'use strict'; const { Model } = require('sequelize'); module.exports = (sequelize, DataTypes) => { class <%= name %> extends Model { /** * Helper method for defining associations. * This method is not a part of Sequelize lifecycle. * The `models/index` file will call this method automatically. */ static associate (models) { // define association here } } <%= name %>.init({ <% attributes.forEach(function(attribute, index) { %> <%= attribute.fieldName %>: DataTypes.<%= attribute.dataFunction ? `${attribute.dataFunction.toUpperCase()}(DataTypes.${attribute.dataType.toUpperCase()})` : attribute.dataValues ? `${attribute.dataType.toUpperCase()}(${attribute.dataValues})` : attribute.dataType.toUpperCase() %> <%= (Object.keys(attributes).length - 1) > index ? ',' : '' %> <% }) %> }, { sequelize, modelName: '<%= name %>', <%= underscored ? 'underscored: true,' : '' %> }); return <%= name %>; };