
336 lines
11 KiB
Raw Permalink Normal View History

2025-01-31 09:50:39 +00:00
var wrapSingle = require('./wrap-for-optimizing').single;
var InvalidPropertyError = require('./invalid-property-error');
var split = require('../utils/split');
function _colorFilter(validator) {
return function (value) {
return value[0] == 'invert' || validator.isValidColor(value[0]);
function _styleFilter(validator) {
return function (value) {
return value[0] != 'inherit' && validator.isValidStyle(value[0]) && !validator.isValidColorValue(value[0]);
function _wrapDefault(name, property, compactable) {
var descriptor = compactable[name];
if (descriptor.doubleValues && descriptor.defaultValue.length == 2)
return wrapSingle([[name, property.important], [descriptor.defaultValue[0]], [descriptor.defaultValue[1]]]);
else if (descriptor.doubleValues && descriptor.defaultValue.length == 1)
return wrapSingle([[name, property.important], [descriptor.defaultValue[0]]]);
return wrapSingle([[name, property.important], [descriptor.defaultValue]]);
function _widthFilter(validator) {
return function (value) {
return value[0] != 'inherit' && validator.isValidWidth(value[0]) && !validator.isValidStyleKeyword(value[0]) && !validator.isValidColorValue(value[0]);
function background(property, compactable, validator) {
var image = _wrapDefault('background-image', property, compactable);
var position = _wrapDefault('background-position', property, compactable);
var size = _wrapDefault('background-size', property, compactable);
var repeat = _wrapDefault('background-repeat', property, compactable);
var attachment = _wrapDefault('background-attachment', property, compactable);
var origin = _wrapDefault('background-origin', property, compactable);
var clip = _wrapDefault('background-clip', property, compactable);
var color = _wrapDefault('background-color', property, compactable);
var components = [image, position, size, repeat, attachment, origin, clip, color];
var values = property.value;
var positionSet = false;
var clipSet = false;
var originSet = false;
var repeatSet = false;
if (property.value.length == 1 && property.value[0][0] == 'inherit') {
// NOTE: 'inherit' is not a valid value for background-attachment
color.value = image.value = repeat.value = position.value = size.value = origin.value = clip.value = property.value;
return components;
for (var i = values.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var value = values[i];
if (validator.isValidBackgroundAttachment(value[0])) {
attachment.value = [value];
} else if (validator.isValidBackgroundBox(value[0])) {
if (clipSet) {
origin.value = [value];
originSet = true;
} else {
clip.value = [value];
clipSet = true;
} else if (validator.isValidBackgroundRepeat(value[0])) {
if (repeatSet) {
} else {
repeat.value = [value];
repeatSet = true;
} else if (validator.isValidBackgroundPositionPart(value[0]) || validator.isValidBackgroundSizePart(value[0])) {
if (i > 0) {
var previousValue = values[i - 1];
if (previousValue[0].indexOf('/') > 0) {
var twoParts = split(previousValue[0], '/');
// NOTE: we do this slicing as value may contain metadata too, like for source maps
size.value = [[twoParts.pop()].concat(previousValue.slice(1)), value];
values[i - 1] = [twoParts.pop()].concat(previousValue.slice(1));
} else if (i > 1 && values[i - 2][0] == '/') {
size.value = [previousValue, value];
i -= 2;
} else if (previousValue[0] == '/') {
size.value = [value];
} else {
if (!positionSet)
position.value = [];
positionSet = true;
} else {
if (!positionSet)
position.value = [];
positionSet = true;
} else if (validator.isValidBackgroundPositionAndSize(value[0])) {
var sizeValue = split(value[0], '/');
// NOTE: we do this slicing as value may contain metadata too, like for source maps
size.value = [[sizeValue.pop()].concat(value.slice(1))];
position.value = [[sizeValue.pop()].concat(value.slice(1))];
} else if ((color.value[0][0] == compactable[].defaultValue || color.value[0][0] == 'none') && validator.isValidColor(value[0])) {
color.value = [value];
} else if (validator.isValidUrl(value[0]) || validator.isValidFunction(value[0])) {
image.value = [value];
if (clipSet && !originSet)
origin.value = clip.value.slice(0);
return components;
function borderRadius(property, compactable) {
var values = property.value;
var splitAt = -1;
for (var i = 0, l = values.length; i < l; i++) {
if (values[i][0] == '/') {
splitAt = i;
if (splitAt === 0 || splitAt === values.length - 1) {
throw new InvalidPropertyError('Invalid border-radius value.');
var target = _wrapDefault(, property, compactable);
target.value = splitAt > -1 ?
values.slice(0, splitAt) :
target.components = fourValues(target, compactable);
var remainder = _wrapDefault(, property, compactable);
remainder.value = splitAt > -1 ?
values.slice(splitAt + 1) :
remainder.components = fourValues(remainder, compactable);
for (var j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
target.components[j].multiplex = true;
target.components[j].value = target.components[j].value.concat(remainder.components[j].value);
return target.components;
function fourValues(property, compactable) {
var componentNames = compactable[].components;
var components = [];
var value = property.value;
if (value.length < 1)
return [];
if (value.length < 2)
value[1] = value[0].slice(0);
if (value.length < 3)
value[2] = value[0].slice(0);
if (value.length < 4)
value[3] = value[1].slice(0);
for (var i = componentNames.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var component = wrapSingle([[componentNames[i], property.important]]);
component.value = [value[i]];
return components;
function multiplex(splitWith) {
return function (property, compactable, validator) {
var splitsAt = [];
var values = property.value;
var i, j, l, m;
// find split commas
for (i = 0, l = values.length; i < l; i++) {
if (values[i][0] == ',')
if (splitsAt.length === 0)
return splitWith(property, compactable, validator);
var splitComponents = [];
// split over commas, and into components
for (i = 0, l = splitsAt.length; i <= l; i++) {
var from = i === 0 ? 0 : splitsAt[i - 1] + 1;
var to = i < l ? splitsAt[i] : values.length;
var _property = _wrapDefault(, property, compactable);
_property.value = values.slice(from, to);
splitComponents.push(splitWith(_property, compactable, validator));
var components = splitComponents[0];
// group component values from each split
for (i = 0, l = components.length; i < l; i++) {
components[i].multiplex = true;
for (j = 1, m = splitComponents.length; j < m; j++) {
Array.prototype.push.apply(components[i].value, splitComponents[j][i].value);
return components;
function listStyle(property, compactable, validator) {
var type = _wrapDefault('list-style-type', property, compactable);
var position = _wrapDefault('list-style-position', property, compactable);
var image = _wrapDefault('list-style-image', property, compactable);
var components = [type, position, image];
if (property.value.length == 1 && property.value[0][0] == 'inherit') {
type.value = position.value = image.value = [property.value[0]];
return components;
var values = property.value.slice(0);
var total = values.length;
var index = 0;
// `image` first...
for (index = 0, total = values.length; index < total; index++) {
if (validator.isValidUrl(values[index][0]) || values[index][0] == '0') {
image.value = [values[index]];
values.splice(index, 1);
// ... then `type`...
for (index = 0, total = values.length; index < total; index++) {
if (validator.isValidListStyleType(values[index][0])) {
type.value = [values[index]];
values.splice(index, 1);
// ... and what's left is a `position`
if (values.length > 0 && validator.isValidListStylePosition(values[0][0]))
position.value = [values[0]];
return components;
function widthStyleColor(property, compactable, validator) {
var descriptor = compactable[];
var components = [
_wrapDefault(descriptor.components[0], property, compactable),
_wrapDefault(descriptor.components[1], property, compactable),
_wrapDefault(descriptor.components[2], property, compactable)
var color, style, width;
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
var component = components[i];
if ('color') > 0)
color = component;
else if ('style') > 0)
style = component;
width = component;
if ((property.value.length == 1 && property.value[0][0] == 'inherit') ||
(property.value.length == 3 && property.value[0][0] == 'inherit' && property.value[1][0] == 'inherit' && property.value[2][0] == 'inherit')) {
color.value = style.value = width.value = [property.value[0]];
return components;
var values = property.value.slice(0);
var match, matches;
// NOTE: usually users don't follow the required order of parts in this shorthand,
// so we'll try to parse it caring as little about order as possible
if (values.length > 0) {
matches = values.filter(_widthFilter(validator));
match = matches.length > 1 && (matches[0][0] == 'none' || matches[0][0] == 'auto') ? matches[1] : matches[0];
if (match) {
width.value = [match];
values.splice(values.indexOf(match), 1);
if (values.length > 0) {
match = values.filter(_styleFilter(validator))[0];
if (match) {
style.value = [match];
values.splice(values.indexOf(match), 1);
if (values.length > 0) {
match = values.filter(_colorFilter(validator))[0];
if (match) {
color.value = [match];
values.splice(values.indexOf(match), 1);
return components;
module.exports = {
background: background,
border: widthStyleColor,
borderRadius: borderRadius,
fourValues: fourValues,
listStyle: listStyle,
multiplex: multiplex,
outline: widthStyleColor