570 lines
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570 lines
24 KiB
"use strict";
var __defProp = Object.defineProperty;
var __defProps = Object.defineProperties;
var __getOwnPropDescs = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors;
var __getOwnPropSymbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols;
var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
var __propIsEnum = Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable;
var __defNormalProp = (obj, key, value) => key in obj ? __defProp(obj, key, { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value }) : obj[key] = value;
var __spreadValues = (a, b) => {
for (var prop in b || (b = {}))
if (__hasOwnProp.call(b, prop))
__defNormalProp(a, prop, b[prop]);
if (__getOwnPropSymbols)
for (var prop of __getOwnPropSymbols(b)) {
if (__propIsEnum.call(b, prop))
__defNormalProp(a, prop, b[prop]);
return a;
var __spreadProps = (a, b) => __defProps(a, __getOwnPropDescs(b));
const _ = require("lodash");
const Utils = require("../../utils");
const DataTypes = require("../../data-types");
const Transaction = require("../../transaction");
const QueryTypes = require("../../query-types");
class QueryInterface {
constructor(sequelize, queryGenerator) {
this.sequelize = sequelize;
this.queryGenerator = queryGenerator;
async createDatabase(database, options) {
options = options || {};
const sql = this.queryGenerator.createDatabaseQuery(database, options);
return await this.sequelize.query(sql, options);
async dropDatabase(database, options) {
options = options || {};
const sql = this.queryGenerator.dropDatabaseQuery(database);
return await this.sequelize.query(sql, options);
async createSchema(schema, options) {
options = options || {};
const sql = this.queryGenerator.createSchema(schema);
return await this.sequelize.query(sql, options);
async dropSchema(schema, options) {
options = options || {};
const sql = this.queryGenerator.dropSchema(schema);
return await this.sequelize.query(sql, options);
async dropAllSchemas(options) {
options = options || {};
if (!this.queryGenerator._dialect.supports.schemas) {
return this.sequelize.drop(options);
const schemas = await this.showAllSchemas(options);
return Promise.all(schemas.map((schemaName) => this.dropSchema(schemaName, options)));
async showAllSchemas(options) {
options = __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, options), {
raw: true,
type: this.sequelize.QueryTypes.SELECT
const showSchemasSql = this.queryGenerator.showSchemasQuery(options);
const schemaNames = await this.sequelize.query(showSchemasSql, options);
return _.flatten(schemaNames.map((value) => value.schema_name ? value.schema_name : value));
async databaseVersion(options) {
return await this.sequelize.query(this.queryGenerator.versionQuery(), __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, options), { type: QueryTypes.VERSION }));
async createTable(tableName, attributes, options, model) {
let sql = "";
options = __spreadValues({}, options);
if (options && options.uniqueKeys) {
_.forOwn(options.uniqueKeys, (uniqueKey) => {
if (uniqueKey.customIndex === void 0) {
uniqueKey.customIndex = true;
if (model) {
options.uniqueKeys = options.uniqueKeys || model.uniqueKeys;
attributes = _.mapValues(attributes, (attribute) => this.sequelize.normalizeAttribute(attribute));
await this.ensureEnums(tableName, attributes, options, model);
if (!tableName.schema && (options.schema || !!model && model._schema)) {
tableName = this.queryGenerator.addSchema({
_schema: !!model && model._schema || options.schema
attributes = this.queryGenerator.attributesToSQL(attributes, {
table: tableName,
context: "createTable",
withoutForeignKeyConstraints: options.withoutForeignKeyConstraints
sql = this.queryGenerator.createTableQuery(tableName, attributes, options);
return await this.sequelize.query(sql, options);
async tableExists(tableName, options) {
const sql = this.queryGenerator.tableExistsQuery(tableName);
const out = await this.sequelize.query(sql, __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, options), {
type: QueryTypes.SHOWTABLES
return out.length === 1;
async dropTable(tableName, options) {
options = __spreadValues({}, options);
options.cascade = options.cascade || options.force || false;
const sql = this.queryGenerator.dropTableQuery(tableName, options);
await this.sequelize.query(sql, options);
async _dropAllTables(tableNames, skip, options) {
for (const tableName of tableNames) {
if (!skip.includes(tableName.tableName || tableName)) {
await this.dropTable(tableName, __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, options), { cascade: true }));
async dropAllTables(options) {
options = options || {};
const skip = options.skip || [];
const tableNames = await this.showAllTables(options);
const foreignKeys = await this.getForeignKeysForTables(tableNames, options);
for (const tableName of tableNames) {
let normalizedTableName = tableName;
if (_.isObject(tableName)) {
normalizedTableName = `${tableName.schema}.${tableName.tableName}`;
for (const foreignKey of foreignKeys[normalizedTableName]) {
await this.sequelize.query(this.queryGenerator.dropForeignKeyQuery(tableName, foreignKey));
await this._dropAllTables(tableNames, skip, options);
async renameTable(before, after, options) {
options = options || {};
const sql = this.queryGenerator.renameTableQuery(before, after);
return await this.sequelize.query(sql, options);
async showAllTables(options) {
options = __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, options), {
raw: true,
type: QueryTypes.SHOWTABLES
const showTablesSql = this.queryGenerator.showTablesQuery(this.sequelize.config.database);
const tableNames = await this.sequelize.query(showTablesSql, options);
return _.flatten(tableNames);
async describeTable(tableName, options) {
let schema = null;
let schemaDelimiter = null;
if (typeof options === "string") {
schema = options;
} else if (typeof options === "object" && options !== null) {
schema = options.schema || null;
schemaDelimiter = options.schemaDelimiter || null;
if (typeof tableName === "object" && tableName !== null) {
schema = tableName.schema;
tableName = tableName.tableName;
const sql = this.queryGenerator.describeTableQuery(tableName, schema, schemaDelimiter);
options = __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, options), { type: QueryTypes.DESCRIBE });
try {
const data = await this.sequelize.query(sql, options);
if (_.isEmpty(data)) {
throw new Error(`No description found for "${tableName}" table. Check the table name and schema; remember, they _are_ case sensitive.`);
return data;
} catch (e) {
if (e.original && e.original.code === "ER_NO_SUCH_TABLE") {
throw new Error(`No description found for "${tableName}" table. Check the table name and schema; remember, they _are_ case sensitive.`);
throw e;
async addColumn(table, key, attribute, options) {
if (!table || !key || !attribute) {
throw new Error("addColumn takes at least 3 arguments (table, attribute name, attribute definition)");
options = options || {};
attribute = this.sequelize.normalizeAttribute(attribute);
return await this.sequelize.query(this.queryGenerator.addColumnQuery(table, key, attribute), options);
async removeColumn(tableName, attributeName, options) {
return this.sequelize.query(this.queryGenerator.removeColumnQuery(tableName, attributeName), options);
normalizeAttribute(dataTypeOrOptions) {
let attribute;
if (Object.values(DataTypes).includes(dataTypeOrOptions)) {
attribute = { type: dataTypeOrOptions, allowNull: true };
} else {
attribute = dataTypeOrOptions;
return this.sequelize.normalizeAttribute(attribute);
quoteIdentifier(identifier2, force) {
return this.queryGenerator.quoteIdentifier(identifier2, force);
quoteIdentifiers(identifiers) {
return this.queryGenerator.quoteIdentifiers(identifiers);
async changeColumn(tableName, attributeName, dataTypeOrOptions, options) {
options = options || {};
const query = this.queryGenerator.attributesToSQL({
[attributeName]: this.normalizeAttribute(dataTypeOrOptions)
}, {
context: "changeColumn",
table: tableName
const sql = this.queryGenerator.changeColumnQuery(tableName, query);
return this.sequelize.query(sql, options);
async assertTableHasColumn(tableName, columnName, options) {
const description = await this.describeTable(tableName, options);
if (description[columnName]) {
return description;
throw new Error(`Table ${tableName} doesn't have the column ${columnName}`);
async renameColumn(tableName, attrNameBefore, attrNameAfter, options) {
options = options || {};
const data = (await this.assertTableHasColumn(tableName, attrNameBefore, options))[attrNameBefore];
const _options = {};
_options[attrNameAfter] = {
attribute: attrNameAfter,
type: data.type,
allowNull: data.allowNull,
defaultValue: data.defaultValue
if (data.defaultValue === null && !data.allowNull) {
delete _options[attrNameAfter].defaultValue;
const sql = this.queryGenerator.renameColumnQuery(tableName, attrNameBefore, this.queryGenerator.attributesToSQL(_options));
return await this.sequelize.query(sql, options);
async addIndex(tableName, attributes, options, rawTablename) {
if (!Array.isArray(attributes)) {
rawTablename = options;
options = attributes;
attributes = options.fields;
if (!rawTablename) {
rawTablename = tableName;
options = Utils.cloneDeep(options);
options.fields = attributes;
const sql = this.queryGenerator.addIndexQuery(tableName, options, rawTablename);
return await this.sequelize.query(sql, __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, options), { supportsSearchPath: false }));
async showIndex(tableName, options) {
const sql = this.queryGenerator.showIndexesQuery(tableName, options);
return await this.sequelize.query(sql, __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, options), { type: QueryTypes.SHOWINDEXES }));
async getForeignKeysForTables(tableNames, options) {
if (tableNames.length === 0) {
return {};
options = __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, options), { type: QueryTypes.FOREIGNKEYS });
const results = await Promise.all(tableNames.map((tableName) => this.sequelize.query(this.queryGenerator.getForeignKeysQuery(tableName, this.sequelize.config.database), options)));
const result = {};
tableNames.forEach((tableName, i) => {
if (_.isObject(tableName)) {
tableName = `${tableName.schema}.${tableName.tableName}`;
result[tableName] = Array.isArray(results[i]) ? results[i].map((r) => r.constraint_name) : [results[i] && results[i].constraint_name];
result[tableName] = result[tableName].filter(_.identity);
return result;
async getForeignKeyReferencesForTable(tableName, options) {
const queryOptions = __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, options), {
type: QueryTypes.FOREIGNKEYS
const query = this.queryGenerator.getForeignKeysQuery(tableName, this.sequelize.config.database);
return this.sequelize.query(query, queryOptions);
async removeIndex(tableName, indexNameOrAttributes, options) {
options = options || {};
const sql = this.queryGenerator.removeIndexQuery(tableName, indexNameOrAttributes, options);
return await this.sequelize.query(sql, options);
async addConstraint(tableName, options) {
if (!options.fields) {
throw new Error("Fields must be specified through options.fields");
if (!options.type) {
throw new Error("Constraint type must be specified through options.type");
options = Utils.cloneDeep(options);
const sql = this.queryGenerator.addConstraintQuery(tableName, options);
return await this.sequelize.query(sql, options);
async showConstraint(tableName, constraintName, options) {
const sql = this.queryGenerator.showConstraintsQuery(tableName, constraintName);
return await this.sequelize.query(sql, __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, options), { type: QueryTypes.SHOWCONSTRAINTS }));
async removeConstraint(tableName, constraintName, options) {
return this.sequelize.query(this.queryGenerator.removeConstraintQuery(tableName, constraintName), options);
async insert(instance, tableName, values, options) {
options = Utils.cloneDeep(options);
options.hasTrigger = instance && instance.constructor.options.hasTrigger;
const sql = this.queryGenerator.insertQuery(tableName, values, instance && instance.constructor.rawAttributes, options);
options.type = QueryTypes.INSERT;
options.instance = instance;
const results = await this.sequelize.query(sql, options);
if (instance)
results[0].isNewRecord = false;
return results;
async upsert(tableName, insertValues, updateValues, where, options) {
options = __spreadValues({}, options);
const model = options.model;
options.type = QueryTypes.UPSERT;
options.updateOnDuplicate = Object.keys(updateValues);
options.upsertKeys = options.conflictFields || [];
if (options.upsertKeys.length === 0) {
const primaryKeys = Object.values(model.primaryKeys).map((item) => item.field);
const uniqueKeys = Object.values(model.uniqueKeys).filter((c) => c.fields.length > 0).map((c) => c.fields);
const indexKeys = Object.values(model._indexes).filter((c) => c.unique && c.fields.length > 0).map((c) => c.fields);
for (const field of options.updateOnDuplicate) {
const uniqueKey = uniqueKeys.find((fields) => fields.includes(field));
if (uniqueKey) {
options.upsertKeys = uniqueKey;
const indexKey = indexKeys.find((fields) => fields.includes(field));
if (indexKey) {
options.upsertKeys = indexKey;
if (options.upsertKeys.length === 0 || _.intersection(options.updateOnDuplicate, primaryKeys).length) {
options.upsertKeys = primaryKeys;
options.upsertKeys = _.uniq(options.upsertKeys);
const sql = this.queryGenerator.insertQuery(tableName, insertValues, model.rawAttributes, options);
return await this.sequelize.query(sql, options);
async bulkInsert(tableName, records, options, attributes) {
options = __spreadValues({}, options);
options.type = QueryTypes.INSERT;
const results = await this.sequelize.query(this.queryGenerator.bulkInsertQuery(tableName, records, options, attributes), options);
return results[0];
async update(instance, tableName, values, identifier2, options) {
options = __spreadValues({}, options);
options.hasTrigger = instance && instance.constructor.options.hasTrigger;
const sql = this.queryGenerator.updateQuery(tableName, values, identifier2, options, instance.constructor.rawAttributes);
options.type = QueryTypes.UPDATE;
options.instance = instance;
return await this.sequelize.query(sql, options);
async bulkUpdate(tableName, values, identifier2, options, attributes) {
options = Utils.cloneDeep(options);
if (typeof identifier2 === "object")
identifier2 = Utils.cloneDeep(identifier2);
const sql = this.queryGenerator.updateQuery(tableName, values, identifier2, options, attributes);
const table = _.isObject(tableName) ? tableName : { tableName };
const model = options.model ? options.model : _.find(this.sequelize.modelManager.models, { tableName: table.tableName });
options.type = QueryTypes.BULKUPDATE;
options.model = model;
return await this.sequelize.query(sql, options);
async delete(instance, tableName, identifier2, options) {
const cascades = [];
const sql = this.queryGenerator.deleteQuery(tableName, identifier2, {}, instance.constructor);
options = __spreadValues({}, options);
if (!!instance.constructor && !!instance.constructor.associations) {
const keys = Object.keys(instance.constructor.associations);
const length = keys.length;
let association;
for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
association = instance.constructor.associations[keys[i]];
if (association.options && association.options.onDelete && association.options.onDelete.toLowerCase() === "cascade" && association.options.useHooks === true) {
for (const cascade of cascades) {
let instances = await instance[cascade](options);
if (!instances)
if (!Array.isArray(instances))
instances = [instances];
for (const _instance of instances)
await _instance.destroy(options);
options.instance = instance;
return await this.sequelize.query(sql, options);
async bulkDelete(tableName, where, options, model) {
options = Utils.cloneDeep(options);
options = _.defaults(options, { limit: null });
if (options.truncate === true) {
return this.sequelize.query(this.queryGenerator.truncateTableQuery(tableName, options), options);
if (typeof identifier === "object")
where = Utils.cloneDeep(where);
return await this.sequelize.query(this.queryGenerator.deleteQuery(tableName, where, options, model), options);
async select(model, tableName, optionsArg) {
const options = __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, optionsArg), { type: QueryTypes.SELECT, model });
return await this.sequelize.query(this.queryGenerator.selectQuery(tableName, options, model), options);
async increment(model, tableName, where, incrementAmountsByField, extraAttributesToBeUpdated, options) {
options = Utils.cloneDeep(options);
const sql = this.queryGenerator.arithmeticQuery("+", tableName, where, incrementAmountsByField, extraAttributesToBeUpdated, options);
options.type = QueryTypes.UPDATE;
options.model = model;
return await this.sequelize.query(sql, options);
async decrement(model, tableName, where, incrementAmountsByField, extraAttributesToBeUpdated, options) {
options = Utils.cloneDeep(options);
const sql = this.queryGenerator.arithmeticQuery("-", tableName, where, incrementAmountsByField, extraAttributesToBeUpdated, options);
options.type = QueryTypes.UPDATE;
options.model = model;
return await this.sequelize.query(sql, options);
async rawSelect(tableName, options, attributeSelector, Model) {
options = Utils.cloneDeep(options);
options = _.defaults(options, {
raw: true,
plain: true,
type: QueryTypes.SELECT
const sql = this.queryGenerator.selectQuery(tableName, options, Model);
if (attributeSelector === void 0) {
throw new Error("Please pass an attribute selector!");
const data = await this.sequelize.query(sql, options);
if (!options.plain) {
return data;
const result = data ? data[attributeSelector] : null;
if (!options || !options.dataType) {
return result;
const dataType = options.dataType;
if (dataType instanceof DataTypes.DECIMAL || dataType instanceof DataTypes.FLOAT) {
if (result !== null) {
return parseFloat(result);
if (dataType instanceof DataTypes.INTEGER || dataType instanceof DataTypes.BIGINT) {
if (result !== null) {
return parseInt(result, 10);
if (dataType instanceof DataTypes.DATE) {
if (result !== null && !(result instanceof Date)) {
return new Date(result);
return result;
async createTrigger(tableName, triggerName, timingType, fireOnArray, functionName, functionParams, optionsArray, options) {
const sql = this.queryGenerator.createTrigger(tableName, triggerName, timingType, fireOnArray, functionName, functionParams, optionsArray);
options = options || {};
if (sql) {
return await this.sequelize.query(sql, options);
async dropTrigger(tableName, triggerName, options) {
const sql = this.queryGenerator.dropTrigger(tableName, triggerName);
options = options || {};
if (sql) {
return await this.sequelize.query(sql, options);
async renameTrigger(tableName, oldTriggerName, newTriggerName, options) {
const sql = this.queryGenerator.renameTrigger(tableName, oldTriggerName, newTriggerName);
options = options || {};
if (sql) {
return await this.sequelize.query(sql, options);
async createFunction(functionName, params, returnType, language, body, optionsArray, options) {
const sql = this.queryGenerator.createFunction(functionName, params, returnType, language, body, optionsArray, options);
options = options || {};
if (sql) {
return await this.sequelize.query(sql, options);
async dropFunction(functionName, params, options) {
const sql = this.queryGenerator.dropFunction(functionName, params);
options = options || {};
if (sql) {
return await this.sequelize.query(sql, options);
async renameFunction(oldFunctionName, params, newFunctionName, options) {
const sql = this.queryGenerator.renameFunction(oldFunctionName, params, newFunctionName);
options = options || {};
if (sql) {
return await this.sequelize.query(sql, options);
ensureEnums() {
async setIsolationLevel(transaction, value, options) {
if (!transaction || !(transaction instanceof Transaction)) {
throw new Error("Unable to set isolation level for a transaction without transaction object!");
if (transaction.parent || !value) {
options = __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, options), { transaction: transaction.parent || transaction });
const sql = this.queryGenerator.setIsolationLevelQuery(value, {
parent: transaction.parent
if (!sql)
return await this.sequelize.query(sql, options);
async startTransaction(transaction, options) {
if (!transaction || !(transaction instanceof Transaction)) {
throw new Error("Unable to start a transaction without transaction object!");
options = __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, options), { transaction: transaction.parent || transaction });
options.transaction.name = transaction.parent ? transaction.name : void 0;
const sql = this.queryGenerator.startTransactionQuery(transaction);
return await this.sequelize.query(sql, options);
async deferConstraints(transaction, options) {
options = __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, options), { transaction: transaction.parent || transaction });
const sql = this.queryGenerator.deferConstraintsQuery(options);
if (sql) {
return await this.sequelize.query(sql, options);
async commitTransaction(transaction, options) {
if (!transaction || !(transaction instanceof Transaction)) {
throw new Error("Unable to commit a transaction without transaction object!");
if (transaction.parent) {
options = __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, options), {
transaction: transaction.parent || transaction,
supportsSearchPath: false,
completesTransaction: true
const sql = this.queryGenerator.commitTransactionQuery(transaction);
const promise = this.sequelize.query(sql, options);
transaction.finished = "commit";
return await promise;
async rollbackTransaction(transaction, options) {
if (!transaction || !(transaction instanceof Transaction)) {
throw new Error("Unable to rollback a transaction without transaction object!");
options = __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, options), {
transaction: transaction.parent || transaction,
supportsSearchPath: false,
completesTransaction: true
options.transaction.name = transaction.parent ? transaction.name : void 0;
const sql = this.queryGenerator.rollbackTransactionQuery(transaction);
const promise = this.sequelize.query(sql, options);
transaction.finished = "rollback";
return await promise;
exports.QueryInterface = QueryInterface;
//# sourceMappingURL=query-interface.js.map