FoldHorizontal,
FoldVertical: FoldVertical,
Folder: Folder,
FolderArchive: FolderArchive,
FolderCheck: FolderCheck,
FolderClock: FolderClock,
FolderClosed: FolderClosed,
FolderCode: FolderCode,
FolderCog: FolderCog,
FolderDot: FolderDot,
FolderDown: FolderDown,
FolderGit: FolderGit,
FolderGit2: FolderGit2,
FolderHeart: FolderHeart,
FolderInput: FolderInput,
FolderKanban: FolderKanban,
FolderKey: FolderKey,
FolderLock: FolderLock,
FolderMinus: FolderMinus,
FolderOpen: FolderOpen,
FolderOpenDot: FolderOpenDot,
FolderOutput: FolderOutput,
FolderPen: FolderPen,
FolderPlus: FolderPlus,
FolderRoot: FolderRoot,
FolderSearch: FolderSearch,
FolderSearch2: FolderSearch2,
FolderSymlink: FolderSymlink,
FolderSync: FolderSync,
FolderTree: FolderTree,
FolderUp: FolderUp,
FolderX: FolderX,
Folders: Folders,
Footprints: Footprints,
Forklift: Forklift,
Forward: Forward,
Frame: Frame,
Framer: Framer,
Frown: Frown,
Fuel: Fuel,
Fullscreen: Fullscreen,
GalleryHorizontal: GalleryHorizontal,
GalleryHorizontalEnd: GalleryHorizontalEnd,
GalleryThumbnails: GalleryThumbnails,
GalleryVertical: GalleryVertical,
GalleryVerticalEnd: GalleryVerticalEnd,
Gamepad: Gamepad,
Gamepad2: Gamepad2,
Gauge: Gauge,
Gavel: Gavel,
Gem: Gem,
Ghost: Ghost,
Gift: Gift,
GitBranch: GitBranch,
GitBranchPlus: GitBranchPlus,
GitCommitHorizontal: GitCommitHorizontal,
GitCommitVertical: GitCommitVertical,
GitCompare: GitCompare,
GitCompareArrows: GitCompareArrows,
GitFork: GitFork,
GitGraph: GitGraph,
GitMerge: GitMerge,
GitPullRequest: GitPullRequest,
GitPullRequestArrow: GitPullRequestArrow,
GitPullRequestClosed: GitPullRequestClosed,
GitPullRequestCreate: GitPullRequestCreate,
GitPullRequestCreateArrow: GitPullRequestCreateArrow,
GitPullRequestDraft: GitPullRequestDraft,
Github: Github,
Gitlab: Gitlab,
GlassWater: GlassWater,
Glasses: Glasses,
Globe: Globe,
GlobeLock: GlobeLock,
Goal: Goal,
Grab: Grab,
GraduationCap: GraduationCap,
Grape: Grape,
Grid2x2: Grid2x2,
Grid2x2Check: Grid2x2Check,
Grid2x2Plus: Grid2x2Plus,
Grid2x2X: Grid2x2X,
Grid3x3: Grid3x3,
Grip: Grip,
GripHorizontal: GripHorizontal,
GripVertical: GripVertical,
Group: Group,
Guitar: Guitar,
Ham: Ham,
Hammer: Hammer,
Hand: Hand,
HandCoins: HandCoins,
HandHeart: HandHeart,
HandHelping: HandHelping,
HandMetal: HandMetal,
HandPlatter: HandPlatter,
Handshake: Handshake,
HardDrive: HardDrive,
HardDriveDownload: HardDriveDownload,
HardDriveUpload: HardDriveUpload,
HardHat: HardHat,
Hash: Hash,
Haze: Haze,
HdmiPort: HdmiPort,
Heading: Heading,
Heading1: Heading1,
Heading2: Heading2,
Heading3: Heading3,
Heading4: Heading4,
Heading5: Heading5,
Heading6: Heading6,
HeadphoneOff: HeadphoneOff,
Headphones: Headphones,
Headset: Headset,
Heart: Heart,
HeartCrack: HeartCrack,
HeartHandshake: HeartHandshake,
HeartOff: HeartOff,
HeartPulse: HeartPulse,
Heater: Heater,
Hexagon: Hexagon,
Highlighter: Highlighter,
History: History,
Hop: Hop,
HopOff: HopOff,
Hospital: Hospital,
Hotel: Hotel,
Hourglass: Hourglass,
House: House,
HousePlug: HousePlug,
HousePlus: HousePlus,
IceCreamBowl: IceCreamBowl,
IceCreamCone: IceCreamCone,
IdCard: IdCard,
Image: Image,
ImageDown: ImageDown,
ImageMinus: ImageMinus,
ImageOff: ImageOff,
ImagePlay: ImagePlay,
ImagePlus: ImagePlus,
ImageUp: ImageUp,
ImageUpscale: ImageUpscale,
Images: Images,
Import: Import,
Inbox: Inbox,
IndentDecrease: IndentDecrease,
IndentIncrease: IndentIncrease,
IndianRupee: IndianRupee,
Infinity: Infinity,
Info: Info,
InspectionPanel: InspectionPanel,
Instagram: Instagram,
Italic: Italic,
IterationCcw: IterationCcw,
IterationCw: IterationCw,
JapaneseYen: JapaneseYen,
Joystick: Joystick,
Kanban: Kanban,
Key: Key,
KeyRound: KeyRound,
KeySquare: KeySquare,
Keyboard: Keyboard,
KeyboardMusic: KeyboardMusic,
KeyboardOff: KeyboardOff,
Lamp: Lamp,
LampCeiling: LampCeiling,
LampDesk: LampDesk,
LampFloor: LampFloor,
LampWallDown: LampWallDown,
LampWallUp: LampWallUp,
LandPlot: LandPlot,
Landmark: Landmark,
Languages: Languages,
Laptop: Laptop,
LaptopMinimal: LaptopMinimal,
LaptopMinimalCheck: LaptopMinimalCheck,
Lasso: Lasso,
LassoSelect: LassoSelect,
Laugh: Laugh,
Layers: Layers,
Layers2: Layers2,
LayoutDashboard: LayoutDashboard,
LayoutGrid: LayoutGrid,
LayoutList: LayoutList,
LayoutPanelLeft: LayoutPanelLeft,
LayoutPanelTop: LayoutPanelTop,
LayoutTemplate: LayoutTemplate,
Leaf: Leaf,
LeafyGreen: LeafyGreen,
Lectern: Lectern,
LetterText: LetterText,
Library: Library,
LibraryBig: LibraryBig,
LifeBuoy: LifeBuoy,
Ligature: Ligature,
Lightbulb: Lightbulb,
LightbulbOff: LightbulbOff,
Link: Link,
Link2: Link2,
Link2Off: Link2Off,
Linkedin: Linkedin,
List: List,
ListCheck: ListCheck,
ListChecks: ListChecks,
ListCollapse: ListCollapse,
ListEnd: ListEnd,
ListFilter: ListFilter,
ListFilterPlus: ListFilterPlus,
ListMinus: ListMinus,
ListMusic: ListMusic,
ListOrdered: ListOrdered,
ListPlus: ListPlus,
ListRestart: ListRestart,
ListStart: ListStart,
ListTodo: ListTodo,
ListTree: ListTree,
ListVideo: ListVideo,
ListX: ListX,
Loader: Loader,
LoaderCircle: LoaderCircle,
LoaderPinwheel: LoaderPinwheel,
Locate: Locate,
LocateFixed: LocateFixed,
LocateOff: LocateOff,
Lock: Lock,
LockKeyhole: LockKeyhole,
LockKeyholeOpen: LockKeyholeOpen,
LockOpen: LockOpen,
LogIn: LogIn,
LogOut: LogOut,
Logs: Logs,
Lollipop: Lollipop,
Luggage: Luggage,
Magnet: Magnet,
Mail: Mail,
MailCheck: MailCheck,
MailMinus: MailMinus,
MailOpen: MailOpen,
MailPlus: MailPlus,
MailQuestion: MailQuestion,
MailSearch: MailSearch,
MailWarning: MailWarning,
MailX: MailX,
Mailbox: Mailbox,
Mails: Mails,
Map: Map,
MapPin: MapPin,
MapPinCheck: MapPinCheck,
MapPinCheckInside: MapPinCheckInside,
MapPinHouse: MapPinHouse,
MapPinMinus: MapPinMinus,
MapPinMinusInside: MapPinMinusInside,
MapPinOff: MapPinOff,
MapPinPlus: MapPinPlus,
MapPinPlusInside: MapPinPlusInside,
MapPinX: MapPinX,
MapPinXInside: MapPinXInside,
MapPinned: MapPinned,
Martini: Martini,
Maximize: Maximize,
Maximize2: Maximize2,
Medal: Medal,
Megaphone: Megaphone,
MegaphoneOff: MegaphoneOff,
Meh: Meh,
MemoryStick: MemoryStick,
Menu: Menu,
Merge: Merge,
MessageCircle: MessageCircle,
MessageCircleCode: MessageCircleCode,
MessageCircleDashed: MessageCircleDashed,
MessageCircleHeart: MessageCircleHeart,
MessageCircleMore: MessageCircleMore,
MessageCircleOff: MessageCircleOff,
MessageCirclePlus: MessageCirclePlus,
MessageCircleQuestion: MessageCircleQuestion,
MessageCircleReply: MessageCircleReply,
MessageCircleWarning: MessageCircleWarning,
MessageCircleX: MessageCircleX,
MessageSquare: MessageSquare,
MessageSquareCode: MessageSquareCode,
MessageSquareDashed: MessageSquareDashed,
MessageSquareDiff: MessageSquareDiff,
MessageSquareDot: MessageSquareDot,
MessageSquareHeart: MessageSquareHeart,
MessageSquareLock: MessageSquareLock,
MessageSquareMore: MessageSquareMore,
MessageSquareOff: MessageSquareOff,
MessageSquarePlus: MessageSquarePlus,
MessageSquareQuote: MessageSquareQuote,
MessageSquareReply: MessageSquareReply,
MessageSquareShare: MessageSquareShare,
MessageSquareText: MessageSquareText,
MessageSquareWarning: MessageSquareWarning,
MessageSquareX: MessageSquareX,
MessagesSquare: MessagesSquare,
Mic: Mic,
MicOff: MicOff,
MicVocal: MicVocal,
Microchip: Microchip,
Microscope: Microscope,
Microwave: Microwave,
Milestone: Milestone,
Milk: Milk,
MilkOff: MilkOff,
Minimize: Minimize,
Minimize2: Minimize2,
Minus: Minus,
Monitor: Monitor,
MonitorCheck: MonitorCheck,
MonitorCog: MonitorCog,
MonitorDot: MonitorDot,
MonitorDown: MonitorDown,
MonitorOff: MonitorOff,
MonitorPause: MonitorPause,
MonitorPlay: MonitorPlay,
MonitorSmartphone: MonitorSmartphone,
MonitorSpeaker: MonitorSpeaker,
MonitorStop: MonitorStop,
MonitorUp: MonitorUp,
MonitorX: MonitorX,
Moon: Moon,
MoonStar: MoonStar,
Mountain: Mountain,
MountainSnow: MountainSnow,
Mouse: Mouse,
MouseOff: MouseOff,
MousePointer: MousePointer,
MousePointer2: MousePointer2,
MousePointerBan: MousePointerBan,
MousePointerClick: MousePointerClick,
Move: Move,
Move3d: Move3d,
MoveDiagonal: MoveDiagonal,
MoveDiagonal2: MoveDiagonal2,
MoveDown: MoveDown,
MoveDownLeft: MoveDownLeft,
MoveDownRight: MoveDownRight,
MoveHorizontal: MoveHorizontal,
MoveLeft: MoveLeft,
MoveRight: MoveRight,
MoveUp: MoveUp,
MoveUpLeft: MoveUpLeft,
MoveUpRight: MoveUpRight,
MoveVertical: MoveVertical,
Music: Music,
Music2: Music2,
Music3: Music3,
Music4: Music4,
Navigation: Navigation,
Navigation2: Navigation2,
Navigation2Off: Navigation2Off,
NavigationOff: NavigationOff,
Network: Network,
Newspaper: Newspaper,
Nfc: Nfc,
Notebook: Notebook,
NotebookPen: NotebookPen,
NotebookTabs: NotebookTabs,
NotebookText: NotebookText,
NotepadText: NotepadText,
NotepadTextDashed: NotepadTextDashed,
Nut: Nut,
NutOff: NutOff,
Octagon: Octagon,
OctagonAlert: OctagonAlert,
OctagonMinus: OctagonMinus,
OctagonPause: OctagonPause,
OctagonX: OctagonX,
Omega: Omega,
Option: Option,
Orbit: Orbit,
Origami: Origami,
Package: Package,
Package2: Package2,
PackageCheck: PackageCheck,
PackageMinus: PackageMinus,
PackageOpen: PackageOpen,
PackagePlus: PackagePlus,
PackageSearch: PackageSearch,
PackageX: PackageX,
PaintBucket: PaintBucket,
PaintRoller: PaintRoller,
Paintbrush: Paintbrush,
PaintbrushVertical: PaintbrushVertical,
Palette: Palette,
PanelBottom: PanelBottom,
PanelBottomClose: PanelBottomClose,
PanelBottomDashed: PanelBottomDashed,
PanelBottomOpen: PanelBottomOpen,
PanelLeft: PanelLeft,
PanelLeftClose: PanelLeftClose,
PanelLeftDashed: PanelLeftDashed,
PanelLeftOpen: PanelLeftOpen,
PanelRight: PanelRight,
PanelRightClose: PanelRightClose,
PanelRightDashed: PanelRightDashed,
PanelRightOpen: PanelRightOpen,
PanelTop: PanelTop,
PanelTopClose: PanelTopClose,
PanelTopDashed: PanelTopDashed,
PanelTopOpen: PanelTopOpen,
PanelsLeftBottom: PanelsLeftBottom,
PanelsRightBottom: PanelsRightBottom,
PanelsTopLeft: PanelsTopLeft,
Paperclip: Paperclip,
Parentheses: Parentheses,
ParkingMeter: ParkingMeter,
PartyPopper: PartyPopper,
Pause: Pause,
PawPrint: PawPrint,
PcCase: PcCase,
Pen: Pen,
PenLine: PenLine,
PenOff: PenOff,
PenTool: PenTool,
Pencil: Pencil,
PencilLine: PencilLine,
PencilOff: PencilOff,
PencilRuler: PencilRuler,
Pentagon: Pentagon,
Percent: Percent,
PersonStanding: PersonStanding,
PhilippinePeso: PhilippinePeso,
Phone: Phone,
PhoneCall: PhoneCall,
PhoneForwarded: PhoneForwarded,
PhoneIncoming: PhoneIncoming,
PhoneMissed: PhoneMissed,
PhoneOff: PhoneOff,
PhoneOutgoing: PhoneOutgoing,
Pi: Pi,
Piano: Piano,
Pickaxe: Pickaxe,
PictureInPicture: PictureInPicture,
PictureInPicture2: PictureInPicture2,
PiggyBank: PiggyBank,
Pilcrow: Pilcrow,
PilcrowLeft: PilcrowLeft,
PilcrowRight: PilcrowRight,
Pill: Pill,
PillBottle: PillBottle,
Pin: Pin,
PinOff: PinOff,
Pipette: Pipette,
Pizza: Pizza,
Plane: Plane,
PlaneLanding: PlaneLanding,
PlaneTakeoff: PlaneTakeoff,
Play: Play,
Plug: Plug,
Plug2: Plug2,
PlugZap: PlugZap,
Plus: Plus,
Pocket: Pocket,
PocketKnife: PocketKnife,
Podcast: Podcast,
Pointer: Pointer,
PointerOff: PointerOff,
Popcorn: Popcorn,
Popsicle: Popsicle,
PoundSterling: PoundSterling,
Power: Power,
PowerOff: PowerOff,
Presentation: Presentation,
Printer: Printer,
PrinterCheck: PrinterCheck,
Projector: Projector,
Proportions: Proportions,
Puzzle: Puzzle,
Pyramid: Pyramid,
QrCode: QrCode,
Quote: Quote,
Rabbit: Rabbit,
Radar: Radar,
Radiation: Radiation,
Radical: Radical,
Radio: Radio,
RadioReceiver: RadioReceiver,
RadioTower: RadioTower,
Radius: Radius,
RailSymbol: RailSymbol,
Rainbow: Rainbow,
Rat: Rat,
Ratio: Ratio,
Receipt: Receipt,
ReceiptCent: ReceiptCent,
ReceiptEuro: ReceiptEuro,
ReceiptIndianRupee: ReceiptIndianRupee,
ReceiptJapaneseYen: ReceiptJapaneseYen,
ReceiptPoundSterling: ReceiptPoundSterling,
ReceiptRussianRuble: ReceiptRussianRuble,
ReceiptSwissFranc: ReceiptSwissFranc,
ReceiptText: ReceiptText,
RectangleEllipsis: RectangleEllipsis,
RectangleHorizontal: RectangleHorizontal,
RectangleVertical: RectangleVertical,
Recycle: Recycle,
Redo: Redo,
Redo2: Redo2,
RedoDot: RedoDot,
RefreshCcw: RefreshCcw,
RefreshCcwDot: RefreshCcwDot,
RefreshCw: RefreshCw,
RefreshCwOff: RefreshCwOff,
Refrigerator: Refrigerator,
Regex: Regex,
RemoveFormatting: RemoveFormatting,
Repeat: Repeat,
Repeat1: Repeat1,
Repeat2: Repeat2,
Replace: Replace,
ReplaceAll: ReplaceAll,
Reply: Reply,
ReplyAll: ReplyAll,
Rewind: Rewind,
Ribbon: Ribbon,
Rocket: Rocket,
RockingChair: RockingChair,
RollerCoaster: RollerCoaster,
Rotate3d: Rotate3d,
RotateCcw: RotateCcw,
RotateCcwSquare: RotateCcwSquare,
RotateCw: RotateCw,
RotateCwSquare: RotateCwSquare,
Route: Route,
RouteOff: RouteOff,
Router: Router,
Rows2: Rows2,
Rows3: Rows3,
Rows4: Rows4,
Rss: Rss,
Ruler: Ruler,
RussianRuble: RussianRuble,
Sailboat: Sailboat,
Salad: Salad,
Sandwich: Sandwich,
Satellite: Satellite,
SatelliteDish: SatelliteDish,
Save: Save,
SaveAll: SaveAll,
SaveOff: SaveOff,
Scale: Scale,
Scale3d: Scale3d,
Scaling: Scaling,
Scan: Scan,
ScanBarcode: ScanBarcode,
ScanEye: ScanEye,
ScanFace: ScanFace,
ScanHeart: ScanHeart,
ScanLine: ScanLine,
ScanQrCode: ScanQrCode,
ScanSearch: ScanSearch,
ScanText: ScanText,
School: School,
Scissors: Scissors,
ScissorsLineDashed: ScissorsLineDashed,
ScreenShare: ScreenShare,
ScreenShareOff: ScreenShareOff,
Scroll: Scroll,
ScrollText: ScrollText,
Search: Search,
SearchCheck: SearchCheck,
SearchCode: SearchCode,
SearchSlash: SearchSlash,
SearchX: SearchX,
Section: Section,
Send: Send,
SendHorizontal: SendHorizontal,
SendToBack: SendToBack,
SeparatorHorizontal: SeparatorHorizontal,
SeparatorVertical: SeparatorVertical,
Server: Server,
ServerCog: ServerCog,
ServerCrash: ServerCrash,
ServerOff: ServerOff,
Settings: Settings,
Settings2: Settings2,
Shapes: Shapes,
Share: Share,
Share2: Share2,
Sheet: Sheet,
Shell: Shell,
Shield: Shield,
ShieldAlert: ShieldAlert,
ShieldBan: ShieldBan,
ShieldCheck: ShieldCheck,
ShieldEllipsis: ShieldEllipsis,
ShieldHalf: ShieldHalf,
ShieldMinus: ShieldMinus,
ShieldOff: ShieldOff,
ShieldPlus: ShieldPlus,
ShieldQuestion: ShieldQuestion,
ShieldX: ShieldX,
Ship: Ship,
ShipWheel: ShipWheel,
Shirt: Shirt,
ShoppingBag: ShoppingBag,
ShoppingBasket: ShoppingBasket,
ShoppingCart: ShoppingCart,
Shovel: Shovel,
ShowerHead: ShowerHead,
Shrink: Shrink,
Shrub: Shrub,
Shuffle: Shuffle,
Sigma: Sigma,
Signal: Signal,
SignalHigh: SignalHigh,
SignalLow: SignalLow,
SignalMedium: SignalMedium,
SignalZero: SignalZero,
Signature: Signature,
Signpost: Signpost,
SignpostBig: SignpostBig,
Siren: Siren,
SkipBack: SkipBack,
SkipForward: SkipForward,
Skull: Skull,
Slack: Slack,
Slash: Slash,
Slice: Slice,
SlidersHorizontal: SlidersHorizontal,
SlidersVertical: SlidersVertical,
Smartphone: Smartphone,
SmartphoneCharging: SmartphoneCharging,
SmartphoneNfc: SmartphoneNfc,
Smile: Smile,
SmilePlus: SmilePlus,
Snail: Snail,
Snowflake: Snowflake,
Sofa: Sofa,
Soup: Soup,
Space: Space,
Spade: Spade,
Sparkle: Sparkle,
Sparkles: Sparkles,
Speaker: Speaker,
Speech: Speech,
SpellCheck: SpellCheck,
SpellCheck2: SpellCheck2,
Spline: Spline,
Split: Split,
SprayCan: SprayCan,
Sprout: Sprout,
Square: Square,
SquareActivity: SquareActivity,
SquareArrowDown: SquareArrowDown,
SquareArrowDownLeft: SquareArrowDownLeft,
SquareArrowDownRight: SquareArrowDownRight,
SquareArrowLeft: SquareArrowLeft,
SquareArrowOutDownLeft: SquareArrowOutDownLeft,
SquareArrowOutDownRight: SquareArrowOutDownRight,
SquareArrowOutUpLeft: SquareArrowOutUpLeft,
SquareArrowOutUpRight: SquareArrowOutUpRight,
SquareArrowRight: SquareArrowRight,
SquareArrowUp: SquareArrowUp,
SquareArrowUpLeft: SquareArrowUpLeft,
SquareArrowUpRight: SquareArrowUpRight,
SquareAsterisk: SquareAsterisk,
SquareBottomDashedScissors: SquareBottomDashedScissors,
SquareChartGantt: SquareChartGantt,
SquareCheck: SquareCheck,
SquareCheckBig: SquareCheckBig,
SquareChevronDown: SquareChevronDown,
SquareChevronLeft: SquareChevronLeft,
SquareChevronRight: SquareChevronRight,
SquareChevronUp: SquareChevronUp,
SquareCode: SquareCode,
SquareDashed: SquareDashed,
SquareDashedBottom: SquareDashedBottom,
SquareDashedBottomCode: SquareDashedBottomCode,
SquareDashedKanban: SquareDashedKanban,
SquareDashedMousePointer: SquareDashedMousePointer,
SquareDivide: SquareDivide,
SquareDot: SquareDot,
SquareEqual: SquareEqual,
SquareFunction: SquareFunction,
SquareKanban: SquareKanban,
SquareLibrary: SquareLibrary,
SquareM: SquareM,
SquareMenu: SquareMenu,
SquareMinus: SquareMinus,
SquareMousePointer: SquareMousePointer,
SquareParking: SquareParking,
SquareParkingOff: SquareParkingOff,
SquarePen: SquarePen,
SquarePercent: SquarePercent,
SquarePi: SquarePi,
SquarePilcrow: SquarePilcrow,
SquarePlay: SquarePlay,
SquarePlus: SquarePlus,
SquarePower: SquarePower,
SquareRadical: SquareRadical,
SquareScissors: SquareScissors,
SquareSigma: SquareSigma,
SquareSlash: SquareSlash,
SquareSplitHorizontal: SquareSplitHorizontal,
SquareSplitVertical: SquareSplitVertical,
SquareSquare: SquareSquare,
SquareStack: SquareStack,
SquareTerminal: SquareTerminal,
SquareUser: SquareUser,
SquareUserRound: SquareUserRound,
SquareX: SquareX,
Squircle: Squircle,
Squirrel: Squirrel,
Stamp: Stamp,
Star: Star,
StarHalf: StarHalf,
StarOff: StarOff,
StepBack: StepBack,
StepForward: StepForward,
Stethoscope: Stethoscope,
Sticker: Sticker,
StickyNote: StickyNote,
Store: Store,
StretchHorizontal: StretchHorizontal,
StretchVertical: StretchVertical,
Strikethrough: Strikethrough,
Subscript: Subscript,
Sun: Sun,
SunDim: SunDim,
SunMedium: SunMedium,
SunMoon: SunMoon,
SunSnow: SunSnow,
Sunrise: Sunrise,
Sunset: Sunset,
Superscript: Superscript,
SwatchBook: SwatchBook,
SwissFranc: SwissFranc,
SwitchCamera: SwitchCamera,
Sword: Sword,
Swords: Swords,
Syringe: Syringe,
Table: Table,
Table2: Table2,
TableCellsMerge: TableCellsMerge,
TableCellsSplit: TableCellsSplit,
TableColumnsSplit: TableColumnsSplit,
TableOfContents: TableOfContents,
TableProperties: TableProperties,
TableRowsSplit: TableRowsSplit,
Tablet: Tablet,
TabletSmartphone: TabletSmartphone,
Tablets: Tablets,
Tag: Tag,
Tags: Tags,
Tally1: Tally1,
Tally2: Tally2,
Tally3: Tally3,
Tally4: Tally4,
Tally5: Tally5,
Tangent: Tangent,
Target: Target,
Telescope: Telescope,
Tent: Tent,
TentTree: TentTree,
Terminal: Terminal,
TestTube: TestTube,
TestTubeDiagonal: TestTubeDiagonal,
TestTubes: TestTubes,
Text: Text,
TextCursor: TextCursor,
TextCursorInput: TextCursorInput,
TextQuote: TextQuote,
TextSearch: TextSearch,
TextSelect: TextSelect,
Theater: Theater,
Thermometer: Thermometer,
ThermometerSnowflake: ThermometerSnowflake,
ThermometerSun: ThermometerSun,
ThumbsDown: ThumbsDown,
ThumbsUp: ThumbsUp,
Ticket: Ticket,
TicketCheck: TicketCheck,
TicketMinus: TicketMinus,
TicketPercent: TicketPercent,
TicketPlus: TicketPlus,
TicketSlash: TicketSlash,
TicketX: TicketX,
Tickets: Tickets,
TicketsPlane: TicketsPlane,
Timer: Timer,
TimerOff: TimerOff,
TimerReset: TimerReset,
ToggleLeft: ToggleLeft,
ToggleRight: ToggleRight,
Toilet: Toilet,
Tornado: Tornado,
Torus: Torus,
Touchpad: Touchpad,
TouchpadOff: TouchpadOff,
TowerControl: TowerControl,
ToyBrick: ToyBrick,
Tractor: Tractor,
TrafficCone: TrafficCone,
TrainFront: TrainFront,
TrainFrontTunnel: TrainFrontTunnel,
TrainTrack: TrainTrack,
TramFront: TramFront,
Trash: Trash,
Trash2: Trash2,
TreeDeciduous: TreeDeciduous,
TreePalm: TreePalm,
TreePine: TreePine,
Trees: Trees,
Trello: Trello,
TrendingDown: TrendingDown,
TrendingUp: TrendingUp,
TrendingUpDown: TrendingUpDown,
Triangle: Triangle,
TriangleAlert: TriangleAlert,
TriangleRight: TriangleRight,
Trophy: Trophy,
Truck: Truck,
Turtle: Turtle,
Tv: Tv,
TvMinimal: TvMinimal,
TvMinimalPlay: TvMinimalPlay,
Twitch: Twitch,
Twitter: Twitter,
Type: Type,
TypeOutline: TypeOutline,
Umbrella: Umbrella,
UmbrellaOff: UmbrellaOff,
Underline: Underline,
Undo: Undo,
Undo2: Undo2,
UndoDot: UndoDot,
UnfoldHorizontal: UnfoldHorizontal,
UnfoldVertical: UnfoldVertical,
Ungroup: Ungroup,
University: University,
Unlink: Unlink,
Unlink2: Unlink2,
Unplug: Unplug,
Upload: Upload,
Usb: Usb,
User: User,
UserCheck: UserCheck,
UserCog: UserCog,
UserMinus: UserMinus,
UserPen: UserPen,
UserPlus: UserPlus,
UserRound: UserRound,
UserRoundCheck: UserRoundCheck,
UserRoundCog: UserRoundCog,
UserRoundMinus: UserRoundMinus,
UserRoundPen: UserRoundPen,
UserRoundPlus: UserRoundPlus,
UserRoundSearch: UserRoundSearch,
UserRoundX: UserRoundX,
UserSearch: UserSearch,
UserX: UserX,
Users: Users,
UsersRound: UsersRound,
Utensils: Utensils,
UtensilsCrossed: UtensilsCrossed,
UtilityPole: UtilityPole,
Variable: Variable,
Vault: Vault,
Vegan: Vegan,
VenetianMask: VenetianMask,
Vibrate: Vibrate,
VibrateOff: VibrateOff,
Video: Video,
VideoOff: VideoOff,
Videotape: Videotape,
View: View,
Voicemail: Voicemail,
Volleyball: Volleyball,
Volume: Volume,
Volume1: Volume1,
Volume2: Volume2,
VolumeOff: VolumeOff,
VolumeX: VolumeX,
Vote: Vote,
Wallet: Wallet,
WalletCards: WalletCards,
WalletMinimal: WalletMinimal,
Wallpaper: Wallpaper,
Wand: Wand,
WandSparkles: WandSparkles,
Warehouse: Warehouse,
WashingMachine: WashingMachine,
Watch: Watch,
Waves: Waves,
WavesLadder: WavesLadder,
Waypoints: Waypoints,
Webcam: Webcam,
Webhook: Webhook,
WebhookOff: WebhookOff,
Weight: Weight,
Wheat: Wheat,
WheatOff: WheatOff,
WholeWord: WholeWord,
Wifi: Wifi,
WifiHigh: WifiHigh,
WifiLow: WifiLow,
WifiOff: WifiOff,
WifiZero: WifiZero,
Wind: Wind,
WindArrowDown: WindArrowDown,
Wine: Wine,
WineOff: WineOff,
Workflow: Workflow,
Worm: Worm,
WrapText: WrapText,
Wrench: Wrench,
X: X,
Youtube: Youtube,
Zap: Zap,
ZapOff: ZapOff,
ZoomIn: ZoomIn,
ZoomOut: ZoomOut
exports.AArrowDown = AArrowDown;
exports.AArrowDownIcon = AArrowDown;
exports.AArrowUp = AArrowUp;
exports.AArrowUpIcon = AArrowUp;
exports.ALargeSmall = ALargeSmall;
exports.ALargeSmallIcon = ALargeSmall;
exports.Accessibility = Accessibility;
exports.AccessibilityIcon = Accessibility;
exports.Activity = Activity;
exports.ActivityIcon = Activity;
exports.ActivitySquare = SquareActivity;
exports.ActivitySquareIcon = SquareActivity;
exports.AirVent = AirVent;
exports.AirVentIcon = AirVent;
exports.Airplay = Airplay;
exports.AirplayIcon = Airplay;
exports.AlarmCheck = AlarmClockCheck;
exports.AlarmCheckIcon = AlarmClockCheck;
exports.AlarmClock = AlarmClock;
exports.AlarmClockCheck = AlarmClockCheck;
exports.AlarmClockCheckIcon = AlarmClockCheck;
exports.AlarmClockIcon = AlarmClock;
exports.AlarmClockMinus = AlarmClockMinus;
exports.AlarmClockMinusIcon = AlarmClockMinus;
exports.AlarmClockOff = AlarmClockOff;
exports.AlarmClockOffIcon = AlarmClockOff;
exports.AlarmClockPlus = AlarmClockPlus;
exports.AlarmClockPlusIcon = AlarmClockPlus;
exports.AlarmMinus = AlarmClockMinus;
exports.AlarmMinusIcon = AlarmClockMinus;
exports.AlarmPlus = AlarmClockPlus;
exports.AlarmPlusIcon = AlarmClockPlus;
exports.AlarmSmoke = AlarmSmoke;
exports.AlarmSmokeIcon = AlarmSmoke;
exports.Album = Album;
exports.AlbumIcon = Album;
exports.AlertCircle = CircleAlert;
exports.AlertCircleIcon = CircleAlert;
exports.AlertOctagon = OctagonAlert;
exports.AlertOctagonIcon = OctagonAlert;
exports.AlertTriangle = TriangleAlert;
exports.AlertTriangleIcon = TriangleAlert;
exports.AlignCenter = AlignCenter;
exports.AlignCenterHorizontal = AlignCenterHorizontal;
exports.AlignCenterHorizontalIcon = AlignCenterHorizontal;
exports.AlignCenterIcon = AlignCenter;
exports.AlignCenterVertical = AlignCenterVertical;
exports.AlignCenterVerticalIcon = AlignCenterVertical;
exports.AlignEndHorizontal = AlignEndHorizontal;
exports.AlignEndHorizontalIcon = AlignEndHorizontal;
exports.AlignEndVertical = AlignEndVertical;
exports.AlignEndVerticalIcon = AlignEndVertical;
exports.AlignHorizontalDistributeCenter = AlignHorizontalDistributeCenter;
exports.AlignHorizontalDistributeCenterIcon = AlignHorizontalDistributeCenter;
exports.AlignHorizontalDistributeEnd = AlignHorizontalDistributeEnd;
exports.AlignHorizontalDistributeEndIcon = AlignHorizontalDistributeEnd;
exports.AlignHorizontalDistributeStart = AlignHorizontalDistributeStart;
exports.AlignHorizontalDistributeStartIcon = AlignHorizontalDistributeStart;
exports.AlignHorizontalJustifyCenter = AlignHorizontalJustifyCenter;
exports.AlignHorizontalJustifyCenterIcon = AlignHorizontalJustifyCenter;
exports.AlignHorizontalJustifyEnd = AlignHorizontalJustifyEnd;
exports.AlignHorizontalJustifyEndIcon = AlignHorizontalJustifyEnd;
exports.AlignHorizontalJustifyStart = AlignHorizontalJustifyStart;
exports.AlignHorizontalJustifyStartIcon = AlignHorizontalJustifyStart;
exports.AlignHorizontalSpaceAround = AlignHorizontalSpaceAround;
exports.AlignHorizontalSpaceAroundIcon = AlignHorizontalSpaceAround;
exports.AlignHorizontalSpaceBetween = AlignHorizontalSpaceBetween;
exports.AlignHorizontalSpaceBetweenIcon = AlignHorizontalSpaceBetween;
exports.AlignJustify = AlignJustify;
exports.AlignJustifyIcon = AlignJustify;
exports.AlignLeft = AlignLeft;
exports.AlignLeftIcon = AlignLeft;
exports.AlignRight = AlignRight;
exports.AlignRightIcon = AlignRight;
exports.AlignStartHorizontal = AlignStartHorizontal;
exports.AlignStartHorizontalIcon = AlignStartHorizontal;
exports.AlignStartVertical = AlignStartVertical;
exports.AlignStartVerticalIcon = AlignStartVertical;
exports.AlignVerticalDistributeCenter = AlignVerticalDistributeCenter;
exports.AlignVerticalDistributeCenterIcon = AlignVerticalDistributeCenter;
exports.AlignVerticalDistributeEnd = AlignVerticalDistributeEnd;
exports.AlignVerticalDistributeEndIcon = AlignVerticalDistributeEnd;
exports.AlignVerticalDistributeStart = AlignVerticalDistributeStart;
exports.AlignVerticalDistributeStartIcon = AlignVerticalDistributeStart;
exports.AlignVerticalJustifyCenter = AlignVerticalJustifyCenter;
exports.AlignVerticalJustifyCenterIcon = AlignVerticalJustifyCenter;
exports.AlignVerticalJustifyEnd = AlignVerticalJustifyEnd;
exports.AlignVerticalJustifyEndIcon = AlignVerticalJustifyEnd;
exports.AlignVerticalJustifyStart = AlignVerticalJustifyStart;
exports.AlignVerticalJustifyStartIcon = AlignVerticalJustifyStart;
exports.AlignVerticalSpaceAround = AlignVerticalSpaceAround;
exports.AlignVerticalSpaceAroundIcon = AlignVerticalSpaceAround;
exports.AlignVerticalSpaceBetween = AlignVerticalSpaceBetween;
exports.AlignVerticalSpaceBetweenIcon = AlignVerticalSpaceBetween;
exports.Ambulance = Ambulance;
exports.AmbulanceIcon = Ambulance;
exports.Ampersand = Ampersand;
exports.AmpersandIcon = Ampersand;
exports.Ampersands = Ampersands;
exports.AmpersandsIcon = Ampersands;
exports.Amphora = Amphora;
exports.AmphoraIcon = Amphora;
exports.Anchor = Anchor;
exports.AnchorIcon = Anchor;
exports.Angry = Angry;
exports.AngryIcon = Angry;
exports.Annoyed = Annoyed;
exports.AnnoyedIcon = Annoyed;
exports.Antenna = Antenna;
exports.AntennaIcon = Antenna;
exports.Anvil = Anvil;
exports.AnvilIcon = Anvil;
exports.Aperture = Aperture;
exports.ApertureIcon = Aperture;
exports.AppWindow = AppWindow;
exports.AppWindowIcon = AppWindow;
exports.AppWindowMac = AppWindowMac;
exports.AppWindowMacIcon = AppWindowMac;
exports.Apple = Apple;
exports.AppleIcon = Apple;
exports.Archive = Archive;
exports.ArchiveIcon = Archive;
exports.ArchiveRestore = ArchiveRestore;
exports.ArchiveRestoreIcon = ArchiveRestore;
exports.ArchiveX = ArchiveX;
exports.ArchiveXIcon = ArchiveX;
exports.AreaChart = ChartArea;
exports.AreaChartIcon = ChartArea;
exports.Armchair = Armchair;
exports.ArmchairIcon = Armchair;
exports.ArrowBigDown = ArrowBigDown;
exports.ArrowBigDownDash = ArrowBigDownDash;
exports.ArrowBigDownDashIcon = ArrowBigDownDash;
exports.ArrowBigDownIcon = ArrowBigDown;
exports.ArrowBigLeft = ArrowBigLeft;
exports.ArrowBigLeftDash = ArrowBigLeftDash;
exports.ArrowBigLeftDashIcon = ArrowBigLeftDash;
exports.ArrowBigLeftIcon = ArrowBigLeft;
exports.ArrowBigRight = ArrowBigRight;
exports.ArrowBigRightDash = ArrowBigRightDash;
exports.ArrowBigRightDashIcon = ArrowBigRightDash;
exports.ArrowBigRightIcon = ArrowBigRight;
exports.ArrowBigUp = ArrowBigUp;
exports.ArrowBigUpDash = ArrowBigUpDash;
exports.ArrowBigUpDashIcon = ArrowBigUpDash;
exports.ArrowBigUpIcon = ArrowBigUp;
exports.ArrowDown = ArrowDown;
exports.ArrowDown01 = ArrowDown01;
exports.ArrowDown01Icon = ArrowDown01;
exports.ArrowDown10 = ArrowDown10;
exports.ArrowDown10Icon = ArrowDown10;
exports.ArrowDownAZ = ArrowDownAZ;
exports.ArrowDownAZIcon = ArrowDownAZ;
exports.ArrowDownAz = ArrowDownAZ;
exports.ArrowDownAzIcon = ArrowDownAZ;
exports.ArrowDownCircle = CircleArrowDown;
exports.ArrowDownCircleIcon = CircleArrowDown;
exports.ArrowDownFromLine = ArrowDownFromLine;
exports.ArrowDownFromLineIcon = ArrowDownFromLine;
exports.ArrowDownIcon = ArrowDown;
exports.ArrowDownLeft = ArrowDownLeft;
exports.ArrowDownLeftFromCircle = CircleArrowOutDownLeft;
exports.ArrowDownLeftFromCircleIcon = CircleArrowOutDownLeft;
exports.ArrowDownLeftFromSquare = SquareArrowOutDownLeft;
exports.ArrowDownLeftFromSquareIcon = SquareArrowOutDownLeft;
exports.ArrowDownLeftIcon = ArrowDownLeft;
exports.ArrowDownLeftSquare = SquareArrowDownLeft;
exports.ArrowDownLeftSquareIcon = SquareArrowDownLeft;
exports.ArrowDownNarrowWide = ArrowDownNarrowWide;
exports.ArrowDownNarrowWideIcon = ArrowDownNarrowWide;
exports.ArrowDownRight = ArrowDownRight;
exports.ArrowDownRightFromCircle = CircleArrowOutDownRight;
exports.ArrowDownRightFromCircleIcon = CircleArrowOutDownRight;
exports.ArrowDownRightFromSquare = SquareArrowOutDownRight;
exports.ArrowDownRightFromSquareIcon = SquareArrowOutDownRight;
exports.ArrowDownRightIcon = ArrowDownRight;
exports.ArrowDownRightSquare = SquareArrowDownRight;
exports.ArrowDownRightSquareIcon = SquareArrowDownRight;
exports.ArrowDownSquare = SquareArrowDown;
exports.ArrowDownSquareIcon = SquareArrowDown;
exports.ArrowDownToDot = ArrowDownToDot;
exports.ArrowDownToDotIcon = ArrowDownToDot;
exports.ArrowDownToLine = ArrowDownToLine;
exports.ArrowDownToLineIcon = ArrowDownToLine;
exports.ArrowDownUp = ArrowDownUp;
exports.ArrowDownUpIcon = ArrowDownUp;
exports.ArrowDownWideNarrow = ArrowDownWideNarrow;
exports.ArrowDownWideNarrowIcon = ArrowDownWideNarrow;
exports.ArrowDownZA = ArrowDownZA;
exports.ArrowDownZAIcon = ArrowDownZA;
exports.ArrowDownZa = ArrowDownZA;
exports.ArrowDownZaIcon = ArrowDownZA;
exports.ArrowLeft = ArrowLeft;
exports.ArrowLeftCircle = CircleArrowLeft;
exports.ArrowLeftCircleIcon = CircleArrowLeft;
exports.ArrowLeftFromLine = ArrowLeftFromLine;
exports.ArrowLeftFromLineIcon = ArrowLeftFromLine;
exports.ArrowLeftIcon = ArrowLeft;
exports.ArrowLeftRight = ArrowLeftRight;
exports.ArrowLeftRightIcon = ArrowLeftRight;
exports.ArrowLeftSquare = SquareArrowLeft;
exports.ArrowLeftSquareIcon = SquareArrowLeft;
exports.ArrowLeftToLine = ArrowLeftToLine;
exports.ArrowLeftToLineIcon = ArrowLeftToLine;
exports.ArrowRight = ArrowRight;
exports.ArrowRightCircle = CircleArrowRight;
exports.ArrowRightCircleIcon = CircleArrowRight;
exports.ArrowRightFromLine = ArrowRightFromLine;
exports.ArrowRightFromLineIcon = ArrowRightFromLine;
exports.ArrowRightIcon = ArrowRight;
exports.ArrowRightLeft = ArrowRightLeft;
exports.ArrowRightLeftIcon = ArrowRightLeft;
exports.ArrowRightSquare = SquareArrowRight;
exports.ArrowRightSquareIcon = SquareArrowRight;
exports.ArrowRightToLine = ArrowRightToLine;
exports.ArrowRightToLineIcon = ArrowRightToLine;
exports.ArrowUp = ArrowUp;
exports.ArrowUp01 = ArrowUp01;
exports.ArrowUp01Icon = ArrowUp01;
exports.ArrowUp10 = ArrowUp10;
exports.ArrowUp10Icon = ArrowUp10;
exports.ArrowUpAZ = ArrowUpAZ;
exports.ArrowUpAZIcon = ArrowUpAZ;
exports.ArrowUpAz = ArrowUpAZ;
exports.ArrowUpAzIcon = ArrowUpAZ;
exports.ArrowUpCircle = CircleArrowUp;
exports.ArrowUpCircleIcon = CircleArrowUp;
exports.ArrowUpDown = ArrowUpDown;
exports.ArrowUpDownIcon = ArrowUpDown;
exports.ArrowUpFromDot = ArrowUpFromDot;
exports.ArrowUpFromDotIcon = ArrowUpFromDot;
exports.ArrowUpFromLine = ArrowUpFromLine;
exports.ArrowUpFromLineIcon = ArrowUpFromLine;
exports.ArrowUpIcon = ArrowUp;
exports.ArrowUpLeft = ArrowUpLeft;
exports.ArrowUpLeftFromCircle = CircleArrowOutUpLeft;
exports.ArrowUpLeftFromCircleIcon = CircleArrowOutUpLeft;
exports.ArrowUpLeftFromSquare = SquareArrowOutUpLeft;
exports.ArrowUpLeftFromSquareIcon = SquareArrowOutUpLeft;
exports.ArrowUpLeftIcon = ArrowUpLeft;
exports.ArrowUpLeftSquare = SquareArrowUpLeft;
exports.ArrowUpLeftSquareIcon = SquareArrowUpLeft;
exports.ArrowUpNarrowWide = ArrowUpNarrowWide;
exports.ArrowUpNarrowWideIcon = ArrowUpNarrowWide;
exports.ArrowUpRight = ArrowUpRight;
exports.ArrowUpRightFromCircle = CircleArrowOutUpRight;
exports.ArrowUpRightFromCircleIcon = CircleArrowOutUpRight;
exports.ArrowUpRightFromSquare = SquareArrowOutUpRight;
exports.ArrowUpRightFromSquareIcon = SquareArrowOutUpRight;
exports.ArrowUpRightIcon = ArrowUpRight;
exports.ArrowUpRightSquare = SquareArrowUpRight;
exports.ArrowUpRightSquareIcon = SquareArrowUpRight;
exports.ArrowUpSquare = SquareArrowUp;
exports.ArrowUpSquareIcon = SquareArrowUp;
exports.ArrowUpToLine = ArrowUpToLine;
exports.ArrowUpToLineIcon = ArrowUpToLine;
exports.ArrowUpWideNarrow = ArrowUpWideNarrow;
exports.ArrowUpWideNarrowIcon = ArrowUpWideNarrow;
exports.ArrowUpZA = ArrowUpZA;
exports.ArrowUpZAIcon = ArrowUpZA;
exports.ArrowUpZa = ArrowUpZA;
exports.ArrowUpZaIcon = ArrowUpZA;
exports.ArrowsUpFromLine = ArrowsUpFromLine;
exports.ArrowsUpFromLineIcon = ArrowsUpFromLine;
exports.Asterisk = Asterisk;
exports.AsteriskIcon = Asterisk;
exports.AsteriskSquare = SquareAsterisk;
exports.AsteriskSquareIcon = SquareAsterisk;
exports.AtSign = AtSign;
exports.AtSignIcon = AtSign;
exports.Atom = Atom;
exports.AtomIcon = Atom;
exports.AudioLines = AudioLines;
exports.AudioLinesIcon = AudioLines;
exports.AudioWaveform = AudioWaveform;
exports.AudioWaveformIcon = AudioWaveform;
exports.Award = Award;
exports.AwardIcon = Award;
exports.Axe = Axe;
exports.AxeIcon = Axe;
exports.Axis3D = Axis3d;
exports.Axis3DIcon = Axis3d;
exports.Axis3d = Axis3d;
exports.Axis3dIcon = Axis3d;
exports.Baby = Baby;
exports.BabyIcon = Baby;
exports.Backpack = Backpack;
exports.BackpackIcon = Backpack;
exports.Badge = Badge;
exports.BadgeAlert = BadgeAlert;
exports.BadgeAlertIcon = BadgeAlert;
exports.BadgeCent = BadgeCent;
exports.BadgeCentIcon = BadgeCent;
exports.BadgeCheck = BadgeCheck;
exports.BadgeCheckIcon = BadgeCheck;
exports.BadgeDollarSign = BadgeDollarSign;
exports.BadgeDollarSignIcon = BadgeDollarSign;
exports.BadgeEuro = BadgeEuro;
exports.BadgeEuroIcon = BadgeEuro;
exports.BadgeHelp = BadgeHelp;
exports.BadgeHelpIcon = BadgeHelp;
exports.BadgeIcon = Badge;
exports.BadgeIndianRupee = BadgeIndianRupee;
exports.BadgeIndianRupeeIcon = BadgeIndianRupee;
exports.BadgeInfo = BadgeInfo;
exports.BadgeInfoIcon = BadgeInfo;
exports.BadgeJapaneseYen = BadgeJapaneseYen;
exports.BadgeJapaneseYenIcon = BadgeJapaneseYen;
exports.BadgeMinus = BadgeMinus;
exports.BadgeMinusIcon = BadgeMinus;
exports.BadgePercent = BadgePercent;
exports.BadgePercentIcon = BadgePercent;
exports.BadgePlus = BadgePlus;
exports.BadgePlusIcon = BadgePlus;
exports.BadgePoundSterling = BadgePoundSterling;
exports.BadgePoundSterlingIcon = BadgePoundSterling;
exports.BadgeRussianRuble = BadgeRussianRuble;
exports.BadgeRussianRubleIcon = BadgeRussianRuble;
exports.BadgeSwissFranc = BadgeSwissFranc;
exports.BadgeSwissFrancIcon = BadgeSwissFranc;
exports.BadgeX = BadgeX;
exports.BadgeXIcon = BadgeX;
exports.BaggageClaim = BaggageClaim;
exports.BaggageClaimIcon = BaggageClaim;
exports.Ban = Ban;
exports.BanIcon = Ban;
exports.Banana = Banana;
exports.BananaIcon = Banana;
exports.Bandage = Bandage;
exports.BandageIcon = Bandage;
exports.Banknote = Banknote;
exports.BanknoteIcon = Banknote;
exports.BarChart = ChartNoAxesColumnIncreasing;
exports.BarChart2 = ChartNoAxesColumn;
exports.BarChart2Icon = ChartNoAxesColumn;
exports.BarChart3 = ChartColumn;
exports.BarChart3Icon = ChartColumn;
exports.BarChart4 = ChartColumnIncreasing;
exports.BarChart4Icon = ChartColumnIncreasing;
exports.BarChartBig = ChartColumnBig;
exports.BarChartBigIcon = ChartColumnBig;
exports.BarChartHorizontal = ChartBar;
exports.BarChartHorizontalBig = ChartBarBig;
exports.BarChartHorizontalBigIcon = ChartBarBig;
exports.BarChartHorizontalIcon = ChartBar;
exports.BarChartIcon = ChartNoAxesColumnIncreasing;
exports.Barcode = Barcode;
exports.BarcodeIcon = Barcode;
exports.Baseline = Baseline;
exports.BaselineIcon = Baseline;
exports.Bath = Bath;
exports.BathIcon = Bath;
exports.Battery = Battery;
exports.BatteryCharging = BatteryCharging;
exports.BatteryChargingIcon = BatteryCharging;
exports.BatteryFull = BatteryFull;
exports.BatteryFullIcon = BatteryFull;
exports.BatteryIcon = Battery;
exports.BatteryLow = BatteryLow;
exports.BatteryLowIcon = BatteryLow;
exports.BatteryMedium = BatteryMedium;
exports.BatteryMediumIcon = BatteryMedium;
exports.BatteryWarning = BatteryWarning;
exports.BatteryWarningIcon = BatteryWarning;
exports.Beaker = Beaker;
exports.BeakerIcon = Beaker;
exports.Bean = Bean;
exports.BeanIcon = Bean;
exports.BeanOff = BeanOff;
exports.BeanOffIcon = BeanOff;
exports.Bed = Bed;
exports.BedDouble = BedDouble;
exports.BedDoubleIcon = BedDouble;
exports.BedIcon = Bed;
exports.BedSingle = BedSingle;
exports.BedSingleIcon = BedSingle;
exports.Beef = Beef;
exports.BeefIcon = Beef;
exports.Beer = Beer;
exports.BeerIcon = Beer;
exports.BeerOff = BeerOff;
exports.BeerOffIcon = BeerOff;
exports.Bell = Bell;
exports.BellDot = BellDot;
exports.BellDotIcon = BellDot;
exports.BellElectric = BellElectric;
exports.BellElectricIcon = BellElectric;
exports.BellIcon = Bell;
exports.BellMinus = BellMinus;
exports.BellMinusIcon = BellMinus;
exports.BellOff = BellOff;
exports.BellOffIcon = BellOff;
exports.BellPlus = BellPlus;
exports.BellPlusIcon = BellPlus;
exports.BellRing = BellRing;
exports.BellRingIcon = BellRing;
exports.BetweenHorizonalEnd = BetweenHorizontalEnd;
exports.BetweenHorizonalEndIcon = BetweenHorizontalEnd;
exports.BetweenHorizonalStart = BetweenHorizontalStart;
exports.BetweenHorizonalStartIcon = BetweenHorizontalStart;
exports.BetweenHorizontalEnd = BetweenHorizontalEnd;
exports.BetweenHorizontalEndIcon = BetweenHorizontalEnd;
exports.BetweenHorizontalStart = BetweenHorizontalStart;
exports.BetweenHorizontalStartIcon = BetweenHorizontalStart;
exports.BetweenVerticalEnd = BetweenVerticalEnd;
exports.BetweenVerticalEndIcon = BetweenVerticalEnd;
exports.BetweenVerticalStart = BetweenVerticalStart;
exports.BetweenVerticalStartIcon = BetweenVerticalStart;
exports.BicepsFlexed = BicepsFlexed;
exports.BicepsFlexedIcon = BicepsFlexed;
exports.Bike = Bike;
exports.BikeIcon = Bike;
exports.Binary = Binary;
exports.BinaryIcon = Binary;
exports.Binoculars = Binoculars;
exports.BinocularsIcon = Binoculars;
exports.Biohazard = Biohazard;
exports.BiohazardIcon = Biohazard;
exports.Bird = Bird;
exports.BirdIcon = Bird;
exports.Bitcoin = Bitcoin;
exports.BitcoinIcon = Bitcoin;
exports.Blend = Blend;
exports.BlendIcon = Blend;
exports.Blinds = Blinds;
exports.BlindsIcon = Blinds;
exports.Blocks = Blocks;
exports.BlocksIcon = Blocks;
exports.Bluetooth = Bluetooth;
exports.BluetoothConnected = BluetoothConnected;
exports.BluetoothConnectedIcon = BluetoothConnected;
exports.BluetoothIcon = Bluetooth;
exports.BluetoothOff = BluetoothOff;
exports.BluetoothOffIcon = BluetoothOff;
exports.BluetoothSearching = BluetoothSearching;
exports.BluetoothSearchingIcon = BluetoothSearching;
exports.Bold = Bold;
exports.BoldIcon = Bold;
exports.Bolt = Bolt;
exports.BoltIcon = Bolt;
exports.Bomb = Bomb;
exports.BombIcon = Bomb;
exports.Bone = Bone;
exports.BoneIcon = Bone;
exports.Book = Book;
exports.BookA = BookA;
exports.BookAIcon = BookA;
exports.BookAudio = BookAudio;
exports.BookAudioIcon = BookAudio;
exports.BookCheck = BookCheck;
exports.BookCheckIcon = BookCheck;
exports.BookCopy = BookCopy;
exports.BookCopyIcon = BookCopy;
exports.BookDashed = BookDashed;
exports.BookDashedIcon = BookDashed;
exports.BookDown = BookDown;
exports.BookDownIcon = BookDown;
exports.BookHeadphones = BookHeadphones;
exports.BookHeadphonesIcon = BookHeadphones;
exports.BookHeart = BookHeart;
exports.BookHeartIcon = BookHeart;
exports.BookIcon = Book;
exports.BookImage = BookImage;
exports.BookImageIcon = BookImage;
exports.BookKey = BookKey;
exports.BookKeyIcon = BookKey;
exports.BookLock = BookLock;
exports.BookLockIcon = BookLock;
exports.BookMarked = BookMarked;
exports.BookMarkedIcon = BookMarked;
exports.BookMinus = BookMinus;
exports.BookMinusIcon = BookMinus;
exports.BookOpen = BookOpen;
exports.BookOpenCheck = BookOpenCheck;
exports.BookOpenCheckIcon = BookOpenCheck;
exports.BookOpenIcon = BookOpen;
exports.BookOpenText = BookOpenText;
exports.BookOpenTextIcon = BookOpenText;
exports.BookPlus = BookPlus;
exports.BookPlusIcon = BookPlus;
exports.BookTemplate = BookDashed;
exports.BookTemplateIcon = BookDashed;
exports.BookText = BookText;
exports.BookTextIcon = BookText;
exports.BookType = BookType;
exports.BookTypeIcon = BookType;
exports.BookUp = BookUp;
exports.BookUp2 = BookUp2;
exports.BookUp2Icon = BookUp2;
exports.BookUpIcon = BookUp;
exports.BookUser = BookUser;
exports.BookUserIcon = BookUser;
exports.BookX = BookX;
exports.BookXIcon = BookX;
exports.Bookmark = Bookmark;
exports.BookmarkCheck = BookmarkCheck;
exports.BookmarkCheckIcon = BookmarkCheck;
exports.BookmarkIcon = Bookmark;
exports.BookmarkMinus = BookmarkMinus;
exports.BookmarkMinusIcon = BookmarkMinus;
exports.BookmarkPlus = BookmarkPlus;
exports.BookmarkPlusIcon = BookmarkPlus;
exports.BookmarkX = BookmarkX;
exports.BookmarkXIcon = BookmarkX;
exports.BoomBox = BoomBox;
exports.BoomBoxIcon = BoomBox;
exports.Bot = Bot;
exports.BotIcon = Bot;
exports.BotMessageSquare = BotMessageSquare;
exports.BotMessageSquareIcon = BotMessageSquare;
exports.BotOff = BotOff;
exports.BotOffIcon = BotOff;
exports.Box = Box;
exports.BoxIcon = Box;
exports.BoxSelect = SquareDashed;
exports.BoxSelectIcon = SquareDashed;
exports.Boxes = Boxes;
exports.BoxesIcon = Boxes;
exports.Braces = Braces;
exports.BracesIcon = Braces;
exports.Brackets = Brackets;
exports.BracketsIcon = Brackets;
exports.Brain = Brain;
exports.BrainCircuit = BrainCircuit;
exports.BrainCircuitIcon = BrainCircuit;
exports.BrainCog = BrainCog;
exports.BrainCogIcon = BrainCog;
exports.BrainIcon = Brain;
exports.BrickWall = BrickWall;
exports.BrickWallIcon = BrickWall;
exports.Briefcase = Briefcase;
exports.BriefcaseBusiness = BriefcaseBusiness;
exports.BriefcaseBusinessIcon = BriefcaseBusiness;
exports.BriefcaseConveyorBelt = BriefcaseConveyorBelt;
exports.BriefcaseConveyorBeltIcon = BriefcaseConveyorBelt;
exports.BriefcaseIcon = Briefcase;
exports.BriefcaseMedical = BriefcaseMedical;
exports.BriefcaseMedicalIcon = BriefcaseMedical;
exports.BringToFront = BringToFront;
exports.BringToFrontIcon = BringToFront;
exports.Brush = Brush;
exports.BrushIcon = Brush;
exports.Bug = Bug;
exports.BugIcon = Bug;
exports.BugOff = BugOff;
exports.BugOffIcon = BugOff;
exports.BugPlay = BugPlay;
exports.BugPlayIcon = BugPlay;
exports.Building = Building;
exports.Building2 = Building2;
exports.Building2Icon = Building2;
exports.BuildingIcon = Building;
exports.Bus = Bus;
exports.BusFront = BusFront;
exports.BusFrontIcon = BusFront;
exports.BusIcon = Bus;
exports.Cable = Cable;
exports.CableCar = CableCar;
exports.CableCarIcon = CableCar;
exports.CableIcon = Cable;
exports.Cake = Cake;
exports.CakeIcon = Cake;
exports.CakeSlice = CakeSlice;
exports.CakeSliceIcon = CakeSlice;
exports.Calculator = Calculator;
exports.CalculatorIcon = Calculator;
exports.Calendar = Calendar;
exports.Calendar1 = Calendar1;
exports.Calendar1Icon = Calendar1;
exports.CalendarArrowDown = CalendarArrowDown;
exports.CalendarArrowDownIcon = CalendarArrowDown;
exports.CalendarArrowUp = CalendarArrowUp;
exports.CalendarArrowUpIcon = CalendarArrowUp;
exports.CalendarCheck = CalendarCheck;
exports.CalendarCheck2 = CalendarCheck2;
exports.CalendarCheck2Icon = CalendarCheck2;
exports.CalendarCheckIcon = CalendarCheck;
exports.CalendarClock = CalendarClock;
exports.CalendarClockIcon = CalendarClock;
exports.CalendarCog = CalendarCog;
exports.CalendarCogIcon = CalendarCog;
exports.CalendarDays = CalendarDays;
exports.CalendarDaysIcon = CalendarDays;
exports.CalendarFold = CalendarFold;
exports.CalendarFoldIcon = CalendarFold;
exports.CalendarHeart = CalendarHeart;
exports.CalendarHeartIcon = CalendarHeart;
exports.CalendarIcon = Calendar;
exports.CalendarMinus = CalendarMinus;
exports.CalendarMinus2 = CalendarMinus2;
exports.CalendarMinus2Icon = CalendarMinus2;
exports.CalendarMinusIcon = CalendarMinus;
exports.CalendarOff = CalendarOff;
exports.CalendarOffIcon = CalendarOff;
exports.CalendarPlus = CalendarPlus;
exports.CalendarPlus2 = CalendarPlus2;
exports.CalendarPlus2Icon = CalendarPlus2;
exports.CalendarPlusIcon = CalendarPlus;
exports.CalendarRange = CalendarRange;
exports.CalendarRangeIcon = CalendarRange;
exports.CalendarSearch = CalendarSearch;
exports.CalendarSearchIcon = CalendarSearch;
exports.CalendarSync = CalendarSync;
exports.CalendarSyncIcon = CalendarSync;
exports.CalendarX = CalendarX;
exports.CalendarX2 = CalendarX2;
exports.CalendarX2Icon = CalendarX2;
exports.CalendarXIcon = CalendarX;
exports.Camera = Camera;
exports.CameraIcon = Camera;
exports.CameraOff = CameraOff;
exports.CameraOffIcon = CameraOff;
exports.CandlestickChart = ChartCandlestick;
exports.CandlestickChartIcon = ChartCandlestick;
exports.Candy = Candy;
exports.CandyCane = CandyCane;
exports.CandyCaneIcon = CandyCane;
exports.CandyIcon = Candy;
exports.CandyOff = CandyOff;
exports.CandyOffIcon = CandyOff;
exports.Cannabis = Cannabis;
exports.CannabisIcon = Cannabis;
exports.Captions = Captions;
exports.CaptionsIcon = Captions;
exports.CaptionsOff = CaptionsOff;
exports.CaptionsOffIcon = CaptionsOff;
exports.Car = Car;
exports.CarFront = CarFront;
exports.CarFrontIcon = CarFront;
exports.CarIcon = Car;
exports.CarTaxiFront = CarTaxiFront;
exports.CarTaxiFrontIcon = CarTaxiFront;
exports.Caravan = Caravan;
exports.CaravanIcon = Caravan;
exports.Carrot = Carrot;
exports.CarrotIcon = Carrot;
exports.CaseLower = CaseLower;
exports.CaseLowerIcon = CaseLower;
exports.CaseSensitive = CaseSensitive;
exports.CaseSensitiveIcon = CaseSensitive;
exports.CaseUpper = CaseUpper;
exports.CaseUpperIcon = CaseUpper;
exports.CassetteTape = CassetteTape;
exports.CassetteTapeIcon = CassetteTape;
exports.Cast = Cast;
exports.CastIcon = Cast;
exports.Castle = Castle;
exports.CastleIcon = Castle;
exports.Cat = Cat;
exports.CatIcon = Cat;
exports.Cctv = Cctv;
exports.CctvIcon = Cctv;
exports.ChartArea = ChartArea;
exports.ChartAreaIcon = ChartArea;
exports.ChartBar = ChartBar;
exports.ChartBarBig = ChartBarBig;
exports.ChartBarBigIcon = ChartBarBig;
exports.ChartBarDecreasing = ChartBarDecreasing;
exports.ChartBarDecreasingIcon = ChartBarDecreasing;
exports.ChartBarIcon = ChartBar;
exports.ChartBarIncreasing = ChartBarIncreasing;
exports.ChartBarIncreasingIcon = ChartBarIncreasing;
exports.ChartBarStacked = ChartBarStacked;
exports.ChartBarStackedIcon = ChartBarStacked;
exports.ChartCandlestick = ChartCandlestick;
exports.ChartCandlestickIcon = ChartCandlestick;
exports.ChartColumn = ChartColumn;
exports.ChartColumnBig = ChartColumnBig;
exports.ChartColumnBigIcon = ChartColumnBig;
exports.ChartColumnDecreasing = ChartColumnDecreasing;
exports.ChartColumnDecreasingIcon = ChartColumnDecreasing;
exports.ChartColumnIcon = ChartColumn;
exports.ChartColumnIncreasing = ChartColumnIncreasing;
exports.ChartColumnIncreasingIcon = ChartColumnIncreasing;
exports.ChartColumnStacked = ChartColumnStacked;
exports.ChartColumnStackedIcon = ChartColumnStacked;
exports.ChartGantt = ChartGantt;
exports.ChartGanttIcon = ChartGantt;
exports.ChartLine = ChartLine;
exports.ChartLineIcon = ChartLine;
exports.ChartNetwork = ChartNetwork;
exports.ChartNetworkIcon = ChartNetwork;
exports.ChartNoAxesColumn = ChartNoAxesColumn;
exports.ChartNoAxesColumnDecreasing = ChartNoAxesColumnDecreasing;
exports.ChartNoAxesColumnDecreasingIcon = ChartNoAxesColumnDecreasing;
exports.ChartNoAxesColumnIcon = ChartNoAxesColumn;
exports.ChartNoAxesColumnIncreasing = ChartNoAxesColumnIncreasing;
exports.ChartNoAxesColumnIncreasingIcon = ChartNoAxesColumnIncreasing;
exports.ChartNoAxesCombined = ChartNoAxesCombined;
exports.ChartNoAxesCombinedIcon = ChartNoAxesCombined;
exports.ChartNoAxesGantt = ChartNoAxesGantt;
exports.ChartNoAxesGanttIcon = ChartNoAxesGantt;
exports.ChartPie = ChartPie;
exports.ChartPieIcon = ChartPie;
exports.ChartScatter = ChartScatter;
exports.ChartScatterIcon = ChartScatter;
exports.ChartSpline = ChartSpline;
exports.ChartSplineIcon = ChartSpline;
exports.Check = Check;
exports.CheckCheck = CheckCheck;
exports.CheckCheckIcon = CheckCheck;
exports.CheckCircle = CircleCheckBig;
exports.CheckCircle2 = CircleCheck;
exports.CheckCircle2Icon = CircleCheck;
exports.CheckCircleIcon = CircleCheckBig;
exports.CheckIcon = Check;
exports.CheckSquare = SquareCheckBig;
exports.CheckSquare2 = SquareCheck;
exports.CheckSquare2Icon = SquareCheck;
exports.CheckSquareIcon = SquareCheckBig;
exports.ChefHat = ChefHat;
exports.ChefHatIcon = ChefHat;
exports.Cherry = Cherry;
exports.CherryIcon = Cherry;
exports.ChevronDown = ChevronDown;
exports.ChevronDownCircle = CircleChevronDown;
exports.ChevronDownCircleIcon = CircleChevronDown;
exports.ChevronDownIcon = ChevronDown;
exports.ChevronDownSquare = SquareChevronDown;
exports.ChevronDownSquareIcon = SquareChevronDown;
exports.ChevronFirst = ChevronFirst;
exports.ChevronFirstIcon = ChevronFirst;
exports.ChevronLast = ChevronLast;
exports.ChevronLastIcon = ChevronLast;
exports.ChevronLeft = ChevronLeft;
exports.ChevronLeftCircle = CircleChevronLeft;
exports.ChevronLeftCircleIcon = CircleChevronLeft;
exports.ChevronLeftIcon = ChevronLeft;
exports.ChevronLeftSquare = SquareChevronLeft;
exports.ChevronLeftSquareIcon = SquareChevronLeft;
exports.ChevronRight = ChevronRight;
exports.ChevronRightCircle = CircleChevronRight;
exports.ChevronRightCircleIcon = CircleChevronRight;
exports.ChevronRightIcon = ChevronRight;
exports.ChevronRightSquare = SquareChevronRight;
exports.ChevronRightSquareIcon = SquareChevronRight;
exports.ChevronUp = ChevronUp;
exports.ChevronUpCircle = CircleChevronUp;
exports.ChevronUpCircleIcon = CircleChevronUp;
exports.ChevronUpIcon = ChevronUp;
exports.ChevronUpSquare = SquareChevronUp;
exports.ChevronUpSquareIcon = SquareChevronUp;
exports.ChevronsDown = ChevronsDown;
exports.ChevronsDownIcon = ChevronsDown;
exports.ChevronsDownUp = ChevronsDownUp;
exports.ChevronsDownUpIcon = ChevronsDownUp;
exports.ChevronsLeft = ChevronsLeft;
exports.ChevronsLeftIcon = ChevronsLeft;
exports.ChevronsLeftRight = ChevronsLeftRight;
exports.ChevronsLeftRightEllipsis = ChevronsLeftRightEllipsis;
exports.ChevronsLeftRightEllipsisIcon = ChevronsLeftRightEllipsis;
exports.ChevronsLeftRightIcon = ChevronsLeftRight;
exports.ChevronsRight = ChevronsRight;
exports.ChevronsRightIcon = ChevronsRight;
exports.ChevronsRightLeft = ChevronsRightLeft;
exports.ChevronsRightLeftIcon = ChevronsRightLeft;
exports.ChevronsUp = ChevronsUp;
exports.ChevronsUpDown = ChevronsUpDown;
exports.ChevronsUpDownIcon = ChevronsUpDown;
exports.ChevronsUpIcon = ChevronsUp;
exports.Chrome = Chrome;
exports.ChromeIcon = Chrome;
exports.Church = Church;
exports.ChurchIcon = Church;
exports.Cigarette = Cigarette;
exports.CigaretteIcon = Cigarette;
exports.CigaretteOff = CigaretteOff;
exports.CigaretteOffIcon = CigaretteOff;
exports.Circle = Circle;
exports.CircleAlert = CircleAlert;
exports.CircleAlertIcon = CircleAlert;
exports.CircleArrowDown = CircleArrowDown;
exports.CircleArrowDownIcon = CircleArrowDown;
exports.CircleArrowLeft = CircleArrowLeft;
exports.CircleArrowLeftIcon = CircleArrowLeft;
exports.CircleArrowOutDownLeft = CircleArrowOutDownLeft;
exports.CircleArrowOutDownLeftIcon = CircleArrowOutDownLeft;
exports.CircleArrowOutDownRight = CircleArrowOutDownRight;
exports.CircleArrowOutDownRightIcon = CircleArrowOutDownRight;
exports.CircleArrowOutUpLeft = CircleArrowOutUpLeft;
exports.CircleArrowOutUpLeftIcon = CircleArrowOutUpLeft;
exports.CircleArrowOutUpRight = CircleArrowOutUpRight;
exports.CircleArrowOutUpRightIcon = CircleArrowOutUpRight;
exports.CircleArrowRight = CircleArrowRight;
exports.CircleArrowRightIcon = CircleArrowRight;
exports.CircleArrowUp = CircleArrowUp;
exports.CircleArrowUpIcon = CircleArrowUp;
exports.CircleCheck = CircleCheck;
exports.CircleCheckBig = CircleCheckBig;
exports.CircleCheckBigIcon = CircleCheckBig;
exports.CircleCheckIcon = CircleCheck;
exports.CircleChevronDown = CircleChevronDown;
exports.CircleChevronDownIcon = CircleChevronDown;
exports.CircleChevronLeft = CircleChevronLeft;
exports.CircleChevronLeftIcon = CircleChevronLeft;
exports.CircleChevronRight = CircleChevronRight;
exports.CircleChevronRightIcon = CircleChevronRight;
exports.CircleChevronUp = CircleChevronUp;
exports.CircleChevronUpIcon = CircleChevronUp;
exports.CircleDashed = CircleDashed;
exports.CircleDashedIcon = CircleDashed;
exports.CircleDivide = CircleDivide;
exports.CircleDivideIcon = CircleDivide;
exports.CircleDollarSign = CircleDollarSign;
exports.CircleDollarSignIcon = CircleDollarSign;
exports.CircleDot = CircleDot;
exports.CircleDotDashed = CircleDotDashed;
exports.CircleDotDashedIcon = CircleDotDashed;
exports.CircleDotIcon = CircleDot;
exports.CircleEllipsis = CircleEllipsis;
exports.CircleEllipsisIcon = CircleEllipsis;
exports.CircleEqual = CircleEqual;
exports.CircleEqualIcon = CircleEqual;
exports.CircleFadingArrowUp = CircleFadingArrowUp;
exports.CircleFadingArrowUpIcon = CircleFadingArrowUp;
exports.CircleFadingPlus = CircleFadingPlus;
exports.CircleFadingPlusIcon = CircleFadingPlus;
exports.CircleGauge = CircleGauge;
exports.CircleGaugeIcon = CircleGauge;
exports.CircleHelp = CircleHelp;
exports.CircleHelpIcon = CircleHelp;
exports.CircleIcon = Circle;
exports.CircleMinus = CircleMinus;
exports.CircleMinusIcon = CircleMinus;
exports.CircleOff = CircleOff;
exports.CircleOffIcon = CircleOff;
exports.CircleParking = CircleParking;
exports.CircleParkingIcon = CircleParking;
exports.CircleParkingOff = CircleParkingOff;
exports.CircleParkingOffIcon = CircleParkingOff;
exports.CirclePause = CirclePause;
exports.CirclePauseIcon = CirclePause;
exports.CirclePercent = CirclePercent;
exports.CirclePercentIcon = CirclePercent;
exports.CirclePlay = CirclePlay;
exports.CirclePlayIcon = CirclePlay;
exports.CirclePlus = CirclePlus;
exports.CirclePlusIcon = CirclePlus;
exports.CirclePower = CirclePower;
exports.CirclePowerIcon = CirclePower;
exports.CircleSlash = CircleSlash;
exports.CircleSlash2 = CircleSlash2;
exports.CircleSlash2Icon = CircleSlash2;
exports.CircleSlashIcon = CircleSlash;
exports.CircleSlashed = CircleSlash2;
exports.CircleSlashedIcon = CircleSlash2;
exports.CircleStop = CircleStop;
exports.CircleStopIcon = CircleStop;
exports.CircleUser = CircleUser;
exports.CircleUserIcon = CircleUser;
exports.CircleUserRound = CircleUserRound;
exports.CircleUserRoundIcon = CircleUserRound;
exports.CircleX = CircleX;
exports.CircleXIcon = CircleX;
exports.CircuitBoard = CircuitBoard;
exports.CircuitBoardIcon = CircuitBoard;
exports.Citrus = Citrus;
exports.CitrusIcon = Citrus;
exports.Clapperboard = Clapperboard;
exports.ClapperboardIcon = Clapperboard;
exports.Clipboard = Clipboard;
exports.ClipboardCheck = ClipboardCheck;
exports.ClipboardCheckIcon = ClipboardCheck;
exports.ClipboardCopy = ClipboardCopy;
exports.ClipboardCopyIcon = ClipboardCopy;
exports.ClipboardEdit = ClipboardPen;
exports.ClipboardEditIcon = ClipboardPen;
exports.ClipboardIcon = Clipboard;
exports.ClipboardList = ClipboardList;
exports.ClipboardListIcon = ClipboardList;
exports.ClipboardMinus = ClipboardMinus;
exports.ClipboardMinusIcon = ClipboardMinus;
exports.ClipboardPaste = ClipboardPaste;
exports.ClipboardPasteIcon = ClipboardPaste;
exports.ClipboardPen = ClipboardPen;
exports.ClipboardPenIcon = ClipboardPen;
exports.ClipboardPenLine = ClipboardPenLine;
exports.ClipboardPenLineIcon = ClipboardPenLine;
exports.ClipboardPlus = ClipboardPlus;
exports.ClipboardPlusIcon = ClipboardPlus;
exports.ClipboardSignature = ClipboardPenLine;
exports.ClipboardSignatureIcon = ClipboardPenLine;
exports.ClipboardType = ClipboardType;
exports.ClipboardTypeIcon = ClipboardType;
exports.ClipboardX = ClipboardX;
exports.ClipboardXIcon = ClipboardX;
exports.Clock = Clock;
exports.Clock1 = Clock1;
exports.Clock10 = Clock10;
exports.Clock10Icon = Clock10;
exports.Clock11 = Clock11;
exports.Clock11Icon = Clock11;
exports.Clock12 = Clock12;
exports.Clock12Icon = Clock12;
exports.Clock1Icon = Clock1;
exports.Clock2 = Clock2;
exports.Clock2Icon = Clock2;
exports.Clock3 = Clock3;
exports.Clock3Icon = Clock3;
exports.Clock4 = Clock4;
exports.Clock4Icon = Clock4;
exports.Clock5 = Clock5;
exports.Clock5Icon = Clock5;
exports.Clock6 = Clock6;
exports.Clock6Icon = Clock6;
exports.Clock7 = Clock7;
exports.Clock7Icon = Clock7;
exports.Clock8 = Clock8;
exports.Clock8Icon = Clock8;
exports.Clock9 = Clock9;
exports.Clock9Icon = Clock9;
exports.ClockAlert = ClockAlert;
exports.ClockAlertIcon = ClockAlert;
exports.ClockArrowDown = ClockArrowDown;
exports.ClockArrowDownIcon = ClockArrowDown;
exports.ClockArrowUp = ClockArrowUp;
exports.ClockArrowUpIcon = ClockArrowUp;
exports.ClockIcon = Clock;
exports.Cloud = Cloud;
exports.CloudAlert = CloudAlert;
exports.CloudAlertIcon = CloudAlert;
exports.CloudCog = CloudCog;
exports.CloudCogIcon = CloudCog;
exports.CloudDownload = CloudDownload;
exports.CloudDownloadIcon = CloudDownload;
exports.CloudDrizzle = CloudDrizzle;
exports.CloudDrizzleIcon = CloudDrizzle;
exports.CloudFog = CloudFog;
exports.CloudFogIcon = CloudFog;
exports.CloudHail = CloudHail;
exports.CloudHailIcon = CloudHail;
exports.CloudIcon = Cloud;
exports.CloudLightning = CloudLightning;
exports.CloudLightningIcon = CloudLightning;
exports.CloudMoon = CloudMoon;
exports.CloudMoonIcon = CloudMoon;
exports.CloudMoonRain = CloudMoonRain;
exports.CloudMoonRainIcon = CloudMoonRain;
exports.CloudOff = CloudOff;
exports.CloudOffIcon = CloudOff;
exports.CloudRain = CloudRain;
exports.CloudRainIcon = CloudRain;
exports.CloudRainWind = CloudRainWind;
exports.CloudRainWindIcon = CloudRainWind;
exports.CloudSnow = CloudSnow;
exports.CloudSnowIcon = CloudSnow;
exports.CloudSun = CloudSun;
exports.CloudSunIcon = CloudSun;
exports.CloudSunRain = CloudSunRain;
exports.CloudSunRainIcon = CloudSunRain;
exports.CloudUpload = CloudUpload;
exports.CloudUploadIcon = CloudUpload;
exports.Cloudy = Cloudy;
exports.CloudyIcon = Cloudy;
exports.Clover = Clover;
exports.CloverIcon = Clover;
exports.Club = Club;
exports.ClubIcon = Club;
exports.Code = Code;
exports.Code2 = CodeXml;
exports.Code2Icon = CodeXml;
exports.CodeIcon = Code;
exports.CodeSquare = SquareCode;
exports.CodeSquareIcon = SquareCode;
exports.CodeXml = CodeXml;
exports.CodeXmlIcon = CodeXml;
exports.Codepen = Codepen;
exports.CodepenIcon = Codepen;
exports.Codesandbox = Codesandbox;
exports.CodesandboxIcon = Codesandbox;
exports.Coffee = Coffee;
exports.CoffeeIcon = Coffee;
exports.Cog = Cog;
exports.CogIcon = Cog;
exports.Coins = Coins;
exports.CoinsIcon = Coins;
exports.Columns = Columns2;
exports.Columns2 = Columns2;
exports.Columns2Icon = Columns2;
exports.Columns3 = Columns3;
exports.Columns3Icon = Columns3;
exports.Columns4 = Columns4;
exports.Columns4Icon = Columns4;
exports.ColumnsIcon = Columns2;
exports.Combine = Combine;
exports.CombineIcon = Combine;
exports.Command = Command;
exports.CommandIcon = Command;
exports.Compass = Compass;
exports.CompassIcon = Compass;
exports.Component = Component;
exports.ComponentIcon = Component;
exports.Computer = Computer;
exports.ComputerIcon = Computer;
exports.ConciergeBell = ConciergeBell;
exports.ConciergeBellIcon = ConciergeBell;
exports.Cone = Cone;
exports.ConeIcon = Cone;
exports.Construction = Construction;
exports.ConstructionIcon = Construction;
exports.Contact = Contact;
exports.Contact2 = ContactRound;
exports.Contact2Icon = ContactRound;
exports.ContactIcon = Contact;
exports.ContactRound = ContactRound;
exports.ContactRoundIcon = ContactRound;
exports.Container = Container;
exports.ContainerIcon = Container;
exports.Contrast = Contrast;
exports.ContrastIcon = Contrast;
exports.Cookie = Cookie;
exports.CookieIcon = Cookie;
exports.CookingPot = CookingPot;
exports.CookingPotIcon = CookingPot;
exports.Copy = Copy;
exports.CopyCheck = CopyCheck;
exports.CopyCheckIcon = CopyCheck;
exports.CopyIcon = Copy;
exports.CopyMinus = CopyMinus;
exports.CopyMinusIcon = CopyMinus;
exports.CopyPlus = CopyPlus;
exports.CopyPlusIcon = CopyPlus;
exports.CopySlash = CopySlash;
exports.CopySlashIcon = CopySlash;
exports.CopyX = CopyX;
exports.CopyXIcon = CopyX;
exports.Copyleft = Copyleft;
exports.CopyleftIcon = Copyleft;
exports.Copyright = Copyright;
exports.CopyrightIcon = Copyright;
exports.CornerDownLeft = CornerDownLeft;
exports.CornerDownLeftIcon = CornerDownLeft;
exports.CornerDownRight = CornerDownRight;
exports.CornerDownRightIcon = CornerDownRight;
exports.CornerLeftDown = CornerLeftDown;
exports.CornerLeftDownIcon = CornerLeftDown;
exports.CornerLeftUp = CornerLeftUp;
exports.CornerLeftUpIcon = CornerLeftUp;
exports.CornerRightDown = CornerRightDown;
exports.CornerRightDownIcon = CornerRightDown;
exports.CornerRightUp = CornerRightUp;
exports.CornerRightUpIcon = CornerRightUp;
exports.CornerUpLeft = CornerUpLeft;
exports.CornerUpLeftIcon = CornerUpLeft;
exports.CornerUpRight = CornerUpRight;
exports.CornerUpRightIcon = CornerUpRight;
exports.Cpu = Cpu;
exports.CpuIcon = Cpu;
exports.CreativeCommons = CreativeCommons;
exports.CreativeCommonsIcon = CreativeCommons;
exports.CreditCard = CreditCard;
exports.CreditCardIcon = CreditCard;
exports.Croissant = Croissant;
exports.CroissantIcon = Croissant;
exports.Crop = Crop;
exports.CropIcon = Crop;
exports.Cross = Cross;
exports.CrossIcon = Cross;
exports.Crosshair = Crosshair;
exports.CrosshairIcon = Crosshair;
exports.Crown = Crown;
exports.CrownIcon = Crown;
exports.Cuboid = Cuboid;
exports.CuboidIcon = Cuboid;
exports.CupSoda = CupSoda;
exports.CupSodaIcon = CupSoda;
exports.CurlyBraces = Braces;
exports.CurlyBracesIcon = Braces;
exports.Currency = Currency;
exports.CurrencyIcon = Currency;
exports.Cylinder = Cylinder;
exports.CylinderIcon = Cylinder;
exports.Dam = Dam;
exports.DamIcon = Dam;
exports.Database = Database;
exports.DatabaseBackup = DatabaseBackup;
exports.DatabaseBackupIcon = DatabaseBackup;
exports.DatabaseIcon = Database;
exports.DatabaseZap = DatabaseZap;
exports.DatabaseZapIcon = DatabaseZap;
exports.Delete = Delete;
exports.DeleteIcon = Delete;
exports.Dessert = Dessert;
exports.DessertIcon = Dessert;
exports.Diameter = Diameter;
exports.DiameterIcon = Diameter;
exports.Diamond = Diamond;
exports.DiamondIcon = Diamond;
exports.DiamondMinus = DiamondMinus;
exports.DiamondMinusIcon = DiamondMinus;
exports.DiamondPercent = DiamondPercent;
exports.DiamondPercentIcon = DiamondPercent;
exports.DiamondPlus = DiamondPlus;
exports.DiamondPlusIcon = DiamondPlus;
exports.Dice1 = Dice1;
exports.Dice1Icon = Dice1;
exports.Dice2 = Dice2;
exports.Dice2Icon = Dice2;
exports.Dice3 = Dice3;
exports.Dice3Icon = Dice3;
exports.Dice4 = Dice4;
exports.Dice4Icon = Dice4;
exports.Dice5 = Dice5;
exports.Dice5Icon = Dice5;
exports.Dice6 = Dice6;
exports.Dice6Icon = Dice6;
exports.Dices = Dices;
exports.DicesIcon = Dices;
exports.Diff = Diff;
exports.DiffIcon = Diff;
exports.Disc = Disc;
exports.Disc2 = Disc2;
exports.Disc2Icon = Disc2;
exports.Disc3 = Disc3;
exports.Disc3Icon = Disc3;
exports.DiscAlbum = DiscAlbum;
exports.DiscAlbumIcon = DiscAlbum;
exports.DiscIcon = Disc;
exports.Divide = Divide;
exports.DivideCircle = CircleDivide;
exports.DivideCircleIcon = CircleDivide;
exports.DivideIcon = Divide;
exports.DivideSquare = SquareDivide;
exports.DivideSquareIcon = SquareDivide;
exports.Dna = Dna;
exports.DnaIcon = Dna;
exports.DnaOff = DnaOff;
exports.DnaOffIcon = DnaOff;
exports.Dock = Dock;
exports.DockIcon = Dock;
exports.Dog = Dog;
exports.DogIcon = Dog;
exports.DollarSign = DollarSign;
exports.DollarSignIcon = DollarSign;
exports.Donut = Donut;
exports.DonutIcon = Donut;
exports.DoorClosed = DoorClosed;
exports.DoorClosedIcon = DoorClosed;
exports.DoorOpen = DoorOpen;
exports.DoorOpenIcon = DoorOpen;
exports.Dot = Dot;
exports.DotIcon = Dot;
exports.DotSquare = SquareDot;
exports.DotSquareIcon = SquareDot;
exports.Download = Download;
exports.DownloadCloud = CloudDownload;
exports.DownloadCloudIcon = CloudDownload;
exports.DownloadIcon = Download;
exports.DraftingCompass = DraftingCompass;
exports.DraftingCompassIcon = DraftingCompass;
exports.Drama = Drama;
exports.DramaIcon = Drama;
exports.Dribbble = Dribbble;
exports.DribbbleIcon = Dribbble;
exports.Drill = Drill;
exports.DrillIcon = Drill;
exports.Droplet = Droplet;
exports.DropletIcon = Droplet;
exports.DropletOff = DropletOff;
exports.DropletOffIcon = DropletOff;
exports.Droplets = Droplets;
exports.DropletsIcon = Droplets;
exports.Drum = Drum;
exports.DrumIcon = Drum;
exports.Drumstick = Drumstick;
exports.DrumstickIcon = Drumstick;
exports.Dumbbell = Dumbbell;
exports.DumbbellIcon = Dumbbell;
exports.Ear = Ear;
exports.EarIcon = Ear;
exports.EarOff = EarOff;
exports.EarOffIcon = EarOff;
exports.Earth = Earth;
exports.EarthIcon = Earth;
exports.EarthLock = EarthLock;
exports.EarthLockIcon = EarthLock;
exports.Eclipse = Eclipse;
exports.EclipseIcon = Eclipse;
exports.Edit = SquarePen;
exports.Edit2 = Pen;
exports.Edit2Icon = Pen;
exports.Edit3 = PenLine;
exports.Edit3Icon = PenLine;
exports.EditIcon = SquarePen;
exports.Egg = Egg;
exports.EggFried = EggFried;
exports.EggFriedIcon = EggFried;
exports.EggIcon = Egg;
exports.EggOff = EggOff;
exports.EggOffIcon = EggOff;
exports.Ellipsis = Ellipsis;
exports.EllipsisIcon = Ellipsis;
exports.EllipsisVertical = EllipsisVertical;
exports.EllipsisVerticalIcon = EllipsisVertical;
exports.Equal = Equal;
exports.EqualApproximately = EqualApproximately;
exports.EqualApproximatelyIcon = EqualApproximately;
exports.EqualIcon = Equal;
exports.EqualNot = EqualNot;
exports.EqualNotIcon = EqualNot;
exports.EqualSquare = SquareEqual;
exports.EqualSquareIcon = SquareEqual;
exports.Eraser = Eraser;
exports.EraserIcon = Eraser;
exports.EthernetPort = EthernetPort;
exports.EthernetPortIcon = EthernetPort;
exports.Euro = Euro;
exports.EuroIcon = Euro;
exports.Expand = Expand;
exports.ExpandIcon = Expand;
exports.ExternalLink = ExternalLink;
exports.ExternalLinkIcon = ExternalLink;
exports.Eye = Eye;
exports.EyeClosed = EyeClosed;
exports.EyeClosedIcon = EyeClosed;
exports.EyeIcon = Eye;
exports.EyeOff = EyeOff;
exports.EyeOffIcon = EyeOff;
exports.Facebook = Facebook;
exports.FacebookIcon = Facebook;
exports.Factory = Factory;
exports.FactoryIcon = Factory;
exports.Fan = Fan;
exports.FanIcon = Fan;
exports.FastForward = FastForward;
exports.FastForwardIcon = FastForward;
exports.Feather = Feather;
exports.FeatherIcon = Feather;
exports.Fence = Fence;
exports.FenceIcon = Fence;
exports.FerrisWheel = FerrisWheel;
exports.FerrisWheelIcon = FerrisWheel;
exports.Figma = Figma;
exports.FigmaIcon = Figma;
exports.File = File;
exports.FileArchive = FileArchive;
exports.FileArchiveIcon = FileArchive;
exports.FileAudio = FileAudio;
exports.FileAudio2 = FileAudio2;
exports.FileAudio2Icon = FileAudio2;
exports.FileAudioIcon = FileAudio;
exports.FileAxis3D = FileAxis3d;
exports.FileAxis3DIcon = FileAxis3d;
exports.FileAxis3d = FileAxis3d;
exports.FileAxis3dIcon = FileAxis3d;
exports.FileBadge = FileBadge;
exports.FileBadge2 = FileBadge2;
exports.FileBadge2Icon = FileBadge2;
exports.FileBadgeIcon = FileBadge;
exports.FileBarChart = FileChartColumnIncreasing;
exports.FileBarChart2 = FileChartColumn;
exports.FileBarChart2Icon = FileChartColumn;
exports.FileBarChartIcon = FileChartColumnIncreasing;
exports.FileBox = FileBox;
exports.FileBoxIcon = FileBox;
exports.FileChartColumn = FileChartColumn;
exports.FileChartColumnIcon = FileChartColumn;
exports.FileChartColumnIncreasing = FileChartColumnIncreasing;
exports.FileChartColumnIncreasingIcon = FileChartColumnIncreasing;
exports.FileChartLine = FileChartLine;
exports.FileChartLineIcon = FileChartLine;
exports.FileChartPie = FileChartPie;
exports.FileChartPieIcon = FileChartPie;
exports.FileCheck = FileCheck;
exports.FileCheck2 = FileCheck2;
exports.FileCheck2Icon = FileCheck2;
exports.FileCheckIcon = FileCheck;
exports.FileClock = FileClock;
exports.FileClockIcon = FileClock;
exports.FileCode = FileCode;
exports.FileCode2 = FileCode2;
exports.FileCode2Icon = FileCode2;
exports.FileCodeIcon = FileCode;
exports.FileCog = FileCog;
exports.FileCog2 = FileCog;
exports.FileCog2Icon = FileCog;
exports.FileCogIcon = FileCog;
exports.FileDiff = FileDiff;
exports.FileDiffIcon = FileDiff;
exports.FileDigit = FileDigit;
exports.FileDigitIcon = FileDigit;
exports.FileDown = FileDown;
exports.FileDownIcon = FileDown;
exports.FileEdit = FilePen;
exports.FileEditIcon = FilePen;
exports.FileHeart = FileHeart;
exports.FileHeartIcon = FileHeart;
exports.FileIcon = File;
exports.FileImage = FileImage;
exports.FileImageIcon = FileImage;
exports.FileInput = FileInput;
exports.FileInputIcon = FileInput;
exports.FileJson = FileJson;
exports.FileJson2 = FileJson2;
exports.FileJson2Icon = FileJson2;
exports.FileJsonIcon = FileJson;
exports.FileKey = FileKey;
exports.FileKey2 = FileKey2;
exports.FileKey2Icon = FileKey2;
exports.FileKeyIcon = FileKey;
exports.FileLineChart = FileChartLine;
exports.FileLineChartIcon = FileChartLine;
exports.FileLock = FileLock;
exports.FileLock2 = FileLock2;
exports.FileLock2Icon = FileLock2;
exports.FileLockIcon = FileLock;
exports.FileMinus = FileMinus;
exports.FileMinus2 = FileMinus2;
exports.FileMinus2Icon = FileMinus2;
exports.FileMinusIcon = FileMinus;
exports.FileMusic = FileMusic;
exports.FileMusicIcon = FileMusic;
exports.FileOutput = FileOutput;
exports.FileOutputIcon = FileOutput;
exports.FilePen = FilePen;
exports.FilePenIcon = FilePen;
exports.FilePenLine = FilePenLine;
exports.FilePenLineIcon = FilePenLine;
exports.FilePieChart = FileChartPie;
exports.FilePieChartIcon = FileChartPie;
exports.FilePlus = FilePlus;
exports.FilePlus2 = FilePlus2;
exports.FilePlus2Icon = FilePlus2;
exports.FilePlusIcon = FilePlus;
exports.FileQuestion = FileQuestion;
exports.FileQuestionIcon = FileQuestion;
exports.FileScan = FileScan;
exports.FileScanIcon = FileScan;
exports.FileSearch = FileSearch;
exports.FileSearch2 = FileSearch2;
exports.FileSearch2Icon = FileSearch2;
exports.FileSearchIcon = FileSearch;
exports.FileSignature = FilePenLine;
exports.FileSignatureIcon = FilePenLine;
exports.FileSliders = FileSliders;
exports.FileSlidersIcon = FileSliders;
exports.FileSpreadsheet = FileSpreadsheet;
exports.FileSpreadsheetIcon = FileSpreadsheet;
exports.FileStack = FileStack;
exports.FileStackIcon = FileStack;
exports.FileSymlink = FileSymlink;
exports.FileSymlinkIcon = FileSymlink;
exports.FileTerminal = FileTerminal;
exports.FileTerminalIcon = FileTerminal;
exports.FileText = FileText;
exports.FileTextIcon = FileText;
exports.FileType = FileType;
exports.FileType2 = FileType2;
exports.FileType2Icon = FileType2;
exports.FileTypeIcon = FileType;
exports.FileUp = FileUp;
exports.FileUpIcon = FileUp;
exports.FileUser = FileUser;
exports.FileUserIcon = FileUser;
exports.FileVideo = FileVideo;
exports.FileVideo2 = FileVideo2;
exports.FileVideo2Icon = FileVideo2;
exports.FileVideoIcon = FileVideo;
exports.FileVolume = FileVolume;
exports.FileVolume2 = FileVolume2;
exports.FileVolume2Icon = FileVolume2;
exports.FileVolumeIcon = FileVolume;
exports.FileWarning = FileWarning;
exports.FileWarningIcon = FileWarning;
exports.FileX = FileX;
exports.FileX2 = FileX2;
exports.FileX2Icon = FileX2;
exports.FileXIcon = FileX;
exports.Files = Files;
exports.FilesIcon = Files;
exports.Film = Film;
exports.FilmIcon = Film;
exports.Filter = Filter;
exports.FilterIcon = Filter;
exports.FilterX = FilterX;
exports.FilterXIcon = FilterX;
exports.Fingerprint = Fingerprint;
exports.FingerprintIcon = Fingerprint;
exports.FireExtinguisher = FireExtinguisher;
exports.FireExtinguisherIcon = FireExtinguisher;
exports.Fish = Fish;
exports.FishIcon = Fish;
exports.FishOff = FishOff;
exports.FishOffIcon = FishOff;
exports.FishSymbol = FishSymbol;
exports.FishSymbolIcon = FishSymbol;
exports.Flag = Flag;
exports.FlagIcon = Flag;
exports.FlagOff = FlagOff;
exports.FlagOffIcon = FlagOff;
exports.FlagTriangleLeft = FlagTriangleLeft;
exports.FlagTriangleLeftIcon = FlagTriangleLeft;
exports.FlagTriangleRight = FlagTriangleRight;
exports.FlagTriangleRightIcon = FlagTriangleRight;
exports.Flame = Flame;
exports.FlameIcon = Flame;
exports.FlameKindling = FlameKindling;
exports.FlameKindlingIcon = FlameKindling;
exports.Flashlight = Flashlight;
exports.FlashlightIcon = Flashlight;
exports.FlashlightOff = FlashlightOff;
exports.FlashlightOffIcon = FlashlightOff;
exports.FlaskConical = FlaskConical;
exports.FlaskConicalIcon = FlaskConical;
exports.FlaskConicalOff = FlaskConicalOff;
exports.FlaskConicalOffIcon = FlaskConicalOff;
exports.FlaskRound = FlaskRound;
exports.FlaskRoundIcon = FlaskRound;
exports.FlipHorizontal = FlipHorizontal;
exports.FlipHorizontal2 = FlipHorizontal2;
exports.FlipHorizontal2Icon = FlipHorizontal2;
exports.FlipHorizontalIcon = FlipHorizontal;
exports.FlipVertical = FlipVertical;
exports.FlipVertical2 = FlipVertical2;
exports.FlipVertical2Icon = FlipVertical2;
exports.FlipVerticalIcon = FlipVertical;
exports.Flower = Flower;
exports.Flower2 = Flower2;
exports.Flower2Icon = Flower2;
exports.FlowerIcon = Flower;
exports.Focus = Focus;
exports.FocusIcon = Focus;
exports.FoldHorizontal = FoldHorizontal;
exports.FoldHorizontalIcon = FoldHorizontal;
exports.FoldVertical = FoldVertical;
exports.FoldVerticalIcon = FoldVertical;
exports.Folder = Folder;
exports.FolderArchive = FolderArchive;
exports.FolderArchiveIcon = FolderArchive;
exports.FolderCheck = FolderCheck;
exports.FolderCheckIcon = FolderCheck;
exports.FolderClock = FolderClock;
exports.FolderClockIcon = FolderClock;
exports.FolderClosed = FolderClosed;
exports.FolderClosedIcon = FolderClosed;
exports.FolderCode = FolderCode;
exports.FolderCodeIcon = FolderCode;
exports.FolderCog = FolderCog;
exports.FolderCog2 = FolderCog;
exports.FolderCog2Icon = FolderCog;
exports.FolderCogIcon = FolderCog;
exports.FolderDot = FolderDot;
exports.FolderDotIcon = FolderDot;
exports.FolderDown = FolderDown;
exports.FolderDownIcon = FolderDown;
exports.FolderEdit = FolderPen;
exports.FolderEditIcon = FolderPen;
exports.FolderGit = FolderGit;
exports.FolderGit2 = FolderGit2;
exports.FolderGit2Icon = FolderGit2;
exports.FolderGitIcon = FolderGit;
exports.FolderHeart = FolderHeart;
exports.FolderHeartIcon = FolderHeart;
exports.FolderIcon = Folder;
exports.FolderInput = FolderInput;
exports.FolderInputIcon = FolderInput;
exports.FolderKanban = FolderKanban;
exports.FolderKanbanIcon = FolderKanban;
exports.FolderKey = FolderKey;
exports.FolderKeyIcon = FolderKey;
exports.FolderLock = FolderLock;
exports.FolderLockIcon = FolderLock;
exports.FolderMinus = FolderMinus;
exports.FolderMinusIcon = FolderMinus;
exports.FolderOpen = FolderOpen;
exports.FolderOpenDot = FolderOpenDot;
exports.FolderOpenDotIcon = FolderOpenDot;
exports.FolderOpenIcon = FolderOpen;
exports.FolderOutput = FolderOutput;
exports.FolderOutputIcon = FolderOutput;
exports.FolderPen = FolderPen;
exports.FolderPenIcon = FolderPen;
exports.FolderPlus = FolderPlus;
exports.FolderPlusIcon = FolderPlus;
exports.FolderRoot = FolderRoot;
exports.FolderRootIcon = FolderRoot;
exports.FolderSearch = FolderSearch;
exports.FolderSearch2 = FolderSearch2;
exports.FolderSearch2Icon = FolderSearch2;
exports.FolderSearchIcon = FolderSearch;
exports.FolderSymlink = FolderSymlink;
exports.FolderSymlinkIcon = FolderSymlink;
exports.FolderSync = FolderSync;
exports.FolderSyncIcon = FolderSync;
exports.FolderTree = FolderTree;
exports.FolderTreeIcon = FolderTree;
exports.FolderUp = FolderUp;
exports.FolderUpIcon = FolderUp;
exports.FolderX = FolderX;
exports.FolderXIcon = FolderX;
exports.Folders = Folders;
exports.FoldersIcon = Folders;
exports.Footprints = Footprints;
exports.FootprintsIcon = Footprints;
exports.ForkKnife = Utensils;
exports.ForkKnifeCrossed = UtensilsCrossed;
exports.ForkKnifeCrossedIcon = UtensilsCrossed;
exports.ForkKnifeIcon = Utensils;
exports.Forklift = Forklift;
exports.ForkliftIcon = Forklift;
exports.FormInput = RectangleEllipsis;
exports.FormInputIcon = RectangleEllipsis;
exports.Forward = Forward;
exports.ForwardIcon = Forward;
exports.Frame = Frame;
exports.FrameIcon = Frame;
exports.Framer = Framer;
exports.FramerIcon = Framer;
exports.Frown = Frown;
exports.FrownIcon = Frown;
exports.Fuel = Fuel;
exports.FuelIcon = Fuel;
exports.Fullscreen = Fullscreen;
exports.FullscreenIcon = Fullscreen;
exports.FunctionSquare = SquareFunction;
exports.FunctionSquareIcon = SquareFunction;
exports.GalleryHorizontal = GalleryHorizontal;
exports.GalleryHorizontalEnd = GalleryHorizontalEnd;
exports.GalleryHorizontalEndIcon = GalleryHorizontalEnd;
exports.GalleryHorizontalIcon = GalleryHorizontal;
exports.GalleryThumbnails = GalleryThumbnails;
exports.GalleryThumbnailsIcon = GalleryThumbnails;
exports.GalleryVertical = GalleryVertical;
exports.GalleryVerticalEnd = GalleryVerticalEnd;
exports.GalleryVerticalEndIcon = GalleryVerticalEnd;
exports.GalleryVerticalIcon = GalleryVertical;
exports.Gamepad = Gamepad;
exports.Gamepad2 = Gamepad2;
exports.Gamepad2Icon = Gamepad2;
exports.GamepadIcon = Gamepad;
exports.GanttChart = ChartNoAxesGantt;
exports.GanttChartIcon = ChartNoAxesGantt;
exports.GanttChartSquare = SquareChartGantt;
exports.GanttChartSquareIcon = SquareChartGantt;
exports.Gauge = Gauge;
exports.GaugeCircle = CircleGauge;
exports.GaugeCircleIcon = CircleGauge;
exports.GaugeIcon = Gauge;
exports.Gavel = Gavel;
exports.GavelIcon = Gavel;
exports.Gem = Gem;
exports.GemIcon = Gem;
exports.Ghost = Ghost;
exports.GhostIcon = Ghost;
exports.Gift = Gift;
exports.GiftIcon = Gift;
exports.GitBranch = GitBranch;
exports.GitBranchIcon = GitBranch;
exports.GitBranchPlus = GitBranchPlus;
exports.GitBranchPlusIcon = GitBranchPlus;
exports.GitCommit = GitCommitHorizontal;
exports.GitCommitHorizontal = GitCommitHorizontal;
exports.GitCommitHorizontalIcon = GitCommitHorizontal;
exports.GitCommitIcon = GitCommitHorizontal;
exports.GitCommitVertical = GitCommitVertical;
exports.GitCommitVerticalIcon = GitCommitVertical;
exports.GitCompare = GitCompare;
exports.GitCompareArrows = GitCompareArrows;
exports.GitCompareArrowsIcon = GitCompareArrows;
exports.GitCompareIcon = GitCompare;
exports.GitFork = GitFork;
exports.GitForkIcon = GitFork;
exports.GitGraph = GitGraph;
exports.GitGraphIcon = GitGraph;
exports.GitMerge = GitMerge;
exports.GitMergeIcon = GitMerge;
exports.GitPullRequest = GitPullRequest;
exports.GitPullRequestArrow = GitPullRequestArrow;
exports.GitPullRequestArrowIcon = GitPullRequestArrow;
exports.GitPullRequestClosed = GitPullRequestClosed;
exports.GitPullRequestClosedIcon = GitPullRequestClosed;
exports.GitPullRequestCreate = GitPullRequestCreate;
exports.GitPullRequestCreateArrow = GitPullRequestCreateArrow;
exports.GitPullRequestCreateArrowIcon = GitPullRequestCreateArrow;
exports.GitPullRequestCreateIcon = GitPullRequestCreate;
exports.GitPullRequestDraft = GitPullRequestDraft;
exports.GitPullRequestDraftIcon = GitPullRequestDraft;
exports.GitPullRequestIcon = GitPullRequest;
exports.Github = Github;
exports.GithubIcon = Github;
exports.Gitlab = Gitlab;
exports.GitlabIcon = Gitlab;
exports.GlassWater = GlassWater;
exports.GlassWaterIcon = GlassWater;
exports.Glasses = Glasses;
exports.GlassesIcon = Glasses;
exports.Globe = Globe;
exports.Globe2 = Earth;
exports.Globe2Icon = Earth;
exports.GlobeIcon = Globe;
exports.GlobeLock = GlobeLock;
exports.GlobeLockIcon = GlobeLock;
exports.Goal = Goal;
exports.GoalIcon = Goal;
exports.Grab = Grab;
exports.GrabIcon = Grab;
exports.GraduationCap = GraduationCap;
exports.GraduationCapIcon = GraduationCap;
exports.Grape = Grape;
exports.GrapeIcon = Grape;
exports.Grid = Grid3x3;
exports.Grid2X2 = Grid2x2;
exports.Grid2X2Icon = Grid2x2;
exports.Grid2X2Plus = Grid2x2Plus;
exports.Grid2X2PlusIcon = Grid2x2Plus;
exports.Grid2x2 = Grid2x2;
exports.Grid2x2Check = Grid2x2Check;
exports.Grid2x2CheckIcon = Grid2x2Check;
exports.Grid2x2Icon = Grid2x2;
exports.Grid2x2Plus = Grid2x2Plus;
exports.Grid2x2PlusIcon = Grid2x2Plus;
exports.Grid2x2X = Grid2x2X;
exports.Grid2x2XIcon = Grid2x2X;
exports.Grid3X3 = Grid3x3;
exports.Grid3X3Icon = Grid3x3;
exports.Grid3x3 = Grid3x3;
exports.Grid3x3Icon = Grid3x3;
exports.GridIcon = Grid3x3;
exports.Grip = Grip;
exports.GripHorizontal = GripHorizontal;
exports.GripHorizontalIcon = GripHorizontal;
exports.GripIcon = Grip;
exports.GripVertical = GripVertical;
exports.GripVerticalIcon = GripVertical;
exports.Group = Group;
exports.GroupIcon = Group;
exports.Guitar = Guitar;
exports.GuitarIcon = Guitar;
exports.Ham = Ham;
exports.HamIcon = Ham;
exports.Hammer = Hammer;
exports.HammerIcon = Hammer;
exports.Hand = Hand;
exports.HandCoins = HandCoins;
exports.HandCoinsIcon = HandCoins;
exports.HandHeart = HandHeart;
exports.HandHeartIcon = HandHeart;
exports.HandHelping = HandHelping;
exports.HandHelpingIcon = HandHelping;
exports.HandIcon = Hand;
exports.HandMetal = HandMetal;
exports.HandMetalIcon = HandMetal;
exports.HandPlatter = HandPlatter;
exports.HandPlatterIcon = HandPlatter;
exports.Handshake = Handshake;
exports.HandshakeIcon = Handshake;
exports.HardDrive = HardDrive;
exports.HardDriveDownload = HardDriveDownload;
exports.HardDriveDownloadIcon = HardDriveDownload;
exports.HardDriveIcon = HardDrive;
exports.HardDriveUpload = HardDriveUpload;
exports.HardDriveUploadIcon = HardDriveUpload;
exports.HardHat = HardHat;
exports.HardHatIcon = HardHat;
exports.Hash = Hash;
exports.HashIcon = Hash;
exports.Haze = Haze;
exports.HazeIcon = Haze;
exports.HdmiPort = HdmiPort;
exports.HdmiPortIcon = HdmiPort;
exports.Heading = Heading;
exports.Heading1 = Heading1;
exports.Heading1Icon = Heading1;
exports.Heading2 = Heading2;
exports.Heading2Icon = Heading2;
exports.Heading3 = Heading3;
exports.Heading3Icon = Heading3;
exports.Heading4 = Heading4;
exports.Heading4Icon = Heading4;
exports.Heading5 = Heading5;
exports.Heading5Icon = Heading5;
exports.Heading6 = Heading6;
exports.Heading6Icon = Heading6;
exports.HeadingIcon = Heading;
exports.HeadphoneOff = HeadphoneOff;
exports.HeadphoneOffIcon = HeadphoneOff;
exports.Headphones = Headphones;
exports.HeadphonesIcon = Headphones;
exports.Headset = Headset;
exports.HeadsetIcon = Headset;
exports.Heart = Heart;
exports.HeartCrack = HeartCrack;
exports.HeartCrackIcon = HeartCrack;
exports.HeartHandshake = HeartHandshake;
exports.HeartHandshakeIcon = HeartHandshake;
exports.HeartIcon = Heart;
exports.HeartOff = HeartOff;
exports.HeartOffIcon = HeartOff;
exports.HeartPulse = HeartPulse;
exports.HeartPulseIcon = HeartPulse;
exports.Heater = Heater;
exports.HeaterIcon = Heater;
exports.HelpCircle = CircleHelp;
exports.HelpCircleIcon = CircleHelp;
exports.HelpingHand = HandHelping;
exports.HelpingHandIcon = HandHelping;
exports.Hexagon = Hexagon;
exports.HexagonIcon = Hexagon;
exports.Highlighter = Highlighter;
exports.HighlighterIcon = Highlighter;
exports.History = History;
exports.HistoryIcon = History;
exports.Home = House;
exports.HomeIcon = House;
exports.Hop = Hop;
exports.HopIcon = Hop;
exports.HopOff = HopOff;
exports.HopOffIcon = HopOff;
exports.Hospital = Hospital;
exports.HospitalIcon = Hospital;
exports.Hotel = Hotel;
exports.HotelIcon = Hotel;
exports.Hourglass = Hourglass;
exports.HourglassIcon = Hourglass;
exports.House = House;
exports.HouseIcon = House;
exports.HousePlug = HousePlug;
exports.HousePlugIcon = HousePlug;
exports.HousePlus = HousePlus;
exports.HousePlusIcon = HousePlus;
exports.IceCream = IceCreamCone;
exports.IceCream2 = IceCreamBowl;
exports.IceCream2Icon = IceCreamBowl;
exports.IceCreamBowl = IceCreamBowl;
exports.IceCreamBowlIcon = IceCreamBowl;
exports.IceCreamCone = IceCreamCone;
exports.IceCreamConeIcon = IceCreamCone;
exports.IceCreamIcon = IceCreamCone;
exports.Icon = Icon;
exports.IdCard = IdCard;
exports.IdCardIcon = IdCard;
exports.Image = Image;
exports.ImageDown = ImageDown;
exports.ImageDownIcon = ImageDown;
exports.ImageIcon = Image;
exports.ImageMinus = ImageMinus;
exports.ImageMinusIcon = ImageMinus;
exports.ImageOff = ImageOff;
exports.ImageOffIcon = ImageOff;
exports.ImagePlay = ImagePlay;
exports.ImagePlayIcon = ImagePlay;
exports.ImagePlus = ImagePlus;
exports.ImagePlusIcon = ImagePlus;
exports.ImageUp = ImageUp;
exports.ImageUpIcon = ImageUp;
exports.ImageUpscale = ImageUpscale;
exports.ImageUpscaleIcon = ImageUpscale;
exports.Images = Images;
exports.ImagesIcon = Images;
exports.Import = Import;
exports.ImportIcon = Import;
exports.Inbox = Inbox;
exports.InboxIcon = Inbox;
exports.Indent = IndentIncrease;
exports.IndentDecrease = IndentDecrease;
exports.IndentDecreaseIcon = IndentDecrease;
exports.IndentIcon = IndentIncrease;
exports.IndentIncrease = IndentIncrease;
exports.IndentIncreaseIcon = IndentIncrease;
exports.IndianRupee = IndianRupee;
exports.IndianRupeeIcon = IndianRupee;
exports.Infinity = Infinity;
exports.InfinityIcon = Infinity;
exports.Info = Info;
exports.InfoIcon = Info;
exports.Inspect = SquareMousePointer;
exports.InspectIcon = SquareMousePointer;
exports.InspectionPanel = InspectionPanel;
exports.InspectionPanelIcon = InspectionPanel;
exports.Instagram = Instagram;
exports.InstagramIcon = Instagram;
exports.Italic = Italic;
exports.ItalicIcon = Italic;
exports.IterationCcw = IterationCcw;
exports.IterationCcwIcon = IterationCcw;
exports.IterationCw = IterationCw;
exports.IterationCwIcon = IterationCw;
exports.JapaneseYen = JapaneseYen;
exports.JapaneseYenIcon = JapaneseYen;
exports.Joystick = Joystick;
exports.JoystickIcon = Joystick;
exports.Kanban = Kanban;
exports.KanbanIcon = Kanban;
exports.KanbanSquare = SquareKanban;
exports.KanbanSquareDashed = SquareDashedKanban;
exports.KanbanSquareDashedIcon = SquareDashedKanban;
exports.KanbanSquareIcon = SquareKanban;
exports.Key = Key;
exports.KeyIcon = Key;
exports.KeyRound = KeyRound;
exports.KeyRoundIcon = KeyRound;
exports.KeySquare = KeySquare;
exports.KeySquareIcon = KeySquare;
exports.Keyboard = Keyboard;
exports.KeyboardIcon = Keyboard;
exports.KeyboardMusic = KeyboardMusic;
exports.KeyboardMusicIcon = KeyboardMusic;
exports.KeyboardOff = KeyboardOff;
exports.KeyboardOffIcon = KeyboardOff;
exports.Lamp = Lamp;
exports.LampCeiling = LampCeiling;
exports.LampCeilingIcon = LampCeiling;
exports.LampDesk = LampDesk;
exports.LampDeskIcon = LampDesk;
exports.LampFloor = LampFloor;
exports.LampFloorIcon = LampFloor;
exports.LampIcon = Lamp;
exports.LampWallDown = LampWallDown;
exports.LampWallDownIcon = LampWallDown;
exports.LampWallUp = LampWallUp;
exports.LampWallUpIcon = LampWallUp;
exports.LandPlot = LandPlot;
exports.LandPlotIcon = LandPlot;
exports.Landmark = Landmark;
exports.LandmarkIcon = Landmark;
exports.Languages = Languages;
exports.LanguagesIcon = Languages;
exports.Laptop = Laptop;
exports.Laptop2 = LaptopMinimal;
exports.Laptop2Icon = LaptopMinimal;
exports.LaptopIcon = Laptop;
exports.LaptopMinimal = LaptopMinimal;
exports.LaptopMinimalCheck = LaptopMinimalCheck;
exports.LaptopMinimalCheckIcon = LaptopMinimalCheck;
exports.LaptopMinimalIcon = LaptopMinimal;
exports.Lasso = Lasso;
exports.LassoIcon = Lasso;
exports.LassoSelect = LassoSelect;
exports.LassoSelectIcon = LassoSelect;
exports.Laugh = Laugh;
exports.LaughIcon = Laugh;
exports.Layers = Layers;
exports.Layers2 = Layers2;
exports.Layers2Icon = Layers2;
exports.Layers3 = Layers;
exports.Layers3Icon = Layers;
exports.LayersIcon = Layers;
exports.Layout = PanelsTopLeft;
exports.LayoutDashboard = LayoutDashboard;
exports.LayoutDashboardIcon = LayoutDashboard;
exports.LayoutGrid = LayoutGrid;
exports.LayoutGridIcon = LayoutGrid;
exports.LayoutIcon = PanelsTopLeft;
exports.LayoutList = LayoutList;
exports.LayoutListIcon = LayoutList;
exports.LayoutPanelLeft = LayoutPanelLeft;
exports.LayoutPanelLeftIcon = LayoutPanelLeft;
exports.LayoutPanelTop = LayoutPanelTop;
exports.LayoutPanelTopIcon = LayoutPanelTop;
exports.LayoutTemplate = LayoutTemplate;
exports.LayoutTemplateIcon = LayoutTemplate;
exports.Leaf = Leaf;
exports.LeafIcon = Leaf;
exports.LeafyGreen = LeafyGreen;
exports.LeafyGreenIcon = LeafyGreen;
exports.Lectern = Lectern;
exports.LecternIcon = Lectern;
exports.LetterText = LetterText;
exports.LetterTextIcon = LetterText;
exports.Library = Library;
exports.LibraryBig = LibraryBig;
exports.LibraryBigIcon = LibraryBig;
exports.LibraryIcon = Library;
exports.LibrarySquare = SquareLibrary;
exports.LibrarySquareIcon = SquareLibrary;
exports.LifeBuoy = LifeBuoy;
exports.LifeBuoyIcon = LifeBuoy;
exports.Ligature = Ligature;
exports.LigatureIcon = Ligature;
exports.Lightbulb = Lightbulb;
exports.LightbulbIcon = Lightbulb;
exports.LightbulbOff = LightbulbOff;
exports.LightbulbOffIcon = LightbulbOff;
exports.LineChart = ChartLine;
exports.LineChartIcon = ChartLine;
exports.Link = Link;
exports.Link2 = Link2;
exports.Link2Icon = Link2;
exports.Link2Off = Link2Off;
exports.Link2OffIcon = Link2Off;
exports.LinkIcon = Link;
exports.Linkedin = Linkedin;
exports.LinkedinIcon = Linkedin;
exports.List = List;
exports.ListCheck = ListCheck;
exports.ListCheckIcon = ListCheck;
exports.ListChecks = ListChecks;
exports.ListChecksIcon = ListChecks;
exports.ListCollapse = ListCollapse;
exports.ListCollapseIcon = ListCollapse;
exports.ListEnd = ListEnd;
exports.ListEndIcon = ListEnd;
exports.ListFilter = ListFilter;
exports.ListFilterIcon = ListFilter;
exports.ListFilterPlus = ListFilterPlus;
exports.ListFilterPlusIcon = ListFilterPlus;
exports.ListIcon = List;
exports.ListMinus = ListMinus;
exports.ListMinusIcon = ListMinus;
exports.ListMusic = ListMusic;
exports.ListMusicIcon = ListMusic;
exports.ListOrdered = ListOrdered;
exports.ListOrderedIcon = ListOrdered;
exports.ListPlus = ListPlus;
exports.ListPlusIcon = ListPlus;
exports.ListRestart = ListRestart;
exports.ListRestartIcon = ListRestart;
exports.ListStart = ListStart;
exports.ListStartIcon = ListStart;
exports.ListTodo = ListTodo;
exports.ListTodoIcon = ListTodo;
exports.ListTree = ListTree;
exports.ListTreeIcon = ListTree;
exports.ListVideo = ListVideo;
exports.ListVideoIcon = ListVideo;
exports.ListX = ListX;
exports.ListXIcon = ListX;
exports.Loader = Loader;
exports.Loader2 = LoaderCircle;
exports.Loader2Icon = LoaderCircle;
exports.LoaderCircle = LoaderCircle;
exports.LoaderCircleIcon = LoaderCircle;
exports.LoaderIcon = Loader;
exports.LoaderPinwheel = LoaderPinwheel;
exports.LoaderPinwheelIcon = LoaderPinwheel;
exports.Locate = Locate;
exports.LocateFixed = LocateFixed;
exports.LocateFixedIcon = LocateFixed;
exports.LocateIcon = Locate;
exports.LocateOff = LocateOff;
exports.LocateOffIcon = LocateOff;
exports.Lock = Lock;
exports.LockIcon = Lock;
exports.LockKeyhole = LockKeyhole;
exports.LockKeyholeIcon = LockKeyhole;
exports.LockKeyholeOpen = LockKeyholeOpen;
exports.LockKeyholeOpenIcon = LockKeyholeOpen;
exports.LockOpen = LockOpen;
exports.LockOpenIcon = LockOpen;
exports.LogIn = LogIn;
exports.LogInIcon = LogIn;
exports.LogOut = LogOut;
exports.LogOutIcon = LogOut;
exports.Logs = Logs;
exports.LogsIcon = Logs;
exports.Lollipop = Lollipop;
exports.LollipopIcon = Lollipop;
exports.LucideAArrowDown = AArrowDown;
exports.LucideAArrowUp = AArrowUp;
exports.LucideALargeSmall = ALargeSmall;
exports.LucideAccessibility = Accessibility;
exports.LucideActivity = Activity;
exports.LucideActivitySquare = SquareActivity;
exports.LucideAirVent = AirVent;
exports.LucideAirplay = Airplay;
exports.LucideAlarmCheck = AlarmClockCheck;
exports.LucideAlarmClock = AlarmClock;
exports.LucideAlarmClockCheck = AlarmClockCheck;
exports.LucideAlarmClockMinus = AlarmClockMinus;
exports.LucideAlarmClockOff = AlarmClockOff;
exports.LucideAlarmClockPlus = AlarmClockPlus;
exports.LucideAlarmMinus = AlarmClockMinus;
exports.LucideAlarmPlus = AlarmClockPlus;
exports.LucideAlarmSmoke = AlarmSmoke;
exports.LucideAlbum = Album;
exports.LucideAlertCircle = CircleAlert;
exports.LucideAlertOctagon = OctagonAlert;
exports.LucideAlertTriangle = TriangleAlert;
exports.LucideAlignCenter = AlignCenter;
exports.LucideAlignCenterHorizontal = AlignCenterHorizontal;
exports.LucideAlignCenterVertical = AlignCenterVertical;
exports.LucideAlignEndHorizontal = AlignEndHorizontal;
exports.LucideAlignEndVertical = AlignEndVertical;
exports.LucideAlignHorizontalDistributeCenter = AlignHorizontalDistributeCenter;
exports.LucideAlignHorizontalDistributeEnd = AlignHorizontalDistributeEnd;
exports.LucideAlignHorizontalDistributeStart = AlignHorizontalDistributeStart;
exports.LucideAlignHorizontalJustifyCenter = AlignHorizontalJustifyCenter;
exports.LucideAlignHorizontalJustifyEnd = AlignHorizontalJustifyEnd;
exports.LucideAlignHorizontalJustifyStart = AlignHorizontalJustifyStart;
exports.LucideAlignHorizontalSpaceAround = AlignHorizontalSpaceAround;
exports.LucideAlignHorizontalSpaceBetween = AlignHorizontalSpaceBetween;
exports.LucideAlignJustify = AlignJustify;
exports.LucideAlignLeft = AlignLeft;
exports.LucideAlignRight = AlignRight;
exports.LucideAlignStartHorizontal = AlignStartHorizontal;
exports.LucideAlignStartVertical = AlignStartVertical;
exports.LucideAlignVerticalDistributeCenter = AlignVerticalDistributeCenter;
exports.LucideAlignVerticalDistributeEnd = AlignVerticalDistributeEnd;
exports.LucideAlignVerticalDistributeStart = AlignVerticalDistributeStart;
exports.LucideAlignVerticalJustifyCenter = AlignVerticalJustifyCenter;
exports.LucideAlignVerticalJustifyEnd = AlignVerticalJustifyEnd;
exports.LucideAlignVerticalJustifyStart = AlignVerticalJustifyStart;
exports.LucideAlignVerticalSpaceAround = AlignVerticalSpaceAround;
exports.LucideAlignVerticalSpaceBetween = AlignVerticalSpaceBetween;
exports.LucideAmbulance = Ambulance;
exports.LucideAmpersand = Ampersand;
exports.LucideAmpersands = Ampersands;
exports.LucideAmphora = Amphora;
exports.LucideAnchor = Anchor;
exports.LucideAngry = Angry;
exports.LucideAnnoyed = Annoyed;
exports.LucideAntenna = Antenna;
exports.LucideAnvil = Anvil;
exports.LucideAperture = Aperture;
exports.LucideAppWindow = AppWindow;
exports.LucideAppWindowMac = AppWindowMac;
exports.LucideApple = Apple;
exports.LucideArchive = Archive;
exports.LucideArchiveRestore = ArchiveRestore;
exports.LucideArchiveX = ArchiveX;
exports.LucideAreaChart = ChartArea;
exports.LucideArmchair = Armchair;
exports.LucideArrowBigDown = ArrowBigDown;
exports.LucideArrowBigDownDash = ArrowBigDownDash;
exports.LucideArrowBigLeft = ArrowBigLeft;
exports.LucideArrowBigLeftDash = ArrowBigLeftDash;
exports.LucideArrowBigRight = ArrowBigRight;
exports.LucideArrowBigRightDash = ArrowBigRightDash;
exports.LucideArrowBigUp = ArrowBigUp;
exports.LucideArrowBigUpDash = ArrowBigUpDash;
exports.LucideArrowDown = ArrowDown;
exports.LucideArrowDown01 = ArrowDown01;
exports.LucideArrowDown10 = ArrowDown10;
exports.LucideArrowDownAZ = ArrowDownAZ;
exports.LucideArrowDownAz = ArrowDownAZ;
exports.LucideArrowDownCircle = CircleArrowDown;
exports.LucideArrowDownFromLine = ArrowDownFromLine;
exports.LucideArrowDownLeft = ArrowDownLeft;
exports.LucideArrowDownLeftFromCircle = CircleArrowOutDownLeft;
exports.LucideArrowDownLeftFromSquare = SquareArrowOutDownLeft;
exports.LucideArrowDownLeftSquare = SquareArrowDownLeft;
exports.LucideArrowDownNarrowWide = ArrowDownNarrowWide;
exports.LucideArrowDownRight = ArrowDownRight;
exports.LucideArrowDownRightFromCircle = CircleArrowOutDownRight;
exports.LucideArrowDownRightFromSquare = SquareArrowOutDownRight;
exports.LucideArrowDownRightSquare = SquareArrowDownRight;
exports.LucideArrowDownSquare = SquareArrowDown;
exports.LucideArrowDownToDot = ArrowDownToDot;
exports.LucideArrowDownToLine = ArrowDownToLine;
exports.LucideArrowDownUp = ArrowDownUp;
exports.LucideArrowDownWideNarrow = ArrowDownWideNarrow;
exports.LucideArrowDownZA = ArrowDownZA;
exports.LucideArrowDownZa = ArrowDownZA;
exports.LucideArrowLeft = ArrowLeft;
exports.LucideArrowLeftCircle = CircleArrowLeft;
exports.LucideArrowLeftFromLine = ArrowLeftFromLine;
exports.LucideArrowLeftRight = ArrowLeftRight;
exports.LucideArrowLeftSquare = SquareArrowLeft;
exports.LucideArrowLeftToLine = ArrowLeftToLine;
exports.LucideArrowRight = ArrowRight;
exports.LucideArrowRightCircle = CircleArrowRight;
exports.LucideArrowRightFromLine = ArrowRightFromLine;
exports.LucideArrowRightLeft = ArrowRightLeft;
exports.LucideArrowRightSquare = SquareArrowRight;
exports.LucideArrowRightToLine = ArrowRightToLine;
exports.LucideArrowUp = ArrowUp;
exports.LucideArrowUp01 = ArrowUp01;
exports.LucideArrowUp10 = ArrowUp10;
exports.LucideArrowUpAZ = ArrowUpAZ;
exports.LucideArrowUpAz = ArrowUpAZ;
exports.LucideArrowUpCircle = CircleArrowUp;
exports.LucideArrowUpDown = ArrowUpDown;
exports.LucideArrowUpFromDot = ArrowUpFromDot;
exports.LucideArrowUpFromLine = ArrowUpFromLine;
exports.LucideArrowUpLeft = ArrowUpLeft;
exports.LucideArrowUpLeftFromCircle = CircleArrowOutUpLeft;
exports.LucideArrowUpLeftFromSquare = SquareArrowOutUpLeft;
exports.LucideArrowUpLeftSquare = SquareArrowUpLeft;
exports.LucideArrowUpNarrowWide = ArrowUpNarrowWide;
exports.LucideArrowUpRight = ArrowUpRight;
exports.LucideArrowUpRightFromCircle = CircleArrowOutUpRight;
exports.LucideArrowUpRightFromSquare = SquareArrowOutUpRight;
exports.LucideArrowUpRightSquare = SquareArrowUpRight;
exports.LucideArrowUpSquare = SquareArrowUp;
exports.LucideArrowUpToLine = ArrowUpToLine;
exports.LucideArrowUpWideNarrow = ArrowUpWideNarrow;
exports.LucideArrowUpZA = ArrowUpZA;
exports.LucideArrowUpZa = ArrowUpZA;
exports.LucideArrowsUpFromLine = ArrowsUpFromLine;
exports.LucideAsterisk = Asterisk;
exports.LucideAsteriskSquare = SquareAsterisk;
exports.LucideAtSign = AtSign;
exports.LucideAtom = Atom;
exports.LucideAudioLines = AudioLines;
exports.LucideAudioWaveform = AudioWaveform;
exports.LucideAward = Award;
exports.LucideAxe = Axe;
exports.LucideAxis3D = Axis3d;
exports.LucideAxis3d = Axis3d;
exports.LucideBaby = Baby;
exports.LucideBackpack = Backpack;
exports.LucideBadge = Badge;
exports.LucideBadgeAlert = BadgeAlert;
exports.LucideBadgeCent = BadgeCent;
exports.LucideBadgeCheck = BadgeCheck;
exports.LucideBadgeDollarSign = BadgeDollarSign;
exports.LucideBadgeEuro = BadgeEuro;
exports.LucideBadgeHelp = BadgeHelp;
exports.LucideBadgeIndianRupee = BadgeIndianRupee;
exports.LucideBadgeInfo = BadgeInfo;
exports.LucideBadgeJapaneseYen = BadgeJapaneseYen;
exports.LucideBadgeMinus = BadgeMinus;
exports.LucideBadgePercent = BadgePercent;
exports.LucideBadgePlus = BadgePlus;
exports.LucideBadgePoundSterling = BadgePoundSterling;
exports.LucideBadgeRussianRuble = BadgeRussianRuble;
exports.LucideBadgeSwissFranc = BadgeSwissFranc;
exports.LucideBadgeX = BadgeX;
exports.LucideBaggageClaim = BaggageClaim;
exports.LucideBan = Ban;
exports.LucideBanana = Banana;
exports.LucideBandage = Bandage;
exports.LucideBanknote = Banknote;
exports.LucideBarChart = ChartNoAxesColumnIncreasing;
exports.LucideBarChart2 = ChartNoAxesColumn;
exports.LucideBarChart3 = ChartColumn;
exports.LucideBarChart4 = ChartColumnIncreasing;
exports.LucideBarChartBig = ChartColumnBig;
exports.LucideBarChartHorizontal = ChartBar;
exports.LucideBarChartHorizontalBig = ChartBarBig;
exports.LucideBarcode = Barcode;
exports.LucideBaseline = Baseline;
exports.LucideBath = Bath;
exports.LucideBattery = Battery;
exports.LucideBatteryCharging = BatteryCharging;
exports.LucideBatteryFull = BatteryFull;
exports.LucideBatteryLow = BatteryLow;
exports.LucideBatteryMedium = BatteryMedium;
exports.LucideBatteryWarning = BatteryWarning;
exports.LucideBeaker = Beaker;
exports.LucideBean = Bean;
exports.LucideBeanOff = BeanOff;
exports.LucideBed = Bed;
exports.LucideBedDouble = BedDouble;
exports.LucideBedSingle = BedSingle;
exports.LucideBeef = Beef;
exports.LucideBeer = Beer;
exports.LucideBeerOff = BeerOff;
exports.LucideBell = Bell;
exports.LucideBellDot = BellDot;
exports.LucideBellElectric = BellElectric;
exports.LucideBellMinus = BellMinus;
exports.LucideBellOff = BellOff;
exports.LucideBellPlus = BellPlus;
exports.LucideBellRing = BellRing;
exports.LucideBetweenHorizonalEnd = BetweenHorizontalEnd;
exports.LucideBetweenHorizonalStart = BetweenHorizontalStart;
exports.LucideBetweenHorizontalEnd = BetweenHorizontalEnd;
exports.LucideBetweenHorizontalStart = BetweenHorizontalStart;
exports.LucideBetweenVerticalEnd = BetweenVerticalEnd;
exports.LucideBetweenVerticalStart = BetweenVerticalStart;
exports.LucideBicepsFlexed = BicepsFlexed;
exports.LucideBike = Bike;
exports.LucideBinary = Binary;
exports.LucideBinoculars = Binoculars;
exports.LucideBiohazard = Biohazard;
exports.LucideBird = Bird;
exports.LucideBitcoin = Bitcoin;
exports.LucideBlend = Blend;
exports.LucideBlinds = Blinds;
exports.LucideBlocks = Blocks;
exports.LucideBluetooth = Bluetooth;
exports.LucideBluetoothConnected = BluetoothConnected;
exports.LucideBluetoothOff = BluetoothOff;
exports.LucideBluetoothSearching = BluetoothSearching;
exports.LucideBold = Bold;
exports.LucideBolt = Bolt;
exports.LucideBomb = Bomb;
exports.LucideBone = Bone;
exports.LucideBook = Book;
exports.LucideBookA = BookA;
exports.LucideBookAudio = BookAudio;
exports.LucideBookCheck = BookCheck;
exports.LucideBookCopy = BookCopy;
exports.LucideBookDashed = BookDashed;
exports.LucideBookDown = BookDown;
exports.LucideBookHeadphones = BookHeadphones;
exports.LucideBookHeart = BookHeart;
exports.LucideBookImage = BookImage;
exports.LucideBookKey = BookKey;
exports.LucideBookLock = BookLock;
exports.LucideBookMarked = BookMarked;
exports.LucideBookMinus = BookMinus;
exports.LucideBookOpen = BookOpen;
exports.LucideBookOpenCheck = BookOpenCheck;
exports.LucideBookOpenText = BookOpenText;
exports.LucideBookPlus = BookPlus;
exports.LucideBookTemplate = BookDashed;
exports.LucideBookText = BookText;
exports.LucideBookType = BookType;
exports.LucideBookUp = BookUp;
exports.LucideBookUp2 = BookUp2;
exports.LucideBookUser = BookUser;
exports.LucideBookX = BookX;
exports.LucideBookmark = Bookmark;
exports.LucideBookmarkCheck = BookmarkCheck;
exports.LucideBookmarkMinus = BookmarkMinus;
exports.LucideBookmarkPlus = BookmarkPlus;
exports.LucideBookmarkX = BookmarkX;
exports.LucideBoomBox = BoomBox;
exports.LucideBot = Bot;
exports.LucideBotMessageSquare = BotMessageSquare;
exports.LucideBotOff = BotOff;
exports.LucideBox = Box;
exports.LucideBoxSelect = SquareDashed;
exports.LucideBoxes = Boxes;
exports.LucideBraces = Braces;
exports.LucideBrackets = Brackets;
exports.LucideBrain = Brain;
exports.LucideBrainCircuit = BrainCircuit;
exports.LucideBrainCog = BrainCog;
exports.LucideBrickWall = BrickWall;
exports.LucideBriefcase = Briefcase;
exports.LucideBriefcaseBusiness = BriefcaseBusiness;
exports.LucideBriefcaseConveyorBelt = BriefcaseConveyorBelt;
exports.LucideBriefcaseMedical = BriefcaseMedical;
exports.LucideBringToFront = BringToFront;
exports.LucideBrush = Brush;
exports.LucideBug = Bug;
exports.LucideBugOff = BugOff;
exports.LucideBugPlay = BugPlay;
exports.LucideBuilding = Building;
exports.LucideBuilding2 = Building2;
exports.LucideBus = Bus;
exports.LucideBusFront = BusFront;
exports.LucideCable = Cable;
exports.LucideCableCar = CableCar;
exports.LucideCake = Cake;
exports.LucideCakeSlice = CakeSlice;
exports.LucideCalculator = Calculator;
exports.LucideCalendar = Calendar;
exports.LucideCalendar1 = Calendar1;
exports.LucideCalendarArrowDown = CalendarArrowDown;
exports.LucideCalendarArrowUp = CalendarArrowUp;
exports.LucideCalendarCheck = CalendarCheck;
exports.LucideCalendarCheck2 = CalendarCheck2;
exports.LucideCalendarClock = CalendarClock;
exports.LucideCalendarCog = CalendarCog;
exports.LucideCalendarDays = CalendarDays;
exports.LucideCalendarFold = CalendarFold;
exports.LucideCalendarHeart = CalendarHeart;
exports.LucideCalendarMinus = CalendarMinus;
exports.LucideCalendarMinus2 = CalendarMinus2;
exports.LucideCalendarOff = CalendarOff;
exports.LucideCalendarPlus = CalendarPlus;
exports.LucideCalendarPlus2 = CalendarPlus2;
exports.LucideCalendarRange = CalendarRange;
exports.LucideCalendarSearch = CalendarSearch;
exports.LucideCalendarSync = CalendarSync;
exports.LucideCalendarX = CalendarX;
exports.LucideCalendarX2 = CalendarX2;
exports.LucideCamera = Camera;
exports.LucideCameraOff = CameraOff;
exports.LucideCandlestickChart = ChartCandlestick;
exports.LucideCandy = Candy;
exports.LucideCandyCane = CandyCane;
exports.LucideCandyOff = CandyOff;
exports.LucideCannabis = Cannabis;
exports.LucideCaptions = Captions;
exports.LucideCaptionsOff = CaptionsOff;
exports.LucideCar = Car;
exports.LucideCarFront = CarFront;
exports.LucideCarTaxiFront = CarTaxiFront;
exports.LucideCaravan = Caravan;
exports.LucideCarrot = Carrot;
exports.LucideCaseLower = CaseLower;
exports.LucideCaseSensitive = CaseSensitive;
exports.LucideCaseUpper = CaseUpper;
exports.LucideCassetteTape = CassetteTape;
exports.LucideCast = Cast;
exports.LucideCastle = Castle;
exports.LucideCat = Cat;
exports.LucideCctv = Cctv;
exports.LucideChartArea = ChartArea;
exports.LucideChartBar = ChartBar;
exports.LucideChartBarBig = ChartBarBig;
exports.LucideChartBarDecreasing = ChartBarDecreasing;
exports.LucideChartBarIncreasing = ChartBarIncreasing;
exports.LucideChartBarStacked = ChartBarStacked;
exports.LucideChartCandlestick = ChartCandlestick;
exports.LucideChartColumn = ChartColumn;
exports.LucideChartColumnBig = ChartColumnBig;
exports.LucideChartColumnDecreasing = ChartColumnDecreasing;
exports.LucideChartColumnIncreasing = ChartColumnIncreasing;
exports.LucideChartColumnStacked = ChartColumnStacked;
exports.LucideChartGantt = ChartGantt;
exports.LucideChartLine = ChartLine;
exports.LucideChartNetwork = ChartNetwork;
exports.LucideChartNoAxesColumn = ChartNoAxesColumn;
exports.LucideChartNoAxesColumnDecreasing = ChartNoAxesColumnDecreasing;
exports.LucideChartNoAxesColumnIncreasing = ChartNoAxesColumnIncreasing;
exports.LucideChartNoAxesCombined = ChartNoAxesCombined;
exports.LucideChartNoAxesGantt = ChartNoAxesGantt;
exports.LucideChartPie = ChartPie;
exports.LucideChartScatter = ChartScatter;
exports.LucideChartSpline = ChartSpline;
exports.LucideCheck = Check;
exports.LucideCheckCheck = CheckCheck;
exports.LucideCheckCircle = CircleCheckBig;
exports.LucideCheckCircle2 = CircleCheck;
exports.LucideCheckSquare = SquareCheckBig;
exports.LucideCheckSquare2 = SquareCheck;
exports.LucideChefHat = ChefHat;
exports.LucideCherry = Cherry;
exports.LucideChevronDown = ChevronDown;
exports.LucideChevronDownCircle = CircleChevronDown;
exports.LucideChevronDownSquare = SquareChevronDown;
exports.LucideChevronFirst = ChevronFirst;
exports.LucideChevronLast = ChevronLast;
exports.LucideChevronLeft = ChevronLeft;
exports.LucideChevronLeftCircle = CircleChevronLeft;
exports.LucideChevronLeftSquare = SquareChevronLeft;
exports.LucideChevronRight = ChevronRight;
exports.LucideChevronRightCircle = CircleChevronRight;
exports.LucideChevronRightSquare = SquareChevronRight;
exports.LucideChevronUp = ChevronUp;
exports.LucideChevronUpCircle = CircleChevronUp;
exports.LucideChevronUpSquare = SquareChevronUp;
exports.LucideChevronsDown = ChevronsDown;
exports.LucideChevronsDownUp = ChevronsDownUp;
exports.LucideChevronsLeft = ChevronsLeft;
exports.LucideChevronsLeftRight = ChevronsLeftRight;
exports.LucideChevronsLeftRightEllipsis = ChevronsLeftRightEllipsis;
exports.LucideChevronsRight = ChevronsRight;
exports.LucideChevronsRightLeft = ChevronsRightLeft;
exports.LucideChevronsUp = ChevronsUp;
exports.LucideChevronsUpDown = ChevronsUpDown;
exports.LucideChrome = Chrome;
exports.LucideChurch = Church;
exports.LucideCigarette = Cigarette;
exports.LucideCigaretteOff = CigaretteOff;
exports.LucideCircle = Circle;
exports.LucideCircleAlert = CircleAlert;
exports.LucideCircleArrowDown = CircleArrowDown;
exports.LucideCircleArrowLeft = CircleArrowLeft;
exports.LucideCircleArrowOutDownLeft = CircleArrowOutDownLeft;
exports.LucideCircleArrowOutDownRight = CircleArrowOutDownRight;
exports.LucideCircleArrowOutUpLeft = CircleArrowOutUpLeft;
exports.LucideCircleArrowOutUpRight = CircleArrowOutUpRight;
exports.LucideCircleArrowRight = CircleArrowRight;
exports.LucideCircleArrowUp = CircleArrowUp;
exports.LucideCircleCheck = CircleCheck;
exports.LucideCircleCheckBig = CircleCheckBig;
exports.LucideCircleChevronDown = CircleChevronDown;
exports.LucideCircleChevronLeft = CircleChevronLeft;
exports.LucideCircleChevronRight = CircleChevronRight;
exports.LucideCircleChevronUp = CircleChevronUp;
exports.LucideCircleDashed = CircleDashed;
exports.LucideCircleDivide = CircleDivide;
exports.LucideCircleDollarSign = CircleDollarSign;
exports.LucideCircleDot = CircleDot;
exports.LucideCircleDotDashed = CircleDotDashed;
exports.LucideCircleEllipsis = CircleEllipsis;
exports.LucideCircleEqual = CircleEqual;
exports.LucideCircleFadingArrowUp = CircleFadingArrowUp;
exports.LucideCircleFadingPlus = CircleFadingPlus;
exports.LucideCircleGauge = CircleGauge;
exports.LucideCircleHelp = CircleHelp;
exports.LucideCircleMinus = CircleMinus;
exports.LucideCircleOff = CircleOff;
exports.LucideCircleParking = CircleParking;
exports.LucideCircleParkingOff = CircleParkingOff;
exports.LucideCirclePause = CirclePause;
exports.LucideCirclePercent = CirclePercent;
exports.LucideCirclePlay = CirclePlay;
exports.LucideCirclePlus = CirclePlus;
exports.LucideCirclePower = CirclePower;
exports.LucideCircleSlash = CircleSlash;
exports.LucideCircleSlash2 = CircleSlash2;
exports.LucideCircleSlashed = CircleSlash2;
exports.LucideCircleStop = CircleStop;
exports.LucideCircleUser = CircleUser;
exports.LucideCircleUserRound = CircleUserRound;
exports.LucideCircleX = CircleX;
exports.LucideCircuitBoard = CircuitBoard;
exports.LucideCitrus = Citrus;
exports.LucideClapperboard = Clapperboard;
exports.LucideClipboard = Clipboard;
exports.LucideClipboardCheck = ClipboardCheck;
exports.LucideClipboardCopy = ClipboardCopy;
exports.LucideClipboardEdit = ClipboardPen;
exports.LucideClipboardList = ClipboardList;
exports.LucideClipboardMinus = ClipboardMinus;
exports.LucideClipboardPaste = ClipboardPaste;
exports.LucideClipboardPen = ClipboardPen;
exports.LucideClipboardPenLine = ClipboardPenLine;
exports.LucideClipboardPlus = ClipboardPlus;
exports.LucideClipboardSignature = ClipboardPenLine;
exports.LucideClipboardType = ClipboardType;
exports.LucideClipboardX = ClipboardX;
exports.LucideClock = Clock;
exports.LucideClock1 = Clock1;
exports.LucideClock10 = Clock10;
exports.LucideClock11 = Clock11;
exports.LucideClock12 = Clock12;
exports.LucideClock2 = Clock2;
exports.LucideClock3 = Clock3;
exports.LucideClock4 = Clock4;
exports.LucideClock5 = Clock5;
exports.LucideClock6 = Clock6;
exports.LucideClock7 = Clock7;
exports.LucideClock8 = Clock8;
exports.LucideClock9 = Clock9;
exports.LucideClockAlert = ClockAlert;
exports.LucideClockArrowDown = ClockArrowDown;
exports.LucideClockArrowUp = ClockArrowUp;
exports.LucideCloud = Cloud;
exports.LucideCloudAlert = CloudAlert;
exports.LucideCloudCog = CloudCog;
exports.LucideCloudDownload = CloudDownload;
exports.LucideCloudDrizzle = CloudDrizzle;
exports.LucideCloudFog = CloudFog;
exports.LucideCloudHail = CloudHail;
exports.LucideCloudLightning = CloudLightning;
exports.LucideCloudMoon = CloudMoon;
exports.LucideCloudMoonRain = CloudMoonRain;
exports.LucideCloudOff = CloudOff;
exports.LucideCloudRain = CloudRain;
exports.LucideCloudRainWind = CloudRainWind;
exports.LucideCloudSnow = CloudSnow;
exports.LucideCloudSun = CloudSun;
exports.LucideCloudSunRain = CloudSunRain;
exports.LucideCloudUpload = CloudUpload;
exports.LucideCloudy = Cloudy;
exports.LucideClover = Clover;
exports.LucideClub = Club;
exports.LucideCode = Code;
exports.LucideCode2 = CodeXml;
exports.LucideCodeSquare = SquareCode;
exports.LucideCodeXml = CodeXml;
exports.LucideCodepen = Codepen;
exports.LucideCodesandbox = Codesandbox;
exports.LucideCoffee = Coffee;
exports.LucideCog = Cog;
exports.LucideCoins = Coins;
exports.LucideColumns = Columns2;
exports.LucideColumns2 = Columns2;
exports.LucideColumns3 = Columns3;
exports.LucideColumns4 = Columns4;
exports.LucideCombine = Combine;
exports.LucideCommand = Command;
exports.LucideCompass = Compass;
exports.LucideComponent = Component;
exports.LucideComputer = Computer;
exports.LucideConciergeBell = ConciergeBell;
exports.LucideCone = Cone;
exports.LucideConstruction = Construction;
exports.LucideContact = Contact;
exports.LucideContact2 = ContactRound;
exports.LucideContactRound = ContactRound;
exports.LucideContainer = Container;
exports.LucideContrast = Contrast;
exports.LucideCookie = Cookie;
exports.LucideCookingPot = CookingPot;
exports.LucideCopy = Copy;
exports.LucideCopyCheck = CopyCheck;
exports.LucideCopyMinus = CopyMinus;
exports.LucideCopyPlus = CopyPlus;
exports.LucideCopySlash = CopySlash;
exports.LucideCopyX = CopyX;
exports.LucideCopyleft = Copyleft;
exports.LucideCopyright = Copyright;
exports.LucideCornerDownLeft = CornerDownLeft;
exports.LucideCornerDownRight = CornerDownRight;
exports.LucideCornerLeftDown = CornerLeftDown;
exports.LucideCornerLeftUp = CornerLeftUp;
exports.LucideCornerRightDown = CornerRightDown;
exports.LucideCornerRightUp = CornerRightUp;
exports.LucideCornerUpLeft = CornerUpLeft;
exports.LucideCornerUpRight = CornerUpRight;
exports.LucideCpu = Cpu;
exports.LucideCreativeCommons = CreativeCommons;
exports.LucideCreditCard = CreditCard;
exports.LucideCroissant = Croissant;
exports.LucideCrop = Crop;
exports.LucideCross = Cross;
exports.LucideCrosshair = Crosshair;
exports.LucideCrown = Crown;
exports.LucideCuboid = Cuboid;
exports.LucideCupSoda = CupSoda;
exports.LucideCurlyBraces = Braces;
exports.LucideCurrency = Currency;
exports.LucideCylinder = Cylinder;
exports.LucideDam = Dam;
exports.LucideDatabase = Database;
exports.LucideDatabaseBackup = DatabaseBackup;
exports.LucideDatabaseZap = DatabaseZap;
exports.LucideDelete = Delete;
exports.LucideDessert = Dessert;
exports.LucideDiameter = Diameter;
exports.LucideDiamond = Diamond;
exports.LucideDiamondMinus = DiamondMinus;
exports.LucideDiamondPercent = DiamondPercent;
exports.LucideDiamondPlus = DiamondPlus;
exports.LucideDice1 = Dice1;
exports.LucideDice2 = Dice2;
exports.LucideDice3 = Dice3;
exports.LucideDice4 = Dice4;
exports.LucideDice5 = Dice5;
exports.LucideDice6 = Dice6;
exports.LucideDices = Dices;
exports.LucideDiff = Diff;
exports.LucideDisc = Disc;
exports.LucideDisc2 = Disc2;
exports.LucideDisc3 = Disc3;
exports.LucideDiscAlbum = DiscAlbum;
exports.LucideDivide = Divide;
exports.LucideDivideCircle = CircleDivide;
exports.LucideDivideSquare = SquareDivide;
exports.LucideDna = Dna;
exports.LucideDnaOff = DnaOff;
exports.LucideDock = Dock;
exports.LucideDog = Dog;
exports.LucideDollarSign = DollarSign;
exports.LucideDonut = Donut;
exports.LucideDoorClosed = DoorClosed;
exports.LucideDoorOpen = DoorOpen;
exports.LucideDot = Dot;
exports.LucideDotSquare = SquareDot;
exports.LucideDownload = Download;
exports.LucideDownloadCloud = CloudDownload;
exports.LucideDraftingCompass = DraftingCompass;
exports.LucideDrama = Drama;
exports.LucideDribbble = Dribbble;
exports.LucideDrill = Drill;
exports.LucideDroplet = Droplet;
exports.LucideDropletOff = DropletOff;
exports.LucideDroplets = Droplets;
exports.LucideDrum = Drum;
exports.LucideDrumstick = Drumstick;
exports.LucideDumbbell = Dumbbell;
exports.LucideEar = Ear;
exports.LucideEarOff = EarOff;
exports.LucideEarth = Earth;
exports.LucideEarthLock = EarthLock;
exports.LucideEclipse = Eclipse;
exports.LucideEdit = SquarePen;
exports.LucideEdit2 = Pen;
exports.LucideEdit3 = PenLine;
exports.LucideEgg = Egg;
exports.LucideEggFried = EggFried;
exports.LucideEggOff = EggOff;
exports.LucideEllipsis = Ellipsis;
exports.LucideEllipsisVertical = EllipsisVertical;
exports.LucideEqual = Equal;
exports.LucideEqualApproximately = EqualApproximately;
exports.LucideEqualNot = EqualNot;
exports.LucideEqualSquare = SquareEqual;
exports.LucideEraser = Eraser;
exports.LucideEthernetPort = EthernetPort;
exports.LucideEuro = Euro;
exports.LucideExpand = Expand;
exports.LucideExternalLink = ExternalLink;
exports.LucideEye = Eye;
exports.LucideEyeClosed = EyeClosed;
exports.LucideEyeOff = EyeOff;
exports.LucideFacebook = Facebook;
exports.LucideFactory = Factory;
exports.LucideFan = Fan;
exports.LucideFastForward = FastForward;
exports.LucideFeather = Feather;
exports.LucideFence = Fence;
exports.LucideFerrisWheel = FerrisWheel;
exports.LucideFigma = Figma;
exports.LucideFile = File;
exports.LucideFileArchive = FileArchive;
exports.LucideFileAudio = FileAudio;
exports.LucideFileAudio2 = FileAudio2;
exports.LucideFileAxis3D = FileAxis3d;
exports.LucideFileAxis3d = FileAxis3d;
exports.LucideFileBadge = FileBadge;
exports.LucideFileBadge2 = FileBadge2;
exports.LucideFileBarChart = FileChartColumnIncreasing;
exports.LucideFileBarChart2 = FileChartColumn;
exports.LucideFileBox = FileBox;
exports.LucideFileChartColumn = FileChartColumn;
exports.LucideFileChartColumnIncreasing = FileChartColumnIncreasing;
exports.LucideFileChartLine = FileChartLine;
exports.LucideFileChartPie = FileChartPie;
exports.LucideFileCheck = FileCheck;
exports.LucideFileCheck2 = FileCheck2;
exports.LucideFileClock = FileClock;
exports.LucideFileCode = FileCode;
exports.LucideFileCode2 = FileCode2;
exports.LucideFileCog = FileCog;
exports.LucideFileCog2 = FileCog;
exports.LucideFileDiff = FileDiff;
exports.LucideFileDigit = FileDigit;
exports.LucideFileDown = FileDown;
exports.LucideFileEdit = FilePen;
exports.LucideFileHeart = FileHeart;
exports.LucideFileImage = FileImage;
exports.LucideFileInput = FileInput;
exports.LucideFileJson = FileJson;
exports.LucideFileJson2 = FileJson2;
exports.LucideFileKey = FileKey;
exports.LucideFileKey2 = FileKey2;
exports.LucideFileLineChart = FileChartLine;
exports.LucideFileLock = FileLock;
exports.LucideFileLock2 = FileLock2;
exports.LucideFileMinus = FileMinus;
exports.LucideFileMinus2 = FileMinus2;
exports.LucideFileMusic = FileMusic;
exports.LucideFileOutput = FileOutput;
exports.LucideFilePen = FilePen;
exports.LucideFilePenLine = FilePenLine;
exports.LucideFilePieChart = FileChartPie;
exports.LucideFilePlus = FilePlus;
exports.LucideFilePlus2 = FilePlus2;
exports.LucideFileQuestion = FileQuestion;
exports.LucideFileScan = FileScan;
exports.LucideFileSearch = FileSearch;
exports.LucideFileSearch2 = FileSearch2;
exports.LucideFileSignature = FilePenLine;
exports.LucideFileSliders = FileSliders;
exports.LucideFileSpreadsheet = FileSpreadsheet;
exports.LucideFileStack = FileStack;
exports.LucideFileSymlink = FileSymlink;
exports.LucideFileTerminal = FileTerminal;
exports.LucideFileText = FileText;
exports.LucideFileType = FileType;
exports.LucideFileType2 = FileType2;
exports.LucideFileUp = FileUp;
exports.LucideFileUser = FileUser;
exports.LucideFileVideo = FileVideo;
exports.LucideFileVideo2 = FileVideo2;
exports.LucideFileVolume = FileVolume;
exports.LucideFileVolume2 = FileVolume2;
exports.LucideFileWarning = FileWarning;
exports.LucideFileX = FileX;
exports.LucideFileX2 = FileX2;
exports.LucideFiles = Files;
exports.LucideFilm = Film;
exports.LucideFilter = Filter;
exports.LucideFilterX = FilterX;
exports.LucideFingerprint = Fingerprint;
exports.LucideFireExtinguisher = FireExtinguisher;
exports.LucideFish = Fish;
exports.LucideFishOff = FishOff;
exports.LucideFishSymbol = FishSymbol;
exports.LucideFlag = Flag;
exports.LucideFlagOff = FlagOff;
exports.LucideFlagTriangleLeft = FlagTriangleLeft;
exports.LucideFlagTriangleRight = FlagTriangleRight;
exports.LucideFlame = Flame;
exports.LucideFlameKindling = FlameKindling;
exports.LucideFlashlight = Flashlight;
exports.LucideFlashlightOff = FlashlightOff;
exports.LucideFlaskConical = FlaskConical;
exports.LucideFlaskConicalOff = FlaskConicalOff;
exports.LucideFlaskRound = FlaskRound;
exports.LucideFlipHorizontal = FlipHorizontal;
exports.LucideFlipHorizontal2 = FlipHorizontal2;
exports.LucideFlipVertical = FlipVertical;
exports.LucideFlipVertical2 = FlipVertical2;
exports.LucideFlower = Flower;
exports.LucideFlower2 = Flower2;
exports.LucideFocus = Focus;
exports.LucideFoldHorizontal = FoldHorizontal;
exports.LucideFoldVertical = FoldVertical;
exports.LucideFolder = Folder;
exports.LucideFolderArchive = FolderArchive;
exports.LucideFolderCheck = FolderCheck;
exports.LucideFolderClock = FolderClock;
exports.LucideFolderClosed = FolderClosed;
exports.LucideFolderCode = FolderCode;
exports.LucideFolderCog = FolderCog;
exports.LucideFolderCog2 = FolderCog;
exports.LucideFolderDot = FolderDot;
exports.LucideFolderDown = FolderDown;
exports.LucideFolderEdit = FolderPen;
exports.LucideFolderGit = FolderGit;
exports.LucideFolderGit2 = FolderGit2;
exports.LucideFolderHeart = FolderHeart;
exports.LucideFolderInput = FolderInput;
exports.LucideFolderKanban = FolderKanban;
exports.LucideFolderKey = FolderKey;
exports.LucideFolderLock = FolderLock;
exports.LucideFolderMinus = FolderMinus;
exports.LucideFolderOpen = FolderOpen;
exports.LucideFolderOpenDot = FolderOpenDot;
exports.LucideFolderOutput = FolderOutput;
exports.LucideFolderPen = FolderPen;
exports.LucideFolderPlus = FolderPlus;
exports.LucideFolderRoot = FolderRoot;
exports.LucideFolderSearch = FolderSearch;
exports.LucideFolderSearch2 = FolderSearch2;
exports.LucideFolderSymlink = FolderSymlink;
exports.LucideFolderSync = FolderSync;
exports.LucideFolderTree = FolderTree;
exports.LucideFolderUp = FolderUp;
exports.LucideFolderX = FolderX;
exports.LucideFolders = Folders;
exports.LucideFootprints = Footprints;
exports.LucideForkKnife = Utensils;
exports.LucideForkKnifeCrossed = UtensilsCrossed;
exports.LucideForklift = Forklift;
exports.LucideFormInput = RectangleEllipsis;
exports.LucideForward = Forward;
exports.LucideFrame = Frame;
exports.LucideFramer = Framer;
exports.LucideFrown = Frown;
exports.LucideFuel = Fuel;
exports.LucideFullscreen = Fullscreen;
exports.LucideFunctionSquare = SquareFunction;
exports.LucideGalleryHorizontal = GalleryHorizontal;
exports.LucideGalleryHorizontalEnd = GalleryHorizontalEnd;
exports.LucideGalleryThumbnails = GalleryThumbnails;
exports.LucideGalleryVertical = GalleryVertical;
exports.LucideGalleryVerticalEnd = GalleryVerticalEnd;
exports.LucideGamepad = Gamepad;
exports.LucideGamepad2 = Gamepad2;
exports.LucideGanttChart = ChartNoAxesGantt;
exports.LucideGanttChartSquare = SquareChartGantt;
exports.LucideGauge = Gauge;
exports.LucideGaugeCircle = CircleGauge;
exports.LucideGavel = Gavel;
exports.LucideGem = Gem;
exports.LucideGhost = Ghost;
exports.LucideGift = Gift;
exports.LucideGitBranch = GitBranch;
exports.LucideGitBranchPlus = GitBranchPlus;
exports.LucideGitCommit = GitCommitHorizontal;
exports.LucideGitCommitHorizontal = GitCommitHorizontal;
exports.LucideGitCommitVertical = GitCommitVertical;
exports.LucideGitCompare = GitCompare;
exports.LucideGitCompareArrows = GitCompareArrows;
exports.LucideGitFork = GitFork;
exports.LucideGitGraph = GitGraph;
exports.LucideGitMerge = GitMerge;
exports.LucideGitPullRequest = GitPullRequest;
exports.LucideGitPullRequestArrow = GitPullRequestArrow;
exports.LucideGitPullRequestClosed = GitPullRequestClosed;
exports.LucideGitPullRequestCreate = GitPullRequestCreate;
exports.LucideGitPullRequestCreateArrow = GitPullRequestCreateArrow;
exports.LucideGitPullRequestDraft = GitPullRequestDraft;
exports.LucideGithub = Github;
exports.LucideGitlab = Gitlab;
exports.LucideGlassWater = GlassWater;
exports.LucideGlasses = Glasses;
exports.LucideGlobe = Globe;
exports.LucideGlobe2 = Earth;
exports.LucideGlobeLock = GlobeLock;
exports.LucideGoal = Goal;
exports.LucideGrab = Grab;
exports.LucideGraduationCap = GraduationCap;
exports.LucideGrape = Grape;
exports.LucideGrid = Grid3x3;
exports.LucideGrid2X2 = Grid2x2;
exports.LucideGrid2X2Plus = Grid2x2Plus;
exports.LucideGrid2x2 = Grid2x2;
exports.LucideGrid2x2Check = Grid2x2Check;
exports.LucideGrid2x2Plus = Grid2x2Plus;
exports.LucideGrid2x2X = Grid2x2X;
exports.LucideGrid3X3 = Grid3x3;
exports.LucideGrid3x3 = Grid3x3;
exports.LucideGrip = Grip;
exports.LucideGripHorizontal = GripHorizontal;
exports.LucideGripVertical = GripVertical;
exports.LucideGroup = Group;
exports.LucideGuitar = Guitar;
exports.LucideHam = Ham;
exports.LucideHammer = Hammer;
exports.LucideHand = Hand;
exports.LucideHandCoins = HandCoins;
exports.LucideHandHeart = HandHeart;
exports.LucideHandHelping = HandHelping;
exports.LucideHandMetal = HandMetal;
exports.LucideHandPlatter = HandPlatter;
exports.LucideHandshake = Handshake;
exports.LucideHardDrive = HardDrive;
exports.LucideHardDriveDownload = HardDriveDownload;
exports.LucideHardDriveUpload = HardDriveUpload;
exports.LucideHardHat = HardHat;
exports.LucideHash = Hash;
exports.LucideHaze = Haze;
exports.LucideHdmiPort = HdmiPort;
exports.LucideHeading = Heading;
exports.LucideHeading1 = Heading1;
exports.LucideHeading2 = Heading2;
exports.LucideHeading3 = Heading3;
exports.LucideHeading4 = Heading4;
exports.LucideHeading5 = Heading5;
exports.LucideHeading6 = Heading6;
exports.LucideHeadphoneOff = HeadphoneOff;
exports.LucideHeadphones = Headphones;
exports.LucideHeadset = Headset;
exports.LucideHeart = Heart;
exports.LucideHeartCrack = HeartCrack;
exports.LucideHeartHandshake = HeartHandshake;
exports.LucideHeartOff = HeartOff;
exports.LucideHeartPulse = HeartPulse;
exports.LucideHeater = Heater;
exports.LucideHelpCircle = CircleHelp;
exports.LucideHelpingHand = HandHelping;
exports.LucideHexagon = Hexagon;
exports.LucideHighlighter = Highlighter;
exports.LucideHistory = History;
exports.LucideHome = House;
exports.LucideHop = Hop;
exports.LucideHopOff = HopOff;
exports.LucideHospital = Hospital;
exports.LucideHotel = Hotel;
exports.LucideHourglass = Hourglass;
exports.LucideHouse = House;
exports.LucideHousePlug = HousePlug;
exports.LucideHousePlus = HousePlus;
exports.LucideIceCream = IceCreamCone;
exports.LucideIceCream2 = IceCreamBowl;
exports.LucideIceCreamBowl = IceCreamBowl;
exports.LucideIceCreamCone = IceCreamCone;
exports.LucideIdCard = IdCard;
exports.LucideImage = Image;
exports.LucideImageDown = ImageDown;
exports.LucideImageMinus = ImageMinus;
exports.LucideImageOff = ImageOff;
exports.LucideImagePlay = ImagePlay;
exports.LucideImagePlus = ImagePlus;
exports.LucideImageUp = ImageUp;
exports.LucideImageUpscale = ImageUpscale;
exports.LucideImages = Images;
exports.LucideImport = Import;
exports.LucideInbox = Inbox;
exports.LucideIndent = IndentIncrease;
exports.LucideIndentDecrease = IndentDecrease;
exports.LucideIndentIncrease = IndentIncrease;
exports.LucideIndianRupee = IndianRupee;
exports.LucideInfinity = Infinity;
exports.LucideInfo = Info;
exports.LucideInspect = SquareMousePointer;
exports.LucideInspectionPanel = InspectionPanel;
exports.LucideInstagram = Instagram;
exports.LucideItalic = Italic;
exports.LucideIterationCcw = IterationCcw;
exports.LucideIterationCw = IterationCw;
exports.LucideJapaneseYen = JapaneseYen;
exports.LucideJoystick = Joystick;
exports.LucideKanban = Kanban;
exports.LucideKanbanSquare = SquareKanban;
exports.LucideKanbanSquareDashed = SquareDashedKanban;
exports.LucideKey = Key;
exports.LucideKeyRound = KeyRound;
exports.LucideKeySquare = KeySquare;
exports.LucideKeyboard = Keyboard;
exports.LucideKeyboardMusic = KeyboardMusic;
exports.LucideKeyboardOff = KeyboardOff;
exports.LucideLamp = Lamp;
exports.LucideLampCeiling = LampCeiling;
exports.LucideLampDesk = LampDesk;
exports.LucideLampFloor = LampFloor;
exports.LucideLampWallDown = LampWallDown;
exports.LucideLampWallUp = LampWallUp;
exports.LucideLandPlot = LandPlot;
exports.LucideLandmark = Landmark;
exports.LucideLanguages = Languages;
exports.LucideLaptop = Laptop;
exports.LucideLaptop2 = LaptopMinimal;
exports.LucideLaptopMinimal = LaptopMinimal;
exports.LucideLaptopMinimalCheck = LaptopMinimalCheck;
exports.LucideLasso = Lasso;
exports.LucideLassoSelect = LassoSelect;
exports.LucideLaugh = Laugh;
exports.LucideLayers = Layers;
exports.LucideLayers2 = Layers2;
exports.LucideLayers3 = Layers;
exports.LucideLayout = PanelsTopLeft;
exports.LucideLayoutDashboard = LayoutDashboard;
exports.LucideLayoutGrid = LayoutGrid;
exports.LucideLayoutList = LayoutList;
exports.LucideLayoutPanelLeft = LayoutPanelLeft;
exports.LucideLayoutPanelTop = LayoutPanelTop;
exports.LucideLayoutTemplate = LayoutTemplate;
exports.LucideLeaf = Leaf;
exports.LucideLeafyGreen = LeafyGreen;
exports.LucideLectern = Lectern;
exports.LucideLetterText = LetterText;
exports.LucideLibrary = Library;
exports.LucideLibraryBig = LibraryBig;
exports.LucideLibrarySquare = SquareLibrary;
exports.LucideLifeBuoy = LifeBuoy;
exports.LucideLigature = Ligature;
exports.LucideLightbulb = Lightbulb;
exports.LucideLightbulbOff = LightbulbOff;
exports.LucideLineChart = ChartLine;
exports.LucideLink = Link;
exports.LucideLink2 = Link2;
exports.LucideLink2Off = Link2Off;
exports.LucideLinkedin = Linkedin;
exports.LucideList = List;
exports.LucideListCheck = ListCheck;
exports.LucideListChecks = ListChecks;
exports.LucideListCollapse = ListCollapse;
exports.LucideListEnd = ListEnd;
exports.LucideListFilter = ListFilter;
exports.LucideListFilterPlus = ListFilterPlus;
exports.LucideListMinus = ListMinus;
exports.LucideListMusic = ListMusic;
exports.LucideListOrdered = ListOrdered;
exports.LucideListPlus = ListPlus;
exports.LucideListRestart = ListRestart;
exports.LucideListStart = ListStart;
exports.LucideListTodo = ListTodo;
exports.LucideListTree = ListTree;
exports.LucideListVideo = ListVideo;
exports.LucideListX = ListX;
exports.LucideLoader = Loader;
exports.LucideLoader2 = LoaderCircle;
exports.LucideLoaderCircle = LoaderCircle;
exports.LucideLoaderPinwheel = LoaderPinwheel;
exports.LucideLocate = Locate;
exports.LucideLocateFixed = LocateFixed;
exports.LucideLocateOff = LocateOff;
exports.LucideLock = Lock;
exports.LucideLockKeyhole = LockKeyhole;
exports.LucideLockKeyholeOpen = LockKeyholeOpen;
exports.LucideLockOpen = LockOpen;
exports.LucideLogIn = LogIn;
exports.LucideLogOut = LogOut;
exports.LucideLogs = Logs;
exports.LucideLollipop = Lollipop;
exports.LucideLuggage = Luggage;
exports.LucideMSquare = SquareM;
exports.LucideMagnet = Magnet;
exports.LucideMail = Mail;
exports.LucideMailCheck = MailCheck;
exports.LucideMailMinus = MailMinus;
exports.LucideMailOpen = MailOpen;
exports.LucideMailPlus = MailPlus;
exports.LucideMailQuestion = MailQuestion;
exports.LucideMailSearch = MailSearch;
exports.LucideMailWarning = MailWarning;
exports.LucideMailX = MailX;
exports.LucideMailbox = Mailbox;
exports.LucideMails = Mails;
exports.LucideMap = Map;
exports.LucideMapPin = MapPin;
exports.LucideMapPinCheck = MapPinCheck;
exports.LucideMapPinCheckInside = MapPinCheckInside;
exports.LucideMapPinHouse = MapPinHouse;
exports.LucideMapPinMinus = MapPinMinus;
exports.LucideMapPinMinusInside = MapPinMinusInside;
exports.LucideMapPinOff = MapPinOff;
exports.LucideMapPinPlus = MapPinPlus;
exports.LucideMapPinPlusInside = MapPinPlusInside;
exports.LucideMapPinX = MapPinX;
exports.LucideMapPinXInside = MapPinXInside;
exports.LucideMapPinned = MapPinned;
exports.LucideMartini = Martini;
exports.LucideMaximize = Maximize;
exports.LucideMaximize2 = Maximize2;
exports.LucideMedal = Medal;
exports.LucideMegaphone = Megaphone;
exports.LucideMegaphoneOff = MegaphoneOff;
exports.LucideMeh = Meh;
exports.LucideMemoryStick = MemoryStick;
exports.LucideMenu = Menu;
exports.LucideMenuSquare = SquareMenu;
exports.LucideMerge = Merge;
exports.LucideMessageCircle = MessageCircle;
exports.LucideMessageCircleCode = MessageCircleCode;
exports.LucideMessageCircleDashed = MessageCircleDashed;
exports.LucideMessageCircleHeart = MessageCircleHeart;
exports.LucideMessageCircleMore = MessageCircleMore;
exports.LucideMessageCircleOff = MessageCircleOff;
exports.LucideMessageCirclePlus = MessageCirclePlus;
exports.LucideMessageCircleQuestion = MessageCircleQuestion;
exports.LucideMessageCircleReply = MessageCircleReply;
exports.LucideMessageCircleWarning = MessageCircleWarning;
exports.LucideMessageCircleX = MessageCircleX;
exports.LucideMessageSquare = MessageSquare;
exports.LucideMessageSquareCode = MessageSquareCode;
exports.LucideMessageSquareDashed = MessageSquareDashed;
exports.LucideMessageSquareDiff = MessageSquareDiff;
exports.LucideMessageSquareDot = MessageSquareDot;
exports.LucideMessageSquareHeart = MessageSquareHeart;
exports.LucideMessageSquareLock = MessageSquareLock;
exports.LucideMessageSquareMore = MessageSquareMore;
exports.LucideMessageSquareOff = MessageSquareOff;
exports.LucideMessageSquarePlus = MessageSquarePlus;
exports.LucideMessageSquareQuote = MessageSquareQuote;
exports.LucideMessageSquareReply = MessageSquareReply;
exports.LucideMessageSquareShare = MessageSquareShare;
exports.LucideMessageSquareText = MessageSquareText;
exports.LucideMessageSquareWarning = MessageSquareWarning;
exports.LucideMessageSquareX = MessageSquareX;
exports.LucideMessagesSquare = MessagesSquare;
exports.LucideMic = Mic;
exports.LucideMic2 = MicVocal;
exports.LucideMicOff = MicOff;
exports.LucideMicVocal = MicVocal;
exports.LucideMicrochip = Microchip;
exports.LucideMicroscope = Microscope;
exports.LucideMicrowave = Microwave;
exports.LucideMilestone = Milestone;
exports.LucideMilk = Milk;
exports.LucideMilkOff = MilkOff;
exports.LucideMinimize = Minimize;
exports.LucideMinimize2 = Minimize2;
exports.LucideMinus = Minus;
exports.LucideMinusCircle = CircleMinus;
exports.LucideMinusSquare = SquareMinus;
exports.LucideMonitor = Monitor;
exports.LucideMonitorCheck = MonitorCheck;
exports.LucideMonitorCog = MonitorCog;
exports.LucideMonitorDot = MonitorDot;
exports.LucideMonitorDown = MonitorDown;
exports.LucideMonitorOff = MonitorOff;
exports.LucideMonitorPause = MonitorPause;
exports.LucideMonitorPlay = MonitorPlay;
exports.LucideMonitorSmartphone = MonitorSmartphone;
exports.LucideMonitorSpeaker = MonitorSpeaker;
exports.LucideMonitorStop = MonitorStop;
exports.LucideMonitorUp = MonitorUp;
exports.LucideMonitorX = MonitorX;
exports.LucideMoon = Moon;
exports.LucideMoonStar = MoonStar;
exports.LucideMoreHorizontal = Ellipsis;
exports.LucideMoreVertical = EllipsisVertical;
exports.LucideMountain = Mountain;
exports.LucideMountainSnow = MountainSnow;
exports.LucideMouse = Mouse;
exports.LucideMouseOff = MouseOff;
exports.LucideMousePointer = MousePointer;
exports.LucideMousePointer2 = MousePointer2;
exports.LucideMousePointerBan = MousePointerBan;
exports.LucideMousePointerClick = MousePointerClick;
exports.LucideMousePointerSquareDashed = SquareDashedMousePointer;
exports.LucideMove = Move;
exports.LucideMove3D = Move3d;
exports.LucideMove3d = Move3d;
exports.LucideMoveDiagonal = MoveDiagonal;
exports.LucideMoveDiagonal2 = MoveDiagonal2;
exports.LucideMoveDown = MoveDown;
exports.LucideMoveDownLeft = MoveDownLeft;
exports.LucideMoveDownRight = MoveDownRight;
exports.LucideMoveHorizontal = MoveHorizontal;
exports.LucideMoveLeft = MoveLeft;
exports.LucideMoveRight = MoveRight;
exports.LucideMoveUp = MoveUp;
exports.LucideMoveUpLeft = MoveUpLeft;
exports.LucideMoveUpRight = MoveUpRight;
exports.LucideMoveVertical = MoveVertical;
exports.LucideMusic = Music;
exports.LucideMusic2 = Music2;
exports.LucideMusic3 = Music3;
exports.LucideMusic4 = Music4;
exports.LucideNavigation = Navigation;
exports.LucideNavigation2 = Navigation2;
exports.LucideNavigation2Off = Navigation2Off;
exports.LucideNavigationOff = NavigationOff;
exports.LucideNetwork = Network;
exports.LucideNewspaper = Newspaper;
exports.LucideNfc = Nfc;
exports.LucideNotebook = Notebook;
exports.LucideNotebookPen = NotebookPen;
exports.LucideNotebookTabs = NotebookTabs;
exports.LucideNotebookText = NotebookText;
exports.LucideNotepadText = NotepadText;
exports.LucideNotepadTextDashed = NotepadTextDashed;
exports.LucideNut = Nut;
exports.LucideNutOff = NutOff;
exports.LucideOctagon = Octagon;
exports.LucideOctagonAlert = OctagonAlert;
exports.LucideOctagonMinus = OctagonMinus;
exports.LucideOctagonPause = OctagonPause;
exports.LucideOctagonX = OctagonX;
exports.LucideOmega = Omega;
exports.LucideOption = Option;
exports.LucideOrbit = Orbit;
exports.LucideOrigami = Origami;
exports.LucideOutdent = IndentDecrease;
exports.LucidePackage = Package;
exports.LucidePackage2 = Package2;
exports.LucidePackageCheck = PackageCheck;
exports.LucidePackageMinus = PackageMinus;
exports.LucidePackageOpen = PackageOpen;
exports.LucidePackagePlus = PackagePlus;
exports.LucidePackageSearch = PackageSearch;
exports.LucidePackageX = PackageX;
exports.LucidePaintBucket = PaintBucket;
exports.LucidePaintRoller = PaintRoller;
exports.LucidePaintbrush = Paintbrush;
exports.LucidePaintbrush2 = PaintbrushVertical;
exports.LucidePaintbrushVertical = PaintbrushVertical;
exports.LucidePalette = Palette;
exports.LucidePalmtree = TreePalm;
exports.LucidePanelBottom = PanelBottom;
exports.LucidePanelBottomClose = PanelBottomClose;
exports.LucidePanelBottomDashed = PanelBottomDashed;
exports.LucidePanelBottomInactive = PanelBottomDashed;
exports.LucidePanelBottomOpen = PanelBottomOpen;
exports.LucidePanelLeft = PanelLeft;
exports.LucidePanelLeftClose = PanelLeftClose;
exports.LucidePanelLeftDashed = PanelLeftDashed;
exports.LucidePanelLeftInactive = PanelLeftDashed;
exports.LucidePanelLeftOpen = PanelLeftOpen;
exports.LucidePanelRight = PanelRight;
exports.LucidePanelRightClose = PanelRightClose;
exports.LucidePanelRightDashed = PanelRightDashed;
exports.LucidePanelRightInactive = PanelRightDashed;
exports.LucidePanelRightOpen = PanelRightOpen;
exports.LucidePanelTop = PanelTop;
exports.LucidePanelTopClose = PanelTopClose;
exports.LucidePanelTopDashed = PanelTopDashed;
exports.LucidePanelTopInactive = PanelTopDashed;
exports.LucidePanelTopOpen = PanelTopOpen;
exports.LucidePanelsLeftBottom = PanelsLeftBottom;
exports.LucidePanelsLeftRight = Columns3;
exports.LucidePanelsRightBottom = PanelsRightBottom;
exports.LucidePanelsTopBottom = Rows3;
exports.LucidePanelsTopLeft = PanelsTopLeft;
exports.LucidePaperclip = Paperclip;
exports.LucideParentheses = Parentheses;
exports.LucideParkingCircle = CircleParking;
exports.LucideParkingCircleOff = CircleParkingOff;
exports.LucideParkingMeter = ParkingMeter;
exports.LucideParkingSquare = SquareParking;
exports.LucideParkingSquareOff = SquareParkingOff;
exports.LucidePartyPopper = PartyPopper;
exports.LucidePause = Pause;
exports.LucidePauseCircle = CirclePause;
exports.LucidePauseOctagon = OctagonPause;
exports.LucidePawPrint = PawPrint;
exports.LucidePcCase = PcCase;
exports.LucidePen = Pen;
exports.LucidePenBox = SquarePen;
exports.LucidePenLine = PenLine;
exports.LucidePenOff = PenOff;
exports.LucidePenSquare = SquarePen;
exports.LucidePenTool = PenTool;
exports.LucidePencil = Pencil;
exports.LucidePencilLine = PencilLine;
exports.LucidePencilOff = PencilOff;
exports.LucidePencilRuler = PencilRuler;
exports.LucidePentagon = Pentagon;
exports.LucidePercent = Percent;
exports.LucidePercentCircle = CirclePercent;
exports.LucidePercentDiamond = DiamondPercent;
exports.LucidePercentSquare = SquarePercent;
exports.LucidePersonStanding = PersonStanding;
exports.LucidePhilippinePeso = PhilippinePeso;
exports.LucidePhone = Phone;
exports.LucidePhoneCall = PhoneCall;
exports.LucidePhoneForwarded = PhoneForwarded;
exports.LucidePhoneIncoming = PhoneIncoming;
exports.LucidePhoneMissed = PhoneMissed;
exports.LucidePhoneOff = PhoneOff;
exports.LucidePhoneOutgoing = PhoneOutgoing;
exports.LucidePi = Pi;
exports.LucidePiSquare = SquarePi;
exports.LucidePiano = Piano;
exports.LucidePickaxe = Pickaxe;
exports.LucidePictureInPicture = PictureInPicture;
exports.LucidePictureInPicture2 = PictureInPicture2;
exports.LucidePieChart = ChartPie;
exports.LucidePiggyBank = PiggyBank;
exports.LucidePilcrow = Pilcrow;
exports.LucidePilcrowLeft = PilcrowLeft;
exports.LucidePilcrowRight = PilcrowRight;
exports.LucidePilcrowSquare = SquarePilcrow;
exports.LucidePill = Pill;
exports.LucidePillBottle = PillBottle;
exports.LucidePin = Pin;
exports.LucidePinOff = PinOff;
exports.LucidePipette = Pipette;
exports.LucidePizza = Pizza;
exports.LucidePlane = Plane;
exports.LucidePlaneLanding = PlaneLanding;
exports.LucidePlaneTakeoff = PlaneTakeoff;
exports.LucidePlay = Play;
exports.LucidePlayCircle = CirclePlay;
exports.LucidePlaySquare = SquarePlay;
exports.LucidePlug = Plug;
exports.LucidePlug2 = Plug2;
exports.LucidePlugZap = PlugZap;
exports.LucidePlugZap2 = PlugZap;
exports.LucidePlus = Plus;
exports.LucidePlusCircle = CirclePlus;
exports.LucidePlusSquare = SquarePlus;
exports.LucidePocket = Pocket;
exports.LucidePocketKnife = PocketKnife;
exports.LucidePodcast = Podcast;
exports.LucidePointer = Pointer;
exports.LucidePointerOff = PointerOff;
exports.LucidePopcorn = Popcorn;
exports.LucidePopsicle = Popsicle;
exports.LucidePoundSterling = PoundSterling;
exports.LucidePower = Power;
exports.LucidePowerCircle = CirclePower;
exports.LucidePowerOff = PowerOff;
exports.LucidePowerSquare = SquarePower;
exports.LucidePresentation = Presentation;
exports.LucidePrinter = Printer;
exports.LucidePrinterCheck = PrinterCheck;
exports.LucideProjector = Projector;
exports.LucideProportions = Proportions;
exports.LucidePuzzle = Puzzle;
exports.LucidePyramid = Pyramid;
exports.LucideQrCode = QrCode;
exports.LucideQuote = Quote;
exports.LucideRabbit = Rabbit;
exports.LucideRadar = Radar;
exports.LucideRadiation = Radiation;
exports.LucideRadical = Radical;
exports.LucideRadio = Radio;
exports.LucideRadioReceiver = RadioReceiver;
exports.LucideRadioTower = RadioTower;
exports.LucideRadius = Radius;
exports.LucideRailSymbol = RailSymbol;
exports.LucideRainbow = Rainbow;
exports.LucideRat = Rat;
exports.LucideRatio = Ratio;
exports.LucideReceipt = Receipt;
exports.LucideReceiptCent = ReceiptCent;
exports.LucideReceiptEuro = ReceiptEuro;
exports.LucideReceiptIndianRupee = ReceiptIndianRupee;
exports.LucideReceiptJapaneseYen = ReceiptJapaneseYen;
exports.LucideReceiptPoundSterling = ReceiptPoundSterling;
exports.LucideReceiptRussianRuble = ReceiptRussianRuble;
exports.LucideReceiptSwissFranc = ReceiptSwissFranc;
exports.LucideReceiptText = ReceiptText;
exports.LucideRectangleEllipsis = RectangleEllipsis;
exports.LucideRectangleHorizontal = RectangleHorizontal;
exports.LucideRectangleVertical = RectangleVertical;
exports.LucideRecycle = Recycle;
exports.LucideRedo = Redo;
exports.LucideRedo2 = Redo2;
exports.LucideRedoDot = RedoDot;
exports.LucideRefreshCcw = RefreshCcw;
exports.LucideRefreshCcwDot = RefreshCcwDot;
exports.LucideRefreshCw = RefreshCw;
exports.LucideRefreshCwOff = RefreshCwOff;
exports.LucideRefrigerator = Refrigerator;
exports.LucideRegex = Regex;
exports.LucideRemoveFormatting = RemoveFormatting;
exports.LucideRepeat = Repeat;
exports.LucideRepeat1 = Repeat1;
exports.LucideRepeat2 = Repeat2;
exports.LucideReplace = Replace;
exports.LucideReplaceAll = ReplaceAll;
exports.LucideReply = Reply;
exports.LucideReplyAll = ReplyAll;
exports.LucideRewind = Rewind;
exports.LucideRibbon = Ribbon;
exports.LucideRocket = Rocket;
exports.LucideRockingChair = RockingChair;
exports.LucideRollerCoaster = RollerCoaster;
exports.LucideRotate3D = Rotate3d;
exports.LucideRotate3d = Rotate3d;
exports.LucideRotateCcw = RotateCcw;
exports.LucideRotateCcwSquare = RotateCcwSquare;
exports.LucideRotateCw = RotateCw;
exports.LucideRotateCwSquare = RotateCwSquare;
exports.LucideRoute = Route;
exports.LucideRouteOff = RouteOff;
exports.LucideRouter = Router;
exports.LucideRows = Rows2;
exports.LucideRows2 = Rows2;
exports.LucideRows3 = Rows3;
exports.LucideRows4 = Rows4;
exports.LucideRss = Rss;
exports.LucideRuler = Ruler;
exports.LucideRussianRuble = RussianRuble;
exports.LucideSailboat = Sailboat;
exports.LucideSalad = Salad;
exports.LucideSandwich = Sandwich;
exports.LucideSatellite = Satellite;
exports.LucideSatelliteDish = SatelliteDish;
exports.LucideSave = Save;
exports.LucideSaveAll = SaveAll;
exports.LucideSaveOff = SaveOff;
exports.LucideScale = Scale;
exports.LucideScale3D = Scale3d;
exports.LucideScale3d = Scale3d;
exports.LucideScaling = Scaling;
exports.LucideScan = Scan;
exports.LucideScanBarcode = ScanBarcode;
exports.LucideScanEye = ScanEye;
exports.LucideScanFace = ScanFace;
exports.LucideScanHeart = ScanHeart;
exports.LucideScanLine = ScanLine;
exports.LucideScanQrCode = ScanQrCode;
exports.LucideScanSearch = ScanSearch;
exports.LucideScanText = ScanText;
exports.LucideScatterChart = ChartScatter;
exports.LucideSchool = School;
exports.LucideSchool2 = University;
exports.LucideScissors = Scissors;
exports.LucideScissorsLineDashed = ScissorsLineDashed;
exports.LucideScissorsSquare = SquareScissors;
exports.LucideScissorsSquareDashedBottom = SquareBottomDashedScissors;
exports.LucideScreenShare = ScreenShare;
exports.LucideScreenShareOff = ScreenShareOff;
exports.LucideScroll = Scroll;
exports.LucideScrollText = ScrollText;
exports.LucideSearch = Search;
exports.LucideSearchCheck = SearchCheck;
exports.LucideSearchCode = SearchCode;
exports.LucideSearchSlash = SearchSlash;
exports.LucideSearchX = SearchX;
exports.LucideSection = Section;
exports.LucideSend = Send;
exports.LucideSendHorizonal = SendHorizontal;
exports.LucideSendHorizontal = SendHorizontal;
exports.LucideSendToBack = SendToBack;
exports.LucideSeparatorHorizontal = SeparatorHorizontal;
exports.LucideSeparatorVertical = SeparatorVertical;
exports.LucideServer = Server;
exports.LucideServerCog = ServerCog;
exports.LucideServerCrash = ServerCrash;
exports.LucideServerOff = ServerOff;
exports.LucideSettings = Settings;
exports.LucideSettings2 = Settings2;
exports.LucideShapes = Shapes;
exports.LucideShare = Share;
exports.LucideShare2 = Share2;
exports.LucideSheet = Sheet;
exports.LucideShell = Shell;
exports.LucideShield = Shield;
exports.LucideShieldAlert = ShieldAlert;
exports.LucideShieldBan = ShieldBan;
exports.LucideShieldCheck = ShieldCheck;
exports.LucideShieldClose = ShieldX;
exports.LucideShieldEllipsis = ShieldEllipsis;
exports.LucideShieldHalf = ShieldHalf;
exports.LucideShieldMinus = ShieldMinus;
exports.LucideShieldOff = ShieldOff;
exports.LucideShieldPlus = ShieldPlus;
exports.LucideShieldQuestion = ShieldQuestion;
exports.LucideShieldX = ShieldX;
exports.LucideShip = Ship;
exports.LucideShipWheel = ShipWheel;
exports.LucideShirt = Shirt;
exports.LucideShoppingBag = ShoppingBag;
exports.LucideShoppingBasket = ShoppingBasket;
exports.LucideShoppingCart = ShoppingCart;
exports.LucideShovel = Shovel;
exports.LucideShowerHead = ShowerHead;
exports.LucideShrink = Shrink;
exports.LucideShrub = Shrub;
exports.LucideShuffle = Shuffle;
exports.LucideSidebar = PanelLeft;
exports.LucideSidebarClose = PanelLeftClose;
exports.LucideSidebarOpen = PanelLeftOpen;
exports.LucideSigma = Sigma;
exports.LucideSigmaSquare = SquareSigma;
exports.LucideSignal = Signal;
exports.LucideSignalHigh = SignalHigh;
exports.LucideSignalLow = SignalLow;
exports.LucideSignalMedium = SignalMedium;
exports.LucideSignalZero = SignalZero;
exports.LucideSignature = Signature;
exports.LucideSignpost = Signpost;
exports.LucideSignpostBig = SignpostBig;
exports.LucideSiren = Siren;
exports.LucideSkipBack = SkipBack;
exports.LucideSkipForward = SkipForward;
exports.LucideSkull = Skull;
exports.LucideSlack = Slack;
exports.LucideSlash = Slash;
exports.LucideSlashSquare = SquareSlash;
exports.LucideSlice = Slice;
exports.LucideSliders = SlidersVertical;
exports.LucideSlidersHorizontal = SlidersHorizontal;
exports.LucideSlidersVertical = SlidersVertical;
exports.LucideSmartphone = Smartphone;
exports.LucideSmartphoneCharging = SmartphoneCharging;
exports.LucideSmartphoneNfc = SmartphoneNfc;
exports.LucideSmile = Smile;
exports.LucideSmilePlus = SmilePlus;
exports.LucideSnail = Snail;
exports.LucideSnowflake = Snowflake;
exports.LucideSofa = Sofa;
exports.LucideSortAsc = ArrowUpNarrowWide;
exports.LucideSortDesc = ArrowDownWideNarrow;
exports.LucideSoup = Soup;
exports.LucideSpace = Space;
exports.LucideSpade = Spade;
exports.LucideSparkle = Sparkle;
exports.LucideSparkles = Sparkles;
exports.LucideSpeaker = Speaker;
exports.LucideSpeech = Speech;
exports.LucideSpellCheck = SpellCheck;
exports.LucideSpellCheck2 = SpellCheck2;
exports.LucideSpline = Spline;
exports.LucideSplit = Split;
exports.LucideSplitSquareHorizontal = SquareSplitHorizontal;
exports.LucideSplitSquareVertical = SquareSplitVertical;
exports.LucideSprayCan = SprayCan;
exports.LucideSprout = Sprout;
exports.LucideSquare = Square;
exports.LucideSquareActivity = SquareActivity;
exports.LucideSquareArrowDown = SquareArrowDown;
exports.LucideSquareArrowDownLeft = SquareArrowDownLeft;
exports.LucideSquareArrowDownRight = SquareArrowDownRight;
exports.LucideSquareArrowLeft = SquareArrowLeft;
exports.LucideSquareArrowOutDownLeft = SquareArrowOutDownLeft;
exports.LucideSquareArrowOutDownRight = SquareArrowOutDownRight;
exports.LucideSquareArrowOutUpLeft = SquareArrowOutUpLeft;
exports.LucideSquareArrowOutUpRight = SquareArrowOutUpRight;
exports.LucideSquareArrowRight = SquareArrowRight;
exports.LucideSquareArrowUp = SquareArrowUp;
exports.LucideSquareArrowUpLeft = SquareArrowUpLeft;
exports.LucideSquareArrowUpRight = SquareArrowUpRight;
exports.LucideSquareAsterisk = SquareAsterisk;
exports.LucideSquareBottomDashedScissors = SquareBottomDashedScissors;
exports.LucideSquareChartGantt = SquareChartGantt;
exports.LucideSquareCheck = SquareCheck;
exports.LucideSquareCheckBig = SquareCheckBig;
exports.LucideSquareChevronDown = SquareChevronDown;
exports.LucideSquareChevronLeft = SquareChevronLeft;
exports.LucideSquareChevronRight = SquareChevronRight;
exports.LucideSquareChevronUp = SquareChevronUp;
exports.LucideSquareCode = SquareCode;
exports.LucideSquareDashed = SquareDashed;
exports.LucideSquareDashedBottom = SquareDashedBottom;
exports.LucideSquareDashedBottomCode = SquareDashedBottomCode;
exports.LucideSquareDashedKanban = SquareDashedKanban;
exports.LucideSquareDashedMousePointer = SquareDashedMousePointer;
exports.LucideSquareDivide = SquareDivide;
exports.LucideSquareDot = SquareDot;
exports.LucideSquareEqual = SquareEqual;
exports.LucideSquareFunction = SquareFunction;
exports.LucideSquareGanttChart = SquareChartGantt;
exports.LucideSquareKanban = SquareKanban;
exports.LucideSquareLibrary = SquareLibrary;
exports.LucideSquareM = SquareM;
exports.LucideSquareMenu = SquareMenu;
exports.LucideSquareMinus = SquareMinus;
exports.LucideSquareMousePointer = SquareMousePointer;
exports.LucideSquareParking = SquareParking;
exports.LucideSquareParkingOff = SquareParkingOff;
exports.LucideSquarePen = SquarePen;
exports.LucideSquarePercent = SquarePercent;
exports.LucideSquarePi = SquarePi;
exports.LucideSquarePilcrow = SquarePilcrow;
exports.LucideSquarePlay = SquarePlay;
exports.LucideSquarePlus = SquarePlus;
exports.LucideSquarePower = SquarePower;
exports.LucideSquareRadical = SquareRadical;
exports.LucideSquareScissors = SquareScissors;
exports.LucideSquareSigma = SquareSigma;
exports.LucideSquareSlash = SquareSlash;
exports.LucideSquareSplitHorizontal = SquareSplitHorizontal;
exports.LucideSquareSplitVertical = SquareSplitVertical;
exports.LucideSquareSquare = SquareSquare;
exports.LucideSquareStack = SquareStack;
exports.LucideSquareTerminal = SquareTerminal;
exports.LucideSquareUser = SquareUser;
exports.LucideSquareUserRound = SquareUserRound;
exports.LucideSquareX = SquareX;
exports.LucideSquircle = Squircle;
exports.LucideSquirrel = Squirrel;
exports.LucideStamp = Stamp;
exports.LucideStar = Star;
exports.LucideStarHalf = StarHalf;
exports.LucideStarOff = StarOff;
exports.LucideStars = Sparkles;
exports.LucideStepBack = StepBack;
exports.LucideStepForward = StepForward;
exports.LucideStethoscope = Stethoscope;
exports.LucideSticker = Sticker;
exports.LucideStickyNote = StickyNote;
exports.LucideStopCircle = CircleStop;
exports.LucideStore = Store;
exports.LucideStretchHorizontal = StretchHorizontal;
exports.LucideStretchVertical = StretchVertical;
exports.LucideStrikethrough = Strikethrough;
exports.LucideSubscript = Subscript;
exports.LucideSubtitles = Captions;
exports.LucideSun = Sun;
exports.LucideSunDim = SunDim;
exports.LucideSunMedium = SunMedium;
exports.LucideSunMoon = SunMoon;
exports.LucideSunSnow = SunSnow;
exports.LucideSunrise = Sunrise;
exports.LucideSunset = Sunset;
exports.LucideSuperscript = Superscript;
exports.LucideSwatchBook = SwatchBook;
exports.LucideSwissFranc = SwissFranc;
exports.LucideSwitchCamera = SwitchCamera;
exports.LucideSword = Sword;
exports.LucideSwords = Swords;
exports.LucideSyringe = Syringe;
exports.LucideTable = Table;
exports.LucideTable2 = Table2;
exports.LucideTableCellsMerge = TableCellsMerge;
exports.LucideTableCellsSplit = TableCellsSplit;
exports.LucideTableColumnsSplit = TableColumnsSplit;
exports.LucideTableOfContents = TableOfContents;
exports.LucideTableProperties = TableProperties;
exports.LucideTableRowsSplit = TableRowsSplit;
exports.LucideTablet = Tablet;
exports.LucideTabletSmartphone = TabletSmartphone;
exports.LucideTablets = Tablets;
exports.LucideTag = Tag;
exports.LucideTags = Tags;
exports.LucideTally1 = Tally1;
exports.LucideTally2 = Tally2;
exports.LucideTally3 = Tally3;
exports.LucideTally4 = Tally4;
exports.LucideTally5 = Tally5;
exports.LucideTangent = Tangent;
exports.LucideTarget = Target;
exports.LucideTelescope = Telescope;
exports.LucideTent = Tent;
exports.LucideTentTree = TentTree;
exports.LucideTerminal = Terminal;
exports.LucideTerminalSquare = SquareTerminal;
exports.LucideTestTube = TestTube;
exports.LucideTestTube2 = TestTubeDiagonal;
exports.LucideTestTubeDiagonal = TestTubeDiagonal;
exports.LucideTestTubes = TestTubes;
exports.LucideText = Text;
exports.LucideTextCursor = TextCursor;
exports.LucideTextCursorInput = TextCursorInput;
exports.LucideTextQuote = TextQuote;
exports.LucideTextSearch = TextSearch;
exports.LucideTextSelect = TextSelect;
exports.LucideTextSelection = TextSelect;
exports.LucideTheater = Theater;
exports.LucideThermometer = Thermometer;
exports.LucideThermometerSnowflake = ThermometerSnowflake;
exports.LucideThermometerSun = ThermometerSun;
exports.LucideThumbsDown = ThumbsDown;
exports.LucideThumbsUp = ThumbsUp;
exports.LucideTicket = Ticket;
exports.LucideTicketCheck = TicketCheck;
exports.LucideTicketMinus = TicketMinus;
exports.LucideTicketPercent = TicketPercent;
exports.LucideTicketPlus = TicketPlus;
exports.LucideTicketSlash = TicketSlash;
exports.LucideTicketX = TicketX;
exports.LucideTickets = Tickets;
exports.LucideTicketsPlane = TicketsPlane;
exports.LucideTimer = Timer;
exports.LucideTimerOff = TimerOff;
exports.LucideTimerReset = TimerReset;
exports.LucideToggleLeft = ToggleLeft;
exports.LucideToggleRight = ToggleRight;
exports.LucideToilet = Toilet;
exports.LucideTornado = Tornado;
exports.LucideTorus = Torus;
exports.LucideTouchpad = Touchpad;
exports.LucideTouchpadOff = TouchpadOff;
exports.LucideTowerControl = TowerControl;
exports.LucideToyBrick = ToyBrick;
exports.LucideTractor = Tractor;
exports.LucideTrafficCone = TrafficCone;
exports.LucideTrain = TramFront;
exports.LucideTrainFront = TrainFront;
exports.LucideTrainFrontTunnel = TrainFrontTunnel;
exports.LucideTrainTrack = TrainTrack;
exports.LucideTramFront = TramFront;
exports.LucideTrash = Trash;
exports.LucideTrash2 = Trash2;
exports.LucideTreeDeciduous = TreeDeciduous;
exports.LucideTreePalm = TreePalm;
exports.LucideTreePine = TreePine;
exports.LucideTrees = Trees;
exports.LucideTrello = Trello;
exports.LucideTrendingDown = TrendingDown;
exports.LucideTrendingUp = TrendingUp;
exports.LucideTrendingUpDown = TrendingUpDown;
exports.LucideTriangle = Triangle;
exports.LucideTriangleAlert = TriangleAlert;
exports.LucideTriangleRight = TriangleRight;
exports.LucideTrophy = Trophy;
exports.LucideTruck = Truck;
exports.LucideTurtle = Turtle;
exports.LucideTv = Tv;
exports.LucideTv2 = TvMinimal;
exports.LucideTvMinimal = TvMinimal;
exports.LucideTvMinimalPlay = TvMinimalPlay;
exports.LucideTwitch = Twitch;
exports.LucideTwitter = Twitter;
exports.LucideType = Type;
exports.LucideTypeOutline = TypeOutline;
exports.LucideUmbrella = Umbrella;
exports.LucideUmbrellaOff = UmbrellaOff;
exports.LucideUnderline = Underline;
exports.LucideUndo = Undo;
exports.LucideUndo2 = Undo2;
exports.LucideUndoDot = UndoDot;
exports.LucideUnfoldHorizontal = UnfoldHorizontal;
exports.LucideUnfoldVertical = UnfoldVertical;
exports.LucideUngroup = Ungroup;
exports.LucideUniversity = University;
exports.LucideUnlink = Unlink;
exports.LucideUnlink2 = Unlink2;
exports.LucideUnlock = LockOpen;
exports.LucideUnlockKeyhole = LockKeyholeOpen;
exports.LucideUnplug = Unplug;
exports.LucideUpload = Upload;
exports.LucideUploadCloud = CloudUpload;
exports.LucideUsb = Usb;
exports.LucideUser = User;
exports.LucideUser2 = UserRound;
exports.LucideUserCheck = UserCheck;
exports.LucideUserCheck2 = UserRoundCheck;
exports.LucideUserCircle = CircleUser;
exports.LucideUserCircle2 = CircleUserRound;
exports.LucideUserCog = UserCog;
exports.LucideUserCog2 = UserRoundCog;
exports.LucideUserMinus = UserMinus;
exports.LucideUserMinus2 = UserRoundMinus;
exports.LucideUserPen = UserPen;
exports.LucideUserPlus = UserPlus;
exports.LucideUserPlus2 = UserRoundPlus;
exports.LucideUserRound = UserRound;
exports.LucideUserRoundCheck = UserRoundCheck;
exports.LucideUserRoundCog = UserRoundCog;
exports.LucideUserRoundMinus = UserRoundMinus;
exports.LucideUserRoundPen = UserRoundPen;
exports.LucideUserRoundPlus = UserRoundPlus;
exports.LucideUserRoundSearch = UserRoundSearch;
exports.LucideUserRoundX = UserRoundX;
exports.LucideUserSearch = UserSearch;
exports.LucideUserSquare = SquareUser;
exports.LucideUserSquare2 = SquareUserRound;
exports.LucideUserX = UserX;
exports.LucideUserX2 = UserRoundX;
exports.LucideUsers = Users;
exports.LucideUsers2 = UsersRound;
exports.LucideUsersRound = UsersRound;
exports.LucideUtensils = Utensils;
exports.LucideUtensilsCrossed = UtensilsCrossed;
exports.LucideUtilityPole = UtilityPole;
exports.LucideVariable = Variable;
exports.LucideVault = Vault;
exports.LucideVegan = Vegan;
exports.LucideVenetianMask = VenetianMask;
exports.LucideVerified = BadgeCheck;
exports.LucideVibrate = Vibrate;
exports.LucideVibrateOff = VibrateOff;
exports.LucideVideo = Video;
exports.LucideVideoOff = VideoOff;
exports.LucideVideotape = Videotape;
exports.LucideView = View;
exports.LucideVoicemail = Voicemail;
exports.LucideVolleyball = Volleyball;
exports.LucideVolume = Volume;
exports.LucideVolume1 = Volume1;
exports.LucideVolume2 = Volume2;
exports.LucideVolumeOff = VolumeOff;
exports.LucideVolumeX = VolumeX;
exports.LucideVote = Vote;
exports.LucideWallet = Wallet;
exports.LucideWallet2 = WalletMinimal;
exports.LucideWalletCards = WalletCards;
exports.LucideWalletMinimal = WalletMinimal;
exports.LucideWallpaper = Wallpaper;
exports.LucideWand = Wand;
exports.LucideWand2 = WandSparkles;
exports.LucideWandSparkles = WandSparkles;
exports.LucideWarehouse = Warehouse;
exports.LucideWashingMachine = WashingMachine;
exports.LucideWatch = Watch;
exports.LucideWaves = Waves;
exports.LucideWavesLadder = WavesLadder;
exports.LucideWaypoints = Waypoints;
exports.LucideWebcam = Webcam;
exports.LucideWebhook = Webhook;
exports.LucideWebhookOff = WebhookOff;
exports.LucideWeight = Weight;
exports.LucideWheat = Wheat;
exports.LucideWheatOff = WheatOff;
exports.LucideWholeWord = WholeWord;
exports.LucideWifi = Wifi;
exports.LucideWifiHigh = WifiHigh;
exports.LucideWifiLow = WifiLow;
exports.LucideWifiOff = WifiOff;
exports.LucideWifiZero = WifiZero;
exports.LucideWind = Wind;
exports.LucideWindArrowDown = WindArrowDown;
exports.LucideWine = Wine;
exports.LucideWineOff = WineOff;
exports.LucideWorkflow = Workflow;
exports.LucideWorm = Worm;
exports.LucideWrapText = WrapText;
exports.LucideWrench = Wrench;
exports.LucideX = X;
exports.LucideXCircle = CircleX;
exports.LucideXOctagon = OctagonX;
exports.LucideXSquare = SquareX;
exports.LucideYoutube = Youtube;
exports.LucideZap = Zap;
exports.LucideZapOff = ZapOff;
exports.LucideZoomIn = ZoomIn;
exports.LucideZoomOut = ZoomOut;
exports.Luggage = Luggage;
exports.LuggageIcon = Luggage;
exports.MSquare = SquareM;
exports.MSquareIcon = SquareM;
exports.Magnet = Magnet;
exports.MagnetIcon = Magnet;
exports.Mail = Mail;
exports.MailCheck = MailCheck;
exports.MailCheckIcon = MailCheck;
exports.MailIcon = Mail;
exports.MailMinus = MailMinus;
exports.MailMinusIcon = MailMinus;
exports.MailOpen = MailOpen;
exports.MailOpenIcon = MailOpen;
exports.MailPlus = MailPlus;
exports.MailPlusIcon = MailPlus;
exports.MailQuestion = MailQuestion;
exports.MailQuestionIcon = MailQuestion;
exports.MailSearch = MailSearch;
exports.MailSearchIcon = MailSearch;
exports.MailWarning = MailWarning;
exports.MailWarningIcon = MailWarning;
exports.MailX = MailX;
exports.MailXIcon = MailX;
exports.Mailbox = Mailbox;
exports.MailboxIcon = Mailbox;
exports.Mails = Mails;
exports.MailsIcon = Mails;
exports.Map = Map;
exports.MapIcon = Map;
exports.MapPin = MapPin;
exports.MapPinCheck = MapPinCheck;
exports.MapPinCheckIcon = MapPinCheck;
exports.MapPinCheckInside = MapPinCheckInside;
exports.MapPinCheckInsideIcon = MapPinCheckInside;
exports.MapPinHouse = MapPinHouse;
exports.MapPinHouseIcon = MapPinHouse;
exports.MapPinIcon = MapPin;
exports.MapPinMinus = MapPinMinus;
exports.MapPinMinusIcon = MapPinMinus;
exports.MapPinMinusInside = MapPinMinusInside;
exports.MapPinMinusInsideIcon = MapPinMinusInside;
exports.MapPinOff = MapPinOff;
exports.MapPinOffIcon = MapPinOff;
exports.MapPinPlus = MapPinPlus;
exports.MapPinPlusIcon = MapPinPlus;
exports.MapPinPlusInside = MapPinPlusInside;
exports.MapPinPlusInsideIcon = MapPinPlusInside;
exports.MapPinX = MapPinX;
exports.MapPinXIcon = MapPinX;
exports.MapPinXInside = MapPinXInside;
exports.MapPinXInsideIcon = MapPinXInside;
exports.MapPinned = MapPinned;
exports.MapPinnedIcon = MapPinned;
exports.Martini = Martini;
exports.MartiniIcon = Martini;
exports.Maximize = Maximize;
exports.Maximize2 = Maximize2;
exports.Maximize2Icon = Maximize2;
exports.MaximizeIcon = Maximize;
exports.Medal = Medal;
exports.MedalIcon = Medal;
exports.Megaphone = Megaphone;
exports.MegaphoneIcon = Megaphone;
exports.MegaphoneOff = MegaphoneOff;
exports.MegaphoneOffIcon = MegaphoneOff;
exports.Meh = Meh;
exports.MehIcon = Meh;
exports.MemoryStick = MemoryStick;
exports.MemoryStickIcon = MemoryStick;
exports.Menu = Menu;
exports.MenuIcon = Menu;
exports.MenuSquare = SquareMenu;
exports.MenuSquareIcon = SquareMenu;
exports.Merge = Merge;
exports.MergeIcon = Merge;
exports.MessageCircle = MessageCircle;
exports.MessageCircleCode = MessageCircleCode;
exports.MessageCircleCodeIcon = MessageCircleCode;
exports.MessageCircleDashed = MessageCircleDashed;
exports.MessageCircleDashedIcon = MessageCircleDashed;
exports.MessageCircleHeart = MessageCircleHeart;
exports.MessageCircleHeartIcon = MessageCircleHeart;
exports.MessageCircleIcon = MessageCircle;
exports.MessageCircleMore = MessageCircleMore;
exports.MessageCircleMoreIcon = MessageCircleMore;
exports.MessageCircleOff = MessageCircleOff;
exports.MessageCircleOffIcon = MessageCircleOff;
exports.MessageCirclePlus = MessageCirclePlus;
exports.MessageCirclePlusIcon = MessageCirclePlus;
exports.MessageCircleQuestion = MessageCircleQuestion;
exports.MessageCircleQuestionIcon = MessageCircleQuestion;
exports.MessageCircleReply = MessageCircleReply;
exports.MessageCircleReplyIcon = MessageCircleReply;
exports.MessageCircleWarning = MessageCircleWarning;
exports.MessageCircleWarningIcon = MessageCircleWarning;
exports.MessageCircleX = MessageCircleX;
exports.MessageCircleXIcon = MessageCircleX;
exports.MessageSquare = MessageSquare;
exports.MessageSquareCode = MessageSquareCode;
exports.MessageSquareCodeIcon = MessageSquareCode;
exports.MessageSquareDashed = MessageSquareDashed;
exports.MessageSquareDashedIcon = MessageSquareDashed;
exports.MessageSquareDiff = MessageSquareDiff;
exports.MessageSquareDiffIcon = MessageSquareDiff;
exports.MessageSquareDot = MessageSquareDot;
exports.MessageSquareDotIcon = MessageSquareDot;
exports.MessageSquareHeart = MessageSquareHeart;
exports.MessageSquareHeartIcon = MessageSquareHeart;
exports.MessageSquareIcon = MessageSquare;
exports.MessageSquareLock = MessageSquareLock;
exports.MessageSquareLockIcon = MessageSquareLock;
exports.MessageSquareMore = MessageSquareMore;
exports.MessageSquareMoreIcon = MessageSquareMore;
exports.MessageSquareOff = MessageSquareOff;
exports.MessageSquareOffIcon = MessageSquareOff;
exports.MessageSquarePlus = MessageSquarePlus;
exports.MessageSquarePlusIcon = MessageSquarePlus;
exports.MessageSquareQuote = MessageSquareQuote;
exports.MessageSquareQuoteIcon = MessageSquareQuote;
exports.MessageSquareReply = MessageSquareReply;
exports.MessageSquareReplyIcon = MessageSquareReply;
exports.MessageSquareShare = MessageSquareShare;
exports.MessageSquareShareIcon = MessageSquareShare;
exports.MessageSquareText = MessageSquareText;
exports.MessageSquareTextIcon = MessageSquareText;
exports.MessageSquareWarning = MessageSquareWarning;
exports.MessageSquareWarningIcon = MessageSquareWarning;
exports.MessageSquareX = MessageSquareX;
exports.MessageSquareXIcon = MessageSquareX;
exports.MessagesSquare = MessagesSquare;
exports.MessagesSquareIcon = MessagesSquare;
exports.Mic = Mic;
exports.Mic2 = MicVocal;
exports.Mic2Icon = MicVocal;
exports.MicIcon = Mic;
exports.MicOff = MicOff;
exports.MicOffIcon = MicOff;
exports.MicVocal = MicVocal;
exports.MicVocalIcon = MicVocal;
exports.Microchip = Microchip;
exports.MicrochipIcon = Microchip;
exports.Microscope = Microscope;
exports.MicroscopeIcon = Microscope;
exports.Microwave = Microwave;
exports.MicrowaveIcon = Microwave;
exports.Milestone = Milestone;
exports.MilestoneIcon = Milestone;
exports.Milk = Milk;
exports.MilkIcon = Milk;
exports.MilkOff = MilkOff;
exports.MilkOffIcon = MilkOff;
exports.Minimize = Minimize;
exports.Minimize2 = Minimize2;
exports.Minimize2Icon = Minimize2;
exports.MinimizeIcon = Minimize;
exports.Minus = Minus;
exports.MinusCircle = CircleMinus;
exports.MinusCircleIcon = CircleMinus;
exports.MinusIcon = Minus;
exports.MinusSquare = SquareMinus;
exports.MinusSquareIcon = SquareMinus;
exports.Monitor = Monitor;
exports.MonitorCheck = MonitorCheck;
exports.MonitorCheckIcon = MonitorCheck;
exports.MonitorCog = MonitorCog;
exports.MonitorCogIcon = MonitorCog;
exports.MonitorDot = MonitorDot;
exports.MonitorDotIcon = MonitorDot;
exports.MonitorDown = MonitorDown;
exports.MonitorDownIcon = MonitorDown;
exports.MonitorIcon = Monitor;
exports.MonitorOff = MonitorOff;
exports.MonitorOffIcon = MonitorOff;
exports.MonitorPause = MonitorPause;
exports.MonitorPauseIcon = MonitorPause;
exports.MonitorPlay = MonitorPlay;
exports.MonitorPlayIcon = MonitorPlay;
exports.MonitorSmartphone = MonitorSmartphone;
exports.MonitorSmartphoneIcon = MonitorSmartphone;
exports.MonitorSpeaker = MonitorSpeaker;
exports.MonitorSpeakerIcon = MonitorSpeaker;
exports.MonitorStop = MonitorStop;
exports.MonitorStopIcon = MonitorStop;
exports.MonitorUp = MonitorUp;
exports.MonitorUpIcon = MonitorUp;
exports.MonitorX = MonitorX;
exports.MonitorXIcon = MonitorX;
exports.Moon = Moon;
exports.MoonIcon = Moon;
exports.MoonStar = MoonStar;
exports.MoonStarIcon = MoonStar;
exports.MoreHorizontal = Ellipsis;
exports.MoreHorizontalIcon = Ellipsis;
exports.MoreVertical = EllipsisVertical;
exports.MoreVerticalIcon = EllipsisVertical;
exports.Mountain = Mountain;
exports.MountainIcon = Mountain;
exports.MountainSnow = MountainSnow;
exports.MountainSnowIcon = MountainSnow;
exports.Mouse = Mouse;
exports.MouseIcon = Mouse;
exports.MouseOff = MouseOff;
exports.MouseOffIcon = MouseOff;
exports.MousePointer = MousePointer;
exports.MousePointer2 = MousePointer2;
exports.MousePointer2Icon = MousePointer2;
exports.MousePointerBan = MousePointerBan;
exports.MousePointerBanIcon = MousePointerBan;
exports.MousePointerClick = MousePointerClick;
exports.MousePointerClickIcon = MousePointerClick;
exports.MousePointerIcon = MousePointer;
exports.MousePointerSquareDashed = SquareDashedMousePointer;
exports.MousePointerSquareDashedIcon = SquareDashedMousePointer;
exports.Move = Move;
exports.Move3D = Move3d;
exports.Move3DIcon = Move3d;
exports.Move3d = Move3d;
exports.Move3dIcon = Move3d;
exports.MoveDiagonal = MoveDiagonal;
exports.MoveDiagonal2 = MoveDiagonal2;
exports.MoveDiagonal2Icon = MoveDiagonal2;
exports.MoveDiagonalIcon = MoveDiagonal;
exports.MoveDown = MoveDown;
exports.MoveDownIcon = MoveDown;
exports.MoveDownLeft = MoveDownLeft;
exports.MoveDownLeftIcon = MoveDownLeft;
exports.MoveDownRight = MoveDownRight;
exports.MoveDownRightIcon = MoveDownRight;
exports.MoveHorizontal = MoveHorizontal;
exports.MoveHorizontalIcon = MoveHorizontal;
exports.MoveIcon = Move;
exports.MoveLeft = MoveLeft;
exports.MoveLeftIcon = MoveLeft;
exports.MoveRight = MoveRight;
exports.MoveRightIcon = MoveRight;
exports.MoveUp = MoveUp;
exports.MoveUpIcon = MoveUp;
exports.MoveUpLeft = MoveUpLeft;
exports.MoveUpLeftIcon = MoveUpLeft;
exports.MoveUpRight = MoveUpRight;
exports.MoveUpRightIcon = MoveUpRight;
exports.MoveVertical = MoveVertical;
exports.MoveVerticalIcon = MoveVertical;
exports.Music = Music;
exports.Music2 = Music2;
exports.Music2Icon = Music2;
exports.Music3 = Music3;
exports.Music3Icon = Music3;
exports.Music4 = Music4;
exports.Music4Icon = Music4;
exports.MusicIcon = Music;
exports.Navigation = Navigation;
exports.Navigation2 = Navigation2;
exports.Navigation2Icon = Navigation2;
exports.Navigation2Off = Navigation2Off;
exports.Navigation2OffIcon = Navigation2Off;
exports.NavigationIcon = Navigation;
exports.NavigationOff = NavigationOff;
exports.NavigationOffIcon = NavigationOff;
exports.Network = Network;
exports.NetworkIcon = Network;
exports.Newspaper = Newspaper;
exports.NewspaperIcon = Newspaper;
exports.Nfc = Nfc;
exports.NfcIcon = Nfc;
exports.Notebook = Notebook;
exports.NotebookIcon = Notebook;
exports.NotebookPen = NotebookPen;
exports.NotebookPenIcon = NotebookPen;
exports.NotebookTabs = NotebookTabs;
exports.NotebookTabsIcon = NotebookTabs;
exports.NotebookText = NotebookText;
exports.NotebookTextIcon = NotebookText;
exports.NotepadText = NotepadText;
exports.NotepadTextDashed = NotepadTextDashed;
exports.NotepadTextDashedIcon = NotepadTextDashed;
exports.NotepadTextIcon = NotepadText;
exports.Nut = Nut;
exports.NutIcon = Nut;
exports.NutOff = NutOff;
exports.NutOffIcon = NutOff;
exports.Octagon = Octagon;
exports.OctagonAlert = OctagonAlert;
exports.OctagonAlertIcon = OctagonAlert;
exports.OctagonIcon = Octagon;
exports.OctagonMinus = OctagonMinus;
exports.OctagonMinusIcon = OctagonMinus;
exports.OctagonPause = OctagonPause;
exports.OctagonPauseIcon = OctagonPause;
exports.OctagonX = OctagonX;
exports.OctagonXIcon = OctagonX;
exports.Omega = Omega;
exports.OmegaIcon = Omega;
exports.Option = Option;
exports.OptionIcon = Option;
exports.Orbit = Orbit;
exports.OrbitIcon = Orbit;
exports.Origami = Origami;
exports.OrigamiIcon = Origami;
exports.Outdent = IndentDecrease;
exports.OutdentIcon = IndentDecrease;
exports.Package = Package;
exports.Package2 = Package2;
exports.Package2Icon = Package2;
exports.PackageCheck = PackageCheck;
exports.PackageCheckIcon = PackageCheck;
exports.PackageIcon = Package;
exports.PackageMinus = PackageMinus;
exports.PackageMinusIcon = PackageMinus;
exports.PackageOpen = PackageOpen;
exports.PackageOpenIcon = PackageOpen;
exports.PackagePlus = PackagePlus;
exports.PackagePlusIcon = PackagePlus;
exports.PackageSearch = PackageSearch;
exports.PackageSearchIcon = PackageSearch;
exports.PackageX = PackageX;
exports.PackageXIcon = PackageX;
exports.PaintBucket = PaintBucket;
exports.PaintBucketIcon = PaintBucket;
exports.PaintRoller = PaintRoller;
exports.PaintRollerIcon = PaintRoller;
exports.Paintbrush = Paintbrush;
exports.Paintbrush2 = PaintbrushVertical;
exports.Paintbrush2Icon = PaintbrushVertical;
exports.PaintbrushIcon = Paintbrush;
exports.PaintbrushVertical = PaintbrushVertical;
exports.PaintbrushVerticalIcon = PaintbrushVertical;
exports.Palette = Palette;
exports.PaletteIcon = Palette;
exports.Palmtree = TreePalm;
exports.PalmtreeIcon = TreePalm;
exports.PanelBottom = PanelBottom;
exports.PanelBottomClose = PanelBottomClose;
exports.PanelBottomCloseIcon = PanelBottomClose;
exports.PanelBottomDashed = PanelBottomDashed;
exports.PanelBottomDashedIcon = PanelBottomDashed;
exports.PanelBottomIcon = PanelBottom;
exports.PanelBottomInactive = PanelBottomDashed;
exports.PanelBottomInactiveIcon = PanelBottomDashed;
exports.PanelBottomOpen = PanelBottomOpen;
exports.PanelBottomOpenIcon = PanelBottomOpen;
exports.PanelLeft = PanelLeft;
exports.PanelLeftClose = PanelLeftClose;
exports.PanelLeftCloseIcon = PanelLeftClose;
exports.PanelLeftDashed = PanelLeftDashed;
exports.PanelLeftDashedIcon = PanelLeftDashed;
exports.PanelLeftIcon = PanelLeft;
exports.PanelLeftInactive = PanelLeftDashed;
exports.PanelLeftInactiveIcon = PanelLeftDashed;
exports.PanelLeftOpen = PanelLeftOpen;
exports.PanelLeftOpenIcon = PanelLeftOpen;
exports.PanelRight = PanelRight;
exports.PanelRightClose = PanelRightClose;
exports.PanelRightCloseIcon = PanelRightClose;
exports.PanelRightDashed = PanelRightDashed;
exports.PanelRightDashedIcon = PanelRightDashed;
exports.PanelRightIcon = PanelRight;
exports.PanelRightInactive = PanelRightDashed;
exports.PanelRightInactiveIcon = PanelRightDashed;
exports.PanelRightOpen = PanelRightOpen;
exports.PanelRightOpenIcon = PanelRightOpen;
exports.PanelTop = PanelTop;
exports.PanelTopClose = PanelTopClose;
exports.PanelTopCloseIcon = PanelTopClose;
exports.PanelTopDashed = PanelTopDashed;
exports.PanelTopDashedIcon = PanelTopDashed;
exports.PanelTopIcon = PanelTop;
exports.PanelTopInactive = PanelTopDashed;
exports.PanelTopInactiveIcon = PanelTopDashed;
exports.PanelTopOpen = PanelTopOpen;
exports.PanelTopOpenIcon = PanelTopOpen;
exports.PanelsLeftBottom = PanelsLeftBottom;
exports.PanelsLeftBottomIcon = PanelsLeftBottom;
exports.PanelsLeftRight = Columns3;
exports.PanelsLeftRightIcon = Columns3;
exports.PanelsRightBottom = PanelsRightBottom;
exports.PanelsRightBottomIcon = PanelsRightBottom;
exports.PanelsTopBottom = Rows3;
exports.PanelsTopBottomIcon = Rows3;
exports.PanelsTopLeft = PanelsTopLeft;
exports.PanelsTopLeftIcon = PanelsTopLeft;
exports.Paperclip = Paperclip;
exports.PaperclipIcon = Paperclip;
exports.Parentheses = Parentheses;
exports.ParenthesesIcon = Parentheses;
exports.ParkingCircle = CircleParking;
exports.ParkingCircleIcon = CircleParking;
exports.ParkingCircleOff = CircleParkingOff;
exports.ParkingCircleOffIcon = CircleParkingOff;
exports.ParkingMeter = ParkingMeter;
exports.ParkingMeterIcon = ParkingMeter;
exports.ParkingSquare = SquareParking;
exports.ParkingSquareIcon = SquareParking;
exports.ParkingSquareOff = SquareParkingOff;
exports.ParkingSquareOffIcon = SquareParkingOff;
exports.PartyPopper = PartyPopper;
exports.PartyPopperIcon = PartyPopper;
exports.Pause = Pause;
exports.PauseCircle = CirclePause;
exports.PauseCircleIcon = CirclePause;
exports.PauseIcon = Pause;
exports.PauseOctagon = OctagonPause;
exports.PauseOctagonIcon = OctagonPause;
exports.PawPrint = PawPrint;
exports.PawPrintIcon = PawPrint;
exports.PcCase = PcCase;
exports.PcCaseIcon = PcCase;
exports.Pen = Pen;
exports.PenBox = SquarePen;
exports.PenBoxIcon = SquarePen;
exports.PenIcon = Pen;
exports.PenLine = PenLine;
exports.PenLineIcon = PenLine;
exports.PenOff = PenOff;
exports.PenOffIcon = PenOff;
exports.PenSquare = SquarePen;
exports.PenSquareIcon = SquarePen;
exports.PenTool = PenTool;
exports.PenToolIcon = PenTool;
exports.Pencil = Pencil;
exports.PencilIcon = Pencil;
exports.PencilLine = PencilLine;
exports.PencilLineIcon = PencilLine;
exports.PencilOff = PencilOff;
exports.PencilOffIcon = PencilOff;
exports.PencilRuler = PencilRuler;
exports.PencilRulerIcon = PencilRuler;
exports.Pentagon = Pentagon;
exports.PentagonIcon = Pentagon;
exports.Percent = Percent;
exports.PercentCircle = CirclePercent;
exports.PercentCircleIcon = CirclePercent;
exports.PercentDiamond = DiamondPercent;
exports.PercentDiamondIcon = DiamondPercent;
exports.PercentIcon = Percent;
exports.PercentSquare = SquarePercent;
exports.PercentSquareIcon = SquarePercent;
exports.PersonStanding = PersonStanding;
exports.PersonStandingIcon = PersonStanding;
exports.PhilippinePeso = PhilippinePeso;
exports.PhilippinePesoIcon = PhilippinePeso;
exports.Phone = Phone;
exports.PhoneCall = PhoneCall;
exports.PhoneCallIcon = PhoneCall;
exports.PhoneForwarded = PhoneForwarded;
exports.PhoneForwardedIcon = PhoneForwarded;
exports.PhoneIcon = Phone;
exports.PhoneIncoming = PhoneIncoming;
exports.PhoneIncomingIcon = PhoneIncoming;
exports.PhoneMissed = PhoneMissed;
exports.PhoneMissedIcon = PhoneMissed;
exports.PhoneOff = PhoneOff;
exports.PhoneOffIcon = PhoneOff;
exports.PhoneOutgoing = PhoneOutgoing;
exports.PhoneOutgoingIcon = PhoneOutgoing;
exports.Pi = Pi;
exports.PiIcon = Pi;
exports.PiSquare = SquarePi;
exports.PiSquareIcon = SquarePi;
exports.Piano = Piano;
exports.PianoIcon = Piano;
exports.Pickaxe = Pickaxe;
exports.PickaxeIcon = Pickaxe;
exports.PictureInPicture = PictureInPicture;
exports.PictureInPicture2 = PictureInPicture2;
exports.PictureInPicture2Icon = PictureInPicture2;
exports.PictureInPictureIcon = PictureInPicture;
exports.PieChart = ChartPie;
exports.PieChartIcon = ChartPie;
exports.PiggyBank = PiggyBank;
exports.PiggyBankIcon = PiggyBank;
exports.Pilcrow = Pilcrow;
exports.PilcrowIcon = Pilcrow;
exports.PilcrowLeft = PilcrowLeft;
exports.PilcrowLeftIcon = PilcrowLeft;
exports.PilcrowRight = PilcrowRight;
exports.PilcrowRightIcon = PilcrowRight;
exports.PilcrowSquare = SquarePilcrow;
exports.PilcrowSquareIcon = SquarePilcrow;
exports.Pill = Pill;
exports.PillBottle = PillBottle;
exports.PillBottleIcon = PillBottle;
exports.PillIcon = Pill;
exports.Pin = Pin;
exports.PinIcon = Pin;
exports.PinOff = PinOff;
exports.PinOffIcon = PinOff;
exports.Pipette = Pipette;
exports.PipetteIcon = Pipette;
exports.Pizza = Pizza;
exports.PizzaIcon = Pizza;
exports.Plane = Plane;
exports.PlaneIcon = Plane;
exports.PlaneLanding = PlaneLanding;
exports.PlaneLandingIcon = PlaneLanding;
exports.PlaneTakeoff = PlaneTakeoff;
exports.PlaneTakeoffIcon = PlaneTakeoff;
exports.Play = Play;
exports.PlayCircle = CirclePlay;
exports.PlayCircleIcon = CirclePlay;
exports.PlayIcon = Play;
exports.PlaySquare = SquarePlay;
exports.PlaySquareIcon = SquarePlay;
exports.Plug = Plug;
exports.Plug2 = Plug2;
exports.Plug2Icon = Plug2;
exports.PlugIcon = Plug;
exports.PlugZap = PlugZap;
exports.PlugZap2 = PlugZap;
exports.PlugZap2Icon = PlugZap;
exports.PlugZapIcon = PlugZap;
exports.Plus = Plus;
exports.PlusCircle = CirclePlus;
exports.PlusCircleIcon = CirclePlus;
exports.PlusIcon = Plus;
exports.PlusSquare = SquarePlus;
exports.PlusSquareIcon = SquarePlus;
exports.Pocket = Pocket;
exports.PocketIcon = Pocket;
exports.PocketKnife = PocketKnife;
exports.PocketKnifeIcon = PocketKnife;
exports.Podcast = Podcast;
exports.PodcastIcon = Podcast;
exports.Pointer = Pointer;
exports.PointerIcon = Pointer;
exports.PointerOff = PointerOff;
exports.PointerOffIcon = PointerOff;
exports.Popcorn = Popcorn;
exports.PopcornIcon = Popcorn;
exports.Popsicle = Popsicle;
exports.PopsicleIcon = Popsicle;
exports.PoundSterling = PoundSterling;
exports.PoundSterlingIcon = PoundSterling;
exports.Power = Power;
exports.PowerCircle = CirclePower;
exports.PowerCircleIcon = CirclePower;
exports.PowerIcon = Power;
exports.PowerOff = PowerOff;
exports.PowerOffIcon = PowerOff;
exports.PowerSquare = SquarePower;
exports.PowerSquareIcon = SquarePower;
exports.Presentation = Presentation;
exports.PresentationIcon = Presentation;
exports.Printer = Printer;
exports.PrinterCheck = PrinterCheck;
exports.PrinterCheckIcon = PrinterCheck;
exports.PrinterIcon = Printer;
exports.Projector = Projector;
exports.ProjectorIcon = Projector;
exports.Proportions = Proportions;
exports.ProportionsIcon = Proportions;
exports.Puzzle = Puzzle;
exports.PuzzleIcon = Puzzle;
exports.Pyramid = Pyramid;
exports.PyramidIcon = Pyramid;
exports.QrCode = QrCode;
exports.QrCodeIcon = QrCode;
exports.Quote = Quote;
exports.QuoteIcon = Quote;
exports.Rabbit = Rabbit;
exports.RabbitIcon = Rabbit;
exports.Radar = Radar;
exports.RadarIcon = Radar;
exports.Radiation = Radiation;
exports.RadiationIcon = Radiation;
exports.Radical = Radical;
exports.RadicalIcon = Radical;
exports.Radio = Radio;
exports.RadioIcon = Radio;
exports.RadioReceiver = RadioReceiver;
exports.RadioReceiverIcon = RadioReceiver;
exports.RadioTower = RadioTower;
exports.RadioTowerIcon = RadioTower;
exports.Radius = Radius;
exports.RadiusIcon = Radius;
exports.RailSymbol = RailSymbol;
exports.RailSymbolIcon = RailSymbol;
exports.Rainbow = Rainbow;
exports.RainbowIcon = Rainbow;
exports.Rat = Rat;
exports.RatIcon = Rat;
exports.Ratio = Ratio;
exports.RatioIcon = Ratio;
exports.Receipt = Receipt;
exports.ReceiptCent = ReceiptCent;
exports.ReceiptCentIcon = ReceiptCent;
exports.ReceiptEuro = ReceiptEuro;
exports.ReceiptEuroIcon = ReceiptEuro;
exports.ReceiptIcon = Receipt;
exports.ReceiptIndianRupee = ReceiptIndianRupee;
exports.ReceiptIndianRupeeIcon = ReceiptIndianRupee;
exports.ReceiptJapaneseYen = ReceiptJapaneseYen;
exports.ReceiptJapaneseYenIcon = ReceiptJapaneseYen;
exports.ReceiptPoundSterling = ReceiptPoundSterling;
exports.ReceiptPoundSterlingIcon = ReceiptPoundSterling;
exports.ReceiptRussianRuble = ReceiptRussianRuble;
exports.ReceiptRussianRubleIcon = ReceiptRussianRuble;
exports.ReceiptSwissFranc = ReceiptSwissFranc;
exports.ReceiptSwissFrancIcon = ReceiptSwissFranc;
exports.ReceiptText = ReceiptText;
exports.ReceiptTextIcon = ReceiptText;
exports.RectangleEllipsis = RectangleEllipsis;
exports.RectangleEllipsisIcon = RectangleEllipsis;
exports.RectangleHorizontal = RectangleHorizontal;
exports.RectangleHorizontalIcon = RectangleHorizontal;
exports.RectangleVertical = RectangleVertical;
exports.RectangleVerticalIcon = RectangleVertical;
exports.Recycle = Recycle;
exports.RecycleIcon = Recycle;
exports.Redo = Redo;
exports.Redo2 = Redo2;
exports.Redo2Icon = Redo2;
exports.RedoDot = RedoDot;
exports.RedoDotIcon = RedoDot;
exports.RedoIcon = Redo;
exports.RefreshCcw = RefreshCcw;
exports.RefreshCcwDot = RefreshCcwDot;
exports.RefreshCcwDotIcon = RefreshCcwDot;
exports.RefreshCcwIcon = RefreshCcw;
exports.RefreshCw = RefreshCw;
exports.RefreshCwIcon = RefreshCw;
exports.RefreshCwOff = RefreshCwOff;
exports.RefreshCwOffIcon = RefreshCwOff;
exports.Refrigerator = Refrigerator;
exports.RefrigeratorIcon = Refrigerator;
exports.Regex = Regex;
exports.RegexIcon = Regex;
exports.RemoveFormatting = RemoveFormatting;
exports.RemoveFormattingIcon = RemoveFormatting;
exports.Repeat = Repeat;
exports.Repeat1 = Repeat1;
exports.Repeat1Icon = Repeat1;
exports.Repeat2 = Repeat2;
exports.Repeat2Icon = Repeat2;
exports.RepeatIcon = Repeat;
exports.Replace = Replace;
exports.ReplaceAll = ReplaceAll;
exports.ReplaceAllIcon = ReplaceAll;
exports.ReplaceIcon = Replace;
exports.Reply = Reply;
exports.ReplyAll = ReplyAll;
exports.ReplyAllIcon = ReplyAll;
exports.ReplyIcon = Reply;
exports.Rewind = Rewind;
exports.RewindIcon = Rewind;
exports.Ribbon = Ribbon;
exports.RibbonIcon = Ribbon;
exports.Rocket = Rocket;
exports.RocketIcon = Rocket;
exports.RockingChair = RockingChair;
exports.RockingChairIcon = RockingChair;
exports.RollerCoaster = RollerCoaster;
exports.RollerCoasterIcon = RollerCoaster;
exports.Rotate3D = Rotate3d;
exports.Rotate3DIcon = Rotate3d;
exports.Rotate3d = Rotate3d;
exports.Rotate3dIcon = Rotate3d;
exports.RotateCcw = RotateCcw;
exports.RotateCcwIcon = RotateCcw;
exports.RotateCcwSquare = RotateCcwSquare;
exports.RotateCcwSquareIcon = RotateCcwSquare;
exports.RotateCw = RotateCw;
exports.RotateCwIcon = RotateCw;
exports.RotateCwSquare = RotateCwSquare;
exports.RotateCwSquareIcon = RotateCwSquare;
exports.Route = Route;
exports.RouteIcon = Route;
exports.RouteOff = RouteOff;
exports.RouteOffIcon = RouteOff;
exports.Router = Router;
exports.RouterIcon = Router;
exports.Rows = Rows2;
exports.Rows2 = Rows2;
exports.Rows2Icon = Rows2;
exports.Rows3 = Rows3;
exports.Rows3Icon = Rows3;
exports.Rows4 = Rows4;
exports.Rows4Icon = Rows4;
exports.RowsIcon = Rows2;
exports.Rss = Rss;
exports.RssIcon = Rss;
exports.Ruler = Ruler;
exports.RulerIcon = Ruler;
exports.RussianRuble = RussianRuble;
exports.RussianRubleIcon = RussianRuble;
exports.Sailboat = Sailboat;
exports.SailboatIcon = Sailboat;
exports.Salad = Salad;
exports.SaladIcon = Salad;
exports.Sandwich = Sandwich;
exports.SandwichIcon = Sandwich;
exports.Satellite = Satellite;
exports.SatelliteDish = SatelliteDish;
exports.SatelliteDishIcon = SatelliteDish;
exports.SatelliteIcon = Satellite;
exports.Save = Save;
exports.SaveAll = SaveAll;
exports.SaveAllIcon = SaveAll;
exports.SaveIcon = Save;
exports.SaveOff = SaveOff;
exports.SaveOffIcon = SaveOff;
exports.Scale = Scale;
exports.Scale3D = Scale3d;
exports.Scale3DIcon = Scale3d;
exports.Scale3d = Scale3d;
exports.Scale3dIcon = Scale3d;
exports.ScaleIcon = Scale;
exports.Scaling = Scaling;
exports.ScalingIcon = Scaling;
exports.Scan = Scan;
exports.ScanBarcode = ScanBarcode;
exports.ScanBarcodeIcon = ScanBarcode;
exports.ScanEye = ScanEye;
exports.ScanEyeIcon = ScanEye;
exports.ScanFace = ScanFace;
exports.ScanFaceIcon = ScanFace;
exports.ScanHeart = ScanHeart;
exports.ScanHeartIcon = ScanHeart;
exports.ScanIcon = Scan;
exports.ScanLine = ScanLine;
exports.ScanLineIcon = ScanLine;
exports.ScanQrCode = ScanQrCode;
exports.ScanQrCodeIcon = ScanQrCode;
exports.ScanSearch = ScanSearch;
exports.ScanSearchIcon = ScanSearch;
exports.ScanText = ScanText;
exports.ScanTextIcon = ScanText;
exports.ScatterChart = ChartScatter;
exports.ScatterChartIcon = ChartScatter;
exports.School = School;
exports.School2 = University;
exports.School2Icon = University;
exports.SchoolIcon = School;
exports.Scissors = Scissors;
exports.ScissorsIcon = Scissors;
exports.ScissorsLineDashed = ScissorsLineDashed;
exports.ScissorsLineDashedIcon = ScissorsLineDashed;
exports.ScissorsSquare = SquareScissors;
exports.ScissorsSquareDashedBottom = SquareBottomDashedScissors;
exports.ScissorsSquareDashedBottomIcon = SquareBottomDashedScissors;
exports.ScissorsSquareIcon = SquareScissors;
exports.ScreenShare = ScreenShare;
exports.ScreenShareIcon = ScreenShare;
exports.ScreenShareOff = ScreenShareOff;
exports.ScreenShareOffIcon = ScreenShareOff;
exports.Scroll = Scroll;
exports.ScrollIcon = Scroll;
exports.ScrollText = ScrollText;
exports.ScrollTextIcon = ScrollText;
exports.Search = Search;
exports.SearchCheck = SearchCheck;
exports.SearchCheckIcon = SearchCheck;
exports.SearchCode = SearchCode;
exports.SearchCodeIcon = SearchCode;
exports.SearchIcon = Search;
exports.SearchSlash = SearchSlash;
exports.SearchSlashIcon = SearchSlash;
exports.SearchX = SearchX;
exports.SearchXIcon = SearchX;
exports.Section = Section;
exports.SectionIcon = Section;
exports.Send = Send;
exports.SendHorizonal = SendHorizontal;
exports.SendHorizonalIcon = SendHorizontal;
exports.SendHorizontal = SendHorizontal;
exports.SendHorizontalIcon = SendHorizontal;
exports.SendIcon = Send;
exports.SendToBack = SendToBack;
exports.SendToBackIcon = SendToBack;
exports.SeparatorHorizontal = SeparatorHorizontal;
exports.SeparatorHorizontalIcon = SeparatorHorizontal;
exports.SeparatorVertical = SeparatorVertical;
exports.SeparatorVerticalIcon = SeparatorVertical;
exports.Server = Server;
exports.ServerCog = ServerCog;
exports.ServerCogIcon = ServerCog;
exports.ServerCrash = ServerCrash;
exports.ServerCrashIcon = ServerCrash;
exports.ServerIcon = Server;
exports.ServerOff = ServerOff;
exports.ServerOffIcon = ServerOff;
exports.Settings = Settings;
exports.Settings2 = Settings2;
exports.Settings2Icon = Settings2;
exports.SettingsIcon = Settings;
exports.Shapes = Shapes;
exports.ShapesIcon = Shapes;
exports.Share = Share;
exports.Share2 = Share2;
exports.Share2Icon = Share2;
exports.ShareIcon = Share;
exports.Sheet = Sheet;
exports.SheetIcon = Sheet;
exports.Shell = Shell;
exports.ShellIcon = Shell;
exports.Shield = Shield;
exports.ShieldAlert = ShieldAlert;
exports.ShieldAlertIcon = ShieldAlert;
exports.ShieldBan = ShieldBan;
exports.ShieldBanIcon = ShieldBan;
exports.ShieldCheck = ShieldCheck;
exports.ShieldCheckIcon = ShieldCheck;
exports.ShieldClose = ShieldX;
exports.ShieldCloseIcon = ShieldX;
exports.ShieldEllipsis = ShieldEllipsis;
exports.ShieldEllipsisIcon = ShieldEllipsis;
exports.ShieldHalf = ShieldHalf;
exports.ShieldHalfIcon = ShieldHalf;
exports.ShieldIcon = Shield;
exports.ShieldMinus = ShieldMinus;
exports.ShieldMinusIcon = ShieldMinus;
exports.ShieldOff = ShieldOff;
exports.ShieldOffIcon = ShieldOff;
exports.ShieldPlus = ShieldPlus;
exports.ShieldPlusIcon = ShieldPlus;
exports.ShieldQuestion = ShieldQuestion;
exports.ShieldQuestionIcon = ShieldQuestion;
exports.ShieldX = ShieldX;
exports.ShieldXIcon = ShieldX;
exports.Ship = Ship;
exports.ShipIcon = Ship;
exports.ShipWheel = ShipWheel;
exports.ShipWheelIcon = ShipWheel;
exports.Shirt = Shirt;
exports.ShirtIcon = Shirt;
exports.ShoppingBag = ShoppingBag;
exports.ShoppingBagIcon = ShoppingBag;
exports.ShoppingBasket = ShoppingBasket;
exports.ShoppingBasketIcon = ShoppingBasket;
exports.ShoppingCart = ShoppingCart;
exports.ShoppingCartIcon = ShoppingCart;
exports.Shovel = Shovel;
exports.ShovelIcon = Shovel;
exports.ShowerHead = ShowerHead;
exports.ShowerHeadIcon = ShowerHead;
exports.Shrink = Shrink;
exports.ShrinkIcon = Shrink;
exports.Shrub = Shrub;
exports.ShrubIcon = Shrub;
exports.Shuffle = Shuffle;
exports.ShuffleIcon = Shuffle;
exports.Sidebar = PanelLeft;
exports.SidebarClose = PanelLeftClose;
exports.SidebarCloseIcon = PanelLeftClose;
exports.SidebarIcon = PanelLeft;
exports.SidebarOpen = PanelLeftOpen;
exports.SidebarOpenIcon = PanelLeftOpen;
exports.Sigma = Sigma;
exports.SigmaIcon = Sigma;
exports.SigmaSquare = SquareSigma;
exports.SigmaSquareIcon = SquareSigma;
exports.Signal = Signal;
exports.SignalHigh = SignalHigh;
exports.SignalHighIcon = SignalHigh;
exports.SignalIcon = Signal;
exports.SignalLow = SignalLow;
exports.SignalLowIcon = SignalLow;
exports.SignalMedium = SignalMedium;
exports.SignalMediumIcon = SignalMedium;
exports.SignalZero = SignalZero;
exports.SignalZeroIcon = SignalZero;
exports.Signature = Signature;
exports.SignatureIcon = Signature;
exports.Signpost = Signpost;
exports.SignpostBig = SignpostBig;
exports.SignpostBigIcon = SignpostBig;
exports.SignpostIcon = Signpost;
exports.Siren = Siren;
exports.SirenIcon = Siren;
exports.SkipBack = SkipBack;
exports.SkipBackIcon = SkipBack;
exports.SkipForward = SkipForward;
exports.SkipForwardIcon = SkipForward;
exports.Skull = Skull;
exports.SkullIcon = Skull;
exports.Slack = Slack;
exports.SlackIcon = Slack;
exports.Slash = Slash;
exports.SlashIcon = Slash;
exports.SlashSquare = SquareSlash;
exports.SlashSquareIcon = SquareSlash;
exports.Slice = Slice;
exports.SliceIcon = Slice;
exports.Sliders = SlidersVertical;
exports.SlidersHorizontal = SlidersHorizontal;
exports.SlidersHorizontalIcon = SlidersHorizontal;
exports.SlidersIcon = SlidersVertical;
exports.SlidersVertical = SlidersVertical;
exports.SlidersVerticalIcon = SlidersVertical;
exports.Smartphone = Smartphone;
exports.SmartphoneCharging = SmartphoneCharging;
exports.SmartphoneChargingIcon = SmartphoneCharging;
exports.SmartphoneIcon = Smartphone;
exports.SmartphoneNfc = SmartphoneNfc;
exports.SmartphoneNfcIcon = SmartphoneNfc;
exports.Smile = Smile;
exports.SmileIcon = Smile;
exports.SmilePlus = SmilePlus;
exports.SmilePlusIcon = SmilePlus;
exports.Snail = Snail;
exports.SnailIcon = Snail;
exports.Snowflake = Snowflake;
exports.SnowflakeIcon = Snowflake;
exports.Sofa = Sofa;
exports.SofaIcon = Sofa;
exports.SortAsc = ArrowUpNarrowWide;
exports.SortAscIcon = ArrowUpNarrowWide;
exports.SortDesc = ArrowDownWideNarrow;
exports.SortDescIcon = ArrowDownWideNarrow;
exports.Soup = Soup;
exports.SoupIcon = Soup;
exports.Space = Space;
exports.SpaceIcon = Space;
exports.Spade = Spade;
exports.SpadeIcon = Spade;
exports.Sparkle = Sparkle;
exports.SparkleIcon = Sparkle;
exports.Sparkles = Sparkles;
exports.SparklesIcon = Sparkles;
exports.Speaker = Speaker;
exports.SpeakerIcon = Speaker;
exports.Speech = Speech;
exports.SpeechIcon = Speech;
exports.SpellCheck = SpellCheck;
exports.SpellCheck2 = SpellCheck2;
exports.SpellCheck2Icon = SpellCheck2;
exports.SpellCheckIcon = SpellCheck;
exports.Spline = Spline;
exports.SplineIcon = Spline;
exports.Split = Split;
exports.SplitIcon = Split;
exports.SplitSquareHorizontal = SquareSplitHorizontal;
exports.SplitSquareHorizontalIcon = SquareSplitHorizontal;
exports.SplitSquareVertical = SquareSplitVertical;
exports.SplitSquareVerticalIcon = SquareSplitVertical;
exports.SprayCan = SprayCan;
exports.SprayCanIcon = SprayCan;
exports.Sprout = Sprout;
exports.SproutIcon = Sprout;
exports.Square = Square;
exports.SquareActivity = SquareActivity;
exports.SquareActivityIcon = SquareActivity;
exports.SquareArrowDown = SquareArrowDown;
exports.SquareArrowDownIcon = SquareArrowDown;
exports.SquareArrowDownLeft = SquareArrowDownLeft;
exports.SquareArrowDownLeftIcon = SquareArrowDownLeft;
exports.SquareArrowDownRight = SquareArrowDownRight;
exports.SquareArrowDownRightIcon = SquareArrowDownRight;
exports.SquareArrowLeft = SquareArrowLeft;
exports.SquareArrowLeftIcon = SquareArrowLeft;
exports.SquareArrowOutDownLeft = SquareArrowOutDownLeft;
exports.SquareArrowOutDownLeftIcon = SquareArrowOutDownLeft;
exports.SquareArrowOutDownRight = SquareArrowOutDownRight;
exports.SquareArrowOutDownRightIcon = SquareArrowOutDownRight;
exports.SquareArrowOutUpLeft = SquareArrowOutUpLeft;
exports.SquareArrowOutUpLeftIcon = SquareArrowOutUpLeft;
exports.SquareArrowOutUpRight = SquareArrowOutUpRight;
exports.SquareArrowOutUpRightIcon = SquareArrowOutUpRight;
exports.SquareArrowRight = SquareArrowRight;
exports.SquareArrowRightIcon = SquareArrowRight;
exports.SquareArrowUp = SquareArrowUp;
exports.SquareArrowUpIcon = SquareArrowUp;
exports.SquareArrowUpLeft = SquareArrowUpLeft;
exports.SquareArrowUpLeftIcon = SquareArrowUpLeft;
exports.SquareArrowUpRight = SquareArrowUpRight;
exports.SquareArrowUpRightIcon = SquareArrowUpRight;
exports.SquareAsterisk = SquareAsterisk;
exports.SquareAsteriskIcon = SquareAsterisk;
exports.SquareBottomDashedScissors = SquareBottomDashedScissors;
exports.SquareBottomDashedScissorsIcon = SquareBottomDashedScissors;
exports.SquareChartGantt = SquareChartGantt;
exports.SquareChartGanttIcon = SquareChartGantt;
exports.SquareCheck = SquareCheck;
exports.SquareCheckBig = SquareCheckBig;
exports.SquareCheckBigIcon = SquareCheckBig;
exports.SquareCheckIcon = SquareCheck;
exports.SquareChevronDown = SquareChevronDown;
exports.SquareChevronDownIcon = SquareChevronDown;
exports.SquareChevronLeft = SquareChevronLeft;
exports.SquareChevronLeftIcon = SquareChevronLeft;
exports.SquareChevronRight = SquareChevronRight;
exports.SquareChevronRightIcon = SquareChevronRight;
exports.SquareChevronUp = SquareChevronUp;
exports.SquareChevronUpIcon = SquareChevronUp;
exports.SquareCode = SquareCode;
exports.SquareCodeIcon = SquareCode;
exports.SquareDashed = SquareDashed;
exports.SquareDashedBottom = SquareDashedBottom;
exports.SquareDashedBottomCode = SquareDashedBottomCode;
exports.SquareDashedBottomCodeIcon = SquareDashedBottomCode;
exports.SquareDashedBottomIcon = SquareDashedBottom;
exports.SquareDashedIcon = SquareDashed;
exports.SquareDashedKanban = SquareDashedKanban;
exports.SquareDashedKanbanIcon = SquareDashedKanban;
exports.SquareDashedMousePointer = SquareDashedMousePointer;
exports.SquareDashedMousePointerIcon = SquareDashedMousePointer;
exports.SquareDivide = SquareDivide;
exports.SquareDivideIcon = SquareDivide;
exports.SquareDot = SquareDot;
exports.SquareDotIcon = SquareDot;
exports.SquareEqual = SquareEqual;
exports.SquareEqualIcon = SquareEqual;
exports.SquareFunction = SquareFunction;
exports.SquareFunctionIcon = SquareFunction;
exports.SquareGanttChart = SquareChartGantt;
exports.SquareGanttChartIcon = SquareChartGantt;
exports.SquareIcon = Square;
exports.SquareKanban = SquareKanban;
exports.SquareKanbanIcon = SquareKanban;
exports.SquareLibrary = SquareLibrary;
exports.SquareLibraryIcon = SquareLibrary;
exports.SquareM = SquareM;
exports.SquareMIcon = SquareM;
exports.SquareMenu = SquareMenu;
exports.SquareMenuIcon = SquareMenu;
exports.SquareMinus = SquareMinus;
exports.SquareMinusIcon = SquareMinus;
exports.SquareMousePointer = SquareMousePointer;
exports.SquareMousePointerIcon = SquareMousePointer;
exports.SquareParking = SquareParking;
exports.SquareParkingIcon = SquareParking;
exports.SquareParkingOff = SquareParkingOff;
exports.SquareParkingOffIcon = SquareParkingOff;
exports.SquarePen = SquarePen;
exports.SquarePenIcon = SquarePen;
exports.SquarePercent = SquarePercent;
exports.SquarePercentIcon = SquarePercent;
exports.SquarePi = SquarePi;
exports.SquarePiIcon = SquarePi;
exports.SquarePilcrow = SquarePilcrow;
exports.SquarePilcrowIcon = SquarePilcrow;
exports.SquarePlay = SquarePlay;
exports.SquarePlayIcon = SquarePlay;
exports.SquarePlus = SquarePlus;
exports.SquarePlusIcon = SquarePlus;
exports.SquarePower = SquarePower;
exports.SquarePowerIcon = SquarePower;
exports.SquareRadical = SquareRadical;
exports.SquareRadicalIcon = SquareRadical;
exports.SquareScissors = SquareScissors;
exports.SquareScissorsIcon = SquareScissors;
exports.SquareSigma = SquareSigma;
exports.SquareSigmaIcon = SquareSigma;
exports.SquareSlash = SquareSlash;
exports.SquareSlashIcon = SquareSlash;
exports.SquareSplitHorizontal = SquareSplitHorizontal;
exports.SquareSplitHorizontalIcon = SquareSplitHorizontal;
exports.SquareSplitVertical = SquareSplitVertical;
exports.SquareSplitVerticalIcon = SquareSplitVertical;
exports.SquareSquare = SquareSquare;
exports.SquareSquareIcon = SquareSquare;
exports.SquareStack = SquareStack;
exports.SquareStackIcon = SquareStack;
exports.SquareTerminal = SquareTerminal;
exports.SquareTerminalIcon = SquareTerminal;
exports.SquareUser = SquareUser;
exports.SquareUserIcon = SquareUser;
exports.SquareUserRound = SquareUserRound;
exports.SquareUserRoundIcon = SquareUserRound;
exports.SquareX = SquareX;
exports.SquareXIcon = SquareX;
exports.Squircle = Squircle;
exports.SquircleIcon = Squircle;
exports.Squirrel = Squirrel;
exports.SquirrelIcon = Squirrel;
exports.Stamp = Stamp;
exports.StampIcon = Stamp;
exports.Star = Star;
exports.StarHalf = StarHalf;
exports.StarHalfIcon = StarHalf;
exports.StarIcon = Star;
exports.StarOff = StarOff;
exports.StarOffIcon = StarOff;
exports.Stars = Sparkles;
exports.StarsIcon = Sparkles;
exports.StepBack = StepBack;
exports.StepBackIcon = StepBack;
exports.StepForward = StepForward;
exports.StepForwardIcon = StepForward;
exports.Stethoscope = Stethoscope;
exports.StethoscopeIcon = Stethoscope;
exports.Sticker = Sticker;
exports.StickerIcon = Sticker;
exports.StickyNote = StickyNote;
exports.StickyNoteIcon = StickyNote;
exports.StopCircle = CircleStop;
exports.StopCircleIcon = CircleStop;
exports.Store = Store;
exports.StoreIcon = Store;
exports.StretchHorizontal = StretchHorizontal;
exports.StretchHorizontalIcon = StretchHorizontal;
exports.StretchVertical = StretchVertical;
exports.StretchVerticalIcon = StretchVertical;
exports.Strikethrough = Strikethrough;
exports.StrikethroughIcon = Strikethrough;
exports.Subscript = Subscript;
exports.SubscriptIcon = Subscript;
exports.Subtitles = Captions;
exports.SubtitlesIcon = Captions;
exports.Sun = Sun;
exports.SunDim = SunDim;
exports.SunDimIcon = SunDim;
exports.SunIcon = Sun;
exports.SunMedium = SunMedium;
exports.SunMediumIcon = SunMedium;
exports.SunMoon = SunMoon;
exports.SunMoonIcon = SunMoon;
exports.SunSnow = SunSnow;
exports.SunSnowIcon = SunSnow;
exports.Sunrise = Sunrise;
exports.SunriseIcon = Sunrise;
exports.Sunset = Sunset;
exports.SunsetIcon = Sunset;
exports.Superscript = Superscript;
exports.SuperscriptIcon = Superscript;
exports.SwatchBook = SwatchBook;
exports.SwatchBookIcon = SwatchBook;
exports.SwissFranc = SwissFranc;
exports.SwissFrancIcon = SwissFranc;
exports.SwitchCamera = SwitchCamera;
exports.SwitchCameraIcon = SwitchCamera;
exports.Sword = Sword;
exports.SwordIcon = Sword;
exports.Swords = Swords;
exports.SwordsIcon = Swords;
exports.Syringe = Syringe;
exports.SyringeIcon = Syringe;
exports.Table = Table;
exports.Table2 = Table2;
exports.Table2Icon = Table2;
exports.TableCellsMerge = TableCellsMerge;
exports.TableCellsMergeIcon = TableCellsMerge;
exports.TableCellsSplit = TableCellsSplit;
exports.TableCellsSplitIcon = TableCellsSplit;
exports.TableColumnsSplit = TableColumnsSplit;
exports.TableColumnsSplitIcon = TableColumnsSplit;
exports.TableIcon = Table;
exports.TableOfContents = TableOfContents;
exports.TableOfContentsIcon = TableOfContents;
exports.TableProperties = TableProperties;
exports.TablePropertiesIcon = TableProperties;
exports.TableRowsSplit = TableRowsSplit;
exports.TableRowsSplitIcon = TableRowsSplit;
exports.Tablet = Tablet;
exports.TabletIcon = Tablet;
exports.TabletSmartphone = TabletSmartphone;
exports.TabletSmartphoneIcon = TabletSmartphone;
exports.Tablets = Tablets;
exports.TabletsIcon = Tablets;
exports.Tag = Tag;
exports.TagIcon = Tag;
exports.Tags = Tags;
exports.TagsIcon = Tags;
exports.Tally1 = Tally1;
exports.Tally1Icon = Tally1;
exports.Tally2 = Tally2;
exports.Tally2Icon = Tally2;
exports.Tally3 = Tally3;
exports.Tally3Icon = Tally3;
exports.Tally4 = Tally4;
exports.Tally4Icon = Tally4;
exports.Tally5 = Tally5;
exports.Tally5Icon = Tally5;
exports.Tangent = Tangent;
exports.TangentIcon = Tangent;
exports.Target = Target;
exports.TargetIcon = Target;
exports.Telescope = Telescope;
exports.TelescopeIcon = Telescope;
exports.Tent = Tent;
exports.TentIcon = Tent;
exports.TentTree = TentTree;
exports.TentTreeIcon = TentTree;
exports.Terminal = Terminal;
exports.TerminalIcon = Terminal;
exports.TerminalSquare = SquareTerminal;
exports.TerminalSquareIcon = SquareTerminal;
exports.TestTube = TestTube;
exports.TestTube2 = TestTubeDiagonal;
exports.TestTube2Icon = TestTubeDiagonal;
exports.TestTubeDiagonal = TestTubeDiagonal;
exports.TestTubeDiagonalIcon = TestTubeDiagonal;
exports.TestTubeIcon = TestTube;
exports.TestTubes = TestTubes;
exports.TestTubesIcon = TestTubes;
exports.Text = Text;
exports.TextCursor = TextCursor;
exports.TextCursorIcon = TextCursor;
exports.TextCursorInput = TextCursorInput;
exports.TextCursorInputIcon = TextCursorInput;
exports.TextIcon = Text;
exports.TextQuote = TextQuote;
exports.TextQuoteIcon = TextQuote;
exports.TextSearch = TextSearch;
exports.TextSearchIcon = TextSearch;
exports.TextSelect = TextSelect;
exports.TextSelectIcon = TextSelect;
exports.TextSelection = TextSelect;
exports.TextSelectionIcon = TextSelect;
exports.Theater = Theater;
exports.TheaterIcon = Theater;
exports.Thermometer = Thermometer;
exports.ThermometerIcon = Thermometer;
exports.ThermometerSnowflake = ThermometerSnowflake;
exports.ThermometerSnowflakeIcon = ThermometerSnowflake;
exports.ThermometerSun = ThermometerSun;
exports.ThermometerSunIcon = ThermometerSun;
exports.ThumbsDown = ThumbsDown;
exports.ThumbsDownIcon = ThumbsDown;
exports.ThumbsUp = ThumbsUp;
exports.ThumbsUpIcon = ThumbsUp;
exports.Ticket = Ticket;
exports.TicketCheck = TicketCheck;
exports.TicketCheckIcon = TicketCheck;
exports.TicketIcon = Ticket;
exports.TicketMinus = TicketMinus;
exports.TicketMinusIcon = TicketMinus;
exports.TicketPercent = TicketPercent;
exports.TicketPercentIcon = TicketPercent;
exports.TicketPlus = TicketPlus;
exports.TicketPlusIcon = TicketPlus;
exports.TicketSlash = TicketSlash;
exports.TicketSlashIcon = TicketSlash;
exports.TicketX = TicketX;
exports.TicketXIcon = TicketX;
exports.Tickets = Tickets;
exports.TicketsIcon = Tickets;
exports.TicketsPlane = TicketsPlane;
exports.TicketsPlaneIcon = TicketsPlane;
exports.Timer = Timer;
exports.TimerIcon = Timer;
exports.TimerOff = TimerOff;
exports.TimerOffIcon = TimerOff;
exports.TimerReset = TimerReset;
exports.TimerResetIcon = TimerReset;
exports.ToggleLeft = ToggleLeft;
exports.ToggleLeftIcon = ToggleLeft;
exports.ToggleRight = ToggleRight;
exports.ToggleRightIcon = ToggleRight;
exports.Toilet = Toilet;
exports.ToiletIcon = Toilet;
exports.Tornado = Tornado;
exports.TornadoIcon = Tornado;
exports.Torus = Torus;
exports.TorusIcon = Torus;
exports.Touchpad = Touchpad;
exports.TouchpadIcon = Touchpad;
exports.TouchpadOff = TouchpadOff;
exports.TouchpadOffIcon = TouchpadOff;
exports.TowerControl = TowerControl;
exports.TowerControlIcon = TowerControl;
exports.ToyBrick = ToyBrick;
exports.ToyBrickIcon = ToyBrick;
exports.Tractor = Tractor;
exports.TractorIcon = Tractor;
exports.TrafficCone = TrafficCone;
exports.TrafficConeIcon = TrafficCone;
exports.Train = TramFront;
exports.TrainFront = TrainFront;
exports.TrainFrontIcon = TrainFront;
exports.TrainFrontTunnel = TrainFrontTunnel;
exports.TrainFrontTunnelIcon = TrainFrontTunnel;
exports.TrainIcon = TramFront;
exports.TrainTrack = TrainTrack;
exports.TrainTrackIcon = TrainTrack;
exports.TramFront = TramFront;
exports.TramFrontIcon = TramFront;
exports.Trash = Trash;
exports.Trash2 = Trash2;
exports.Trash2Icon = Trash2;
exports.TrashIcon = Trash;
exports.TreeDeciduous = TreeDeciduous;
exports.TreeDeciduousIcon = TreeDeciduous;
exports.TreePalm = TreePalm;
exports.TreePalmIcon = TreePalm;
exports.TreePine = TreePine;
exports.TreePineIcon = TreePine;
exports.Trees = Trees;
exports.TreesIcon = Trees;
exports.Trello = Trello;
exports.TrelloIcon = Trello;
exports.TrendingDown = TrendingDown;
exports.TrendingDownIcon = TrendingDown;
exports.TrendingUp = TrendingUp;
exports.TrendingUpDown = TrendingUpDown;
exports.TrendingUpDownIcon = TrendingUpDown;
exports.TrendingUpIcon = TrendingUp;
exports.Triangle = Triangle;
exports.TriangleAlert = TriangleAlert;
exports.TriangleAlertIcon = TriangleAlert;
exports.TriangleIcon = Triangle;
exports.TriangleRight = TriangleRight;
exports.TriangleRightIcon = TriangleRight;
exports.Trophy = Trophy;
exports.TrophyIcon = Trophy;
exports.Truck = Truck;
exports.TruckIcon = Truck;
exports.Turtle = Turtle;
exports.TurtleIcon = Turtle;
exports.Tv = Tv;
exports.Tv2 = TvMinimal;
exports.Tv2Icon = TvMinimal;
exports.TvIcon = Tv;
exports.TvMinimal = TvMinimal;
exports.TvMinimalIcon = TvMinimal;
exports.TvMinimalPlay = TvMinimalPlay;
exports.TvMinimalPlayIcon = TvMinimalPlay;
exports.Twitch = Twitch;
exports.TwitchIcon = Twitch;
exports.Twitter = Twitter;
exports.TwitterIcon = Twitter;
exports.Type = Type;
exports.TypeIcon = Type;
exports.TypeOutline = TypeOutline;
exports.TypeOutlineIcon = TypeOutline;
exports.Umbrella = Umbrella;
exports.UmbrellaIcon = Umbrella;
exports.UmbrellaOff = UmbrellaOff;
exports.UmbrellaOffIcon = UmbrellaOff;
exports.Underline = Underline;
exports.UnderlineIcon = Underline;
exports.Undo = Undo;
exports.Undo2 = Undo2;
exports.Undo2Icon = Undo2;
exports.UndoDot = UndoDot;
exports.UndoDotIcon = UndoDot;
exports.UndoIcon = Undo;
exports.UnfoldHorizontal = UnfoldHorizontal;
exports.UnfoldHorizontalIcon = UnfoldHorizontal;
exports.UnfoldVertical = UnfoldVertical;
exports.UnfoldVerticalIcon = UnfoldVertical;
exports.Ungroup = Ungroup;
exports.UngroupIcon = Ungroup;
exports.University = University;
exports.UniversityIcon = University;
exports.Unlink = Unlink;
exports.Unlink2 = Unlink2;
exports.Unlink2Icon = Unlink2;
exports.UnlinkIcon = Unlink;
exports.Unlock = LockOpen;
exports.UnlockIcon = LockOpen;
exports.UnlockKeyhole = LockKeyholeOpen;
exports.UnlockKeyholeIcon = LockKeyholeOpen;
exports.Unplug = Unplug;
exports.UnplugIcon = Unplug;
exports.Upload = Upload;
exports.UploadCloud = CloudUpload;
exports.UploadCloudIcon = CloudUpload;
exports.UploadIcon = Upload;
exports.Usb = Usb;
exports.UsbIcon = Usb;
exports.User = User;
exports.User2 = UserRound;
exports.User2Icon = UserRound;
exports.UserCheck = UserCheck;
exports.UserCheck2 = UserRoundCheck;
exports.UserCheck2Icon = UserRoundCheck;
exports.UserCheckIcon = UserCheck;
exports.UserCircle = CircleUser;
exports.UserCircle2 = CircleUserRound;
exports.UserCircle2Icon = CircleUserRound;
exports.UserCircleIcon = CircleUser;
exports.UserCog = UserCog;
exports.UserCog2 = UserRoundCog;
exports.UserCog2Icon = UserRoundCog;
exports.UserCogIcon = UserCog;
exports.UserIcon = User;
exports.UserMinus = UserMinus;
exports.UserMinus2 = UserRoundMinus;
exports.UserMinus2Icon = UserRoundMinus;
exports.UserMinusIcon = UserMinus;
exports.UserPen = UserPen;
exports.UserPenIcon = UserPen;
exports.UserPlus = UserPlus;
exports.UserPlus2 = UserRoundPlus;
exports.UserPlus2Icon = UserRoundPlus;
exports.UserPlusIcon = UserPlus;
exports.UserRound = UserRound;
exports.UserRoundCheck = UserRoundCheck;
exports.UserRoundCheckIcon = UserRoundCheck;
exports.UserRoundCog = UserRoundCog;
exports.UserRoundCogIcon = UserRoundCog;
exports.UserRoundIcon = UserRound;
exports.UserRoundMinus = UserRoundMinus;
exports.UserRoundMinusIcon = UserRoundMinus;
exports.UserRoundPen = UserRoundPen;
exports.UserRoundPenIcon = UserRoundPen;
exports.UserRoundPlus = UserRoundPlus;
exports.UserRoundPlusIcon = UserRoundPlus;
exports.UserRoundSearch = UserRoundSearch;
exports.UserRoundSearchIcon = UserRoundSearch;
exports.UserRoundX = UserRoundX;
exports.UserRoundXIcon = UserRoundX;
exports.UserSearch = UserSearch;
exports.UserSearchIcon = UserSearch;
exports.UserSquare = SquareUser;
exports.UserSquare2 = SquareUserRound;
exports.UserSquare2Icon = SquareUserRound;
exports.UserSquareIcon = SquareUser;
exports.UserX = UserX;
exports.UserX2 = UserRoundX;
exports.UserX2Icon = UserRoundX;
exports.UserXIcon = UserX;
exports.Users = Users;
exports.Users2 = UsersRound;
exports.Users2Icon = UsersRound;
exports.UsersIcon = Users;
exports.UsersRound = UsersRound;
exports.UsersRoundIcon = UsersRound;
exports.Utensils = Utensils;
exports.UtensilsCrossed = UtensilsCrossed;
exports.UtensilsCrossedIcon = UtensilsCrossed;
exports.UtensilsIcon = Utensils;
exports.UtilityPole = UtilityPole;
exports.UtilityPoleIcon = UtilityPole;
exports.Variable = Variable;
exports.VariableIcon = Variable;
exports.Vault = Vault;
exports.VaultIcon = Vault;
exports.Vegan = Vegan;
exports.VeganIcon = Vegan;
exports.VenetianMask = VenetianMask;
exports.VenetianMaskIcon = VenetianMask;
exports.Verified = BadgeCheck;
exports.VerifiedIcon = BadgeCheck;
exports.Vibrate = Vibrate;
exports.VibrateIcon = Vibrate;
exports.VibrateOff = VibrateOff;
exports.VibrateOffIcon = VibrateOff;
exports.Video = Video;
exports.VideoIcon = Video;
exports.VideoOff = VideoOff;
exports.VideoOffIcon = VideoOff;
exports.Videotape = Videotape;
exports.VideotapeIcon = Videotape;
exports.View = View;
exports.ViewIcon = View;
exports.Voicemail = Voicemail;
exports.VoicemailIcon = Voicemail;
exports.Volleyball = Volleyball;
exports.VolleyballIcon = Volleyball;
exports.Volume = Volume;
exports.Volume1 = Volume1;
exports.Volume1Icon = Volume1;
exports.Volume2 = Volume2;
exports.Volume2Icon = Volume2;
exports.VolumeIcon = Volume;
exports.VolumeOff = VolumeOff;
exports.VolumeOffIcon = VolumeOff;
exports.VolumeX = VolumeX;
exports.VolumeXIcon = VolumeX;
exports.Vote = Vote;
exports.VoteIcon = Vote;
exports.Wallet = Wallet;
exports.Wallet2 = WalletMinimal;
exports.Wallet2Icon = WalletMinimal;
exports.WalletCards = WalletCards;
exports.WalletCardsIcon = WalletCards;
exports.WalletIcon = Wallet;
exports.WalletMinimal = WalletMinimal;
exports.WalletMinimalIcon = WalletMinimal;
exports.Wallpaper = Wallpaper;
exports.WallpaperIcon = Wallpaper;
exports.Wand = Wand;
exports.Wand2 = WandSparkles;
exports.Wand2Icon = WandSparkles;
exports.WandIcon = Wand;
exports.WandSparkles = WandSparkles;
exports.WandSparklesIcon = WandSparkles;
exports.Warehouse = Warehouse;
exports.WarehouseIcon = Warehouse;
exports.WashingMachine = WashingMachine;
exports.WashingMachineIcon = WashingMachine;
exports.Watch = Watch;
exports.WatchIcon = Watch;
exports.Waves = Waves;
exports.WavesIcon = Waves;
exports.WavesLadder = WavesLadder;
exports.WavesLadderIcon = WavesLadder;
exports.Waypoints = Waypoints;
exports.WaypointsIcon = Waypoints;
exports.Webcam = Webcam;
exports.WebcamIcon = Webcam;
exports.Webhook = Webhook;
exports.WebhookIcon = Webhook;
exports.WebhookOff = WebhookOff;
exports.WebhookOffIcon = WebhookOff;
exports.Weight = Weight;
exports.WeightIcon = Weight;
exports.Wheat = Wheat;
exports.WheatIcon = Wheat;
exports.WheatOff = WheatOff;
exports.WheatOffIcon = WheatOff;
exports.WholeWord = WholeWord;
exports.WholeWordIcon = WholeWord;
exports.Wifi = Wifi;
exports.WifiHigh = WifiHigh;
exports.WifiHighIcon = WifiHigh;
exports.WifiIcon = Wifi;
exports.WifiLow = WifiLow;
exports.WifiLowIcon = WifiLow;
exports.WifiOff = WifiOff;
exports.WifiOffIcon = WifiOff;
exports.WifiZero = WifiZero;
exports.WifiZeroIcon = WifiZero;
exports.Wind = Wind;
exports.WindArrowDown = WindArrowDown;
exports.WindArrowDownIcon = WindArrowDown;
exports.WindIcon = Wind;
exports.Wine = Wine;
exports.WineIcon = Wine;
exports.WineOff = WineOff;
exports.WineOffIcon = WineOff;
exports.Workflow = Workflow;
exports.WorkflowIcon = Workflow;
exports.Worm = Worm;
exports.WormIcon = Worm;
exports.WrapText = WrapText;
exports.WrapTextIcon = WrapText;
exports.Wrench = Wrench;
exports.WrenchIcon = Wrench;
exports.X = X;
exports.XCircle = CircleX;
exports.XCircleIcon = CircleX;
exports.XIcon = X;
exports.XOctagon = OctagonX;
exports.XOctagonIcon = OctagonX;
exports.XSquare = SquareX;
exports.XSquareIcon = SquareX;
exports.Youtube = Youtube;
exports.YoutubeIcon = Youtube;
exports.Zap = Zap;
exports.ZapIcon = Zap;
exports.ZapOff = ZapOff;
exports.ZapOffIcon = ZapOff;
exports.ZoomIn = ZoomIn;
exports.ZoomInIcon = ZoomIn;
exports.ZoomOut = ZoomOut;
exports.ZoomOutIcon = ZoomOut;
exports.createLucideIcon = createLucideIcon;
exports.icons = index;
//# sourceMappingURL=lucide-react.js.map