2025-01-31 15:20:39 +05:30

8 lines
11 KiB

"version": 3,
"sources": ["../src/operators.ts"],
"sourcesContent": ["interface OpTypes {\n /**\n * Operator -|- (PG range is adjacent to operator)\n *\n * ```js\n * [Op.adjacent]: [1, 2]\n * ```\n * In SQL\n * ```sql\n * -|- [1, 2)\n * ```\n */\n readonly adjacent: unique symbol;\n /**\n * Operator ALL\n *\n * ```js\n * []: {\n * [Op.all]: literal('SELECT 1')\n * }\n * ```\n * In SQL\n * ```sql\n * > ALL (SELECT 1)\n * ```\n */\n readonly all: unique symbol;\n /**\n * Operator AND\n *\n * ```js\n * [Op.and]: {a: 5}\n * ```\n * In SQL\n * ```sql\n * AND (a = 5)\n * ```\n */\n readonly and: unique symbol;\n /**\n * Operator ANY ARRAY (PG only)\n *\n * ```js\n * [Op.any]: [2,3]\n * ```\n * In SQL\n * ```sql\n * ANY ARRAY[2, 3]::INTEGER\n * ```\n *\n * Operator LIKE ANY ARRAY (also works for iLike and notLike)\n *\n * ```js\n * []: { [Op.any]: ['cat', 'hat']}\n * ```\n * In SQL\n * ```sql\n * LIKE ANY ARRAY['cat', 'hat']\n * ```\n */\n readonly any: unique symbol;\n /**\n * Operator BETWEEN\n *\n * ```js\n * [Op.between]: [6, 10]\n * ```\n * In SQL\n * ```sql\n * BETWEEN 6 AND 10\n * ```\n */\n readonly between: unique symbol;\n /**\n * With dialect specific column identifiers (PG in this example)\n *\n * ```js\n * [Op.col]: 'user.organization_id'\n * ```\n * In SQL\n * ```sql\n * = \"user\".\"organization_id\"\n * ```\n */\n readonly col: unique symbol;\n /**\n * Operator <@ (PG array contained by operator)\n *\n * ```js\n * [Op.contained]: [1, 2]\n * ```\n * In SQL\n * ```sql\n * <@ [1, 2)\n * ```\n */\n readonly contained: unique symbol;\n /**\n * Operator @> (PG array contains operator)\n *\n * ```js\n * [Op.contains]: [1, 2]\n * ```\n * In SQL\n * ```sql\n * @> [1, 2)\n * ```\n */\n readonly contains: unique symbol;\n /**\n * Operator LIKE\n *\n * ```js\n * [Op.endsWith]: 'hat'\n * ```\n * In SQL\n * ```sql\n * LIKE '%hat'\n * ```\n */\n readonly endsWith: unique symbol;\n /**\n * Operator =\n *\n * ```js\n * [Op.eq]: 3\n * ```\n * In SQL\n * ```sql\n * = 3\n * ```\n */\n readonly eq: unique symbol;\n /**\n * Operator >\n *\n * ```js\n * []: 6\n * ```\n * In SQL\n * ```sql\n * > 6\n * ```\n */\n readonly gt: unique symbol;\n /**\n * Operator >=\n *\n * ```js\n * [Op.gte]: 6\n * ```\n * In SQL\n * ```sql\n * >= 6\n * ```\n */\n readonly gte: unique symbol;\n\n /**\n * Operator ILIKE (case insensitive) (PG only)\n *\n * ```js\n * [Op.iLike]: '%hat'\n * ```\n * In SQL\n * ```sql\n * ILIKE '%hat'\n * ```\n */\n readonly iLike: unique symbol;\n /**\n * Operator IN\n *\n * ```js\n * []: [1, 2]\n * ```\n * In SQL\n * ```sql\n * IN [1, 2]\n * ```\n */\n readonly in: unique symbol;\n /**\n * Operator ~* (PG only)\n *\n * ```js\n * [Op.iRegexp]: '^[h|a|t]'\n * ```\n * In SQL\n * ```sql\n * ~* '^[h|a|t]'\n * ```\n */\n readonly iRegexp: unique symbol;\n /**\n * Operator IS\n *\n * ```js\n * []: null\n * ```\n * In SQL\n * ```sql\n * IS null\n * ```\n */\n readonly is: unique symbol;\n /**\n * Operator LIKE\n *\n * ```js\n * []: '%hat'\n * ```\n * In SQL\n * ```sql\n * LIKE '%hat'\n * ```\n */\n readonly like: unique symbol;\n /**\n * Operator <\n *\n * ```js\n * []: 10\n * ```\n * In SQL\n * ```sql\n * < 10\n * ```\n */\n readonly lt: unique symbol;\n /**\n * Operator <=\n *\n * ```js\n * [Op.lte]: 10\n * ```\n * In SQL\n * ```sql\n * <= 10\n * ```\n */\n readonly lte: unique symbol;\n /**\n * Operator @@\n *\n * ```js\n * [Op.match]: Sequelize.fn('to_tsquery', 'fat & rat')`\n * ```\n * In SQL\n * ```sql\n * @@ to_tsquery('fat & rat')\n * ```\n */\n readonly match: unique symbol;\n /**\n * Operator !=\n *\n * ```js\n * []: 20\n * ```\n * In SQL\n * ```sql\n * != 20\n * ```\n */\n readonly ne: unique symbol;\n /**\n * Operator &> (PG range does not extend to the left of operator)\n *\n * ```js\n * [Op.noExtendLeft]: [1, 2]\n * ```\n * In SQL\n * ```sql\n * &> [1, 2)\n * ```\n */\n readonly noExtendLeft: unique symbol;\n /**\n * Operator &< (PG range does not extend to the right of operator)\n *\n * ```js\n * [Op.noExtendRight]: [1, 2]\n * ```\n * In SQL\n * ```sql\n * &< [1, 2)\n * ```\n */\n readonly noExtendRight: unique symbol;\n /**\n * Operator NOT\n *\n * ```js\n * [Op.not]: true\n * ```\n * In SQL\n * ```sql\n * IS NOT TRUE\n * ```\n */\n readonly not: unique symbol;\n /**\n * Operator NOT BETWEEN\n *\n * ```js\n * [Op.notBetween]: [11, 15]\n * ```\n * In SQL\n * ```sql\n * NOT BETWEEN 11 AND 15\n * ```\n */\n readonly notBetween: unique symbol;\n /**\n * Operator NOT ILIKE (case insensitive) (PG only)\n *\n * ```js\n * [Op.notILike]: '%hat'\n * ```\n * In SQL\n * ```sql\n * NOT ILIKE '%hat'\n * ```\n */\n readonly notILike: unique symbol;\n /**\n * Operator NOT IN\n *\n * ```js\n * [Op.notIn]: [1, 2]\n * ```\n * In SQL\n * ```sql\n * NOT IN [1, 2]\n * ```\n */\n readonly notIn: unique symbol;\n /**\n * Operator !~* (PG only)\n *\n * ```js\n * [Op.notIRegexp]: '^[h|a|t]'\n * ```\n * In SQL\n * ```sql\n * !~* '^[h|a|t]'\n * ```\n */\n readonly notIRegexp: unique symbol;\n /**\n * Operator NOT LIKE\n *\n * ```js\n * [Op.notLike]: '%hat'\n * ```\n * In SQL\n * ```sql\n * NOT LIKE '%hat'\n * ```\n */\n readonly notLike: unique symbol;\n /**\n * Operator NOT REGEXP (MySQL/PG only)\n *\n * ```js\n * [Op.notRegexp]: '^[h|a|t]'\n * ```\n * In SQL\n * ```sql\n * NOT REGEXP/!~ '^[h|a|t]'\n * ```\n */\n readonly notRegexp: unique symbol;\n /**\n * Operator OR\n *\n * ```js\n * [Op.or]: [{a: 5}, {a: 6}]\n * ```\n * In SQL\n * ```sql\n * (a = 5 OR a = 6)\n * ```\n */\n readonly or: unique symbol;\n /**\n * Operator && (PG array overlap operator)\n *\n * ```js\n * [Op.overlap]: [1, 2]\n * ```\n * In SQL\n * ```sql\n * && [1, 2)\n * ```\n */\n readonly overlap: unique symbol;\n /**\n * Internal placeholder\n *\n * ```js\n * [Op.placeholder]: true\n * ```\n */\n readonly placeholder: unique symbol;\n /**\n * Operator REGEXP (MySQL/PG only)\n *\n * ```js\n * [Op.regexp]: '^[h|a|t]'\n * ```\n * In SQL\n * ```sql\n * REGEXP/~ '^[h|a|t]'\n * ```\n */\n readonly regexp: unique symbol;\n /**\n * Operator LIKE\n *\n * ```js\n * [Op.startsWith]: 'hat'\n * ```\n * In SQL\n * ```sql\n * LIKE 'hat%'\n * ```\n */\n readonly startsWith: unique symbol;\n /**\n * Operator << (PG range strictly left of operator)\n *\n * ```js\n * [Op.strictLeft]: [1, 2]\n * ```\n * In SQL\n * ```sql\n * << [1, 2)\n * ```\n */\n readonly strictLeft: unique symbol;\n /**\n * Operator >> (PG range strictly right of operator)\n *\n * ```js\n * [Op.strictRight]: [1, 2]\n * ```\n * In SQL\n * ```sql\n * >> [1, 2)\n * ```\n */\n readonly strictRight: unique symbol;\n /**\n * Operator LIKE\n *\n * ```js\n * [Op.substring]: 'hat'\n * ```\n * In SQL\n * ```sql\n * LIKE '%hat%'\n * ```\n */\n readonly substring: unique symbol;\n /**\n * Operator VALUES\n *\n * ```js\n * [Op.values]: [4, 5, 6]\n * ```\n * In SQL\n * ```sql\n * VALUES (4), (5), (6)\n * ```\n */\n readonly values: unique symbol;\n}\n\n// Note: These symbols are registered in the Global Symbol Registry\n// to counter bugs when two different versions of this library are loaded\n// Source issue:\n// This is not an endorsement of having two different versions of the library loaded at the same time,\n// a lot more is going to silently break if you do this.\nexport const Op: OpTypes = {\n eq: Symbol.for('eq'),\n ne: Symbol.for('ne'),\n gte: Symbol.for('gte'),\n gt: Symbol.for('gt'),\n lte: Symbol.for('lte'),\n lt: Symbol.for('lt'),\n not: Symbol.for('not'),\n is: Symbol.for('is'),\n in: Symbol.for('in'),\n notIn: Symbol.for('notIn'),\n like: Symbol.for('like'),\n notLike: Symbol.for('notLike'),\n iLike: Symbol.for('iLike'),\n notILike: Symbol.for('notILike'),\n startsWith: Symbol.for('startsWith'),\n endsWith: Symbol.for('endsWith'),\n substring: Symbol.for('substring'),\n regexp: Symbol.for('regexp'),\n notRegexp: Symbol.for('notRegexp'),\n iRegexp: Symbol.for('iRegexp'),\n notIRegexp: Symbol.for('notIRegexp'),\n between: Symbol.for('between'),\n notBetween: Symbol.for('notBetween'),\n overlap: Symbol.for('overlap'),\n contains: Symbol.for('contains'),\n contained: Symbol.for('contained'),\n adjacent: Symbol.for('adjacent'),\n strictLeft: Symbol.for('strictLeft'),\n strictRight: Symbol.for('strictRight'),\n noExtendRight: Symbol.for('noExtendRight'),\n noExtendLeft: Symbol.for('noExtendLeft'),\n and: Symbol.for('and'),\n or: Symbol.for('or'),\n any: Symbol.for('any'),\n all: Symbol.for('all'),\n values: Symbol.for('values'),\n col: Symbol.for('col'),\n placeholder: Symbol.for('placeholder'),\n join: Symbol.for('join'),\n match: Symbol.for('match')\n} as OpTypes;\n\nexport default Op;\n\n//\n// remove me in v7: kept for backward compatibility as `export default Op` is\n// transpiled to `module.exports.default` instead of `module.exports`\nmodule.exports = Op;\n"],
"names": []