"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.ExplainableCursor = exports.Explain = exports.ExplainVerbosity = void 0; exports.validateExplainTimeoutOptions = validateExplainTimeoutOptions; exports.decorateWithExplain = decorateWithExplain; const abstract_cursor_1 = require("./cursor/abstract_cursor"); const error_1 = require("./error"); /** @public */ exports.ExplainVerbosity = Object.freeze({ queryPlanner: 'queryPlanner', queryPlannerExtended: 'queryPlannerExtended', executionStats: 'executionStats', allPlansExecution: 'allPlansExecution' }); /** @internal */ class Explain { constructor(verbosity, maxTimeMS) { if (typeof verbosity === 'boolean') { this.verbosity = verbosity ? exports.ExplainVerbosity.allPlansExecution : exports.ExplainVerbosity.queryPlanner; } else { this.verbosity = verbosity; } this.maxTimeMS = maxTimeMS; } static fromOptions({ explain } = {}) { if (explain == null) return; if (typeof explain === 'boolean' || typeof explain === 'string') { return new Explain(explain); } const { verbosity, maxTimeMS } = explain; return new Explain(verbosity, maxTimeMS); } } exports.Explain = Explain; function validateExplainTimeoutOptions(options, explain) { const { maxTimeMS, timeoutMS } = options; if (timeoutMS != null && (maxTimeMS != null || explain?.maxTimeMS != null)) { throw new error_1.MongoAPIError('Cannot use maxTimeMS with timeoutMS for explain commands.'); } } /** * Applies an explain to a given command. * @internal * * @param command - the command on which to apply the explain * @param options - the options containing the explain verbosity */ function decorateWithExplain(command, explain) { const { verbosity, maxTimeMS } = explain; const baseCommand = { explain: command, verbosity }; if (typeof maxTimeMS === 'number') { baseCommand.maxTimeMS = maxTimeMS; } return baseCommand; } /** * @public * * A base class for any cursors that have `explain()` methods. */ class ExplainableCursor extends abstract_cursor_1.AbstractCursor { resolveExplainTimeoutOptions(verbosity, options) { let explain; let timeout; if (verbosity == null && options == null) { explain = undefined; timeout = undefined; } else if (verbosity != null && options == null) { explain = typeof verbosity !== 'object' ? verbosity : 'verbosity' in verbosity ? verbosity : undefined; timeout = typeof verbosity === 'object' && 'timeoutMS' in verbosity ? verbosity : undefined; } else { // @ts-expect-error TS isn't smart enough to determine that if both options are provided, the first is explain options explain = verbosity; timeout = options; } return { timeout, explain }; } } exports.ExplainableCursor = ExplainableCursor; //# sourceMappingURL=explain.js.map