153 lines
5.1 KiB
153 lines
5.1 KiB
export { parseAst, parseAstAsync } from 'rollup/parseAst';
import { i as isInNodeModules, a as arraify } from './chunks/dep-BJP6rrE_.js';
export { B as BuildEnvironment, D as DevEnvironment, f as build, m as buildErrorMessage, g as createBuilder, C as createFilter, h as createIdResolver, G as createLogger, n as createRunnableDevEnvironment, c as createServer, w as createServerHotChannel, v as createServerModuleRunner, d as defineConfig, u as fetchModule, j as formatPostcssSourceMap, J as isFileLoadingAllowed, I as isFileServingAllowed, q as isRunnableDevEnvironment, l as loadConfigFromFile, K as loadEnv, A as mergeAlias, z as mergeConfig, x as moduleRunnerTransform, y as normalizePath, o as optimizeDeps, p as perEnvironmentPlugin, b as perEnvironmentState, k as preprocessCSS, e as preview, r as resolveConfig, L as resolveEnvPrefix, E as rollupVersion, H as searchForWorkspaceRoot, F as send, s as sortUserPlugins, t as transformWithEsbuild } from './chunks/dep-BJP6rrE_.js';
export { DEFAULT_CLIENT_CONDITIONS as defaultClientConditions, DEFAULT_CLIENT_MAIN_FIELDS as defaultClientMainFields, DEFAULT_SERVER_CONDITIONS as defaultServerConditions, DEFAULT_SERVER_MAIN_FIELDS as defaultServerMainFields, VERSION as version } from './constants.js';
export { version as esbuildVersion } from 'esbuild';
import 'node:fs';
import 'node:fs/promises';
import 'node:path';
import 'node:url';
import 'node:util';
import 'node:perf_hooks';
import 'node:module';
import 'path';
import 'fs';
import 'node:child_process';
import 'node:http';
import 'node:https';
import 'tty';
import 'util';
import 'net';
import 'events';
import 'url';
import 'http';
import 'stream';
import 'os';
import 'child_process';
import 'node:os';
import 'node:crypto';
import 'node:dns';
import 'vite/module-runner';
import 'module';
import 'node:readline';
import 'node:process';
import 'node:buffer';
import 'node:events';
import 'crypto';
import 'node:assert';
import 'node:v8';
import 'node:worker_threads';
import 'zlib';
import 'buffer';
import 'https';
import 'tls';
import 'assert';
import 'node:querystring';
import 'node:zlib';
const CSS_LANGS_RE = (
// eslint-disable-next-line regexp/no-unused-capturing-group
const isCSSRequest = (request) => CSS_LANGS_RE.test(request);
class SplitVendorChunkCache {
constructor() {
this.cache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
reset() {
this.cache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
function splitVendorChunk(options = {}) {
const cache = options.cache ?? new SplitVendorChunkCache();
return (id, { getModuleInfo }) => {
if (isInNodeModules(id) && !isCSSRequest(id) && staticImportedByEntry(id, getModuleInfo, cache.cache)) {
return "vendor";
function staticImportedByEntry(id, getModuleInfo, cache, importStack = []) {
if (cache.has(id)) {
return cache.get(id);
if (importStack.includes(id)) {
cache.set(id, false);
return false;
const mod = getModuleInfo(id);
if (!mod) {
cache.set(id, false);
return false;
if (mod.isEntry) {
cache.set(id, true);
return true;
const someImporterIs = mod.importers.some(
(importer) => staticImportedByEntry(
cache.set(id, someImporterIs);
return someImporterIs;
function splitVendorChunkPlugin() {
const caches = [];
function createSplitVendorChunk(output, config) {
const cache = new SplitVendorChunkCache();
const build = config.build ?? {};
const format = output.format;
if (!build.ssr && !build.lib && format !== "umd" && format !== "iife") {
return splitVendorChunk({ cache });
return {
name: "vite:split-vendor-chunk",
config(config) {
let outputs = config.build?.rollupOptions?.output;
if (outputs) {
outputs = arraify(outputs);
for (const output of outputs) {
const viteManualChunks = createSplitVendorChunk(output, config);
if (viteManualChunks) {
if (output.manualChunks) {
if (typeof output.manualChunks === "function") {
const userManualChunks = output.manualChunks;
output.manualChunks = (id, api) => {
return userManualChunks(id, api) ?? viteManualChunks(id, api);
} else {
"(!) the `splitVendorChunk` plugin doesn't have any effect when using the object form of `build.rollupOptions.output.manualChunks`. Consider using the function form instead."
} else {
output.manualChunks = viteManualChunks;
} else {
return {
build: {
rollupOptions: {
output: {
manualChunks: createSplitVendorChunk({}, config)
buildStart() {
caches.forEach((cache) => cache.reset());
export { isCSSRequest, splitVendorChunk, splitVendorChunkPlugin };